r/ProRevenge - He Dug his Own GRAVE...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today subreddits are slash pro revenge okay so this episode we are reading one story and it is a very long one uh and it's also a really good one so it's called like to scam verbally attack women i will make you regret the day you were born this was about nine years ago i a 48 year old female have an extremely beautiful niece emma who is a 35 year old female on my husband's side she is a head turner very approachable humble and very smart she is also very shy and has trouble asserting herself and enforcing boundaries i used to know a guy dean now 51 from my first marketing job we worked in the same building most youngsters knew each other and grouped for lunch at the lobby cafe he was a very cool guy super funny amenable and likable he was clear in his goal of becoming a business owner our small group kind of disbanded i moved on and slowly lost touch with my clique fast forward and now i'm married and actively looking to expand our business i bumped into dean at a dentist appointment we exchanged updates while in the waiting room he now owned a small business services company i looked into his website and decided to give his services a try he became our regular supplier and our working relationship brought him lots of referrals basically we indirectly helped him build his business i had my niece emma apply for a job at his company as he was actively looking for new workers she was hired as a little bit of everything employee the pay wasn't great but she was only one course short of graduating and wanted to build a resume for about a year our work routine involved paying him good steady money for extremely professionally done services payroll accounting expo representation etc dean introduced us to charlie he'd been complaining that his business was getting slower and slower 2011 the recent recession was hard to climb out of for many small business owners charlie was some sort of consultant i use the term sort of because his actual scope wasn't clear charlie seemed like an okay guy very formal and polite with just the right balance between seriousness and smiles we were invited to a business meeting so that dean could discuss some stuff and hear our input this wasn't rare dean and i had been avid brainstorming partners and our sessions helped each other back when we first met we had periodical discussions after we reconnected i wouldn't discuss my business with him for ethical reasons but i didn't mind hearing him out and perhaps offering my opinion charlie and dean presented a business opportunity but my husband and i passed at the end of dinner everyone pitched in but the tab was 90 short charlie apologized for not having money on him and directly asked my husband to cover him we covered his portion because we felt we were put on the spot i made up my mind that if the guy didn't pay us back i would have dean reimburse the expense husband and i left the restaurant and discussed our dinner surprise we decided to drop it to avoid getting paranoid we didn't really know this guy and dean didn't seem bothered at all charlie paid us immediately like at 10 o'clock the next morning he was contrite and apologetic charlie became a fixture at dean's office dean had a change in behavior he seemed hungry and thirsty for fast money schemes and quick success they spent the day on meetings about mostly every mlm in the book with dean constantly out of his office the quality of services dropped significantly we had to chase him to deliver things on time we needed to stress the importance of timelines etc dean's office became sort of a meeting place for the corner cutters the alpha male wannabes and the i'm gonna succeed fast and rub it in the face of each person who has called me incompetent hungry our frequent dinner meetings thinned out charlie's true character began to surface sexist jokes women are stupid blah blah ethnic jokes talking down at people raising his voice he took a sip of my niece's coke and she was disgusted so she gave it to him and got a new one my niece became dean's formal assistant she had to attend every meeting sometimes until very late hours i began to wonder if she was getting paid for the extra hours but i could be wrong and did not want to interfere we declined every invitation if we knew charlie would be there we signed up for only three yearly services and cancelled on other services where customer service had declined it worked out then we paid dean 10 grand for installing our new platform with control over our own use of technology three weeks and we still couldn't use the platform it didn't support multiple users as needed and we required someone from dean's company to visit on a daily basis because we couldn't get it running we simply asked for our money back dean agreed and paid us 2 000 and promised the other 8 000 in installments i asked for a personal meeting because i needed the whole thing solved we paid our money had no service and still had to wait to get my full refund really by then charlie had taken full control and was running the show crucial employees randomly got fired charlie yelled at everyone and made decisions with dean never saying a word my niece looked unhappy dean had her carry his suitcase and had her constantly serve charlie some coffee i did not appreciate the crude jokes he directed at her either dean did nothing but i stood up for her charlie didn't like being challenged so the atmosphere got really tense too many things didn't add up charlie painted himself quite the double07 type he was a former college professor former business owner and former marketing director he spent months away from home and dramatically described one fateful new year's eve he spent alone on a plane because he was extremely necessary for the company so he became a workaholic as the final straw that caused the end of his marriage he was a fast talker good with numbers and knowledgeable he claimed long motorcycle rides in exotic places such as italy yet he had no car was living at a friend's house and showed limited proficiency i pressed for my money and charlie went ballistic he tried to put me in a corner and tried to intimidate me because if you were you wouldn't need our services answer my question i shut up and stop talking because you don't know what you're doing i answered i wasn't an expert he replied then close your freaking mouth i got up and told him i'm no expert but i'm the paying client i warned him to watch his mouth and that he would not get a second warning my relationship with dean was strained he did not stand up for me not as a friend but as a client i told dean i would never again deal with charlie on no uncertain terms i cancelled all accounting and payroll services immediately zero trust i researched charlie's background none of his corporate experience checked out he had an extensive criminal record gender violence bank and wire fraud securities fraud patrimonial crimes and pending arrest warrant dated eight years prior i forwarded this to dean he never replied i urged my niece to leave her job but she decided to end her semester and then get another job bad decision she said dean owed her overtime and leaving her job would almost guarantee she would never see that money dean contacted me with a solution he gave an unconvincing apology and asked me to meet him and an excellent software company owner who could help i insisted on getting my refund but he promised he would cover the expense i addressed charlie's criminal record and he said he didn't know but had confronted carly and had cut ties for good lying charlie claimed all had been solved and he was now on probation i met the lady her name was francis and she was hostile standoffish and showed a superiority complex she owned a yacht multiple real estates and had a presence across several states i left when the meeting was over without an actual resolution she hardly mentioned anything about software francis talked big game on other topics i researched her and found lots of questionable information i asked dean directly if she was in any way connected to charlie he offered a vague answer i don't know it could be when i pressed for a yes or no he said i can't compromise the integrity of my success by indulging in your unfounded assumptions his business was drying up he saw francis as his savior she engaged him to help her set up one of her big companies and would pay him 750 000 total she would also pay him 2 grand a week for 6 months just to do some company creation work i had a software engineer to install a new system our initial intention was to get dean software up and running to avoid the additional cost of a new installation the engineer informed me that the software could not possibly run because it was a knockoff from an outdated system he advised me to file a complaint for fraud i didn't want to get my niece involved i just wanted her out of that place by then dean was actively trying to insert himself in his client's business he made stupid decisions based on getting an undetermined percent of what we achieve companies shied away from him and his snake oil tactics some more research led me to the conclusion that dean had inflated his company's capacity for specialty software so he also inflated the price took two thousand dollars for himself and gave charlie eight thousand dollars to get whatever garbage they could sell me this is exactly why i could not get my 8000 back francis was their source of software i notified dean that due to the nature of his relationship with a felon we were cancelling all remaining services my niece got fired that afternoon and dean's excuse was her refusal to give charlie a ride emma came to me and my husband she was scared and very emotional she explained that when i gave dean my cancelling notice she was in his car and was about to get out and enter the office dean slammed the door so hard the car shook she was so perplexed it took her a few seconds to get out so dean opened the door yelled freaking move the situation with charlie had also escalated emma addressed this at work but dean's response was grow up toughen up how do you expect to make it in this cutthroat world if you're gonna be so sensitive charlie's jokes became overtly sexual and explicit there was one incident months earlier charlie was drunk after yet another failed business meeting dean ordered emma to drive charlie home he tried to sexually assault her during the ride he claimed he couldn't remember therefore it never happened this time she refused to be charlie's driver and a potential violation of a horrible manner the victim dean fired her after ranting about how charlie was being targeted by losers and faithless know-it-alls he got into a power trip and became verbally abusive calling her a miss goody two-shoes and reminding her that she had been able to eat the whole time she worked for him because he paid her out of pity he emailed her that due to her insubordination lack of honesty and malicious manipulation her duties were terminated effective immediately my husband and i supported her we paid a good lawyer this was no longer just about money i went straight to the restaurant where dean and charlie routinely held their meetings i confronted dean in front of his clients and warned charlie that his luck had ended next time i see him he would need to suck his own richard i became very attentive to detail i researched all types of records and found that charlie had jumped probation and the arrest warrant was still in effect the legal system had failed miserably at finding him he had felonies in multiple states and the supposed time doing business overseas was actually jail time emma approved her case on sexual harassment and dean had to pay 15 000 an old salary and punitive damages and had to pay some fines i contacted as many of his former fired employees as possible via facebook and encouraged them to sue him three of them actually did one of them won i wanted him under legal and financial strain he was ordered to refund my money plus legal costs the judge didn't accept his but it's charlie's fault excuse my contract was direct with dean not charlie he also had to pay me for a breach of confidentiality because charlie wasn't his employee nor a legally bound business partner the courts opened a new investigation over potential financial fraud and theft of information identity etc as dean had access to clients accounting and payroll information with lots of data a new order of apprehension was issued against charlie but he ran the judge ordered dean's business permanently closed a forfeiture notice was issued i saw on his facebook business page an announcement that dean had been invited as a guest lecturer in a nearby college and i knew this from the beginning i contacted them and voiced my concern over an unqualified professor teaching at their institution i leaked his lack of academic standing by trolling their propaganda they ended up announcing a different professor for the course without further explanation during that fall a former co-worker called my niece to give her the news that francis had been arrested by the feds for a fraud scheme not related to my revenge but still sweet the best part is that she stopped paying the 2000 a week early on but kept stringing him along for free work i sent a formal notice to all the companies i had referred him to and explained that i could no longer recommend the services i added a copy of our own lawsuit companies were dropping like flies other lawsuits strung along for dishonest services this said a chain of events that led to his downfall he had some car repo situations back when the business began to fail i called the company and told them where to find him and at what time that was easy because although by now he had close shop he and charlie kept eating at the same restaurant i wasn't there to see it but confirmed the car was towed his marriage broke apart he faced charges for selling and profiting from illegal software he got probation he lost his home and illegally occupied a portion of the abandoned commercial building next to his former location i leaked this info into the anti-gentrification regional facebook group the zone was under scrutiny because residents were being pushed away he used this spot as a small office and living quarters the residents wanted it as a community center they held a protest right in front the police came he was charged with trespassing and stealing electricity from a nearby building goodbye probation charlie was harder to nail he disappeared for years i could not find him again he later gained confidence his social media became moderately active he claimed to own some bogus business he never appeared in any of his pictures posts i pondered whether he was posting from inside of jail or something i went to his aunt's profile she posted regularly some pictures showed him doing family gathering stuff i found out via her comments that he now had a young child and his legs were amputated from too much drinking poor control over his blood sugar same bad person freaking liar picture caption happy birthday dear son even though cold-hearted people are keeping us apart i found out he had an unpaid child support case i anonymously contacted both the baby mama and the child support division i gave them everything his aunt's address and every freaking place i knew he visited he was arrested and new charges were filed including sexual battery i don't know about this one and financial abuse of a mentally ill adult i only recovered 3 000 out of the 8 000 he took my case against him lasted almost 2 years but seeing him all pale and listening to his trembling voice during the court hearings was more than enough the case took a toll on his already weakened health his hands trembled he cried and got ill when he was sentenced he just kind of dropped his head and became super pale then he motioned his head to each side and shivered as he got help from the medics i remember the judge's opening sentence was i'm tired of this case and over 10 years i've read your name in multiple warrants and yet you avoid responsibility forcing us to spend taxpayer money on tracking you what's wrong with you you plead and bring up your health problems but none of that deterred you from stealing abusing and debilitating the integrity of those under your influence i smiled at his face as many times as i could when the judge wasn't looking he served four years out of a 36-year sentence and died in 2019. wow um that guy had issues um yeah i don't have much to say about it but golly uh well first of all really good on there to care so much as everyone should honestly but not everyone does but yeah that was definitely pro revenge hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode you
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: UH2g8m9Y4Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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