Royal Wedding: Zara Phillips 2/2

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on her way up uh just the few minutes drive and we will be able to tell you show you the bride and tell you a little bit more about what she's wearing and whether the designer was indeed Stuart Parvin uh who runs a bridal salon in London but who trained at the Edinburgh College of Arts so that that's always been the main name in the frame and we'll be able to tell you a little bit more about that in just a few minutes so the car is on its way from Holly Roode house the Queen's residence here in of course uh to Cannon gate cook here can see the crowd members of the crowd thinking do I put down my Union Jack so I can put up my camera you know kind of juggling as they wait for the bride to arrive they've already had the parade of Royals that great Glimpse uh view of uh the new Duchess of Cambridge the young princesses beatric and Eugene and for those who are on dress and fashion watch they get getting very excited and here she is and here is the bride arriving at Canan gate cook the Queen's granddaughter 13th in line to the throne and we can tell you about the dress is designed by Stuart Carvin what you're looking at she's wearing an ivory silk dress oh now you see it coming through with her veil her Ivory gown by Edinburgh trained designer Stuart Carvin silk Duchess satting there for the bust of the dress a very full skirt and the uh fabric covered buttons again at the back of the gown and the veil Cathedral lens Veil uh Bon style coming out behind that Ivory gown Stuart Carvin who runs his own bridal salon in London there's an Edinburgh educated designer there we go turning to face the C is the very briefest of [Applause] waves now the wedding gown was chosen we we understand from the the white room in Minch Hampton and the shoes Jimmy chew shoes uh The Tiara is interesting you just had a glimpse there of The Tiara um which was is the Greek key Tiara now this was lent to the bride by her mother the princess royal princess an uh and we didn't really see very much there did we we'll get more later but uh the The Tiara has this key effect sculpted into it and the Royal dress we can confirm from Stuart Parvin so I think the crowd would have wanted to see a little bit more there and have a little bit more of a wave but uh there'll be hoping for a perhaps more of a formal pose as the bride and groom come out and so people settling in here uh waiting lens Veil it's called and the Tiara that you would just have been able to see perhaps uh somewhat obscure by the veil but that Tiara uh has history and has resonance because it was lent by the bride's mother the Princess Royal Princess Anne and that is called the Greek Tiara Tiara the Greek key Tiara if we were afforded a close-up glimpse of it we would see a key design etched into it so that's the something borrowed and uh as she arrived people were speculating here will it something somewhat unconventional will it look particularly modern I think the answer was no this is a romantic traditional ivory wedding gown Zara Phillips is known for uh being a little bit daring uh being unconventional being very modern being her own woman but today this was a very traditional dress and uh Philipa the ceremony continues uh we are hoping to see the happily married uh couple uh and their families and and guests uh pose for some photographs as they leave the church what else can we expect from today okay I think we won't see a great deal because this isn't this isn't an occasion for the public or for the media will uh see the uh the bride and Grom exit we'll all be watching out for the uh the royal wedding party as well but they will go behind us back down to Hollywood house which is not very far down edra's golden mile mile here um back down to the residence of the queen uh there'll be a the wedding party there uh and we we don't expect to have very much Public Access as it were to the newly wed couple uh we don't expect to see the doors are opening so we'll find out how much access we have in the next few minutes and uh people kind of scrambling back you can see there the bride and groom coming down the aisle of uh can gate H I'm going to just let you have a little more view here because you can see the camera flashes you can just see that uh veale the photographer we hope moving from the shots as the bride and groom Mike Tindle and Zara Phillips who remains Zara Phillips emerge now you get more of a view of that dress see the ivory dress and Duchess satin I'm told and silk uh she's wearing Jimmy chw shoes not that we can see them the kiss so the second of the Queen's grandchildren marriage you can tell that I'm standing next to a lot of the photographers who are I think understandably frustrated at the view being blocked here there we go they'll be happier now and we have a moment can we have a kiss there photographers calling for a kiss see the Princess Royal on the steps the bride's [Music] mother and the Queen's official bagpiper setting up again a broad grin on the face of Mike England's rugby captain and you can see that Tiara glittering Now The Tiara which was uh lent to the bride by The Princess and the Princess [Applause] Royal how parents behind and you can see the queen is just within the door of Canon gate Kirk um giving the bride and groom there moment they're being cheered as they are taken back to Holly Roode house a final Little Wave from Zara Phillips the Princess Royal here waiting for her car may remember that hers was the last royal wedding in Scotland when she married her second husband curent husband uh Tim Lawrence vice admiral s Tim Lawrence about almost 20 years ago maybe a little overwhelming for Mike tindell's family his uh his mom and dad uh Phil and Linda Tindle though Linda Tindle gave an interview a little while ago in which she said she loved her daughter-in-law and thought she was nice Ordinary Girl and uh certainly she's having a very special day so here we have the parents yeah big cheers from everybody and the Queen and Prince philli emerging from canate K very big cheer as the queen comes interviewing her ha Peach [Applause] outfit Charles and Camila just emerging now we see uh Kate's hat before we see Kate but there are the Duke dutches of Cambridge behind the Prince of Wales and K D corw up to the Palace of Hollywood house for the evening William and Kate perhaps holding back just a little bit not wanting to be the focus of attention immediately but as the queen waves to the crowd of the we have as Prince Philip waves the crowd goodbye you have uh Prince Charles and Camila with Harry behind them a little Glimpse there of the princesses beatric Nan and that incredible oval of a hat almost a modern sculpture adorning Cather in The Duchess of Cambridge quite a statement in itself very simple very modern very [Applause] striking so the departure now of the Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall princess of Royal saying her Princess Royal saying her thanks preparing to leave and into the spotlight Prince Harry Prince William and Katherine Duchess of Cambridge saying her thank yous and goodbyes they're intensely aware that we're aware of them at one of the rare public sightings of the other Newly Weds the you conduction to [Applause] Cambridge a little wave there from William a helping hand for the hatch into the car as Princess William and Harry and the Duchess of Cambridge move out of public view lot of cameras being wielded in the crowd the princess this is Eugene and beatric and of course they had to be here with the original headgear and they've lived up to that a nice wave and a [Applause] smile Edward and Sophie the Earl and counts of Wessex now waiting for their car and [Applause] uh I'm absolutely no fashion expert but there are some extraordinary hats and this is one of them SED by Sophie the Cs of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wessex yeah a very happy crowd much more of view more waves more Smiles than uh we saw on the way in which is to be [Music] expected now the immediate members of the royal family uh have their official cars and then we move into mini buses and then we'll be into executive [Applause] coaches as the 300 or so guests are decanted from the historic Canon and gate Kirk after quite a brief wedding ceremony and they make their way just down the Royal mile here in Edinburgh to Hol Roode [Applause] house we're going to give you another chance now to have a look at those uh first pictures we saw as the bride and groom the newly married Zara Phillips and Mike Tindle emerged from Canon Gates here's here are the pictures and we now get a bit more of a view of uh the Gown designed by Stuart pin the dress there perhaps more traditional than we might have expected from uh Zara Phillips but but both of them are very um traditional elegant look Mike Tindle not in a kilt in his traditional morning dress and they used to see gown Bale Tiara and we had that kiss for the cameras as well so it made the photographers are crowded around our media position here outside the church a lot happier we had some waves to the [Applause] crowd such a contrast isn't to uh those rehearsal pictures we saw yesterday with the bride and groom in their um denims and well dressed down very uh very natural but they still look very relaxed knowing that uh we're all out here that they're the focus of media attention they look very uh relaxed and natural as they get into the car and their celebrations uh this this evening this afternoon this evening again private family and Royal and taking place at Hol Roode house uh which is uh partly usually open to the public and has been um closed off for a few days until Monday I believe uh and we're here that the uh the queen has uh donated £40,000 to cover for any lost ticket receipts uh Al the other big cost of this wedding which uh some may frown upon is uh the cost of all the security surrounding the Royal party we're told that uh oh as they as they bring the bus in the crowd groans because of course they want to keep looking at the congregation seeing who they can spot a lot of SP star spotting going on so there's a little bit of a conflict here between uh celebrity watching and the needs of the transport
Channel: ChaseEquestrian
Views: 33,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal_Wedding, Queen_Elizabeth_2, Zara_Phillips, Mike_Tindall, Equestrian, Cross_Country_eventer, Edinburgh, Monarchy, Royalty, Royals, Queen, Duke_of_Edinburgh, H_R_M
Id: GmkamAxQuTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2012
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