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welcome back to reading bear today we will take a look at some new pory ranch stories and if you enjoyed my content please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and post some better emojis in the comments let's go the first one is titled my worst job ever when i was fresh out of high school my sister's boyfriend offered me a job as a mechanic at a local dealership the job was an apprenticeship and was at one of the worst dealerships i've ever had the displeasure of working at i could tell you dozens of stories about being an apprentice that would discourage anyone from taking up the position however i feel like my experience can be summed up in three examples of mistreatment a fourth year apprentice was taking a gearbox out of a small car probably weighs like 30 kg 60 pounds he told me to catch the gearbox as it came out of the car while he undid the last bolt i told him i wasn't comfortably catching a falling heavy sharp unpredictable mass and he told me he would get me sacked if i didn't do what i was told a fool could have seen it coming the gearbox fell i was unable to catch it and the casing broke on the ground as it landed the foreman came by and blamed me for the incident my wages were docked to pay for the gearbox housing i was later humiliated by another apprentice who filmed the event on his camera phone and showed the rest of the workshop me failing to catch the falling mass of metal in another incident i was asked to retrieve two tyres from the cage a literal lockable chicken wire cage about 10 square meters large and four metres high that was assembled out the back of the workshop to house our tyres to fit to a vehicle to collect the tyres i needed to climb a ladder to get them from a top rack as i was up there i heard the gate close and lock and one of the mechanics had locked me in the cage as part of a hazing ritual it was about 35 degrees 100 f that day and i was locked in there for two hours whenever a mechanic came past and saw that i was in the cage they would take a nearby fire hose and try to hose me down in there by the time i got out of the cage i had such bad sunburn i couldn't come in to work the next day because i was still vomiting from the heat stroke my boss did not approve the time off and i was given leave without pay for the final story there was an incident where we recovered a bumper fender from a four-wheel drive after we attached a bull bar in its place we used to save these bumpers in case we ever dinted one so we had spares essentially i was asked to place a bumper on two hooks and then climb a ladder to the top of the workshop and hang the bumper on the rafters at the top of the workshop for storage i don't know if you have ever tried to climb a ladder with no hands and holding a large somewhat heavy and awkward load that can under no circumstances get scratched or dented but i assure you it's difficult as i was climbing the ladder it started slipping on the greasy workshop floor and eventually collapsed under me causing me to fall approximately four meters 15 feet dropping the bumper injuring my hand and resulting in me once again being humiliated by a mechanic who was filming the ordeal i was told that it was my fault that i fell off the ladder because i wasn't doing it right and the unsafe work practice was not updated i should know i had asked another apprentice to hold the bottom of the ladder and they had neglected to do so suffice to say i was sick of how this company operated so i spent the next two weeks taking photos of unsafe work practices i took photos of lots of things including people using a grinder with no guards no goggles no gloves people smoking next to open fuel source an apprentice locked in a grease pit another hazing ritual and yes i opened it after taking the photo two apprentices moving a heavy piece of shop machinery into storage by pushing it up a flimsy wooden ramp apprentices working at heights without railings haz chem materials that were stored well anywhere not locked up i sent the photos along with some accounts of my personal experiences and anecdotal evidence of other unsafe practices i had personally experienced to work safe to a government body that finds workplaces for unsafe practices and ensures they clean their act up the company i worked for received over 100k in fines and had to spend probably another 25k in repairs to bring their workshop up to spec the local mechanics union became involved too and caused problems around the treatment of apprentices and safe work practices in general the place is still the largest employer of apprentices in the area i grew up in but i hear they treat people a lot better now the next one is titled four years of misery and one night of snapping so my ex is a douchebag someone who seems like a really nice guy friendly helpful but turns out that's all a lie over four years he ruined my self-esteem trashed my confidence and used every moment he could to make me miserable first off i want to say how we met i grew up in an extremely conservative household and was commonly treated badly by adoptive parents because i was the adopted child from all that i was already having self-esteem issues well when i was in my first semester of college a friend snuck me a cell phone and i was able to use it to have online dating for the very first time i loved it and found out i was interesting enough that people liked me well my now ex found me on there and wanted to go out with me as far as how that happened let's say it was me sneaking out to see him and him making me feel special for the first time in my life after a while of this i moved in with him things started out casually enough i didn't have a job so i kept the house clean and cooked etc but i started getting complained about cooking was weird i didn't dust enough and so on over time those small complaints led to comments about how i looked i was too thin i needed to get in shape i was a twig all things i was self-conscious about i ended up eating a lot of my horrible cooking and learning really good skills from that but i also filled out enough to look really attractive to my ex that of course led to jealousy i was now not allowed to message male friends i had and talking to friends i had made through dating sites or video games was forbidden in response to that i took up jogging well we can't have that either now can we i was then told i shouldn't go outside that it wasn't safe in this neighborhood and i needed to be careful but don't worry he would take me to the gym ha no i got laughter for being concerned about getting overweight and as far as gym it was too expensive this was all in the first year just to note that i started slipping into depression and feeling awful about myself then i found out i was being cheated on while i slept my ex would go on dating sites on his phone find people to hook up with and get home and back in bed by the time i was about waking up i was extremely upset but i put up with it because i now had no one else and was scared this continued for four years until i found out that my ex decided to bring guys over while i was home to be with them not only that but he rubbed it in my face if i didn't like it i could leave this everyone was when i hit my breaking point my ex and i got in a huge fight and he told me to leave well i did leave but he had a huge antiques collection that he cared about and always was bragging about several thousand dollars worth of things he kept buying and storing well i grabbed the case he kept his antiques in and dropped it while getting my things out to leave the fall destroyed everything he cared about and had it so he was panicking screaming how all his things were ruined and how much that meant to him i turned to him while i had my few belongings and hissed you care so much about your things you should have cared about others more i put up with your crap mostly because i loved you but guess what good luck ever finding anyone to ever care for you again after that i stormed out but my ex had told me something while he was drunk apparently he was getting paid under the table at his family-owned place of work and bragged how much he was getting away with i made sure to file that to the irs and cut all contact with him last i heard he's buried in dead and miserable with family now hating him the next one is titled completely outflanked my butthole co-worker so this just happened about six months ago i got a job in a different department than the one i started in great job really i really like my manager and my supervisor but my co-worker in this department is a bit weird she's a neat freak and you can't set or leave anything on her desk without permission you can't touch her chair because she has back problems she slaves all over her job and whines constantly about how much work she has i started my role and floundered a bit i didn't really get training and it was a struggle for a while but i slowly got the hang of things and got pretty good at what i do except my co-worker has decided that she doesn't like me and has started picking fights over stupid stuff and i do mean stupid stuff like if i was working on something and she needed something taken care of she would ask me to do it and opposed to waiting for me to finish what i was doing she would start yelling at me or if i did something that annoyed her like ask her what time she wanted to take her lunch that would be another scream fest as she shrieked at me for not knowing what her schedule was and bothering her at her sacred desk it got bad enough that we both got called into a meeting where our manager told us that we needed to work things out or they would make changes and left it there that improved things for a little while and then she was back to where she was before then i realized that she was keeping a log on me of every single mistake i had ever made seriously put a box on the wrong shelf it goes in the log leave a power supply out of something by accident it goes in the log it got to the point that she complained to my manager when she thought my clothes weren't clean enough to wear to work we work in a warehouse i don't wear nice clothes in my role and i ended up having to have an embarrassing conversation with my manager i started to retaliate by going to my supervisor whenever she flipped out on me to complain that this wasn't acceptable we're supposed to be on the same team and screaming at your co-workers isn't kosher management agreed with me and more than a few discussions were had with her about her attitude so the cold war went on for a while and to their credit my management team tried their best to make it work they had both of us taken a conflict management resolution course we had our conflict styles analyzed they coached us the thing was they pretty much came to the same conclusion that i did she didn't like me and didn't care if i knew it and wanted me gone so we finally had a blow up that was bad enough that she decided it was time to break out the big guns she took the log of my sins to our manager to show how incompetent i was she got shot down in a hurry on that one apparently keeping a mistakes log on your colleague is not considered to be a productive part of teamwork also after all this went down i finally forced her to have a discussion with me and i just stood my ground i told her that i'm not hard to work with i'm glad to help out with stuff but i needed her to be reasonable about things management agreed with me and gave us some suggestions that to her credit she attempted to partake in and things were okay for a couple of months then my wife called me one day to confess to me that she'd come down with a medical problem that she had been hiding from me because she was embarrassed about it it shook me up a bit but i went and talked to my supervisor and i felt a lot better afterwards i went back to work and immediately got grilled by the co-worker where did i go and what was i doing talking with our supervisor about what something private she kept badgering me about it to the point that i had to ask her to stop and leave it alone because i didn't want to talk to her about it the next day when we were working she asked me a question about something and when i responded she completely lost her mind and accused me of treating her poorly and demanded to know what the problem was i told her i had some problems at home and if it was affecting my work i was sorry she told me i was full of was lying about stuff to try and gather sympathy for me because i was so incompetent at my job and that was it it was war i put down the equipment i'd been working with and left the room and when i walked away she was taunting me why don't you go tell your mommy how i was mean to you because she guessed correctly that i was heading right to the supervisor well the supervisor was upset wrote down the entire incident wrote her up and filled in our manager too who was also not very impressed as for me the gloves were off this witch had to go so i picked up my perfect weapon the job she had been dog ducking around in the last few months we'd recently gotten a huge computer upgrade in the role that she covered and she should have been able to work a lot faster at her job instead she took time pointing out all the flaws in the new system and filling her mistakes diary with all my errors and wrongdoings one day i even caught her taking pictures of equipment that i'd worked on as it turns out i'd had to cover for her a couple of times and the job she was doing did not take the amount of time she was allotting to do it i managed to finish off an entire day of work for her in the span of 90 minutes and the next time she took a day off the same thing happened 90 minutes or less for everything that would normally take her a full eight hours so i told my supervisor and the next time she took a day off she got staff from another department to cover her spot for me and one person posted a result slightly slower than mine and the other person was actually a little faster than i was so now my supervisor was in agreement with me she was dog ducking and we both knew it time to spring my trap our management team goes absolutely giddy for efficiencies anything that makes your work better or faster will actually get listened to and usually approved so i sat down and wrote a proposal that essentially broke our work area down into two zones one being the returned equipment area and the other being the processing configuring area i magnanimously offered to take all of the processing and configuring off her plate and would allow her to deal with all of the returned equipment on the surface this looked like i was offering to do even more work than before simply so that we could stop butting heads at work and be more efficient in reality i was offloading almost half of my entire job onto her in exchange for something that she had been screwing around with and trying to look busy doing it went even better than i expected i submitted my proposal to our supervisor who loved it and she in turn asked our manager to review it and she thought it was excellent as well and then they asked my colleague for her thoughts on the whole thing and she flipped her ducking lid in email no less and i know that because my supervisor just forwarded the original email to her and she hit reply all to it she demanded that they immediately trash this idea called me lazy and stupid implied that she had way more seniority than me told them that i wasn't smart enough to do her job that i was discriminating against her and threatened to take legal action management stalled on this a little bit because she was a longtime employee and she was making some very damning accusations but my supervisor and manager had documented the litany of explosions i'd had to deal with while working with her and all of our stories matched up as a cuda grace when i got called into hr to give my side of the story i pointed out that the log and pictures she had been taken amounted to a campaign of harassment and was causing me to work in a toxic working environment hr transferred her to another department where she proceeded to infuriate vex and anger anyone she worked with while being given a workload about one-sixth of everyone else in the department after about two months of this the notice came out from hr that she was no longer part of the company no less than 15 co-workers stopped by to congratulate me for being the one to finally outlast her as a victory party we reorganized the working area in the back and we got rid of her desk and chair and pictures and anything else that she might have contaminated with her insane attitude she was there almost 20 years maxed out salary scale five weeks of vacation per year decent benefits retirement plan all of it now she can't even use us for a reference because she left on such bad terms i don't even want to know what she's up to because she was so unpleasant to deal with but i can't imagine finding a new job at anything other than fast food is possible with a 15 plus year gap in her resume the last one is titled drunk and reminiscing about my badass grandpa asterisk take this entire story here with a bit of a raised eyebrow since it was told to me by a bunch of drunk old men telling me 70 year old stories that have probably been embellished to hell and back but i cannot deny that the stories are entertaining as hell when you have a belly full of filipino malt liquor and goat cooked in coconut milk and chili peppers asterisk okay so i just got back from visiting family out in the boondocks the flat kind over the long holiday weekend i rarely go and visit family since we are so dysfunctional it's not even funny but this time decided i needed to get out of manila for a couple of days while i was there some uncles and i got to sitting around with some beer churning up stories about my mother's father that i had never heard of my grandfather was the younger son and the second child in a family with five siblings his kia older brother was already a lawyer when the second world war broke out and the japanese invaded the philippines grandpa was a young 15 at the time farmer who helped his dad pay for basic necessities while his brother paid for the education of his three younger sisters the family wasn't poor but they weren't sipping champagne either think lower middle class on christmas day 1941 grandpa's older brother shows up at the family house with a bag and a steamer trunk the bag is filled with paper money and silver coins and the trunks got some guns in it he had liquidated all his assets and purchased the guns where he could find them getting out of manila while he still could realizing the japanese were going to occupy the city life went on relatively unchanged for the next couple of months but the news was always grim the japanese occupied manila then swept through the flat plains of central luzon including my grandpa's town the american forces caught in a pincer movement eventually retreated to bataan and corregidor and anyone even vaguely familiar with the pacific war during ww2 knows how that ended side note my uncle said that according to my grandpa and other oldsters the occupying japanese officers were unfailingly polite and very very scrupulous when interacting with filipinos the lower ranking soldiers however were a complete 180. my uncles insist that they were korean probably conscripted and that any atrocities i.e random beatings assault etc that would happen would be at their hands i'm guessing that the officers would endorse their men and their actions after the fact because to do otherwise would make him seem weak anyway my grandpa and his brother begin resisting the japanese it was mostly information passed from one village or town to another but during the bataan death march they also sheltered at least one american soldier who fled east after escaping to put some distance between themselves and the japanese i took this with a grain of salt every single family within a hundred miles that survived ww2 has at least one story of sheltering a death march soldier it came to a head in late 1942 when another resistance group from a nearby village stole a truck with a load of gasoline or ammunition my uncles couldn't agree the japanese went house to house looking for the perps and they caught my grandpa's brother in a well trying to hide some weapons after they pulled him up and they found the guns my grand uncle was summarily executed by bayonetting my grandpa was very close to his kuya after a period of grief he went full on malevolent on the japanese including asterisk colluding with his neighbors to make rice fruit sugarcane wine and selling it cheap to the occupying garrison it wasn't large maybe 15 to 20 men total preying on their already poor discipline and reducing them to drunkards they got so bad they were replaced by another unit grandpa introduced the new boys to the joys of drink too rinse and repeat japanese officers yelling at their troops became a common sight asterisk capturing rats and filled mice and releasing them into the warehouses in the surrounding areas that the japanese commandeered to store their stolen rice aside from eating the stored rice the rats everywhere this upset the japanese to no end everybody knows never to duck with an asians rice asterisk collecting crap from pretty much every single human who was willing to poo in a bucket for him mixing it with water to thin it down then fertilizing the trees around the japanese hq and barracks it would dry out fairly quickly in the heat so there was only a vague smell but when it rained it turned into a fetid sludge that clung to everything especially the garrison troops and their vehicles apparently a couple of those trees are still around and they are huge and bear delicious delicious mangoes every year asterisk putting any and all handy chemicals into every single liquid the japanese were storing water oil gasoline you name it when he could get away with it he poured in everything from salt to soap to ammonia asterisk stealing japanese supplies be it arms ammunition medication or whatever burying it then turning right around and snitching on himself he would tell the japanese officers that he had heard of a stockpile buried by a resistance group then go on and point out the cash he had buried a week or month or two earlier he ducked with those two when possible some but not all of the supplies were tampered with to look perfectly normal yet malfunctioned when used the japanese officers thought he was loyal to the empire and he got preferential treatment allowing him and his neighbours to cook up even more shenanigans asterisk when the americans finally invaded my grandpa at the ripe old age of 18 and the resistance group he was with went on the offensive scouting out the path ahead of the americans and killing isolated japanese when they could according to my uncles my granda never talked about this except to say that it was how he met his wife after the war grandpa did what he knew best he kept farming he was however smart enough to buy a couple of neighboring farms whose families had been killed by the japanese with nearly four times the arable land area from before the war he was able to continue his brother's work and put his sisters through school and that i think was the cherry on top of his revenge sunday my grandpa died fairly young 50s and after hearing these stories i regret that i didn't get to know my grandpa when i myself was a man preferably over beer thanks for listening
Channel: ReadingBear
Views: 3,595
Rating: 4.7014923 out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance, r/maliciouscompliance playlist, r/maliciouscompliance emkay, maliciouscompliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, reddit stories, reddit funny, reddit stories maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, redditbear, readingbear, readingbear maliciouscompliance, readingbear entitledparents, revenge, idontworkherelady, idwhl, relationshipadvice, relationship advice
Id: r9STLnUW3u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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