room makeover 2021; simple, aesthetic, kpop + stationery
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Channel: tarowr
Views: 606,771
Rating: 4.9751945 out of 5
Keywords: room makeover, room makeover 2021, room transformation, room transformation 2021, tarowr, tarowr room, room design, design ideas, aesthetic vlog, calming vlog, tarowr vlog, room aesthetic, korean aesthetic, kpop room, cute stationary, kpop albums, interior design, room makover, korea room, korea room makeover, kstyle room, minimalist, minimalist room, minimal room, anime room, studio ghibli room
Id: qVzvzC7T99A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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