Roof wind damage insurance claim denied - Should this qualify?

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all right this is a different video i'd say by popular demand but it's been like two people questioned and asked so i want to do some more insurance stuff people are asking do more insurance claims uh type stuff so i'm new to it i'm learning so i'm gonna bring you along if you're watching this video if you're a homeowner if you are a contractor an insurance adjuster i don't care let me know your honest opinion of this i've been here multiple times for the past two years now at least this side here i'm going to tell you now when we get up there it's going to be face nailed to because there was so much wind in the past they denied it somebody face nailed it just to pin it down we've had wind storms since about a week ago we had where they called it the hsm like 70 mile an hour straight line winds it was sustained for quite a while did widespread damage in the area trees uprooted blown off snapped roofs ripped off claims going everywhere so lady was denied again one damage up here just set the ladder up strapped it went back and get some chalk and uh the camera the gopro because i want to bring you along i will try to put a poll in at the top or comment below let me know what you think should this be qualified or does it qualify for a insurance claim should they cover a whole new roof a partial roof sloped out on say the west facing side let me know we're going to look for wind damage where the shingles are blown loose possible missing tabs crease damage seal strip split compromised anything let me know i'm gonna bring you along uncut video let's go up there right now and we'll see what we can find up there all right i think i got the camera kind of aiming in the right spot there's a house four or five homes down wind damage on a new dimensional shingle ship popped loose everywhere they're covering that slope the contractor originally tried to get their house covered as m.i.a apparently if it's sloped they don't want to mess around and put any more time or effort into it because they're not getting the whole roof bought they can't make a lot of money doing it probably a similar thing here but i mean just getting up here now i see where somebody shoved tabs under because there's been damage a handful of them look loose over there's a bit of a damage so let's go up here and check this out one layer no apron no ice and water we're just gonna check like that's sealed down that's kind of loose i don't see any real damage other than there's maybe a small crease actually it looks like it's broken right there can you get close enough do you see that crease in there it looks broken the map might be broken let me take the gopro mask off i'm not going to edit this this will be uncut where do you drill a line on if it's damaged or compromised i definitely see a crease and a snap i feel under there you can feel a little crease it's small i don't know if you can see it but watch that right there is that brittle is it snapping can it be repaired the seal strip just honestly sucks on three tab the nail's not quite pulled through that's just the first one i found we're just we're just looking here bear with me you watch us to the end uncut maybe five ten minute video i don't know but let me know i'll put a poll up here whole new roof insurance cover sloped out or nothing repair i don't know if you're the homeowner you want to be in this predicament where you got to pay out of pocket because your insurance company sucks like allstate all right somebody's been up here and just kind of tacked some down there's been an old break these were definitely creased you can see creases in those somebody's gooped it to hell we're just gonna kind of just lift in some areas and tabs are split wind damage there it's obviously missing i mean that's definitely a no-brainer wind damage this one's up loose and it's pulled the nail through you can see that nail is barely clinging onto there and obviously here's a spot there's been wind damage here face nailed kind of gooped up when your insurance company constantly denies probably telemarketer the claim actually here's another good one let's get this it's all blown loose and broken papers torn rain come get in here there's something stuck up here we're just randomly checking some areas those are just seal strips suck that's just notorious for three tab i mean you get creasing in there i don't know if the gopro is going to pick it up actually that's loose the whole tab is loose there so that's obviously wind damage wouldn't you say you got about two complete shingles peeled loose here i mean your nails in this first one are completely broke through it's still sealing a little bit but i mean they're broken now when you look at that it looks like it's laying here but that's definitely damage by the way look at this down here tabs missing face nailed the through here it's been missing and broken so in this region that's west that's north the winds came out of this direction it was hellacious i actually had the drone up right before it hit and i brought that thing down with barely enough time tab down there missing i'm not trying to force these up if they're stuck they're stuck i'm just kind of feeling if they pop free that's all this corner edge is broke free i mean you got some helicious wind ripping on this i think i should be putting the wind damage on it so the east slope just looking at it i don't see any missing tabs but let's check down this edge over here that's bro free first one i went to so it's broken free it's pulled the nail through it's broken completely through the shingle there's another one if i don't trip on that pipe there's another one i'm not just picking up because it's doing that but the shingle the nail is actually broken free right there again it looks good but you get some wind up here now and it's flapping it's eventually going to peel that up break it snap it then you have water intrusion coming on more issues going on inside your house there's another one so again here's another like up on that front it's completely loose if you look at it you got a little crease starting here if you want to repair this you're going to need to get in here flat bar these nails out get a new tab put in are you going to crack the next shingle above it is that considered brittle how high do you lift 45 degrees 50 you know to do a brittle test to be questionable i could repair it oh here's another section it's going to loose so it's broken free loose that's creased hell it's this whole section right here these are loose there's a shingle nail no it's just kind of high right there that one's broke so that's broken free see there anymore right through here that's broken actually let's extend that i'm just kind of randomly walking this i'm not checking every shingle just probably something i'm missing too there's got a nail broken free just a personal note if you're building a home and you're looking at getting a roof done don't go three tab the sucks it's cracked right there can i get the camera in close enough can you see the crack so i'm lifting one inch i mean do i need to go get a tape measure one inch as i'm lifting and you see that crease right there it's broken it's a brittle oxidized asphalt shingle just curious if that yeah don't do three tab people now the one down there it's probably just behind the tree it was a dimensional shingle and it was actually it was good wind damage on one slope that's it that's broken free out here so there's been several wind storms out here their insurance company is basically just constantly denying them not one to cover anything let me know what you think that's just a real quick uncut walk-over of wind damage where there may be where it looks good but it's completely loose it's just peeling up it's got damage then you have the obvious missing tabs you have the other area where it's obviously blown up completely free like rolled up like a burrito i actually had water coming in on that one then you get this backside east slope that looks good to the eye but then you find the sections that are are there but loose and lifting and nail pops crease marks 10 minutes let's cut it off there let me know right now i'm going to go ahead and put the poll up here should this be covered and justified by insurance to buy a new roof a slope section i think is what i just heard from the adjuster down the road sloped out that's why nobody wants to piss whether they're m.i.a they ain't putting any more time into it because you're only going to cover one side just a repair or nothing let me know one of those options i'll place them up here and then comment below if you're an adjuster an owner homeowner or a contractor let me know what your thoughts are in more description just let me know leave a little comment down below it's just it's kind of a controversial thing you guys make a hell of money a hell of a lot of money doing insurance work i don't do it i've never dealt with it i'm kind of learning it but i want to be like legitimate with it i don't want to do any insurance fraud for example because of i got called out to do an inspection like this last year after a hail storm actually i think it might have been two years ago and i go out there i was the first person 7 30 in the morning nothing i didn't see you know you're looking for something like this right here actually since we're talking about hail damage see how beat up this is you take a big piece of chop you rub over it you're going to see all these dents up here works better if you have a bigger piece i mean that's pretty damn obvious there's dings in it you're going to look for soft metal like aluminum box vents you're going to check gutters and downspouts is a good one you know look at those things i didn't see anything three other contractors show up i don't know who she called me later that night chewed my ass i didn't know what the i was talking about i was like man i've got pictures showing it i've got it recorded just like this there's no damage so one of the contractors after me was beating the down to try and pull some insurance fraud they're the hero they get a brand new roof they pad the books they mark up the price supplement the hell out of the insurance company who knows how it works maybe you know and uh you know they're a hero they make great money the homeowner gets a new roof probably not even out of pocket which by the way most states including indiana is illegal to cover the deductible so don't be part of that and your contractor shame on you why you getting rid of the profit it's not on you to eat their deductible cost so yeah somebody did that and they made me look like the bad guy pretty sure you go to jail for that i don't know anyway 12 and a half 12 12 minutes 50 seconds uncut unscripted on the fly some chalk give me a thumbs up let me know what your thoughts are if you like this content subscribe ring the bell so you're notified and tell everyone about it grand ripping the best roofing company around until next time be safe see you then
Channel: Grand Roofing Inc.
Views: 22,064
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Roof, roof wind damage, Roofing wind damage, insurance claim, roof storm damage, roofing insights
Id: tAuljL-xWDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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