Rosaria Butterfield - Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age

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foreign I have the great pleasure now of introducing one of my heroes Rosaria Butterfield is formerly a professor of English and women's studies at Syracuse University but she has made her Mark in the Christian world first and foremost by being a pastor's wife and a homeschool mom a renowned speaker and author of books like the secret thoughts of an unlikely convert and one of my favorite books of the last 10 years the gospel comes with a house key her brand new book is about to release from Crossway it is the five lies of our anti-christian age please welcome Rosaria Butterfield thank you [Applause] I feel like I should be standing on a like a phone book or something can you see me out here anyway imagine with me this scene yesterday you went to the big grocery store with your toddler daughters as soon as you left the house you heard screaming bigot hater these were the words that greeted you as you pushed the stroller down the sidewalk you looked around wondering who was shouting these accusations and to whom in utter disbelief you realized that the shouter was a brother in the Lord and he was shouting at you he was from a church that you used to attend and he was wearing a pastel rainbow flag for a t-shirt all around you people were arguing with fingers pointed and accusations flying hard it was frightening and confusing you knew each of these people and would have before this encounter considered them brothers in the Lord with whom you had pretty minor disagreements seemingly overnight a civil war had broken out within the visible Christian Church you arrived at Costco emotionally exhausted you hoisted your toddlers into the grocery cart seat handed each one a snack cup with Cheerios pulled out your membership card and flashed it to the check-in girl thank you Miss you said politely while entering the Colossal Warehouse through the electronic section where mountainous TVs covered the walls on one screen you witnessed a news reporter shoving a microphone under a beleaguered mom's chin while posing a cheeky question in an alien language the reporter appeared to speak English but use words and phrases like intersectionality and gay Christianity and declared Christians who dead name transgendered people are committing genocide at some point you realize the check-in girl was trying to get your attention you searched your pocketbook for your membership card thinking that perhaps you had dropped it and she was kindly trying to return it to you it turns out that's not the problem the check-in girl was shaking her fists in Rage I go by the pronouns he and him the girl shouted over the den of the TVs your heteronormativity abuses me what is heteronormativity you ask as if she read your mind the reporter on the big TV spoke directly to the camera we are on a full-scale war against heteronormativity the horrific belief that heterosexuality is normal you smile at your daughters trying to draw their attention away from the blaring TV and you Ponder the word heteronormativity as you esteem their dark brown eyes something they inherited from your husband you try to understand what is not normal about a husband and a wife and the children God graciously gives them what kind of culture goes to war against this you hurry past the news station because your toddler spot Blues Clues on the next big screen and they want to get out of the cart and dance along something seems off as you draw near and that's when you notice it the show's title Blues Clues Pride Parade sing-along featuring Nina West you had no idea that the fluffy Blue Dog beloved by preschoolers everywhere now hung out with drag queens your daughters are Spellbound rushing past RuPaul's Protege at Full Tilt you find yourself at the foot of Another Gay performance this time the San Francisco gay men's chorus performing a message from the gay community we are coming for your children this one really takes you aback It's haunting refrain will convert your children seem to be well ominously and threateningly prophetic the lead tenor with his foppish eyebrows and Sinister smirk signaled that yes yes he really is coming for your children as the other members of this large choir combined voices for the crescendo you realize that you are now the one Spellbound you are shocked that gay men parody so openly now about pedophilia back in ancient history you know five years ago that would have hit a little close to home you were visibly shaken by this experience and so you texted the YouTube links to both of these gay performances that Target children to your sister and a few other friends from small group you're even more taken aback when each woman rebuked you for your homophobia and told you that gay people are made in the image of God and should be recognized as the modern biblical equivalent of Gentiles coming into the kingdom of God one woman even quoted Joe Biden's comments at the White House ceremony honoring March 31st 2023 as the national day of transgender visibility on that day President Biden said on transgender day of visibility we want you to know that we see you just as you are made in the image of God and deserving of dignity respect and support you wanted to know if others believe this too you wanted to know if there really is a national holiday in the United States called transgender day of visibility you expected Christians to be in conflict with the world but not with each other why you Ponder are these differences dividing the church you wonder if my enemies are Christ's enemies and if Christ is not divided why are Enemy Lines drawn within Christianity on issues that the Bible speaks so clearly about like homosexuality feminism paganism transgenderism and the inherent and ontological difference between men and women these are personal questions for me I was converted to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ 24 years ago when I was an associate professor of English women's studies and queer Theory at Syracuse University I was in a lesbian relationship with a woman who was an Adjunct professor of psychology at a nearby University and at that point I had been in and out of serially monogamous lesbian relationships for a decade and had been a gay rights activist for two my most popular classes were in feminist queer Theory which focused on the world view of Freud Hagel Marx and Darwin I co-authored the University's domestic partnership policy which served as Bellwether and archetype for gay marriage activism I spoke at New York gay pride rallies and met famous gay rights leaders I hated the Bible and its teaching and I taught thousands of college students to do the same I proudly became one of the tenured radicals who worked laboriously to make homosexuality look wholesome and I did all of this because I believed with my whole heart that I was gay and that gay was good I helped create the evil in which we live and I can never let that go my conversion to Christ came with the loving offense of the Gospel shared over hundreds of nourishing meals at a Christian neighbor and pastor's house after two years of meals and having read the Bible through seven times I committed my life to Jesus I broke up with my lesbian partner and started to grow out my Butch haircut how Jesus was going to deal with my persistent lesbian feelings not to mention the fact that I was tenured in queer theory was a big mystery to me but the gospel a singular Clarion call a cleft of light in a cavern of Darkness destroyed me and beckoned me all at once I knew the gospel and resurrection of Jesus was true objectively true and it would be true whether I believed it or not the truth of Christ was a truth over which I had no interpretive power when I committed my life to Jesus I realized three things number one Jesus was real and true and alive number two gay was how I was for now but not who I was eternally and number three the same God who made the mountains and told them where to stand reigned over my feelings and the affections of my heart my conversion was messy and dangerous I lost friends and cultural capital I did not lose my job but I did have to explain why I was no longer willing to teach queer Theory or feminist studies sometimes in front of large groups of people that was fun of my large gay community and even larger University one no one else came to Christ that I know of I was mocked and despised by the people that I loved but one thing was clear I was once God's enemy but now was God's friend I learned to repent of my sin at its root I learned that repentance is the threshold to a holy God and a Lifeline of Christian fruit to say that those early years were rough on me is gothic underestimation and it was clear that I was not the only one with problems caused by my conversion to Christ imagine coming to Syracuse from Australia to work as one of my doctoral students and before your plane lands the trustworthy queer Theory Professor has committed her life to Jesus all my former colleagues and students felt sold out their feelings were accurate not able to obey two masters I betrayed the people I loved I share this with you because although the Lord graciously saved me he actually didn't lobotomize me I have spent almost a quarter Century pondering the questions that I am raising here I have looked at them from all sides the lgbtq plus side the new convert side The Grieving Christian parent side and the faithful Church's side and from the best of my ability to think this through I have arrived as an explanation as to why the world is in chaos and the church is divided it comes down to three reasons and five lies reason number one we have failed to see that the seeds of the Gospel are in the garden we foolishly believed that we could defide we foolishly believe that we could reinvent our calling as men and women render men and women interchangeable and defy God's pattern and purpose for the Sexes and somehow reap God's blessing God's plan for men and women the creation ordinance is found in Genesis 1 and it is Central and not peripheral to the Gospel of Jesus Christ Genesis 1 27 28 says so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them and God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth and subdue it and have dominion over every living thing that moves on the Earth the creation ordinance not only describes how men and women are created distinctly and by God's design but it defines what it means to be human to be human means to reflect God's image as a man or as a woman number two we have failed to read the Times in which we live a burgerfel and Bostock specifically the legalization of gay marriage and the codification of lgbtq plus civil rights in June of 2015 the Supreme Court of the United States redefined marriage in the landmark case of bergafel versus Hodges by executive Fiat gay marriage became the law of the land the court did not expand the definition of marriage to include gay people the court declared opposition to gay marriage a discriminatory Act of animus or hatred next the court then declared in the 2020-2020 Supreme Court case Bostock versus Clayton that denial of lgbtq plus rights represents an attack on the human dignity of all people who use the letters lgbtq and the and the symbol plus to describe themselves this is a bogus claim but on the backs of it the court introduced the idea of dignitary harm which says that denying someone's dignity as an lgbtq plus person as in not using pronouns for example is an act of violence and oppression and how might you also deny somebody's lgbtq plus dignity by failing to affirm them in their perversion corruption and sin the church has always been on a collision course with the idea that homosexual orientation is the true measure of man and in a burgerfuel in Bostock the Collision made impact the world now believes that there is such a thing as an lgbtq plus person the broad Evangelical Church and para Church Ministries that make winsomeness their goal and not their means nod and smile along with this notion Fanning the Flames of a new gospel a new religion of our land pluralism so we must ask the question is it true is lgbtq plus a matter of personhood or practice is it a noun or a verb is there really such a thing as an lgbtq plus person by the early 20th century homosexual orientation became a category of personhood and replaced the biblical measure of man found in Genesis after a burger fell in Bostock lgbtq plus describes who someone is ontologically rather than how someone feels phenomenologically ontology is the study of being phenomenology is the study of consciousness Freudian ideas about sexuality have now become the religion of the land when the Evangelical Church embraced lgbtq plus ideology the true gospel was exchanged for a false one and ironically this has made the world much less safe for the people people like the person I used to be people who experience sinful homosexual desires or gender confusion than it ever was before where is it safe to just repent of sin and be built up in the promises of God where is it safe to repent and flee from your sin and no longer be gay or trans do you remember that that was the Gospel we once knew like back in ancient history in addition to a burgerfel and Bostock we also live Downstream from the orwellian titled respective Marriage Act the 2022 repeal of Doma which was supported by 39 Republican Senators the Nae the National Association of evangelicals and the cccu the Coalition of Christian colleges and universities in fact the last two helped make it a win by adding so-called religious liberty protections which everybody knows are bogus behold all these Christians and so-called conservatives carrying water for the other team Traders and cowards one and all they have created a world that Embraces five lies and the broad Evangelical Church seems to be able to do nothing but smile and not along I've now listed two of the three reasons why the church is divided on these issues I'm going to withhold the third reason for the end here are the five lies lie number one homosexuality is normal and homosexual orientation is true and immutable fixed and never changing homosexual orientation in 19th century Freudian invention is an unbiblical category of personhood and an antagonist to the creation ordinance because it redefines sinful desires as something that describe who you are rather than how you feel furthermore it locates Original Sin as part of our image bearing line number one claims that the word of God doesn't apply to homosexual orientation because homosexual orientation represents a person's core truth and identity and we must Ponder why God's attribute of immutability has been embraced by the lgbtq plus movement as an attribute of homosexual orientation remember God is immutable God never changes one Theologian defines God's immutability as that perfection in God whereby he is exalted above all but if you exchange the Creator for the creature you impose God's attributes on man when we hear homosexual orientation is fixed and immutable it never changes this is only imaginable in a world that has already exchanged the worship of the creator for the worship of the creature the world believes that homosexual orientation is morally neutral separate from one sin nature cannot be repented of and rarely changes over a person's life this is a lie number two being a spiritual person is Kinder than being a Biblical Christian unbiblical spirituality welcomes people exactly as they are or at least makes this promise this is a religion that elevates being a good person and being at one with the universe it claims that everything in the universe is one distinctions and hierarchies are called abusive and true spirituality is supposedly found inside ourselves this sort of spirituality on biblical spirituality believes that everything in the universe supposedly shares in this divine power and unifying balance rules divisions and distinctions are violence or so says the unbiblically spiritual person while unbiblical spirituality self-promotes as kind and inclusive it is actually narcissistic and damning it rests on the idea that man is inherently good and that Adam's sin had little effect on Humanity Pagan spirituality is non-binary in contrast biblical Christianity is binary and it understands two kinds of reality God and creation God is eternal Triune personal holy loving and separate from his creation according to biblical spirituality there are two kinds of people those who love God and those who defy God even though we create our own problems by refusing to live by God's laws God provides the only solution through the Lord Jesus Christ pastor and theologian Peter Jones founder of Truth exchange offers the most helpful Paradigm for comparing unbiblical non-berry non-binary spirituality with Biblical binary spirituality while unbiblical spirituality self-promotes as kind and inclusive it is not people who believe that biblical Christianity can co-exist with it believe a lie line number three feminism is good for the church and the world feminism began in 1792 with Mary wollstonecraft's a Vindication of the rights of woman as its title suggests it sought to vindicate which means to assert one's right to possession and what rights needed possessing women needed to possess the rights to citizenship Wollstonecraft soft rights for education and voting for women feminism has gone through four waves or phases since 1792 with the most recent wave so tied to the lgbtq plus movement that now in 2023 we cannot even Define what a woman is least of all defend her right to exist or be noted as a citizen feminism in the world you may have noticed is passe the only place it seems to be alive right now is the Evangelical Church when the church sets the goal of being a soft presence and following the world instead of leading it it necessarily lingers long with discarded Trends and affections adherence of feminism believe the Bible has no bearing on gender roles responsibilities are requirements because the idea of men and women being made in by God's design for God's purposes on Earth they would say is old-fashioned silly dangerous abusive and culturally driven some professing Christians even erroneously believe that Adam's headship is a consequence of the fall and thus a sin they claim that there is no biblical warrant for a married woman's submission to her husband or Elders or for elders and pastors to be qualified men Bible verses that call for a wife to obey her husband in the Lord such as Titus 2 4-5 first Peter 3 1 and Colossians 3 18 are contextualized and dismissed such feminists believe that feminism offers a corrective to Christianity because without it misogyny will run rampant with Biblical support without feminism to the rescue they argue the church WIll promote sexual abuse by giving perpetrators extreme and unchecked power and spiritual abuse by prohibiting a woman from using her gifts feminism both without and within the church is a rejection of patriarchy and progeny that is men and babies one obvious criticism of my position is that it supports biblical patriarchy guilty as charged my support of biblical patriarchy did not come easily or because I suddenly started to believe that men were good no man is good Psalm 53 1-3 declares and Romans 3 10 restates none is righteous no not one because men are evil and not good I began to understand that we need Godly men to protect their families and churches from these droves of wolves we see especially today the question is not whether you want men in charge but which ones do you want the men who have committed their lives to King Jesus or the dudes and skirts gyrating in front of kidner gardeners at drag queen Story Hour you get to pick attempting to Dethrone King Jesus with feminism leads to immature Christian lives and irresponsible and heretical biblical interpretations and you know what you really can't Dethrone him anyway line number four transgenderism is normal at least for some people who believe in gender fluidity believe that sexual difference has no biological or ontological integrity transgenderism is supposedly as normal for some people as freckles although it was not so it although it was not until castrating our children became a revenue source for beleaguered hospitals did anyone ever Embrace this as a truth transgenderism maintains that there are more than two biological Sexes and even more genders the year 2023 boasts 72 genders and 78 gender pronouns you know it's really tough when your identity has to be you know represented by the alphabet of 26 letters and you need 78. I mean it's just you're just in a bad spot this number will likely grow before I finish this lecture [Applause] what does this all mean how did we get to a place in the United States where someone can walk into Planned Parenthood in 45 minutes later leave with powerful cross-sex hormones that will leave her sterilized for Life suffering with severe bone loss and incontinence we know that a small percentage of people are born sexually indeterminate or mentally phobic of their own genitalia some of these people will receive a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria or intersex condition but medical anime anomalies do not negate objective categories of personhood that we are all born with sin both natural and moral due to the fall does not redefine the creation ordinance that God calls good while gender dysphoria is a medical illness transgenderism is merely a political ideology it is vital to both fight the tyrants and simultaneously remember that man's sin does not negate God's rescue if someone tries to medically reverse God's handiwork and later after this tragic decision is saved by the blood of Christ when his glorified body is resurrected in the New Jerusalem it will have no trace of genital mutilation a body glorified by God mocks the mutilation of men now at this point you might be wondering where are all the Evangelical Christians and writers and thinkers popular among broad evangelicals and where do they land on this topic well they want to be a soft presence here in Sodom they are quiet and gentle and they blend in so well to the culture you don't even know you have a savior sometimes most of drunk from the Fountain of postmodernism where one only answers a question with more questions they seed the moral language to the left and refuse to articulate that the Bible actually offers a moral language take for example Preston sprinkle in his popular book embodied transgender identities the church and what the Bible has to say sprinkle says this some say transgenderism and intersex condition are caused by the fall and he actually puts the fall in scare quotes others think they were part of God's original pre-fall design I wasn't in the garden before Adam and Eve sinned and if I'm honest I know less about the fall and its impact on Humanity than I thought I did maybe the fall caused a defect in an enzyme that leads to an excessive production of androgens in genetic XX females which led to congenital adrenal hyperplasia or maybe it was because a dude cheated on his wife and left her when she was eight weeks present causing pregnant causing all kinds of stress on the mother which may have caused a defect in the enzyme or may be using the fall to explain transgender and intersex conditions is wrong-headed to begin with as many disability theologians have reminded us oh thank you Preston sprinkle let's note a few things about sprinkles reasoning the book subtitle promises to tell us what the Bible has to say on the issue of transgenderism but throughout the book he Dodges what the Bible has to say dismisses those of us who can answer the question which is anybody with the sixth grade education and has to put the whole doctrine of the fall in scare quotes number two he fails to footnote all of these disability theologians who are wiser than the Bible who are they who knows he won't tell us number three sprinkle thinks it because he wasn't in the garden at the time of the Fall he can't really know what happened perhaps this explains the scare quotes I'm supposed to believe that sprinkle's point of view is wiser than God's and if only he was in the garden then we would have a legitimate witness to the truth this is called Gnostic post-modernism not biblical faith why you might be wondering did the Gospel Coalition give this book a thumbs up review what does this all mean how did the world and even some Christians start to believe that transgender is transgenderism is normal at least for some people the idea that transgenderism reflects a normal gender variant builds upon a feminist separation between sex and gender and born-again Christians defy this psychological feminist distinction the natural order that God created in the garden he calls good and to introduce gender as a new category of personhood in pursuit of a different sexual or gender identity is not only unnatural to the creation ordinance it is harmful for the purpose for which God made us Christians should note the irony here the very principle that enlarged feminism scope simultaneously portends its demise line number five modesty is an outdated virtue and contributes to the victimization of women people who believe this lie dismiss the virtue of modesty for Christian women having denied that men and women are different with different responsibilities callings and boundaries those who reject modesty believe that calling a woman to a different standard of dress speech and conduct is oppressive they deny that women owe their brothers the kindness of modesty and that men owe their sisters the Dignity of protecting their reputations and at the bottom of this is a feminist belief that it's just not fair that women are different from men and that asking women to dress and behave with Biblical modesty serves male dominance and holds women back in the contemporary church climate modesty has been almost exclusively replaced by exhibitionism especially on social media I used to believe all of these lies but I don't anymore and furthermore I believed and defended these lies publicly not privately public sins especially from public figures demand public repentance not just course correction and my repentance is public it's on the record and I share it with you here and in my forthcoming book I was at various times in my life wrong on all of this I understand the need to confront these lies forcefully and reject the idea that you can be a soft presence without carrying water for the other team to confront something is not to reject it out of hand or to misrepresent it instead a confrontation is an act of respect it requires us to take the side of the Bible's witness and to embrace Christ's point of view over and against anything or anyone that offers a different gospel your witness for Christ ultimately requires that you know Christ better than you know the world confrontation finally concludes with accepting or rejecting a position and encouraging others to do the same unconfronted lies have made a big mess for us because lies Cannot Be Tamed lies do not coexist with truth but rather corrupted the Evangelical Church has swapped the biblical Mandate of Godly confrontation for Godless spineless compromise the Bible calls us to know our enemy and then respond biblically and this brings me to the third reason why we are in the mess that we are in we have failed to love our enemies and have have instead pretended that our enemies are our friends facing the fact that I was Christ's enemy was a powerful milestone in my Christian Life I was at Pastor Ken Smith's table having shared another meal with my Christian Neighbors I thought that all of these people nice as they were my enemies they didn't support gay rights and they didn't approve of my homosexuality after dinner one of the children at the table put a book in my hands the psalter I was told to open it to Psalm 23 selection B we all started to sing in the room rang out in four-part harmony [Music] I am not want he makes me dark to lie in the past years [Music] the quiet Waters by [Music] E I like the idea of Jesus but I like the idea of being a lesbian even more my soul he died of three store again tough man within a puffs [Music] even for his own name says this stanza made me uncomfortable anytime the Bible talks about righteousness I knew I was on Shaky Ground and quite frankly at this time in my life I didn't like thinking about my soul yeah though I walk in Depths Dark well yet will I feel nowhere for the heart with me and thyroid understand [Music] Comfort still [Music] I wanted Jesus as my equal not Jesus my authority with a rod and a staff I mean I was gay after all I wanted affirmation not correction a table [Music] past furnished me in presence of my father my head [Music] oh the flow s this stanza brought me to a full stop have you ever read a book and realize that you were actually reading it from the wrong point of view for the whole time it's a little embarrassing when you're an English professor and you do this let me just tell you that's what happened to me while singing this stanza see I thought I was dining in the presence of my enemies you know all these bigots whose food I was consuming and who didn't approve of my homosexuality and discernment came like a tractor beam in the night I was God's enemy I was Christ send me and I was my Christian neighbors enemy and yet they loved me enough to seat me at their table and tell me the truth they were not my enemy but I was theirs goodness [Music] shall ass [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] more laying a place shall be [Music] I sang that last line as an alien enemy and stranger I was an outsider looking in that promise was not mine not yet and I knew it over the course of the next year my enemy status impelled me to grasp hold of Christ and beg him for forgiveness restoration and protection I begged him to change me at the core and Orient Ever every fiber of my being towards surrender the following year after many tears and continued repentance I committed my life to Jesus the church received me as a repentant sinner now sister in the Lord praise be to God dear colleague dear classical Christian educator know the reasons and defy the lies to the glory of God and in so doing together let's repair these ruins thank you very much thank you well as you might imagine we've got a slew of questions people have started using the app not the app I know they're using the app so I've got a slow questions uh some of them are similar but you and I were talking before you use this phrase that I think is incredibly pertinent as we think about the three reasons and the five lies and that is that we need to be careful not to allow our worldview to betray us that's right what does that mean yeah well that's something well I'm a teacher like you all and so that is just the way that I frame the Apologetics part of my uh rhetoric literature class because you know on the one hand you might you might start with like who is God what is truth but I need to deal with all the dead bodies out there okay there and you know them because they're littering our children's lives they're littering our families why and the answer is because your worldview has betrayed you and you know in literature which is what I teach rhetoric literature you know it it's a lot easier to handle this when it's somebody else and not you not your son not your daughter not your mother not your sister take someone like Russ call nikoff in crime and punishment right he murdered his um landlady because he thought she was an idea and when he learned that she was a human being that shattered him and right now we live in a world where people are fundamentally betrayed by their World Views and some of those people are Christian people and so that is why we must not fear uh we must not fear man first of all as my husband would say the gospel frees you from the fear of man and we certainly must not fear truth which is our Lifeline because see all those dead bodies out there well that's because their worldview betrayed them but praise be to God we are Christians we don't leave bodies on the battlefield right they don't just become examples for us of what not to do there's always hope in the gospel but I can't think of a time that is more crucial especially with our young people who are just being tossed to and fro especially with transgender ideology that's really one of the questions that comes up most frequently here how do we best combat the cultural narrative and agenda in its pervasive entertainment and attractive power through stories and media films social media on a daily basis our children are just being battered yes no matter how well we try to protect them that's right so yeah what steps do we take yeah absolutely and this is a question that haunts me because this is the world I helped create okay let's not forget that I was I was recruited mentored and tenured to make homosexuality look wholesome so I take this very very seriously this is why Rembrandt painted himself crucifying Christ okay because all of us created this world okay but like Jane Austen said my sore throats hurt more than everybody else so um she was being not surprisingly satirical when she said that she was mocking all of those Gothic writers but but no I would say it is it is extremely important to really um I mean if things were clear I think that this wouldn't be so hard like we look at something like Dylan Mulvaney or like and we're like uh no that's not but then we read something like somebody like Preston sprinkle or we read a kind of mushy review in the Gospel Coalition and we're like whoa whoa wait a second am I lacking compassion your job is not to see Sin from the point of view of the sinner that empathy will not help people like the person I used to be and it will kill you your job is to stand outside of all of the feelings and all of the muck and throw a rope that is your job as soon as you start to think that you need to stand in the shoes of sinners the game is lost and so I I want to just impress this upon you I cannot say it strongly enough what post-modernism does is it yields the moral language to the left and what that means is you no longer have a moral language through which to offer help you have a squishy quasi you know you have some theme ideas from Christianity but sign signifier and signified never go together there is no rescue and that's why in this kind of post-modern idea people can't actually be converted have you noticed they can't actually be born again and no longer be gay or trans no no no no no you need to have a transgender art show in the foyer of your church you need to have a gay bowling league so people feel comfortable how grateful I am that when I was coming to Christ and coming to church nobody believed that they thought that was nonsense it was absurd but today you are being told you are insensitive if you're not buying into it you we all need to we need to draw the line way further out than where it is we accept no post-modern theology it muddies the gospel and what you have is pluralism and unless you want David French to be your pastor I would run I know Rosaria tell us what you really think I don't know I don't know I I turned 61 I became a cranky grandmother this is this is how it is what do I do George I don't know David is a neighbor so now I'm on video with great great well maybe that you can have the conversation for some reason I keep calling out these guys and all of a sudden okay conversation it ends suddenly I'm sure it does um I I I know this is a quick quick answer but I've been asked it one two three four five six seven seven times okay can we no longer trust the gospel coalition oh I I don't you that's up to you guys I'm not I can't tell you how to read it's a it's a coalition so there's certainly some things in it that are going to be very helpful and good and some things that will be unhelpful I don't trust the gospel of pluralism okay and I certainly would not trust any Prayer church ministry over your faithful Pastor amen and so what I would say is this I mean you know sometimes people think that I'm bold they do they think that and I just tell them you should see the preaching I sit under so you know if you need to go to war and you do you need strong biblical witnessing okay so I'm just you know you you decide I can't tell you I can't I'm not going to bind your conscience on that I'm just done with the gospel of pluralism the gospel of pluralism comes in any number of ways it comes with this idea that somehow being a Christian means uh you know supporting gay marriage because oh I don't know nobody read the Westminster larger catechism 91 or or saying Psalm 100 for that matter but it also can mean there's a really faithful article up on some blog and all of a sudden really squishy one too and you're left with this sense of who's to say and you know that is the original sin in the garden right did God really say who's to say we need to know what to say Amen one last question we all need it so when does the book come out oh oh dear pray for me uh the book comes out September 13th September the 13th the five lies in our current anti-christian age thank you
Channel: The Classical Difference Network
Views: 153,090
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Id: tMu0gCeDRgg
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Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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