r/ProRevenge - He was MEAN... I made his wallet LEAN...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today subreddits are slash pro revenge alright this story's called manager bullies me for several months until i finally quit i made sure to get him fired obligatory english is not my native language apologies for my mistakes and grammar this happened around 2016. i'd at the time 25 26 male been without a job for a while looking for a better paying job than i had before and i found one at a camera security company that was looking to hire someone for the service desk i went for an interview and got a call back later that day if i wanted the job it was mine now my new manager was an ex-military specifically ex-army not american just pointing that out he really didn't like having people disagree with or go against him a thing i was very unaware of when i took the job for two to three months everything was going well the manager was cordial and seemed to really enjoy having me there i worked my butt off every day as the software we were working with was unknown to me so i studied a lot and even went overseas to another country to follow a course and succeeded on my exams however after that period my grandpa who was like a second father to me suddenly was hospitalized after a brain bleed an aneurysm he was found in the shower he had collapsed after he pressed his panic button assisted living not sure what it's called in english apologies this all happened on a wednesday the family came together in the hospital several times to show support and see grandpa however on friday afternoon 3 p.m i was called up by my father my grandpa's son while i was at work and he explained to me that my grandpa unfortunately passed away i was in tears on the phone and in utter shock it took me a while to calm down i went to my manager and explained what just happened and that i was going home to be with my family however that day there was an event the company was doing a charity event and this charity was going to be public news they already announced the amount of people participating and it would look bad if they were a person down it was basically just for good pr so he refused to let me go i told him that by law he cannot deny me as my contract states i can take a day off for a death in the family and that i was leaving now this was the turning point he went from a nice manager to a manager from hell suddenly everything i did was wrong i was told he couldn't believe i was in this line of work for six years and be this bad at my job he cussed me out and ridiculed me in front of my colleagues and even clients this all continued for several months and severely began to impact my mental health i had a talk with my parents and my fiance at the time still my girlfriend i'd asked her to marry me in december 2016 and they basically told me that this was not okay that i didn't have to take this and that i should give them my two weeks notice i agreed the following day i went to hr and explained why i was leaving the company and that i couldn't stand the idea of working even a single day more with that excuse of a human being hr showed interest in my well-being and even more importantly in what i was claiming about my manager they had received more complaints about him but nobody had proof of his wrongdoings so they asked me if i had proof i told them i'd be looking for a new job but i'd gladly fit in the time to collect all i could for the next two weeks i collected everything memos emails voice recordings when on the phone the calls are automatically recorded and the dumbass was stupid enough to cuss me out while i was on the phone lucky me also lucky was that my colleagues at the desk had my back this entire time they'd been trying to cheer me up said i was doing fine work and that they also didn't understand this man's behavior so when i came by and asked if they'd mind signing a document that everything i stated in the paper was true they gladly did i had one last talk with hr and him at the same time the last day i was there before he even walked in i told the hr person who was mediating he's gonna walk in say what he wants to say and i'll be quiet and listen when he's done i'll explain my side and he's gonna interrupt me tell you i'm lying and talk about completely unrelated subject matters to drag the conversation another direction she looked surprised at my comments but had no time to respond as mr army man walked in and began his spiel exactly as i stated he'd blurt his side out and once i tried to talk he'd consistently interrupt me and tried to pick fights eventually i got up told hr i told you so here are the documents you've asked for i placed a filled folder with several dozens of emails plenty of memos and a usb containing three phone conversation and even video footage of him yelling at me in both voice and video recordings you could easily hear him cuss me out i gave the manager a big bright smile who was smirking victoriously and said to him i don't think you'll be smirking like that for long enjoy your little victory his smirk disappeared into a confused scowl but i slammed the door on him before he could respond and left the building feeling like a huge man and i mean humongous sized planet-sized amount of stress fell off my shoulders within a month i was back to my old self two months later i was working at a new job and out of curiosity i checked my ex manager's linkedin unemployed i called one of my old colleagues to ask what exactly went down my proof opened pandora's box he was being disrespectful to the female staff insulted the older staff and on multiple occasions was less than cordial with our external hires none of these complaints were acted upon because it was his word against theirs and there was no proof however me providing overwhelming proof of his gross behavior towards me made all other complaints now be taken as fact he was promptly fired less than a month after i left and they refused to provide him with any form of reference in a field like his references mean a lot so not getting one from a company you worked at for nearly a year is a huge red flag it is now 2020. four years passed and according to his linkedin he's still not working in his field i'll gladly admit that i felt rather wickedly satisfied and still do whenever i happen to think about it well congratulations you should feel wickedly satisfied because someone like that doesn't deserve to be in charge they don't really deserve much but that's not my place to say alright this story's called fake a broken arm i'll get you deadlined years ago back in high school i worked in a retail hardware business along with a few part-time guys going to college one of our jobs was accepting deliveries from the corporate warehouse because the truck was full of merchandise some for our store some for other stores we weren't allowed to go into the trailer the truck driver was responsible for going into the trailer and pushing the boxes of merchandise onto the rollers where we would then take possession check them against the bill of lading and then sign off receipt of the items it was a smooth process until a new truck driver was hired he was your stereotypical truck driver big belly greasy hair a loud mouth and constantly smoking and he was lazy the first time he arrived he told us to unload the truck ourselves went to the crapper and stayed there for over 30 minutes i unloaded the truck it took far longer than normal but i was diligent and did not remove any items that were not ours this continued for several weeks and the unloading process took away time that we could have used putting merchandise on the shelves the boss finally had enough and called corporate the driver must have been reprimanded because when he backed into the loading dock the next week he hopped in the trailer set up the rollers and began unloading but he was going to get even his version of pro revenge i guess when i would grab a box off my end of the rollers and carry it into the warehouse to stack he would push another box down the rollers as hard as he could send it crashing to the floor some of our products were glass so it was possible something was going to be broken i stopped what i was doing got the boss and explained the boss told him no one was going to sign off until every box was opened and inspected bear in mind the average load was around 200 boxes the truck driver got pissed and drove off without finishing the unload he was hurting himself by doing so because boss called corporate right away we closed at six every evening the truck driver knew this he showed back up at five minutes before closing time and made many butthole remarks while slow walking the unloading one of my co-workers was a good sized country boy who liked to chew beach nut tobacco he finally got so aggravated he spit on the truck driver's pant leg and told him to sit or else he'd whoop his ass he shut up but for the next three or four months whenever he showed up there was some kind of conflict he would go out of his way to make the simple act of unloading a truck as difficult as possible fast forward to december it was cold and the delivery was twice the normal size christmas season he parks gets out and informs us his arm is broken and therefore he is not going to help with the unload i was ambivalent but my big country co-worker was tired of this man's nonsense what the truck driver did not know was that there was a state trooper in the store shopping he was a close friend of my co-worker who had gone out front to find him and told him about this truck driver little did any of us know in my state you cannot legally drive a big truck unless both arms are in working order ada may have since changed this law i don't know the trooper came back to the loading dock and demanded to see all of his paperwork he then conducted an inspection of the truck i learned a lesson that day tickets from state troopers are expensive as hell truck driver got three and then the trooper held his license and deadlined his truck until he went to the hospital and got a clean bill of health on his arm he had to pay for a cab to the hospital because none of us would drive him there little did he know after he left the trooper took the truck driver's license and paperwork stuck it under the windshield wiper and left the truck driver came back three hours later with paperwork we can only assume that he had to go to the emergency room and get x-rays he was extremely pissed when he learned what the trooper did he was even more pissed that we were laughing at him and stood in front of the store waving at him as he drove off we never saw him again he either demanded a different route quit or got fired i don't know but i guarantee he never forgot about us or our pro revenge okay good serves that kid right because i genuinely cannot stand when someone does not do their part of their job because then you're forced to pick up the slack and you're freaking suffering i hate it i hate it so much oh my gosh don't work with family guys do not work with family actually just don't work with anyone because people are just unreliable i say that but sometimes i can be too i'm not perfect but at least i try i try not to be perfect because who needs that but to not be unreliable alright this story's called don't want to return my tools or pay me enjoy losing your business i'm a trade painter that worked for around five years essentially running a company for an owner who took a very hands-off approach he was essentially a name and working capital and not much else after getting an offer to work for a bigger commercial company and my old boss's realization he would have to run his own company as there really wasn't anyone else in-house that was qualified he resorted to acting like a child to try and make me stay made me run around the world to receive my final pay which i never even got and refused to return my tools spread throughout various jobs revenge time as luck would have it an even better offer from an even bigger company ended up in my lap that wanted to subcontract me a very substantial amount of their work but i'm gonna need more employees than that hmm so i go through and call each and every member of the original company and offer them a three dollar an hour raise to work for me which all of them accepted after all they know me they've worked for me for years and it's more money no brainer they barely know the owner and what they do know they don't like i then ask them to grab only my tools which was the vast majority of the tools on all the jobs from their respective jobs when they leave for the weekend on friday monday rolls around and my old boss is getting calls left and right from supervisors asking why nobody's at work and what's going on he was so hands off he didn't even have employees phone numbers to call and ask them my butt's on the ground he's essentially without employees and little to no tools to complete any jobs at this point fast forward six months and his company has now closed he's lost all his work his new addition to his house has come to a grinding halt halfway through construction he's hurting big time i never got my last check but i did get a great group of workers and a company of my own so i guess i'll just call it even wow so you you guys really tore the rug out from from from underneath him good job this story from r slash census is called a sad but happy story about a week ago i had a case at this older house that was a local historical landmark that is over 100 years old from the outside you see a few cats and beautiful architecture i approached the house and it's an older man living by himself at first he was hesitant about it and seemed a little out of it he ends up accepting and ends up doing the interview outside throughout the interview i ask if anyone is living there and he says it was just him and his cats being the only reason he is still living he ends up telling me about his wife and his children his wife passed on and children rarely visit i sympathized with how he was feeling and he finished up the interview i say thank you for his time and he says please don't go i'm all alone please have a seat and talk with me i end up talking to him for about 10 minutes about where i have traveled since he was interested in where i had been we talked about his cats and how different life is from when he was born he was in his 90s i have to move on to my cases and he thanked me for stopping by for talking to him no one wants to sit and talk with an old man like myself and it means a lot young man he asked if i see anyone nearby to ask if they would like to talk to him as i'm leaving he yells out what is your name i tell him my name and he says thanks opie you are an amazing young man and i hope to talk with you again sometime oh okay well that is kind of sad but it is nice that he got some human interaction going on for at least a little bit i'm sure there are clubs and stuff for people in his situation and i'm sure there are many many people that would love to spend time and talk to him you know every now and then so um i don't know if he's able to he should probably get that set up but well he probably would have by now don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 15,544
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: OpRiAd8W83s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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