Royal Marine Reacts To USMC Crucible What It Takes To Survive The Marines' 54-hour Final Test

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what's up everybody and today we are reacting to what it takes to survive marines 54-hour final test boot camp this is by business insider it's called the crucible which is definitely something out of destiny in pvp but um yeah i don't know what this is it'll be really interesting to see i'm guessing this is something like um the commando tests and the royal marines so i'm going to be comparing it to that it's also been a while since i reacted to an actual military video and compared it to my time in the royal marines so i thought i'd get the og nasa hat and roll marine sweatshirt out and pretend it's like when i first started reacting to these videos um but this is my business insider i'll leave a link down below make sure you go and send them some love i'm gonna pop this up and we're gonna get straight into it let's go this marine corps recruit isn't actually injured [Music] he's playing the role of him here he is go back injured this guy gets some boots in the face he's playing the role of a wounded marine flying a simulated casualty evacuation and his fellow recruits have to drag him inch by inch to safety it's not a comfortable thing to carry someone on your back and drag them through the mud is that how you're supposed to like in the royal marines you can't drag your weapon on the floor in fact you take your weapon your sa-80 on the endurance course and um you have to be able to fire at the end so dragging the rifle like this i don't know how good that is for this particular rifle if i'm honest with you i don't really like that idea we usually strap it to our backs or strap it to our chest real tight not sure about this it's not a comfortable thing to carry someone on your back and drag them through the mud you sweat more in training so you bleed less in combat i like that sweat more in training so you bleed less in combat i like that it's part of their final test at boot camp known as the crucible a 54-hour event that all recruits must complete fox you're breaking down i sir insiders spent four days at the marine corps recruit depot in paris island south carolina i'd love to go and visit one of these places and actually check out their training in in person i think it would be so interesting i think it would make it actually a really cool video actually as well to chronicle one company taking on the challenge the last step before officially becoming marines so this is the final test the crucible occurred hold on a second is that a chin strap or a mask look at that guy second to the back what's he doing and this guy in the front as well you can't see because my head's in the way the guys at the front's the same thing there's in week 11 of the marine corps 13 week boot camp the day before recruits from the gender integrated hotel company assemble in front of their barracks for a briefing although female recruits have trained at paris island since 1949 gender integrated companies didn't emerge until 2019. as of january 2021 this group of recruits was the most gender diverse company of enlisted recruits in the history of the marine corps that's awesome that's really cool it's nice to see a bunch of diverse in the uh in the military i'd like to see that more in the royal marines i know the royal marines don't have any females in right now uh they're doing the band but not in the regular uh royal marines and i'd like to see more of it i know they're integrating it and all the tests in it but it's going to take time but i would like to see that in the future because at the end of the day it will double the amount of people that want to join the royal marines so i'd like to see that as a side note i've seen my wife give birth twice she's way more nails than i am aren't you stuff she's way more nails than i'll ever be she can get a green beret easy she pops out two babies one in the front room one in the front room mental and among those in hotel company are a brother and sister from georgia 21 year old lacero and his 19 year old sister myra my sister and me are here doing the crucible together we're in the same he's 21 what 21 going on 40 holy crap he's aged what did training do to him um company we usually don't see each other often but we always get like a glimpse get used to it you're probably not going to see each other motivated just being able to see him be there i know that there's somebody here that knows me he's going through this with me he knows the pain i'm going through at 0-200 or 2 a.m it's lights on in the squad bays of hotel company [Music] we had to rush very stressful thinking about how the day was going to go do they all lose the voice in training like all of them just lose the voice completely um we don't do that much screaming in the wrong range it's mostly mental like head games more than anything so there's not much screaming involved it's i i've gone over this before in previous videos it's really interesting to see how different the training and culture is between the u.s and the uk when it comes to pressure pressure in the uk is a quiet pressure a pressure of dread and knowledge of what's to come whereas this pressure in the us is hardcore in your face pressure and they're both very different and both have the pros and cons um but it's interesting to see all of them completely lose the voice all of them surely that does some permanent damage on your voice like surely recruits don their desert utility uniform has he not washed that sorry to keep pausing it but he has not washed them pants he is in trouble known as desert first sheet with you and cammies rag mate now they square away their racks and ready their gear which weighs about 50 pounds [Music] while some recruits may be smiling now they won't be for long after one final trip to the head the recruits form up outside to officially begin the crucible here we go the crucible you should probably scream out loud their first task a long hike in the cold darkness approximately six it's interesting to see how um how this like back in the day i'm guessing they didn't have any lights when they did this on every single one of them has a light on them i know in the royal marines when you're doing this stuff you have no lights on you at all and it's interesting to see how far the health and safety aspect has pushed into different types of training when it comes to this and seeing people wearing hives stuff when they're going on jumps or hikes or whatever you guys call it and wearing lights and stuff which is i find very interesting because that probably four or five years ago they probably weren't wearing that stuff so it makes you wonder what's what's it going to be like in the next few years are they going to be wearing completely high fizz with no camouflage when they do this stuff who knows six miles in length so nothing too arduous for the beginning but just enough that they understand like hey you're on your own we're not getting you bust out there you're gonna walk out there just like you're gonna walk back all right off they go five hours still cracking on five five four so everyone get account for your own team when the sun comes up the events of day one begin all right corporal dunham immediately alerted his fellow marines to the threat each crucible event is inspired by an actual occurrence in marine corps history that's really really cool and before the event begins the squad leader educates the group on its historical significance he saved their lives with at least two fellow marines all gears should be on you are facing forward i'm a big fan of that i'm a big fan of that it implements a lot of core history um unless the recruits understand why they're doing this it's like it's becoming a tradition and it also gives a bit of pride it gives a bit of pride to think that if i if they one of these recruits do something as remarkable as these as these previous soldiers something like this might happen to them and they're respected like that i know in the royal marines we have all these different tests at the end of training like the tarzan assault course the nine mile speed match the endurance course the 30 miler they all have necessity behind them when it comes to historical kind of events like the 30 mile is very reminiscent of uh royal marines in argentina i'm sorry not inaudible against um argentina uh where they use these these tactics where they use this skill of being able to jump for 30 miles and actually implemented it whereas this seems like it's the opposite way around but it's just a school just as just as intriguing but they're taking events and making passive training out of it which i think is genuinely a fantastic idea light it up pick it up this group begins with an enhanced obstacle course i don't know why you're spawning when you're struggling with a simple obstacle so the obstacle course is out there they've seen it all before it's just now we're adding a couple more factors in there to make it more difficult now they also need to safely transport 35 pound ammo cans across the course nice when recruits fail to negotiate the obstacle their drill instructor orders them to do burpees [Music] and they're punished as a group although this recruit was able to conquer the obstacle we're not [Music] correct i said that's there interesting at what point do these recruits fail is it just a case of i can't do this anymore i'm dropping out is that how they fail because obviously the commando tests if you don't do these tests in a certain time you're done far you have to do them again so it's not a case of dropping out it's a case of not being physically fair and not being mentally fit to be able to do it um so where is the drop out part of this is it just literally i can't do this anymore i'm dropping out i'm just going to think about all good stuff fruit pepsi miami yeah we got some something that's crazy only six hours into the crucible and tensions are starting to flare yo you want to freaking roll your eyes at me no sir are you sure yes sir because i literally just saw you do that so this kid's just rolled his eyes at an instructor they're supposed to be at the end of training this so you i don't know how it works with the us training but you in the wrong range you stick with the same instructors throughout the whole the 32 weeks of training unless you get injured or back troops or whatever you keep the same instructors so you wouldn't like it gets to a point where you you really respect them as your instructors you really admire them and you do anything for them so this guy's at the end of training he's rolling his eyes at an instructor my daisy would get absolutely hammered in the royal marines i don't know though this this guy could have slipped through the net you never know do you you never know no sir so a lot of times they could get frustrated because they're cold they're uncomfortable no sir that's a very common thing that we see oftentimes the recruits just correct themselves though because at this point they already know what's right and what's wrong yeah exactly yeah fortunately all right when they step inside a structure known as the octagon [Music] this is what i want to see a bit of aggression controlled aggression something that they're really keen on in the royal marines is being able to switch on and switch off very quickly whenever you want it's why um for the most part when you meet royal marines they're really calm and chill people but when they have to be aggressive they can switch it on very very quickly controlled aggression and that seems to be what the practice in here is very important skill they're tired they're hungry and now we're hitting them against each other at some point you are going to be face to face with somebody through all these conditions and you're still going to have to be aggressive enough to win the winner of the bout runs through a hatch below a sign that says devil dogs intended to motivate them to avoid returning there get up go away and they soon get a chance to redeem themselves so they head back in again i like that i like that so the at the end of the day though again where is the point of losing here there's always going to be one person at the very end of this that loses right there's always going to be one loser because if they keep going and they keep fighting each other losers come out they lose us fight each other there's going to be a single person and what happens to that last person all recruits face off again in one-on-one body sparring yes let's go get rich i think this is a way to just kind of keep them on their toes yep and keep them cognizant of their actions or the other person's actions yeah yeah recruits are only allowed to strike the body with no punches allowed above the neck okay makes sense but strain punches do sometimes land yeah it's gonna happen it's gonna happen all right now i gotta throw this gear away and injuries can occur all right what company is this i mean you get slapped in the nose that happens all the time happens out of training there's a saying in the core that every marine is first and foremost a rifleman recruits spend two weeks devoted to marksmanship during boot camp the crucible recruits combine the skills they've learned on the firing range with movement in a simulated squad attack love it love it so we did something like this at the end of training we do what's called live firing where we actually practice these drills um attacking places with live rounds we actually do it with live rounds we we basically get our office we get put into different um sections and we we go through a whole battle scenario with live rounds and it gives that a little bit more intensity because you might be doing a flank with rounds going over your head and it is in training but it's good it's good to be able to do that it's good to practice that before you get out on operations does it look like these guys are using live rounds but still i think going through the motions is just as important and these instructors are going to be super switched on when it comes to who's doing what and and who's doing you know right or wrong and again it looks like a different instructor so i'm guessing they have different instructors for different things now i said that in the royal marines we do have one set of instructors that go through the whole of training with us you have to remember there's no way near as many role marines going through training as there is us marines so they have to kind of they have to make a like a conveyor belt of instructors to to pass recruits along to get through all these different things and if anything if anything it helps what say like this one instructor just does this all the time it helps him perfect his knowledge of this scenario and also keeping an eye on who's doing good and who's bad because he sees so many people doing this one thing whereas is in the royal marines if you've got one um corporal doing everything he's got to do everything it's like having it's like you know being a jack of all trades not that it's not a bad thing because at that point you know you know that the the corporals know the troops so well that they know what's happening so again both of them work i think for the amount of people that are going through training in the us marines this works better than what the royal marines version is but with the amount of people going through the royal marines training that way works as well so uh very interesting to see very interesting all right so first it's going to be cover and move all right and then automatically you're going to movement under fire right if people are shooting at you automatically going to go to the prone right you're not going to give yourself that easy target right yes sir yep the squads move together through a wooded area before they reach the entrance to the range so you're going to stay tight for this tree line you're going to run to that block go go go go go go go go right here [Music] oh so tell them where to go are they actually using live rounds here fruits fire blank rounds like the event which simulates providing cover for their fellow recruits while they advance you're going to come back to that board stay alive so do they go through this motion at all with live rounds because i feel like you should practice that before you go on operations i feel like you should be practicing flanks and different techniques like this with actual rounds flying all over the place because it's important to know what that feels like uh more than anything when you're going up but you can't have going on operations being your first time doing a section attack with live rounds you can't do that i mean maybe they can maybe it works for them these recruits have worked up an appetite [Music] they're used to going to the chow hall getting three square meals a day now they're going to be receiving essentially field rations right our meals ready to eat mres these are spicy jalapenos i know they're jalapenos typically a single mre counts as one meal for the crucible recruits have to ration five mres over the course of the event is this the first time they've had mres that's interesting as well to know that this last test is the first time trying them there's about six or seven times you go in the field in in royal marines training and every time you're on mres uh you're on rations every single time also can we just all as a collective agree that rations mres are absolutely dog [ __ ] and they need to be revamped they're all the british ones are terrible i've tried the american ones they're terrible i mean they're better than the british ones but they're still not good why are we not getting some professional chefs in here and getting it squared away like as a collective let's agree to get this stuff squared away because uh food is food is so important it's so important and when you're eating them crappy biscuit browns that stop you from pooping for a whole month no one's happy about it no one [Music] there are no naps during the crucible during breaks for chow recruits are tasked with posting security over the course of the 54-hour event recruits sleep only three to four hours a night and this is where it happens in structures known as sea huts how tired are you right now for now i have like good energy left to complete the day i've been trying to ration my food and been trying to keep a steady mind three more days before becoming marine he sounds like crap he sounds like crap he he seems like he's really hanging out he's really struggling lassero his day comes to a close with one of the most intense events of the crucible let's go you got to save his life a simulated casualty evacuation in a combat scenario it takes 40 seconds to bleed out listen listen to him you're freaking out you're not making the right choices all right sir no choice is still a choice all right you're just standing there looking at me confused he's already bleeding out you just helped him slow the bleeding all right sir you're being too slow you're not communicating where are you even going you came from this direction i sir fox you're breaking down i sir now i know that if you ever need to help anybody you can't even help you can't do anything because he's not okay he's out of his leg just got blown off he's got to turn the kid on and he's scared and he doesn't know what's happening that lies on your ass you'll be all right but we got you you'll be you'll be all right bud you'll be all right mate you're good you're out there let's go this is yours let's go i've been learning a lot lately combat training combat care this recruit noticed that he still has a lot to learn interesting meanwhile myra attempts to negotiate one of the most intimidating obstacles on paris island the 30-foot tall stairway to heaven ready step they always have to give it a name don't they we have a 30-foot wall at the end of the tarzan assault course we call it the 30-foot wall that's it you ha you guys have this 30-foot stairway and you have to name it the stairway to heaven like you have to come with a name every time guys every time they call with a fancy name i'm not i'm not saying it's a bad thing i just think it's brilliant together which all recruits must attempt without any safety equipment ready step step together i joined the marine corps with my older brother because of financial need i was going to college i needed the money and the career i want to follow is pediatrician so obviously i have to go to medical school for that and i obviously thought well i need the money needing the money because she wants to go to medical school so she has to join the military guys that breaks my heart she wants to become a doctor she wants to go into go to medical school or at least get medical training but she has to go into the military to do it because she can't afford it that literally breaks my heart that shouldn't be a thing it really shouldn't and so i went to the recruiting station and i told him in the phone call i have a brother do you remember him and they asked me to bring him over so we went both together they just convinced us and we joined it turns out that having a sibling in training at paris island isn't that uncommon we met another pair of siblings in hotel company the relationship has grown stronger because at home we kind of just separated we only played xbox together from across the hall until we came here we knew each other but we didn't really like talk every single day like we have been for the past three months it's a pretty great feeling because whenever you think that you can't like turn to someone you can always just turn to your actual blood brother i don't know how would i felt about going through training with my brother i feel like back in the day stephen could have probably done it um i just don't know how i feel about going through training with a brother i feel like i feel like it's strange you know i knew twins i knew twins who were in the same troop as each other um and one ended up getting back through but one got injured actually um they both passed out training but i i don't know that must be really strange that must be really strange they're in the rear right yes tonight i'm going to basically pray a little bit for strength as the sun sets on day one of the crucible these recruits are in for a long night and an even longer day ahead all right next day let's go hour 29 i hope you got some good sleep [Music] everyone wants to be the person pretending to be injured so they can just be dragged and not have to work hard simulated casualties play a big part and one of the most challenging crucible events the battle of way city named after one of the bloodiest battles of vietnam where an estimated 10 000 people died ten thousand people died during that that's horrific including more than 100 marines loudspeakers play sounds of gunfire and explosions to create a more realistic combat environment along with simulated mortar explosions that occur when a spark plug ignites a combination of propane and oxygen triggered by the push of this button i don't want to see it the goal of the event is for each fire team to maneuver across the area with i know that in um final our final exercise on the field they would use little explosives to simulate motors and stuff like that and ieds and stuff it's really cool all casualties and gear intact drill instructors designate recruits as casualties if they fail to conceal themselves during their approach it's the responsibility of the still healthy recruits to transport the casualties must climb over walls crawl through sand and barbed wire he's bleeding out all while slowly moving the casualties i need assistance out embrace the suck couldn't have been more true here once you embrace the suck and you look to your left and your right and you see the guys next to you doing it it just makes you want to push even harder i couldn't have said it better myself when you're in training and you see your mates going through the same crap that you're going through left and right here it just makes you want to go even further and push even harder like it does that every time cheerfulness in the face of adversity and just being next to your oppose it pushes you more than you would expect way more than you expect especially on times like the 30 miler when you're really really struggling and you look at your mate your mate looks at you and you're both struggling but you're both just like green beret at the end of this you you feel like you can do you feel like superman you feel like you can do anything and some of them will crack a smile and then you'll crack a smile and it just keeps you going sir mcdonald's he's bleeding out recruits who stay healthy and who don't have to tend to casualties are free to negotiate the course as long as they don't do anything that catches their drill instructor's attention [Music] the event gets even more grueling in the rain which is where we found him she's limping blisters injury myra and her squad thanks to a passing storm what began as dirt quickly turned to mud my hip is starting to hurt and i had trouble keeping the weapon off the sand so it was really hard this morning the recruits move into the woods to navigate a series of obstacles as a team which in the rain made things trickier for lazaro and his squad it has been very exciting pushing through just like the beginning of boot camp to the end and and happy to be here with my sister having a once in a lifetime moment i've seen a lot of improvement in myself i've tried to work on myself more like more than just physical recruits are invited to share their personal stories in sessions called core values i've been pushing myself as much as i can everywhere i can and wow that's really cool i like that i like that they're really just sharing their their story their personal story and i feel like in the role marines that doesn't really happen until you start to get to know your mates like and then it happens naturally it doesn't get forced upon you like this sometimes this is good sometimes this is good and i think this is i think this is a smart move well i had this marked for college i never had the motivation but somehow the marines is the one thing i always have motivation for you know that one thing that everybody says that helps push them through that's my mom and that's my dad he passed away two years ago and it's been hard on her so it's kind of hitting home and i'm here so i can't wait to call her and be like yo mom finally did it i feel like i found a part of myself that i didn't have before and i never really fit in anywhere else that's awesome that's really cool um everyone has their thing going on don't they um it's nice to see people kind of even they're all coming from different backgrounds in different situations whether it's positive or negative or sad or happy um they all agree with one thing and that's that they're there to do a role in the marines and that's a pretty magical thing and it brings you closer as you know as opposed really as day two winds down all that stands between these recruits and officially becoming marines is a nine mile hike back to the parade deck all right get it [Music] done for hotel company the crucible has come to an end it's but one last step remains each recruit receives their eagle globe and anchor emblem symbolizing that they have officially become united states marines that's cool in a nice fancy box like that i wonder if this has been the same tradition for years the way it works in the royal marines is you finish your 30 miler and you get given your green beret and i remember that i'll remember that for the rest of my life it was one of the most emotional exhausting and crazy just crazy and general moments of my whole life where i went through all this training and it was longer than 32 weeks because i got injured and you you stood there and you can't believe it's done you can't believe it's finished and they pass you that green beret and you put it on and that's it and there's other things as well like you you still have a week of training after that where you do your king squad pass out and the the exact point when you turn into a royal marine is when you're on that you're on that parade ground and the very end thing is the officer says royal marines to your duties and that's the first time you get called a royal marine and uh and it's in front of all your family and friends gives you goosebumps thinking about it [Music] oh yeah [Music] tears of joy for the recruits it's what they've been battling for for these past 12 weeks and a lot of times it's what they've wanted ever since they were a child [Music] it is absolutely amazing to see these men and women who have fought so hard for what they want and to finally see them achieving it that's awesome it's really cool i should be really proud do they get some sort of pass out like we did the royal marines we started it together we were going to end this together what did that feel like when you put that in your hand i felt like hope a new future for a family are you proud of her yes she has accomplished maybe surpassed me i'm her older brother so i see she has grown to become a very strong woman memory i'm happy you guys hungry yes yes sir how excited are you for this breakfast oh very soon very excited [Music] while the eagle globe and anchor ceremony is the most anticipated moment of boot camp the warriors breakfast may be a close second we're so happy to be indoors at that point and they get steak and eggs to them it's probably the closest thing to home-cooked meal they can get while they're here they're incredibly happy [Music] oh isn't crying towards breakfast oh that was good that was really good that was inspiring um interesting to see the kind of final tests comparing it to the royal marines obviously we know the royal marines commando tests are more difficult we know that but it's all about perspective to to these people this is the hardest thing they've ever done to the royal marines it's the hardest thing they've ever done um and you can't take that away from them that that um amazing experience of finishing training at the end and getting your i don't know what you call it over here i forgot what you called it your anchor your globe and anchor in the royal marines we call it the globe and laurel when you get that and you get your green beret at the end of training it's something that you honestly never forget for the rest of your life um fantastic video really enjoyed that and i enjoyed reacting to some military stuff again it's been a long time let me know in the comments if you would like me to react to more military stuff like this because it has been a while and even though i do like doing the scp star wars halo and all that good stuff it's nice to kind of track back and do some of the og stuff as well um members you're amazing i love you i couldn't do this without you i honestly couldn't make videos every single day if it wasn't for you members so thank you for supporting the channel as much as you do i truly appreciate it links down below to my socials including the two links to this card we've got the military link for all things military if you want to get fit you want to join the military the whole shebang go and join the military discard and then we've got the geek discard for all things scp halo metro d d star wars all right good stuff join the geek discard also a link down below to my podcast and my twitch stream where i stream mondays wednesdays and fridays really cool announcement mondays are now going to be dedicated to strictly military streams that's going over fitness for the military basically like a live q a you can talk to me about whatever you want we can react to some military stuff on there we can maybe play some military games but mondays are dedicated to me and you guys playing and reacting and talking all things military and if you can't catch the streams they will get uploaded a few days later onto my second channel original human geek don't know whether i'm going to upload the military ones onto that one yet i might upload them onto this channel i'm not too sure yet um so definitely go and check that out and obviously i'll leave a link down below to the original video go and share some love over there subscribe and like the video because it was brilliant until next time guys i love you all have a wonderful day goodbye
Channel: OriginalHuman
Views: 94,897
Rating: 4.9249506 out of 5
Keywords: Business Insider!, Royal Marines, Royal Marines Commando, USMC, US Marines, Reacting to USMC, Reacting to boot camp, Royal Marine Reacts, Commando reacts, Royal Marines commando reacting, Marine fails, Army fails, Navy fails, What It Takes To Survive The Marines' 54-hour Final Test | Boot Camp, USMC Crucible, Royal Marine, Marine Reacts, Military, Military Reacts, Marines' 54-hour Final Test, usmc, marines, boot camp, marine corps, veteran, marine reacts, military reacts
Id: Sm7-11E973M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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