Rookie Mistakes When Lifting Your Truck!

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when it comes to suspension I would say it's hands-down the most confusing topic for people who are new to the truck scene to get a grasp on so most people know or realize that modifying the suspension on your vehicle is sort of a big deal so not only are you dramatically changing the looks of your truck but depending on which route you go you can drastically change the handling characteristics - so I'm pulling from custom offsets custom offsets TV all in the YouTube and whether you're seasoned veteran in the lift kit game or you just picked up your first truck we're gonna cover some of the simple mistakes I guess you could say that people make when buying lift kits so that when you get your lift kit you don't make those same mistakes so it doesn't really matter what people are buying whether it's truck related or not people want the best bang for the buck and suspension is really no difference so the first mistake people make is by shopping on just price alone you know you pull up the website enter in your year make model set the default search to show the lowest price first everybody does it and it's not a bad thing to do in general but you get what you pay for it picking up to a couple hundred dollars three and a half inch lift for your truck is still gonna lift it three and a half inches you're gonna be able to fit bigger wheels and tires but you might not be as thrilled with the ride quality or the angles of your CV axles or the ball joints or stuff like that the cheaper lift gets typically don't include as many components just correct those angles but that's how they're more affordable now don't get me wrong if you only have five hundred dollars and you don't feel like throwing a bunch of money out on a credit card or financing it you know more power to you we were in a similar boat back in 2015 we bought our first brand new show truck and wanted to do the complete build for less than $75,000 and right now you're probably you know talking out loud yelling at your phone like man 75,000 for a bill that doesn't sound cheap to me but that was our budget with the brand-new silverado 2500 included which obviously eats up most of that whole budget now at the same time I can't recommend just going out and buying the most expensive kit you can just because you can if you find the chrome-plated custom-built 24 inch four-link coilovers conversions that you might not really need that if you just want to throw in some 12 wives and 33 it just doesn't make sense shopping my price point alone can be risky whether it high end or low end which is why we do our best to make videos like this to educate people as what's going on and what works best for them there's a pretty solid chance that we made a video about what fits your truck on a leveling kit 4 inch on a 6 inch kit and if you can't find a video on it which is unlikely you can find it in the fitment gallery there on our website that's literally what we built it for us that you can find all of those specs and know exactly what fits your truck and see what its gonna look like another thing I think that's often forgotten about is everything else related to the suspension on your truck so doing proper maintenance is critical to having your truck ride as good or better than it did from the factory and if it's going to be in the air anyway you might as well do it so get in there inspect things like CVA axles the ball joints bushings bearings all that kind of stuff and so on so relating back to price a little bit pay attention to what your kit comes with is super important some of the more elaborate kits have new sway bar bushings or things like new ball joints or you joints are already in the upper control arms and so on so I guess to clarify when I say elaborate I don't mean like super super expensive or anything like that now we had the chance to rebuild and redo co2 which is the big white 2500 I was talking about before we had a chance to take it apart a couple of times and check all of those wear items while we're rebuilding the truck so we ended up pulling out the basic kit that we had and replace it with the BDS kit it's just a standard non torch and drop six and a half inch kit nothing too fancy since of course again we're in a hurry to squeeze in one of our own builds between customer trucks we picked the 5 in to your block in one sits down and we were pretty disappointed so this is where another common mistake comes in when we put that five inch block into the truck it had a pretty decent amount of break which is similar to the factor breakout it's saying I guess if you don't know what that is Raik is when the rear of the truck sits higher so on a 2500 there's quite a bit of rig from faculty because Chevy assumes that you're gonna be towing with it so that's just because once you load it up then you'll sit level and we can't be driving around ash lifted show truck with the back end higher it just doesn't make sense so naturally we connected the keys in the front to raise it the same height as the rear and over were extended that six and a half inch kit and it looked absolutely killer but the first drive was a real disappointment which was shocking because we thought you know what the heck we just spent the extra money on a BDS kit and it just didn't ride like the way we wanted it to but that was all our own fault I mean it easy fix to turn it back down put the 3 inch block in and then we could tell exactly why the BDS kit was worth it when we took it for another drive taking the right size block and installing the kits properly is super important to get the right quality that you expect them that you pay for the good news here is that we already made this mistake and now you don't have to so you're welcome this ties right into the next point on the argument of what fits technically and what you can make fit so I haven't seen a truck in person or in our gallery that looks bad with a massive wheel and tire combo shoved in the wheel well sure I mean some cutting and trimming might be required to fit them but a stuck we all look so much better than you know the trucks do you see that skip leg day and they have this massive wheel gap I mean most of the trucks around the shop would technically never fit the wheel and tire setups that we have on them but again with the gallery we know that you can make them fit because of people like you and people like us who aren't afraid to push the limits a little bit and get that mean wide Bulldog stance you know the look where the wheels and tires are as wide as possible without lifting the truck like 12 plus inches so lastly don't forget about all that stuff that you need to do after your install like in alignment and a retort those are all those those are both very important so hopefully that helps you guys if you're looking to switch things up on your truck or just get in the lifted truck game if you guys haven't already smashed the subscribe button and also we'd love to be a part of your build so come check us out at custom all sets back calm peace
Channel: Custom Offsets
Views: 956,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: custom offsets, custom truck, custom offsets tv, lifted truck, stance, custom wheel, custom wheel offset, wheel, offroad, suspension, tire, lift kit
Id: hNxVSHvyoNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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