Rosh Hashanah Early Morning Service

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[Music] let my mic [Music] all right let's sing together this weekend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] it was a remarkable experience this morning to walk up from the lower parking lot here and to be greeted by ushers and to find so many of you here it's remarkable to see you here you all look terrific and it's great to have you here in person in our outdoor chapel and of course we're thrilled that so many folks are joining us online as well from their homes or from wherever you are i'm thrilled too to be here together with my colleagues cantor jamie spall and rabbi jonathan prosnic and we're thrilled to be with our choir and of course with ben lloyd once again so let's continue our celebration of rosh hashanah in person here and online and we begin with the singing of motto vu on page 110 [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] elohim [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] how wonderful to praise god in our holy temple and to praise god with this blast of the shofar psalm 150 on page 135. [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] m oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] please rise for the baraku page 142. [Music] i [Music] [Music] page 146 on the bottom of the page we'll read together in english if you're streaming from home and want to follow along in our liturgy and you don't have one of our prayer books the flip book with all of the liturgy is on the betham webpage you can find it there join with me love abundant love unstinting our god you have enfolded us in love tender compassion beyond all bounds your precious gift our fathers and mothers gave you their trust and you gave them torah laws by which to live for their sake teach us as well grace us with your guidance loving father merciful mother of us all grant us clear understanding that we may listen learn and teach preserve practice and fulfill with love every lesson of your torah may learning your torah light up our eyes may our hearts embrace your meat's vote unite us in love and reverence for you that we may never feel ashamed of our the words of our shema are on page 150 and 151. [Music] [Applause] god [Music] oh [Music] be seated and join together on the bottom of 157 love god with your mind stay curious open to questions marvel at the wonder of what is love god with your heart stay alive to suffering enjoy yearn for the world that could be love god with your strength open your hands and give work for the sake of what ought to be the words of me our prayer of redemption and freedom on top of 164. [Music] [Music] [Laughter] they are [Music] god [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] god [Music] 166 prayer is a step on which we rise from the self we are to the self we wish to be prayer affirms the hope that no reality can crush the aspiration that can never acknowledge defeat [Music] i don't [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh hello [Music] hello [Music] yo [Music] [Music] [Music] greater than [Music] i [Music] [Music] my [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i oh [Music] please be seated who by water and who by fire asks the unatana torquef prayer that we are about to read the poet has painted a picture of the most solemn days of the year all other concepts associated with the day have been stripped away awesome and terrible are the only fitting words to describe it who by water hurricanes flooding nashville louisiana new york new jersey parched lands epic droughts who by fire caldor dixie tubbs big basin paradise santa rosa lake tahoe our actions on rosh hashanah individually and collectively locally and globally will be judged this holiday is the perfect time to let the blasts of the shofar shake us awake to the world around us it is a time to open up our minds and souls to new possibilities and be grateful for all that we have but more than anything rosh hashanah offers the opportunity for chuva to return to our best our most full versions of ourselves as we turn inward we have the chance to ask what impact do our actions have on our friends and on our family and our community and on the earth this year the sounds of the shelf are asked what will we do now that we are awake how will we commit our lives our times our skills our resources to the work of redeeming our world this year how we contribute to the creation of a more just livable and sustainable world for all people and for all generations to come this rosh hashanah we are wide awake and now much each ask ourself what we will do to put us on a collective path of blessing one where our actions can begin to avert the evil decree so clearly facing our earth and everyone on it the study texts for una tanatokef are on page 172 and 173 will begin this most solemn song on page 174. [Music] oh [Music] [Music] love [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] m [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] we foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] concedes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we who are mortal our origin is dust and so is our end we wear out our lives to get our bread like broken vessels like withered grass like a flower that must fade a shadow moving odd a cloud passing by mere dust on the wind a dream that flies away we continue now with kadu shah on page 184 and i invite you to rise [Music] [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] please be seated and take a few moments now for silent personal prayer [Music] sim shalom page 216. [Music] see [Music] r [Music] oh [Music] i [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i said [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we want you to be comfortable this morning and so if you're finding that the sun is now shining in your eyes or you are hot feel free throughout this morning to seek shade you can lift up your chairs you can move anywhere where you can find shade so don't don't feel you have to stay right where you started all right our liturgy is filled with images of god as a sovereign and in two moments in the course of rosh hashanah and yom kippur we embody that relationship of being of submitting to a sovereign this is one of those moments as we turn now to the great elenu please rise and turn to page 202. [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] page two hundred and twenty three of you know malcano [Music] okay [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] avinu malkenu almighty and merciful answer us with grace for our deeds are wanting save us through acts of justice and love if you are a if you are of a certain age and grew up at beth or a reformed synagogue someplace in this country i'll bet you used to end rosh hashanah services with the hymn all the world shall come to serve thee all the world shall come to serve thee and bless thy glorious name and thy righteousness triumphant the island shall acclaim yea the people shall go seeking who knew thee not before and the ends of earth shall praise thee and tell thy greatness or thank you how'd i do appearing in the union prayer book two the high holiday mocks are used by reformed synagogues across the country all the world was the rousing anthem in the king's english that became a staple of classical reform high holiday liturgy even as reform synagogues moved away from classical reformed hymns and got rid of the organ in many places all the world remained an iconic uplifting coda to rosh hashanah morning services i'm told it was my grandfather jim block's favorite and not just because it marked the end of the service he like so many classical reformed jews likely liked the tune and the message filled with pomp and triumph perfect for an organ in major key there is almost a sense of joy and patriotism to the song it dreams of a large glorious future that we pray will come soon as dr wendy zierler says it imagines is a coming together of all nations from every end in island of the earth to recognize and worship god as king a kind of theological melting pot with the coming of your victory the hill shall shout with song and the islands laughed exultant that they to god belong and through all your congregations so loud your praise shall ring that the utmost people's hearing shall then your greatness sing the song a modern reflection of a hebrew poem that dates back possibly as far as the 7th century was perfect for the classical reformed jews of the 19th and 20th century the reformed rabbis insisted on a form of radical universalism and all the world grand and inclusive spoke to this lofty vision of the world as it should be the traditional placement of all the world falls in the rosh hashanah mussoff service and immediately precedes another prayer it's got quite a different message than the sweeping human vision of all the world you chose us from all the nations you loved us and wanted us you elevated us over all tongues and sanctified us with your commandments and your great and holy name you proclaimed on us on the most basic level it's a particular vision of a god who chose the jews we at betham do not say that prayer on these sacred days but we do say many others many of which you are likely familiar with that appear to con to appear to contradict the ecumenical vision of all the world prayers that highlight our distinctiveness as a people over universality take our shabbat kiddish god chose us and sanctified us from all the other nations or the elenu who did not make us like other nations in other lands in these opening lines of the elenu as the jewish people we are called upon to praise god as the sovereign and creator of all because god assigned jews a different kind of responsibility and destiny in the world right in the liturgy attention that has challenged us as a people for a millennium particular reverse universal for many of us myself included it's often easier to tack toward the universal to highlight the bonds we share with the rest of humanity we are uncomfortable with the passages within our tradition that set us apart from others that define us as chosen and seem to emphasize our tribalism and distinctiveness their messages seem myopic at best and chauvinistic at worst the earliest reformed jews certainly didn't feel good about any separation between judaism and other religions removing prayers and phrases from our liturgy that didn't fit this universal sentiment we share the same common principles values and behaviors as our non-jewish neighbors but we are a particular people as well our passover haggadah retells our narrative in each generation we must see ourselves as being freed from egypt hanukkah celebrates the miracle of jewish might purim the jewish survival in the face of long island's shavuot the receiving of our people's most sacred book on sinai we celebrate the independence of israel each spring and mourn the horrors that were committed against us during the holocaust many of us are familiar with the phrase all israel is responsible for one another if we don't look at ourselves uniquely nobody else will our history tells us if we don't look at ourselves uniquely nobody else will in the words of the writer cynthia ozek if we blow into the narrow end of the shofar we will be heard far but if we choose to be mankind rather than jewish and blow into the wider part we will not be heard at all and let's be honest it's harder for us than our more traditional jewish family and friends we've lost some of the barriers that have helped emphasize our particularism we generally do not follow strict dietary rules we don't keep a traditional shabbat few of us speak hebrew our prayer times are more often meditation apps in yoga classes than engagement with the prayer book we don't have the fences around our jewish lives preventing it from escaping if we are too universal and don't highlight our distinctiveness distinctiveness we've lost what has helped maintain us as a people i hope we haven't lost that sense of responsibility to other jews especially with the rise of anti-semitism in this country we know we need to support one another as a community we've always found it important to support other jews this is the core to our jewish american story as new immigrants fled pogroms and persecution we built jewish settlement houses and free loan associations to aid jews from eastern europe we helped jews who were persecuted in ethiopia and yemen find homes in israel we marched for soviet jewry to paraphrase the great israeli author amos oz a jew is someone who chooses to share the fate of other jews or who is condemned to do so thankfully here in california being a jew is a choice and part of that choice must mean looking out for other jews i hope that we recognize the obligation that comes with being part of this sacred people it's quite a blessing to live our lives obligated to the sacred calling that brings us here on these high holidays to care for and to continue to build the jewish future but we are universal jews we care for all jews and non-jews alike our god cares for each of us we are not better than other religions we believe that we are caught up in a larger web of humanity and feel responsibility for all our hearts ache wherever we see suffering we are sensitive to the pain and the plight of all human beings the yoke of responsibility is upon us simply because we are human you likely know the story from midrash rabbah your rabbis have preached on it before a man in a boat begins to drill a hole under his seat his fellow passengers are alarmed in protest what are you doing the man replies stay out of my business what concern are my actions to you i after all am drilling the hole under my seat not yours the other passengers reply that is so but when the water enters this boat and the boat sinks we too shall drown we felt this as a community more than ever in the last 18 months as we grapple with individual liberties versus communal responsibility i had a dream that we'd all be together today filled in loud laughters and tears and it's great to see so many faces but i thought people would be coming in and slowly filling up our sanctuary we'd hug and we sway i dreamt we'd be together packed here at bethlehem i'd see confirmands and wedding couples and those here to say kaddish for the first time new babies and old friends and let's be honest that should have been the reality we should be celebrating this wonderful holiday all of us together in person not some of us on our screens my dream lived the words of the psalmists the cries and the darkness of the evening would yield the joy of the morning and we did everything right we wore masks and we washed hands and we got our shots we didn't travel or go to parties grandparents didn't see their grandchildren we postponed weddings and bar mitzvahs we chose to live in this world responsibly but yet this virus persists and we cannot gather like we should for the high holidays and it's a big deal not to be together it's a big deal to continue to live our lives on screens and be distant and apart from family it's a big deal to still have to make difficult choices about travel and school and family it's a big deal to still be a part on these holidays it's a big deal because our sense of connectedness to the world is at stake we are anxious and disappointed in on edge i've heard from so many people who continue to worry how much of this can we take and let's be clear unlike last year there is blame to go around this is a pandemic of choice this is a pandemic of lack of responsibility this is a pandemic of dishonesty we could have avoided this the reason our kids my kids are in the position that we are in today is because of the actions of adults adults who decide to drill a hole on their side of the boat not caring about who would sink adults who refuse to get vaccinated adults who call masking tyrannical adults many of whom are vaccinated who continue to spout lies and mistruths about vaccines and disease adults who see growth in the market as a panacea to our pandemic woes adults who sow division in chaos for personal gain and glory adults who for a host of reasons shirk their own communal responsibility who are neither particular nor universal but who thrive on narcissism and division as this strange virus continues to spread and bring chaos and uncertainty to our country in our world i pray for all people not just jews who have been directly impacted by covet my heart breaks for all family members who have lost a loved one all people who have had to say goodbye on a screen i especially pray for those on the margins who are often forgotten in our prayers and who too quickly are left behind to fend for themselves if we are going to be universal we need to be radically universal that's what rosh hashanah is about it's our most universal of holidays the day where we do not observe a specific event in the jewish calendar but rather celebrate the birthday of the world a time as rabbi larry hoffman says to celebrate god's rule over a marvelous marvelously marvelously diverse yet interconnected human family why does the torah provide the story of adam and eve the rabbis asked the answer to teach us that all humanity is descended from a single set of parents after all the message of after all the message all along of these holy days seems to be that our life's pursuit is about bringing equality justice and the pursuit of self-knowledge into the world these are such universal themes why not just embrace them rabbi danny zemo cautions us however that while the jewish instinct is universal the jewish method is particular he writes our human sense of caring dissipates the farther removed we are from the genuine experience of belonging to a something rather than in everything a classic peanuts cartoon underscores this point when linus shouts i love humanity it's people i can't stand zemo continues god created the whole universe and obliges us to care for it all but we care for it all as jews it turns out there is not much of a tension between parts be between being universal and particular our particularism propels our universalism the two ideas live in tandem and they grow together we are better humans when we are in touch with our judaism and better jews when we see the broader world that's the message of these holy days that's the call of the shofar we hear the blast of our sacred symbol and use it to go out and build the world we aspire to live in back to the elenu we chanted at the end of each and every service if the start of the prayer highlights our distinctiveness the end casts a broad and beautiful vision of the world perfected the prayer actually contains the root of a phrase that many of us know and aspire to the melding of the particular and the universal tikun olam the ta kenolam this is who we are as jews this is our calling i invite you to turn to the screen if you can't see the screen an adaption of the words to all the world can come to serve you is on 201. all the serve world and bless your glorious name and your righteousness triumphant the island shall proclaim and the people shall go seeking who knew you not before and the earns of earth shall praise you and tell your greatness or they shall build for you their altars their idols overthrown and their graven god shall shame them as they turn to you alone they shall worship you as sun rise and fill your kingdom's might and impart their understanding to those astray at night [Music] okay let's bring this down we continue now with our service for the reading of torah on page 227 and i invite you to rise [Music] [Music] um [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] adonai god compassionate gracious endlessly patient loving and true showing mercy to the thousandth generation forgiving evil defiance and wrongdoing granting pardon adonai adonai [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] we did this all last year with no one so it's exciting to be together but we're getting all of our choreography back it's like a a muscle you need to work once again we read this morning of course the akedah the binding of isaac this is a text about commitment and risk and also reward and blessing you can follow along on page 240 and for our first aliyah this morning i would like to invite one of the most essential committees of this congregation particularly during the last 18 months i want to invite anyone who is here from the tech committee and i know we have at least two um tech shelani the blessings are on page 203. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] elohim [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] what an incredible threesome right here jay rachel and lauren of course a mixture of both volunteers and a professional but you you have been our backbone so thank you so much for everything that you've done this past year and of course you've got to keep doing it [Laughter] you can be seated for our second aliyah i'd like to invite forward representatives of our caring community and our caring committees including tikvah gesharim mitzvah meals yadlayad and archevra kadisha [Music] we're on page 240 that's where the chanting is is taking place wow over here may slide in about five more steps you can come around even behind lauren it's fine please oh it's hot over here okay come on up [Music] [Music] underneath [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] hello [Music] not [Music] it's incredible to see you all in this one space i've seen i get emails all the time that this person from yad lia did this visit i've heard about the chevra kedisha delivering meals i've seen your faces in so many places and if our tech our tech committee and our commitment to technology created a kind of super structure for our community it is all of you that's really maintained us during these past 18 months we are so thankful for your commitment to us and to each other and you have sustained us so thank you for being with us thank you guys and i want to invite zoe stern forward is she here oh there she is good oh she was right with us good terrific we turn now to our third and final aliyah in our community and at bethlehem we have a number of folks who are working on the front lines and later we will offer a blessing like this for those in our medical professions but in this moment i want to invite forward all of you who are engaged in teaching as a profession for you to are sustaining us and you too are putting yourselves at risk even in these months as many of you have gone back into the classroom or back uh wherever you are teaching if you have teachers here please come forward call hamarim [Music] hi welcome okay [Music] oh [Music] around [Music] um [Music] me [Music] [Music] our tradition says that our world is sustained by three things by gimmeloo by acts of love and kindness by avodah by worship and also of course our world is sustained by torah by learning and so thank you for your commitment to learning and to sustaining this world both wherever you are the worlds the many worlds that each of you occupy but also sustaining our world at betham through your commitment to education and to continue bringing us forward through all that you do so wonderful to see you thank you amen [Music] our prayer for healing is in the middle of page 200. [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] who bless the ones before help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing and let us say [Music] whether you're here with us in person or you're watching on your screen i invite you to share that person's name out loud so we can add them to our prayer [Music] he [Music] a renewal of bodies [Music] and let us [Music] for the honor of lifting and addressing our sacred torah we invite forward jay hirsch the president of our synagogue and sandy hirsch or on page 246 if you're able please rise [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're so happy to have marissa young with us this morning a special treat every year for the high holidays to lead us in the reading and the chanting of of our morning's haftarah and the blessings are found on page 247 followed by the reading itself um she'll be reading from verse eight all right and continuing on from there all right take it away marissa [Music] [Music] i don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] t-rex [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] of [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] she's [Music] is [Music] oh thank you as rabbi prosnic so skillfully expressed in his sermon this morning we integrate multiple aspects of identity as americans and as jews first as he spoke of we discussed he discussed our commitment to particularism and to universalism we also of course have a great commitment to the aspirations for the united states but also for israel and we express that sense of multiple connections and multiple commitments through these two prayers a prayer for our country and our prayer for the state of israel i invite you to join with me first for our prayer for our country on page 272 god of holiness we hear your message justice justice you shall pursue god of freedom we hear your charge proclaim liberty throughout the land inspire us through your teachings and commandments to love and uphold our precious democracy let every citizen take responsibility for the rights and freedoms we cherish let each of us be an advocate for justice an activist for liberty a defender of dignity and let us champion the values that make our nation a haven for the persecuted a beacon of hope among the nations may our actions reflect compassion for all people within our borders and abroad may our leaders and officials embody the vision of our founders to form a more perfect union establish justice ensure domestic tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity we pray for courage and conscience as we aim to support our country's highest values and aspirations the hard one rights that define us as a people the responsibilities that they entail we pray for all who serve our country with selfless devotion in peace and in war from fields of battle to clinics and classrooms from government to the grassroots all those whose noble deeds and sacrifice benefit our nation and our world we are grateful for the rights of liberty liberty and the pursuit of happiness that our founders ascribe to us our creator we pray for their wisdom and moral strength that we may be guardians of these rights for ourselves and for the sake of all people now and forever join me in the prayer for the state of israel on page 274. avinu you who are high above all nation states and peoples rock of israel the one who has saved us and preserved us in life bless the state of israel first flowering of our redemption be her loving shield a shelter of lasting peace guide your leaders and advisors for your light of truth instruct them with your good counsel strengthen the hands of those who build and protect our holy land deliver them from danger crown their efforts with success grant peace to the land lasting joy to all of her people and together we say amen if you're able i once again invite you to rise as we return our torah to the ark 277 [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] we continue now with our service for the blowing of shofar and i i want to invite dan pitt to come forward with his shofar and i want to invite all of you just to close your moksarim for now all you need to do is listen like musical preludes three traditional motifs announced the highest peak of rosh hashanah the calls of the shofar the ancient sounds that we call takiyah shivarim trua and tikiyakido we read in the talmud that according to rabbah the holy one said on rosh hashanah recite before me words of mahjot sovereignty zekro note remembrance and shofar wrote sovereignty so that you may acknowledge me as ruler over you remind brants so that remembrances of you may rise up favorably before me and how shall all this be accomplished through the sounds of the shofar we begin with mahuyat source of blessing eternal our god you fill the universe with majestic might summon us to hear the sounds of the shofar [Music] foreign [Music] source of blessing eternal our god you fill the universe with majestic might giving us life upholding the life within us and bringing us to this time please rise to kia [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] please be seated god of remembrance remember the covenant of our ancestors we reaffirm it today remember we are a people of noble ideals help us attain them remember all your people all the nations on the road to peace bless their efforts remember with mercy the binding of isaac the sorrow of sarah abraham's words here i am our memory fades but you remember all that we have forgotten your presence is a throne where all things matter and nothing is lost blessed are you adonai you remember the covenant you remember us please rise [Music] uh [Music] [Music] please be seated shofar wrote today the world is born anew this day the whole of creation stands before you to be judged as we are your children love us in the way of mothers and fathers as we are yours in service guide us by the light of your justice grace and holiness blessed are you in our lives adonai you hear with love the shofar true voice of your people israel please rise [Music] [Music] usher [Music] new [Music] oh a few brief announcements before the end of our service i want to call your attention to the sadaka box over there or if you are streaming uh online at sadaka we encourage you to be as generous as possible in this new year this month we're collecting for a local organization called community services agency in mountain view in los altos and los altos hills that works to help the most vulnerable in our community they call themselves the community safety net and they really are so we ask you to be as generous as possible of course this afternoon at four o'clock we have tash leak at the baylands in palo alto all the information is on the web page it won't be a crummy time and then on yom kippur or throughout the week we continue to collect food through jewish family and services in our food drive so we encourage you to bring back those non-perishable bags maybe one of those bags that you have in your pantry fill them up with food so we can donate them after yom kippur and then finally we would love to stay and hug you and say hello to you and i know there are so many people people haven't seen for a year plus but we have another shift of services coming in and while this shift is remarking to rabbi morrison is certainly a really i think they might be the best looking of the two shifts we still need you to head towards your cars after and to sneak out so we can get our parking lot overturned for our second shift in a moment we will recite together the mourner's coddish on page 292. our thoughts turn to loved ones whom death has taken from us in recent days and those who died at this season in years past our hearts open as well to the wider circles of loss in our community and wherever grief touches the human family and if you are here on this morning with the thought of someone who has died i invite you to stand and to say that name aloud at this time may their memories be a blessing in this new year and always we stand with you and together recite these words yitzka dal viet kadashimay rabbah bial ma divarate [Music] [Music] is amen page 294 a blessing for the new year amen strengthen us on this day amen amen amen here are heartfelt words today amen amen with love amen i don't alarm the first and last verses on page 298. here we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] la la la la la [Music] my [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] la la la la i want to i want to give special thanks to lauren ford for chanting so beautifully on this day and to zoe stern for chanting wonderfully too i want to give a special thanks to our entire staff for ensuring that we could come together like this it took a remarkable amount of work to set all of this up and to roll with everything that's occurred during the last many weeks and i also want to mention to you three names mike o'brien manuel dijaro and peter planus who are the folks who are doing all of the technical work on this day for both our video and for our sound it's gone remarkably smoothly when we moved to this shift structure i promised our remarkable executive director that it would be okay that we would get you in and out and not create a great uh traffic jam at at the exit so it is so wonderful to be with you we will see you very soon join us in mozi hello [Music] everybody you
Channel: Congregation Beth Am of Los Altos Hills, CA
Views: 2,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M3esqV2vASc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 31sec (7111 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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