Towing 124,000 Pounds Uphill

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yeah Richard got cut in try to keep the speed up a little bit all right make sure when you're backing up that you ever cross that white line just try to line it up here I'll get out tell you want to stop because it doesn't have a camera so it's kinda like kind of judge you remember how to turn the detail on this one just keep it in gear pto and then days ago alright guys we were here up east of town gonna be picking up this Kenworth here I got Alex with me and we're in the darls truck so you got a blown engine huh are you doing Trent sure well I'm gonna tell you there's no way for me to really jumpstart you on the side of highway because no so I'm just gonna hook you up and tell you that sound like a plan if you died coming up to you I I'm gonna it's not about [Music] they just turned about right oh yeah yes I pull it out of here yeah right on all right at first she wouldn't even turn over I'm sitting here probably something just seized you know spit over there also it is great it is spinning oh yeah so it's not a battery okay yeah let's let's just get you hooked up and out of here and we'll get you the tiara all right looks good what do you do Alex no we were general it downward from this side or get the remote door panel who wanted training Hey what's that just like the five oh yeah Alex once you get this down let's get the life around we go ahead I'm gonna get this out there [Music] go ahead and leave them for now I'll give you like a five-minute heads-up I just want that extra cushion all right that's all aluminum wait for Alex to bring the light bar [Music] all right Alex go ahead and grab the light bar go ahead grab the light bar out of the double box yeah it's up there yeah it's good get that going yeah wherever you want that's good spot all right just remember to grab that before we go I like to put it there where'd you go I don't do I'd like to give it a hit it ain't going nowhere it ain't gonna [Music] okay let's get the second dive under there no that's not it that's another one if it's on there whatever we'll deal without it just put that one in the control box here well forget about it okay good now is that to bind up now what are we gonna tell down okay I was I want to dive under it so handsome we go [Music] [Music] it won't it won't get in there okay [Music] we go until down I want to dive under there that's I'm trying to do about now yeah I can try to force it in how much does that'll clear got it [Music] so see how it's really closer there I'm just gonna tilt now this trick has a really strong tilt cylinder I would assume a manual but look well let's get it chained down first so that side very front box there's no change go ahead I'll watch your back you got the finder yeah buddy watch your back yeah you got a manual automatic I thank God I [Music] am - I don't drive automatic no way Jose hi Alex over the leaf string back to itself all the way back go through the hole that is in front of the port [Music] tell player this job is gonna take your foot off all right all the way back and I drop it through the hole that's right in front of the work yeah I did that is that Dalek I keep telling them to cut these chains down yeah I need it all but [Music] now what yep he said it's a man you'll be good and confirm and then try to release the brakes put your foot on the brake release them in just let it out slowly released both if they're not already oh yeah that's Amanda all right [Music] travel top all right go and release you'll feel it rear up it's a little bit and I all right going up out and see if we can move it forth brakes are released what your sister [Music] all right let's see if she'll come in to us see ya very time-released even though you really stunned that it didn't have enough air pressure so now what yeah so a lot of a lot of these have a hair fitting all right so this one doesn't have a quick-connect so we need to run air go in the tool box and grab dog I'll come with you save me yep that was there Yelp's grab that and probably a crescent wrench leave this eventually so anyway we can turn that off our jet right so we got the air tubes right here yeah one thing up in with arrows and then there's a 50-point a 25-foot we needed a 20 [Music] it's on the driver side Alex have you got that too big [Music] all right cool alright there's their hand it down to me through this fuel tank so it's up and out of the way all right got it all right go and run it up [Music] [Music] starts making it hard for us playing hard to get one of these is constant I forget which one it is you'll feel it's not that one there's a break now fully this for these fittings I don't know if he told you double-click did you is the red release go up there and put the red in should be and maybe it came out when you people there's the air are you loaded heavy probably take you up to the rest stop and I'll do breaks and everything up there what are you grossed at well they said there's about 45,000 pounds in there they could all be what could be about 79 okay Oh give it some time all right let's let's see if the drive shaft has play Alex let's see if the drive shaft has play on it it might not see yeah yeah all right here you go see what size it is [Music] while you do that I'm gonna get breaks run since we have two people here all right got it all right 50 foot come on baby give me that [Applause] watch your back buddy you want the insurance money don't you Hey what are you loaded with I already go well I don't like that anymore because it's gonna pull it up getting it Alex you doing all right Alex all right breaks our clone kind of the whole tangled mess isn't it [Music] how long you been sitting here - thirty-year time this morning really Wow in here for a while right I would come in Alex okay we got one two three there we go where's the strap one more strap there you go all right I'm gonna set these right here on your doorstep here are they are they loose or that okay I'll get you some table ready for it Edith alright I think it's so much feel maybe be smarter than competition promotes promotes business [Music] learn that college we need to [Music] find Alex and stuff is expensive yeah it's like 27 bucks for a big roll of it through rocky road that's not gonna hit the diff right guys dropped up they're really good yeah I'll get this on their counter there all right guy all right go through a checklist go in and hop out of there but we got one more thing but we'll get it here in a second I'm gonna pull I'm gonna bring it in watch us make sure that DIF doesn't it I'm not comfortable with that let's get it up out of the way look let's try yeah that's too close for comfort Alex just for future reference because going down the road this strap might start walking itself out now given there's not a whole lot of room down here cuz mr. fancy over here has a nice trust really good for him Dawson wow that's awesome and they're all like this nice long nose Wow what so Jenna put it in soccer I can't flatten out the rats [Applause] Hey break free all right see how I did that you're gonna pull it just blow her away from that dip as you can probably would have been alright but I wasn't comfortable how close it was just repeat records all right so is that good for towing there now there all right what's around Safety's anyone short probably shorter so on and yeah that's fine just ease it at all get the same you know why I do this one it keeps the chains from slopping into the paint and to go and do it looser to gives us room to turn so it doesn't rip his nice bum from 240 mercedes-benz smashed into this garden put more now it's gonna grab that light that goes supervisor to Telugu Wow nice strong he was in the in that Lane and came over to us makes no sense to me goodnight close that door up all right Alex give me a checklist yep yep yep yep lights in the back sounds good to me great razor let's go up there [Applause] all right Alex so he said he's about 80,000 we're like 42 so we're about 120 give or take thousand pounds starting on the hill obviously you want to start in low low you will twist your drive shaft for at all since we have a nice shoulder here I'm gonna get up to speed on the shoulder [Music] when your rpms up pretty high get momentum [Applause] you grab that light Jumbo's right here do I yeah Wow [Music] [Music] this is an instance where you'd use flow see cord that's all the way down if that's what you want all right Alex over here [Applause] this is pretty much the speed we have available [Music] [Music] you might Hannity the sunglasses there's all of these turnarounds right here what I never do it happens you're gonna be at fault [Music] so at this long no reason to risk our themes are staying up it started to drop I need to think about a downshift this is pretty much the speed you're gonna be climbing the hill [Applause] so we're gonna have to definitely downshift here just traffic slowing down let damn conjure up a little bit hey can I climb the hill at 25 these guys should have no problem or [Music] talking today is 98 o3o to Foxtrot president [Music] [Music] you're not that heavy it's probably got a 350 horse what there yeah Alex since we're going uphill I'm not gonna do this but once we start going downhill I always check and make sure that I have pre expect there so I'll just pull this valve a little bit make sure that his brakes are working and then I'll smoke it's been a long while since I've totally set front axle Kenworth like that I think it's way up there or that same length and there's three that's really well now we have a we have a w900 2014 with a pretty long wheelbase but it doesn't have to set for an axle like that it doesn't turn not alone he drove it for the first time and I warned him and use like oh my death it runs out of steering quick it's like one turn and that's it they don't realize how much of a difference that makes they're like all 3d what what's that oh yeah you definitely get used to it California driver let's eat something how the jerk oh hi California say about open [Music] sure they should at the same time the amount of axes out here it's like a lot of exits out here all sleeping really didn't like people falling asleep on the well drive and that's most accents that we do without her no reason of the world I'd like made it made it I figure you're in this spot so don't matter if you're like that was that going with me was that gun okay I didn't check it bad and I didn't notice that I was like where'd that go all right okay long is he long is it right right alright Alex what do you want to do first tell me James yep that's what I do we need the light yeah I like to do it's kind of harder on this truck but on the other trucks I like to all open this box and that the box that belongs in that way I don't forget it it is pretty easy to forget Johnna do next light yeah yeah I go and pull your hair I'll drop it down for you so you know [Applause] what's the two light cords for yeah abs [Music] interesting since we're dropping the trailer what's another thing we can pull off right now there now I'll just make it asking you what you want to do now all right there are you able to get it okay sometimes it binds up when I just need to push it a little bit yeah thank you [Applause] hello so he was able to pull the pin sometimes it'll be bound up you'll pull on it won't be able to do it so what do you think you do yeah send it out sometimes you pull it in it just just it's just tension as it found yep he's all disconnected make sure our airlines are off we got our light bar daddy huh Yemen forward yeah let me put this in there and I'll have you pull the cord yeah and even I mean if you want to back it in or you can bring her out huh go and hop in I'm gonna put this on it I'm gonna pull it up just touch I just lowered it so he could get in it so yeah just inch out you'll feel it you'll see it like drop out and then you're clear I watch that actually touch it it's not getting area see how he does I gave him credit he called me and asked for a heavy-duty job I told them well go ahead get your class a and we'll hire you sure enough he got his class a good for him so I told him I trained him here right it's like the worst way to go about that Hey there you go Hey what you think about that good oops Johanna quite a drop it sounds like a plan to me [Music] good there [Music] careful with your foot there I don't like with that there you go and never put your foot under the crossbar [Music] [Music] make sure before you extend it that you're you know where he's at sometimes I go back behind their truck or let's make sure any time you extend out that you verify that he's not in a bad spot [Music] [Music] Goodin tilt down now it's there boom down or whatever get it lower she got the front axle up off the ground right now there you go had to be good all right what do you want me to do Oh killer so it's constant tank so the best way to do that would be go under and grab that that's it gotta learn one way [Music] all right I've done it a few times I still do it [Music] - [Music] all right actually I just leave it there let it do its thing all right watch me what I'm gonna what'd I tell you because it's that touchy we're facing anything oh yeah yeah yeah yeah good I'll even lift it up for you [Music] right are you do you know if you're if the guy who's getting this is gonna put an air to it is he gonna tow it from the rear the way they're doing it I think they've good hook in the pit bull play yeah alright put it back I usually put it back I'm gonna let the driveshaft down can you untie all that once you're done there all right thank you no you're a flatbed Erwin a lot of bunch I had a guy bringing a wind turbine gearbox weight 46,000 pounds we had to lift it and move it but he had it all typed up he had to a pole like 50 bungees off that thing holy smokes careful it's loose so just know how to fall on your face but just get all the all my night job off there good yeah [Music] Vica Hey all right oh yeah this guy wanted me to lift our flat 46 out of the pound machine with the forklift okay there's no way so I put our rotator and our other heavy on it yeah yep yeah same concept we unloaded 110,000 pounds of counter weight yesterday off of a crane it's like three channel 3 flatbed worth of freight of counterweight all righty all right you remember how we loaded it I had some tail on it so what I want you to do going to put those away I'll say [Music] all right yeah so go ahead and tilt down some and then you're going hello hey yeah I'm offloading right now boom down Alex yes Sam yeah hang on out go out just a touch [Music] yeah there you go Kiba oh yeah boom up go out boom down now ow John okay boom up [Applause] tilt down I'm up tilt down boom up tilt down boom up tilt down boom up still down still down without all the tilt our gonna boom down see if that'll do the trick yeah yeah all right tilt up [Applause] all right short the bit shorter the better I don't think Donnell has very many short blocks of yeah all right boom down keep going keep going yeah no bring it in a touch just a little all right down you come in there you go hi in go down a little bit I am go ahead you're queer alright go ahead and keep it there let's put these back ah now what we'll do Tic Tacs with ya the bumpers sitting a little lower but see if we can do gonna get me lined up there yeah I want to get it on the on the center a little more okay [Music] [Applause] so when you're doing this you got to be super careful you want to be relatively level and you don't want to do any tilt just boom straight up good there okay coming up we on as soon as we can get those blocks out of there get them out of there if you were on a slope you probably would not want to do this because they can slide on that crossbar all right I'm gonna get it down good good practice for you to run the controls before you're in the remote [Music] for eating oh yeah yeah [Music] boom up first yeah you're good I'm boom say you put that on the look down just for a winch out and then you got a go ahead keep going say you put it down just for a winch out but you didn't extend it out I always still pull it in because sometimes it'll walk this way out then going down the road it'll be like what's so stupid all right that looks good all right buddy well that concludes our adventure all right it was a pleasure okay we'll see you later [Music] you got competition over there alright buddy be safe we got everything Aleks checklist nice yep yep yep porks worked out those driveshaft is dropped bolts are in his truck I think we're good let's roll all right everybody will hopefully enjoy that video as always like comment subscribe let me know in the comments what you thought about the video and we'll see you in the next one thanks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Plaza Towing
Views: 1,165,474
Rating: 4.725348 out of 5
Keywords: Ron, Pratt, rotator, 1150, midwest, truck, vulcan, miller, industries, crash, fail, accident, car, john, deere, volvo, cat, towtruck, semi, rollover, jerr-dan, carhartt, nrc, boom, lift, pull, pin, driver, recovery, strap, chain, chp, heavy, light, medium, wrecker, rollback, flatbed, peterbilt, kenworth, freightliner, hino, boots, gloves, tire, impact
Id: _TUt1szl3eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 26sec (4166 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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