Roundup Interview (1964) - The Beatles

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let's meet the beetle I've got Paul and and John John and Paul's talking to George and Ringo well I said in my intro and you were listening to it that there have been a lot of changes since this time last year hmm well we've seen them you know we've seen you making films and doing all sorts of marvelous things but what are the changes meant to you nothing really I think the main changes are in people's attitude attitudes to you how I don't know um but it's it's people who change rather than you you know we feel exactly the same real go new suit though but you made a film since then mm-hmm and you just finished it yeah why did you make them well it's the logical step isn't it and I believe it's quite lucrative I believe anyway someone else does yeah we're asked to do a missing ear and Malinois noted we changed it and we're all having called a hard day's night I bet you're not a cinema now not now not now soon did you prefer this time last year or do you really like my time I like whatever's happening in the moment yeah this is good in both of the stages it was great then it's lovely now this light whether people are rude or not Oh jiggler what do you think about people who maybe you know didn't like your van or said something nasty or just didn't bother about you then but a terribie nice to you now we didn't bother about them then we don't bother about a matter today something well I believe it yeah sure what difference is there since last June up to now what sort of things have happened to you since then the main difference is that we've got more money and less time to ourselves you know everything speeded up and we're just running around man which of the two would you prefer to have well money or less time normally or less time I think if you ever manage to get away from the crowds what sort of things do you like to do sleep see films go to nightclubs drive my car on NASA play records watch TV well the rest ordinary things what's a record see like me listening to all well all my records are sort of American ones people who you probably haven't heard of play off asking first we'd do you find any difficulty in giving up your public image just know what image is our image is just us you know as we were we don't try and make an image it just happened so we don't have to keep it up we just remain ourselves don't we ring a lot we do because I don't know that you're worried about you write naked song oh don't you thank you thank you how do you write some well you know we we just depends sometimes you write them on old pianos and anything that's lying around you know old trauma so any good no it's merely getting into the recording studio I've got a song judge the great big piano mm-hmm but guitars and things yeah normally we sit down and try and bash one out of it but then again there's no formula cuz you can come up with one on day completely finished we still say we both wrote it down when did you start writing from house of a to think I wrote passed me the bread mother no it's not about thirteen or fourteen when I got a guitar writing ability but what's the one you love don't that animal boom well funny zones that I was I lost my little girl did you know each other in the 13 yeah that's when we met really yeah tell us about them I'm working village face Garden Satan below are the village were livable get plan of the girl Canada notes kitten group and he came along and we met and I knew one of his mates you know Ivan wasn't person a mutual may complicate hey we've surveyed there was and he introduced us the things in those days yeah in those days of your attitude to fan has their attitude to fans James who's been no no there's just more of them to watch but they all scream when they're listening to you yeah we love that yeah really cuz it like an Ed Murray you know I mean you know it's classical tonight yesterday last I shouldn't I said but you know Donna I've lost track of time anyway the atmosphere in the theaters really it's marvelous you must come I will do I'll try to come good John about your book yeah Joe how did you go about writing this book uh well sort of pen and paper enough hmm wrong words to just sort of wrote it as a hobby is this a stage that you went through writing in the sort of garbled language that you got out of now have you no good lot of it is a rather more polite or more rude in one extreme to the other furs ego that's what's the most interesting person that you've ever met I should say who's in its most interesting case you've ever met John Lennon should um how do you see come I think oh how they see Kamiya is great I like it is that kind of person that you like yeah have you ever been frightened of your fans the time when they've really frightened you only Paul's find me if you're done only time is when getting in and out of places when there's thousands of them altogether but when you usually only meet about the most six or seven you know if you were sort of running along the road and then there's not enough of them Lana's let's suppose you don't make you felt my necks much no never feel lonely sitting at the back no no no that's where I obviously Thomas should always be at the back then you're almost sure that he had another thing ringer how do you feel about sitting playing on stage and being showered with things like Jenny baby's boots girls things like that um well I'm lucky rain at the back you the other three were Snider would it's a bit of a drag it's not much boy was your first dog yeah cuz if actually we've had thingies hits us in the eye it's Mary how are you listening don't throw them in your eye today no bad get your voice how you doing hello Chuck Oh minja you can get tell the police you Manon wait
Channel: Freda Peeple
Views: 949,092
Rating: 4.9322095 out of 5
Keywords: The Beatles, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, interview, 1964, Theatre Royal, Glasgow, HD, OohSole, Roundup
Id: Dm8frWeoBA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2013
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