Round 9 crandon sportsman sun 2020 SHORT COURSE STADIUM RACING

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he can fly and there we go first race of the day going to be headed towards forest county pottawatomie turn number one it looks like schneider already has a good rub but here comes on the outside as well yeah rowdy randy had that inside hole position there for the formula four by fours he's gonna take the early race lead down the front straight away summer's having some problems back there yeah it looks like a right front flat already on summers he looks to be pulling off to the side tough tough break for him didn't even make it down the starting line okay there's a battle for the lead already into the gravel pit mr perfect this year dan beauchamp just laying together some good wins going on then outside look at that power just run around the top yeah well danny bosher has a lot of laps here at crandon international off-road raceway so he's certainly raced to these kind of conditions before so no trouble for him early on no troubles for both shots we see our classics now taking the green flag the second race has already begun and looks like connots are out front that famous el camino chain yeah connoisseur was having a great season up until round seven and eight here stole that points lead away from him so chestnut trying to have a late season charge here and steal a points championship away as we go back up front with both shaw yeah bo shaw's doing what he needs to do he got out front not using any kind of tear-offs he came through turn one and he was a little bit wider kind of cut around the outside on schneiderlin he's never looked back and you can see the track how the tracker has done a lot of work trying to maintain this facility and look at the ruts already here early on dan beauchamp bright orange board really collecting that mud and we talk about mud the weight that gets put on these trucks chain and i know from years past and experience it is crazy how much weight you actually put on these machines yeah that weight can just wreak havoc on suspension let alone how much is getting kicked up into the radiator as we look at uh condenser there that number 640 shallow trucking machine fighting the mud as well down through the argon corner absolutely shane you know it's right when you try to avoid you try to put protective plates i know my cousin rainbow shaw he put some protective panels because it actually knocked the belts off all those rocks and mud that get inside that engine compartment that can do a lot of damage so damn that's where you want to be you want to be out front early yeah you can actually still see most of the side of that truck which is remarkable even though he has been out front that uh mud not sticking so much to his truck you see him powering through that gravel pit turn yeah we talk about trying to hit the fast line trying to hit the right line i don't think there's really any kind of line right now you just have to tiptoe through as you see condenser coming through turn one really really heavy mud coming through there but if any track can get this facility back in shape it's cranin they do a phenomenal job they're always an a-plus effort in anything they do and i guarantee you it's hard to say right now saying but we might see dust by the end of the evening and brent you touched on the race line usually there's there's an established race line already at the start of your race for these guys here at formula 4x4 there's no race line so they're actually working to kind of build one as they go and then eventually we'll see that race line both wide and move out farther on the track yeah i've watched dan the last three times coming through those turns and going through the argon loop there he's went three different spots so you're just trying to feel it out you really don't want to go through those big deep ruts that everyone else is going through as you see coming in this back section the cowboy turn coming in here taking that hard left-hander just keeping his vision clear and man that kid's been pretty perfect all year long look at how those ruts just completely drew his truck way to the outside almost pushed off into the grass on our land rush start there but conancer as well leading our classics race you're pointing at our monitor up here brent there's a little bit of steam coming off the top of that number 640 he's leading right now in classics pretty comfortably over chestnut oh he went around yeah you're right though he had some steam now he got a little crossed up went around he's trying to get back in the right direction but yeah exactly you see the steam and that's what happens that radiator gets plugged a little too much and it's not a bad thing when the steam's coming out when it goes away that's i have to start to worry as we go back out front we talked about that excess fuel coming out bullshot really laying it down and when i watch bowsha like i said even though he's been out front he is accumulating a lot of mud underneath that truck and you can see the suspension sagging more laugh overlap here as connoisseur was able to hold on to that race lead over chestnut basically the way the points are shaking out between these two whoever finishes in front of the other one on both days if they can put together you know two consecutive good runs they'll be your points champion here in classics yeah it's going to come down to the wire in a lot of these classes here this afternoon so if you're not watching you go tell your friends and family here at championship off-road go log on watch us live we're here all day long a great crowd on hand here in crandon as we look back up towards aaron coniter and then el camino just trying to finesse his way through this very tough tough layout here early on yeah this is where veteran know-how from our leaders right now beau shaw and conants are they've both done a ton of laps here in midwest short course off-road racing so they fully understand what it's like to race on this track conditions and you know just the experience with this particular track surface it's it's really dense clay so it it does absorb the water pretty well but does get very greasy on top but these better guys they know all about that yeah they're usually the mud cleaners like i like to call they like to take everything off the top give us a great racetrack and kudos to these guys they're not scared to get dirty this is off-road racing we're not on the pavement here this weekend and crannon we're running and this track's gonna get better they're just gonna have to move their way through as comments are still showing a little steam coming through argonne turn as we go back up front with danny beauchamp a little bit muddier yeah it looks like marshall still experimenting with lines a little bit just trying to find the smoothest and cleanest line where there's not ruts developing yeah absolutely the four-wheel drive is definitely in his favor here this afternoon as he looked farther back top top trying to get through that but look at him just holding the loud pedal down like i'm going to get to that grass see if we get a little bit more grip yeah that's billy wilson and then 601 he's from right here in crandon as well one of those racing wilson's we'll see his brother kenny and kenny's son charlie later on in super stock truck so crandon represented pretty well here we had adam webber out here in formula 4x4 as well yeah a lot of locals here they know this clay they know this dirt they know what it does when the rain and mother nature takes effect as we look dan bowshaw still with the green flag out just putting in laps you're really not driving the wheels off these things you're just trying to keep it unstuck yeah i noticed concert before as he leads our classics race he's not being very timid though i mean he's kind of letting the back end hang out not driving conservatively of course he knows that he has to finish ahead of chestnut both rounds pretty much to uh have a shot at this points title yeah he's just doing what he needs to do and that's big i mean you're going out there to win a race don't get me wrong but right now if you're going for that championship you're trying to outdo that other guy and when the points are that close it makes it very very challenging as both shots trying to climb that hill once again in the back section yeah it looked like bowshaw was having a little bit of trouble in the argonne corner got it sorted out though as he heads back down into cowboy corner and you touch base on the weight and the shocks and you see how they're almost bottomed out you take five six hundred pounds set it on the roof of your car what's it gonna do it's gonna collapse that suspension so mud sticks to every creek and crevice on these cars i mean i remember back in the days my brother and i running and go wisconsin that red clay it took us four or five days to get it clean i've still got a pair of shoes somewhere in one of my closets at home that has annie go clay stuck to it so i know exactly what you're talking about as boshaw running out front and you watch him over these jumps like you said just pretty much full sag when he lands all the way down to the bump stops bojack coming through the barn turn up towards the sweets here in granny yes we have sweets up to the right side on our screen back to the classics now that is aaron condenser that el camino still out in front so we talked we're talking about the the suspension having issues dealing with the extra weight is that something that you can account for in your setup can you can you make those changes to offset that without completely throwing your setup off well i mean you do the tires obviously you'd want to probably run a heavy mud terrain tire here you try to break through it as deep as possible i don't know some guys run narrow some guys run it wider but i mean yes you can develop your shocks you can adjust your spring your ride height you can only go so low but at the same time you know it's going to get pulled down so there's a lot of different things that drivers like to do i mean i didn't really get a chance to talk to dan much about setup but he came in what he had last time but i guarantee he didn't expect all this clay as we've reached our mid-race competition yellow so we'll reset the field bunch everybody back up and taking a look again at coniter as he heads down past those sky boxes into the gravel pit i keep seeing that same steam out of condenser yeah definitely that steam is still showing and there's dan beauchamp the 526 the rally inc on board as well just doing what he needs to do here in 2020 his former super stock truck champion as we said all season long trying to win a formula four championship and he's been pretty perfect but he said hey if he has a bad day and breaks he could lose it just like that so at our halfway point the top three in formula four by four it's boshaw scheidel and anderson we are going to toss it down now to haley shanley who's trackside haley what's it like down there still pretty juiced up i know like you had said dan boshaw he's still experimenting still trying out different lines trying to find which section of the track which line is going to be the fastest and most efficient for him but right now as you saw cody summers a tough break for him he pulled off early on he was currently sitting second in the points race just three points the margin ahead of randy shadle who is sitting second in this race so uh a potential points shake up of course we're crowning a champion tomorrow so we'll see how this one pans out but tough break for cody who just came off of a pair of second place finishes just a few weeks ago here for labor day weekend yeah thank you very much for that haley like we've talked about already a few times this is the this is it this is the end of these last two rounds of the championship off-road series here in 2020 and tough break for summers who was sitting second in points when he started the race but that's going to hand over second place to scheidel yeah definitely shadow being second i mean he had a good hold shot he came in in turn number one but damn bosch had one heck of a run on the outside came and took that lead over so it'd be interesting to see here in this second half if dan can just get the job done and that's what he wants to do we talk about him being calm cool and collected i was actually talking to my aunt earlier she actually thanked me thanks for saying that because he really is and i mean i don't sit up here and lie or tell you a different kind of story like the kid really comes in focused he does his homework he has a lot of great guys helping him and that's what it takes coming from racing myself you need to have a group we always say there's no i in team shane and we know that yeah and especially racing on the sportsman level so family oriented that's it's not just the commitment by the the driver the the owner usually the same person in most case but it's it's the family that you know lets dad sneak away on countless weekends all summer maintaining the car and you know giving up other family vacations so they can come to races instead so uh definitely a family commitment not just a one-man show for sure shane and i know danny has about 15 20 people back in the campgrounds that support him week in and week out and his father terry beaucha he really has been around it a long long time and it's cool to see dan back and we'll see what he can do in this second half as just going through that deep deep mud here early on see if these guys can brush a little bit more of the clay off here so beau shall come down in front of the crowd here in crane in wisconsin and you'll see a couple cones on the right side of your screen there's one in our camera he can start at any point in between those wait for that green flag and there it goes back underway shane yeah i think he played that smart there because that first cone is right over the top of that first jump on the front straight so what's the best place to start obviously going downhill yeah absolutely get that little run and here comes dan bosha with that early lead after that mandatory competition caution halfway point we'll see where dan goes as here we go back to the classics aaron conants are your classics leader then i believe it's chestnut that's 6 13. i believe wilson is a lap down which would put face stetsny up into third in the number 698 car same story for conan's start on the downhill side of that jump get as much momentum as he can right away yeah you see dale chestnut he's kind of laid back it's nothing he's having any kind of issues he just didn't want all that mud up into his face so i figured that was going to be a right choice for him but at the same time man you give up a lot of track time there yeah well you know just just like a lot of these guys out here veteran guy he's been doing this forever so that's you know a smart play on his behalf no doubt his spotters have told uh dale chestnut that conancer has shown some steam in the first half of this race so at this point probably smarter for chestnut just to hang back save the car knowing that there's another race tomorrow and maybe just see how the chips fall with connots or a steam problem yeah absolutely he's trying everything under his power just to wait his turn and connotary sees it different look at this we have a swap for the lead maybe damn beauchamp had some issues going through argonne turn he's got a flat right front yeah man a flat right front hopefully i didn't jigs danny earlier he told me if something happens it could cost him the championship but if he can stay out there he'll be all right yeah flat tire probably not critical to him finishing this race but right now randy scheidel is your race leader in formula 4x4 trying to put an end to that win streak by beau shaw boy i'm sure randy's on the radio with one of his guys trying to talk where dan's at they should be telling him that dan has a right front flat tire because if you're randy you don't want to try to overdrive as we look right here look at this yeah trouble that's down on the argon corner conenter got turned around looks like face density had to maybe dodge a little bit and he goes around man shane it looks like a parking lot out there they're trying to get through get on the exit looks like conester's back underway but a bedside is definitely ripped off on the left side yeah so that's gonna hand the race lead and classics over to chestnut now who is your points leader as well so man what a tough break for comics are trying to uh close that already small points gap between chestnut and himself man that mandatory competition cost and when it came out it looked like we had our race winners set but man that just got thrown out the window schneider's now out front randy doing a fine job he's been fast all year though he's been right there but dan's been pretty much perfect once again down past the crowd there's conancer running second in classics and he's about a straightaway and a half behind race leader dale chestnut just not of course had nick bing filling in for him at a few events this year then when the world championship weekend three weeks ago came around dale said no way nick i'm getting in the driver's seat for this one had a terrific weekend yeah he did nick bing did a fine job you'll see him later on in super stock truck which man the points are going to come down right to the end in that class as well as we come back to forest county potawatomi turn number one shiloh is still out front getting around dan beauchai who's having a right front tire issue we'll have to see how that's going we'll have to babysit the 426. yeah rowdy randy's gonna have to deal with some lap traffic here as he goes through turn two that's bill wilson from the classics race yeah definitely not trying to push the issue there of course you know randy's uh spotters got to be telling him that he has a huge lead over bowshaw you see finally he's going to go down to the inside this is four-wheel drive against two-wheel drive so should be no trouble at all for schedule to get clear and he does yeah shadow going really really wide up on the top side of the grab a bit coming towards one of the biggest jumps on the track to polaris launch jones setting it down i guarantee you you'll see a lot more air as this track dries out the conrad's auto salvage truck gonna take the white flag this time by so can randy scheidel get it done shane yeah trying to put an end to dan beaujola's eighth race win streak entering this weekend coming into this weekend bowshaw i think was three total points short of winning every possible point with the bonus points that you get for leading at halfway so having a tremendous year no doubt and he can hold on for a second we'll still be in control of the points chase but rowdy randy trying to make a statement here with a win in round number nine as we take a look at face density who's our regular starter here at granite international off-road race win fact flags all year for the champ off road series dusted off the old race car eleven time world champion yeah unbelievable always bringing his face to create and doing a fine job in the flag booth and as well on the track look at randy's getting all sideways tank swapping that machine he just needs to get it together bring it through forest county pottawatomie turn number one time getting a little crossed up in the dirt we call him rowdy randy for a reason it's not because he's a calm driver no absolutely we talked about dan being calm cool and collected randy he throws it to the floor he just wants to run as hard as he can he's gonna come through the barn turn one final time it looks like he still has all four tires still full of air everything looks to be intact a couple turns to go heading towards the gravel pit one final time look at that just full send into the gravel pit definitely not taking it easy even though he's about two full straightaways now ahead of dan boshaw so he'll go up and over the polaris jump one final time and into calamity corner yeah it looks like he's gonna do it tiptoeing his way through come on randy make it one final time he's gonna look right at the checkered flag a big win knocking dan bosha off that win streak as dan is well behind because of a right front flat tire it looked like dan was gonna do what he did all year long and run away and hide but today it's been different yeah a little bit of bad fortune and i mean still if that's as bad as his luck gets this year to have eight wins and then unfortunately get a flat tire and finish second my goodness that's a pretty good year for bowshaw so far absolutely a good season for dambo shot one round to go this is round nine and looks like conan's here he's got a left front flatter right left front damage as well maybe a suspension issue he's see-sawing that wheel around yeah connots are still just battling this mud as he actually passes jake anderson into the formula 4x4 there's the checkered flag for the 477 of john holt who i believe was third in formula four by four trying to limp their way through the finish line here like i said this tough tough layout early on this morning track is now starting to work its way in we see a lot of heavy rain that came through before this weekend we wanted to leave the track alone make the best possible race facility and they're trying to do it here as aaron conants are bringing it through one final right-hander hard on the binders trying to get through the last turn there it is in second hold on for a second as chestnut did manage to complete that final lap and take the win in classics so just not able to stretch that very small points lead by a couple more points there looks like anderson coming across right behind condenser showing some smoke so a lot of cleaning left to do here this weekend for a lot of these drivers as it looks like dale chestnut has some right front damage on that truck as well so really really tough here on these vehicles yeah in ideal racing conditions these guys will thrive well some races you just have to survive and that's all it takes yep surviving is a big thing as randy he's gonna be one happy camper getting out of that truck taking the big win here the first race of the day say about that it really is the energy is high down here for our first podium of the weekend we're gonna start out grabbing a word with john holz our third place finisher [Music] man first class out of the day no easy feat but it's good to see you here on the box talk me through that one yeah that was some deep mud and there was just no groove a lot of fun but it was a big mess who would you like to think uh we got to thank knutson engineering global fab my boss is here darwin bonnie thanks a lot competition specialist building our motors uh and uh the crew's favorite pure glass vodka john holz our third place finisher [Music] congratulations [Music] and danny beauchamp you have had a perfect season but if this is the worst luck you're going to have this is not so bad now i know you're a veteran of granite international off-road and you've raced in these conditions too so tell me what exactly did it take there the last half of this race to bring this truck all the way to victory lane right uh the track was so wet like there really wasn't a good line to find maybe in a couple races here there might be but uh apparently he had a flat tire he just told me i didn't know i had a flat tire but that would be why i kept spinning out there and my brakes didn't work halfway through the transmission quit coming down the back straight away and then it came back and then myself at that point was like dying but uh randy drove an awesome race just to be there behind me when i made that mistake that's where he had to be and uh yeah i just was out there having fun and trying to trying to find the quick way through congratulations thanks this is danny beauchar second place finisher and your winner randy sheidle you kept the pressure on there and you were able to capitalize and i know you've been so close all season so how good does it feel what are the emotions right now this first win of the season feels awesome i knew it was going to be a tough run out here with the rain um we re did a bunch of resetting on the truck well that didn't help because of the mud obviously but we got it done uh after restart i just kept tight and tight and tight and hoping it just one little mistake to get around well every corner is a mistake because all you do is push so it went good uh finished that's awesome didn't break didn't roll double plus so we're good to go awesome uh hopefully tomorrow dries up and we can hit it hard hard and see what the trucks are all about who would you like to thank for the win i want to thank everybody for coming out here in the mud fest and enjoying it appreciate it but that's the first start the track's only going to get better the rest of the day so hope you enjoy everything and i like to thank conrad's auto salvage uh ben pasa for pushing us to keep us on the track and motivation that's number key right there i've wanted to quit many times but you know keep going keep going you'll get succeed so thanks everybody for coming appreciate it enjoy your day this is conrad's auto salvage formula 4x4 winner randy scheidel take it away we do face destiny who is our official championship off-road flagman you only come out for a few rounds this year to race crandon and it's been so good to see you raise another podium for you here at crandon how about that grandma's car bought me back on the podium again [Music] thanks for austin smith is helping me out today doing the halfway flagging for me so i could raise otherwise i wouldn't be able to i wouldn't have had to stay up there but uh we had a good race it's just the track is so muddy i it's been a long time since i've seen it this bad it's pretty i didn't think it was going to be like this but we tried who would you like to thank i'd like to thank my sponsors but i don't have any so i guess i could thank uh jeff's for spotting for me and uh rick for helping me get belted in double d services for sponsoring our class congratulations on the podium this is faceted i know he's gotta head back to the flagstaff and aaron conitzer it looked like out there you had a left front damage or even front end damage there how did you manage to push this truck all the way to the podium i don't think we had any front damage i spun out and backed into faith so i had a little rear damage but um mostly just cosmetic who would you like to thank for the podium i gotta thank grave transport sweetie farms john barkey real estate my family and crew you know we did it do a few last minute adjustments and stuff here for the mud but uh we got through her and he's been so consistent this year congratulations erin conants are our second place finisher and your winner dale chestnut stale when you were able to claim the lead you found clean air what were your thoughts at that point in the race well it was just uh try and drive smart try and drive careful it was really a physically and mentally demanding race on you because the track kind of puts you some places you didn't want to be so you just had to hold for the best outcome and uh hope you didn't make any big mistakes and uh aaron was uh doing a good job there and i just had to make sure i ran this best line i could to stay ahead who would you like to thank well first i'd like to shout out to the canadians that can't be here with us um but i'd like to thank uh etero tires ultra wheels amsoil automatic transmission design um everybody else that helps us out all the fans my crew family all my friends and uh just everybody else it's a great time congratulations dale chestnut this is your dnd services classics top three back to you guys thank you very much these lines so if you're starting up front like this or in them you have that advantage you really can just stay out front keep clear of the mud and you you have to be perfect though you get out of that race line it could be over yeah there's our green flag for the muskego crane service short course carts looks like connor lacoste got a great jump off that start he's gonna stretch his lead early over visser and the rest of the field they head past turn number two up toward the sky boxes lacasse visser lawrence van devort and wanda sega your early top five as they head down the hill towards the gravel pit yeah already look at that gap our leader is trying to run away and hiding you can see the tracks starting to pack in now we'll get a bunch of cars on it you get later on today we'll have our light buggy single buggy we see 30 plus cars and that'll really help this track develop as race fister speaking to get it on that line he got out of that line and cost him some spots as well and lacoste went around he was the race leader as they went down into the gravel pit he's going to go all the way to the tail end of the field so tough break for conor lacaze midwest truck driving school ford is off the side of the track we'll see they're all in single file trying to cl climb that hill by the players launch zone trying to get a run already look at that looks like aidan juana sega now gonna move into the second place spot gonna try to wiggle his way up to that lead yeah we've seen wanda sega run up front a couple different times this year but just had some tough luck in a few different races and really had a roller coaster of a season so good to see him mixing it up in the top three as he's battling visser right now as they go under the finish line yeah definitely aiden wanted sega he really didn't have a good year trying to put together a good finish here to end the season see him swaying back and forth on that steering wheel trying to stay out of that slimy muddy dirt here in crandon as our lead is starting to open up now yeah that's the number 28 of abel lawrence she came into this weekend second in points andy johnson is your points leader but i'm looking out the window brent he's way back in about 10th place so johnson really struggling he started at 11 so having a bit of a hard time working his way around traffic that's gonna really benefit lawrence in this points chase yeah there's not a lot of room for passing your right so definitely gonna pack on that points battle here there's lawrence try to work its way you see those two codes trying to keep them out of that inside you don't want to go on that bottom there's not a lot of clear space as you can see that lead right on our camera about 10 maybe 15 car lengths and aiden want to take it he went way to the bottom we'll see if he can get out of there he got stuck i seen on the back of the camera and there he is in 97 richmond gear ford yeah more tough luck there for wanda sega finally back up to race pace there behind the number nine of samuel lawrence wendrick's trust also on board some local companies kid doing a fine job as we go back up to ava and that 28 trying to dodge all those mud puddles here early on like we talked there's not a lot of horsepower in these cars so you really have to pick your lines perfect and you have to keep remembering lap after lap you know where am i faster just trying to stay out of that sloppy soil yeah how about this brent our top six cars right now are driven by second or more generation drivers every driver in the top six right now as a parent that is raised if not a grandparent that is so cool to just see that move on the legacy of these drivers well definitely helps to have those kind of coaches back in your pit too that have turned laps here at cranette international off-road raceway and know how to deal with these conditions absolutely you can coach your kid or your nephew your niece whoever you put in one of these trucks you can help them around this beautiful facility i promise you it will get better as the day goes on back up front abel lawrence she came in 22 points behind andy johnson so she is doing everything that she has control over right now by leading this race like we said johnson well back in the field struggling to get around some of these other cars as we had some trouble there trying to make out who that was might have been the 98 and gavin plummer having some issues down there in the gravel pit another one of our newcomers to the short course cards this weekend here comes ava lawrence through once again still out front there's van zyle trying to get around aidan juana sega in that 97 ride still working their way through like i said not an easy track to negotiate here early on in rounds number nine not the track they wanted to see but man this is off-road racing we've put down laps no matter what there's hunter benz aisle again going to try to work around aid and juana sega will go back to the 44 hpi ride yeah that's kind of title yeah python doing a good job yeah good strong run for colin peyton up there in second place got his cousin ella holter right behind him in third as that number 98 is a lap down right now look at python trying to go around slower traffic you better stay out of there and wait for your opportunity because that's where it gets really deep they're going into the barn turn about this battle of the two cousins hello holster look to the outside of peyton almost side by side just for a moment but just not quite enough room to make a move there you know fortunately for these short course carts the formula four by fours and classics wore in a little bit more than one good race line but these are much smaller cars so there's enough room for them to go side by side yeah absolutely there's a little bit much a little bit more room as look at this trying to criss-cross yeah colin peyton's got to be careful he's being a little bit aggressive looking for a line around that lap carve plumber yeah plumber trying to get out of the way when they get to the back of him but he's just trying to stay out of that mud as well so he's not trying to block the leaders he's just trying to keep his car moving forward as we're a couple laps in out of six laps here in round number nine some more slower traffic we'll see lawrence is well out front paid on second holder in third and now we have another car and slowing down that's mia yeah quentin mia making his first ever start here in short course carts splitting that seat now with his brother xavier we look back out front with lawrence brent like i said she's 22 points down coming into this race but i was checking my notes a minute ago and if she can win both rounds and the 13 of andy johnson finishes sixth or worst both rounds that would turn the points championship over to lawrence so as it's shaking out right now johnson is outside of the top six so everything going eva lawrence's way right now she's got a long way to go here to win this championship but in prime position right now to cut that points lead in half yeah definitely every point counts here at cran international off-road raceway especially here at champ off road the weekend is going to wind down very very quickly so you pick as many points off as possible still out front lawrence then it's peyto holds her visser there goes making his move on gavin plummer who's a lap down lover had some issues early on there in the gravel pit you can see the track crews did put some cones out there to kind of help guide these kids around yeah they didn't want to see him go tight into that gravel pit they'd have been stuck all of them so we want to see some great racing as we see peyton now working his way up through opening up that gap over holster but ella she's kind of stuck back there she really needed to be on the back there to pounce on it before that gravel pit because it's pretty much wide open through that back section yeah holster still having some problems getting around plumber but you know fortunately for ella she's getting a ton of seat time this year because she's also currently leading points in the 170 side by side class so no shortage of sea time of course colin pedal races that class as well as we look back out front all the way from thornville ohio ava lawrence putting on a show right now pretty comfortable lead over the rest of this field yeah she's just doing what she needs to do just being calm cool and collected running through the barn turn one more time very very clean out in front you can see the track's actually packing in chain it looks really really nice on the race line yeah good smooth line there and actually the amount of moisture that's in the track once you can push that top layer off that's a little bit juicy like haley likes to say the the surface underneath is actually really tacky there's a ton of traction on this clay surface yeah there is once this thing packs in you'll see that high horsepower start to bite and move forward a little bit quicker and just you can't do nothing about mother nature it's really tough on us at points in times during the year but man we work around it this track crew has done a phenomenal job getting it back together as we look at lawrence still well well out in front here in the short course cart class yeah really cruising right now you see the gap there that's still a lap car there i believe that's the 21 of lacasse behind lawrence now so as she takes the white flag there's really no threat right now to her race lead as long as she can keep it clean and stay on the dry line he's on her way to a victory here in round number nine and like i said earlier closing up that points gap between herself and andy johnson yeah definitely we look on our sheets andy johnson looks like he's now moved into the top ten about 38 seconds behind our race leader of ava lawrence so doesn't look like he will get the job done here this morning in credit in round number nine but had a chance to talk with them and his father casey and he's gonna move him up into the mod card class next year so he's just trying to keep his feet wet keep driving doing a phenomenal job they love to win the points championship and they're doing what they need to do to keep out front so today it's all about ava lawrence though shane yeah making that long haul from ohio pay off or as we talked about some of the second generation drivers as well her dad scotty lawrence will see him later in both pro mods side by side and in pro four so as i said earlier no shortage of great coaches here for these young short course cart drivers yeah that's what's so cool that's what these drivers love they need you need to have your eyes in the sky make sure you stay out of this sloppy soil and ava doing what she needs to do like i say she's gonna come over that polaris fly flyway jump one final time her eyes will be set on that finish line turn slower truck off the side now as park looks like me in that 75 first time out tough tough break here's the checkered flag your round nine winner in the muskego crane service short course carts is ava lawrence all the way from thornville ohio on that rival motorsports machine and really taking a big bite out of that points lead that johnson had coming into this weekend yeah it's not like dambosha when he finished second behind randy you know he didn't lose a lot of points but if you're johnson you lost quite a few points finishing up here probably in the top ten but man far far back he'll click off as many points as he can as they cross the finish line there's juana sega gonna click off a solid run here this afternoon the checkered flags still flying we're waiting for the rest of the field to come around yeah colin peyton did finish second he held on over his cousin ella holter a good showing for the hbi cars here in short course carts but abe lawrence the woman of the hour right now ella congratulations another podium for you here in the short course cards tell me how much of a challenge is this one that track does not look easy to navigate no yeah it was really hard coming off of the gravel pit you were going spinning around everywhere it was so hard so i was hoping please hopefully finish the race and yeah is it that much trickier when you are keeping the pressure on your cousin is it that much trickier to keep the pressure on then when you're putting pressure on your cousin yeah yeah who would you like to thank um all my sponsors my mom my dad my grandma and grandpa my paw um uncle scotty and steph and uncle craig and my best friend carla ella hulcher congratulations on the podium [Applause] and colin peyton congratulations on the silver medal here tell me what was it taking to hold off the pressure coming from ella i don't know well tell me more about the race how was it out there it was good it was just really slippery well you made it happen you made some results here today nonetheless who would you like to thank all my sponsors my mom my dad my uncle my aunt my grandma my grandpa my little brother yeah collin final congratulations on the second place finish and her first career win first win of the season two for this class eva lawrence congratulations on the big win you took a big bite out of the points championship chase but tell me about that race because you made it look easy was it smooth sailing for you uh well right off the bat um i was kind of bummed that we were starting at last and you know the weather wasn't working out for us and once we started i didn't have a plan so um the inside for the barn turn kind of opened up for me and i got third right off the start and uh and then second place went into the mushy stuff in the gravel kit and uh that wasn't that was an easy pass so and i'm not really sure how i got around first place but i did and then whenever i got around him no emotions were coming because i didn't really want to get my hopes up if something had happened and i saw the white flag and i just got so excited and uh you know i just uh i had it locked in i know you were so excited but you managed to stay cool calm and collected like you needed to who would you like to thank for the big win i'd like to thank my mom and my dad my dad for spotting for me and keeping me calm during the whole race arrival motorsports for getting me into the car and my family that's watching from home my family that's come out this weekend and my siblings congratulations this is eva lawrence ain't no win like your first career win this is ava lawrence here your winner of the muskego crane service short course cards bark river michigan starts on the pole on the inside alongside him from seymour's chase miller from belch michigan the number 212 is antonio and glazy and from oconomowoc number 207 is michael funk from belch michigan again the 201 is porter and glazy the other and glazy car out there in the field 231 he's from bark river it's zachary hanowitz currently second place in points from tomahawk number 213 is easton easy e sleeper and from lena your current points leader the number 290 is sam marquardt there they go the green flag is flowing watch as they come into forest county pottawatty turn number one look at this decent sleeper definitely not sleeping on the start taking the whole shot yeah great jump there by sleeper and unfortunately for markquart he got pushed out into the soft stuff and he's all the way back in seventh place you see johnson settled in for second and one of the iglesias running there in third yeah glazey's doing a good job already up the third spot but i'll tell you sleeper definitely was paying attention on that start then he blew everyone out of the water yeah he's already got about a seven or eight truck length lead over johnson as they head down into the gravel pit you can see these guys hanging the back end out a little bit driving with the rear end yeah trying to stay in that race line as we watch as the short course cards just got off the track it's starting to dry out a little bit more as we get more cars on and here we go already yeah pass for second there as in glazing the 212 antonio and glazey put the move on johnson that's a little bit of uh escanaba or excuse me mark river against belch action going on there absolutely here we go already sleeper just doing what he needs to do out front there's a 212 of a blazey coming by what will be our barn turn throughout the weekend you'll see some big jump actually going off you have to rotate in the air to carry your speed through it's very very technical as you see as we get another cool shot like we've seen all year long from our drone coverage it's a mark trying to work his way up around the couple of cars in the middle of the field he's on the charge right now and up front we've got a race for the lead between glazy and that 212 and the 213 of sleeper bumper to bumper as they head up and over the polaris jump and down toward calamity corner yeah glaze he's trying to work the outside inside remember the line is not that wide as he's gonna go in that loamy soupy stuff yeah it's almost building kind of a cushion out there that uh glazey used to his advantage not able to really threaten sleeper there though back out onto the front straight they come about three car lengths now separating our battle for the race lead sleepers still out in front going through the barn turn one more time can't say enough about todd sleeper and all the guys back in the pits they do a fine fine job and it looks like and glaze he's gonna make a little bit of a run on that inside chain yeah antonio and glazy found something there found a little bit of speed on the inside as they went past the barn turn so that's something to keep an eye on looks like sleeper is going to stay in front for now but glazey definitely closed the gap that time down the hill here comes in glazy all over the back bumper of easton sleeper again in that 213 lime green and black ride just sticking to that inside trying to play the protected line sometimes that can cost you but he did a good job as he goes over the couple roller jumps early starting to look like maybe sleepers a little bit faster from say the polaris jump all the way through turn two and then the rest of the track may be glazey a little bit faster so interesting battle here for the race lead as the other and glazy bordering glazey has moved up into third with marquardt fourth yeah you see johnson fell back in the 211-6 and had a chance to talk with his dad earlier this morning like we were talking about andy troy he really having some issues with the chains on those machines trying to keep it perfect they're going to trip that truck down right to nothing over the winter and get it back to normal they just said they're out here just trying to finish the season they know they've had some gremlins and if anybody can do it casey johnson's been around a long long time very very smart individual yeah we're giving a lot of attention to the the points battles here as we crown championships tomorrow here for the champ off road series but even the guys further on back at the points chase they still got a lot to raise for and try to build some momentum as we look ahead to 2021. yeah definitely if you're not going to win the points shane you're still going to go out for a win you want to win every race you come to i mean as a race car driver you try to pick away as many w's as you can and i don't care if you're in 6th 7th 9th 10th you're out there to try to pick as many points off as possible as you see now our top two have opened up about a 10 12 car length gap let's see if mcglazey can get another run he does here on sleeper almost bumper to bumper again as they come past the sky boxes looks like it's gonna take it glazey getting a run like that then maybe stepping off the race line just a little bit in the gravel pit corner if he's gonna put a move on sleeper because that's where he's definitely faster yeah definitely you can see right there look at him he's butting it up once again and this work it glazes really really fast we'll see if he can go outside inside and sleeper is doing a nice job watching him play that protected line on the bottom just hitting that cushion yeah you got to be careful there you saw the standing water on the inside of calamity corner as we've reached our mid-race competition yellow how about that the 201 of bordering glazy closed the gap there in the the final few turns on the two race leaders so there you see easy east and sleeper running out front here at halfway man he shot out of a cannon on that start i don't know their gear ratio is perfect that clutch is set perfect i mean you talk about these cars there's a lot that goes in one of these cars if you ask me they're just a shrunk down pro 2 pro 4. you can rip the body panels off take the tires off you name it they strip them right down to the chrome ollie and they do it just like the big boys so it's cool as a kid you get so much to look forward to brett i'm looking at our electronic scoring here and marquardt has fallen behind by a lap and i don't see him running out there in the uh race order in fact he's making some off the pace laps still out there on the track we're going to send it down track side to haley shanley hayley what do you have for us well like we saw at the last podium like i said there's ain't no win like your first career win just the last round we had here at crandon off road we had a first time winner in the class porter and glazy and he and that was actually for the world championship so no doubt an exciting one for him his brother also rounded out the podium in third that same day another first time podium finisher chase muller and now all three drivers are running the series full time this year and currently we've had seven different podium finishers in this class so so much talent and to mention those in glazy brothers they are currently second and third in this one yeah thank you haley she talked about seven different podium finishers in this class as you see it's not an enormous class so very competitive very evenly matched these mod cards yeah anyone can win at any given time as we go back up bridget kuloff's gonna take these guys around a couple times decent sleeper with your lead then it's and glazy in second and third then it's funk johnson now in the top five we'll see if johnson can try to pick his way back up through the field but right now it's been all sleeper and marquardt nowhere to be found so you know i'm looking at my notes that i put together before this event markquart needed to finish sixth or better in each round to secure that points championship after round number 10 and he's not in the top six right now so easton sleeper who's seconded points as we see markpark still just trying to keep up and rejoin the field here making some laps trying to get any single point he can so absolutely here we go shane we're back to green playing racing can it glazy take over that top spot or can decent sleeper hold on halfway point has just gone by so we'll see how this one shakes out [Music] bump for the bumper battling as they head down into that gravel pit turn wayne glaze he's wishing his track was dried out a little bit wider you've seen him trying to sneak out now he's going to go back to the bottom trying to move sleeper out of the line can't do it this is where he shows a lot of speed though shane yeah again stepping out of line just a little bit you're pointing at mike funk in that fourth place spot he's sticking with these guys as well so yeah folks not going away here we go back into the finish line turn and glazey going to the bottom no room he had to get hard on the binders again yeah a little glazey on it glazy contact there antonio in second right now he's got to be careful because porter is right on his bumper as well so if he steps a little bit too far out of line trying to get around sleeper he's going to get passed by his brother absolutely he has to really babysit that second third place spot i mean he wants to hold on to second but that's how quick things can change it's if you're recent sleeper right now you're hoping those guys do battle he can just check out and win this thing yeah it looks like he was able to stretch his lead just a little bit maybe five six truck lengths now as they again head down into that gravel pit turn and already you can see the speeds are starting to pick up shane these mod cards are starting to hook up and go a lot faster we see pretty much a one line run going into the gravel pin then you exit still pretty single files you see marcotte off the side of our screen getting towed so definitely a tough tough break for him especially in the points yeah again very fortuitous turn of events there for sleeper who leads this race three laps to go this time antonio and glazy still giving chase there in second sleeper just watching his lines i love watching these kids and stephanie peyton she was saying in the interview that how it's so cool to watch these kids progress watch him learn what it is hey the top three that's our winners everyone on back hey not everyone gets a ribbon every day so you have to have your a game on you have to fight forward as you see a little cross-up action going on in third there and glacey yeah that's porter and glazy in that number 201 and he's fallen well back of our top two so again just a two horse race here for this race lead man i'm thinking ahead into the 1600 light buggy coming up it is gonna be a tough tough track hopefully they got their tires on right the right tire grooving to be exact because man this track is still pretty sloppy as we see a one race line track here this afternoon as in glazing now trying to reel in sleeper again a lot of time remaining again closing that gap between sleeper and himself as they take the cut-off corner onto the front straight around the old parsons pond you know a few of our loyal fans joining us here this weekend are watching online that'll remember parsons pond and know exactly what i'm talking about the old pond in the middle of the racetrack long since been filled in definitely i remember that the nice fence that they had we always were scared who was gonna go in the pond first on the weekend look at this run look at the run by and glazey coming on the outside gonna try to make it stick he's gonna run out of traffic room here the real estate definitely gonna go away see you can't cross over there's no line yeah even though when glazey ran out of room there that was some tremendous driving because he just about got hung out to dry into the soft stuff and was able to gather it back up and fall into the race line wow but we've known for a few laps now that's gonna be where he tries to make his move he gets some incredible run coming down off that skybox hill yeah he really does gets a nice run gonna try to put it together as a white flank comes out one more time seven out of late eight laps are in the book so this is it here in mod car can ease and sleeper get the job done wow glaze he goes really really wide getting a little crazy out there yeah that's unfortunate now he's falling about eight or ten truck legs back this is the section of the course where we saw glazy was definitely faster than sleeper but at this point i think he's fallen back too far to really make a move yeah he's definitely fell back in that 212. over a second gap now to easton sleeper can't say enough about that kid he came into this class he's trying to get his feet wet had some gremlins going on but now him his father todd have this car just dialed in launched out of that hole shot did what he needed to do and he's got one more right-hander one last time through calamity corner checkered flag is out and easton sleeper takes the round nine win in mod card and glazio finished second in the 212. then porter and glazio finish in the 201 in third and funk should come around in fourth but a great day for that man right there easy east sleeper in that 213 taking things in his own hands yeah picks up his second win here in 2020 and again we've talked about some points leaders having some bad luck what a tough break for markquart to finish all the way back you know unofficially we haven't scored as eighth place so last in the field yeah tough tough break definitely man eight play fif eighth place finish you're you're last i mean luckily there's not a lot more cars i mean the points keep going down as you finish and sleeper did what he needed to do as you look at the forest county potawatomi rush run result sleeper and lazy in the top three podium it really was and you could throw a blanket over the top three porter and glazey in third porter a phenomenal run especially in the last half of that race give us your reaction to that performance um it was just really muddy it was hard to get around and just got to the competition caution and after that i just kept going further back it was just too so really muddy who would you like to thank for the podium finish um my mom my dad jake's been logging fcr logging boston products um zee tropic trucking can be hauling raw dog custom rod holders rt welding um port offroad locking and current grips porter and glazey he's taken home bronze congratulations and antonio and glazy in second man antonio you did not let easton out of arm's length there so tell me as the white flag comes out what were you telling yourself at that point well i was trying to just make sure i could stay out of the mud because i did go into the mud a little bit and it really slowed me down my dad was really helping keeping me calm and i thought i could have something for him but i just couldn't pass and clean enough maybe just a few more laps i'm sure you were hoping for who would you like to thank my mom my dad fcr jacobson logging kmb hauling and excavating rod dog rod holders rt welding supply um horde off road logging kurt grieves kyle griez my uncle mike my cousin joe um and donald trump antonio and glazy in second congrats and your winner easy easton sleeper this ain't his first rodeo he's back on top easton a wire to wire wind obviously that whole shot is so so important to find that clean air and track conditions like this especially but what else was key for you today oh just keeping it in the dry dirt uh hacking in the mud a lot and it was just bogging out keeping it downshifting up shifting uh i don't even know what to say right now um so happy second win uh i can't do this without all my sponsors b b power sports offroad fraternity vp racing fuels my mom my dad teresa my grandma grandpa the kircher family off-road fraternity fxr doc ngk uh and all my other sponsors thank you so much congratulations second win of the season easy eastern sleeper he's taken home gold back to you the outside i should say is your points leader alongside him fitzgerald he's a former class champion you've got greg peyton out there who always seems to have pretty good runs here at crandon the trelstad cars both of those guys have shown some speed here in the second half of this year so really anybody's game then you got some some up-and-comers so to speak you got the all cox brothers out there bo ambos out there still working on developing that new car you've also got tony keepers back at the field for this weekend and real quick want to say happy birthday tony it's his birthday today he's 35 years old so wow absolutely what a great day to be back on your birthday and man can't say enough about keepers it seems like in 2018 19 that's all i talked about in the single buggy class very very quick and that's what you need to be here in crane and this is a high horsepower track and you really have to keep your ducks in a row as we look up at the flank tower like i said 16 drivers on the line here bo ambos jake nelson steph pedals in this one as you see the board sliding yellow colton burns luke alcox bachinski as we are green flag racing here in the one-off graphics 1600 buggy race thomas and travis trailstrad are out there as well craig peyton dylan parsons john fitzgerald points leader and world champion billy booth and you've got dan martin sakamis keepers and brad kell man looks like nelson might have got the whole shot yeah nelson pulled a whole shot a couple weeks ago here crandon that's a car that he jumped into midway through this year so got out a light buggy up into 1600 buggy of course his uncle is mark eirstein steinhardt the uh arguably the goat of 1600 buggies so definitely plenty of coaching and know-how in that pit yeah definitely steinhardt anytime you say that name you know if he's on your team you have a chance to win at any given time you see everyone getting through there decently clean as we go in the gravel pit and you're right look at we did a lot of track prep so there's a lot more room to play around here might be a little bit lonely on that bottom side but guarantee it'll start to dry out as we work in these laps here in the first half yeah taking a look out front it's nelson and then 341 then dylan parsons and how about that tony keepers started out the second row started in 15th he's all the way up to third wow keepers on his birthday gonna try to reel in that guy right there jake nelson that 3 41. very very quick we go on board with our drone shot going through argonne turn that little switch back one of my favorite sections here at granite you go it's so off camber and then you got to rotate it back to the left and carry that speed then you have a long long straight away back towards our starting line here in brandon yeah that series of turns really takes graceful driving and even more so in these conditions it's you know less traffic has gone back there with our two short course races or short course races between the short course carts and mod carts so this back section as they head down into cowboy corner that's a little bit more greasy back there so that's something to keep an eye on as well absolutely here comes keepers tony keepers that 352 gonna try to work through that mud running down jake nelson is a car way off the track yeah that's one of those trail stand cars parsons was running in second he had some trouble back there in cowboy corner by our start line but they as the second time they come through turn number one it's still nelson pulled that great hole shot but look at this run by keepers right now having an absolutely great first couple laps here man keepers hasn't missed a heartbeat missing so many races he's already challenging for this top spot on his birthday like we said so what a great day it would be if he can lay down that top spot here in 1600 single buggy there's jake nelson gonna head into the gravel pit we'll get a good look at this turn now shane yeah it looks like a lot of traction down there you don't see a whole lot of sawing at the wheel cars aren't really pushing through it too badly looks like pretty good bike coming out of the corner cars getting up to speed quickly so again the wizards behind the scenes here at crandon international doing an absolutely fantastic job managing the moisture in this track right now yeah a lot of people complained and you heard it back in the pits like why aren't we practicing why aren't we qualifying but at the same time cranin knows how to do things they know how to keep the track perfect you get on it too earlier after a rainstorm you could destroy the whole track and it would take them the whole weekend to get it back so if you don't understand really how things work building and prepping you just got to kind of sit back and just take what you have and try to work with it as we look back up front that's jake nelson going a little bit wide keepers trying to plug away at that lead yeah nelson just pushed out a little bit too far into the greasy dirt on the outside of the argon corner there's your race for the lead headed back down that long long back straight away most of our classes that'll be the highest speed section of this race course man you can see look at jake nelson how clean the front of that car is in the 341 then you look at tony keeper he's getting all crossed up trying to go side by side he has a lot of mud and clay all over the top of that car so yeah these are two guys we saw battle quite a bit back in 1600 light buggy as well so certainly no stranger to racing alongside one of each other and with that with when you're familiar with your competition that kind of earns a level of trust you know that these guys know that they're gonna race each other cleanly they can trust that they're not gonna suddenly swap lines so both drivers can can really put a full effort on just winning the race and not you know managing traffic absolutely you're right they're very very competitive but they have a lot of respect for one another as you look at keepers been out of the game for a little bit but he's trying to work his way back up to the front nelson just holding on to that lead just doing a fine job running through wherever he can find in that gravel pit haven't seen a whole lot from either of our top two in points billy booth is your points leader here at 1600 with john fitzgerald trailing neither of those guys very close to the front right now no it looks like fitzgerald that 312 running in seventh place so a little bit of work left to do if johnny fitzgerald wants to move up front we talk about this mud we can't say enough about mud muncher and these tear-offs i'm standing by the garbage can actually with johnny fitzgerald he's throwing away all his old roll offs and he's like it's so nice you just touch a button it goes cleans it and he's like that's less you have to worry about you keep the hands on the wheel as long as possible yeah that's one thing we didn't bring up earlier when talking about these conditions is visibility is obviously super important and everyone you know every driver has that horror story of you know i accidentally pulled a tear off and they all flew off or i ran out of tear offs on the second lap and then i was battling for position your guys taking their gloves off trying to use the inside of their glove to wipe a visor or any you know using the sleeves of their racing suit any little bit of dry fabric they can find to keep that shield clean yeah absolutely and sometimes you rip off too many at one time and you have to do anything you can like you're saying use your sleeve some guys put a towel underneath their leg especially in conditions like this here comes machinski and that 324 running about six seconds off our race lead [Music] yeah baginski comes out of indiana he's another veteran guy he's been around 1600 a long time so again you talk about that seat time and especially seat time in these conditions you have to understand how to manage it it's not something you can really just hear about and figure it out you have to have done it before yeah and a lot of guys know dan bannon overall he damn vandal was senior he's one for the mud back in the day he he was the one to watch because he knew how to be calm he knew how to chill out and wait for his time and sometimes we say it a lot slower is faster in these conditions yeah another guy i think of especially when it comes to mud races and buggies as craig ray seemed like the the worse the track looked the better craig rave always did he just had the right driving style he was able to account for all those difficult conditions tell you what that mets plumbing carve nelson he's accounted for these conditions really well because he's stretching his lead back a little bit now on tony keepers yeah he's opening up the cabinet tracks starting to dry out nicely on the race section here getting that race line really really breath for the later races on here this afternoon as nelson going by argonne turned head towards the starting line here in crandon and there's keepers about 910 car lengths behind now so we'll have to keep an eye on that lead as we're going to come close to that mandatory competition caution this next time bye now still in third that 324 looks like billy booth now that 351 going to make that pass so look at pozinski gets out into that loamy dirt into that mud allowing billy boos so this thing could be a turnaround here in the second half because we know billy booth can win he's done it a couple different times yeah all it took was one tiny mistake there for magenta look at this keepers looks to the inside of nelson through turn number two looks like it's pretty much one line racing there through turn two though so you really have to be careful and stay on the race line yeah if you're tony keepers you want to get around nelson if you can i mean it's not an easy task but to start this second half he's sick of throwing tear offs [Music] again keepers look to the inside still not really approaching ideal racing conditions down there in the gravel pit but i tell you some of these corners are really starting to dry out we're going to take a look here at calamity corner for sure one good race line is worn in there yeah you see the mud puddle there on the inside as we come to that mandatory competition caution it's going to be jake nelson tony keepers jeff pachinski should come in that third place spot a little farther back but it looks like things have shaken up a little bit more yeah it's booth across the line third parsons fourth fitzgerald now look at that fitzgerald now in the top five yeah booth and fitzgerald and parsons that's your top three in points so now the cream rising to the top a little bit but oh yeah what we got to give some love to jake nelson like i said he pulled the whole shot here a couple weeks ago on world championship weekend maybe surprised a few people but it was just a matter of time before nelson who had a lot of success in light buggy found his way to the front here in 1600 as well yeah a little bit more horsepower a little bit easier to drive he asked me you get a little bit more speed carrying through these turns like we say you know you say there's more horsepower than light buggy but still you don't have a lot you have to be a driver and i don't care who you are you sit in one of these cars i've never gotten the opportunity to drive a buggy but just watching these guys they work on their own stuff they got to put it together time and time again and it's not easy especially when you throw the mud at it yeah you said it all brent and we've got hayley shanley the third member of our team trackside bailey what do you have for us about this 1600 buggy race yeah so in 1600 buggy a few weeks ago labor day weekend we saw some of that cranded magic a slew of firsts for this class billy booth had his first crandon win which happened in the world championship ben alcox had his first podium in this class it was long awaited didn't happen until round seven but he had been so close a number of times and like we had talked about during opening ceremonies travis charles said his first time to crandon he was able to garner a second place finish and charles said in alcox they're sitting relatively mid-pack in this one we'll see if they can find something on the restart and as you saw just before the competition caution came out billy booth had just breached the top three [Music] yeah thank you haley yeah absolutely that the last lap there that first half billy booth really on the charge you can see the amount of mud that he's already accumulated though so yeah at this point booth's kind of getting used to running at least near the front here in 1600 he's got to be just sick and tired of eating all this dirt yeah definitely and it's not an easy task to go through those tariffs like we said vision is everything here especially on a day like today but nelson keepers and now booth at 351 as they're going to get them back rolling and don't count out parsons parsons jody was 11 seconds back before that mandatory competition caution but it's anybody's game now we'll see who has that good restart ability here in crandon in the different conditions here early on a lot more racing yet to come but pay attention we should be going back green flag racing this time by there are those two orange cones we'll see if nelson takes off after that little roller boy keepers he didn't really miss out he stayed right on the rear bumper of jake nelson so i have to see going in that gravel pin maybe things will start to open up yeah good clean restart by everybody it doesn't look like anybody got caught sleeping really they head past the sky boxes and down for the gravel pit turn fitzgerald on the inside of parsons making a move they're side by side something's got to give there there's not enough room for two cars on the race line yeah you've seen that he snuck underneath going by the sweets here in crandon as we'll see if keepers can run down our race leader he's been definitely fast enough but we'll see as the track tries to widen out if anything can be possible here yeah it's gonna take a little bit of aggressive maneuvering or i should say trying some aggressive line spy keepers because there's not a ton of passing room like you said obviously keepers has the speed right now he's been basically right on nelson's back bumper throughout that whole first half of that race booth still trying to stay in the conversation as well yeah he really is he's right there he's coming into our camera he might be trying to run that half a line off just tips on his way through trying to carry his speed get into that heavy heavy dirt here comes fitz johnny fitzgerald has that roll-off system like we said so he's just pressing a button in there he's not rotating his arms across his face shield he's just trying to keep that vision clear as look at these five cars all in lock steph anybody's gained here so far in the second half wishing throwing a lot of smoke out here goes keepers trying to go alongside nelson setting up for outside of turn number one almost wheel the wheel as they head for forest county pottawattamie turn number one nelson's on the inside here comes keepers a long way around he's gonna do a chain he makes that pass stick you have a new race leader granted tony keepers on his birthday laying it down now nelson's got a back bumper just full of billy booth so battle for second and third definitely a long way to go in that one as well unreal run right now for keepers started on the second row outside the points inversion first time out this year in 1600 and he's found his way all the way to the front yeah he didn't miss a heartbeat like i said earlier he's very very quick he's won a lot of races so dominant back in 2019 and 18 mark steinhardt's old ride in single buggy making it still happened just glazing that little mud hole he was going through it earlier a little bit with that right front now he found the perfect line and he's definitely trying to check out now got to be such a sigh of relief for keepers too that he can finally stop worrying about managing visibility you know i don't want to say relax but settle in a little bit as they are battled for second still heating up even more yeah billy both gonna try to look to the inside as we look at our race leader still up front keepers it looked like booth got a little wide mike cost him a spot here on eggs and here comes john fitzgerald yeah fitz has a great run going down the back stretch headed for cowboy corner they are almost bumper to bumper that's your battle for third parsons trying to get his nose in there as well finch trying to outbreak billy blue billy booth holding on to that spot just missing his right rear tire look at that group of guys you think about successful drivers from 1600 bucky over the last couple of years what a great group of guys we've got in this top five some of the best uh younger representatives of sportsman racing are putting it on display right now yeah absolutely look at that we're seeing a little bit of dust i told you this track will start to work in billy booth going by the bar turn one more time we're about five flaps in out of eight so keepers definitely doing what he needs to do there's fits in the 312 heading towards the gravel pit yeah i can't believe how keepers has stretched his lead so far took him a long time to get around nelson but man once he did he's just checked out as you look at fitzgerald looking down to the inside yeah fits trying to feather that throttle get it through that mud and it looks like he's a little bit quicker than billy booth we'll see how wide billy makes his car [Music] but these guys have a lot of respect for one another they've been in a lot of different classes growing up so they know how to maintain a lead oh look at this parsons trying to go inside of oh they're hooked up a little bit brent still hooked up they got a glimpse of our flag man that white flag is out that time by so one to go look at that the wheel foam out of uh dylan parsons left rear wheel is stuck over on the nerf bar of john fitzgerald car that tells you uh how tangled up they really were [Music] good driving by both of those guys to get it figured out quickly enough that one of them didn't end up spot the wrong way around there's jake nelson still in second nowhere to be found is tony keepers he's well out front he's checked out on this field four and a half second lead to be exact with a couple turns to go for keepers it's nelson booth in third and there's john fitzgerald about six seconds back from that man tony keepers coming back to forest county pottawatomie turn number one on his birthday can he get the job done been out of the sport for a little while he's showing these guys man hey i still know how to put it together yeah took the rest of this year off decided to come out and play here in rounds nine and ten and i i gotta think for the rest of the field that's watching tony keepers pull away they're like my goodness we're gonna have to deal with you next year too along with this the rest of this really competitive group of guys yeah absolutely he will be one to watch in that 352 argon lumber car very very quick here one more turn to go after this straightaway going to go over the players fly away jump later on you'll see trucks jumping a hundred plus feet as you see him coming in one final time chain here he is there's the checkered flag your race winner on his birthday it's tony keepers from just up the road in argonne he'll take the win here in round number nine of the one-off graphics 1600 buggy race nelson a great run for him holding on for second he was leading at halfway and booth is gonna have to settle for third yeah in that three-way points battle for the championship looking ahead to tomorrow a little bit booth gonna stretch his lead by a couple points there but that one's still tight we'll have to take a look at the numbers after it's all sorted out one of the tightest points battles in all the uh sportsman divisions here in championship off-road the man of the hour zoney keepers on top of the box here this morning the 341 of nelson will come in second booth will be in third in the 351 parsons then it's fitzgerald charleston pachinski title and ambos around out here top 10. and it really was and good clean racing like we love to see billy booth you had some work to do there what was this one demanding of you oh man it was uh starting where we started this wasn't good we got out get out the track and it just sucked the car up and okay me and jack here in the corner by 11th and 12th and and really this week we're just racing john and dylan a little bit for that point championship so you know work through work through traffic clean patient you can't jump out of line that'll suck all your power if you go around that's that's the end of the world so i got a bit of experience doing this and just kind of drew on that and we got we got we got bigger things to worry about so that's what we need we need two thirds coming in and yeah by doing my math probably the seventh day tomorrow will wrap this up so uh we do got gotta get all cleaned up ready to go for light buggy here and i think uh we've got a big advantage there so uh just take some one more dry share off so turn machine tool everybody's helping us out this weekend uh greg dinsmore i want to grab that sponsor in class and uh look forward to get back out there and see what we can handle so thank you p3 another podium for billy booth and jake nelson jake this thing has been a whole shot machine and it was again today now what did you have to do to be able to hang on for a commendable podium finish here because you certainly have the speed throughout well i knew i had to get a good start out here with the one lane um did all i could to keep tony behind me the champion billy's fast um but the track you know it's one lane so you just got to kind of keep in that lane not make any mistakes and try to hold these guys behind you who would you like to thank i gotta thank uh my wife shannon my uncle mark uh glenn matthews uh michael meister logging enterprise wood products meds plumbing bee staff house two doors down brewing amsoil fastenal um and anybody else i forgot thank you guys a job well done this is jake nelson in second and your winner birthday boy tony keepers [Music] you know you're a former champion first time out here you find yourself on top of the box was there at all a sigh of relief as you got into that first place position or was it just upping the intensity at that point uh no it just you know it might sound arrogant but it feels comfortable there it's you know we've had some good years here mark steiner puts this engine together he built this car and that thing's incredible and i mean i've said it time and time again if that car gets out front not many people are going to touch it you know and we lucky to have a good start we had to start in the back row you know not racing all year and we got an awesome start followed jake for a while and got him to go in the muck a little bit so i get by him and and you just check out at that point you know i gotta i just gotta shout out to my wife and rick and ben and jackson you guys and squints he's back there helping his uncle right now but you guys man we decided a week ago sunday that we were going to do this and the car was down to nothing had four nights of busting our butts and we got this thing together lacey let me come out do this but man thank you guys so much i couldn't be here without you and mark two with with this awesome engine uh my sponsor shout out to all you guys we'll be back next year strong you know this all started rick said uh you know tony we got that brand new engine we need to go make a statement for next year and i feel like we feel like we said something you made a statement with an exclamation point congratulations tony keepers they're giving everyone one last check basically he runs down the line he points at you he wants you to look him in the eye and give him a thumbs up let you know that you're all set to go and after that it's in face destiny's hands and absolutely every time i see that it makes us miss cowboys that much more may he rest in peace what a heck of a man he was throughout our years of racy chain and we've known him for a long long time and here we are about to go green that is stan wood right in about the center screen see if he can get to turn one first stock truck watch as forest county pottawatomie turn one already a couple drivers banging doors that was e-word the 520 and wrinklesteader in the 599. looks like peterson may be on the outside going to try to pull hole shot but no looks like the 585 don deminy's truck will come out first stan wood will come in second in that vape escape chevrolet trying to work his way up to the front already making a little love tap trying to move him out of the race line travis peterson will be in third diesel shannon could be in fourth and wrinkle center will be in fifth so here comes wood already would try to make the track too wide how about that power move there by stan wood stealing that lead away physical driving but clean driving there by wood yeah you're gonna rub it's racing in some aspects of the sport you really have to make yourself clean as possible going through this field stan wood you can tell he's definitely one of the quick ones here in stock truck yeah wood's been showing a lot of speed all year unfortunately for him i think his aggressiveness gets the best of him sometimes i think we've seen the bottom of his truck in three of the four weekends this year so having some problems keeping it dirty side down but all systems go right now for stanford that vape escaped chevrolet running out front yeah there's stan wood going up up on the cushion that we're starting to see develop going through that little section in argon turn head back where the starting line is here by cowboy corner [Music] stan woods still well out in front about five six car lengths ahead of those two men right there look at here comes shannon diesel shanick trying to work his way into the second place spot stan woods still out front so going really really wide giving shanick the lead into the second place spot here comes wood again in forest county pottawatomie turn number one well out in front the loud pedals down we're starting to see the speeds pick up as the track is definitely starting to dry out here in crandon wood still coming through the barn turn one more time truck looking very very clean out front [Music] 585 running in second it does say don demney on our sheet i'm waiting for a response on who's driving the truck down's out there wearing the headset he's right outside our window up here in the booth but you know he's got bigger obligations right now spotting for his truck but back out front wood having a great run so far yeah stan wood he's doing a fine fine job here in round number nine like we said he had some misfortunate luck throughout this season look at this yeah that's wrinklesteader having some problems look like you were i got a glimpse of the colors on that truck it might be the 520 of tj yeah sure was brent good call on that one you were having some problems as well looks like they may have tangled and gone around europe might have some front end damage on that truck look like the left front tire was you know turned to full lock and the right front tire just coasted along straight yeah definitely ty rods definitely a big factor on eward's truck his day looks to be about done not easy to negotiate one of these rides with the front end all bent up here comes travis peterson wickman coming through our camera as well you can see our top five just spread right out from one another look at wood wood going really really wide he really has to be patient because it is so sloppy back there yeah you see problems for that 585 truck as well as shanick trying to close this gap on stan wood that'll be your battle for the race lead as they come into forest county pottawatomie turn number one stan woods been looking good out front so far but shanick trying to chase him down two two guys who have seen it running up front a lot this year shanick's had a little bit of bad luck himself but he's a former class champion yeah he definitely is he's a former class champion very very quick week in and week out we'll see if he can try to get the job done like we said he's in second says demony on your stream but we're still trying to figure out who's in his truck in that 585 putting together a good solid run there's the vape escape chevrolet one more time coming out of that gravel pit everyone getting a little bit stretched out now kind of settling in good shot of our drone coverage going on board with the 593 of diesel diesel trying to pick apart the fast line here in crandon early on it's really really tough coming through argonne loop here the switchback looks to be drying out very very nicely if you stay to that inside line [Music] yeah we've talked a couple times today about how the drivers with a little bit more seat time especially in these unpleasant conditions we should see them running up front shanick is a good example of that he's got just about the most seat time of anybody in this class here at granite international raceway so he's certainly dealt with these conditions before as well you see it's paying off here for him yeah it's definitely paying off watch him as he's going to go in that left hand or just trying to tiptoe his way through see you're pushing that front end like a snow plow you really got to try to carry that rear of the truck it's hard to really do but you have to go in there maybe even drop down a gear get the back end to come out from underneath you to point that front end in the right direction yeah but like we saw one lap ago with wood pushing out a little bit too wide getting crossed up you have to kind of walk the line between you know aggressively rotating the truck and sort of just tiptoeing through these corners absolutely there's a lot of finesse and that's what you don't see you might say hey i can do it go out there put the loud pedal down and just run around this big facility but it's a whole different ballgame you get behind one of these trucks yeah this is you know restrictor plate racing but these are v8 trucks so there's plenty of power to rotate the truck and you can really get yourself out of control too but in control of this race stan wood that vape escapes chevrolet number 512. yeah he's clicking off the laps here we're still yet to see that halfway point of this race diesel shanick he might as well just keep it calm just chill out keep your truck cool make sure everything is working just perfectly to have a shot in the second half good battle a little bit further back three trucks the 585 that don deputy truck the yokohama tires machine holding off peterson and wickman wickman's your defending class champ here in stock truck so he's no stranger to the top of the podium as well look at peterson peterson trying to wiggle his way through it shows on our board five laps yet to go in this one so a lot of racing yet to be displayed the yokohama tires number 585 still ahead of peterson there's wickman going through our camera as well so we've been going to try to move up farther forward forward here in the top five you would love to win one of these things but you have to be there in the annex look at this battle for the lead shanick really wants to prove us wrong he's like hey guys i'm not waiting around for anything yeah you saw a good look at these 32-inch d.o.t tires just digging struggling for traction on some parts of this course they haven't done a whole lot of work this afternoon yet on cowboy corner but you gotta think that the tracker might take a look there next on our next break yeah absolutely they've been working this track in between these races and they've done a fine job i mean already if you look at our bar turn right there look at how nice that inside line is if we can open it up just a little bit wider we're going to see some great great racing there's our drone going right up on top yeah drone getting close enough there to see that the the top of stanwood's truck does have some damage to the top and that's like we said we've seen the bottom side of that truck in a few different races this year so definitely worse for wear after a hard-fought 2020 season for stan wood really tells you how well built these trucks are though that you know you can send them up and over you can be upside down a few times and they take a licking and keep on ticket as we now have four of our eight laps in the books and that means we are at our mid-race competition caution stan wood jumped out front pretty early in this one and holds on over shannon and it's a long way back to that battle for third stan wood out front diesel's channing second and you look at third on back all the way to europe you are having a rough rough day here in cranin he is out of this race you look at ringo slider 31 seconds behind our race leaders so guys like him they really love this mandatory competition cost because if you had a bad first half you can make it up here all right we're going to throw it down our third member of our team haley shanley thanks guys chiming with some insight on diesel shanick former class champion veteran of this class you saw he is currently running second is keeping that leader honest he also sits third in this points championship chase he found some tough luck at erec's motor park back in mid-august he had trouble with his steering he was able to turn things around when he came here to crandon for labor day weekend where he found a second and a fourth both days he was part of highlight battles he's truly a driver that lets it all hang out out on track and he is going to put on a show you can expect to see some more of that here just past the halfway point because we're going to re-rock him re-stack him and again he's sitting second and he's not going to make it easy on our leader thank you very much haley and now that's it's crazy it's going to be interesting to see how this one shakes out stan woody's just showing so much speed and if anyone can take him down diesel shanick he's past points champion he knows how to get the job done so it'll be interesting you touched on it a little bit earlier brent that you thought maybe shanick was just sort of hanging back he knew he was comfortably in second with really no pressure coming from behind that maybe he just decided well i'll wait this out we'll we'll take a run at it here in the second half maybe save the truck a little bit as well because we know stan wood was pushing hard for that whole first half yeah absolutely he kept a little bit in his sleeve i guarantee you that as he's buttoning up to the back rear bumper of the vape escape chevrolet of stan wood we'll see if justin and the guys on that team can keep that truck together for four more laps here in round number nine at the big house pay attention here we go we're going to go back green flag racing our pace truck will pull off one final time we'll see if stan wood can get the job done watching between these two orange cones he can take off at any time and there he goes really nothing gained by any of our top four on that restart i'm gonna try to keep on colin wickman sitting in fourth there because we have seen him run up front on the podium a few times this year and you know he wants to push a little bit farther forward he's also your current points leader so meaningful that he's running ahead of second place in points the 537 of senkowski was a little bit further back well look at this yeah you're right but look at this battle for the lead here comes diesel shannon so exactly what we were talking about he saved a little bit in the tank for stan wood we'll see if he can cross back over there he goes trying the outside in a little bit of contact there nice job by wood to gather it back up and stay in control woods actually going to stretch his lead a little bit now over shannon as they head toward that chicane that leads into argon corner while those guys are doing battle with one another that's gonna let peterson close the gap just a little bit as well he's running in third that counts chop chop drop number five and wood pushes wide we've got a pass for the lead shanick takes over the race lead wood having some problems in the slick stuff down there in argon corner and wood might be off the pace as peterson's going gonna get around him as well and there's the trouble stan wood has a flat right rear tire so tough break for stan wood so now it'll be shannon peterson and wood holds on to third for now no big trouble there for stan wood oh tough tough break for stan wood the famous game chevrolet definitely has a right rear tire peeling right off the hub oh man that's tough tough break for him leave the lead open for shannon as he comes down through turn one and past the crowd here at crane international off-road raceway now it's shannon peterson wickman your top three and again just more bad luck from uh wood you certainly gotta think he's gonna be a contender next year for a championship but he's gotta rub his lucky rabbits footer changes luck somehow here comes shanick in the gravel pit one more time my one of my favorite turns as this track dries out these trucks just love to back it in and rotate through that turn there's a 593 still out in front doing what he needs to do a man tough break for stan wood but just staying alive is diesel shannon going through the tough parts here in crannon with the white flag out one more time around here in stock truck yeah there's an old worn out saying to finish first you must first finish and it's like we said unfortunate for stan wood that he dropped off and so close to taking that white flag yeah another another good strong run here for peterson we haven't seen him win a race yet but it seems like we've talked about peterson in the podium conversation that's all nine of our rounds so far here in 2020. putting together a very strong consistent season yeah absolutely he is looking very very good coming back towards the starting line here in brandon trying to rotate that truck pushing a little bit turning that wheel as hard as he can to the left remember we are on the white flag lap he's heading towards forest county potawatomi turn number one one more time see if he can hold on to this win there's travis peterson in second and colin wickman in third yeah wickman came into this race leading points he's your defending points champion as well and if my math is right he has to finish fifth or better in each round this weekend so he's definitely in control of his own destiny but so far today has had nothing for diesel shanick who is in control of this one yeah shannon's definitely in control very very quick one last time into the polaris gravel pit turn smooth sailing staying on that dry race line the big iron chevrolet number 593 like haley said he's a veteran in this class he won some championships won some rings he knows what it takes to run up front all that seat time all that experience and hard work paying off as the checkered flag comes out and diesel shanick will take the win here in the laundrevile steel stock truck round number nine race at granite international off-road raceway peterson across the line second and we should see wickman third and there he is so whitman with a strong podium finish trying to continue putting together this points championship run yeah tough tough class to win the points in but taking the win this afternoon man 593 in stock truck diesel shanick travis peterson will be in second they're gonna head towards the podium once again and he's not no newcomer to the top spot he loves the win here in granton yeah has a small but very loyal crew that's been coming to these races for i think he's been in it for about a decade now very passionate sure thing and colin wickman rounding out our podium here you know we talked about at the halfway point that you were one to watch we needed to keep our eyes on you where were you finding the speed in this one uh it was just stay in the line and that was about it i mean there wasn't much more you could do and you could try to make a run but was it worth it because you push up and you're probably gonna lose three more so it'll just kind of survival the fittest and who could be patient so i gotta thank my mom and my dad they are the biggest part of this team and the whole crew for all the work they do launder villa stila for doing this badger race traps um brian mullen motorsports andy shock service he's hooked us up with a good truck all year long so huge shout out to him atd transmission and fisher race engines thank you patience pays off for colin wickman in thirds travis peterson in second travis you've been so consistent all season long you've always been part of the podium conversation and even in this one had to be so consistent and you were and i'm sure that was no easy feat with the track what was the key to the consistency again today i'll tell ya my spotter kept me in my line you weren't getting out of it you had to stay where you were it was just so greasy and i mean there's just no opportunity to pass and or stuff like this you basically gotta wait for the moment and capitalize on somebody else's mistake i was able to hold off colin today um but i couldn't catch up with diesel still waiting to get around the top of the box but it's going to happen hopefully tomorrow we uh got to thank all my sponsors kelv's chop shop custom metal specialists arrow auto charity bear real estate quality exterior siding construction peter james photography cider construction ralph's auto salvage victory sign [Music] yokohama for those tires them tires are really really working that's i think that's we're going to stay with the tires for sure thanks haley for the hat um i gotta thank my wife she's back at home she's gonna make it here my grandparents my kids everybody thank you congratulations travis peterson in second and your winner diesel shanick celebration is an order after a run you put on like that and who needs who needs brakes quite honestly yeah coming in corners and sometimes likes to slow down a little faster but i ran here in the early race and lost brakes too so i kind of figured out how to run around here without no brakes but uh gotta thank my crew they they bust their butts to get me a good hot rod out there and uh i gotta thank weiser graphics snap of alpaca bill's auto ryan's custom concrete big iron cold iron um travis's uh lakeview tavern everybody that helps us out i couldn't do well you guys so thanks congratulations diesel shannon finishing this one off with no breaks today congratulations and this is your top three for launderville steel stock truck base destiny the best in the business at starting an off-road race no one doesn't like him and he's been doing it a long long time yeah you can't you can't outsmart fay you slide that yellow board you can't ever see when he's gonna throw that green flag and there he goes green flag underway get on your feet we're coming into forest county pottawatomie turn number one who's gonna get there first looks like jorgensen had a great run from the inside but here comes one of those schultz cards that's the 129 of connor schultz he's been having a strong season this year and he will take the early race lead looks like he maybe brought spring stroll with him in second single third jorgensen with a great start at fisher who we talked about before this race mixing it up in the top five as well that is just a lot of cars brent yeah definitely they're all coming through turn one fairly clean it looks like we might have one still sitting in turn one we'll have to see if we can get him off the track yeah it looks like vincent jaeger down there maybe got tangled up but might have some front end damage hard to tell from here but back out front you see stingle he's trying to win that extra money for the uh number plate on the top side of the car yeah you're right there's a one i wonder what happened to jaeger you wonder if he got crossed up maybe got some contact now we're on board with stingo in that blazing orange car normally we see him up front like that so no surprise at all is look at the rest of the field they're all in lock steph and nose to tail as they come around calamity corner past the finish line everybody playing pretty nice we're gonna take a look back at a replay of this start well you see delorey got crossed up a little bit earlier oh wow yeah definitely we missed about that we were too busy looking out front but jaeger tangled looks like with holster that 144 and went up and over well we talked about those open wheel cars you don't have any fenders and you've seen that rook plate come open so definitely didn't do its job but he looks to be safe they got him off track and we're back underway here again yeah scary situation there with that roof opening up something you never want to see back out front schultz springstrow who was your 2019 world champion running in second he knows what it takes to run up front here at brandon just like greg stinkel and fisher in that 103 car just like matt gerald was telling me this morning that work is starting to pay off the mission of the boys are doing back there in the pit yeah it's definitely starting to pay off they're doing what they need to do they're very very quick here look at the track already coming through forest county pottawatomie turn number one starting to dry out nice in his track starting to get into prime shape here this afternoon yeah a ton of traction really and uh we're not seeing the bug just holding all these cars like we did earlier for especially formula 4x4 in classics so definitely a good sign as connor schultz that 129 the flying dutchman off road car leads our field down into the gravel pit already stretched out about a 15 car length lead over springstrow behind springstrow it's stingle fisher and colin schultz rounds out the top five see stinger now just a little farther back there running in that blazing orange ride trying to keep up to our top two they spread out just a little bit more going by what will be our finish line coming towards argon loop lots of position battles going on i mean with 30 cars there's only so much room for all of them so you're gonna have to do a little uh dicing amongst one another one person we haven't talked about yet is current point leader tyson marquardt kind of stuck in the middle of that top ten group mark and booth are your top two in points they've got a heck of a points battle going on right now only six points between those two and then it's about 70 points back to the next driver so basically whichever of those two drivers can beat the other one on both days this weekend will be your points champions keep an eye on that as well as you see the 177 of schultz colin jones from nina got up and around corey fisher in that 103 car they come back down into forest county turn number one once again stingle running in third and it's a long way ahead of him to find the 117 of sean springstrow stingle another these sportsman drivers that's been doing this for a long long time i mean we've seen greg stigle win races like 20 years ago and he's still out here it's still competitive yeah and that's what's so cool about this sporty knees guy that'll help you out too you go around you go find him at his pits if you need any kind of part or piece for these cars he's so smart and that's why you see him finish up in the top three four i mean on top of the box 90 of the time if you ask me ever since i was a little kid i remember that blazing orange car just move its way to the front and he put in the time he puts in the effort and it's showing as we go back up front yeah connor schultz you saw him sawing at the wheel a little bit there so even the fastest guys the guys working up front still having to deal a little bit with these wet conditions trying to find some dry track no major mistakes though so far out of schultz he's basically running all by himself with springstrow a distant second and it's a long way back to steeple in third behind him looks like a good close battle between marquardt and fisher that would be your battle for i believe fifth place on the race course so mark mark trying to find his way to the front as well you see back in cowboy corners still a lot of fun to contend with back there yeah definitely a lot of mud they're still trying to brush it off and we talked about the car count how that'll help it'll help work in this track and then you look at that straight away those rollers they're really starting to dry out nicely so this track is going to get into prime shape we hope we don't see any more rain yeah sky's beginning to darken over us a little bit here at cran and international off-road raceway at least for the moment it's uh dry and the track is becoming more dry as we go along up front it's still colin schultz that 129 flying dutchman off road car he's had a couple really great runs this year in the 2020 championship off-road season looks like just about two full race lines of space down there in the gravel pit now so opening up some more passing possibilities as we move throughout our race day jolts will click off another lap that's three laps in the books we should have our competition cautioned next time by yeah he's doing a good job out front that 129 has been fast all season long and you talk to these boys they're really so calm they really don't say much they just put their game face on they get in the car and they're just being behind the wheel in a good way they really know how to hit their lines hit their marks they're just fast time and time again it's gonna be tough to beat that 129 car you see now stingo coming into our screen and here comes schultz in the 177 as well there's markcourt fischer your top six so this is going to punch everyone back in yeah you've talked about the uh that car out front schultz i mean he's racing under the flying dutchman off road banner so definitely a lot of expertise there to call on if you've got driving coaches like mike van impe and chad rayford maybe you could do a whole heck of a lot worse as you see stinkle with a little mistake there that's going to let colin schultz and that 177 get up and around that would be a pass where i believe third place and now marquardt trying to put a move on stickel as they come down into turn one that's the battle for fourth place on the race course stingle trying to hold off your current points leader tyson marquardt and marquardt along with billy booth whose second points both just have an absolute monster years absolutely they're doing a good job there's a 129 again schultz gonna come to that halfway point in the next turn going over the polaris flyweight jump yeah really hardly any dirt on the front of connor's car at all there as he navigates calamity corner as we like to call it takes those red and yellow flags so we've reached our halfway point this light buggy division 30 cars started this race had a couple cars have some issues throughout but right now we are wrapping things up here in the first half some good battles going on right to the flag but it's schultz rinshall springstrow and schultz in your top three and stingle now and four so we've seen about 12 seconds back from our leaders that goes away now so we'll see who is fast right now we'll see who can really step up to the plate and maybe pick one away from our leader here hey you see a car pulled off to the side there that's camber i believe he's a rookie in the class as well driving the old eric hill car the 164. it's a tough break to see him pulled off to the side fortunately safely off the race line but we have the third member of our broadcast team haley shanley standing track side haley what do you have for us it's really been such a pleasure to watch this track really widen out and work in throughout the afternoon so far but let's talk about greg stingle as far as those up there in the points championship race right now we're looking at a lot of young guns but greg he is a veteran really watch the way he negotiates through traffic that's exactly what he had to do in round eight just a few weeks ago over labor day weekend it was really exciting to watch he found himself a podium position he's currently sitting fourth in points right now he has a win to his credit as well as a third place finish so watch last time i checked in the in the timing and scoring right now he is sitting just in fourth this is greg stingle yeah thanks haley you know for years it was uh stingle along with todd lemke and kind of the kg veterans of the class but the last few years we've had this huge youth movement which is great a ton of new young drivers coming into our buggy divisions and they've kind of taken over from the old guard so to speak yeah they've done what they need to do they're really really quick and it's anybody's game here in this second half shane i really think that you're going to see stingle really pour on the heat especially springster that 117 we talked about it time and time again he's very very quick and that three and a half seconds has gone away as we're gonna park these cars on the back stretch or maybe keep them going there's just so many of them yeah springstrow came off that big win at the end of last year won that world championship race in 2019 in the final round and i kind of expected springster to factor in the championship discussion here in 2020 as well but he's had just some lousy luck in a really up and down year so very motivated trying to build some momentum looking ahead to 2021 and trying to play spoiler a little bit to some of our top guys and points yeah and that's what they're doing and trying to play the spoiler they have nothing to lose they want to be out there they want to get that big win and we should get things back underway here as we go through forest county pottawatomie turn number one we'll see if schultz can hold on to this lead four laps to go this time by back to green flag racing on our delaware style restart that restarts gonna put the 177 of colin schultz on the outside of springstrow it looks like he's gonna take that spot away on the restart so now it's the schultz boys running first and second springstrow trying to fight back and brent earlier this year we saw a little bit of drama between springstrow and the schultz boys so that's something to keep an eye on as well yeah i remember on the podium they weren't too happy and that's what they need to do they're doing whatever in their mind to get up front sometimes you make contact sometimes things don't happen the way you plan and if you ask me in off-road racing you can't plan ahead you just got to take what's given you and hopefully your mind is set on figuring things out and moving up to the front at schultz in that 129. definitely doing good good work here in crane and the tracks pretty perfect yeah after that dramatic round one race which is uh you know where it went down between springster and schultz boys this is actually like the battle up front i've wanted to see all season i've been waiting for it to see you know they're going to settle it like gentlemen and settle it off the track in a clean way but these guys want nothing more than to beat one another no absolutely they want to win and that's why we come to crane in the big house everyone wants to put down a big w bring home that hardware and man schultz he's just flat out flying here in round number nine it's gonna be interesting to see if anyone can reel him in here is our battle for third yeah stingle look to the inside of springstrow there but nothing doing it now i want to say that's billy booth it is pulled up to the back bumper of stickle so booth has gotten around marquardt and up into the top five and that has some points implications if he can finish ahead of marquardt look at how close to that retaining while they're coming yeah way down to the inside that's the preferred line for these momentum classes so does me taking a look out there marquardt has fallen back a couple spots and that's really bad news for his points chase there's springs showing that 117 on the lower left of our camera heading towards the gravel pit once again in single file trying to just pick apart wait for that one little mistake to try to pounce on it going right through a little rough section here comes spring stroke yeah there was that little mistake you were talking about schultz pushed out a little bit wide they're gonna go wheel the wheel up and over the polaris jump yeah watch he's gonna try to get on the binders and try to sneak back underneath hoping for that little mistake we got to remember schultz they've been around for a while they know how to get back into that race group as a white flag is coming out this time by so one more lap here in light buggy and man this one ain't over yet yeah well that drama i mentioned from round number one back in elk river at eric's motor park that happened on the white flag too so you know definitely when these guys come back down the front straight keep your eye on colin schultz and then 177 and springs throw that 117. yeah colin he really needs to just keep looking forward don't worry what's behind your run that fast line as sprint show he looks to be a little bit quicker coming back by cowboy turn we're gonna try to rotate a little bit earlier can't get the job done there we'll see on this straight away yeah again schultz the back end stepping out just a little bit that's scrubbing off a little bit of speed they're going to be almost bumper to bumper springster is going to look to the inside he's got a run but schultz moves over and slams the door yeah he definitely shut the door and said hey it's not right now i'm going to hold on to this spot we'll see as they come towards the barn turn there's our leader schultz yeah connor schultz that 129 as he got crossed up able to make the save he's pretty comfortably out front as springstrow falling back just a little bit now from colin schultz to the 177. yeah colin looks to be running that fast line again he's looking forward which he needs to do time is running out on this white flag lap but he's definitely pulled away from springstrow yeah we'll find out how hard springster wants to push into this gravel pin looks like he's content to just stay in line for now and try to get one final run as they head for calamity corner yeah one more turn to go schultz get the job done conor schultz gonna come around this right-handed right through one big div and a big hole there and he's gonna do it taking the checkered flag here in 1600 light buggy and his brother colin schultz the 177 did hold on for second place with springstrow third stingle across the line and fourth billy booth is fifth with about that mark right behind him yeah that's gonna shake things up i'm gonna crunch some numbers real quick in my head here so booth would have just gained two points on marquardt so unofficially i have booth trailing by four points in the champions league this one isn't over yet we still have round number ten here in the light buggy division there's the schultz boys that are up in the top two sean springstrow our third place finisher sean you are giving it everything you had out there what types of things were you forced to be trying especially as the laps wind down it's kind of hard out there without what the track is you only got like one line or so to run so i mean you kind of got to stick behind him and i just didn't have it for him today and his brother got me on a nice pass and that's how it went i'd like to thank clink equipment victory sign pdi flanagan stop and shop seward speed shops my mom and dad my girlfriend and yeah everybody watching at home and thanks to everyone coming out a job well done sean springstrow takes home bronze and colin schultz in second tell me what it was like holding off sean in that last half there oh man he hit me a few times but nothing big just pushing me through the track my tires were spinning a little bit i ran a dry tire in the rear and he just had a little bit more than me but i got lucky on that restart and got past him who would you like to thank oh number one is my family they all come and support us they all help us out on the team they help us do all the work we left our cars here because we didn't we started school at uw stout and they helped us prep the cars after sunday after the races and just big thanks to them congratulations on the commendable finish this is colin schultz thank you [Music] [Applause] and another mike van impe chassis up on the podium here congratulations on the win connor schultz another win for the 129 what was the secret here today uh secret today was a good start with the muddy track i prefer rough tracks like this and getting a good start really helped clear vision and i was gone went good for me who's putting you on top of the box i'd like to thank my brother this is the second time this year we went 1-2 feels really good hopefully we can do that again more and then hopefully get taylor up here too someday shout out to flying dutchman off-road my brother chad rayford all-star performance for sponsoring our class this year they have some great products too and my whole family for coming out thanks congratulations connor schultz this is your all-star performance 1600 light buggy guys welcome back to grand international off-road raceway and we have super stock trucks on the line and we're gonna go green we're not wasting any time shane watch as we come into forest county potawatomi turn number one who's it gonna be look at wilson on the inside yeah wilson pulled the whole shot here a couple of weeks ago and as they come into forest county pottawattamie turn one it's kenny wilson and then 803 out front again those boys down in the valley they've really figured something out on that truck yeah they definitely have their gear ratios set perfect here coming into turn one out first there's nick ping and remember we're going through the points race here as well as you look great beauchamp there's a young rookie here this weekend trying to get his feet wet having some gremlin issues he's running the top six oh big went a little bit wide looking to the outside of kenny wilson they made some contact wilson unfortunately got pushed out into the soft stuff lost some ground so that's going to hand the race lead over to nick big as they come into calamity corner yeah nick is now going to be up front wilson will be in second wilson going right through that mud puddle as well as a host of others here's joey machosek had a long time talk with him last night they're ready for it he wants to win that championship he's out to beat bulger in this one he said if nick gets out front early he really doesn't worry about it too much just want to be consistent yeah and i'm looking for ben ultra who's your current points leader he's running well back in the field about 10th place there's all kinds of mayhem down there in the argonne corner new trucks got stacked up looks like everybody's gotten away cleanly now but back out front it's big wilson is that trey boshaw it is up into the top three yeah trey beauchamp now gonna be running in that third place position and look at the range start to come down shane this is gonna mix things up as you see it really starting to come down very very hard as big you have to really tiptoe this is this is different you set up your truck to these pit crews these these members of your team said hey the tracks dried out let's maybe put an all-terrain tire now you got to throw things out the window you might want a mug train yeah you just hope some of these uh drivers and crew chiefs are looking at the right weather app that had the correct prediction and able to uh inform the decision making you know we've seen races like this where it starts raining right after the start of the race it can really cause some mayhem again that water has no time to absorb it zips right on top and it becomes slick immediately yeah and it'll become like an ice rink especially on this place you look i was i was paying attention to nick tires you see the air that they're running they have bead locks on these trucks so you can run it down to as many as 15 20 pounds but you don't want to get down like a sprint car to maybe three four pounds because it'll push it right off the bead lock so you see they're lowering the air pressure trying to get as much bite as possible as we see trey beaujon holder now moving in the top three holder in the four spot yeah kenny wilson put together another strong run here at brandon led a couple laps here a few weeks ago guy who's been around this a long time really putting in some hard work over the past couple of years trying to develop that truck wilson now well out in front of these two guys oh maybe trey bullshot made a little bit of a mistake there's holger yeah holter now up into the top four everybody that's close to him in the points chase is behind him so far so this looks good for holter and his hopes for the points championship now misser look at the amount of rain coming down out there brent definitely pouring out here in crane in wisconsin but man this is off-road racing these guys are prepared and ready for this they have their mud munchers or their tear-offs that they're playing with underneath their helmets trying to figure out where you can see here in this tubbed tough land we just got done saying how mother nature hasn't been on our side well man it's struck again mister going way wide up in turn two and got out into the loose loamy mud on the outside to hold your comfortably now in fourth place here comes daryl wall now all trying to work his way up to tray bosh on that 811. a great group of guys they come in week in and week out they want to win as you see ben holder now going through the players fly away jump and here comes nick visser yeah and i misspoke earlier ben holtzer is up into third place not fourth place so that's your battle for third between holster and miser and that's huge in the point for ben holzer he wants to be ahead of him and that man right there the great trump 8 51 and joey machostick good run by braden beauchain fell back a little bit but it's definitely hard to throw out a rookie these wet conditions trying to figure out your truck is one thing then you throw everything at it trying to figure it out then you throw rain you have to go back to the drawing board yeah basically learning how to drive and get out of the fly in a certain sense yeah it looks like argon turn is really diced up through there really really hard to negotiate as we go back up to our leaders here's ben holder hard on the binders a lot of front break you've seen that both front wheels locked up if bossman holds it right now i'd probably try to work with that brake bias you want to throw some more rear brake to that truck to get that back in to rotate here comes bisser yeah mister got a great run on the outside as they came out of cowboy corner and was able to slam the door so viscera now up into the top three wow this here the rain is not creating any kind of problems for him he's trying to run up to the front yeah miser rattled off four straight wins in super stock truck earlier this year so he knows exactly what it takes to run out front with the fastest of the past boy speaking of fastest in the fast nick is just gone he is nowhere to be found in that a 33 blazing orange and white lucas oil hbi back ride and this battle for third looks like it's a long way from done here though brad poulter's still working on misser although mr just got a tremendous drive off the gravel pit corner just playing a big big factor here this afternoon you really have to just play defense with every part on your drop three laps are complete out of a scheduled eight laps so that means we have one more left to go before our mid-range competition caution still riding along with nick visser as he goes through the argonne corner yeah really in that argon corner not even one complete race line is worn in yet looks like a pretty good line morgan on injury but as you go through that corner it's very chopped up yeah look at this here this is just holding that loud pedal down this rain not really affecting that truck as i just said he goes in a little bit of a mud man sorry nick i jinxed you a little bit you really have to be patient going through this layout here comes nick bing once again yeah smooth sailing for bing out front right now just about a full straightaway lead over kenny wilson in that 803. truck hbi 833 doing his job and he's doing it well here definitely not taking it easy you saw him just about fully sideways on the loud pedal there in the gravel pit yeah it's hard to tell i mean you have your spotter letting you know you're a gap but if you're out front you just want to keep putting it together as he comes to that mandatory competition caution once again and man nick if he's on he's on second place at the halfway point is kenny wilson from crandon misser will be third and halfway hold your fourth yeah then you look back with josek he's in the points running there in the fifth spot then it's daryl wolf in six so it'll be interesting to see how this shakes out here round numbers nine in ten as well wait for nick bing to bring the whole group of guys around here in super stock truck never disappoints it's one of the favorite tracks or the favorite classes on any one of these tracks here in 2020 they're just so equal they have restrictor plates they're running about 10 inches of travel in the front 12 inches in the rear i mean they're running as big as three three inch shocks they're not bypass but man i never would have thought about 10 15 years ago we'd be seeing these trucks look more like a pro stock well yeah i mean really if you want to compare this to an older class it's almost like what pro 2 used to be 25 years ago and that's how far we've come here in off-road racing but we've got hayley shanley standing down track side haley what do you have for us are you staying dry down there i am for now but time will tell there you know round eight was so fruitful for so many drivers but three honorable mentions for this class we had not only ben holtzer claimed his first career finish with that world championship but nick bing who had been struggling for three rounds was able to break that bad luck streak there with the second place finish and nick this year last time in round eight he had gone to the infield early on with trouble but he was able to rally back to finish out third nick visser who grew up here at crandon and cut his teeth here at kranna international off-road he says that that is certainly going to come into play here this weekend and work in his benefit perhaps thank you very much haley and look at that rain still coming down so the track just keeps on changing throughout today's racing action hopefully there's enough tariffs on these shields of these trucks i mean these drivers really have their work cut out for him as we should be coming back to that green flag there's nick bing wilson visser holds your machos in your top five here we go back to green flag racing big will lead the field up through turn number two visser showed a wheel to the inside there of kenny wilson that's the battle for second place this are currently third in points but only six points behind points leader ben holtzer so a long way to go in the points championship chase here at super stock truck wilson doing a heck of a job right now holding off visser boy nick bing already opening up that gap after that restart man kudos to wilson he's doing a fine job sitting in front of some big company here in super stock chuck wilson trying to apex that turn going right through that mud puddle yeah wilson trying to play spoiler a little bit too on the points chase that surrounds him both in front and behind big had a little bit of bad luck a few weeks back and er extra rounds five and six ended up upside down twice but they've got that truck all sorted out as he is leading this race back behind him though and still wilson able to hold off mister but wilson having some problems smoke out the back of wilson's truck yeah maybe some overheating issues for wilson he looks to be off the pace just a little bit allowing visser and holds her to get by and there's joey mcjosek now coming into our camera yeah and holtzer uh majosek and visser are top three in points like i said before they're only separated by six points across the three of them there so go figure the top three have found each other on the track as well trying to chase down nick bing once again you can uh if you're watching us at home on champ you can really get a sense of how hard this rain is coming down yeah it's definitely not letting up in the track definitely going away for our top three runners here but nick big he's in the best spot right now that lucas oil hpi ride just going over that roller normally you see those trucks launching off that little jump but it's just so wet they're just trying to keep that truck underneath them just keep those tires moving forward that's big now opening up that gap a little more in that 833 it looks to be very very quick here this afternoon yeah biggs doing a really great job of smooth driving right now just minimize those mistakes they're gonna happen when the track is starting to go away like it is right now with these rainy conditions as there's the white flag like i said the track is gonna go away we know that so you have to minimize the mistakes you can't eliminate them it's impossible when it's this wet yeah absolutely you can try to be as perfect as possible you're gonna make a little bit of a hiccup here and there but right now look at mr mister he knows it's a white flag he's trying to get as many points as possible in this points chase and look at that we're talking about trying to be perfect when you just push through these turns there's just no grip left yeah and i was watching nick bang out front he did the exact same thing down there in the argon corner so at least they're on equal footing as far as how much traction they're actually able to squeeze out of these tires uh-oh big pushed a little bit wide that's going to scrub a lot of speed if viscera could get rotated in time yeah business are pushed out wide too yeah this are kind of falling right through the door man it seems like it's just coming down harder that lap every time we go by that starting line turn we're heading back into forest county pottawatomie turn number one it's still nick big here in the rain nick fisher in second third it's still ben holtzer in that 8 44 and wilson now is full way back [Music] yeah wilson after that good early run he's still running it fourth but a little bit off the pace of our top three here now we'll find out if visitor is close enough to maybe force a mistake on it nick pink doesn't look like he's quite close enough here in the gravel pit big going all the way up to the top of the track trying to find that cushion nothing doing there for visser absolutely nothing can be done right now investors one little last mistake for bing and just as i said he goes in the slot but there's just no line he's gonna take the win here in round number nine seconds gonna go to fiscal third will go to ben holger and what a run by the 803 of wilson wow good job for him and look at our points one of our points runners there that is the 8 51 of joey machosuk finishing in fifth and definitely not what he wanted to do how about that braden boshaw finishing at six that's his best finish so far just crossed the line hats off to braden for a young young driver to manage these conditions like that finish ahead of some very serious heavy hitters is taking a look at some trouble for the 811 of daryl wolves yeah daryl wall he was running up there at the top four for a while boy i just it was tough luck all season long for braden boshaw and it's nice to see him get a good solid finish i can't imagine if the track dried out a little bit for that rookie [Music] nice and dry under here actually it's uh it's not too bad here at the podium lots of smiling faces first off ben holter in third place [Music] a late season heater as of late for you things are really heating up this last half of the season how much of this podium was momentum based for you i couldn't understand this echo is so bad don't worry we're dealing with some echo down here how much of this podium finish was momentum based for you i know the last last half of your season things have been really heating up yes i've been somehow improving a little bit every race um finally getting up here on the box with these two i just love it i can't believe i'm up here so who would you like to thank i'd like to thank my wife all my crew um holter brothers nick culture construction fleet pride renard's cheese cory's crank and nail congratulations ben holtzer our third place finisher [Applause] and nick visser in second nick it seemed like this one really came down to a game of who could make the fewest mistakes but what else came into play for you there [Music] i don't know i ran out of tear offs at the right at the halfway point i took the last one off and this is where i was kind of wishing i wanted the mud munchers but obviously they said they had problems with that too so um i don't know i got hooked up with a guy at a pretty good start and that boat took us out and finally got out of that and just had to rally back and man it just was frustrating this track was you know if it weren't for the rain in the middle of the race i think it was shaped up pretty good but uh even where the mud got burnt off and then it just turned into a slime fest and these guys did an awesome job it was just i was just trying to tiptoe and just try to stay out of that mud and i've just never had my truck not work as bad as that but that's all i can do about that i guess a game of survival who would you like to thank uh yokohama tires i mean they've been on here this year they've been supporting me the last few years and brand new set of tires really helped i probably should have grouped them like a mud tire but uh they did pretty good i can't thank them guys enough back there that do all the grieving and all the work so i don't have to and then my my family and friends my wife my kids everybody that comes out to support this event all my other sponsors parsons builders service mcdaddy lawn care advanced pens management matco tools flannery and flannery trucking my spotter luke he just keeps me calm going out there and then all our contingency sponsors quick car and that's it now we're just trying to get a good spot tomorrow and head up and see if we can get this point championship from him one of our local runners nick visser congratulations [Music] [Applause] and your winner nick bing back on top nick it seems that this bad luck streak is finally behind you how much of a sigh of relief is this to not only be back on top but to have survived that one it feels great uh we had trouble at earx that was all my fault come to crane we had all kinds of mechanical issues someone wasn't my fault and come out here and win it's just great this huge weight lifted off my shoulders just to you know prove i know we can do it as a team and everybody that works hard and digs deep and we we got it going and we were looking at the radar at the beginning of the race we're like it's probably going to be start raining so just prepare and we just kept digging and know what you had to do and thought it messed up a ton of times i thought these guys are going to get me and just kept digging and charlie cubby calm and here we are congratulations who would you like to thank a lot of people like to thank first off max's tire i went over there this morning with a kind of a crazy idea and they went with it adjusted a little bit and they hooked up as good as the track could be for conditions it was it was really good um adam's automobile todd hooks me up great dale and jane's pub jr enterprises nishika autobody smoke and joe's rv service country club bar dale and james hit them fleet pride of green bay arrow coatings all to asphalt holter brothers incorporated huge huge help to my program um many more thank you everybody top honors going to nick bing here in super stock truck back to you guys [Applause] jake cosmecki 99 is mike letourneau number seven is aaron hillgard number three is trevor bushmaker number 22 is dylan marquardt 21 is josh bayer we're about to go green flag racing and there it is they'll come down on this short land rush into forest county potawatomi turn number one see who got the best jump on our abbreviated land rush it's like liebergen out to the early race lead along with jorgensen christensen and marquardt man some of those guys passed 10 to 15 cars right there oh a little spin a little bit of chaos in the front but pretty clean yeah you can see since it started raining it's really really slippery going through that bottom section you're gonna have to really rely on whatever cushion there is early on yeah the track was looking good and then right between these races they got a little glaze of rain so gravel pit is looking very very greasy floating on that thing a lot of guys choose the low line which i think is smart but uh man really nowhere to go right now besides just get some laps under your belt keep your visor clear radiator is clean because these things can overheat with all this mud yeah the weight though we talked about it early on already today kyle and you talk about the weight that comes on the suspension on the cars and it really slows the guy up yeah i mean it's such a bog effort i mean you can see it's slick there and then it's a huge cushion on top so they're trying to stay just on that ragged edge of the heavy heavy cushion and uh keep the wheel spinning up in these limited horsepower cars up front right now that's the number two of tyson marquardt who's also your current points leader in light buggy he's checked out he's trying to mix it up here with the uh sportsman utvs and it's lee berg and running in second but like you said kyle a huge gap between first and second place with jorgensen running in third yeah it's important though the leader hasn't pulled a tear off maybe one or two second place has gone through half a stack already so it's a big advantage in a track like this to get out front and uh just knock out laps do clean qualifying laps and you know don't make mistakes that's the biggest thing on a greasy sketchy track like this yeah that's huge you don't want to make any kind of mistakes especially if you have that big comfortable cushion lead as we look back here's a good battle going on already yeah leigh burke into that 36 yamaha holding off the uh speedworks machine number 11 of jorgensen but even there you can see the glass on the bottom and then just a huge cushion as they slide into it straighten the cars out so it's either ice or super heavy loamy snot so it's it's a sketchy track right now up front though like you said markquart doesn't have to burn through those tear offs and you've been doing this a long time do you have any horror stories about visibility problems that you've had in some of these dirtier races uh back in the day when my dad used to run pro 4 they ran it rain or shine no matter what and i've been you know pop riveting number plates to the roof of the truck so they can tell what number it is because they're all just brown one time here at grand and he came back in the pits and i was spotting for him and wondering why he wasn't going very fast in mid pack and uh he came into the pits and his visor was up and his eye his right eye was packed literally solid with mud we were squirting water into it so drivers have no sacrifice dude they'll give anything and leave it on the track so these guys i mean look at these guys you know fourth fifth sixth place those cars are completely covered in mud and so is the driver's face the steering wheel the controls they're uh they're battling a fight that you guys definitely can't even imagine looks like jorgensen still running in the second place spot no now they switch it up so yeah it looks like the 98 of lego up there mixing it up in the top five now i'm trying to reset that for you marquardt's out front leeburg in second bushmaker is on the charge up to third yeah bushmanger he's been really really strong in 2020 he's been putting together some good runs he's going for that points championship so we'll have to see if he can keep wiggling his way up through the field here it's not an easy task especially coming in this gravel pit here as he rotates early i like that getting a good square run out of it going for it look at him making moves look he just lost two positions those two guys were sick of eating his mud for four laps so now they got ahead of him and uh hopefully clear sailing for those guys to try to get that gap back yeah you mentioned bushmaker's points chase brett bushmaker came in three points behind dylan marquardt who's in the number 22. he's back in about sixth or seventh place right now so as it stands bushmaker could take over this points lead here in round number nine yeah he just needs to keep putting laps together and he did a good job going through the gravel pit you just got to keep picking it apart if you want to get up to marquardt in that number two going through the barn turn heading towards a gravel pit and i mean the track is slippery but if you're out front man you're on cloud nine you're just trying to pick laps apart just try to put down the fastest one possible and just not make any kind of mistake and it's not easy good battle there that should be for second place now oh contact yeah dude that's what it's all about they're not getting dirty they're just trying to make make passes but that's a big thing right there he just bumped him out into that that loamy stuff and man with these limited horsepower even the big pro fours if you do that it's going to shut you down and bog you down big time so hopefully i don't do that to anybody or nobody does that to me that was rj lego with the 98 he's from rhinelander stole that spot away from the three of bushmaker yeah bushmaker about 11 seconds behind our leader lego now we'll see if he can reel in marcotte but marquardt's in a league of his own right now as we should be coming to that mandatory competition caution here shortly yeah this should regroup things back up put some fire in in some of the drivers and make some uh make some radical moves as they're doing a lot of passes down here in the gravel bit yeah already that's our leader the number two of marquardt tyson marquardt dealing with some lap traffic so it's one more thing you got to keep an eye on to survive this race yeah now he's dealing with tear offs you can see now he's he's dirty he's going through the mud and uh you know he's definitely got a big gap so we'll see on that restart it seems like he does have enough speed to hold to hold the lead against his guys there is our mid-race competition yellow so marquardt will pick up a bonus point for leading at halfway well kyle we talk about all these conditions like the rain is playing a big factor i mean i know you run later tonight but at the same time like are you and chad still discussing like what you're gonna do for tire group like what's the setup i mean are we gonna get any more rain or are we going to get rain i mean what do you guys think about right now well we're all watching the the radar and see what comes and goes and uh you know trying to all dodge a bullet we could all make the right choice or i'll make a terrible choice but some of the tracks we've made some right choices and and really nailed the setup so we're sitting there being patient we haven't cut our final race tires we're running the toyo uh ct tires it's been a super good tire for us we've also run the toyo at tire this year the at3 so we've had a couple choices and they both worked we've won a lot of races with them so we're literally just sitting in the trailer we don't want to make a decision because it's super early and watching these guys i mean if we made a decision earlier all this new rain that just hit we'd be scratching our heads and maybe grabbing another set so um they just gotta knock off laps and they gotta clear this track off to uh you know if it runs like this and we gotta race like this and we know what we gotta do if it gets cleaner and they blade some of that slop off then uh then we have another option so we're playing the game just as everybody else is sitting in the grandstands i'm watching these guys race right now so all right well we're gonna go down to the third member of our team haley shanley what do you have for us i've heard you guys talk about this for the last couple of races here as the rain has started to come down you've talked about the tear offs you know kyle i heard you talking about how your dad how it was the last resort he had mud packed in there in his right eye well here are some of the things these drivers can be doing to mitigate some of that mud so you're going to be looking at about 30 some around that amount of tear offs any more than that and it's just going to get too foggy you're not going to be able to see very well of course we talked about a mud muncher that's going to be able to get that mud out of the way but some last resorts that these drivers may have to resort to is some of them might stuff a towel under the seat to be able to wipe off some of that mud they might take a glove they might end up taking that glove off worst case scenario some drivers also in the side-by-sides they might tape off a little bit of their rock screen but they can can't do that too much because that's just going to be more for the mud to accumulate on block that visibility so the mud it is what it is but that is going to be one of the biggest obstacles they're facing right now is that visibility thank you very much haley and yeah you're right you have to be able to see around here in crandon and especially you throw mother nature at it as we look at bushmaker he's trying to figure out where he can maybe make some passes on this restart but we talk about that points championship you don't want to do some or something too stupid early because you could cost yourself 10 maybe 12 spots in one turn yeah but at the same time it's such a competitive points battle among our top three i mean there's only nine points between first place and third place so you have to be a little bit aggressive too because if you're not and the other guy is able to get up around him i mean that's uh it could play to your disadvantage if you're too conservative yeah absolutely and i mean if you're sitting out there in the third spot kyle what are you thinking right now well you had a 10 second lead so you better uh you better have something in the holster to to go into these these first few corners and try to get something done so i think gravel pit's going to be some uh there's going to be some moves made down there if they're close enough they will take a shot at them because this is really their only shot to go for a lead back to green flag racing it's tyson marquart that number two car running out front bush maker lego and all the rest as they head down toward the gravel pit yeah we'll see if bushmaker can make his run up towards that front there's bushmaker in that number three he's really getting through the gravel pit very nicely not scrubbing any time off so we'll see if he can get to marquardt in that 122 as they come back towards what will be our finish line yeah he's got a decent comfortable little gap right now uh so it definitely seems like he's got the power to pull away from these guys and seal the deal so he's just got to be patient not get stuck in that slop not over rotate and uh just trying to bring the thing home while these guys battle it out for a podium yeah that's lego working on the number three of bushmaker as they come back on to the front straight with lee bargain running there and fourth still and our points leader entering the day dylan marquardt running in fifth behind that group bushmaker really hasn't had his hands full with lego and lego has really come on strong in the second half of this year yeah he's really putting down some good times especially here this afternoon but back a couple weekends ago he's just shown that he belongs up front is look at bushmaker just backing it in [Music] in that number three ride so we'll see i don't know that gap is pretty big and remember we're on the second half of this race so there's a lot of work left to do but if you're push maker you're you're putting points in the book absolutely bushmaker's points racing right now he knows he's got a shot at that points championship and the guy out front of him isn't anywhere in the mix for points so bushmaker uh really you know the preferred spot right now with no other points contenders running in front of him [Music] but he's still got his hands full right now with lego yeah dude he's eating so much dirt right now like you can just see out of that corner he's just getting roosted so he wants he wants to get ahead of him for a position he also wants to get the head of him to to just have some clean air so it's a struggle when you're back there i mean you can see you can see the hood trying to fall off that thing i mean it's flopping in the mud and he's got dude that car's at least got 150 pounds of mud on it so they handle totally different too it doesn't jump well it doesn't steer well you know the weights all shifted all over the place so muddy cars are definitely uh not fun to drive see more quartz still with a big lead there's bushmaker now opening up a little bit of a gap over lego about three and a half seconds back there's three laps that time by on our flagstand so pay attention we'll see if bushmaker can keep picking that lead apart i don't know if there's going to be enough time though yeah bushmaker really has to make up a lot of ground here on tyson marquardt you got to recognize tyson marquardt he's having a monster year in light buggy he's coming to uh sports with udv to mix it up a little bit and he's headed for what would be his first podium and of course his first win if he can hold on here so great run today for mark yeah absolutely you can just see that car the ride height just scrunching that suspension down just looks so heavy just on camera here i can't imagine trying to wheel that thing around those tough turns yeah 100 pounds of mud on a truck like a pro 4 or pro 2 it's not that big of a deal but a hundred pounds of mud on this thing is it literally is a completely different car so these guys are definitely not going as fast as they normally would or push or jump as far as they normally do so it's a it's a little bit of a single file race and most of that as you can see is because it's just a one lane track right now the slop is so heavy up top that if these cars get up there and touch it it's game over so they tend to train race and throw a couple dive bombs here and there so hopefully the crane and crew here throw some blades out on that track and move some of that so that you guys these fans and people at home watching get to see a side by side three wide race track where we can actually uh hang it out and give you guys a show yeah fortunately that rain we saw during super stock truck at least for the moment has gone away and it's the skies are dry anyways even if the ground isn't yeah and that that's what we deal with here in crane and though there's nothing you can do i mean it looked like our track was going to really lay out to be a fast race course but mother nature dumped us on some more rain so we'll have to deal with it tyson marquardt takes the white flag here in the power sports one sportsman side by side race been in control of this one for a long time here mark doing a good job out front staying to that inside line going over the barn turn one more time yeah the last the first half of the race he had about a 10 second gap so right now he's sitting at five seconds so you know you know those guys bush maker and the rest of the group have been getting faster and staying with him but he's also may just be cruising and bringing this thing home for a big w absolutely a couple turns to go shane not much more time for bushmaker doesn't seem to have enough here in the mud to reel in more court as he comes over the players fly away one final time gonna go through this hard right-hander and calamity corner and he's gonna look at the white and black flag the checkered flag is out there it is he will take the win here in round number nine shane yeah first win of the season in sportsman side by side for tyson marquardt bushmaker will be second lego third lieberg and fourth dylan marquardt fifth so that's gonna turn the points lead over to bushmaker with only one race remaining brent yeah and that's a huge finish for bushmaker he's really doing a good job this weekend he didn't do nothing to harm his car he just put it on the top three of the box so he'll go into round number ten he's got a shot at this thing he just needs to be consistent all day and maybe you can even pull a win away yeah with uh one round to go you mentioned maybe you can get a win for this thing he has zero wins this year he's just been running that close to the front all year putting together those consistent finishes and that's what's got him poised to take a shot at the points title tomorrow another podium for you this season you're really finding your stride in this last half of this season tell me about that race what are your initial thoughts following that one i knew it was going to be a slippery mess so i just when i had a chance to pass people i started passing because i can't wait around who would you like to thank my mom my dad craig jake shellman uh scott jarrod greg shulman everybody that helped me get here todd's automotive thank you very much rj lego our third place finisher and trevor bushmaker in second from our perspective out here that one looks so physical you're not only carrying around that much more weight but we're seeing some unintentional contact out there and just it really appeared to be a physical race tell me about that yeah it was uh the biggest thing was keeping your eyesight clean and when i couldn't see through my shield i had the spotter's mark and steve kind of guided me through it and uh you know we were battling with lego couldn't catch tyson but uh it was a blast uh probably the muddiest race we've ever did so it was awesome eyes in the sky coming in clutch who would you like to thank beaver machine dan bieber equipment maxis tires for hooking up in this tjb trucking lynn wacholeski nelson tree service haystack apparel amsoil power sports one anybody i'm forgetting my mom dad amazing girlfriend autumn my sister coming all the way damn near from minnesota to come watch so it was awesome congratulations trevor bushmaker in second and your winner tyson marcourt congratulations your first win of the season in this class what's going through your mind right now uh all i could think of was this is kind of my rebuttal for the buggy race before i got six and not where i wanted to be but i started second row here and just kind of ran away with it i had clean lines uh i didn't screw up at all i just kept my eyesight clean uh kept it smooth didn't try to overdrive it or anything and uh it worked out really good great way to turn the day around who would you like to think uh first and foremost i gotta thank my mom and my dad my dad's a spotter in my ear all the time the whole race um i gotta thank the whole broken dirty team everyone here all my family uh hp 53 craig huberty lena legend uh kgb my brother mark edo zippy dylan everyone else um great trucking great transport levi's big dog racing wooden shoe revolution oh man everyone else thank you for broken dirty motorsports this is tyson marcotte your winner here in the power sports one sportsman side by side number seven ashley bone is number 14 camden title is number 45. harper hughes is out there in the number eight number 22 is cody krantz 55 as carson greco we're just about ready to go green flag racing there's the green flag 170s headed down into forest county pottawatomie turn number one also in the field corbin wassenberg is the 25 collin titles the number 44. raymond denninger is number 11. ella hulcher is number 40 as the number nine of libby hentges has gotten out to a great early race lead as they come down through turn one she got a great jump there that is officially a hole shot oh but man you can see it's heavy heavy mud down there but now they're on a good race track then should be able to bring it around have some good laps clean lines stay out of that mud dribble a little bit further back for one of the holster cars [Music] yeah definitely which one that is got out in that loamy dirt i mean it looked like maybe it was ella holding it might have been ella and that could spell trouble for her points lead as denninger is up in the top three trying to get around henches right now yeah it's so tough you start on the starting line but you come to turn one and definitely not a race line so far since that rain so now they're on this hard pack stuff let's see grecco now whoa trouble for denningers he was way off the pace there not sure what happened that's gonna turn the lead over i believe to the 44 of colin peyton yeah like i said they just got to stay on that hardpacked stuff and stay out of the slime because talk about limited horsepower these these cars are definitely limited yeah you really gotta stay on that race line like you said you can't afford to go off track because you definitely maybe even park yourself for the day because no power you know you're not gonna move forward not a ton of ground clearance either on these cars maybe about six inches of ground clearance and that's it yeah we got one stuck in the gravel pit they're trying to push out the officials are in the mud trying to push them out of the slime so stand on the groove you know keep your visor clean they will be neck connect they will be up and making some passes here so they'll be ripping through some tear offs pretty cool up front your top three it's colin peyton that number 44. the 155 is carson greco in second he's all the way from arizona and i believe the 52 of madison win a store for his running in third our top three have sort of separated themselves from the rest of this field have to go quite a long way back there to find the 36 of dressel and fourth as we're riding alongside now with colin peyton another one of the huge holster racing family [Music] fortunately for these uh smaller 170s there's actually basically a double wide race line that's developed worn in by the full-size utvs the sportsman side by sides that we saw just previously yeah definitely this track is gonna start coming together like i said if we don't see any more rain by the time kyle and the guys get out there it should be a good race track and you'll see a lot of air time a lot of good speeds yeah what a cool drone shot that was literally almost in the cab with them and uh just cool to have that angle you know to get yourself into the driver's seat and see what those guys go through as you can see one of them is parked there broken there will be attrition you know this mud and stuff and then the battles will ensue these guys are close it's going to get tighter and they all want to win here at crandon yeah it looks like cody krantz is off the track early in the 22 cars so tough break for him gonna have to try to figure out something for round number 10 to end the season on a high note there's greco in that 155 trying to still move forward [Music] yeah true momentum racing here these cars are so equally matched literally a stock 170 side by side with a a fully built roll cage placed on top of it and and safety equipment for the driver the seat the the full fire proof uh race suit and everything else of course safety here at the championship off road series is priority number one yeah kids are these kids are getting the full race car driver experience yeah and they're all so uh evenly matched that you do have to drive them really well and you gotta find advantages and uh you know it's not just a i've got a hundred more horsepower than you it's they might have a half to one more horsepower right right and that that matters as well as hookup and and driving and brakes and it is uh definitely racing you know obviously it's a slower pace but these kids are living on the edge right now like they're flat out hanging it out going through sloppy corners going off jumps talking with spotters they're living it just like we are yeah that's what makes it so cool they have something to look forward to throughout these different classes and they look up to you kyle like man we're on the same track as kyla duke's going to perform on later tonight especially they're staying on that short track with the lights on already so they're getting the same feeling it's so cool yeah no when they get out there they're just as excited as we are when it races so it's cool to see and uh you know someday we'll see hopefully see our kids in something like this or uh the mod cards or just throw them right into pro 4 why not 10 years old go for it read have entered yeah we'll see should be fun though it's exciting to watch these kids and all their parents and families are up in the grandstands rooting and cheering and uh when they win it's it's a it's a good day in the pits two laps out of five in the book still carson greco up front dennings are in second dressling third then it's post and fourth a good run by her 21 seconds back but our battle for this top spot yeah greco still trying to reel in colin peyton in that number 44 car [Music] yeah so on your screen if you're watching us on champ you see the uh what the electronic scoring and timing is showing but looks like a few of these uh transponders on these cars not quite registered correctly and that could be caused by this mud maybe interfering a little bit with our scoring and timing loop at the finish line yeah we'll do our best to keep you on top of who's actually out there it's uh colin peyton and that 44 but look at this run by greco as they go up and over the polaris jump this is a battle for the win so they are going tooth and nail set them up trying to make moves and they're talking with their spotters and trying to make something happen for sure hold that lead and also 155 is trying to take it from them yeah carson greco going to the inside trying to open the door making a little bit of tire contact no harm no foul but two laps to go that time by so time is definitely running out for these razor 170s kyle mentioned earlier it's not like these cars have horsepower to spare so anytime you're making contact you're only slowing yourself down as much as you're slowing everybody else down yeah i agree and now now he knows he's they were able to put a fender in and touch tires and now the pressure is on for sure so they've uh they're gonna come around and get the white flag and see how this thing shapes up now look at lab traffic like i said earlier it's just kind of a single line track so this may uh shake the whole thing up yeah we'll find out how aggressive colin pedal and that 44 really wants to be as he tries to navigate around that lap traffic that's one of the uh bone cards the number 13. believe that's abigail bone oh they're splitting it oh greco thought about trying to make it three wide there there's not enough room but look at this greco is going to go to the inside now peyton but greco might run out of space too as bone is still there in between them there's still one more car to deal with that's the 45 of camden idol oh a little contact and the lead has changed yeah now greco's out front so we'll see if grecco can hold on to that top spot we should be coming to the white flag this time bye for the 155 2x motorsports car have to stay to that inside try to hold on but he might have been just a little bit quicker can't really go by our times right now yeah the laptop traffic definitely played a role in that and i'd say you know they both made good decisions to not have contact and clean racing but uh it was three wide in the gravel pit so that was pretty exciting for these little kids they'll be talking about that one for a while for sure see how this thing plays out unfortunately pays the price though and he's back down into second place now trying to give chase to carson greco brecco's been racing with us all year making the hall from arizona for all all nine and ten of our rounds here this weekend the champ off road series so yeah making those streams paying off yeah coming through the barn turn one more time there's our drone trying to follow the 155 such a cool shot from above watching what's going on in those cars coming over that little roller jump which later we should see a little bit more air time yeah but greco's all the nerves are on right now man he wants to bring that thing home you know he he arguably took it from him he got him a good position and earned that lead fair and square and kept it clean doing it so that's the best way to come out and win these races to to straight up burnham so he's got a couple corners couple jumps to not throw this thing away i know his dad's up there talking to him and try to keep calm and bring this thing home for another win well one more turn to go for carson greco can you get the job done in that 44 seems to be about six seven carlings back one more right hander as they come in the calamity corner should get the job done in that 2x motorsports 155 ride he's staring right at the checkered flag and he's going to do it shane yeah carson greco takes the win here in round number nine of the 170 side by side class colin peyton that number 44. yet another one of that huge holster racing family finding his way to the podium here in round number nine and madison winnistorfer will finish on the podium as well in third yeah greco definitely celebrating definitely having the time of his life but you know second second place lost that one today and they're definitely bummed but hats off to both of them for running clean running hard they're both winners they're uh they got to be stoked to be up on the podium here at crandon absolutely and that's where we want to see them at the end of each day as we see a couple cars still trying to get through the finish line we're going to bring our top three finishers and they're going to talk to haley shortly it's my favorite as well and let's welcome someone new to the podium here in the side-by-side 170 division brought to you by race driven this is madison winisdorfer [Music] madison first podium how excited are you i'm really excited because i thought when i was going over the hills it kept slowing down and i thought there's someone right behind me so i thought they would have passed me well you held off the field who would you like to thank for the podium tom hoffman trucking my uncle and john for getting me into this and my mom my dad my grandma and my grandpa and everybody else that i forgot and trump congratulations on this podium this is madison winning score for nicely done and call and title his second podium of the day colin on a scale of one to ten how fast was this car feeling um at least eight at least an eight not bad was the entire track super slippery or were you finding grip out there in some places well it was actually really slim yeah it looked like it who would you like to thank for your second podium of the day um all my sponsors my mom my dad my little brother my aunt my uncle my grandma my grandpa aunt and my little brother what a great day congratulations colin pittle in second [Music] and carson greco your winner here today carson as you were closing in on the lead what was your spotter telling you just wait until they make a mistake was that what happened when you made the pass for the lead yeah well you were looking fast throughout who would you like to thank for the win i thank my mom my dad my brother my grandma my grandpa my mom's dad jake eric and 2x motorsport motorsports congratulations to our winner all the way from arizona this is carson greco and your race driven 170 side by side let's give it up for the top three connect with the track length rules four-cylinder power you see a lot of different uh engineering designs going on out there a couple of mid-engine cars wow you see that number two swabbies got a lot of tape on the rock screen to that one let's go down your lineup very quickly for marshfield number 84 is jd koran number 13 is chris coughlin number 12 is dave vanden elsen 56 is mike kirkham 66 is chris vanden elsa number two is ryan schwalbe the number 31 it's mark eirstein steinhardt number nine is mike hester 30 is brandon johnson three is tom schwartzbrook at 4 44 todd flannery and we are underway here at brandon international the advantage on that bottom side looks to be working for koran jd karan might be pulling hole shot here in forest county potawatomi turn number one looks like steinhardt comes out in second hester there now in third so good clean start for everyone yeah i talked to mike hester this morning friends and he was telling me that the engine in that car is actually a boater that's rented to him for mike meister who came out and raced the pro buggy class here a couple of weeks ago he wanted to recognize micah or recognize mike meister hester wants to recognize him allowing him to run this motor and he's trying to chase down a points championship he's got a narrow lead over mark steinhardt his court if he's running in second but he's having all kinds of problems yeah absolutely steinhardt he made a little contact with koran and it just brought him right out of the race line that's what we talked about a couple of times already you make one little mistake or make that contact you get out of line man he's all the way back to six seven spot yeah not farther back how about jd koran running out front koran of course had a terrible crash oh it was big trouble for koran looks like he might have just lost control or maybe something like more on the front end no i think he just might have caught that edge there he went over the cushion and sucked him in put it over it looks like everything seems to be a pretty okay crash earlier this year at erx was really discouraged and kind of down on himself a little bit and actually put the car up for sale for a short time and he's got matt gerald working with him and matt talked him into sticking it out they put a ton of work into this car to get it back to uh full race ready quality and unfortunate break for him but we're glad that he stuck around because he's been one of the faster guys here in a very competitive grove of the class yeah absolutely here comes ryan schwabe look at that look at the shield on that car just barely about it maybe a 10 inch gap opening and really putting it to use as you see just insane about a bud that's caved out there already yeah kyle is up here he's pointing out that tape on the side of the car so as he's going in the corner he's trying to deflect all that mud out of the cab so it can get really really gruesome in there if you try to move their tear-offs and you don't have any room so we'll see if swabbies did the right choices he's got a long way to go to catch our leaders yeah mike hester running out front after karan had that problem like i said i was talking to hester this morning he's got a six point lead over steinhardt but has never won a race here at grand and he came in as one scene had a pretty good year at all of our other tracks but just lousy luck throughout his career here at brandon as we said running a rented motor they're still trying to kind of figure that out as well he's trying to get this granted monkey off his back and he's got 98 career wins so trying to hopefully uh if he can double up and reach that 100 win milestone like kyle duke did earlier this year yeah absolutely that is very very tough to get yourself to even get to 20 wins let alone 100 plus wins in a career i can't imagine how many races he actually entered in his career as we look at hester right there in the number nine going through argonne turn headed the track back there is pretty degraded you see it on your screen if you're watching us at home on champ kester having some problems got pushed out into the fluff in the cowboy corner able to gather it back up and hold on to this race lead he's got about 10 or 12 car lengths over kirkham and schwabe [Music] esther coming all the way up from orlando florida as we said trying to get that branded monkey off his back he's been making a lot of progress in his program enters this weekend leading in points in pro buggy but still zero wins that crammed into his credit ryan schwabe coming into forest county potawatomi turn number one trying to hunt down hester appeared only a couple laps into this one going through the barn turn and the rain seems to be tapering off but there's word around that we might have another cell coming in later this evening we'll have to try to beat you see our drone pilot getting a little bit aggressive there picking up a little mud for his trouble as well so visibility problems all around here at franklin national off-road raceway [Music] mike hester completes another lap around here at granite international off-road racing about a mile and three corners per lap when they're in the cold horse layout esther looks pretty strong right now mistakes compared to some of these other guys like moran and schwalbe are having some problems with this mud [Music] as they're coming to argonne turn there's kirkham in that 56 ride you see how the track has just come apart through there there's a couple cars going really really wide here comes mark steinhardt in the 31 ride trying to work his way up towards the front remember we have that mandatory competition caution so if you're steiny you made that big mistake coming out of the gravel pit he did get a little bit of help but the help that he needs is that mandatory yeah at this point he's kind of playing the waiting game and like we said a couple of times earlier today there's a point where you know you're not going to catch the guy in front of you without some kind of major mistake from your opponent so there comes a time when you have to decide to just save the car for that second half when you you know that you get a fair shake at it yeah absolutely hester going over the barn torn one more time such a cool shot right right up on top of the car going off that little drop down jump by the sweet tearing crandon you watch as he's entering into the gravel pit going a little bit wider than you want to try to creep right down to that bottom carry that left front stay out of all that sloppy stuff [Music] yeah really the race line that's worn in down there in the gravel pit is the ideal race line [Music] definitely the speeds starting to ramp up as the preferred line all the way around the track is getting worn in yeah track is definitely starting to come together shane you're right look at that starting to create some nice lines through here so hopefully mother nature's listening to us and give us a little bit of a break here brandon crew did a fine fine job getting this track together esther really tiptoeing through this relatively more wet back section we haven't had as much traffic back there some of our classes are on the short course layout so a lot of work to do to wear in that race line back here especially in cowboy corner i mean it's it's one line and it's barely that so far and you've seen a lot of guys across all these classes with either a big push or a big over rotation as they go through cowboy corner yeah absolutely cowboy carter's been very very difficult to negotiate see all the campers in the background backpack happens here in granite wisconsin coming through forest county pottawatomie turn number one once again one of the fastest turns in short course off-road racing pastor man we talk about him we don't talk about it enough though that just the career wins alone if you're an off-road fan if you're a racing fan just to put that number down in the books and seal that i cannot imagine what the trophy room looks like at home [Music] yeah he got his start racing down in the swamps and backwoods of florida down here where he lives he lives in orlando as the years went on and racing series started to disappear a little bit he's uh told me this morning he's like we're sort of running out of places to race but he knows that here at the champ off road series he gets to go against the best of the best but he's really putting it on display right now as you see five laps to go here bro buggy should be coming to our competition yellow on the next lap around yeah yes they're doing a good job [Music] [Music] keep an eye on our field everyone trying to just babysit their car get into the halfway point maybe reset everything yeah see a glimpse of that red car there number three tom schwartzberg he's been racing here at crandon for all 51 years wow just keeps on going that turn cowboy turn we keep talking about it but look at how nice it's starting to create a nice line you go outside to that lighter color dirt you're going to be in trouble just like the number three of schwartzberg schwartzberg doing a really nice job i mean obviously that that much better i think he was just moving over and letting this position battle get by him as he knows he's already a lap down yeah absolutely one of the best ambassadors for sportsman racing right there tom schwartzberg as we look back out front with hester i like to joke with some of these guys i think he might be the oldest average age of any class here in championship off-road i'm not going to throw out any numbers but uh let's see if there's a handful of guys that uh the first digit is a six we'll say that at least and tom schwartzberg mandatory competition caution plate this time by man does anyone have anything for hester i mean all signs right now are pointing to him getting that branded monkey off his back finally and picking up his first win here at the big house i like i said when i talked to him this morning you can just hear it at the tone of his voice how badly he wants to win here [Music] there's jd koran coming by our thanks hand man what a good start by jd just have a little bit of issues negotiating some of those turns and he finds himself back a little bit farther in that sixth place spot as our grand international off-road raceway pace truck is gonna pick up our field one more time here pastor kirkham swab and steinhardt bannon allison in your top five so another shot from bannon nelson showed 21 seconds behind that gap will go away yeah early on in the season was putting together a string of really consistent finishes some of the guys around him had some bad luck actually after round number four banded leading in points over hester and all the rest of these guys yeah it's gonna be interesting though shane and see hester if he can keep it together i mean obviously he has the experience he's been around for a long time he knows how to deal with these situations you mean you don't have to sit with them on the radio and be like hey you know you're in the lead you know make sure you nail this start he knows what he needs to get done it will be interesting knowing that steinhardt was sitting second in points coming into this race to see how aggressive he wants to be on this restart if he can move up a couple spots and maybe stay within reach of hester like i said six points separated those two drivers entering today's race that means steinhardt definitely has some work to do he's got to finish ahead of hester here at least in one of these rounds and by a couple spots in doing so [Music] you see even at uh low speeds there brent just a ton of mud being churned up by these cars base truck is off and we're gonna go back to green flag racing and grow buggy hester is in control of the field and there we go green flag hester kirkham schwalbe steinhardt and chris vandenel's in your top five hurricane's gotta run on uh hester here as they go down see how aggressive mike kirkham wants to get here as hester trying to hug that inside yeah look at kirk kirk trying to get a good run out of the gravel pit we'll see if he can put it together remember the track's starting to dry out a little bit so he's definitely not probably pulling as many tear offs as he did in the early parts some sections right there like the finish line turn it really does get muddy but he'll have to just keep his distance and try to make a good run at it yeah you saw a little mistake there by mike hester as they went through calamity corner by the finish line you know kirkham's gotta be watching that and he knows right now he's got to put as much pressure as he can on mike hester hester going for a career number 99 for career win number one yeah kirkham he's trying to steal that close to 100th win we can't say it yet but look at those rear tires all the way locked up coming in yeah yes they're really hard on the binders getting it to rotate oh kirk makes a little bit of a mistake here comes ryan swaby ryan schwabe and mark steinhardt now can they get in the mix but hester now look at him coming into forest county pottawatomie turn number one with a decent cushion lead yeah really stretched his lead as they came down the steel and planned rush starting straight away you know another thing that comes with experience and hester has so much experiences you know understanding track surfaces as hester swaps a little bit there is that you've also just got this extensive notebook of what you've done for setup to deal with different conditions you know where to go with tire what to do with your suspension to counteract these difficult conditions yeah and he's doing a fine job he kind of jinx our drivers when we start talking about him i feel bad because he said hestery knows where to go he kind of went over that cushion through the barn turn kind of pushing a little bit here comes curcum the white flag is going to come out that time by so we are definitely shorting up this one look at that hester's rearview mirror full of mike kirkham right now the battle to be the fastest bike of the day right now on our race course yeah absolutely shane this one definitely isn't over like i said we'll see if kirkham can get a good run going in to this long long straight away heading back towards cowboy turn on this last time the previous lap through cowboy corner hester just got incredible forward drive out of there and basically left kirkham behind for a moment so see if he's able to put together another run like that it looks like he does a great drive off that corner by hester he's got that corner figured out about as well as you can have it figured out in these conditions yeah definitely you can see hester's got it figured out for sure in that number nine just doing a great job here the track conditions not really phasing mike hester see if we can put that right rear right up on that cushion just feathering that throttle coming through that little chicane going off that downside roller into the gravel pit yeah no pressure from behind now as kirkham has fallen about 20 car lengths behind everything looking good for mike hester trying to pick up his first win at crandon and career win number 99 yes they're looking for 99 ladies and gentlemen we'll see if he can do it one final time going through this right-hander great run by mike hester gonna take the win here in round nine of champ off road finally able to get that that cranded monkey off his back i know i'm gonna have to go find him later on tonight because he's gonna be just ecstatic to finally finish on top here at grant absolutely kudos to him and his team they were ready for rounds number nine things are definitely gonna keep getting interesting as we move on through our races don't go anywhere tell your friends family at home to log on to championship all the pro races are coming up here in a few moments as hester's gonna bring our top three to the podium you know you are keeping the pressure on the second place for a lot of that race tell me about the balance obviously you need to be pushing but you don't want to overdrive this buggy yeah it was just super slick and i knew that mark was there and i know he can drive in the mod and he can drive this track so i was trying to tiptoe around and not make any mistakes unfortunately i tipped on a little bit too much and mike got around me but yeah i mean it was finishing was the name of the game today and we finished on the box so i'm happy with it not a bad day all right let's go thank uh my friends and family also my girlfriend allison um my dad i can't do it without him uh cody ashton just the whole crew hojo uh clutch energy and county line automotive nicely done ryan schwalbe in third and in second mike kirk [Applause] you showed such tenacity in this one congratulations on the commendable finish talk to me about the pressure you were keeping on mike yeah there was a lot of pressure i i knew there was a couple guys back behind me and it was just a matter of trying to make try not to make mistakes and uh hester didn't make too many mistakes hats off to him and i just want to thank yokohama tire this weekend they uh hooked us up and i think they did a pretty good job i'd also like to thank jrj you got that right sister christian porter's patch usw my wife zach mom and dad trent steve downing and his family thanks a lot mike kirkumar second place finisher and look out i think there's a monkey running around somewhere i don't know where it's at but i know it's off the back of mike hester congratulations you finally got it done your first win at crandon how special is this to you uh it's absolutely special [Applause] you know for years we've come here and always had trouble the best we've ever done is third place finish up here you know it's always something and then labor day weekend you know we've had such a great season we really thought we'd be able to bring it and we blew the engine in practice you know so mike meister was kind enough to loan us a backup motor so we were able to run fifth and sixth you know friday and saturday and stay in the points you know so this is just critical for us we shook the curse of crandon it's number 99. you know it's just great i i gotta thank my family they're all here supporting you know it's it's a lot of fun to have them here uh i gotta thank besh and i gotta thank sloane's automotive dwayne terry for all the work that you guys have done and uh you're the guys that got us here today you know on the podium and winning thank you very much thanks to gary at precision uh and and jl golding waterproofing jeff golding for being here helping the whole time so thank you very much appreciate it career win 99 from mycaster here in pro buggy congratulations to our top three back to you guys
Channel: Willie Freshour
Views: 5,614
Rating: 4.3684211 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 3sec (12063 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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