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he cut the one finger come off day and I get some kidneys for just me let's get after it you're gonna go row [Music] hey you guys keep it down over there morning everybody how you doing we are in Wickenburg the Bob Scott tent steer Ropin you can see as I turn around right here there's a pretty good turnout 75 teams were entered in this roping kake news hey fake no it's not fake news anyway we're here to Bob Scott and look at this saddle right here you know the other day I ordered me a quarry any saddle well we're gonna talk to the quarry any man in just a minute and that's pretty good looking saddle right there get your commercial in right here this is Wayne Bay and a bill read flake one so we can get back to roping I roll all the time well you never hated them and that saddle that I got from you the other day my cousin liked it so well I had to sell it to him so now I've got to order me another one I need two of them one for me one for my wife yeah we've got them all yeah a lot better deal than you you are pay so my trucking companies called Corey Andy and this saddle companies called Corey Annie what was we using you see my truck down there on the nobody can spell it mom's got that's not true this is the last year you run to there you gonna just play golf as I'm just gonna play golf just play golf there's the man that puts the rope'n on right there good morning beautiful roping let's get after it we're gonna go rope six seven eight nine and ten today the legends are all here every one of them there's two of them right there good morning Skinner in the house yes sir ready to get another day down here's the last guy right here he turns them all out oh yeah got the barrier all set got it set up load them up to let them out okay [Music] it's legend today today yeah alleged that these guys are the legend legend right legend in your own mom known this guy for how long long High School Rodeo yeah long time ago time ago National Director yeah for Idaho yeah yep picking up like picking up after a bunch of kids out here yeah [Music] cattle all ready to go we got the eyes fix there's this dog it's gonna be a good day [Music] there's Jeffy paintin cozy little soldier George - Randy Jackson you guys will be next to go they'll be on their run no time tough luck for them Amy's running the clock I'm running the computer she's keeping their timesheets on paper in case I make a mistake which is likely to happen checks and balances that way if the computer crashes or something we have a backup system recall cut his thumb off did he cut 1/4 oz fingers his fingers yeah he cut the wind finger come off her yeah yeah I guess the kidneys were just me was out on that second steer that he got the rear o clock yes does that one steer set up well so you're hauling this rig home we're gonna take his horses who took him to the doctor check down there take him over here to the hospital they're gonna fly him too sweet justice Lilly they did flying they're gonna reattach I guess we don't know you talking about it Wow be a good neighbor every chance you get like like Bobby Hill okay thank you yeah thank you good so anyway Rick at the Rope and I think in the seventh or eighth round cut his fingers off I thought it was maybe his thumb but apparently his little finger and his his ring finger so he's being Air Evac to a place where they gonna work on trying to fix his hand in a hand surgeon and Bobby there and his wife they're taking his rig home that's a good thing you can always look for people around you where you can help them the rope'n was good we got it all wrapped up and we probably could have loaded and gone back across the valley but we figured we would stay here tonight and load up in the morning and go across the valley maybe we wouldn't have as much traffic so I'm just checking on stairs making sure that they're water good that they're content nothing has to add look in the fan looks good I think I'll come back down here about nine o'clock tonight and maybe kick all this hay back up again the train tracks run right my world we're out here at this arena [Music] I gotta say that's a little weird feelin status going by behind me [Music] hey thanks for joining us today where'd he go he's hiding like out [Music] [Music]
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 56,919
Rating: 4.9459004 out of 5
Keywords: Rodeo Video, Reed Flake, Vlog, Flake out, roping emergency, roping, emergency, lost fingers, injury, friends, loses fingers, finger injury, roping injury, friend, reed, flake, rodeo, 10 steer, bob scott, bob scott 10 steer, video, 10 steer roping, steer roping, roping video, vlogger, rodeo vlog, cowboy vlog
Id: sRKJ-IgTao4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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