Rose McGowan in Conversation with Ronan Farrow: BRAVE

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thanks for doing this roast thank you for joining us running and thank you everybody for coming yes hello thank you for waiting we're so worth it you have had quite a year and quite a life rose mcgowan I understand there are some commonalities you know one thing I think we both have in common is we don't do small talk there's a certain level of intensity you might have noticed from our respective bodies of work how are you rose and you know me well enough to know that I don't mean that casually I mean on a deep level how are you I like and thank you for asking that I do get a lot of how are you feeling and I think I had there really you know English is my third language Italian and then cults in Italian and how I grew up was I you know we started training it they started training people for the end of days at 18 months so it wasn't a lot of time to develop I feel I feel in color and I get or prickles in my if someone said how are you feeling I said my arms are on fire and they're prickly I don't know what that means exactly but it's its face I didn't I don't think I had the normal I don't know what people have the grace to learn what emotions are feelings or this thing hurt me and this is what happened because of it but I don't really have that language so the you know like most things you liken it to the movies it's like right now it's a cross between 2001 a Space Odyssey that was when Ronan and like his beauty and his mind and his tenacity his grit helped destroy very much like well you know and what that was was like 2001 a Space Odyssey when they get to the Jupiter section and or cured Alea and all of a sudden there's these graphics and it's nobody's been there just nobody's been there but then we cut to Superman to from I think the 80s or late 80s and there's these three bad characters who of course dress in all black because that's how it goes and they they land like with a thump on the earth and that's what I feel like with the book coming out it's like I came through the atmosphere and now I'm just like and now you're Terence Stamp in a DS leather no I'm the woman she was she's actually my fashion icon ha ha good luck from when I was 12 but it hasn't all been easy since this broke ether you I remember we're telling me over the holidays you were texting me saying you know I've walked out of a family dinner and I'm upset and I'm dragging my luggage behind me through the street tell me about adjusting to this new reality yeah Christmas night or dinner fish found me dragging my sad lonely suitcase down a sad lonely street in Albuquerque New Mexico I was like all right this is the glamour and because your family didn't want to address this right no and nobody addressed I was there for two days and it really did feel I don't know what it's like to come home from a war a like on paper but I can tell you it's a war and nobody addressed it it was just I was there for two days and it nobody said how are you are you okay this must be hard Wow are you tired as it is you know but I cry a couple of times a day because I have to because there's not a lot of time to process you know in writing this book I went through as you know really it's if you want to keep sanity I can't recommend ever writing a book I now understand all these things about writers that I didn't previously quite get I also know understand people don't launch three massive enterprises on one day with a giant social enterprise going online yes admittedly most writers don't have you know Mossad agents chasing them former ones anyway trying to get portions of your manuscript successfully well it certainly appears that at the very least you know we were able to report in The New Yorker that transcripts describing the manuscript in detail were delivered back to your alleged attacker what was it like after so many years of being disbelieved waking up seeing things like that in print having the conversation change in a way where people actually accepted what you had been saying for so long I think a lot still fight at Ron you see because people don't like I I don't understand this if someone's really just trying to stop either a pedophile or a rapist it seems like you know you wouldn't be able to sort the world's most talented lawyers like David Boies and Charles harder you know you would think they'd want to steer clear of something as ugly as that but no in fact they lean in and in fact people go up against me in a variety of Peterborough's paid off for years I mean we all know these things right allegedly let me just say that right we have to keep saying that he was consensually paid off [Laughter] there's been a lot of denials of non-consensual behavior I can't tell you what that feels like it feels violent it feels degrading it's the denials feel violent to you I I don't know what it's like to get to face down my attacker in court but I do know that they lie they lie and I just one thing my overwhelming thing you know my whole life really just being born into a situation where people are constantly saying this isn't what you're singing and then a life of that which we women really get in general right and and people of color and it's so much and and then you know they get defined by what they're supposed to be rather than to get to be what they are it's very similar you know we get defined by what we're supposed to be and not what we are and I just think but I see who you're supposed to be I'd rather talk to that person and people for some reason it's it's it it mystifies me that if someone's only so motivation is to make the world better you know I have like people coming at me you're profiting off the me to movement first of all you you feel you are telling a story I worked at this for three years I worked for twenty years to bring this man down and and I will say basically Rose was telling this story to reporters much earlier than this was public so that is certainly the case and a lot of this flows from those conversations there were a lot of brave people who came forward but you did early on do work that was instrumental in setting this in motion so you know for those who have come forward anyone in the audience who is resonated with and who has stepped out of the shadows with a story about sexual harassment or assault you know she did that in climate where it was very very difficult as any of you who have those experiences understand to do that you did that alone as far as I could tell yes I decided to embark on a social reengineering project because why not I was bored I thought people are quite stupid and maybe they could be better so I embarked on ROS army I trademark for his army three years ago and I embarked on I started shooting for the documentary that I knew was going to be on II now I also got the Kardashian producers why because of Marshall McLuhan I really believe the medium is the message and I really believe in being a gala terian and smashing the 99 and the 1% so I knew if I did anything if I talked about brave or any of this on HBO or Netflix for people with extra money it's not talking to like he actually is the farness reach I knew my book was going to come out I knew my voice was going to be louder yo these women Asia Argento Annabelle Shore there's all these women over a hundred something now by our accountant they adds there's many many more I didn't want to stomp on their voice they haven't been hurt I would you know it's like you didn't extraordinary thing in lying and weight in that way and deciding exactly when and how me it's my story I got everything stolen I wanted to have something that was this book but really I wanted them to be I didn't I would overshadow them it would be like honestly if Jennifer Lawrence walked across the stage right now everyone to start looking at that photographing that I understand what they do like you know when you go down a red carpet you can't go down the same time as someone else cuz they're more famous than you they'll get more coverage so even when we look at that initial body of reporting I really do feel you have to Rose a significant debt of gratitude and credit for creating that story because many of the women you just mentioned went on the record at a time when you were for all those months with the NBC reporting on the record and they knew that someone had come first and then many of them were talking to you in the months after that's why I let it go for so long yeah we're just talking about now for the first time working it out together that was it was kind of like doing weird undercover work or something what do you mean by that but the reporters recover work that's the right word playing to news organizations that are very powerful off each others you know desi business at best and while writing a book that is it was intense it's very it's intense but uplifting and beautiful and about bravery and what I knew to do I knew when I was about a year out from the book most likely being you know finished I knew that I had to puncture I had to get people to look askance the propaganda machine at what fills their brain and there's so many we know right we know what we're seeing but a lot of times were just like chilled out but the thing is I know the people behind those messages that you get as to you a lot of them I in a someone asked me if you were in Oz who would you be who would you be Rios a curtain I would be the curtain you're not the man behind the curtain you are the curtain I am the curtain the curtain is very pretty the curtain gets used kicked aside nobody really noticed us a curtain they're appreciative that it's there but just pull it aside when it's done the fabric gets sprayed ripped but it absorbs everything from both sides from this side presentational e it looks so great to you right this is the curtain that you see from the backside you see everything to but nobody knows is the curtain the curtain is taking notes did you have talking about that journey of play as you say you know make making news organizations your pond to get this story out in the right way so because so minute sorry so many would try to break it David Carr the New York Times yes most excellent and we talked I didn't article about the intimidation a lot of those reporters face well I also wouldn't talk him as it is not time public it wasn't just you know I touch anybody though that's the thing people come and sit next to me at a dinner and I would throw it out there because I knew someday if I threw stones somebody was gonna help somebody and that somebody was you Thank You rose well a pod for the women who came forward because the way it ended up playing was look there was a before and after in each of these stories and it is about people going on the record which can be as you know the most difficult decision of a lifetime it's a decision for many women to be defined by the thing they least want to be defined in your obituary for all time right so you can imagine staring that down and in the case of a powerful alleged attacker like this you are dealing with the potential for massive repercussions for your life the kind of you know infiltration into your life that you saw you see it already had that with him because I never signs an NDA I was told that I had and woman after woman talked about the not just the legal ramifications even for people like Rose who hadn't signed an NDA the career ramifications and we now have learned that that's true that there were women that were blacklisted filmmakers have described that well yes I don't my thing is like I don't even care if people verify my story it's true I know it I lived it like I was there like when people ask what's it like to be believed my hourly care don't believe me you don't have to but you do have to think but my standpoint of course your standpoint I don't know I had to live I had to survive in a way that had to protect me I live between worlds I existed not in yours and not in theirs and not an America and not in Europe and not anywhere like there was no soft spot there's no you know Christmas I was like there's no soft place to land someday but I do have a place that I created in my mind planet 9 and I wrote about this place planet 9 when I was 11 years old and I used to when I came to American schools I was so very stressed and it was pretty traumatic and so I would imagine orb coming out of the ceiling at school and it would protect me and it would encircle me and lo and behold they discovered planet and I flora Pluto and that rest in peace but it's you know for me it's not that I'm against it's just that I had to construct a life where people believing or not believing me didn't matter hmm because otherwise I would have lost my mind and that was the one thing I had and that I prize above all else and you certainly you know I spent a year listening to a lot of powerful men call these women who were relating the worst experiences of a lifetime crazy call them unstable call them unreliable narrators and a lot worse things that I won't repeat on this stage you know that was something that was lobbed at your story countless times i sat in rooms and defended the fact that got on the record testimony from you matter and what use do people like NBC to to numerous people and you know what I will say is an environment like that where people are so reluctant to believe and particularly to believe women you were smart in that at least for those six months where we had you on the record it was enough time that multiple women were always on the record in that story and unfortunately while we now live in an environment where a heavily corroborated story from a single individual woman can run if it has the right news value that's always a tough decision but it can back then we needed that we needed multiple women and we always met that threshold and you know that is why the story survived through those months it's why it ended up at The New Yorker eventually and you know the trials and travails and writing this through that writing this book which enter and producing and doing an album that's the other side of the book well and then filming for a documentary that nobody knew when I told the head of E said this is it was always going to be you he was like you were playing three-dimensional chess and you add all these projects but I guess you know because he raised it that that complicated saga of you being on the record that long and then falling out of story then coming back into the story it raises an interesting larger thematic question for me which is there are people who react to the periods of silence the years and years of silence before the strategic periods of bowing out of stories and coming back in and and have said publicly well why not earlier why why didn't you share the story do you have feelings of guilt about not sharing the story earlier there were let's say that I think are also stupid and I'm bored of that same or I don't really care anymore I mean I you know the thing is I found a better in a better light please this is the kernel of a fair point I think isn't that okay in the periods of silence there were other women who claimed that they were attacked do you ever feel at any time on any day conflicted about the fact that you hadn't spoken because I did and my agency said god dammit I just had an expose about who killed at the LA Times he owes it to me not to do this this is 1997 I tried I tried was gonna believe me Ronin who this society you know come on the only perfect rape victim is a dead rape victim and that is a fact that we all know it's oh we're so sad for her she's dead but other than that and I love it when like you took a pal I didn't take a pal I demanded it it was my only way of saying fu I don't want this I don't like this and I tried to buy a billboard getting that outdoors did not go for Harvey Weinstein as a rapist on Sunset Boulevard I'm truly shocked people are tremendously quick to judge and I think that come from their worlds I don't care there's a lack of understanding about the complexities of coming forward with this issue now but also especially and even more so 20 years ago the lack of nuance in people's minds is staggering and that's not my people like a nun controversial statement it's not my fault it's really it's like don't make your khaki pleated pants brain my problem so I get a lot of questions that are exactly the same and they're like but people are saying this I'm like people also voted for Trump not my issue like I get like and I'm like yes but it's it's a collective and what I'm trying to hit is a structure I'm hitting it from above because I don't know I didn't integrate with you all I didn't sit in an office I don't know what I mean for a little bit when I lied when I was 15 and worked as a PR agent for bristol-myers Squibb during a breast implant scandal I lied and said it was a graduate of USC corporate school of communications and I had to take the bus there cuz I wasn't old enough to see a driver's license and I would consult magazines as to what I should wear what ladies wore pantyhose that's what they wore you do a lot of talking about the societal pressures about what to wear on how to have your hair in this book brace yes because we all know it and something I really noticed it was a side effect and not something I didn't do if I do this this will happen it was one way it was like if I do this I'm definitely cutting literally the cord to that world where I was told you know when I first started that I and I say in the book am I allowed to curse here curse away well you know as is my want and it was liked by a female agent because female misogyny is so deep oh my god do a lot of them operate against their best interests it's so weird but this woman agent said to me and it was like me you know I have been on my own since really 13 and I kind of am like no in a way but I kind of speak my own language you know the woman that was in the woods mine was just with dresses and high heels and that's what you saw I lived a really big life off the screen but I had to live it privately and unhiding but it affected everything and the thing is that I lost my train of thought for a second I got sad that's loud yeah there is a lot it's in this book and one of the things that I struck me most oh do you want you out of close-up the point of my hair I'll close the point on her it's very eloquent about the hair in the book I um it was you have to have long hair so the men in Hollywood warm - [ __ ] you if they don't want to [ __ ] you they're not gonna hire you and then I was like oh that was like me opening the magazine saying the professional ladies wear nylons oh like how was I I didn't know I grew up you know out of time in a way my father our pictures are from a brownie camera that's from the fifties and you were also in the countryside in Italy in a cult behind walls really and and that is is the genesis of something that runs all the way through your life story and we've been talking about this for a year now in each of our conversations it comes up you have been the subject of abuse after abuse very often from men from a very early age you tell the story and a lot of women they don't get it but I want to get to that too but this theme of man and you and you talk you openly embraced the idea that this is a chain of events that are connected in your life going back to you talk about being four and a member of the cult coming up to you and assaulting you talk about that I drew it afterwards actually I drew I was walking down the hallway and I and I always remember you know some people of the egg assay have two kinds of memory right that excel at you either excel it short or long-term I excel Hort long term so I'll remember this evening in five years it's really nice to see you that story in there started a quest for tea I was walking down this hallway and so to give a little back there was a Duke the Duke comes walking and he was in the cult the children of God and his sister Ariana Rosa Ariana whom I am named for because it's Italy she didn't get control of the house the brother did so we're in his Palazzo the Italian was grand you know a lot of be incredibly beautiful in Tuscany right it sounds lovely but it was a place it was multinational multicultural not that I know what that meant but there was always danger and every room I looked and I would try to find what could protect me and what I could kill somebody with I need it too and so I was walking down that hall am i echoing do you guys hear that you can understand her right what am i echoing a little oh here I didn't think so it's a little like away yeah there's something odd I think back so far it's too like a rose yeah I think it's cuz I'm wearing two microphones but I don't know which one it is hold please so it's walking down the hallway this star hallway and I remember cuz I always loved light the shafts when I was just staring watching that I was loved watching dust dance and this door opens and the man says after he picks me up hey you know like most things it happens quick and slow and he took a razor blade and cut a work that I had on my thumb off and then just set me back down shut the door and there was blood coursing down and your four at the time yes but I remember it and I drew it I remember I learned how to read when I was to read read like they were strangely enough quite quite is that better I think it I think it is better yeah yeah great let's go with that sorry uh so you know it was I don't but the reason I asked about that incident and it struck me I mean first of all knowing you in the present day you you talked about entering rooms and searching for weapons and that being an instinct that you have you still do and and I know you know even when you talk about the saga of how you engineered your relationships with reporters you then months later after you know there were these months on the record there was this period where you were really went to 11:00 and said you know I'll send lawyers after you and then you were back in no but what was striking to me as you then you when you went back on the record you you know came to me and said I'm sorry I didn't know who to trust I didn't know what was real and I was immensely moved by that because even though it had made my life hell for a little while now nothing on the order of the hell you were going through of course it I thought was revealing about who you are that there is some desire to open up and connect but also you have this long long history of being wronged yeah how do you contend with that yeah well you've used it in the last year and more than that to push it through the atmosphere I contend with it because it's wrong and it's wrong so many of us I contend with it because I hear women's voices everywhere I go I contend with it because I've always heard the underdog I believe you have to I hear their voices and I worked so hard to get to a place you guys where I could speak a little people will say you're so lucky of a platform but I always knew this was going to be my life you see I knew this was going to happen I knew the time line the part that scares me is that I don't there's always a trunk that I didn't see I saw everything I knew at 19 I was going to collapse and I have to rebuild and reformulate I knew I knew the trajectory like this is the time this is going to happen this is the time this is this is the time you're gonna get raped you told me that even long before the Harvey Weinstein incident that you were counted to me there was a statutory rape by a prominent man in Hollywood yes I and I didn't process that actually until I'll get to him is that a story you're ready to tell right now or in general in general sure right now it's this moment I've had a big day I have only had a banana been busy I'm sorry you know it will make this night very spectacular when that but let me tell you he worked for my rapist in one Oscars let me tell you this man picked me up when I was 15 years old I have looked like I don't know how those people at bristol-myers Squibb didn't those of team and I lied and said I was a junior account executive so I always managed to finagle my way things and you know so this man he was very famous and she did tell me the name of this person which obviously I would not say without your being ready for that it's it's a timing thing you know because cease-and-desist rose speaks when she's ready that's it and that's the important thing for all of us you know and I think you know when he took me home after you met me and he showed me a soft porn movie he'd made for Showtime under a different name of course that's when I learned what nam-myoho-renge-kyo was because it was involved with his self porn and then he had sex with me and then he left me next to Cafe Tropic called Silverlake sani on a street corner you're 15 mm-hmm but I'd always found him attractive well not always that day I in my mind playing it back I'd always felt like I had been attracted to him so I always filed it away under a sexual experience even though I had not I mean you know other than somebody else that clothing store had I didn't like I thought my period was gonna last an hour when I got my period and I was reading poet for nobody it was a very just I don't know what normal trajectory is I don't know if you do either I do not but it is it is substantially strange to be clear about that you know where were ya but you just said something I think important there which is look you're describing powerful guy in Hollywood with a 15 year old girl that's quite a stark moral question but you did say you know this was something I resent your later that at the time I didn't think of it as an assault not in this case where it's right after your story came out as when I had process it but I didn't really process in terms of like I I didn't put it on me I removed myself from the situation I was like that creeped in this to a fifteen-year-old that's kind of you know I was smoking for bit with you but it was not till about two weeks after the you know your story broke or our story everyone you know our world story that I saw I was in bed and you know all the stuff there's so much the stress levels been intense and I started crying oh my god I think that's most Asia is it sexual I don't know what to put in because you know what many were in an underage person at the time yeah you know in that case it is a very bright line situation where a crime was committed in other cases that kind of reassessment years later of incidents that maybe both parties found acceptable at the time is happening around the country you know I think women have woken up with that same moment and and many men - yes go back you trace your breadcrumbs of your life into it now that is what we just described a phenomenon that is going to be very frightening and troubling to many people should people be worried about that kind of reassessment is there the pitfall of innocent situations being turned into something else in retrospect I I've been pulled over for speeding a couple times I'll tell you I fed a lot more than I've been pulled over so you think no I do not set the benefits of what's happening right now outweigh the costs it's 2 percent it's 2 percent of all reported cases are false 2 percent we have audience questions ah hello 2% you know and that's very few the rape cases that even get brought and and I mean it's it's such my new infinitesimally small amount because often you don't know even what happened to you obviously and when you see you know look it was very clear because you were on the record from square one saying this was a rape and you actually even we had a conversation where I said look I think we're gonna be able to use the term misconduct but I'm getting a lot of pushback from a lot of lawyers and you said show the lawyers this footage this is a great I spoke into the camp yes this is the rape used the word and you were emotional and I wish I could have gotten more people to watch that footage but he wouldn't watch it the lawyers at NBC transcripts were reviewed and you know indeed it was hard to use the term rape but you know there are others you know why that makes me mad not just that they didn't watch it the etymology of the word rape the origin of sexual who gets the name what happens to my body man who gets to vote on how much time it's punishable for what's happened to my body men who gets to invent all the words that go along with this better not nuanced and misconduct come on that sounds like a sports conduct unbecoming or something so trivial right well I will say that that once this story was at The New Yorker we had a conversation about this does a wonderful woman editor who worked on that all of the Weinstein pieces but led that Deirdre Foley Mendelson I would love to meet her fully Mendelson someday you should anyone lucky enough to meet Deirdre Foley Mendelssohn and what a name I mean Deirdre Foley men derson men derson Henderson I'm staying that's my next I Hotel name was sorry Deirdre poor poor Deirdre there's gonna be some very grave confusions that happen I'm sure but you know we all depend on good editors but more than that in this particular story we had a conversation and she was one of the people in the room who advocated for you have to use the term rape when it is in fact a rape and that it is deceptive and disingenuous with your readers to use a term like misconduct if in fact this is by any legal definition of rape and I hope that one of the things to come of this moment and this conversation and your candor about what you went through is people understanding that that is a term that's important to use and that the definition of it is broader than maybe some people traditionally understood that's the nuance I mean I think if people can get to the fact that you know we now get believed and there's a little pushback on that still but the thing is it's hard it's hard but that's why it's makes you know why use when it's accurate exactly it's important to be like oh you know what we actually have gangrene on our legs right now Oh instead of pulling our pants legs down and going like this let's pull it up yeah gangrene is really ugly actually I'm pretty sure and it might rot and it might smell a little bit but you know what if I take the right antibiotic excites the wound heal it treat it look at it work it out then I can pull my pants legs down and be proud and walk strong and tall so that's what I did and that's what we can all do and that's what's magical about the human spirit but we have to make allowance for the fact that there are gray areas and the fact that you know I think but what's great Rona I have a you know the what the the man who makes my album Michael Patterson he sat down with me and I proposed nothing he just said you know my friends and I were talking in foreign matter night last night and we were all very honest about when we had pushed it to we started talking about it and really yeah I I I kind of bullied my way into this girl's pants all right boy because that's what it is what's the song baby it's cold outside break that down bro song baby it's rape outside but but that's actually why I mentioned this distinction the Weinstein story was about allegations of multiple rape that first New Yorker story was about that there have been other stories since that have been about the gray areas that you described I mean when you read for instance you know that story about Aziz Ansari how do you feel about that don't you know this one I'm gonna take a pass on because actually I respect that I somehow missed it hmm I was in Germany and not that they don't have papers over there but they aren't German and I wasn't going online and there was a there was a I'm sure you saw about you know a story about what appeared to be you know for some people an instance of you know forced sexual activity and in the eyes of many other who read that story it was you know an uncomfortable day and that the audience was split on that and there was it's easier to say it's easier to you know the thing is you guys see these people on your TV you become friends with them you like they're affable they couldn't do this right Bill Cosby is America's dad no he's not he's America's number-one rapist get it right and the thing is you have to be willing to make your heroes better I'm not saying the hero shouldn't necessarily fall but they have to be better the role of hero worship in this entire phenomenon and this conversations it's fascinating because if you look at the reaction to those Cosby stories many of those women were viciously smeared and it was not that many years ago but I remember reporting on this and the tenor was much more but hey what about his art and look at what he contributed to comedy and to race in a lot to have them shoot in your life I may be familiar with some of those arguments they're so dull aren't they you know look I would say if there is a credible allegation of sexual assault you know the conversation about art can continue but it is separate and it should not preclude the discussion of a rape allegation yeah if someone gives a restaurant a bad yelp review or it has a C on its health grade do you go in there even if the food looks pretty I don't want that food in my mind I don't want that food in my body no thanks you don't get a say because for every one of these guys that's fallen I know so many more I could have I could have probably destroyed the known universe in that ecosystem okay but I don't care because they're all ideas or constructs each one is literally just a corporation to me and you're not concerned you know and I'm not just talking about false allegations which you correctly said or this tiny minut percentage cuz yeah it's so fun to go through huh right I mean I think one thing that you come out of reporting stories like this with a very clear sense of is there is nothing in it for these women you know Rose did not stand to profit off of this did certainly to the extent that she's now got a book going and everything no I don't think compared to the hell that was inflicted upon you but you know that's something that drives me insane right there and I'll stop you at that point profiting you're right I should never make any money ever again off of my art or my talent you are completely correct I was violated I had my career stolen I have millions of dollars in awards and who knows what else not that I want those taken from me smeared viciously worldwide worldwide by paid off journalists in your profession your stepdaughter obsession who were paid to slander and smear me it affected every area of my life every single person I met my family treated me like I was that person men treated me like they owned me hated me thanks a lot but you're right I shouldn't profit off any work that I do but all of you can't go for it am i angry god damn right I am I read the last line of this book - so you guys can actually know what it's about because what it is about is not that man or men in general it's about constructs every person I mentioned in here is an idea an idea that we all kind of know and can relate to so the bigger part of the book to me the more important part of the book is the framework that I put around that the that what if that connecting certain dots that I don't think most people know because you know what I speak cult and you guys don't but a lot of you're in it in ways that you're not aware of but I see it and I would like to help you unwire that not that you're all like it's like a sign going like that's not what I mean it's deeper than that it's a lot more nuanced it's subtle so if the carpet that makes up your being has these threads in it that need to be pulled out they didn't get put in there by you what if you are in fact this organic beautiful piece of silk silk well what a great carpet oh man there's polyester all over the place what's this artificial crap doing here pull it out that's this but read that last quote I will be better think different I know you can I know you can change the world starting with yours just by being brave and I say earlier brave doesn't mean you're not scared I was always scared I'm still scared what I do now rose assassination you really think that you could be killed someone laughed but I know you're not joking because you'll be you thought you were going to be killed well I don't think they're laughing insensitively I think people know that's ridiculous yeah but you I don't care what you think but I'll tell you what I know my life and I know my reality and I know that people like me get killed and this is not new when we had our very first interview you said he's been after me a lot longer killed was what you told me yeah and you could and I could there was a plant last night I had my first book signing or reading something had only seen in movies by the way and there was definitely a paid plant that got up and start screaming at me and yelling at me what makes you think that that was a paid plan yes I saw I have people that were watching the exchange and and how hand it off and and somebody at the book place and you don't think you know there are people who will hear that and say this was an angry member of the public I don't care what people say please get that straight I've learned to believe that with Rose I really don't because I can't because it would kill me and I had to fight so hard to stay hopeful every person I meet I hope for the best I'm not jaded actually that's the ultimate joke of it all right I'm not I kept myself so sequestered so I could stay open to wonder in color and light and beauty and magic and art I did that to protect what and and yet rose going back to what we talked about earlier this long history of abuse after abuse that does change a person osya Argento an extraordinarily brave woman who also told one of the most difficult stories I've ever heard in all its complexity for one of those New Yorkers stories was in your documentary and she said this she said I was open to more hurt I was praying praying that's how they managed to come in a small crack that they recognized all of us had some wound that they could recognize do you feel in some way that you were predisposed that predators saw something in you along the way that gets forgotten but we were we were like ethereal extraordinary beauties and we got hunted every room for targets these creeps these creepy men everywhere all over the world like that's the one I'm going for and if you then couple that with consistent and extreme abuse and then you couple that with just being a woman and a girl in the world yeah you're [ __ ] yeah it's like the IBEX that's you know straggling from the herd because it hurts like get lost we don't want UI backs and then that lions like oh hey I mean it's it's not that dissimilar it's a hunt you know and the thing is they've done tests of like you know on sociopath II and sociopathy in Hollywood and it's astronomical but I would say why not because the flood of beautiful girls and boys going in there year after year year after you're fresh meat fresh meat fresh meat damaged does tell you you know I was beautiful and I didn't understand what that was or relate to it because for most of my childhood I don't recall mirrors until he did see one I was like what are you and then I'll sudden I grew breasts and the world got so loud like terrifying terrifying everyone gently I still flinch it sound now in light and but I was supposed to smile and be happy that someone's paying me attention what get lost society I want to say get lost I mean individually I mean like the collective guy in the car or honking the horn because what that does that was reduced you so when I was 12 I started pretending like I was the horses in Central Park when I put those things so I any place I'd walk into me you know what that did that stole a lot of my vision because of what somebody else wants because they've seen Adam Sandler movies where he gets to have a selma hayek or Kate Beckinsale or or somebody because you know he's a slob and has no discernible I really yeah you've had it in for Adam Sandler no he's a construct who wouldn't come on I don't care if you're this off I'm over and worry about getting sides for a role and it was like forgot script and it said the most ridiculous thing and the thing is I was still making my way out of the cult at this point and it really was like insistently cuz bail alarm and my brain wake up wake up wake up wake up from because I can say in the book there were so many levels of wrong in my life I was doing full drag as a woman full drag um that's why I felt so strange really I couldn't pinpoint what I was like there's something really wrong in my life I'm like it's all of it but what that was about well the reason that I brought up ah CEA's quote which I thought was incredibly insightful and it's system which a lot of what you say in here is you know I I have learned in speaking to you and hearing you bravely without your story and then woman after woman there are no perfect victims and this perfect people there are no perfect people but that but there's also there is no oh she is you know straight-laced enough educated enough you know stable seeming enough in whatever traditional way I would like to put the men say all those things and the women that say them on trial well I've heard those things a lot and I understand where they come from I understand that even with good intentions people trying to insulate stories like this from attack look for those things but it's very important for reporters to separate out two different things how someone appears and the credibility of the underlying claims and it was never a question for me whether roses underlying claims checked out because from square one the first thing I went was I found the people you said you told right after I found the paper trail of the documents you had talked about and and that was the relevant thing yeah the investigative reporter ever not like this is like what he's done is resurrect journalism credibility intensity integrity a love of language love of language that I respect the hell out of and your mind and your ability to connect these dots some people I was and people wrote you off as a lightweight didn't they didn't they in some ways yeah absolutely and people trying to discredit stories like this you know still will very readily that that feeling there right but the survivors who spoke those stories stand on their own and you know none of those kinds of ad hominem attacks you talked about could take those stories down no but we got so tired of them because you know if they're doing that to us and we have voices what are they doing to those that don't know and that's who I think and that's who I drew this for yeah because I'd rather just Pete you know doing my photography making music you know do it but this is I wanted to leave a blueprint I wanted to leave a roadmap I wanted to help people get brave we talked talked about this a little bit earlier this complicated question of when is one ready to come forward which so many women and men confront every day in the book you tell a story about escaping one of your mother's abusive spouses and going back to your father and him saying well if you had a problem you should have written you should have gone to school and written a letter and reported it hey told me I should have sent him a letter from my school's mailbox no there are people who will read that and say well he's got a point you should you should report those people are stupid we established that earlier oh but it's more just retired thought it's just like that it's so tired well but assess it the underlying claim because I I know it's something that you've turned over and I know that every woman who has a story to tell turns that over and that the reasons they don't come forward are real and they don't come forwards because there was never a way to Ronan historically they don't come forward you're putting it on us please don't the culture needed to change you're saying I had to get people smarter three years ago I said about going after the power structure I was very polite I told them I was coming I was like dude wake up Steve you there wake up wake up because I said about three years ago I looked at the state of the world oh my god and it's gotten so much better since four years ago and I thought and a lot of things collided guard three years ago I started I followed all these reporters all over the world like from Paducah Kentucky to the Hindustan Times right and what I said about was because people look at who's verified was following them I was following like stringers you know like for you know not even the editor of follow people certain sports writers this was being covered in the sports section so by the way just so you know I followed everybody so they could look it was verified know what's this about they never to retweet him here same thing backs I'm scary and weird to them fine but I train them how I speak and possibly to reframe things by 10% and I knew I was getting media I was grooming them as they groom others as predators groom others I thought well what if we do grooming for something positive there was a chain of events that and a lot of those events began to emerge around the timeframe you're talking about the Cosby accusers came forward my sister came forward with an allegation against a powerful man after that there was the Roger Ailes story and Bill O'Reilly straight on and on and on now that climate was very different we talked about the reaction the Cosby accused her Scott it wasn't time yet what changed anger the permission to have a voice and be like it changed I changed also I think Trump was so I think it was for liberal men finally feeling like oh this is what that is yes that's what that is yeah yeah yeah one of the most interesting and it became hard to lie about to themselves it became so obvious and it became so blatant and became such obviously you know a crime that it helped reframe and so three years ago you know pre Trump but I knew I could still see it different day what changed you know that's like the whole misnomer at the time Maggie The Silence breakers shut up you just took your damn earplugs out or rather I kicked them out of your head you listen I've always been talking we have always been talking collectively women have been talking people of color been saying that we I was 14 reading about articles of a black man getting killed by police and only recently are people sadly oh yeah and they were doing it while you were like like that in it happens anyway regardless of whether you know it's there or not and with being willfully obtuse will no longer fly you mentioned that Time magazine cover and you've been very outspoken in your criticism of the times up movement and the kind of mainstream manifestation of this conversation and some of the women in it I mean when you look at a cover of Ashley Judd and Alyssa Milano and some of these women who you know we're in that Time magazine spread some by the Koch brothers and I don't really care say it one more time it's owned by the Koch brothers Time magazine and you think that that's not really linked today no not maybe I don't know there's a glaring omission but I was very happy but I think there's something as protecting me that wasn't the question the question was how do I feel no good fine that's not it the thing with time's up it's a great slogan the point of it is great I agree time is up you're boring stop the problem I have is that it's for CAA agents find it okay so I have publicly accused of being uh human traffickers because they are because I know these people I'm not making these pronouncements not from Enid Oklahoma and being like you're you make money off of negotiating how long your right breast can be seen you sent women to these rooms the thing is that also people think this hotel rooms it's like you're opening the door and there's a bed this is like big assistance but I want to break down this this critique because that's two separate things here one is you know the money itself and how it's gonna be used do you think that is there just personal person I don't know answer to that do you think that it's being used in the right way or do you not my business do what you want but it's not helping I don't know I just sent one of Weinstein's victims $1,500 so she could buy her children's shoes but guess what that times up fun is going to farmworkers that's fine farm workers need help but how are those people CA gonna find farmworkers have you ever thought of that do they know a lot of them do they hang out you know in the middle of California well to be fair I think if they have a legitimate philanthropic enterprise congratulations for supporting farmworkers facing abuse buck - yes Helene and I signed a letter for that but I didn't know signing a times up letter but I got it it is true that if they set up a legitimate philanthropic enterprise that there could be a structure by which Farm Workers could bring claims you - we can all set up things to help farmworkers as we should CAA please so that brings me to the other half of this critique which is you and by the way and the other agencies as well they're not different rows not alone in this right you know there are other women who spoke out to me who have similar misgivings about this it sounds like you think that this is something of a smokescreen or cover for some of these guys on the board I don't think it sounds like it I think I said what it was I think it is I don't think it sounds like I don't forget I live there I am the curtain and what would you have them do differently should those guys not be doing it even if it's a cover-your-ass move should those guys not be starting a philanthropic movement no they shouldn't they're dirty people they're bad people they're bad humans and they put the stuff in your brain because they orchestrate who's on screen the orchestra who's writing it and they were directing the orchestra is producing in the orchestra is putting in theatres in the orchestra what's going on your TV your lives your bedrooms that's who's doing it these people and I know them okay I could say one of them pushed me up against a wall Jam just tongue down my eyes or I could have put that in the book but I did I could also say another time one of them stuck his finger up my skirt in a photo booth and put his finger inside of me but I didn't why aren't you naming those names cuz I'm about broader and bigger things I'm about a construct I don't [ __ ] with low-level [ __ ] I'm bored of it and bored of people pulling in my ankles and trying to pull me down to earth when I'm trying to just make everybody rise up stop fighting stop just be better it's not that complicated from what I see from my being raised in the wolf sort of situation in an evening go that's the metaphor or real is there anything you regret leaving out of brave interesting question I try kid you're cute thank you um no I I really it was such a fine there'll be a book someday of adventures or this or that or you know fiction or something but this book particularly it was a high-wire act and it was and I love language so much I love words and at times when I'm sure you felt like that's there anybody who's written it felt like every word in the world was in my head and weighing me down I couldn't get out it's horrible writing a book it's really not fun especially when you're resurrecting ghosts but the it's not debbie downer it really is I'm not trying to sell it you can buy it or not I highly recommend it you might get something out of it but the thing of it is was just that I knew I to get out the other side I had no choice and I had to bury these bodies these ghosts that were everywhere around me but the problem is now is that this it monster won't stop so we'll leave me alone I just or any of us just like just if you can't do something positive for the world to leave us alone please I've that's the thing that people don't get it's like I don't really want to be in the public eye I very much enjoyed not being known I would go home and then they fake me would be in the papers having a strip off with Christina Aguilera as reported by the New York Post even though I was a hundred thousand miles away but but I want to just pause on that statement of leave us alone and I want to be very careful about the distinction between you know what I have reported and what I mean that I mean leave us alone malevolence I mean leave us alone with you took a payout leave us alone with Ozzy you went back leave us alone with come on you mean with the narratives that what do you you're Hank 30 and again I just want to be precise because look I did report things that indicated that there were people coming after you and that there was a well-funded machine designed to Gaslight you now and you but everybody clear since this fall you know I were talking about territory that I have not published anything on so I want to just be precise you believe that Harvey Weinstein is in an ongoing way after you yes in what way I'm boxing in the dark aren't I what someone's just offered a hundred thousand dollars to tell them one hotel room I was in New York Post I played who is good paid by how much Richard Johnson I can't say they're the ones that did it but that's who was told that any of this is emanating from him who else cares seriously like really who else is gonna stalk me this long yep it's look I mean I can't comment on ongoing reporting but it's it's a it's a you know this person had a whole thing the thing with predators is that they have to have illusions all around them of what they are and this man who was tied with God for being thanked at the Oscars was a beast is a beast and his appetite was for very specific type but an endless supply of that type and that type was something with delicate features that type was something like osseous said that type was why we weren't respected like it it wouldn't happen to a Jennifer Lawrence she would be for whatever reason there was there were always ones were protected and then there were the other ones that were thrown to the Wolves do you remember that movie um LA Confidential no you remember when the Kevin Spacey character comes in I'm gay sorry I count myself that's my commentary on that and in LA Confidential there's a young beautiful male actor and he thinks he's going to have a tryst with someone or he is and Kevin Spacey his character trades this was like a PR thing it was like no we have to put your Danny DeVito somebody like we have to protect this more box office friendly star you can't say that this guy's gay and report on that but we're gonna throw this young one to the wolf so you can do a gay bust here right he's just he's a new actor on the scene he'll take that I have to you know because we live in an outraged culture and everything gets scrutinized you know you did the Kevin Spacey I'm gay thing with the hand motions you've had a foul sorry you've had a few scuffles with the LGBT community on comments you've made just what I'm gay I'm gay I'm mad at Kevin Spacey for saying he's gay when in fact he's apparently a predator don't conflate it that that is I think a common critique yes the way I'm like the way he did it was like trying to come out like like he seemed like a jazz hands like were stereotyped of what it was horrible I know that it's all of my gay friends we're surah and from and rightly so because my work and I've done this for years I did see the people on now is that from age 13 it was I I thought I emerged I bled I donated I screamed I cried I bled and died gay rights okay and then I saw it not being paid forward at all and then I what do you mean by that well it is the fastest-growing civil rights movement United States history right true um I think cuz I got really disappointed by the heteronormative part there's the queer community and then there's the kind of slightly more like heteronormative side right not all not generalizing all but let's say West Hollywood when I the scuffle that sued the first one the LGBTQ community I it sounded like I was talking about every gay person I was speaking very specifically about this certain West Hollywood California type you admit some critical comments about the community there I was mad I yeah so what why do you get a pass for being a gay male that you're not misogynist you're raised as a male you actually you make a comment in the book about the game man who did your hair the much-discussed and hated hair her and sort of treated you like a Barbie and they and I did it and they were lovely but they were very much part of a machine of like when I was little this was what I did to the dolls hair and so I'm going to do that to you I have an idea what sexuality is especially in America and what sexy is they what was interesting was that they were made sent and it's almost always freezing like a lot of gay male hairdressers stylist it is where it is today this guy was great it's they're paid to turn straight man on so it's a very strange dynamic in that case but my my my thing is I don't think anybody who was born into having a brass ring before their feet step on earth if they've had you know a sonogram and you could see that it's male because you're gay doesn't mean you didn't grow up in a society so you you think women gay men they are all part of the Machine that perpetuates the misogyny or and women are - right absolutely all of us you are rose still staring down drug charges in Virginia I spoke to you in the fall the day that you were going to turn yourself in you talked about how hard that was what was that like it was awesome certain people that were after me made donations to certain people and then a certain thing happened to me you're referring to but it is everything messed up that's happened to me like the book agent that came into my life they introduced me to all the spies that was actually working with Harvey Weinstein in the background and jay-z on the Trayvon Martin film okay that was in a plane everywhere they've been able to sign this is Lacey Lynch when I was when I'm on a plan Jan Miller of Dupree Miller look if that attorney had turned out to be friends with boys and it's the whole thing you know I mean it's wild and it's worth noting that you know I talked to Lacey Lynch and she denied anything of the kind fine but there were the only people at the manuscript and every time I've been on a plane which is where the drugs apparently existed every time you know where did Kimmy find where do you have to use your own name on a plane where'd they find everybody I'm so for people who haven't been following that story it was very open about this going back to a year ago there was a Wallace discovered when you went to the women's March at the airport the wallet was recovered there was cocaine in it but I didn't even know what it was for months what they were after I didn't actually know if those real I had a hire a private investigator to find out if these police were even real if this warrant was real because that's the funhouse so to be clear you are saying you did not have those drugs in your possession to be clear I'm from California and I own and invest I invest in a marijuana company your marijuana card was in the wallet in fact fact so was my Screen Actors Guild card and in the and I went to the bathroom on that plane and I was kind of and I had left my backpack on the seat to take anything I kind of had a weird feeling I was like oh maybe I shouldn't have done that but I couldn't connect why and Sansa's Andros I had horrible feelings don't get on that plane don't get on that plane but I was like why I feel good I'm gonna to go to the women's March I'm like don't get on that plane and I had such bad vibes about it and I was right and when I got to baggage claim I immediately I was like oh my God my waltz in here and I started shaking and I go this is it this is the end I don't know what it is but this is the end they need I don't know what this is and then I was gonna I didn't know what was happening the wallet like which I which was a man was like hard like tiny so I would say I don't know what they're saying is in this wallet what could fit in that wallet it's for like three credit cards and a Screen Actors Guild card that came in handy you know it's it's horrible it's 14 places counties in Virginia to climb to prosecute it because they're like this is there's so many problems how about the fact that after they handcuffed me the airport police officer he refused to take the handcuffs off me when the magistrate the judge said you could but when she turned around he took them off so I could find an autograph for him I asked him his name Steve hi Steve I'll remember you Steve Steve we're gonna meet again but you understand there are obviously people who will say sure she didn't have the drugs and I'm skeptical what's what's your response to them don't traffic I've gotten that look a lot from rose yes you know what's response to that I don't know I would like to talk to them about their life and have some questions and responses for them I don't know why I don't know what Myra I'm not here to defend myself to people I don't ople an explanation from my life it's not their business it's mine finally to clear the air on another thing that you may or may not think you need to explain further but hey you've gotten a lot of press in recent days for you know a succession of criticism of some of the other women who have purported to be a part of this movement meryl streep initially now more recently you said of Alyssa Milano your former co-star I don't like her she's why oh well maybe it's not my prerogative it is completely your prerogative I'm just asking here now do you regret like turnips no you you are absolutely entitled not to like Alyssa Milano I just wondered if there's anything you I should be shiny and nice of People magazine who works with citric PR and sunshine PR who does PR for the monster and Georgina Chapman and I believe her and she's married to see age okay no all right not backing down we have it all why would I I want to get to some of these questions you guys have all stayed here a long time it's not hate it's not anger its sadness anger what I want to give women and especially women permission to be and have anger because it's justified and that anger covers pain okay we know that right so why if if you're allowed for at least a week or so in America after someone dies close to you your everyone expects you to go through those stages of grief right anger pain and all that stuff why would you not go through that one part of who's been killed and why would you not if you see your former co-star who used to have to say I love you to posing arm and arm which you know is for press photo op to clean up an image of something I know they didn't know before you mean because of her friendship with Georgina that made me vomit and actually when I write these things what people think is that I'm sitting here like now I'm not just over crying here's my question should that have been a private message to her I don't know should she a private message her support to me ever I take it that's a rhetorical question and the answer is no correct but happily go for the press by all mean so I want to get to a few of these questions they're good questions this is an issue we've touched on but I think this crystallizes as a concern that's prominent in the conversation now while it is a great thing to bring focus to this issue and tell your story don't you feel all the men are odoo process before being held guilty by the court of public opinion no do you think all women should be afforded due process we have the legal systems rigged in your favor chill out okay that's what I would say you're gonna be okay big boys pull up your panties it's not about it if not that's not what's going on as to micro it reduces the argument I think there's a lot of people in jail for a lot of things they didn't do I highly doubt it's so so hard to get a rape conviction oh my god is it hard okay that beer is is so he's kind of like the white guy in Oklahoma who's afraid of terrorists right and that Obama's still coming for his guns I would also say you know the distinction between careful investigative reporting and things that are more fired from the hip becomes apparent in the context of that question what advice you mean I'm firing from hip and careful investigative reporters well know you worked with careful investigative reporters I did really did because I you feel good about that decision I you know yes it had to happen this way it all had to happen this way Ron and I do I don't want any men to be accused of anything they don't do but I also know that for every I me mm I did it so who is that who will take responsibility because I saw a thing where they they were interviewing like woman after woman after woman on the street saying do you know me too they're all yeah every single woman was like me and every single one than me me and then they interviewed a hundred guys walking by know anybody's done it no not me no it never seen it I don't my friends I'm like who are these magical raping fairies that come from where'd they come from and I would say men it doesn't matter whether I like you or not I might love you because I love you as humans and that's what I want us to be I really the book everything Bros Army is about raising consciousness my goal is 10% just rewire it just a chiropractic adjustment we were living in a reality that was not the reality that women who had dealt with this issue we're living in the cultural conversation did not reflect what was actually happening we needed a wake-up call that's called gas sighting I don't know since about the dawn of time and and I don't you know I don't mean to say when I say firing from the hip I don't mean women come fiery well that's that's a longer and separate evening but when I say firm from them I'm describing sloppy reporting rather than women coming forward I'm so much sloppy reporter I think when women come forward individually and they do a blog post or a social media post and tell their story that's great if the question is its then incumbent on reporters to do right by that and the best way to do justice I think to any person coming forward with a difficult story is to interrogate it as thoroughly as possible and you know lend credence part where it's due of course I we have another question rose what's the question what advice do you have for women who want to tell their story and men and men absolutely what advice do I have oh gosh you have to be stronger than you can ever imagine and I'm so sorry that you have to because it's not fair it's not fair you were hurt what advice do I have you know a lot of times I've actually kind of coached is the right word but I've I've kind of shepherd it a lot of young men's coming out to their parents I've do a lot of work I like through Twitter and you know D like I find people that I don't know something that they say strikes a chord so I'll follow them back there are people all over the world that I talked to his young man women that have been hurt but or that are coming they were like cometh closet I'm one of the things I would say to them they're like I want to tell my family they Rock understand their Co like it okay so you've been rolling us around in your head for a while they've either not known at all or their heads in the sand so they're gonna react kind of the same way maybe one thing is there's a grace period for people that you know you have to understand that your voice matters and you have to understand that yes people will react badly they will shame you they will lie about you they will do everything they can unless you're one of the lucky ones and I really hope you are I hope you have a soft place to land because it's just a bus ride we shouldn't have gone on we were already on the bus my bus is better right and it's a bummer but it's important I get and I'm sure you do I got so many messages of it's a lot I it's like I get I don't know what to do I got a message right before I came on here the woman is being raped everyday by her I don't know what to do I have to figure it out well I've defined resources I have to refer to things but it's sore but thankfully there are as flawed as our law enforcement system is there are cases where absolutely crimes should be reported to the and that can help but you have to understand the deck is so stacked against women and men or children even knowing a crime has been committed and what's so glaringly obvious and that becomes hard what I can say is it's a journey that journey will leave you changed you know like Asya Argento says and citizen rose you know like they made her hard she told me I was a little lamb and now I have turned into a wolf she is I maintain that you can be the wolf protecting the land someone says one Thank You rose - how do we make men a part of the solution moving forward I think thank you for that thank you for that question yeah that's the whole point is moving forward right I have a problem with I didn't like when I came to America and they told me I was a girl I didn't know what that was but I didn't like when I was told I adore pink because I was X I didn't like when I was told that because I was this this is who I'm supposed to be attracted to so I started thinking about like what if what if we start thinking about the order of things right it's human then it's I guess gender then it's a racial construct it goes down but so instead of the man one man like matter for Mars went whatever that stupid stuff is like evers grimy had it right laughs trying to figure it out and I've noticed the English language is so again the lack of nuance and the English language is quite startling and yet this is the universal language to communicate - right but girls and boys we learn because we're separated a different language one of the things I think we can do it would be really quite easy is to step back I think men need to become curious about women in different ways and maybe they've ever thought about in ways of like that they can consider them I noticed this when I shaved my head the side effect was all of a sudden I didn't look like what I was supposed to look like and people were listening to me I thank glitch the system stopped going at it from the man-woman thing we approach it as you know what I take photographs of people I've been told like wow I don't look like the me that I always looked like in photos but it's me and I feel my gift has always been I've been able to see the person behind the person that they have out there and I see that with a man I see greatness of man I see so much I want to ask I feel bad that they get hurt in this society and by age two they've been co-opted into what a man is and when they're allowed to feel and it's not even necessarily your fault I want to get to this one before we wrap because this may be a woman who needs advice how do you suggest women dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace handle this in a professional manner professional manner is there a way to avoid it this person adds a void I'm gonna deal with it or avoid an interesting way to phrase the question ref void like it's incumbent on this individual to stop it this is where the complicity machine comes in okay cuz I'm gonna guarantee other people that office are aware you know it's like you know I'm sure we've all worked to those places were like God if that person was not here at the vibe would be so much better all right knock him out go around the system is my thing the system didn't work the system didn't work for me it doesn't seem to work for it off a lot of people and the system is not the laws the system is ingrained thought and it's the fact that there's bars all around us that aren't even there so if you submit that you must be created their creative ways around this you have to think you have to plan and sometimes it takes 20 years sometimes you have to fight really hard and sometimes you play a lot of chess I like what you said Oh three-dimensional chess dimensional chess what kind of punishment do you think is appropriate for sexual predators like Weinstein says this individual see that's the thing I just want him to follow the planet is he others it's the machine around him it's for breach do Lombardy who took Asya Argento to that room and told her there was a party and that party it was just a rapist that's what's up my problem my thing those people what does it look like I don't know because I don't know from justice I don't know I can hope I have never I hate that handcuffs have been on me and not him it pains me and then when they slapped those handcuffs on me they were cold heavy I'd had a plan in my mug shot I'm looking tough I was not in my body when they did that I had I did what I did when I was raped I floated up above and that photos they it's a hard photo to look at I'm not fair I literally not hair and I knew that was probably the expression in my eyes would it happened to me you know and from that there must be some kind of justice last question and it's a forward-looking one I hope that means optimistic although it happens to be not necessarily we all know the newsworthy cycle of this story will not will now really end do you think the reality of this issue will actually change what comes next Rose well being that I'm a soothsayer um I do actually own a crystal ball believe it or not it's quite beautiful what comes next you know this is unfolding in real time we've never been in here there's no Road so I I very often feel like I'm just out there with a machete hacking through a jungle that's like I might come on and that you know it's what it is is that I just have to consider that women have value and that we're actually telling the truth and that just because we're women doesn't discount us from anything all right I think what happens is that we start recognizing our worse and then men start seeing their humanity and start seeing you know and just look at your behavior man you know when you're trying to get that candy from your mom and have money to go to 7-eleven great you were like working it so you know if you're doing something like that I had a French journalist today Hope over overly but we can't flirt anymore we can't I'm like stopping so all right how do I say in basic in French Jesus like really like I feel like I'm not I think it's really just income upon us to study it a little bit differently and just go up above it and look at the system look at it see who it's benefiting and if it's not you change it if it's not your sole work at it it's not your mind get free because you can you can literally change everything and your mind nothing that's even changing your outside life things will what but by gaining the ability to speak for yourself knowing that no matter what if no one believes you your truth is still yours and they can never take that away I think we're in a really beautiful place it's hard it's not fun it triggers a lot of things but we're adults right because a lot of people's like oh this is a New York time my favorite part of the review it's a good review my publicist it was very sellable and I thought the lady missed the point at the end she said this is a great book for teenage girls that's a dark read [Laughter] I don't say I think it's quite beautiful it's not relentlessly dark but I'm trying to think early in your teens not my fault no I just do it I was lying shoes that I did not choose this but the thing is you know sometimes things are I mean I think I know I wrote him they're like sometimes you're earmarked for weird from birth I think I'm one of those near as I can figure that's what happened to me there's a you know my sister when I went to get arrested who grew up in Canada were very she's so gentle viola she's so lovely and I look at her like she's so lovely not saying they're not problems are rapes there's not one of me but someone asked her you know like where does Rose get that from she said she's a little ex well I don't know well another choice haven't gotten to know you through the reporting over the past year I'm grateful that you have that ferocity I think there's certainly no denying your contribution to the reporting but more than that there's very little denying your contribution to the conversation and how historic what you've done has been I just want people to have a conversation the national magazine National Magazine Award which is it's a it's a nomination and I'm very proud of the New Yorker team and the women who spoke and any recognition the reporting gets is down to women like rose and any one of you in the audience who has come out of the shadows to tell your story thank you thank you [Applause]
Channel: 92nd Street Y
Views: 953,062
Rating: 4.5229182 out of 5
Keywords: 92Y, 92nd Street Y, Rose McGowan, Ronan Farrow, hollywood, television, activism, the new yorker, the new york times, journalist, journalism, memoir, actress, actor, acting, entertainment
Id: pgtx9JiChkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 33sec (5493 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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