ROOTS IN THE HEART - A European Folk Magic Documentary 2015

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Looks excellent. Thank you for the heads up

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sleavlog 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Watched the whole thing. Excellent!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SpaceROXXX 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

No problem 😉

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Don_Deno 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Definitely an interesting documentary. I would love to document the ‘root workers’ of my area.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Don_Deno 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] at one point in my life I came across a line by the pompous alcoholic bombastic 16th century physician known as Paracelsus who said one must seek out old wives gypsies sorcerers wandering tribes old robbers and such outlaws and take lessons from them this was significant enough to necessitate a venture into Europe still existing magical heritage and to take steps into learning firsthand that which cannot be learned by books after all there is only so long one can draw leap or over books of witchcraft alchemy Hermeticism and folk magic practice bathtub occultism ponder the voodoo pantheon and consider means of tampering with the unknown before a huge leap of faith becomes mandatory after all the suspicion that there is a present and symmetrical world to that which we do perceive and can be a crouched upon by various systems of magical correspondence is a life-altering question a negative answer would allow oneself to retract back to the profane world and indulge in the pleasures our senses do already allow us however a positive answer to this question would open a curious door to endless experimentation and development into the worlds either and beyond [Music] and so I set off through the lesser traveled paths of eastern and southern Europe when modernity hasn't swallowed history entirely in search of the rituals and the people who still employ ancient techniques of healing and affecting fate our first stop would be the freezing snow of northeastern Poland the Polish people of the 17th to 19th century would often employ the use of a cult ruin a giant single dreadlock that would extract an illness particularly a nervous disease the plate would contain the curse until removed by a careful folk magician with this in mind I had my hair cut in preparation to meet Paraskeva at EMU in poor Lakia on the Belarusian border of Poland our first visit to a healer began with significant mystery as we arrived at Paris Kiva's house we found the door locked and no answer from inside while we were waiting a man in a car arrived also to the house and knocked to no avail when we asked him if this was the house of Paz kiva he answered do you mean the healer then no and hastily sped away after that we pushed open a door and found her sweetly sleeping on the sofa and received a warm welcome [Music] parce Kiva was a whisper of great repute as she started the initial blessing every word of the ritual was said with vigor and strength and poetic Westaway indoors Nicole gnashing you needa give Jeanne voice coucher me and I is very creamy avocado do not vats it like bunnies nude all over your the most go but below it he loved that she would let you at the root god no of course she she blessed me against the horrid Colton in between an impressive list of illnesses and things that caused fear before reaching for a woven ball of golden hair from the corner of the room yes we can be spirits of a lament a discovery will spot Stalingrad absolutely not a water never anicca dukkha teddy yep we have obsidian gypsies their bites and to manage them Stewie Jana got a bell on the Oviatt what upstairs she could [Applause] [Music] yeah there was grazing in the book here's the chat server see what have you got for the live server geunyoung I leave this to you Vaska was sporting a passcode smear to loosen his travel schedule but first of all you yogi not chistyukhina goes Yemaya porosity is boshy especially in slices was crazy Souza Grabbe after the blonde lock of hair was subject to rigorous prayer and blessing it was set alight on top of my head in order to drag the negative energy away with it was creating a global eco you mean you see only I could hear the hair burning in my ears perceivers happy reaction indicated it had been successful and I felt a weight drop from my shoulders next came the pouring of hot wax into a cup of water on my head the solidified wax would take the shape of my greatest fear firstly becoming a parent to Paraskeva and then becoming less and less clear with each subsequent pour as the fear dissipated [Applause] what is the relationship between orthodoxy and another this type of feeling I guess have acceptance for magical practices practically in real life women are very much connected with the church they're really religious the one you are talking about I heard she doesn't keep a penny from her practice she gives everything to the church so I guess it is important part of your life for a lady I guess they are treated like maybe not Saints but someone very much respected for what they do that's why I say about this ambiguous relationship from one hand on one hand it's forbidden forbidden in Catholic Church in Orthodox but then again there are also friends on East they support them financially they the heel with their prayers the very formula of contains religious rites connected after my first consultation with a healer some things were apparently the first was the love and sincerity of the operator I also realized that she had worked with the elements wind in the form of her whispers fire with the lighting of the hair and water with the hot wax the naivety of Poland's shiny frost melted away only to be aptly replaced by the foggy mountains of petrol karada in northern Greece close to the border here we were to have a meeting with the sweet and absolutely not camera-shy Eleni Katja T one of the keepers of the exam T asthma ritual or the removal of the the removal of the evil eye has been a subject that has received attention since antiquity in both the Oriental and Occidental worlds it is generally associated with the casting of a jealous eye by a peer that would manifest as a melody or misfortune but if we look at Stephanie's actually I said oh yes that's it for the fun step it you have unevenness time you may get reduced myself and I get and the end I don't allow specific Esther [Music] aleem 'is striking and failure to light the matches and other observations about oil and candles during the process turned the room into a drama of her own personal alchemy and relationship with the objects of the ritual [Music] yes today I'm taking editing grab distance see good steady be stubborn ah maybe you're nervous can you fella give la circulation to the lens less response I miss him and I live this experience it's the missing one and I can't let the city lights and people I think you like 30-foot Gators usually say less richness in the resentment addict alone Helena is to get us to it foot steps tapenade p.m. of ammonia Diwali if I like subhanAllah can I give it up mr. servos and again I've lost it once it was all over she exclaimed excitedly that the room was warm and full of spirits and rushed to open the windows despite the cold it had been a very intimate ordeal [Music] [Music] many panting might I say my man laughs and I miss you boy raw you can put as many matters to give them better let the Pope stand again makes it better stirred you give us it's playing over there get that abyss now y'all get some pipe in my life so we take it [Music] after petrol Carazo we had the privilege to be accepted into the house of one of the TAS Alana kyun Roma populations most respected fortune tellers I had to be driven to the house with a cloth over my head to avoid suspicion in the community the mood was jovial and everyone was full of anticipation as the showstopper [Music] okay if you're free man I guess they just remember us you survived for the future San Dimas 400 I like Fitness a Napoleon maybe a forum Alyssa take something listen take effect anything thank you tonight both your Edna detoxifier and I Kappa Maki ng T actually it's a party lastly talk about multi suspending even also my opinion but my baby predicted hard-and-fast wild and sensationally the slickness of her act was somewhat dampened by the fact her reading probably made a lot more sense to an overly superstitious Greek gentleman 50 years ago rather than myself the Greek experience though charming and kind asked more questions than answered Eleni coriaci had once again shown us the positive force we had witnessed in Poland and also brought the concept of psychodrama and I could see how card readings could be useful in the way that anything that brings everyday introspection into one's life could be beneficial our next stop was the city of Miskolc in Hungary to meet Eva Adam described to us as a popular white witch of the city [Music] sapphire is doing each other a minute is after enjoying the gracious hospitality of our hosts for the entire evening perhaps a little too much the matriarch of the family finally arrived late in the evening and while she had been strong and determined she made a point clear to us that had been mentioned several times through our journey granny whispers were called thus because they did not start practicing until they had gone through menopause to guarantee the wisdom and clarity of the do granny this was a humbling experience she reminded me why I took this trip as she had a similar desire to learn what was capable of the human mind and body I'll leave any criticism of her techniques to something I heard her husband say for 15 years we'll be married and I never knew we had a magical [Music] how did you obtain the water that you used as I did some Taylor one as a scent at ease when we do it it doe feels masters aside that is but as its anti rewards of ease and you said earlier the importance of not taking money for your fair practices can you tell me why this is all the earth melty instead of that nachiketa cause I'm better at my campaigns at metaphase Reserve dr. your name is tan towel is will we finish this documentary in this year I don't let you get forward of me to traveling through three countries we felt like we were losing our direction we felt our last couple of shootings had been subject to well-intentioned carnival acts rather than the folk wisdom that we were seeking as we took the train to Serbia we were desperately in need of something strong both to satisfy our curiosity and also to lift a morale as the Train got closer to Belgrade the feeling in the air became alive and active we were heading towards the traditional black lands and we were going to have our eyes open by one of the European communities who still embrace magic in their everyday life [Music] [Music] [Music] which is the third like a group of people is like people with evil eyes something like that if they say something is beautiful then that that is that will die or something like that so even today in especially mountain villages people they don't like to children play near a street because like if that person will pass by and said wow your kids is so beautiful like it's it's the worst thing and so that's why in its serve your customer when we're going to child is for you don't say like wow it's so beautiful baby you say opposite and again my grandmother she told me a story that her first child died because of some woman had evil eye and she said why your children we have child is so beautiful my grandmother she was telling that the witches when they like suck your energy after night day they are to that this peach summer day in the splitted blood and one morning my sister she saw my grandmother she was doing something with the stick and telling some words magic protections and today and she said like what is that and she was like it was like something some sort of blood and and choosing like my grandmother she said God which is the speed again here in our yard like that but I don't know like and it was all the time that kind of story but I can never say that like that is true or not [Music] after Boris's musings about witches from his childhood our next contact would be the charming artist marina Malkovich who had in her possession a book of spells passed down to her from her grandmother of course we could barely look at the book let alone film it so these are the writings that your grandmother you transcribed from your grandmother now you've brought it with us yeah but I can't show you like that was her like demanding like because she chose me from them she had the nine grandchild like theirs I have nine cousins like we are all girls and I'm the youngest and she chose me and she said if I ever show to anybody like I will lose the power like that's that the whole thing like nobody can see it and only if I give to somebody the spells he can say it but then that's that that's that so it's kind of she chose me and I have to be is a lot of weight for you do you feel like you have to carry this and pass it on yourself no no like my grandma she was originally Papa but she she got married in in Serbia like you know so she she was like I wasn't really sure what she's saying like sometimes because she was mixing the languages but and also whatever is here I wrote that like she was telling me and I was writing as a little girl so yeah and like coffee that are like like herbs mix it like mix of herbs like for healing some like I don't know skin stuff or whatever but there are like half of that is like how to keep the man how - I don't know all that like love well love things like yeah you told me about his fell from the book about how to do man yeah that was like her speciality because every box haha woman is a witch like that this is the thing but it like they all have their specialties and the tide hiding of man was my grandma speciality like if somebody like for example man from the village loves his wife and he she would come to her and to give the nail or or hair like and then she would make a paper with the spells or she was just saying but she told me if I'm doing it then to write because I know it's alright and then she would put that something of his and then and then administration blood from that woman and and also put honey and then and then with the red rose she was tied in like nine notes and then he couldn't have erection at all to any other woman except the wife so he would dispose yeah it's also had like dolls like who the dolls you would also eat inside something something that belongs to that man or also and then for the needle you need to punch you will have to have like on that body like a corpse you would have to do stitch like the needle into his something and to stay there for a night and then you would pull out and then that needle for was for okay but there was no dozers for well that those used for health response as well what good lucks points well yeah like the thing is about wasa magic is not black or white it's it's for example good for somebody and best bet for guys or something like that we were picked up by the energetic black historian and archivist Alexander who was also a black dissent to meet the granny whisperer Melissa who he had been working with for many years [Music] and she can she [Music] some stuffs about your family but it's now we went to Rudin a Glover a tiny village near ma jam-pack in eastern Serbia I wanted to talk to Melissa about my deceased grandfather who I always suspected had looked over me on the way there we found a curious fountain structure which was at the same time a Soviet space monument a healing water fountain and the home of a murderous ghost the significance of water and healing would soon make its way to us [Music] on the way to the hilltop in Rudnik lava we picked up a family member of Alexander who lived along the path she explained her son had migraines and also would appreciate to get advice from millet sir this showed us the role of the granny healer as a community nerve center psychologist and oh come on Duke you're due past I'm a doctor and my dad but you can Jimmy schmuck madam-ji Berger give me a yes Jocelin trip I'm never angry my GA fuku merciful Tommy Newton sugar the other ones we must the road ended and we had to hike the rest of the hill only to wait hours for millets to finish mocking her cows you never could yield ajumma yes I have a profession isn't it yeah sure no podría sorry miss Mary goodness I haven't promised the Chaika Jonathas fellini animal Tunisia is a go crucial data here on record 90 days the da Cunha Bob dr. Nadine Gracia receiver llamo go to the traffic in real awesome Junior stop they open I guess there's over 30 of my boots or Palmilla [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] miss Garcia profits so much jungkook open the terminal on your father as we travel the long hard route by car bus and train to the south of Bulgaria our hearts were filled with enthusiasm as we had seen healers now in the centre of their communities and their influence there in our first stop was in da bridge where we were led by our guide and water specialists then it said this part of the mountain there's a very old traditions as Christianity so all these rituals were taken from the Christianity because in this mountain there's one Pope or like one priest for a couple of villages and people were this type of Christianity was kind of connected with everyday rituals they had a lot of healing fountains because in this mountain there's a lot of water a lot of fresh spring water and the hot water their life hot springs so these people believe that the water is the connection between the material and material world but specifically for this area this is the myth of our voice and illnesses people there live with the mythology and it's part of their rituals [Music] we visited the house of the recently deceased grandma vassal it'sa a much loved character of the area she claimed the ghosts of three saints told her to dig in her backyard where she would find three fountains they were all the saints were taken from of the Christianity from the trash and over there loaded up with bottles of holy water our next sight in the blustering Bulgarian Sun would be the grandma Baba Vasco [Music] [Applause] she's telling if you have some accident with a car here so maybe stuff never deleted is the my vision of the liquid severe shock no snatching hotel to pull out the forever I think it comes from the old mentality that there are a lot of gods of the river for example people there believe that earth was lived there and his father was the god of the river I think he was cold stream on and people live with his stories and not far away is the the cave where our voice went in the underworld to take this to take his Radhika and there is a river leading to this underworld and three or four people went out to explore it and never came back so it's called Devil's Throat and so the thought had been burdening me that I still had this wretched curse attached to my leather vest that Melissa had exercised I thought we're better placed to discard it than in the mouth of the underworld [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] buhbuh Vaska had given me the melted lead bullet that contained my fear with the instructions to sleep on it for three nights and then discard it in water I found another river in southern Bulgaria to dispose it so as to not store all my demons in one place [Music] everything is great and this is a great way to spend the time before we go to Italy feeling lighter and spirit and ready for anything as the weather changed to an electric Italian autumn we headed to our final destination to investigate in its hometown of San Marino Festival in Nevada bodyspace women stolen apatheia in a potato capital reserve the salsa tentacle entertained all the multimedia music ah da da da chromatic live alone Roberta machine Eva : John a procedure a secondly mr. Shiva implantable devices director Hashima the automotive at least Liberty know each other Raman completely wasted because she Devon is imaginary Christy Ravana toughens Robin over there obviously associated regal a vast rowdy quick radula Reutimann road Oliver Dana so sorry política de cultura que ver que la palabra de leche is only the patella velocity approaches is about Sona are no so Teresa says far I donated a quick orchestral is una ensalada gastropod America Venus cambiado and in contrary the matrimony mantle Jose Eber a triple americano the appurtenances Elnora no the medieval we solid on a perky they donated came to know at resveratrol the talent is mo the Sunburst in a crystal quest old promised to veto a theology say a little solid rock Anita ma I was DeLauro muchas PDT important is a massacre Gloucestershire invasion assess Fallujah drama need a stretcher quick Lauro simpleton Oh noona live Aleta tada camera be reported on pedestrian Sutro lot in the zone a catamaran Resort in a musical at a very simple la comunidad de Sevilla Rocha presented entrepreneurship wisdom Western Asia citta crystal is a G yeah the restroom is you got a unibody Delta [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you like if you put the same Sun upon the similar castara invalid album from alan burridge sample you asked me to say you interested some time is good some time is not good for this reported or a syndicated Freeman totally believed you must believe me if you don't believe no charity [Music] [Music] [Music] but if you believe only the music therapy another use you stay to another field [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we had heard a lot about Tarrant ism by male scholars and musicians by now however as this type of therapy was expressly performed by women something crucial was missing we had been told that the service was still active in this part of the magical South I felt that the only way we were going to get close to the spiritual and powerful notion of this tradition was to find a female's point of view so Athena could you please share an experience of the taranta dance from when you were younger a lot a lot of experience at the Radovan tata noble Akhila Tarun's the children later auntie telomere Devin on a lot of the most general even Ivanova staticky information especially Barlow citizens even immoral a economist evil degra a lot of lower income inshallah bloggers are a terror she wrote all have a lot Tara in song by police a novella Bravo you shall not even really get just post title tobacco a persona the supply chest it would be a faiiure memorial dodo dodo dodo a crystal even Ivanova she attacks a Laura she DJ capable Patel's fre started in the way even and odd and santobello the agility the deterrent a little unified ship also you don't have are available lack for a lot a lot of them would have a larva seeker Milano throw the waiver no star attenti dynastar a Java channel la música Allegra now for the bonus interior la musica later she sent a una película so now another watch apart a Laurinaitis novel of Jeremy Chara a boy but seven of them then till they said yes passive anova see from to a woman put the gear on across a jumper some of the Judah velocity da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da [Music] [Music] as the sunset on our last day in Puglia we had to reflect that even if we were not to witness the sensational act of tarrant ism we are incredibly grateful for all the love and commitment given to us and we had been truly blessed throughout this entire trip the Catholic Church have been a lot stricter on occult practices than the Orthodox Church had been [Laughter] royal father Peter of speech [Music] we thought we had missed out on seeing an active talent ISM until later on that last night when a tall skinny man invited us to church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we approach this journey not with a critical eye but with open minds and the knowledge that every experience can provide the grounds for wisdom we were rewarded with the love and trust of people who live outside of the modern and in fact positively defy it just as we started with the Paracelsus quote it seems apt to quote him in the end they are of medicine has its roots in the heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Jimmytrash
Views: 5,733
Rating: 4.92278 out of 5
Keywords: magic, witch, witches, Europe
Id: QjpYuooHM-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 43sec (4243 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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