ROR: Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) (Genesis Vs. iOS/Android) HIGHER QUALITY

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greetings and welcome gentles and ladies men it's time for another installment of remake or rewrite where we compare classics in the remakes side-by-side to see which is better and why when I first began ror examined the five classic Mario games of the NES and SNES days and compared them to their portable versions of the early 2000s this time around I want to give the analogous games in the side the Hedgehog series the same treatment the five classic Sonic games for the Sega Genesis and Sega CD are considered by many to be some of the best platforming games ever made well I may not have grown up with these games like I did the Mario advance remakes I've given them plenty of playthroughs over the past four years and come to understand why they have been and remain so popular among the sonic fanbase for better or for worse considering the omnipresent blasting appeal of these five titles I think it's worth comparing them to the recent three releases on ios and android over the next couple of months or so we're going to be looking at the mobile phone versions of Sonic 1 sonic 2 and Sonic CD for iOS and Android I've got a lot to say so let's jump right in following the release of the 16-bit Sega Mega Drive in 1989 or Sega Genesis for my fellow North Americans Sega was gaining ground but still struggling to compete with the monolithic 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System seeing the marketing success of Nintendo franchises like The Legend of Zelda Metroid and mascot Super Mario Sega decided it was high time that they rebranded up to this point Sega's mascot was an elf with the jew-fro named Alex Kidd who had a handful of games in the Sega Master System as well as a title in the Genesis oh don't remember him well neither do I the artist said say got drew up a number of different protagonists for a new series of games including this caricature of Theodore Roosevelt who go on to become the series villain as scribbling on a napkin of a character named mr. needle mouse convinced a team that a hedgehog would be their best bet with the blue recoloring longer head spikes in the addition of Michael jackson-esque sneakers Sega's new mascot Sonic the Hedgehog was born to separate Sonic from other platforming mascots of his time Sega's Sonic Team decided to put the mega drives advanced processor to good use and emphasize speed a sonic signature ability the game was released to such critical commercial success that it brought Sega neck-and-neck with Nintendo with some much lauded follow-ups in the Genesis and Sega CD Sonic the Hedgehog would go on to become one of the most iconic video game characters in the 90s and beyond Sonic's history beyond the Genesis era has been shaky the classic era which began in 1991 and ended in 1998 is considered by many fans to be the best in series including such titles as Sonic 1 2 CD & 3 & Knuckles the classic eras fast and furious side-scrolling gameplay continues to entertain retro enthusiasts to this very day the Dreamcast era which began in 1998 and ended in 2005 includes such titles as Sonic Adventure sonic adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes while the Dreamcast era was somewhat well received for its time fans and critics have been more negative in retrospect believing the series for a in the 3d to have departed from many of the elements that made the classic so great following Sonic Heroes came the ominously named Dark Age of Sonic which began in 2005 and ended in 2010 characterized by consistently mixed to negative critical reception the Dark Age ranges from Lovat hated sonic unleashed to the much despised Shadow the Hedgehog to mass Sonic in the Black Knight - one of the most infamously bad games of all time Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 around the release of shadow no 6 many people gave up hope on the franchise while a weakened and divided fanbase continued to hold out for the next great Sonic game and in 2010 the Dark Age was ended by what many heralded is the best Sonic game in years Sonic Colors for the Nintendo Wii my personal favorite game the series colors offered excellent graphics amazing music superb level design and a genuinely funny and entertaining story 2011 Sonic Generations kept spirits floating high and is considered by many fans to be the best 3d game in the series while 2013 sonic lost world wasn't as well received as generations or colors it's still considered better than most games in the dark age of the Dreamcast er and then their psyche boom I already released a 32 minute long video talking about this one so if you want to know more go check that out the shakiness of the past 20-some years it's left the fanbase divided over what model of Sonic game design works best and why the ends of the classic era games the classic Asst prefer the original 2d platforming gameplay style of the early 90s and can vary in their opinions on newer entries some like the great Clemente have a deep love for the classics but can get enjoyment out of newer 2d and 3d Sonic games alike provided that they're well designed and fun to play others have given up on the series and believe that it hasn't been any good since 1994 Sonic 3 & Knuckles as of the Dreamcast era games who might call the Dreamcast ian's love the more story-driven multi character 3d platforming action of Sonic Adventure 1 - and Sonic Heroes above all else though their views of past and future games on his dead set they also seem to display the greatest degree of toleration for titles from the Dark Age fans who really get a kick out of Renaissance era titles like colors and generations make up the modernists seeing as the sonic fanbase has become divided more and more by preference for what has worked in the past the modernists are a rare breed either having converted from the other two groups or having gotten into the franchise within the past few years additionally there are the non fans who are best ambivalent about Sonic and it worst among the loudest and most hateful actors in the entire Sonic community within the past 10 years or so I become rather disenchanted with the sonic fanbase especially the more biased and hateful Classica stream castings and non-fans never cease to get on Sega's case over the most trivial and inconsequential of things the only thing equaling their sheer unwillingness to give modern Sonic a sliver of a fair chance is their / glorification of the classics on Genesis and Sega CD the classics are good games and I have absolutely no intention of saying anything to the contrary I also don't deny that a lot of the games released between 1998 and 2010 were far from great and while I sincerely that the five classic games are of a higher quality standard than a great many of the 3d games I also believe that the classics are imperfect just as any game is imperfect like any Sonic game ever the classics have vlogs not nearly as many as the Dark Age games mind you but flaws nonetheless in this marathon I hope to highlight not only what makes these games great but also the few things that are not so great the things that classic has seemed to conveniently forget about when nitpicking the out of modern Sonic games with that out of the way let's get into Sonic the Hedgehog 2 the Sega Genesis and it's remake on iOS and Android the plot is quite simple Sonic is a fun-loving Hedgehog who lives on South Island with his adorable little animal buddies all is peaceful until Sonic's arch-nemesis a maniacal scientist named dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik scoops up his animal bodies and encapsulates them in robotic badniks to help him hunt down the six mystical Chaos Emeralds and take over the world sonic seeing that his friends have gone missing sets out to confront the doctor secure the Chaos Emeralds and free his buddies a little more complicated than Mario but not by too terribly much and this will probably be a shock to nobody but from a character perspective I really do get a kick out of the blue blur is fun-loving attitude and cheesy one-liners always bring a smile to my face as you might imagine he's not particularly well developed in this first game seeing as the story is pretty minimalistic but once we jump into 3d I'll have quite a bit more to say I will say that I think Sonic's Dreamcast and Renaissance designs fit the character a lot better in the newer games stomach's gotten more fitting proportions and is depicted running at high speeds with a shit-eating grin on his face that's the fun-loving sonic we all know and love I just don't get the same vibe from a squat angry little chibi design but that's just my personal opinion it's still perfectly fun and then there's the loveliness that is dr. Ivo Edgar Madeline Robotnik I love this guy he's up there with Hades and dr. nefarious one of my favorite video game villains of all time just look at that goofy smile on that ridiculous mustache you know you loved him too what's also neat is that the good doctor is what dr. evil might call a hen's uneven genius each of the boss encounters pits Sonic against the doctor in one of his maniacal machines no them are really that challenging but there's definitely a greater variety here than there was in classic Mario like what Sonic I prefer his modern military jacket get up but his obese chibi design still fits him perfectly fine and now to address the elephant in the room starting with Sonic Adventure he started going by his Japanese name dr. Eggman seeing as he had been called Robotnik overseas in the game's comics and on TV for about seven years this change was understandably met with some backlash nowadays there's somewhat of a huge split in the euro-american fan base with one side arguing for Robotnik and the other for Eggman that's strange seeing as nobody gave a rat's furry ass when Princess Toadstool suddenly adopted her Japanese name in Super Mario 64 and the Mario fan base didn't implode but I digress so where does my loyalty lie Eggman all the way baby and I have my reasons but in the interest of fairness I'll do the classic assist solid and refer to him as Robotnik until we get to Sonic Adventure let's get into dem aesthetics for a 1991 Genesis title Sonic 1 is a good looking game the environments are oozing with color and detail in the parallax backgrounds allow for a nice depth of field that really brings the game to life I also really enjoyed the art direction it's got more of an anime edge to it than say Mario with soft curved characters and gradated colors visually I can't find much to complain about here the Genesis version still looks great and the mobile version looks even better but the 1080p resolution at a silky smooth 60 frames per second with the original 4 by 3 image given a 16 by 9 facelift the same great sprite art we know and love is still here to be enjoyed and because of the greater visibility I find that the game actually plays smoother than the genesis version before I get into the music I'd better start off by saying that the Genesis sound font is not my favorite I much prefer the genre and instrument variety of the Super Nintendo to the Genesis watching Symphony robotic parts okay maybe that's an unfair generalization not all Genesis music is bad nor does it all sound like robotic parts the Genesis like any other classic console delivers its fair share of legendarily awesome tunes and when talented composers like Yuzo Koshiro or howard drawsome take the stage that can produce some truly great stuff that really pushes the system's limitations I considered the Streets of Rage trilogy the epitome of Genesis music but Sonic is no slouch either I enjoy just about every track in Sonic 1 except labyrinth zone what is that clanging ping instruments supposed to be an acoustic guitar my ears are gonna throw up as for tracks like green hills on marble zone or my personal favorite star light zone it's clear that composer Masato Nakamura really knew his way around the Genesis sound while you'll find that sonic music wouldn't truly earn its legendary reputation until 1998 Sonic Adventure sonic 1 soundtrack is still pretty damn good as far as the remake goes I would have liked it if there could have been an arranged soundtrack in addition to the original Genesis tunes but the remastered sound is good enough onto debt gameplay Sonic's adventure across South Island will take them through six different zones each consisting of three acts I've always thought that terminology was pretty unique and any other game ever they're usually called worlds or stages or something but in Sonic they're called zones and acts as Sonic you've got to navigate your way through each act destroying robotic badniks and collecting rings along the way at the end of each zone you face off with one of dr. Robotnik's mechs and free a capsule full of your animal buddies the acts are also dotted with power-ups that you can add to get extra lives or shields or protect you from enemies control why's it says minimalistic as it gets d-pad moves a b and c jump and if you move and press down sonic will do a spin attack curling into a ball and destroying anything in his path when it comes to control sonic handles pretty well his jumps may feel too floaty for some but I find that it makes it easier to land my jumps even though you'll usually be jumping on enemies to kill them a nice difference between Sonic and Mario is that Sonic could jump into enemies from any angle as long as he's in a ball I'm not touching spikes killing enemies is a breeze the mechanics may be kind of basic but they work and they work well the mobile version introduces a touch gamepad control scheme and while I'm ambivalent about touch controls in general I think they're implemented pretty well in this game because of Sonic's simple control scheme you only really have to keep track of a d-pad in a single button addition when you're given the ability to customize the size opacity and placement of the touch buttons to suit your fancy so no matter what you'll find something that works for you and if you still can't get into it you can always buy a Bluetooth controller Sonic's main gameplay gimmick is a speed I don't know exactly how the folks at Sega looked at something like this and thought this thing alive but if there's one thing that every Sonic fan seems to agree on regardless of what era their allegiance lies it's that they love Sonic's sense of speed and what really sells it is the game's excellent physics system sonic gradually accelerates from walking speed to a brisk jog if you let go of the d-pad he'll take a second to slow to a stop if you use the spin attack on an incline Sonic will speed up allowing you to curl around loop-de-loops and launch up into the air some zones utilize this mechanic more than others while green hills on a star light zone are more fast-paced and contain a lot of sloped platforms marble zone and labyrinth zone a slower paced and tend to emphasize position platforming and puzzle solving for this reason I imagined that Sonic 1 is probably most people's least favorite game in the classic series compared to Sonic 2 CD & 3 & Knuckles Sonic's speed ability can feel kind of underutilized because of that Sonic 1 feels more like a traditional platformer than most games in the series personally I don't mind that at all as someone who more or less prefers the traditional platforming of Super Mario and Donkey Kong Country I really get a kick out of Sonic ones level design despite its smaller emphasis on speed while labyrinth zone slogging pace and obnoxious stage hazards may be somewhat tedious to go through it's nothing that makes me want to shut the game off and go play something else I also really enjoy the puzzle elements which don't seem nearly as prominent in the other classic games the point I'm trying to make here is that Sonic is a platforming series first in a series about going fast second if all we want is speed then Sonic and Sega all-stars racing is the best game in the series obviously I think it's better for speed and platforming to be given equal attention and to complement each other but if that can't happen for whatever reason I prefer Sonic the slower paced and have good platforming than be lightning fast but hard to control are uninteresting to play if I had to nitpick sonic ones level design it does kind of annoy me that you have to backtrack to go up certain slopes in the level but that's not really a big deal nevertheless the mobile version does alleviate this minor hiccup somewhat by adding the Spin Dash move from Sonic 2 you can use this ability to skip past chunks of platforming easily kill certain ground enemies and to get up these hills without backtracking and if you don't want to use it you can turn it off in the options menu the abundance of loop-de-loops and slopes aren't the only thing that's unique about Sonic's level design in most classic platforming games like Mario Megaman or a Sylvania the level design is pretty straightforward dodge all the enemies don't fall into pits kill the boss at the end in you're golden so I like on the other hand often branches into multiple pathways that you can take to reach the end of a stage to a lot of fans this more nonlinear level design is what really separates the Sonic series who likes of Mario and looks at above and beyond most games in the genre I'm personally more ambivalent about it though I do think Sonic 1 handles things relatively well the level design in the classic sequels can get really labyrinthine and somewhat cluttered but Sonic 1 keeps things relatively straightforward while still offering some alternate pathways for more explorative players well dig into this topic a little more in the Sonic 2 review but as far as Sonic 1 goes the level design is pretty good so how about difficulty when I reviewed the classic Mario games about a year ago I tried to be somewhat understanding of the design philosophy behind limited continues I mean it was the mid 80s after all it's not like there was a big book of game design that tucked developers how to properly scale unbalanced difficulty though I much prefer the infinite continues of Mario 3 onward as well as the safe features of the remakes I'm willing to give the NES Mario 1 and Mario 2 a free pass for not including these things Sonic 1 on the other hand is a different story by the time Sonic the Hedgehog came out in 1991 games like Super Mario Brothers 3 castlevania and mega man and figured out how to give players unlimited continuous and still offer plenty of challenge so the fact that Sega decided to stick to this obsolete model of game design for their killer app first party release when the rival mascot had abandoned this model several years ago it's just mind-boggling to me I don't think that limited continues in and of themselves are inherently bad and nor does it entirely ruin a game that contains them I love the original start box for the Super Nintendo limited continues and all because it can be beaten in about half an hour continues and extra lives are easy to come by and because the game is designed in a way that rewards skill with the control scheme rather than blind memorization these design choices may seem minor but they go a long way in rounding out the difficulty in making things reasonably challenging and fun the difficulty balancing the genesis versions of Sonic 1 2 is not nearly as sophisticated and while these games are far from the difficulty balancing is still my single greatest complaint about the originals starting off the game you get three lives lose them all it's game over and you're getting sent back to the title screen to start over from square one you can get more lives from monitors by collecting a hundred rings and there is a way to get continues that I'll be going over later but collecting rings is no easy task rings double a Sonic's life bar as long as Sonic is holding one it can take damage without losing a life but that also means he'll drop all of his rings in the process so that means that if you have a high number of rings in an enemy or a stage has emulsifies you out of nowhere well you're not getting an extra life any time soon but that also means that it's pretty hard to get killed because there are plenty of rings around to protect you I guarantee that you'll very rarely get killed by an enemy but this means that most of the time you'll be axed off by entity kill stage hazards such as crush deaths drowning or bottomless pits things that are frustrating to dodge or hard to predict things that most of the time feel like the game's fault rather than a lack of skill on your own part how was I supposed to know that this hole in the ground was a bottomless pit and not a path forward bottomless pits don't belong in 2d sonic damn it if you're gonna make a game where the levels are super tall then you need to make it more obvious where the pits are it takes a lot of memorization and trial and error to avoid some of this stuff when I first set out to finish these games four years ago I just couldn't seem to beat any of them for the life of me in Sonic 1 I'd barely make it to the frenzied labyrinth zone boss hit myself on one of these wall Spears or get nuked by a fireball and that was it game over and let me tell you folks there is nothing more frustrating than finally making it to star light zone wanting to slip off a platform by accident lose your last life and get sent back to the title screen and before someone mentions it in the comments yes I am aware that there is a stage select code but like the mario one continue code i consider that cheating and besides the game should just have unlimited continues to begin one since my first successful played through i've accumulated quite a bit of skill I've memorized well the surprise instant kill hazards are and have come to enjoy Sonic 1 quite a bit but I will never forget the frustration I went through to beat this game for the first time another problem is that there is a pretty noticeable difficulty disparity between zones our Bo zone is much more challenging at spring yard zone and light zone is both shorter and easier than green hill zone and some call me Johnny accuses Mario 3 of having schizophrenic difficulty ultimately the genesis version of Sonic 1 is very beatable with enough practice and termination you will complete this game but if you're a noob to 2d sonic like I was four years ago your first playthrough is gonna be pretty rocky but enough about that let's talk about the special stages oh boy the most announces of the plot I mentioned that dr. Robotnik was searching for the Chaos Emeralds the resident plot MacGuffins of the Sonic series most of the games involved the good doctor trying to collect them so he can either power a doomsday device or awaken some sealed evil in a can and use it to take over the world Sonic being the upstanding dude that he is always tries to stop him Chaos Emeralds are absconded in hidden bonus levels called special stages if Sonic collects 50 rings a giant special ring appears of the exit signpost if Sonic jumps in they will be warped to a high-definition 16-bit rotating maze or an emerald lies hidden somewhere if you can find all six emeralds in their given stages so I can put a stop to Robotnik's evil designs and unlock the true ending of the game most classic is seem to agree that special stages are a fun and enjoyable extension of the gameplay I have often heard classic is criticized 3d Sonic titles for not including them so what do I think well first and foremost ages are totally optional if you don't want to play them you don't have to and for that reason I can enjoy the classic Sonic games overall irrespective of the special stages that being said I have never and never will care for special stages I love looking for bonus rooms and puzzle pieces in Donkey Kong Country I love collecting star coins and red star rings but I have never found special stages to be a fun and fulfilling part of the sonic experience why is that where do I even begin getting into a special stage as a pain in the ass finding 50 rings especially when enemies are hazards have a tendency to fly on screen out of nowhere is no small feat there's nothing worse than getting hit right at the end of the stage and missing out in a shot for a Chaos Emerald and what's also annoying is that Sonic is finicky about jumping into the special ring if you take more than a second to jump in Sonic will automatically run off screen why that's so goddamn annoying especially when your chain to enter the special stages are pretty limited to begin with special rings only appear in the first and second acts of each zone except for the final one that's ten chances in total so that means that if you don't get at least one Chaos Emerald by the time you reach spring yard zone act 2 you might as well hit reset because you're screwed and then there's the stages themselves you control Sonic in a rotating maze you can make him jump with the buttons and move around with the d-pad but you're subject to the gravity of the maze touching bumpers will bounce you in directions you don't want to go touching these up and down buttons will make the maze go too fast or too slow and these annoying goal Spears will eject you from the stage with no option to try again you think these goal Spears would be easy to avoid but the bumpers will often knock you into them or sometimes the sage will load when you fall straight down into them to get it the Emerald itself you have to break open this obnoxious crystal barrier which takes so long that you run the risk of falling into the goal spheres there's no skill to these things just pure dumb luck you got a hope that the game feels like letting you win most of the time it doesn't but let's say that you actually do manage to get a Chaos Emerald well don't get a game over is if you do you lose everything and you'll have to start all over from square one and after all the hell you have to go through to get these things what do you get a 15 second cutscene that's not even that different from the normal ending what do you fricking do and while getting the Chaos Emeralds themselves may be optional first time players are going to want to go into the special stages anyway why because collecting 50 rings in a special stage is the only way to score continues if you want to stay at any chance of beating this on your first play to you you're gonna need every life you can get I'm sorry classic as' but the special stages in the genesis version just suck they're not difficult in a challenging fun way they're difficult in an arbitrary frustrating way and in the end not even really well rewarded for your efforts the mobile version makes some changes that serve to round out the difficulty balancing of the Genesis original and even make the special stages somewhat worthwhile first off the game includes 4 save files which autosave after you complete an act suddenly falling into a bottomless pit by accident no longer seem so frustrating when getting a game over only means for doing the act you're playing it's also perfect for playing on the air pointer on the or something the same files also save your Chaos Emeralds so you don't have to worry about losing them off you get a game over once you've beaten the game you're also given the ability to choose any level you want to hunt down the special stages you missed much like in Sonic 3 & Knuckles so that means that if you didn't get all the special stages in a single run through you can just warp back to Green Hill Zone Act 1 and go for the outstanding emeralds you can replay Green Hill Zone over and over again until you get it right then you just beat the final boss again and the good ending is yours getting all the Chaos Emeralds in the mobile version also unlocks Knuckles the Echidna is a fully playable character which is a pretty good reward in my opinion you can also unlock tails miles power by beating the game normally and you can even play the game as both Sonic and Tails at once classic sonic purists will also be satisfied it's the mobile version includes a no safe mode which plays exactly like the Genesis original to put even more frosting on the cake you can enter a special code in the no save mode that allows you to get seven emeralds in the possibility of Super Sonic yeah mind blown with my thoughts in the gameplay more or less done it's time for the truly unnecessary spoiler section ah spoiler alert after making his way through five zones of South Island sonic arrives at Robotnik's base of operations scrap brain zone which is easily the toughest zone in the game bottomless pits adorn the bottom of the first act kill a buzz saws will try to split you in half and these annoying pig chuck bombs at you as you make your way through the second act you come across bald emic nose hair who sends you tumbling to the foundations of the base welcome to labyrinth zone act for everyone because everyone who played this game wanted to slug through three more minutes of spheres fireballs and surprise coil spikes eventually sonic makes it to the doctors control room and confronts him in the hopes of rescuing his animal buddies and there aren't any rings luckily the bosses attacks move in a clear and predictable pattern so he's still pretty manageable unlike that other boss after hitting the mech eight times the face up destructs and the good doctor attempts to escape only for Sonic to send him tumbling to his doom oh so satisfying and what that Sonic rescues his animal friends returns to Green Hill Zone his world at peace once again polls will open ends well I suppose so that was SOG the Hedgehog Wow laugh it up fuzzball you scruffy-looking nerf-herder how the hell did he even get the emeralds anyway if you manage to get all the emeralds Sonic will use the Chaos Emeralds to deface the wildlife of green hill zone wow that was so worth wasting my life on those special stages Bravo classic Sonic Team Bravo seriously don't go for the emeralds in the Genesis version it really is just a waste of time so remake a rear break which version of Sonic 1 is the better experience the mobile version is an easy replace a remake that is so much better than the original there really is no reason to own the original unless you have a strong attachment to it the mobile version of Sonic 1 is oil to the Genesis original in every way possible from the controls to the sound to the graphics to the level design in place as smoothly as ever the save feature fixes the difficulty balancing problems of the original making for an overall more entertaining experience as well suited to classic sonic newbies the addition of HD widescreen 60fps frame rate the spin - of Time Trial mode of playable knuckles and Tails in an improved special stage system collectively allow this masterfully designed remake to beat out the Genesis original for those who want something more genuine to the Genesis version you can always turn off the spend - and play the no save mode this is a remake that will satisfy newcomers and veterans alike do yourself a favor and buy it off of iTunes of the Play Store it's only 3 or 4 dollars you got nothing to lose and everything to gain what about Sonic the Hedgehog 1 in general overall it's a pretty fun game but I can see why people at the time with latch onto it and want to see more of all the attempts by Nintendo's competitors to offer an alternative to Mario Sega's literal new spin on the platforming genre is a welcome breath of fresh air the graphics in art direction are full of color and cartoonish flair the controls are solid and easy to learn the bosses are a lot of fun and the levels not only have a creative aesthetic but also combine solid platforming puzzle solving the occasional burst of speed to deliver a varied and nuanced experience like the first slide am i also find that sonic ones short length gives it quite a bit of replay value I have my share of nitpicks here and there but Sonic 1 holds up pretty well all things considered sure the special stages may not be very much fun to play no matter what version you're playing but to the game's credit if I don't want to do them I don't have to my only real point again is the lack of unlimited continues or password system and the mobile version fully addresses these complaints even so the Genesis versions bar from unbeatable your first playthrough will most likely end in a game over but with some memorization and a little trial and error it shouldn't take you more than a few playthroughs to beat well I wouldn't call Sonic the Hedgehog as good as say Super Mario World it's still a pretty fun title that's worth checking out if you're into classic platforming games or want a good gateway game into the rest of the genre to the modernist and beam casting it's out there who've never finished a classic Sonic game in their lives it's not a bad place to jump in and I'd recommend you give it an honest try sometime not much else I can really say here join me next time when I review one of the fan favorite games in the series Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Sega Genesis along with its mobile phone we make for iOS and Android until then I max paradigm gamer and hope you enjoyed the review Oh
Channel: ExoParadigmGamer
Views: 29,769
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Sonic The Hedgehog (Video Game Series), Android (Operating System), Taxman and Stealth, IOS (Operating System), Sonic The Hedgehog (Video Game), Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Video Game), Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (Video Game), Sonic & Knuckles (Video Game), Sonic Boom: The Rise of Lyric, ExoParadigmGamer, mistertitanic, Game Mavericks, Classic Sonic, Classic Mario, Remake or Rebreak, ROR, Sega Mega Drive (Video Game Platform), Sega CD (Video Game Platform), Sonic The Hedgehog CD (Video Game)
Id: oVgNXj3W0BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2016
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