A Royal Wedding: Princess Elizabeth Weds Philip (1947) | British Pathé

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I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and to the service of our great Imperial family to which we all belong the day is November the 20th 1947 the time 11:00 a nation and a world watch Once only in 1100 years of British kingship has there been such a day an a is presumptive to the throne marries the man of her choice the setting is Westminster Abbey to its West door come members of Europe's Royal houses the peers and the people history is in the making 3 miles away leftenant Philip Mount Batton now his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh leaves but the eyes of the world world are centered on Buckingham Palace into the dull November morning two Grays draw the Irish State coach inside her Royal Highness princess Elizabeth and her father for any girl wedding day is the day of her life as the 21-year-old Prince arrived at Westminster Abbey it was her moment too for Elizabeth this was of necessity something more from this hour A New Life Begins mingled with her private happiness is the sure knowledge that she must now enter a widening field of public duty and [Music] responsibility and now the solemn service begins [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Music] In This Moment charged with great meaning the people of Britain and the Commonwealth joined they listened and remembered in towns and villages in shops in streets in homes [Music] for Elizabeth's Destiny is great so great that even the solemn Splendor of this great moment could not altogether overshadow it she who may one day rule over and the Empire shares this Heritage with her [Music] husband the organ sounded and for this hour Elizabeth is not only a queen to be but a [Music] bride and now they are man and wife the princess had been in the Abbey for nearly an hour what followed the service was the ornate pageantry of a state occasion it showed that this was no ordinary wedding but that of a king's daughter following the bridal procession came the bride's father and mother and behind them five Kings five queens and eight princes and princesses from Romania King Michael and his mother Norway's tall King hawen boy King fil of Iraq the king and queen of Denmark from Holland Princess Juliana and Prince [Music] Bernard the bridegroom's uncle and Aunt Earl Mount baton India's governor general and the Countess outside the Abbey the great crowd waited eagerly there was a roar of excitement as the pr princess aided by her husband appeared and stepped into the glass coach for the drive back to the Palace it was the signal for the most heartfelt Outburst of affection that Britain has seen since the bride's parents led the coronation [Applause] [Music] parade the joy of princess and people was now complete for both the day had been an ordeal frightening in its intensity yet Unforgettable in its Splendor and now the tension was [Applause] lifting despite the imposing duties that are before them the young couple were filled with the emotions of intense gladness which so many have been enjoyed in this peak of human experience and it was as any priest would have spoken when in his address the Archbishop of York urged upon the young couple patience a ready sympathy and forbearance for the people who had come from afar the wedding was a family wedding for the entire British people Everyone gladly shared in the rejoicings because the crown w again were serving to remind us of the common Humanity which unites us [Applause] all outside the palace a 100,000 people surged forward in a solid Mass they wanted Elizabeth they wanted [Applause] Phillip from the palace balcony Elizabeth and her husband waved to the cheering crowds excitement was at its peak as the king the queen Queen Mary and other members of the royal family came out to join them seldom has a bride and groom received such a tumultuous expression of Goodwill inside the palace the cameras were able to capture the Exquisite workmanship of the bridal gun Princess Margaret leads the eight bridesmaids who have come to join the bridal pair and now with the king and queen to complete the family group here are three generations of Europe's Royal houses as the great day Drew to a close there was the final drive across Westminster bridge to watero station before the princess and her husband could gain the quiet that was rightfully theirs in the princess the nation has found all the qualities which Merit the confidence of a people who have faith in the crown and its rigid observance of public duty that is the tradition which Elizabeth will follow and when the time comes for her to assume her responsibilities by her side will be a husband whose Council will merge with her own for the good of the [Applause] realm in that grateful knowledge the nation and the Commonwealth will pray that the young couple may enjoy a long happy and fruitful life [Music]
Channel: British Pathé
Views: 4,164,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wedding, Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh (Noble Person), Archive, Pathé, Films, Elizabeth II (Monarch), Princess (Film Subject), History, Newsreel, Videos, Reuters, Footage, Pathe
Id: a4VvmFui0mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2015
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