Rough Water Handling

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rough weather can make boating dangerous even for the most experienced operators so it's important to check the marine weather forecast before heading out in order to avoid an unpleasant and potentially dangerous experience but if you should be caught out when the weather turns nasty here's a few tips to help you deal with it ensure that everyone on board is wearing an approved lifejacket or personal floatation device instruct your passengers to remain seated for their safety and to keep the boat as stable as possible security loose items and make ready safety equipment such as Baylor's and sound signalling devices slow down and proceed with caution always choose a safe operating speed relative to the water conditions when heading into the waves approach them at a 45 degree angle to lessen the impact your intended destination may become secondary to choosing a course that both you and your boat can safely handle maintaining minimal speed and with the bow pointed 45 degrees to the waves may be the best option when the wind and waves continue to build if visibility is deteriorating turn on your navigation lights and be prepared to use sound signals so that other boaters will be aware of where you are assign lookout duties to passengers and instruct them to watch for boat traffic and floating debris also be aware of how much fuel you have and make certain have an anchor ready to be deployed in the event you should lose power in shallow waters or near a dangerous shore if your boat is equipped with a VHF marine radio make sure it's turned on and set the channel 16 the International distress Channel also be aware of your position and should whether continue to deteriorate beyond you or your boats capabilities seek a safe harbor or Anchorage to ride it out all borders should take the time to study how to best handle heavy weather and to be prepared if you do get caught out in it consider taking a safe boating course and always keep an open mind to learning more
Channel: SmartBoaterWoman
Views: 180,721
Rating: 4.6405797 out of 5
Keywords: rough, water, boating, boat
Id: trsKPuglnoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2012
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