Rosh Hashanah: Where is the Confession? - Mr. Charlie Harary

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[Music] so one of the values of being in the work world is it you get the most interesting stories thank God I hope and I hope it always is you walk around the yarmulke and like every day it's another like another story today I'm walking into my office and a guy in african-american pillow just stops me it's like sir sir I'm like what he's like how do you say happy new year in Hebrew I'm like Shanah Tovah he's like can you write it I'm like yeah he's like thanks so much I'm like happy to help I'm like you know the Jewish encyclopedia it's incredible I love the yarmulke is a magnet for any question for anyone that has it and sometimes you get questions that question that you think about and you ask yourself wait wait a second I would teach you of so many years and I didn't think of this I want to open with this story so my first job was with a law firm in the city it was a corporate law firm very waspy law firm and the way it works in these big sweatshop law firms those that are familiar is there's like a whole culture into itself things that go on there don't happen in the rest of the world when you get there like the culture is like why see daylight for 10 years right just work work work work work that's a value bill bill bill bill bill and then one of the main values they have there is there you would think that there is really man and there's God that's not true in between man and God is a creature called a partner partners may look like man and talk like men but they are not like man they're a partner and they have rules for covered a partner and I'm saying like you have to respect them when they talk you don't listen you write notes and they come in and you move and the way they operate in that as the partner they give you a book leave it out they give you a book in the all the partners in their history so when you see them you can like I don't know trade baseball cards or something whatever it is the whole world and then you come in with this like it's year us a partner and I'll never forget it was my second year and I get to the office September and it's just a random day and I walk in and my secretary is white as a ghost she's like mr. Ferrari I guess you like Miss mr. so-and-so who was a very big partner asked that you come to his office the minute you get to the office today you're not feeling you get like when I got this every day in high school you know the feeling we knew they'd say Jolly Roger cruise comes the office you thinking oh shoot do they know about that no they can't know that did I kill that person yet I should have taken that weekend yeah I thank God I grew up before Facebook cuz I don't know what you guys do when people are posted all that stuff that's how I felt I'm like he needs me what did I do but if I say my out of my job I felt like I was Owen prince office and I go into his office and he's like so partner about it I walk in he goes you please sit down I sit down he goes I need to speak to you but something very important I'm like I didn't do it I don't know whatever it is that's just like my normal way of seeing the world from how I grew up so he says I have a question that I want to ask you but I want to keep it confidential I said I'm here for you sir he said my sister married a guy and the two of them became religious juice I'm not absorb observant Jew that they became more observant and we don't really see them a lot but we just had a Labor Day weekend and we just went to their house for barbecue and I'm sitting in the house and somewhere around seven o'clock whatever my brother-in-law gets up and he starts to leave the house so will you come when he goes I'm gonna go pray goes pray this isn't the High Holidays yet he goes no no we do this all the time I'm gonna go to pray I'm said to me you want to come cuz yeah I'm not gonna stay home with everybody else I come so I go to this synagogue and we sit in this room is like twenty five guys in the room and they pray this afternoon service takes like 15 minutes and they cemented um my time to go he goes well no no the rabbi is gonna give a sermon in between prays like what you pray and a sermons is like it I'm good for the like you know Shoshanna she says no no you're good so he sits down and the Reverend gets up and he starts talking about Rosh Hashanah and he is lacing into them it's cumin day a judgment you better step up or else you're gonna die and your kids again and the whole thing and then he's lacing in it we're have to take your life seriously and it's gonna come and it's gonna go and all these guys are like half sleeping and this lawyer is totally buggin out he comes back he tested me I went home that night they had another prayer service it was like a double prayers I got like a like a Oreos cookie pray or Simon Brown Mike that sounds about right and he comes home that night and he says I can't sleep the rabbi said that my whole livelihood is dependent on these day rush Hashanah my partner income the kids health what's gonna happen I'm going out of my mind I had no idea no one told this to me I'm tossing and turning I'm not a great qu I'm gonna stand in front of God I'm sitting worried about April and March and February it's all happening nobody told me wait a second I'm a litigator what I do for a living I'm one of the best trial humility ones even his biggest quality perception this was I'm one of the best trial lawyers in the country and I got up and I wrote out an argument that I was going to give God on Rosh Hashanah I was gonna say I didn't go to Hebrew school nobody taught me I'm a good person I'm honest give me more money take care of my kid and I had a whole thing lined out that I was gonna tell God I rushed Anna and I had my secretary go to the closest Jewish bookstore and held the bookstore he knew I wanted because I remember growing up I went to the temple they gave me a special prayer book for the High Holidays get me a special prayer book for Russia Shauna and I was gonna find the time where all the Jews confessed their sins and instead of confessing my sin in the normal way I was gonna stick in my closing argument and when everybody's doing the usual stuff I was gonna blow God away and dominate the air so I get the book and I'm flipping pages and I'm waiting for the confession and there's no confession I'm going through it today a judgement you gotta let the defendant speak and I'm flipping flip and I went through it three times I can't call my brother can I say I wanna make me religious how is it possible that you get in front of a day of judgment and you can't even confess your sins I'm thinking to myself so what happens when a lawyer or rapper doesn't know an answer you know what they say that's a very good question by very complicated its disgusted by the middle evil philosophers I would tell you but then you know it'd be too hard for you to understand so let me just go back and review how I can dumb it down for you and I'll be back here and I went back and I realized this guy triggered one of the greatest questions about Rosh Hashana Rosh Hashanah is arguably the most important 48 hours of our year period the day of judgment Yom Kippur is the appellate court Yom Kippur happens if you mess up Russia shut up your Kippur happens if it doesn't go your way the most important day the Gemara says three books are open and in those three books God writes good bad middle it says that your whole livelihood misery no social other than the whole livelihood is written on Rosh Hashanah if you go through what they say in in the bottom is so or the by lack of all they tell you that every minute of the 48 hours corresponds to larger periods of time throughout the year the whole year is baked down to 48 hours the din remember the o makki poem is not dead it's people read it's atonement it's a different game the only days that we had that Yamaha din is Rosh Hashanah it's a pretty important day look in the book we don't even say sorry once I don't understand something house God judging us someone who can scream the loudest or is this color war I don't sense me how do you get judged by who stays longer and sure how is he gonna figure out who deserves what in a regular court the guy shows up and explained himself I didn't know this I didn't know this I'm sorry I'll be better it makes sense we do it on the wrong day you come and wash your shot on the day of then at least you should self refer to the judge and say by the way your honor I'm sorry we don't do anything not one men should go through the seat or not one mention nothing in fact that by thus pardon we say if he knew volcano compound on the finance oh you know we're short on y'all we do we pull it out well I messed ourselves up with sins on the day of judgment we don't do that can you believe it we don't you know there's a minute how you don't eatin us you know why anybody know cuz nuts have the gamma trio of hate why would I mess around with sin why would I care about that I'm only getting judged so you would think the day would be a day of reverence a day where you have a little bit of humility there's a whole network as a whole industry called defendant coaching in the law world they're defendants that aren't the best guys and they show up we ever see these things the guys like the biggest thug in the world doesn't look we're like in a vest you know I'm saying he's in like a cardigan he's got new glasses he brushed his hair in a part you're like what that guy had like you know you know I'm saying like he was killing people with like a gun because they coach should be front of a judge have a little bit respect change your clothes take off the chains what should we be doing today at least show up in front of shul a little bit of you know we're doing show you show up you pray a little extra yeah we do we go a big meal hang it out new clothes the haircut the family was sitting around as if like we're ready one God's in judgment February March April May our whole life the kids who are now Sabo everything it's being determined to us and we're sitting around like it's like whatever in fact you know what the only sources that we have Rosh Hashanah is the only source in Tanakh Rosh Hashanah was his time where Ezra Nehemia when Ezra and Nehemia come back after the Jews left the first time when they were exiled they came back to Israel Ezra and to come you were the leaders and one day and Rosh Hashana they gather everybody together and he start to give a sermon because every no one was religious they all Trump told I make that back in Israel now and ASRA is giving them the sermon of his lifetime and everybody starts to cry and hennya looks at the crowd that's awesome right she's under crying they feel bad they want to change life and offend me stop my reading in English family says of this they say to the people today is sacred Hashem now your God don't mourn don't weep for all the people were weeping they were all crying as they heard the words of Torah he said to them go eat rich foods how Jewish is this right eat fattening by the way they translate our own it's eat fattening foods what would be food if it wasn't filled with oil right during sweet beverages send portions to those that are only prepared - today is Hashem key side massage on Musa at Muslim they're cranky magic on shoulders rosh hashanah and you get up in the wrap-up gets up to get his talk and he blows the place away he's got every story he's got the voice crackling he's nailing it in and the crowd starts to cry and their happy looks over to a crying crowd that wants to get better because you're crying oh man that went the wrong way anything you're gonna cry this one you know what what you know let's just cancel the rest of Dominic you know let's bring up the kiddush can you bring up the food can you put the SH morgue in the back yeah they're crying I don't want them crying on Rosh Hashanah you know and then it's over and then I go home I extra stuff imagine belly next year that sure will be jam-packed the rabbit wouldn't have a job but the show will be packed no Sammy does it can you imagine our ocean Shauna the day of judgement how many gets the people to cry they start to cry I need this missions a go homing food what's going on here how in the world this is important because have you taken the wrong test you're not gonna get the right score we think that judgment is right and wrong if we can't like a regular defendant and what in the world is God using as a source to determine how to judge us so here's what they say we're ready for this it gets even it gets even stranger so Hashem says I'm gonna give you a magic trick you pull this hair trick out it's gonna poof you a miracle it's called the shofar it's a horn here's what we do why do you blow the farce because it says because it's a Gemara Gemara rosh hashanah it says we blow the shofar because the Sutton is the prosecuting angel and he's ready to prosecute and there's a court case going on for our lives and on the right on one side you have the the prosecutor ready to go and you blow the shofar and the show for today let our bedtime and the chauffeur confuses the sudden he's thrown and in some way he falls into a sleep and as soon as he does God moves his seat of judgment and he goes into a seat of Rahman and we know this is a there's a hint to this because we say before it goes too far we say Allah ello kin bachou ah and we know this hashem bit cold shofar hello Kim is din allow look Kim I digged in the judgment goes ready to sit and then he hears the shofar he turns into into mercy that's the game can you imagine you have a whole year sinning you don't say sorry get back to eat before you eat they blow a horn and then the Sutton gets confused and then God moves because it sounds like this big powerful guy right aren't we like o scared of him we always talk about him like you so smart he's confused about the chauffeur like he doesn't have it on the calendar ready you know I'm talking about Lee who doesn't have Google he doesn't have Google Calendar what are you joking me like the Sun can't figure it out like by the way September all of your employees are off there's a reason for that because it's really the Sun who we go next we can take God listen to me a favor I sinned but I'm about sorry Dom this something's the biggest guy in the world we're worried the son can't say oh I know the chauffeur's coming let me prepare the echo-chamber let me prepare myself the Sun here's the chauffeur goes to bed and God gets up from one to the other and was saved that's the game make sense to anybody no one of the world is going on we're about to enter this is just like another Tuesday we're about to enter maybe the most important two days of our lives of the year for sure and we have no idea what to do to get the judging we want so what's happening so let me take a little bit of a detour come with me on this detour ballina there I promised ballina there we'll come back and answer these questions but unless you're with me now you're gonna miss the whole thing the whole day of Rosh Hashanah is based on one thing the whole day the theme of the day is based on Hashanah hemella Mallos our job on Rosh Hashanah is to coronate God over the world but the way we relate to God is in two separate ways all of us relate God in two totally separate ways the one early to God is as creator we say Zephyr Lamaze a veracious he created the world and when you relate to God as creator if you look at the people that aren't so connected to God when you really get into their thinking you would see that even if you go back into science especially generations ago with Newton and all the early scientists they would tell you that whether or not they're believers they all believe that this world didn't come out of nowhere someone created it the kuzuri says hey find the clock on the street somebody made the clock you go into a beach of the Sandcastle it wasn't the waves we relate to God in one way as the creator of this place when you walk around and see that everything works everybody works a certain way and not only that but everybody's the same how does it be that the guy from Bangor Maine and that guy from Bangladesh they open up the heart that's hearts in the same place how could it be that gravity works all the time how could it be that every law every hasn't worked out million million things all the animals all the nature how see a person relates to God by saying it was intelligently designed there must be a designer so why do I relate to God is the creator and most people they give it even if they got problems with God they'll say you know what this dude she's gonna pop out of nowhere what's so amazing about God as creator is that God has creator created rules and laws in fact most of science is built on the laws that God put into this world that's how you fly a plane because they know if there's a law called gravity and it'll be there every single day you can't you can't become a heart surgeon if you can't rely on the law at the hearts in the same place the way nature works is through a concept called law and order God puts in laws that never change and all those laws create a certain order you can predict it know there's times a God can change it God can jump in and splitsies and sin save people's lives of course but he set a system called creation that is orderly order in Hebrew is called din din means law and order there's laws and all those laws make an order and we love law in order do you know why because we get to feel like we're in control you know how we love nature so much no I people get into it and it becomes scientists and doctors you know why because we like to feel like we can control nature and God lets us because he can't be everywhere all the time so he pulls back and you want to see me behind the shades you find you don't want to see me let's pretend that you're the one in charge but what's great about law and order is that you can pretend and you can control it and there's one thing that we want in this world is control we want to control our lives we want to know what we eat and what that does to our bodies we wanta how to be healthier we want to know everything about around this because we want to be in control and the one way that we relate to God is through his system of law and order to a system of DIN but there's another way relate to God what's the other relate to God God didn't just create the place God runs the place he's the Manager it's called Providence and this is called Zafer let's see I mean I never wonder by the way it's amazing you ever wonder God introduces himself to the Jewish people for the first time in Mountain toremember just picture for a second God shows up in Egypt prove some incredible miracles feel like I know it's God and now he's gonna set at the stage to meet people and he blows it out he's God he's like the best event planner ever you know I'm talking about like the desert you know totally that the mountaintop you think Burning Man is cool forget it we intended that the desert amount that God's got the smoke machines going the laser lightshow come on he's God this is the Sun boring place regardless of hey guys by the way I'm at the door it was awesome and that all the dude is sitting around and our booming voice comes out and God shows up for the first time you know in business anyone who's in business you know this is business coaching 101 whenever they tell you all time whenever you're in an interview you can never get a second chance to make a first impression when you walk into that first interview shake someone's hand in the that person there making all judgments about you and they anchor that that's who you are you can't now you got a play off that how do you dress how you talk when you're whether you're on time what you introduce yourself as and there's a lot of coaching on how to make first this is God's first impression the people are waiting he blew the place out ten plagues of split see they're pretty good so far he walks in and he's ready to roll and he says I am Hashem great opening because that reduces himself you're a god who if you regard speech writer if you're sitting back in the hotel from going God's like I don't have so nice to open this up and not what and your writings what would you say next I am God who created the world you see the place I built it uh-huh anyways pretty yeah that were you gonna go next I'll be able to Kanaan yeah nothing don't worry about it wait you'll see America's amazing the Grand Canyon the whole deal the whole he says I am gonna to carry agent what that's the business contact you at Egypt you built Egypt you made Paro what are you lowering yourself why would God do that for why do we remember two times a day exactly sevens Ryan why don't you know what I say Shema why in the back of SHM eyes you try why why don't do that for wouldn't be so much cooler if we remember it every day to done today God created the world would not be so much better you know why because when it comes to creation law and order we get it we want to control it but it's intelligent the general all the way you relate to God is Providence he runs the world and you know the one thing about running the world we can't see any order maybe a few holy people but the rest of us I don't know doesn't seem like there's any laws we can rely on so I think aside the Corallo the good guys are sometimes lows and the bad guys are win in why did this happen to somebody you walk around your life and you're trying to find the order in the day and you're going how does God work this thing I don't get what he's doing like if I were in control I don't know I ran wouldn't be her anymore and seems like doing it and you look around and you don't understand the order of the world and the part of God that I run the world becomes very very very confusing and that's why God says they feel atheist Messiah means in the world that's why I produced myself away because I want you to remember when you look around and go is even here I'm in the place I went down from my chamber that built the place I went into the gutter because I'm with you and twice a day remember you don't know what happened your day you can't figure it out you wanna know why this happened to this person or that person I'm still running the place but you know what happens to us we don't we don't accept it we don't want it I don't want to give up control to God I gotta find order in this world and we live our lives and we look always to create in to control how God runs this world right together for here someone will take off with someone passes away what's the first question you ask how what does it matter how they passed away you think the family that doesn't have their fam oh they were sick okay somehow it's a little easier for us to understand that someone gets sick like there's a runway because in our brains the order that we created is people shouldn't drop dead how old was he 90 90 okay why is that okay why is it okay if somebody dies at 90 cuz in our brains we have a number and we decided that if you live to this number it's it's old enough and we decided that that number is enough and if you get past number or around the number okay no no I don't say 9s in 1909 why are we doing this well had a person was even a terrible guy oh my god he was he was a drug dealer and he's beat people okay it makes sense to us now why because everywhere we go we're trying to find order and in our minds people that are young stay alive people that are good and never get hurt and if we hear of any tragedy we have to put it into a box and the box is something or at least I now can figure out what I have to do to not get that he was a big Sadiq as if if you're a big sod that you can handle these things but I'm a regular person everywhere we go what we're doing is we're looking at the way God runs the world and saying I need to control it I need to put order in the way you work in your world why are we even here for let's be straight why we sitting here for we pull I mean maybe it's different this community I'm looking around some people I think it's just low show up but if we did this in February what everybody come why don't we come in a long time you know what we come a long time cuz we're kids they called us Russia is gonna come and your whole year it's gonna be decided step up now or you're gonna lose you're gonna die you're not gonna have stuff and we want stuff and something told us there's an order of the world called say what God wants for a couple of days pretend to change really buy it you don't have to really change by the time sickness is over you'll be yourself again just say it and then God will give you good stuff he's not gonna hurt you you go back it's fine we do it over here we want or do we want stuff so we show up and we say God I want stuff what do I'm gonna do I'll do it you want me to put a chicken farm but you want honey I'll put the honey down my throat whatever you need me to do I've eaten nuts I won't eat nuts I'll jump into the pool Oh whatever you need whatever whatever's on the list of things that you want me to do if I can put order into my life and get stuff I mean when you look around two friends of ours and have things that we don't have and we feel bad for them why why do we look at someone who has a sim Club why look at someone who gets married before us or has more money than us all right and we look around him and go why don't we feel happy for them you know why cuz we're trying to find it order how come them not me when am I gonna do it there's some kind of treadmill of life going I'm already this age then I'm this stage and I miss stage because in the world I have to be a certain age to hit everything we're doing in life is trying to impose Din order we're trying to take our life the law and order of the creation and put it into every single thing of life why between me you because we don't really trust him we're not really just we think that he doesn't really know us I'm not a big rabbi I'm not a big Sadiq if he hooks me up with good things and I'm I'm all into him but once he throws a couple of bad curveballs and he doesn't know me and he's not listening I'm not really that holding so we infuse into our lives din din because we want to be in control and the challenge of life is the challenge of how much we're gonna try to control a world in which we have no control now watch what happens we'll bring it all tie it back Russia shun it comes and Russia Shana starts and we get into the day and the whole day is about Hashem and the court case happens in Jemima now allow me a little bit of creative license this is based on what I learned from my rabbis but I'm gonna I'm gonna dress I'm gonna movie eyes it a little bit so picture if you can the court case this Sutton wakes up early he's up at the crack we show up there school would have eight nine o'clock Russia shine a morning that Sutton's up in the crack of dawn and the Sutton's got the right black suit on and where he's got a whole team of lawyers coming and he's got all the sudden little minions around him and he shows up at the court case with his bag and gods at the bench new son starts by seeking hits and the Sultan starts and now we think the sudden what's a sudden he's a prosecutor but what's the prosecutor how could they how could there be a sudden if God is Allgood how could he have a bad guy how could it be a bad guy if God's the good guy and the answer that the rabbi's teaches is that there is no bad guy the way it works is God didn't create bad he created a vehicle for that just a receptor the Sun is just like a receptacle almost like when you're playing video games you got a little guy whatever the energy bar is he has the guy with no energy and where does he get his energy from us we that's what we grabbed I was saying before you know why the judgment of God is so perfect because whenever we do something wrong you know what we're doing we're building we're giving the energy to the prosecutor against us the judgment that's called me to connect and meet up with the way I treat somebody that's how they treat me in shimane if I'm if I look past things they look past things if I never look past things and look at things though all that we have in shâm I am is a receptacle asutton with no energy and whatever I do down here empowers him up there and he uses all my stuff just against me he's like getting paid by the government Senna da he's getting paid by me so sudden comes in one day and it's Russia shauna and he lines up and you nobody cares about been judgment you know why because he's gonna tell God you gave him health you gave him life you didn't put him in the Holocaust you didn't put him in Iran for 30 years ago look at what you give people today they go online they finances they don't even have to drive anymore they put ways on they tell them where to go but with old days we needed like directions who has direction the guy has everything and what has he done for you really he prays about 35 seconds deciding wants nothing more than law in order for me and he has his whole book out but you know what he's being powered because down here I'm the one that wants din we're the ones that look around and what we really want is ordered din din and every time we look around they go why not me and every time you look around go where are you God every time we look at the way the world works and instead of saying I guess you run and I don't know we say I want order I'll be mad that I don't get what I want we give more energy to that Sutton who prosecutes ourselves and the Sutton gets up and he's got 50 bars of didn't energy because of me and you and he sits there on Rosh Hashanah and he's killing us it's 8 o'clock in the morning is like look at you look at these guys they want in they want order they're upset at this table said this do you think they're we pulled in didn't and then we get to show 8 o'clock he's already killing it and we walk in the show who he's diving for the ahmud oh my gosh she's wearing this this is when she showed up the show how long is this gonna go for when is this over and he's gone this is great it's 8 o'clock in the morning he's killing us where's your son they would never know what hits us before we even realized he's up there he's destroying us all the minions they bring him his like cigar coats cos garb they bring him a glass of brandy that he circles around a little bit a cigar then Ben Danny's doing it behind his back then then then he's high-stepping City and this is gonna be a joke for him Russian Sun is coming and it's in forget about it he has us pegged like this in a second and as the day goes on 11 o'clock and we have were slaughtered we don't even know what we didn't know was hitting us as we just thought and all of a sudden the door opens he turns around and all the minions scatter over a man walks in the hall the tallest over his head shining face and then something goes what just had oh no a hover hum what are you doing here and Ivan walks in him on the side of his he puts up chauffer and his son like a de mariscos no the glass slowly drops and shatters and cigar tumbles onto the ground not the shofar as our hump picks up the chauffeur downstairs on earth a guy gets on to the Bema and he says the bruja and in a second and out of them picks up the chauffeur and puts into his mouth the guy on the ground you hear the word if you're on the ashkenaz me the UH [Music] pause what's so important about the chauffeur why does God love the shoulders so much let's understand something who is opera Avraham when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his kid what was going on back we think that it was a big deal because he sacrificed kids remember back in those days is something called the mola the mola was the sacrifice of the time which means that everybody on Abraham's block sacrificed his kid so what's the deal the answer was is that our homes entire life was believe in Hashem believe in a shed meant meant don't worship the mola his whole life was God doesn't want you to sacrifice your kids everything he did was don't sacrifice your kids when he one time man of the year his speech was don't sacrifice your kids sarah's minivan said and remember don't sacrifice her kids everything he did was don't sacrifice for kids he's at the end of his life wasn't anything we went to a lot of trials and tribulations but he bet well God's a good bet he's the end of his life and he's got his kid and he's rich and he's well-known and he's a warrior and he's sitting outside of his tent and God comes over and goes hey I don't know are you doing great how's it going go something goes let's say I got one more test he's like what do you mean he's like listen can you kill your kid I was like I'm sorry lovely English like I didn't you must have said something on my kitchen I give him what goes can you kill your kid this wasn't about just killing you talk if you do get up on that mountaintop his whole life was don't kill your kids no what have happened well you know would have happened if he came down snap hypocrite of the year this is his life but here's the thing he signed up for a tough life he signed up to be a Navy SEAL but beforehand God made a deal with him and the deal was that your kid's gonna be a great nation they signed a contract ding law the contract was your kid will be alive I know God says kill your kid we had a deal law and order you promised in God in fact they're the ha'la'tha is that if a Navi here's a prophecy that contradicts an early perhaps he doesn't have to even listen to it album could have turned around to God and say God it's not their big order he promised me ah who says what do you need it goes against everything I know about more order but you know what this isn't about me this isn't about me this is about you this is always about you I don't care about then I don't care about order I don't care about anything you know what I care about you and you need me to do it I'll do it and if you change your mind I'll do that whatever it is that you need I'm in for the whole story VI k de was the first person that looked up in God and said I don't care about them I don't care about order I'm not keeping score I'm not asking you when you're hooking me up I'm gonna look it over to the neighbor and saying when is it my turn my whole life I'm only on this earth because it's I'm here to serve you this is not you none of me whatever you need I mean I mean if you looked at the chauffeur the chauffeur was even part of the story right the story was he almost killed his son the chauffeur came after the credits the chauffeur was he after you it was alive nobody something really cool ready Shauna you want to really remember the story have the rabbi pick out a guy and put him on the beam and wrap him up and take it on machete that would be awesome it was like don't kill him everything all over like a - it suck the chauffeur came to FDA took was ok why because ivory was saying I want to give you something law goes it's okay you pass the test and my arm goes this isn't about tests this isn't about that sound camera test so I'm trying to get something from you I'm not checking back to so again to the good book there's no books I don't care about when you're losing it's just you and only you the whole story of Avraham Avinu and the chauffeur was a Jew that said I'm not keeping score I'm not looking for order am I asking you when it's my turn I'm not worrying about whether you gonna answer me when I pray and the Tuesday and I pray for 40 I trust you and I'm here to serve you the ability for a person to be selfless and to have unconditional love for God that's how you coronate someone that's how you make someone King is by saying I live in service for you I'm not using you to get stuff and that's chauffeur and album revenue as we feel all that prosecutor of all the energy of DIN all then our grandfather shows up and knocks the whole thing out he circles the Sun and confused and puts him to sleep because when he's in the room there's no din all the power that Sutton had to take us down was wiped out because our grandfather was able to say Dean I got no den and at that moment God says on that dime I'm ready to move to a totally different way of seeing you you know what Russia Shana is it's about one decision me or him period and God goes do me a favor don't show up and say I'm stalling you know why because I'm sorry starts with I I don't want to hear it yet I get it you want more stuff do me a favor it's my day can you give me like one day without worrying about yourself please you really believe in me behind you says he cried but Hashem he Muslim you believe it God didn't take care of you I want you to take your life on your hands and go have a meal because God said so you believe in him he's gonna take care you don't believe him stay in Sheol all day and cry you believe in him he tells you to dance you dance he tells you to laugh LF it's his day not in your day you may not make it but you know what it doesn't matter today one day here for one moment God looks into our hearts and sees who are they living for another feeling you get when the chauffeur blows is like your heart skips a beat that for a second I believe in that second you make your choice takes a whole month to prepare that's the judgment you live for Hashem Hashem says this let's rock and roll next week we'll clear out all the rubble it break the foundation today we'll clear the rubble up we'll work it out whole year together but you live for yourself you live for yourself what am I gonna do you live for yourself that's what we don't see since on Rosh Hashanah that's what we dancin saying that's a rabbit because it's the hardest day of the year when you know your life's on the line you can't protect yourself and a person that can go through a day and think only about him that's the judgment the judgment is how close can you get to becoming the judgment is he starts with the chauffeur but do we end with the chauffeur we get the first second on the on the house for being his kids but do we get the rest a my brother to us is it we dig into ourselves and we get real don't spend a month on how can I get stuff don't even spend the month on wallowing or why I'm not good enough let's spend some time thinking how much do I live for him or for me how much do I look at this world and say I gotta figure it out or I trust he knows what he's doing is my dad know and with this I know I'm going it's the last thing I'm gonna say I have a practice with my kids every my parents are upstate and we go there to visit and every time my kids are upstate I have them walk up the monkey bars and fall backwards into my hands my arms kids have to go up and fall backwards you know ten feet yeah five six we start and every time it's the same thing he goes up he's five you gonna catch me daddy yeah I'm gonna catch you you're sure I'm like I'm positive not your mom's gonna kill me so it's in my best interest they said yeah and he looks back and go back and I catch it and then he goes up again and he goes and then four or five times later he knows I'm catching him you know what he does know they all do they smile and they all back my brother to us is that we look at God we can get to a place where we smile and just all backwards you trust them he'll take care of us he'll worry about it and if we allow ourselves to fall back you know what happens to our father he's got to put out his arms and if this rosh hashanah we come in and say you know what it's you not me I trust whatever you wherever you take me I'm in if you just maybe I should almost say it's about time and now I got the whole treasure trove to give you guys because the truth is you really understand the reason why we're here we should resolve it to have that danharriet [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hidabroot - Torah & Judaism
Views: 13,917
Rating: 4.9319148 out of 5
Keywords: rosh hashanah, elul, day of judgement, yom kippur, event, hidabroot, new york, zamir cohen, shofar, prayer, new year
Id: 9eL30x8bX5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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