Roy Keane's Best ELITE Mentality Moments

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what point in your life do you think you're at now today oh this is a bit heavy isn't casual be casual we we line it up in a bit need powering up out is one what makes a good pundit in your eyes be on time respect the people I'm working with and give an opinion and go home that's what I try and do and uh people keep giving me work yeah so must be doing something okay famous last words I was going to do my coaching bad you can do them still you know I was going to be a pilot when I was I was going to be a pilot I just the course I just didn't do the course right are you I can't fly no you need to B your own you better be on time I never thought I'd see you on Instagram how's that who brought you that subject with you first time and says my youngest daughter and she goes what go on tell me the conversation Dad listen we're were in lockdown can you do it just for a laugh blah blah blah sitting at the kitchen table my 16-year-old daughter I went yeah come on let's do it for a laugh bit of fun so it's my daughter but I've met people people have said to me who's your team where's your team based oh where's my team as if I have a team play now as I'm pretty sure they have but I thought I have a team I have a team based in New York in London you know they work it's me my 16y old daughter she's chief executive yeah fed up already not even started what am I doing my life that's that's a good sentence that isn't it when we won the World Cup in 98 in the European Champions he said it a few times just St is enough once is enough seven Premier League titles yeah but it do you know what it should have been should have been four fa cups should be more than that yeah I know we'll get to that four Community Shields well them stats don't rock my Bo again perception people think I'm probably not up to it they see me on the television they think he's a bit of a head case I fellow with McCarthy Ferguson they think he's trouble but I don't think I am you you were supposed to say there you're not no we said quar P pass but quar past to me means 10:00 you should be 15 minutes early Vince Lombardy the Great American coach said that yeah I think the only thing I'd be critical of is why would you want to speak to an opposition player I don't care if he's your teamate or not for for over 20 minutes I very rarely speak to anybody for over 5 minutes I hope your wife gets more than 5 minutes chat with you never do she still manage it now for you well we said manage it can we do a picture let's do a picture today that's is that is that managing it yeah that man I don't know but but people said I looked this morning you've got 1.4 million followers on Instagram right what what does that mean it means you got you're very popular no it's just people look at your photo is that you look at your photograph and have a nose at you but you don't want to build I think to be fair I think it helps you you talk about perception before about how people see you helps me in my way I think it helps you but have a good life helps me I think it helps you because you said about before about perception they get me a job it could Instagram might get me a job so my Pro license forget my Pro license and all my football experience Instagram will get me job that's great that you should have taught me that years ago Jesus you know Mick I've always said is a really really nice guy very likable I'm not sure he's got much knowledge on football but he's a really nice guy Vieira or Kean what I TI was better than Patrick yeah is that what you're saying who's better yeah me what are you pausing for not sure I want to go anymore do you really hate people late why can to be on time there's no excuse what was it like when you were Captain United when play it w I couldn't believe we we went to saan to train when the island doesn't have a football pitch you tell me what are we doing in saan without a football pitch best goalkeeper you played with I suppose I'd have to say Peter but I still think he was overrated Peter Michel yeah overrated he he was yeah I just don't think he was as good as everyone made out but he was very good why you question my answers I was always able to run around you know my young FL play soccer now he's 17 and and I I think he plays like I do he's he's not very good but he runs around a lot so I don't get fireworks anyway I don't I don't like fireworks I don't get fireworks don't why why not what what a firework you spend Fortune it blows up in this G three seconds do you ever watch Room 101 where you s in the program with Frank skin and you you say the things you don't like it could be anything people who smoke people are always on their phones and you put it you get rid of it any you argue I to me be fireworks pointless we never used to have Team talks or speeches there was a few occasions I would say you might remember maybe two or three times a season before a match I might just turn on to the group and remember as were Man United and that would be it that would be my chitchat my my way of leading was the way I played and trained I suppose but but you know if you're a goalkeeper and they make a save do you know what make I feel like people it's your job it's your job it's your job he's got gloves on why is he wearing gloves and people say someone's a good shot stoper you go it's your job it's your job man I'm guessing that's a bit of respect May that's the word I will go back to yeah absolutely just like when I walked into nning and Forest as a 19-year-old St Pier said that for me your Pier I was looking him going he didn't have to sit open his mou just like the way he trained the way he he played obviously yeah I don't necessarily follow people who are just talking a good game cuz listen we we know plenty of them I was impressed by players who train properly who turned up on time and who performed at the highest level that was it for me you know Ro Roy's been to a concert of Neil Diamond you know that don't you have you I don't blame you he's brilliant no about 10 years ago but I ended up arguing with a woman next all the songs out loud so I uh end up in a bit of trouble that night but brilliant concert I wasn't D because what happened at the end of it when you're walking with people and Brilliant managers and that respect is lost and it was then it's over Brendan's talking there about it's a great achievement I think what we could look at I think the key to management nowadays is set your standards really really low and you'll be in the game for a long time kilan Murphy comes on I love the program to bit comes on at the end say no can I have a picture he said no I've got some filming to do now bril what up I thought he was a spit of him but I but I get where he's coming from he was working or he was in his Zone yeah I think that's brilliant but do do you not dislike him for that no I don't dislike him I don't dislike him I just it was a bit embarrassing at the time you it would be yeah that's why you probably shouldn't ask Roy did you enjoy that um not really no yes you did you know you always thinking about the players in the J all it's kind of bit of nonsense but it is what it is I supp we we've got to try and get rid of all that player power nonsense particularly from Bad players one or two players sitting in a press conference here I know we couldn't believe it and these lad you know muet muet any I can describe on the sit there and to see what they said about me Hypocrites you know these Lads cowards cowards sums them up and I mean that I will not go back on that but you always know teams having a hard time when they're paying for them the only teams who do that you don't do it when you when you you know you're head for allegation of your pain for I was doing that every week it's sound little an ni I thought the pain B will keep us up are we doing any train today no no bless we're doing a bit of gol yeah and then we're go for the Chinese moment you still think about what in a good or bad way anything good or bad in football I suppose maybe actually when I done my cruise shipland one yeah the Highland stuff yeah when I got injured when I got injured when you injured do you blame yourself for that H yeah bit stupid but I don't think I deserved doing my Cru [ __ ] for it run about H re's handball yeah of course you handle it but I'd focus on why didn't they clear it I'd be more annoyed with my Defenders and my goalkeeper than than tier hre how can you leave a ball bunks in a six-yard box how can you let T re get go side of you and if the ball bunks in a six-yard box I'd be saying where where the hell is my goalkeeper when I look back at my differences with order managers I really feel I should only answer to my my dad I shouldn't be spoken down to by forgus number character why should they be speaking down to me and I went to United had a good time they just won the league they momentum confidence in the group really good players and more importantly really good characters iny Robo Brucey p a I I'll tell you brilliant Lads you know if I always describe Lads I was playing with and I always thinking if I was in a figh in nightclub but I want these fellas with me and I'd say yeah not schichel but the others I would he'd be hiding I know he would but but great fellas brilliant fellas we do a section on the overlap called failure is a bruise not a tattoo right okay which is a a saying someone sent to me after I finished and yeah but there's L is there L to say no I know I know I I know just plenty more them what we're just entering London now can you tell me what you love about London London uh getting out of it well the FBI are asking for the game to be replayed now who John Delany he's on a about the honesty to I wouldn't take any no of that man really no so people forget the last time ear in the world cup 2002 people seem to forget what was going on in that World Cup and that man's on about honesty I was one of the players he didn't he didn't have the courtesy to ring me He got interviewed and all he said was I don't know where he is he's on the Ireland he's on the isand somewhere I think I've been involved in irand since I was 15 years of age that man didn't have the decent even to make a phone call but he knew where to contact you he could have found me of course he could have try my hotel room yeah you can laugh that was the world up then owna managers get seven 8 nine 10 chances I I can't understand why certain managers and I mind about managers championship in League one but you won't Network you won't play the game why can't we just networking G but you won't play the game what's the game the game you know the game I don't know the game you do know the game I don't know the game I it's about it's about it's about getting in with the journalist in with the media in with the chairman no it's about it's about having that it is you know it is you know it is when I was at irland I was scouting I was going to matches every week I was sitting in Chairman's room I was getting looked after I was is that networking I was been polite to people yeah but you wouldn't Network would you you wouldn't I wouldn't Network out I'm not it's not unique but educate me what is networking what is networking you would play the game the pr game the media game what what what what you want me to do if what you want me do to what would help me get a job tell me yeah ex the the manager was talking about with his players and staff that did won three trophies last year my goodness the manager was including the chy shield as a major trophy my God now you're in trouble no I think it was when the lads were com to a dressing room like Mikel and Lauren Blanc and Fabian and I used to be looking at them and they'd be like doing stretches and eating salads all the time I was thinking you know maybe I'll try some but that cuz I was just eating bread and potatoes and past it listen still having a have d diet but I forgot what I'm about I'm Irish you know I I like my bit of rubbish and that was kind of helping me in my career I was that that that's what suited me but as I said it's unfortunate because there those genuine English friends who go and watch the games to enjoy the matches but you're going to get one or two idiots unfortunately you any sports people I supp boxers anything you slacking off one or 2% you're found out I think we were found out last year the hunger just wasn't there have to win the trible I read a few quotes from different players and they said they said like at the time oh I don't care if I never win a trophy again or it doesn't matter now what happens and you think it does you know it's next year you know tell us about the watch story in the the watch you bought in preseason oh for United yeah that's an old story but yeah Sharpie but again L I've made mistakes like everybody else but no I bought uh but again I first came tonight I've been a forest and I thought you know nice watch I was in town with Sharpie great guy and we saw this Rolex again I didn't have CL Rolex watch God knows and a guy was trying to send me this watch and I was looking I was like uh 1100 but it was another watch for 2,000 but he was saying to me you know I'd recommend one for 1100 and I was thinking good guy cuz I thought he'd be trying to sell me the more expensive one so he took to watch and I'm sent to Shar I said he seems a nice fell really good guy you know he's looking after me he's not trying to send me the more expensive onway what's him in I said he's selling me that one I've given my credit card for you know uh 1,150 in Sharpie no no no I was 11,500 I serious yeah yeah the best one is the guy he went well tell the guy tell the guy you don't want to n sick cringy ego yeah ego Pride Gary famous last words they came up with a watch and cheers thanks I remember he saying to me you're very rare watch you know you know people could chop your arm off of this very rare we left was one in the shop across the road when looking at it and I said to Sher I went I keep that to yourself I went you know you know I'm new to the club but I don't think I'm I'm a fool and the next year we get on the bus and all the L like hey what time is it idiot I still have it I still have to watch and it's got up in value so I think I was thinking longterm an investment yeah yeah who's laughing now but on the ls I've worked we never discuss never once to every remember in the dress room discussing wages with somebody or who's getting what or if you were getting more than me good luck to you you know you'd hear stories in the media certain players might have Clauses in their contract they have to be the highest pit player of the club all complete nonsense the good lads I walked with was about doing the business going out every day and um and obviously when you're playing for Man United when people say you win a trophy you expect to win a trophy with these players I remember when I was a when I was up at Sund and I came in one Monday morning and Real Madrid was on the the night before against Barcelona and the staff having a cup to in I went what a game that was last night barcel wanted the staff went H I didn't know it was on what do you mean never last three weeks I was on a and I think he say something I was at my wife in York I should have sacked him on the spot you know I didn't get out I didn't see it like you got have a passion for the game if you don't watch Barcelona in Real Madrid on a Sunday get old I should have got rid of him France would there for the taken and I never grabbed it usual usual stuff afraid of that next step mentally not strong enough and they can complain all they want and all these players they can complain all they want it's not going to change fr going to the World Cup get over it and they want the sympathy one the usual the usual carryon boring bore you to that they would they would it's boring why wouldn't he be his wife just had a baby and I think that might have his yeah but he didn't have the baby did he unless he's breastfeeding he should be all right I think if I played like some of their Defenders did in that game last night I would consider retiring from football I really would I'm shameful but you're good fun when you're out having a drink but I I I'm I think I'm good fun now when I go sober no I do no I I I think I have a good crack no as as much as I did you're a good Storyteller right well that's is not is that not is that not bad what you want me to do take my t-shirt off and swing it over on my head when I used to goow people go oh he's a lunatic when he's drinking you know he's you know a bit of a time bomb be careful a lot of people and then I stop drinking or he's a loner he doesn't want to mix with anybody go I what you want me to do if I go out I'm mad if I I'm a Loner you can't win do you know what if I was in gar shoes I wouldn't try and be too clever I'm I'm kind of bored The Lads all night and I England have already won the tournament according to these Lads down there I would just say keep it simple just focus on the next game try and win the next game don't worry about last 16 quarterfinal final guys down there try and win the next game of football and don't try and please everybody you're on about giving Lads from the the squad a game try and win the next game of football it will help you with with with your with your punditry yes it will it will honestly and by God you need it all this huging players after matches as well over the top stuff my goodness what's the game coming to at the end of day they need to get behind the team and as I said away from home our fans are fantastic I'd call the hardcore fans but at home you know they have their few drinks and probably their prawn sandwiches and they don't realize what's going on out in the pitch and it's sort of hard you know even when I first come into the first team the players would go out on a Wednesday after the game and a Saturday again yeah every week yeah why but why wouldn't you you know when you're younger when you're younger you're 21 22 years of years you're playing for Man United you're getting a few Bob and after again I F out with the manager a few times that was my way of relaxing that was my way people took up golf snooker mine was kind of going out enjoying myself and if someone said to me after a game on a Wednesday and we'd go we'd all go into Manchester and we'd be having a we got to China time we'd be having a Chinese about 4:00 5 in the morning forget the fact we have a game on the Saturday and I know we laugh about it but all that all catches up with you but if someone said to me after a Wednesday game going what are you doing are you going home for a bite are you going home to refuel for Saturday says no I'm going in town I'd be thinking they're the lunatics not me I thought I have to go out and drink as much alcohol as I possibly could come around tday morning go I better get ready for Saturday and that was the life but you'd be always in wouldn't you I mean everyone always be in Thursday morning of course what was you eating I I played a cup game before Crystal Palace at homes and three hour 4 might a kebab Donna Kebab from the chipper against chrisal Palace Don Kebab yeah three hours for a game but Alex for pulled me a many times said you were out in Manchester you you got a taxi happens two yesterday morning something I go yeah I did but it's not breaking the rules cuz it's 48 Hours was in our contract yeah and I used to argue I go yeah I did and then he would say to me how many drinks did you have and obviously I'd i' lie to him I would say maybe 10 11 bottles and he'd be like 10 11 bottles what are you thinking I'm thinking and if I told him the truth that was every hour you know so it's just so you kind of tell the odd white Li as you go along obviously and we don't the same with Ireland we used to turn up with Ireland on Sunday night and we'd have an international qualifying for theb Cup on a Wednesday so we get in Sunday night Jack and all the and I was on a young player and the senior players I am on about Paul mcra Kevin [ __ ] Andy Townsen all the and I'd be sitting there going Jack can we go tonight Jack go look glad big game on Wednesday you know can we just go all right lad's try and be back for about midnight like midnight playing on Wednesday Spain in the qualify Well Jack I be sitting go I go for a few pints but this is about 6:00 you said 6 hours drinking Jack 12 is a bit awkward you know you know if you're out at 12 in Dublin and chance you went 2:00 Lads 2:00 be back for 2:00 that's it but Jack you know if you're out to two you're obviously in a nightclub you know if you still till two that means you're not going to you're not going to leave a nightclub with do look I'll see you in the morning for training and that was it we'd come in at 78 in the morning and Jack would push trainer back to the afternoon cuz we'd sleep off the hangovers but you know what Jack it's obviously stupid well for him yeah cuz he was that was management he knew the senior players he knew Paul mcra would do the business he knew as a young player I'd probably do the business on a Wednesday and nine not nine times out of 10 but a number of times we would get results for Jack and you go this who might to stop these Lads going out that's not leaving your leg and that's that's different D and he what's that what's that that and then he does leave his leg and what the part the party piece afterwards is the triple sh assault he does he's a disgrace what what you want the other what do you want the other players to say to him get hold of him so you don't you don't behave like that playing for Man United front Squad look I looked at the squad of all the players who were not going it was ridiculous 11 yeah yeah don't worry about the I'm going FKS on the players are going to be there Christ almighty Ferguson thinks he can just say what he wants about people and people go because he's the mighty Ferguson he can do what he wants and and nonsense what are people frightened of is he entitled to to criticize me and tell lies about me other teammates who brought success to man united criticizing them when he'd made Millions out of the club Millions he's getting statues he's getting standed and he does a book and criticizes people who brought that success crazy do you have a relationship with sir Al no there's no need why why would there be you know this my relationship with man united you know that my contract was with him no not with Ferguson no it's like make it looks good but it's not very good seen you before TR [Laughter] watch I was very lucky uh two brilliant managers what I I suppose that what I always enjoyed working for both those managers were they always kept it simple Alex fergs and O Brian Club never conf never I never felt confused with any of their instructions or their tactics they kept it very very simple um obviously both brilliant managers I do cut my blessings I've work with them but if I was to take anything away from having work with them was how simple they kept things and never never complicated it uh well obviously you're professional you got to respect the people you're working with um simple as that I always remember the first time we won the league and we were in Mulligan's and you walked in with Norman remember Norman who Norman White side right right with a flag with United flag yeah and everyone just started singing yeah brilliant yeah listen great is from that moment on I never missed the night out right to the end of my career yeah but you always forced to go home though had to fight with p and marab you know that's I was at p a few weeks ago H great guy I vague remember I think Bobby Chon I told you that he opened the door he apparently stuck his head out and he saw me and him doing it bet think but I think we won the league that year so it helped I don't know but even that when I came down that morning after that fight I remember thinking with the L going I'm sure I was fighting I can't even remember I remember my hand I was I'm sure I was fighting last night and one of my fingers all bent back and then I think buty was on the scene to be fair buty was he was around he's around buy and he he explained what happened and uh I think Peter had a black eye to be fair to him he can't be right now I've heard no people say well they want him around the place for what what what does he do car tricks does he has a sing song is he does quizzes in the evenings what does he do the respect the way he used to speak to me at Le short I didn't like the way used to speak to me what what would he say just the tone of his voice I felt and and I got back to when I suppose I left United even with Ireland I think if people speak down to me are show me a lack of respect that does irritate me and it doesn't mean say I'm not afraid to answer to people obviously we've got owners and when I was younger you had senior players but my last conversation with Al short he said well you need to move up to the area and I was like you again again I'm thinking I'm 35 3 why should a guy be telling me a married man with five kids where I should be living and that's going to handicap them if they want to win the league or go deep in the champion win the league and CH oh forget for Liverpool I forget about it I think they have enough to get through the groups the group but lat later on the stages against the real madrids and all these boys they'd be laughing at Liverpool not too much to say about Liverpool I think if Liverpool were playing out out my backyard and I wouldn't watch him and zidan I remember we played him United and obviously Z brilliant player and after the Madrid game we walking up and we literally some you just walk up the player and I was like kind of looking at him I like and he was looking at me I was thinking he probably asked me but no I um and we didn't I'm glad that was the only other time I thought will I won't I and I go no leave it the two I would give you a heart attack he'd have to maybe take bang off Bang's walking around the place like it's A's he's playing Sunday football he's been a disgrace get him off if you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be there's not much wrong is there his second spell when he came back um for some reason towards the end of my time there I found him really disrespectful towards me so we had a bit of a Fallout you know he he questioned my loyalty and um I told him where to go and one of my big regrets really I probably should have ripped his head off but excellent coach and in the start of my second season I had a dreaded chat with the own where he's in my office and he's we're on the tactics board you know you're going why is he playing there you're looking going this is this is not right this is not right I I knew my days are numbered and when explain to the owner you know why isn't he playing right back why is he a left back it's hard to figure out Liverpool at the moment I think it's hard to get excited about them to me they're going nowhere fast I know it was two weeks before the tournament it was a time of vation but baring injury you need to train on a secure training ground and of course the first one or two days we picked up one or two injuries it's as simple as that the evidence is there the Wednesday I spoke to two press lads who have a bit of time for two decent riters I think Tom Humphries and Paul kimage and I made my point to him that you know I was disappointed with certain things and Thursday morning there was an interview gone in the times which i s read myself and it was fine and Thursday night there was a meeting organized and uh as soon as the meeting was called Mi said all certain people aren happy things and I say I you know no I'm not which I which I told him the other night in a private meeting anyway I said to him at the time why can't we do this in private he says well you've made it public by your and he pulled out an interview from his back pocket as if maybe it catch me off guard I said I've already read it and i' I I stand by what I see teammate uh I'd have to maybe go with Dennis show because I r with Dennis with Ireland in the United and he's a cockman even though he lives five minutes away never gets in touch with me my advice would probably be yeah take him out we saw Italy doing against Belgium we got player got a yellow card on the halfway line he literally jumped all over somebody's back Belgium when it were broke breaking and then he kicked the ball out the play so yeah that's where you go back to the Italians and he's you know you got you got to be straight wise in this game you know we're we're not here we're not here to make friends or the fans are doing that but from the Players Point of View if you smell danger listen if you can hold the player up and you can win the ball fantastic but if you think we're in trouble here then yeah you do whatever you can to get the right result and if that's Fallen then you f it's not a crime you might get a yellow card you might even get a red but your team might win sacrifices you got to make sacrifice for your team to answer your question think I would do it was unbelievable you on the pitch him in the stand yeah it was brilliant that's why the anger I have towards the end of my time at United and but my anger is Justified cuz I feel I was wronged like we all do something we go you know I kind of played my par but not not on them occasions no I I'll argue you you might have a different opinion about but I don't think so yeah but to be honest I was trying to mind my own business honestly I was just focused on the game you know quite calm getting into Zone and Gary was a little bit upset and he seemed a bit worried and um but we I think I said to Gary said just forget about just obviously we need to focus on the game and then of course obviously Patrick wouldn't let it go you know typical Arsenal bully and um then he started again the tunnel just before the obviously the game started and that that that's what I kind of got a little bit irritated joshu Fury oh I don't like any of them that heavyweight stuff has irritating me too much talk if joshu Fury none of them it did both irritate me I'm not picking any of them honestly Liam or no oh Jesus you know I'd probably tolerate Liam more than all but they both get my nervous like the two boxers but maybe maybe i' Liam you have to tell someone you like a a lot this is like the person that's like who was good the one person in sport or in life heavy is it uh Jesus I think the players and even the supporters they all have to change our mentality it's just nonsense from players speaking after the game games about how great the supporters are listen the supporters want to see the team do doing a lot better and not giving D goals away like that so no listen I'm I'm not too happy with all that nonsense again and praise the supporters for the sake of it listen let's change that attitude towards Irish support as well listen they want to see the team winning as well let's not kid ourselves I know we're a small country and you listen we're up against it but let's not just go along for the sing song every now and again no one needed to invite me for a night out or a drink you know I us to love it to me that was part of the package but I had that mentality from Ireland I played League of Ireland you know that win or lose you hit the booze people sometimes watch me and they think he's a bit serious when I'm doing it but that's that's my job you know if if they want a comedian they can get somebody else you know I'm there to give my professional opinion on a game and to be fair uh you know with with what I'm seeing and what I'm watching I try and be fair on the players and obviously the management um but do do I see myself as I you know I still don't see myself as a kind of a pundit but if people see me is that then so be it I'll probably do a few more games while I'm out of work over the next few months and um we'll see how it goes I I get agitated by their attitude or players being late or not focusing properly you hate late don't you yeah yeah but you should you shouldn't you know why do you like people being late does anyone like somebody being L and also Mor your poino tonight has said that Del allei age 21 is there a better 21y old in the world with what he can do assists and goal scoring and so forth what do you think about that um slight exaggeration I think I think the kids still got a lot to do potential is there but um there's plenty he can improve on yeah do you think he just a little not necessarily a dip in form this season but a plateau in form from De which happens which happen to a lot of young players but I just worry about that kid what he's doing off the field I see him doing a lot of commercial stuff I always think these kids focus on what you're doing on the football pitch um know bit bit taller could one more headers clean shaving or beard not beard a clean shaving kind of irrit I beer the beard it's just it's a bit it's kind of lazy isn't it I you just to think no but if you when I have a shave within a day or two you going it looks rough anyway just just leave it does the bed being on or off Define how you feel or is it just nothing to do with no that would be a bit too deep you're looking at it's just something this laziness yeah yeah and if I if I have a shave now come tomorrow B stubbled in the D you go another a shave just just leave it we saw how brilliant he was last year and then he's coming up with all that nonsense on the eve of a big big game if I if I was one of his if I was a teammate of his I'd kick him up and on the training pitch but his attitude even last night he's he's like a a spoiled child he's just absolutely ridiculous cuman's opinions honestly this no issues with me I couldn't care less to be honest the turns my stomach is absolutely disgusting why he's trying to get other players into trouble and his reaction and again it's up to some of his teammates maybe not tonight cuz I'm sure they'll be busy celebrating but somebody at the club or a senior player to pull him say listen cut that out but we've seen him doing it for years no doubt he's not going to change you'd say to him you're embarrassing yourself you're embarrassing us yeah absolutely yeah so I'd rather to follow out with somebody then Pander to them oh they come people say to me oh and I don't mean them to be oh they come across really well what in an interview after they've been beaten that's great that the poges you too you stereotyping me aren't you but you know when you have dogs guess what they need need walks you lost your dad a couple of years ago yeah yeah so that was is that bad for you in terms of how do you deal with that ke just like everybody else you it you just get on with it and yeah it's tough oh where do I start no I think ARS are are a great example on how not to start a game of football Felix when he came on that guy's an imposter he's an imposter he comes on like this your country need you he comes on it'sit a Target he's what 100 million I think if I was Ronaldo you again you'd certainly be going after him in the dress room you know I always think when wilch is your captain to me probably the most overrated player on the planet and we're going there and people going but we just there's no gear okay what what you mean there's no medical no no there's no gear at all there must be footballs no no footballs not no no bibs no but nothing it was like if you you SE the trainer pitch you looked on you go is this for real and all the other Lads were laugh and I was looking at all the other Lads I'm going that's why you're winning called some of you at your clubs as well there was a bit of that as well going the laughing's got to stop now laughing's got to stop you go for meals yeah I go for meals but I I wouldn't go like what T I wouldn't go Saturday night I'd go into maybe altering on a Tuesday at 6:00 for tea so no one was in yeah I just for a bit of privacy Gary you know I I think there's nothing wrong with d you hate the idea of like being in a restaurant it's full oh yeah yeah that no that wouldn't sit right me or um like being in the public eyee I hope you agree with me is I detest it I hate it not worse than people coming up listen people can be polite but still sticking a phone or following on the camera or doing something you're going and then people think you're rude but I'm the rude one and you're coming up and I think really good fans I bumped United fan you guy he was showing me his tattoo and he just said all right and he walked on I'm thinking that's a proper fan people who invade you with your phone or jerseys I think just you're just annoying I think the people who respect you leave you alone if I saw somebody walk on the street people if I saw Bob Dylan come down there with his guitar I probably got Bob and didn't walk by would go [ __ ] photograph Bob I'm pretty sure I know you what he say did this bother you yeah it does but listen he's a the boy POG seems a bit of a free spirit and a bit of a character but I think it was a little bit over top tonight would it be before the game halftime like they've spoke to each other more tonight and I think I've spoke to any my brothers in the last five years so all a bit strange and they're probably chatting as we speak after the game but I think when the game started they were focus on the game all this stuff before after the game lot of nonsense but that's the modern player I'm afraid and people are going to ask me to ask you are you going to stay on I'll refuse to answer that question we'll take that as a yes then take it whatever you want yeah of course nobody nobody wants to cheat whose phone is that that's the second time it's gone off that's my phone Sor why did you turn it off no that's the second time it's gone off why don't you put on in silent no it's not the second time why don't you turn it off well I'll turn that off in a minute he just going to let it ring well I thought i' let it ring out all right that's good maners I see Gibbs with the captain's AR and then at the end of the game you're in big trouble if he's your captain or your leader if he's a guy that's going to bring everybody to together you're in huge trouble what would you do if you met him now what would you do got a clue you know truthfully I'd probably have a g him yeah yeah yeah why not what would what would you say just were you talking nonsense about us why you why you talking robish about me and and other lads who who've done well yeah I'd probably say that to him and and and he probably defend himself he probably take take a run and jump as as as you'd expect but I I just don't see why we have to sit back and accept it people go well you know it was always about power control for him and he thinks he can do that now and I'm 43 years of age am I supposed to be frighten of frighten of them or scared of these people you got to take them on but the crunch games are coming up for them over the next few months when the cold Knight come in and we'll see maybe half the ARs player with their gloves on so I I wouldn't be getting careed walk do your homework nonsense I think the two c a half were like R side Fred the two Lads at the back really poor my goodness but he does appear to have a bit of swagger back doesn't he Mourinho yeah which is a Pity really because uh obviously the guy you like to see a bit more humility but you knew once did start winning a few games yeah he he'd get back to his old cocky self enough for me he's not he's not my kind of cup of tea I find him really irritating when when I've coached against him I've never heard so much rubbish in my life why do we have to listen to that garbage it's just utter nonsense what he's talking about he's manager of Manchester United one of the biggest clubs on the planet the squad he's got the players and he keeps mouring about fixtures and fatigue we were just looking at some of the Cup draws they've had they've had an easy ride in the cup some good draws a lot of Home draws and um the guy's talking absolute nonsense never heard so much rubbish in my life is it maybe the club's too big for him he can't deal with all these demands of the matches what matches Cup competitions they played a man united reserves could have won that game tonight I'm sick the dead of him talking about the player collapsing it was that was easy easier than a training session a good top training session have 111 on the training P that was easier than that he's talking about players collapsing what rubbish which players which are you talking about well I mean you play with some great players the Van nist Roy the rude would certainly be working on the market now probably a billion David Beckham billion gigsy two billion Roy Kane 3.75 million I think
Channel: Football Uncontext
Views: 911,820
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Id: eq1q3y3TVD8
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Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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