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today we've got a great Revenge story against  someone who's adamant they don't need help   speaking a foreign language we'll get into that  in a bit but first say hello so I work in the   fast food industry and sometimes when I greet a  customer with a nice smile and a polite hello even   though I'm tired and wish to just go to my bed  and pass out but still have several hours till   I'm done with my job all I ask is for them to say  hello back before they start to name their order   instead they go I'll have the or you'll give me  not even a dang hello or could I get a I mean how   hard is it to take a second to say hi or something  so now when someone does that I either change the   vibe I'm giving off to a duck you Vibe stay silent  and don't even bother saying stuff just say the   price of their order without please or thank you  and end the whole thing without saying have a nice   meal just ignore them back as they say goodbye I  mean it's not much but I hope they learned some   ducking manners from what I've experienced from  most fast food places I go to nowadays they try   to actually correct this issue by making it so  it's mandatory for those working the counter or   the drive-thru to say something like welcome  to soand so can I get you started with an X   thing here something that they have to offer or  say upon greeting somebody not just a hello that   said I feel like if you're working a fast food  job and you're expecting to get pleasantries   from the people ordering you're already expecting  too much you should just be grateful that they're   not flinging crap at you or yelling at you also hi  I'm Stephen and if you guys enjoy awesome stories   of Revenge it would be amazing if you left a like  or left a review if you're listening to my podcast   that said our next story is game with lights this  happened a few hours ago and I'm still laughing   it took place in Serbia so some things may not  make sense for the school setting you envision   characters in the story names changed Bob and  me it was a regular class on the second floor   and the Sun was shining Bob was adjusting the  curtain realizing that if he moved it slightly   to the left left the light would shine directly on  me he did just that sitting next to the curtain so   that if I stood up he'd quickly pull it back into  place irritated because I was wearing a sweatshirt   the one without a zipper unable to take it off  and feeling overheated I asked him to close the   curtain instead he opened it even wider none of us  wanted to create enough drama for the teacher to   notice as the teacher was conducting an exam  during that class so risking it wasn't worth   it that's when I noticed a ruler on the table a  glass ruler I pointed the ruler which naturally   reflected light into his eyes and positioned  it to look like it was just leaning against   my pencil case every time he moved I adjusted it  a bit 10 minutes later he closed the curtain you   got to work with what you got it's either the  glass ruler or you risk going straight to the   phone trying to angle the phone perfectly you  know how you're sitting in the passenger seat   of the car just using your phone and you realize  you've been inadvertently flashing the glare into   the driver's eyes yeah sorry or you know they call  you out on it this next story is I need a doctor's   note to work from home guess I'm not working at  all a fairly short story that took place today   so for context I'm working as an engineer and all  my work is done on my work laptop because of this   teleworking is pretty much the way of working ever  since the pandemic started however two weeks ago   we got a new manager who decided that we had to  have a mandatory team Day at the Office once a   week basically wanting everyone on the team to  be present that day I don't don't like the idea   of mandatory Presence at the office but whatever I  thought by myself I usually go once a week to the   office anyway for various reasons fast forward to  today it's our mandatory day and I'd been coughing   since yesterday night so I decided not to risk  it and stay at home I had the symptoms of some   Illness but felt like I could still work besides  that I don't want half the office to be sick as   well by next week and blame me for it so I sent  my manager a mail to inform him that I wouldn't be   present at the office not much later I got a reply  back stating that agreements must be respected   and that mandatory days can't be missed without a  doctor's note so that's exactly what I did I went   to the doctor the same day and she gave me three  sick days off took a picture of the doctor's note   and sent it to HR with the manager in CC I still  don't understand why he made it such a big deal   that I wanted to work from home for my own and  my team's well-being but hey 3 days off all I'm   saying is is I have a heaping appreciation for any  doctor that sees a situation for what it is and is   willing to help somebody out with some ridiculous  request like that the kind of doctors that say you   know what you better just take the rest of the  week off our next story is invisible girl steals   pasta in the grocery store something I 28-year-old  female witnessed last night at the supermarket I   am way too much of a coward to do anything like  this myself I was in the condiment aisle picking   out salad dressing there was another girl looked  around my age reading the back of mustard packages   I'm assuming to look at the ingredients in comes  another woman 40ish on a scooter I don't want to   contribute to stereotypes but this was a rather  large person and very cliche of the particular   large chain Supermarket I was in she stopped her  cart for 20ish seconds probably 10 ft from mustard   lady I didn't think anything of it mustard lady  was barely 5 ft and maybe 100 lb standing close   to the sh eles she had a Basket close beside her  that I think took up more space than her suddenly   scooter charged forward swerving a bit closer to  the shelves looking right at mustard admittedly I   had chosen that moment to try to peek at mustard  lady's basket I'm chronically curious so I caught   the whole thing with a Yelp and rather impressive  back jump mustard lady Dodge the scooter but her   basket was toppled over knocking several things  out scooter lady kept her head forward and made   no acknowledgement before I could even decide if I  had the social fortitude to offer to help mustard   lady scooped up her goods and basket caught up  with the scooter and grabbed what looked like   a box of pasta from the Scooter's basket she then  walked across the aisle and made to put the pasta   box on the top shelf where Scooter lady couldn't  reach scooter lady screeched what the heck mustard   lady responded with a dead pan oh so you can see  me I don't remember the exact phrasing because I   get petrified of even secondhand conflict and it  was so absurd but scooter lady gave a short rant   about mustard lady being in the way and needing  to pay more attention to her surroundings I think   scooter lady thought mustard lady was on her  phone her large yellow frenches brand phone   I don't think mustard lady actually intended on  placing the pasta box up on the shelves because   she had just been sort of holding it up however  when scooter lady's self-righteous speak was over   mustard lady didn't say another word from what I  could see out of the corner of my eye she didn't   even look mad must mustard lady just looked right  at Scooter lady and tossed the Box onto an upper   shelf and walked away though she did walk the  long way behind the scooter I think to avoid   being run over again I'd been pretending to choose  between some vinegrets but tossed the closest one   of my card and slipped quickly away lest I become  the next hid andun victim fortunately the salad   dressing was very close to the end of the aisle  I can only imagine that was a situation where   mustard lady will think of and regret not having  some sort of comeback but that silent p toss   was absolute gold I didn't see either of them  again but the pasta box was still there when I   walked past the aisle on my way out not the most  interesting story but in my very boring social   anxiety filled life it was quite an event well she  certainly mustered the courage up to confront the   scooter lady no I totally didn't steal that from a  comment on the post I'm absolutely creative enough   to come up with that I'm no impostor our next  story is Revenge on my 5-year-old my 5-year-old   is taken to sneaking up behind me and pinning a  clothes Peg on the back of my jumper at first it   was a little harmless fun of pretending not to  notice and making a game of discovering said Peg   shortly after more recently the little horror  has turned into some sort of ninja which means   I invariably end up sitting down on my desk on  a morning to find another Peg digging into my   lower back or having a stranger or work colleague  tapped me on the shoulder saying excuse me but do   you know about the peg enough is enough so I've  just spent about the last 10 minutes of my life   systematically going through his drawers while  he's out at school pegging every t-shirt and   sweater he owns the jokes on you when the  kid shows a lack of care and starts trying   to actually go to school with the clothes Pig  on their clothes who will be the real one that   gets revenge in the end in that circumstance  our next story is I filled my apartment with   carnivorous plants despite my vegan roommate  okay so I 4-year-old female I've been living   with my roommate 26-year-old female for 3 years  my roommate is a strict vegan and has been since   she was 14 I however am not this has never been a  problem since I think people can do whatever they   want with their lives and I've never tried to  change your mind about being vegan my roommate   is a bit of a plant lady she's been collecting  and raising different types of plants for years   and has amassed quite a collection she even puts  little sticker labels with the names she's given   them which is a adorable she's truly one to die  for her plants I think this is cool but I've   never really interacted with them besides watering  them whenever she's out it really doesn't get in   the way of my life so I don't care that she's  so obsessed with them and I'm glad she has a   hobby here's why the problem begins two months  ago she visited a conference on animal products   and came back with a more fiery Spirit she started  going to events regularly became a local activist   started preaching to people in the street Etc  now this isn't a problem she's a human being   who can believe whatever she wants or at least it  wasn't a problem until every conversation with her   transformed into telling me why I should go vegan  why I'm evil for consuming animal products and how   I should be ashamed that I'm not vegan this seemed  weird since she hadn't acted like this prior to   the conference but it had gotten so common I  started waking up earlier to go to work so I   could eat my eggs in the parking lot of my job so  I don't have to hear her rant since we were close   to the end of our lease I had decided to pull a  little stunt before we parted ways I headed to   an exotic plants place near where I live and got a  bunch of different types of carnivorous plants I'm   talking every single species I could get my hands  on I also got pots and things to hang them from so   they looked pretty my roommate wasn't there that  day so I had plenty of time to set the place up I   decided to do it in the kitchen since that's where  most of her scolding would take take place I put   them everywhere I could wherever she had a plant I  put one right beside it just to be extra Petty it   looked like a greenhouse in there honestly I was  pretty proud of my work I felt like Buddy the elf   when he renovated the store when she got home she  started screaming at me blowing up saying that I'm   horrible she was livid but because I bought them  and I hadn't moved or touched anything of hers she   couldn't do anything it's been like this for the  last few weeks and I've been caring for them daily   and even researching the best ways to keep them  alive and purchasing products so they can Thrive   honestly I've gotten pretty fond of the plants  I went as far as naming and labeling them I'm   moving out today so I thought I would tell this  story because it's kind of crazy so as long as   none of those plants are an Audy to I think op is  totally good I'm just imagining they walk in and   every shelf in the place is adorned with a venus  fly trap our next story is follow me to my house   I'll follow you back back driving home yesterday  and I needed to change lanes so I could make a   right turn in a couple of blocks I checked my  mirror and hit my turn signal while the guy that   was back a couple car lengths speeds up and tries  to block me in the left lane sorry but I'm coming   over the guy lays on his horns for half a block  I laugh and wave I even used all my fingers not   just the middle one so the guy follows me for the  next Mile and turns into my neighborhood behind me   Not Unusual since there are some apartments there  he follows me for a couple more turns and I start   paying attention the last two he would only make  if he lived on the same street still I have a   couple of neighbors that drive the same kind of  car so not too worried when the guy drives past   my house to the end of the block and turns the  corner I know he was just freaking with me well   crap now he knows where I live and what I drive  I know nothing other than it's a guy driving a   Subaru narrows it way down right so I back out  of my driveway and back around the corner sure   enough here he comes around the block and back  out of the neighborhood at this point I decide   to give the guy a taste of his own medicine and  start following him he jumps on the main road and   heads North I follow the guy for about 5 miles to  the next town he's driving okay and I'm keeping a   safe distance but on his tail enough that he knows  I'm there i' had been watching him gesturing with   his hands and swerving a little not bad though so  I figure he's talking on the phone I'm hoping he   doesn't have a bunch of friends waiting wherever  he's head but he also has a temp tag and I still   couldn't identify a thing other than the make of  the car so I keep going he heads through a light   and onto Main Street and at that point I know  he's on the phone with 911 perfect sure enough   the guy pulls up to the police station and into  a parking space I roll up right next to the guy   and hop out to go talk he won't even look at me  so I stick my phone camera in his windshield and   take a picture of the dude just then a cop walks  up behind me and starts asking why I'm following   the guy and videoing him two more cops show up  and start asking me a bunch of questions too   so I explained that he followed me first they go  over all the things that could go wrong with me   following someone so I go over all of the things  that could go wrong without me following him and   that I was glad he came to them because now even  though I don't know who he is they do and he knows   it so now I don't have to worry about him coming  by my house later they were all telling me how   shook up the guy was that he was pretty scared I  told them to let him know that following people   to their homes probably wasn't the best activity  for him they agreed I mean yeah obviously it goes   both ways here Opie probably should not have  followed that guy back but hey they followed   you all the way to your home and you wanted  to give it right back to them if anything to   try to show that you're not scared and to maybe  hopefully run them off from trying to come back   needless to say if you're in a situation similar  to op and you have the slightest inkling that you   might be getting followed it's probably for the  best to not drive home or you know take a bunch   of extra turns and really make sure that you're  genuinely being followed and then call the cops I   mean I think this was a great way to deal with it  through and through because now it's on the record   at least cops have witnessed it our next story  is that's not me really video shows otherwise   this happened almost 10 years ago I was probably  19 years old I was home alone when my my neighbor   rang my doorbell to tell me someone had hit my  parked car my neighbor and I went out to inspect   my car and there were some light scratches and the  paint was messed up my concerned neighbor told me   that the other driver should pay to fix it and if  there was any trouble I should call the police and   she would be a witness she told me she heard a  loud noise outside came out and saw a man in a   blue SUV pull away and move the car further down  the street in front of another house I thanked her   and went back inside to see if anything was caught  on the security cameras we have the camera points   at our driveway and into the street mom parks  in the driveway so I always parallel park my   car right in front of our house sure enough when  I replay the last 30 minutes a blue SUV pulls up   behind my car tries to parallel park and hits my  car in the process he definitely realized he hit   something because he comes out of the car looks  gets back in and then drives past my car down   the street out of frame this was a big tall man  wearing a bright orang orange Polo very easily   identifiable I honestly didn't mind the scratches  to me it was minor if he had came to tell me about   the accident instead of my neighbor I probably  would have been okay if he just apologized my   neighborhood is very small and I knew most of my  neighbors I had not recognized this man I walked   outside to where I saw the blue SUV now parked  in front of the house with a recently sold sign   surely it wasn't I walked up and rang the doorbell  he answered in his annoyingly bright orange Polo   and Whitey tidies now in hindsight everything  makes sense but I was young scared and trying to   hide myself up for the confrontation already and  this was just creepy and weird to me why would you   think it was okay to answer the door like that I  asked if he was the owner of the blue SUV outside   which one uh that one the only blue SUV outside  I explained to him about what my told me and   security camera footage he says hold on puts on  his pants and tells me to show him the footage so   we walk towards my house again I was very scared  and nervous even if he was a new neighbor I wasn't   sure about inviting him inside the house and what  his reaction would be so I decide to record on my   phone our interaction from him first entering my  home I replay the footage on our security monitor   of his car hitting mine him getting out with the  same shirt at the end where he's driving away we   also see and notice a Star Wars sticker on the  back of the SUV that matches what I saw on his   actual car too anyway it doesn't matter he gets  angry and says that's not me this was honestly   not the response I was expecting at all I laughed  nervously like what do you mean I say your shirt   is the same he says that could be anyone it's your  car your sticker you can't really see but your   shirt color when you get out you you can't prove  that's me H okay so he just grumbles away heads   out my door and back to his house at this point  I'm pretty mad too again if he was apologetic even   if he had given me a soab story excuse how he's  having a rough time made a bad decision whatever   I would have just been like don't worry about  it it's just scratches it's an older car anyway   but you one HD and run two deny and lie when  confronted with all this evidence like no so   I listened to what my neighbor said earlier call  the police if there's trouble you want to be a   weirdo now I'll be Petty and make this bigger than  it needs to be police are now here talking to me   and my neighbor who heard and saw him I explained  I confronted him showed him the footage and his   denial I show the police the security footage as  well as the confrontation recorded on my phone   where a big guy and an orange shirt is pointing  to another man in an orange shirt yelling that's   not me the police also found this pretty amusing  I talked to the police and while my concerned   neighbor was being fussy like doesn't she need  to get that repainted the cop was like these   damages are so minor not really but I could call  insurance to figure out the damage cost you'd pay   if I wanted it repaired I said no cuz it wasn't  really significant the last I saw him was talking   with the police in front of his house later in the  day my concerned nosy Neighbor comes back to tell   me he was arrested she saw him of course getting  put into handcuffs and put in the back of the   car later that week I was visited by a detective  from the police department he wanted to go over   my statements again as well as emailing him the  video footage I had he explained to me that he was   arrested for DUI like I said everything made sense  then why did he park in front of my house first   then move his car near his house I have no idea  I just thought he was a weirdo but answering the   door in his underwear his glazed eyes illogical  gibberish arguing repeating that's not me   definitely drunk I hadn't been around people who  really drank like that so I didn't know he smelled   but I just thought it was Bo definitely not a good  first impression since the whole neighborhood was   now talking about our new neighbors drama courtesy  of nosy neighbor they moved out about a year later   this whole story I had only one thing on my mind  but you got me on the counter saw me banging on   the sofa in all seriousness I wonder if he moved  out a year later or if there was some kind of   circumstance in which they couldn't afford it  or they got kicked out a year later this next   story is kid laughed at me during lunch hour so  I removed his rewards I 18-year-old male work at   a boba shop which tends to get very busy during  lunch hours half the time there's a reward system   where every 10 drinks that you buy you get one  free drink but well on this very special day crap   got really busy as soon as the label machine broke  down from a phone call that last minute placed   around 180 drinks I was using another machine  but it was very different from what I usually   use I would have people writing down their phone  numbers so that way me or my manager could add the   rewards at the end of the day there was this one  kid and his sister who were about 6 to 9 years old   who gave me a very hard time and laughing at me  for what I was doing he then asked me to put down   his phone number so I did that but then decided as  a petty revenge for giving me a hard time during   the busiest hour I threw the paper with his phone  number away in the trash so that I would not add   his reward I would do it still to this day every  time I would see him can we just stop and Rewind   to somebody ordering 180 drinks what um kind of  time frame was that in did they want that same day   or did they want that 2 weeks from now because  only one of those I feel is actually realistic   our next story is I don't need any help I can  speak French just fine so as a family after I   did my gcses the old high school leaving exams  and walked away with an a in my French class   my parents announced we're going to spend 3 weeks  in a friend's Cottage in Normandy I realized very   quickly that since my sister was taking Spanish my  brother failed French my dad spoke no French and   neither did my grandmother I was going to be doing  a lot of the heavy lifting on this trip my mother   assured me that she had decent French and wouldn't  need my help sweet the petty Revenge began on the   second day of the trip we went to one of the  nearby towns for my mother to find a bank and   exchange some money this was some years ago when  the sort of thing was handled with paper notes so   my mother confidently asked for a check to Travi  I giggle the cashier Giggles we make eye contact   my mother gives me an irritated look she gets her  money she stutters mercy orir and we leave for 3   weeks this experience was repeated every time we  visited the bank I had the time of my life after   our final visit as we drove across Normandy for  our Ferry back to the UK my mother finally asked   what was so funny I said you do realize you've  basically been asking for a work permit right   my mom said well why didn't you tell me I said  you told me over and over you didn't need my   help for the uninitiated my mother had made a  very common mistake Travi is to work the word   she needed was Voyage to travel if somebody wants  to make a fool of themselves it's easiest just to   stand back and let them make a fool of themselves  especially when you know there's no real damage to   be done here besides some people maybe laughing  at them and plus I think that kind of thing can   be some of the best learning experience you can  get next time they'll probably actually lean on   you our next story is is extra sick day I never  call out from work unless I'm actually sick or   have an emergency as I feel bad for my department  or co-workers if they're short it can get really   busy and instead of having temps available we  just suffer the day short staffed I usually get   a cold once a year during flu season without fail  management tends to play favorites and the worst   employees but best suck-ups would get away with  calling out frequently with no repercussions or   stipulations one year I finally got so annoyed  that I was told to bring a doctor's note yet   again even when I'd been clearly showing signs of  a cold at work the day prior to calling out sick I   went to Urgent Care as usual where I would wait 2  to 3 hours just to look and sound like crap for a   doctor to witness and I asked that the doct could  please write me out for 3 days instead of just the   one if I had to spend half my day at Urgent Care  to get a note I'm not going to go back to work   quickly I used to get a note for just the day and  return to work the next day but since they started   forcing me to get these doctor notes for the once  a year I call out sick I started being sick for   more than a day since then they can suffer the  shortage for 3 days instead of one like I get if   it's going to be more than one day they would want  a doctor's note but if somebody's calling out sick   for just a day especially considering they haven't  made a habit of it yeah it's ridiculous our next   story is disrespect me have fun waiting 21 days  for your money I do a lot of work with the home   homeless my house is offered to many that I trust  for a night when the weather is Extreme we've had   a few days of snow lately and last night I got a  call I have two rules for staying at my house one   no drugs two respect me in my house or lose both I  have a couch with a pullout bed that's always made   and ready for whoever needs it because of my first  rule not many take me up on my offer last night   I got a desperate call so I got on my car at 900  p.m. and drove an hour to pick him up he offered   me gas money which was a huge help because I was  on empty when I picked him up he told me he needed   to get his backpack from a friend that's common to  leave things with others who have a car or shelter   if you don't an hour and a half later his friend  was talking too loud on the phone and I hear he's   trying to get drugs not his backpack I told him  that he knew my rules and he wasn't bringing   drugs in my car or my house so he freaks out on  me slams my car starts crying that he's going to   be out in the rain all night saying I'm just like  his abusive ex-girlfriend even going as far as to   call me a little Ashley he had sent me gas money  via an app but because he put in his password   incorrect four times it held the funds for 24  hours I left and he starts blowing up my phone   demanding the money back there was no money in my  account because it was on a hold he saw that email   when it happened he was sitting right next to me  so this morning he starts threatening me saying   he's going to claim fraud and ruin my account and  my credit obviously he doesn't understand how this   works because he can do neither this morning I get  an email saying he filed a claim stating that he   didn't receive the item he can only get his money  back if the sale was done online not just the   payment an in-person sale doesn't qualify for a  refund and it wasn't a sale I don't want to black   mark in my account so I submitted our texts saying  he was giving me gas money and the explanation now   instead of sending it back back after the 24-hour  hold he has to wait up to 21 days until the claim   is settled even then it will go to my account I'll  send it back but I shouldn't because I still drove   an hour to get him waited an hour and a half and  he knew the rules before he even asked have fun   waiting 3 weeks I mean op had pretty clear rules I  think there's a lot of people out there that would   hear all you have to do is stay clean and respect  me in my house and you can stay here temporarily   would be darn working like a hired housemaid just  to have shelter for a short while our next story   is we were only trying to help this story takes  place at least 20 years ago it was the weekend   before Thanksgiving and I was at the grocery store  with my mom and sister we make our way toward the   baking supply aisles a very busy section that  time of year when we see a half full shopping   cart sitting abandoned by an endcap we quickly  figured out it was the lady talking to her friend   and looking at pictures down the adjacent aisle  and she had no intention of moving anytime soon   we decided to be helpful and moved her card  over a couple of aisles so it wouldn't be in   everyone's way then we thought we would help her  with her shopping and added the ingredients she   would need to make a dessert to her cart I don't  remember what it was but it was probably some kind   of pie after that we left the cart and continued  on our way in the checkout line we see her in the   next Lane getting visibly irritated by the random  extra stuff she kept pulling out of her cart we   bar the items so she wouldn't notice right away to  this day I can't be in the baking section of that   store without chuckling to myself about it I mean  you really have to be engrossed in something at   the store to not notice your cart had been taken  away from you especially considering these carts   are not like stealth machines usually those wheels  are not greased up and ready to just be quietly   moved away even if you're in the adjacent aisle  you usually hear something like that being moved   around but with that being said that's all the  time we have for today now if you want to hear   another awesome Revenge story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 9,749
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: zdQaZnC5y38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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