r/ProRevenge - CEO voids a verbal agreement... enjoy the new union!

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hey this is a long story which spanned several years but I look back at the outcome with fondness 25 years ago I worked seven nights a week as a driver subcontracted to the local newspaper to deliver bundles to stores and carriers at 18 I was the youngest driver with his own route having first been brought in by a family friend when I was 16 as a spare driver then moving up my days were at college studying can't see or working computer repair jobs verbal agreement gets voided the rural route I was offered had the greatest number of kms with a relatively lower number of newspapers compared to other routes I made an agreement with the manager bought a heavy-duty cargo van which had been converted to run on propane far cheaper back then then got to work most other trucks would not have made a profit doing this route after several months on the job I was called into the office by the CEO a distribution company who was mad that I had been getting paid more for my km's in comparison to other in city routes the manager backed me up saying he had opted the rate to balance out the longer hours with fewer bundles the CEO yelled at the manager in front of the whole office and asked if there was a signed contract to state the agreed terms when the manager admitted it was a verbal contract the CEO said it then didn't count and was void I get organized stuck with having to pay off the cargo van and I really did enjoy the job itself I kept at it but documented everything including all negotiations calls asking me to come early requests to set the order of my route times waiting at press times entering / leaving loading bay who was before and after me route completion times return home times fuel costs km's driven and press breakdowns six months later I wanted to take some time off but was refused man of the company spares would agree to do my route since it cost them too much in time and fuel working seven nights a week gets draining I threatened to quit and the company relented agreeing to pay the spares more but not me this situation made me madder than ever and started weeding I get organizing island of the magical difference between a dependent and an independent contractor and how a dependent contractor is granted many of the same rights as employees like overtime and holiday pay I knew this was a temporary job for me that I was pissed enough to devote a large amount of my time to make the owner pay I filed a comprehensive personal employment standards complaint using all those records I had been keeping plus I offered my records to around ten other drivers who followed my lead into filing their own complaints a key part of my records was proving how much control the company had on how we performed our jobs talk of unionizing was always in the background but it was at this point I joined the cause with a fervor we attracted one of the country's largest unions who devoted a fair amount of resources to backing us even before they were voted in my records went to the Union who referred to them consistently because I had years of spare experience I also had in-depth knowledge of many of the other routes and the lopsided pay I helped convince several of the other drivers to join up including some of the spares forming a union is a long process so be aware there were multiple votes interspersed with the events below with each vote favoring the Union position there were also several other enthusiastic organizers who were tired of how things were the company fights back the company played hardball and went after us on multiple fronts a number of Union friendly spares were fired drivers lost their routes due to strategic amalgamations and I was let go under the excuse that I had less seniority than the CEO son-in-law who had worked as a spare a couple of times over the last few years my own departure didn't last long the newspaper itself demanded I be put back on my route following major problems and delays from the son-in-law doing it bad drops loads of complaints by carriers and customers the Union filed complaints to the labor board calling it obvious union busting I filed a complaint to the Employment Standards tribunal which had been set up for my personal case since the company had played the seniority card it was determined I had greater seniority than a number of calm Amen give and I had worked as a spare since I was 16 the labor board said I should be given the opportunity to bump any of those with less seniority and take their routes both the company and union asked me not to pursue this if I agreed to an immediate increase to my current route and to be paid for all days missed I agreed negotiations pay off now two years later from the start of my story negotiations were still ongoing but several interim agreements had been reached a universal pay algorithm was agreed on with drivers receiving back pay - when the negotiations started I received one of the biggest checks one thing I did not agree to was to let the Union negotiate away my Employment Standards complaint I was the lone holdout here so as such I had equal standing in some labor board tribunals of a CEO and union negotiators I will always radish for disdain the CEO had for me at those meetings to the point of placing his briefcase on the negotiating table to block my view of him and me reclining back ever so slowly in those nice comfy chairs to grin at him while offering water the Employment Standards tribunal determined I was a dependent contractor they awarded me everything I had asked for and more including penalties and interest they made a point to mention how egregiously the company had the hade after the complaint had first been submitted the dependent contractor determination greatly strengthened the union's position for future negotiations I move on to my career and stake I quit shortly afterwards since I had finished with college and was full into the tech world it did take a couple more years for the company to finally agree to pay the full amount awarded the CEO delayed it as long as he could every few months I refused lowball settlement offers that final check with his personal signature paid off my student loans and a steak dinner this just happened couldn't wait to get home and post I'm on cloud nine long read I work at a big ad agency with large companies as our clients we expect to work in partnership with our clients we fire clients that treat us poorly usually we treat each other with respect our biggest client has five different teams we work with and one of them was lead by baseball dad B D was the type of necklace marshmellow who gets wasted at his kids baseball game and start cycling the other kids just a boorish [ __ ] he never approved any of our work putting out awful stuff that his internal team made even though he is literally paying us millions of dollars to make ads for him his product was struggling to sell and he blamed us even though we were killing it with the other four teams he didn't know this which comes back to bite him later however none of this is why we needed revenge I don't give a [ __ ] if a client wants to fail I collect my paycheck regardless however he crossed several lines one he was extremely sexist he used to call my female cow walker sweetheart in the most condescending voice comment on their clothes / bodies and wink / smoke at me while they were talking because we are both men ell I guess these women are highly accomplished serious people and they're like family to me huge Mis play on his part - BD was abusive to us he would constantly interrupt us tell us to shut up call us vendors and remind us he could fire us at any time 3 BD would lie he would tell his boss actual nice guy but too busy to check closely that we missed deadlines or forgot deliverables because he never checked his email we would then have to awkwardly struggle to prove BD wrong without calling him a liar so we could keep the business he never owned up to anything he sent to us on the phone the final straw took place on a call between BD and one of my project managers I saw her run out of a room crying she told me BD said to her in a one-on-one call that she should worry less about budgets and more about wearing that nice she wore it on last presentation gross revenge time I told my cool boss that our team had enough of BD we were at our wits end with his shirt several of my cow Walker's were looking for new jobs it's hard to hire good people so my boss asked me to give her a day to figure this out she wanted to lose BD without the entire business the next day she showed up with our guy who set up voice recording on our conference line it's illegal to record people without consent in my state but BD was laid to every call too bad because if he ever had showed up on time he would have heard the new message kicking off every call this call is being recorded his team heard it and had no problem with it I suspect they hated him too for the next two weeks we recorded everything every word of it one of my audio engineers made a supercut of every terrible thing BD said every sweetheart shut up no one cares what you think my project manager even baited him into repeating what he said about her clothes on a budget call this time he literally said you're much better at flirting than budgets sweetheart that's why I like you the supercut sounded insane when played all together it was an incredible piece of evidence we sent it to his boss and his vice-president and threatened to walk away from the work two weeks before product launch if BD wasn't disciplined they immediately apologized and begged us not to leave they said it would be handled by Monday my one sweet project manager he had been so gross too got the best part of the revenge she anonymously sent the supercut to his wife using the email address she had posted on LinkedIn I don't know what became of that but I imagine it wasn't good on Monday BD wasn't on the call my boss snooped and found out that he had a few complaints prior and got immediately shouldn't after we sent it through he didn't see vendors as people so he was shocked that his words towards us counted against his three-strike policy apparently he melted down completely as he was being fired he said it was all because we were incompetent but the other four team leads had all put in their numbers and said that it was until now and their products were slaying wish I could have seen it I imagine he came home to a very angry wife as well we are all hitting the bar tonight in his honor [ __ ] you baseball dad if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe buttons for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with enough votes links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 48,758
Rating: 4.8791366 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, Bumfris, fresh, r/entitledparents, entitledparents
Id: VDhdqFyfYhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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