Royal Weddings, Then and Now: Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, and Meghan Markle | The New Yorker
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Channel: The New Yorker
Views: 18,069,353
Rating: 4.7299991 out of 5
Keywords: meghan markle, prince harry, royal wedding, meghan and harry, meghan markle and prince harry, meghan markle engagement, prince charles, princess diana, meghan markle 2018, harry meghan markle, meghan markle prince harry, harry and meghan markle, royal family, the royal wedding, royal wedding 2018, the royal family, prince harry 2018, the royals, vf, kate middleton, middleton wedding, middleton, the new yorker, new yorker, new yorker video
Id: pKkf2KCc6xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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