Rory & Mal on What They Do Differently Now That They're Not with Joe Budden

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okay I wanted to ask you guys this since we're really like dating this podcast by talking about Megan Tory for a half hour because it's going to be so obvious at what moment in time this occurred that was the that was the appetizer okay this is what I wanted to know is you guys have been independent now for what a year and a half two years like you know doing your own show oh yeah a little over a year okay how does it feel how is it different than how you thought it would be and what is the mentality after going at it for a year you guys seem very very determined to make this work uh no I know exactly how much money was stolen from me [ __ ] yeah because I could see everything right and it's um but creatively it's just uh the energy is a lot different uh the way we go about doing things how we want to look uh the things that we trying to do it's just an easier uh transition to easier way of doing things because it's not um you know between us it's not a ego thing you know I mean it's very like Rory has an idea he wants to do something you know tell me what you think think about it okay the same way yo we should do this down to today in this interview oh for real no you want to do this if you don't want to do it I don't want to do it type [ __ ] so it's like it's very it's just a different uh it's just a healthier way of of creating and I think that's a big part of creating content in a podcast and you know doing things that we're doing it's just the energy around it what is this for why are we doing this is this really what we want to do um so for the past year and a half it's just been an easy flow of things um for us to do create turn down accept and just you know just from a business standpoint it's just healthy it's like you know people you know we like to say that you know you have to do snake [ __ ] in this business like no you don't no you're doing that's it that's the thing that we we let people run with is um you got to do uh [ __ ] up things in business to get ahead and you know everybody can't be pleased everybody can't be happy that's not true you know I mean and um I think Rory myself we we learned that like early on like bro we know what this is we know what we want to do we know what we're not doing um so let's just have fun with it because you know the business is going to be the business and our business is very simple with each other you know I mean it's 50 50. that's it you know I mean uh whether you know I I see it or I don't I trust him he trusts me he knows I'm not in this for you know just money [ __ ] I again I as I've always said I don't care about money it's all about you know the relationship the Friendship the energy the intent things like that like where's your morals at you know I think things that men should be built on is what I was taught and money is gonna come if you just move right you have good intent you have a good heart good energy somebody's gonna remember that and always put you in a position like I like this dude right here you know I mean like even if it's not I don't I'm not getting nothing from it I'm gonna put you in position because I think yo this this is your strong suit right here I think you'll be good for this you know I mean like just things like that you know we put too much emphasis on money money and I get it we all from you know areas in life where we didn't have we had to do things that cost us our freedom or you know we had to keep our head on the swivel to try to feed our families but once you work yourself to a space where that's not the case anymore don't bring [ __ ] into it leave that out because we no longer in that space and I think that for the past year and a half of us doing our own thing it's been a testament to just how we built this men you know I mean like just do do right by people do good business by people have fun respect each other and um it's been a blessing man it's been you know pretty much one of the best years of of my life on a personal level because it's like just the energy and you know it's a lot of stresses that you know we're around us for a few years where it was like it just wasn't comfortable you know I mean and it's this past year and a half has been a lot of comfort yeah I watched some YouTube videos breaking down you guys body language on a few podcasts that were quite informative okay I learned a lot that's interesting like look at the way they're sitting yeah but it's like [ __ ] that I never would have known and the Die Hard fans are just picking up on it zooming in on the Rally's face and I'm like oh my God I'm so glad that YouTube exists because I would not have known about this otherwise I've seen a few of those as well and I think they're funny and I sometimes exaggerated of course yeah but if fans aren't making up theories or doing deep Dives like that do you matter so as much as I used to look at that [ __ ] like and get angry like what the [ __ ] like this is a complete spun narrative this is not true and then I also don't want to get out there and get on IG or another podcast be like yo this is [ __ ] false this this this means that they like what we're doing at the end of the day it's just a warped way of saying hey we love this that's really what those conspiracy Reddit YouTube Etc are but does it even down a Lipstick Alley does it feel like a challenge trying to build a podcast that I feel like you guys are trying to build a podcast off of just friends having a good conversation and try to like avoid all the Temptations of [ __ ] that you could do in terms of making it a constant battle to get big guests or you know trying to talk about the most dramatic crazy click-based [ __ ] like is that a very specific thing that you guys want to build something with a foundation of just you guys talking yeah absolutely I mean I don't you know you don't want to build a foundation off of something that is uh may come and go if our if our relationship is solid from the foundation that we can build on that you know I mean and we don't like to sit with a lot of guests that we don't have some type of personal relationship because it's like I could sit here and talk to somebody I don't know and ask them all the questions that every other outlet has asked them but when we've actually hung out and kicked it on a real level and had real conversations off camera and you know how I am the type of dude I am the conversation on camera is going to be different real life that's real [ __ ] so it's like I you know I I [ __ ] with a lot like damn I would like to talk to you but it's like I don't really know you and I want to interview you I'm not Barbara Walters like I'm not going to sit here and interview you and Grill you like so when you said this line though how did that or girl game yeah like I don't want to do that yeah because people ask me like how do I become a rap interviewer and I'm just like thinking in my head like I don't know man because there's a lot of [ __ ] people doing this like I'm not sure what your angle is going to be that's going to be way different unless you can find a pocket of artists that people aren't really talking to which I think that's probably the best bet yeah or you know just be a heavy uh music guy know the artist that you're talking to yeah there's music know his or her story The more specialized your knowledge is yeah well and I think your your approach the less journalistic way has been the best part of your interviews it's way more of a conversation than you know we love Rap Radar because they are actual journalists and when we want to watch the journalistic interview we go to them but what you would feel is like actual combo to some degree Nori is the one where it's he's for the most part very familiar and has a long history with the guests and can get them to open up a way they never would I think the guest based podcasts all have different niches which I think is cool but with our breakup and that whole show the live show [ __ ] we've been doing has proven to me that guess [ __ ] is just not the best route all the time because obviously things end no matter what you want to do but if you have a core fan base that is there to see you and not they're not there for the guest you'll be fine forever because no matter what Mo and I could set up some microphones and just talk right that can be proven they actually they're not coming yeah like they're not coming here oh yeah we deal with that too I hate when we have guests and it's like there's a few guests that they'll appreciate but largely they hate them yeah uh just uh the way people like oh yeah no don't sit down with this person this was whacking I thought y'all would have enjoyed that yeah we just want to hear y'all but if the thumbnail said Rory and Mall interview Steven Seagal I think people would at least they know what they're going in on but if they click on their weekly episodes or just anybody but like but if they click on it and they want to see you guys talking and then all of a sudden it's like so Steven Seagal you're a ponytail it's so long and luxurious yeah we see the random just random homies we got do way better on the channel then you know I mean you bring a rapper that oh I think he dope I like his music and he'd come here and be dry as fast conversation yeah you know what I mean that's what it is it's just the better conversation so you know getting the guests is cool you know it's just it's going to you know clicks and numbers and everything but it's like I don't want to talk to dudes I really don't have some type of at least a little bit of a relationship with and you almost live and die off the moment crowd like you have to keep up with they're there for the moment because like we could we interviewed JD and had Bow Wow just randomly FaceTime in and say yo I got a million dollars cash for me right now I'm coming like that's a hilarious moment but we would have to continue to chase that moment if our platform was based off trying to have those moments yeah so I think it's for us at least way less stressful to just do what we want to do and make sure our fan base [ __ ] with us and when we want to have guests cool if we don't we're fine yeah because like getting interviews is awesome but I mean you guys were the ones who really made me want to start the weekly podcast [ __ ] because I was like you know it sucks having a business where I have to like get new interviews all the [ __ ] time and if I don't for a week or two and let's be real like there are just huge parts of time where there like aren't that many new interesting rappers coming out or like you know you interview these dudes and like they maybe take a while to pop off and the interview ends up doing okay over time but you know yeah just being able to have a conversation with your friends on camera is that's pretty much why I started doing it because I just saw what you guys were building and when you did that I felt like you made the whole office like the show like yeah the characters within the office people you bringing in like it became the environment rather than Adam sitting with a rapper because that can only go so far yo we just hit 400 000 subscribers right here on the clips channel so if you want to help us out click subscribe get us to 500k
Channel: No Jumper Clips
Views: 110,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rory & Mal podcast, Rory & Mal interview, Rory & Mal no jumper, new rory & mal, Rory & Mal joe budden, Rory & Mal jbp, joe budden interview, joe budden podcast, Rory & Mal live, joe budden adam22, meg thee stallion
Id: 3gogRoyLhso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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