r/ProRevenge - I made him pay DOUBLE...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today subreddits are slash pro revenge all right this story's called revenge of the construction workers i am a teacher and when i was younger i would take summer jobs to supplement my income one summer i worked for a bricklayer named jerry and heard an amazing story i worked for jerry in the mid-90s so the story either happened in the early 90s or in the 80s here goes the setting for the story was a community of small rural towns which had only o which had only one own god wow that threw me off had only one brick contractor jerry began his career as a bricklayer working for this contractor a real jerk jerk and jerk's son jerk's son adults working the business with his father would harass belittle and humiliate all their employees on a regular basis no work was ever good enough and employees were told they weren't worth what they were paid not only did jerk mistreat his employees but he was equally rude to other subcontractors and to the general contractors who hired him since he was the only bricklayer in the community there was nothing anyone could do about it needless to say the turnover rate for the brick business was very high the only person that stuck with jerking company was jerry jerry told me that his father had instilled a self-confidence in him that jerry could do anything he set his mind to and that he should not evaluate himself according to what others said but rather by the facts although jerry was belittled by jerk and son as were all other employees jerry was becoming a very good bricklayer jerry knew he was good jerk knew jerry was good but jerk didn't know that jerry knew that he was good not only was jerry a good bricklayer he was very respectful to the boss who disrespected him jerk thought that jerry was a naive pushover who was buying his head games this would prove to be a huge mistake on his part this reads like a children's book yeesh i need some nasal spray one day jerry was doing an exceptionally good job of laying brick not only was his craftsmanship amazing he was laying brick at a high rate of speed so that he was making his boss lots of money of course jerk and son were belittling his work as though he was doing the very opposite this scenario was being observed by the general contractor of the project after work that day the general contractor asked jerry to stay behind so he could talk to him as did every other construction worker in the community general contractor hated working with jerk general contractor told jerry that he had heard jerk and son belittling him and told him that he disagreed with everything jerk was saying he asked jerry if he had ever considered going into business for himself jerry said that he would like to do that someday general contractor then said that he would loan jerry the money to buy a mixer the most expensive piece of equipment needed to start a brick business if jerry would indeed start said business the only hitch was that jerry would need to pay for the mixer whenever he could and that he would subcontract under general contractor jerry agreed to those terms and prepared to begin his new venture jerry respectfully told jerk and son his plans and gave his notice the two mocked jerry ruthlessly and laughed him to scorn jerk told jerry you'll be back in two months begging to return your job you'll never make it as a subcontractor two months later rather than collapsing as jerk predicted jerry was still in business and going strong what go jerry man one year later jerry's business was boomin and a drunk jerk showed up at jerry's house and begged him to come back to work with jerk and son jerry you're the best employee i ever had jerry replied why didn't you ever tell me that when i was working for you jerk couldn't answer the question and jerry obviously didn't accept the offer for employment two years after beginning his entrepreneurial adventure jerry heard that jerk and son went out of business jerry said that he never intended to harm jerk and son when he accepted general contractor's offer he said that looking back on things he realized that he had become jerk's greatest nightmare i can't say that general contractor intended no harm i thought the most amazing thing about the story was how that jerry maintained his self-esteem in spite of all the ridicule i also gained a respect for jerry's father who instilled an unshakable self-confidence in jerry or in jerry sorry edits i contacted jerry today after 20 years to let him know how highly you thought of him he reminded me that his father was wheelchair-bound and accomplished so much in spite of his handicap it was his father's overcoming huge obstacles that made jerk's words seem to be such a minor obstacle to overcome what a beautiful story i love how this reads man it seems like um like um a story like a children's story that you'd see kind of like in a tv show like within like an adult tv show like kind of as a parody and then i don't know it's it's it was fun i like i loved how this was written um and also really charming story i appreciate it alright this story is called he should have just said his part some background i'm the manager of a tight-knit extracurricular activity business my boss is the owner we serve children and adults ah i'm glad to see at least they're not discriminating you know some people like to eat kids some people like to eat old people you you know you got something for everybody or should i say someone for everybody anyway we run on a membership-based system more background mom brings in her four boys two years ago four boys two years ago our founding fa sorry uh to attend with us mom and dad split last year oh no count ordered custard court ordered custody agreement says he pays 90 and she pays 10 for all extracurriculars based on their income oh wow let's hope mom gets a better job and let's hope dad's job stays good cause yeesh um anyway uh what i'll try to keep this short after mom and dad split crap hit the fan for these people i really wish i could have said the s word because you guys know i love assonance we have several divorce parents working to get their kids here when they can but dad just never seems to want to since we operate with memberships kind of like a gym if you don't come in you're wasting your money every friday i call our people who've been absent for more than four days every other week they're out completely i look into it a bit further with mom who attended with us before her kids started and those are the weeks dad has them this has happened before and it's an easy enough fix we take the parent who isn't cooperating through our program and help them understand the benefits their kids are getting out of it he watched them a few times when they would come and started to see how they enjoyed it and the value of the program in the program crisis averted he's bringing the kids again since the divorce dad hasn't been super forthcoming with money and with mom being the primary and not having the funds due to the ongoing divorce proceedings my boss forfeited 11 months of payments for these people totaling three thousand sixty dollars my boss put her foot down two weeks ago right before the one year mark for them we couldn't keep not letting them pay us mom comes in we give her the business she's cool about it understands that we have a business to run sets up her court order 10 on a typical payment plan that we do 408 dollars over a 12-month period we emailed dad because at this point he's just giving them to mom to take here nearly every day we don't typically invoice people we usually just set it up in-house with them in front of us so having to write out that he owes us 3 672 dollars over the next year was tough dad doesn't check his email cool fine whatever this morning i call because first payments are due this week i gave him the business his reply was yeah i saw the email i can't pay anything until the court orders extracurriculars because the child support is way too high but i really like the program y'all have okay i just think to myself right we have the court documents that say how much he had to spend on us that's cool i type up the call transcript and send it back to him and cc mom with a note that my boss would be calling to set up payments this week mom texts me immediately calling his beaver sausage because he hasn't paid her for giving selfless he hasn't paid her for giving self a cent of child support ordered six months ago same document she provided us then dad replies the first reply he sent to any email we've sent him he wanted to make sure we knew continue if the child support schedule is complete and there is money to put to it possibly is mom pays her half is out the conversation i didn't quite understand what this meant me neither but i interpreted it as the child support schedule isn't set yet so i won't pay until mom pays but we'd send him the invoice showing him that mom paid after a while i stopped trying to understand it just wasn't worth it i sent the invoice to both their lawyers listed on the court document and let them take it to court dad refused to pay even after he was found in contempt of court for refusing to pay for the kids extracurricular activities i've genuinely never met anyone this stubborn the revenge starts here so we end up having to take dad to court because he ended up signing a contract with us to pay and he's refused again and again our non-payments clause allows us to request payment in full if you have too many problems with the payments the full amount listed on the contract he signed was four thousand eighty dollars minus the mom's portion so my boss the lovely one she is decided we can and would request payment in full but not just his portion the entire four thousand eighty dollars my boss also pulled out the three thousand sixty dollars that we waived and the judge made him pay it too and the tldr we don't usually read those but just you know to summarize it to tie it all together kinda dad doesn't want to pay 3672 so he ends up paying 7 100 yikes damn okay well yeah let's hope he has a good job otherwise that's gonna hurt it kind of sucks that um you know some people kind of give up responsibility over their children after they and their spouses go splitskys you know what i'm saying still got kids in fact why don't you just pretend you love each other forever and then maybe eventually you do i'm kidding don't do that if you're miserable obviously but you still got kids and that's my lecture for you guys today you guys probably didn't know anything i just told you but now you do you're welcome you can now divorce your wife or husband this story's called too lazy to do your jobs well then take care of the boxes a bit of backstory this was during my time i was working in retail every day my department would get pallets of merchandise that needed to be stocked usually after my co-workers and i would leave for the day just before closing i would work closing one week opening shift the following week weekends off during that time we would have several groups of overnight co-workers assigned to different departments to stock merchandise brought up in delivery trucks and then put any overstock in the back clean up the cardboard boxes the opening shift would take care of any overstock pallets the overnights didn't have time to get to every week each group of overnight employees would be rotated to different departments unfortunately there was one group of overnight employees that had a bit of a reputation for being lazy and those guys were assigned to my department for the week at the time when this happened i was working my opening shift years before brovid the wrongs being done during the week wasn't so much being done to just me it was being done to my other co-workers in my entire department so this was pretty much a group effort on with the story my co-workers and i get to our department to find four pallets of merchandise saran wrapped labeled as overstock we double checked the pallets and shelves and find out that it needed to be worked we were pissed by that time the department manager and supervisor found out and they were absolutely livid so we ended up working the merchandise putting them on the shelves i was getting ready to start breaking down the boxes when i get this wicked idea my idea was to stack all of the empty boxes like they were full wrap them up and then label them as overstock but i wanted to get the approval from my supervisor first when i talked to my supervisor i mentioned what i wanted to do my supervisor chuckled at the idea approved it and explained what had happened to him just last year apparently a year before the overnight employees played a prank on him on april 1st as they had left two pallets of merchandise wrapped up and labeled as overstock he said he double-checked only to find that all of the boxes on the pallets were empty ah sounds familiar he gathered all of us in the department explained what we were doing and we got to work the supervisor explained that if it should happen again we should inform him work the merchandise restock the empty boxes as if they were full wrap them label them as overstock and then leave the pallets for the overnighters unfortunately my opening co-workers and i were done for the day we were at two pallets fortunately our closing co-workers were there when i guess then the supervisor explained what he wanted done the next day we walk in more pallets of overstock merchandise supervisor was informed basically rinse and repeat for the rest of the week the last day of the week however we walk in to our surprise there was only one pallet it had seven pallets stacked on top of it with a hand written go love yourselves labeled on it we informed the supervisor he informed us that the overnight group assigned to our department were terminated by the store manager a prank war that ends in like a mass firing yikes i was like about to say man i love this back and forth i hope it doesn't go wrong and guess what guys it did i should have shut my brain up don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 5,707
Rating: 4.9155674 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: BskfYh4kJlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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