Roof Top Tent Camping Overland Jeep Adventure

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foreign [Music] thank you foreign foreign foreign guys supper's all done everything's totally cleaned up except for the charcoal grill box there I did drop the grate down on top of the charcoal so that's actually going to burn off all the food residue this place right next to the fire pit so I'll just leave that there for the night let it do its thing it's still piping hot right now it's a heat waves rolling off of it so everything else is cleaned up and I'm just getting ready to get the fire pit ready for this evening's campfire now this storm looking up in the sky I have no idea what's going on so it was gnarly earlier on big black clouds up there now it's looking spotty I don't know I don't know what's gonna happen rain no rain I don't know anymore so just gonna let it do what it does you know but as far as the fire goes the wind has actually kind of swirled around a little bit kind of against my plan so the Fire Ring of rocks is actually right where I want to put my metal fire pit now I could just mantle this fire ring and put it there but I don't like doing that there's already a fire ring there which tells everyone else that comes here to put the fire there which is nice instead of fire pits all over the place which is never nice so what I'm going to do is instead of dismantling it I'm just going to set up my foldable metal campfire pit inside of the Ring which will add a benefit of Embers falling out and whatnot now we are on Rock but I'm right next to a whole Forest that is Windswept so I don't want Embers blowing into the forest either so we have to keep a very close eye on this but I'm thinking exactly where the fire ring is I could put my fire pit put all the wood in there and light a small fire see what happens with the wind later on if it does pick up I can always move my fire pit over to this area just to get behind the Jeep more to block it from the wind and basically kick back and relax so like I said in a few moments I'm going to get that fire put out get it situated in there get it loaded full of wood and have it ready for Nightfall foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign [Music] now thank you foreign foreign [Applause] thank you all right well with supper and everything cleaned up got the fire going nice and mellow now it was flamed up quite a bit I had to damp it down so now we're into the actual big split pieces of wood and I think all it really needs is just one at a time and uh just basically let it do its thing it's not terribly cold out but I do have my sweater here on my back just to stop the mosquitoes from coming through the back of the chair and biting me and as it gets later in the evening and the wind picks up I imagine the temperature is going to drop as well as behind the camera right now finally there is a big wall of clouds beautiful colorful purples yellows pinks and a little bit of Darkness up there too so it looks like it's fingers crossed we might get some weather hopefully so it is coming this way it's pushing in and I'm definitely excited for it so we're just gonna basically kick back relax Boomers over here kind of strutting his stuff over there doing whatever he wants he was chasing a squirrel earlier on going after a little pile of his dog food on the ground and all in all it's super peaceful out here the crackling of this Spruce and pine is always a treat in the evening in the campfire along with the ocean waves and some birds bouncing around but uh I think ultimately those birds know that there's weather pushing in hopefully so gonna sit back enjoy this fire all the colors in the sky right now and I'll catch up with you guys upside in in the tent when it's totally dark out and we turn in for the night thank you foreign foreign foreign thank you [Music] foreign foreign good morning everybody it is a beautiful crisp and cool morning out here directly on the edge of the ocean with a full Sunrise happening right now as you guys can see that warm light hitting my face lighting up the side of the Jeep last night's sleep was very very relaxing the sound of the Waves was absolutely incredible and sitting right here last night in this almost little tiny protective area of backdrop the way I got the Onyx hitch and kind of nestled in the trees away from the wind away from any kind of wind or any kind of weather pushing in here I was definitely relaxing so it rained for a total of two seconds I think there was maybe 20 raindrops that hit the awning and that was it sometimes that's just the way it goes so it is totally clear out here right now it doesn't look like rain today we sat out here probably till about 1 a.m last night and burned a lot of firewood but as you guys can see we still have quite a bit left just burning one piece at a time keeping the Flames nice and low just to protect the awning no holes no damage which is awesome so this morning is going to be pretty basic just a hot coffee relax a little bit and then start the cleanup process so good morning everybody it's yours hot coffee beautiful view let's start the day thank you foreign thank you [Applause] foreign [Applause] everybody just folding up the tent right now getting that situated there is a lot of moisture on top and underneath the rain fly so this definitely needs to be set up and aired out when I get home now I do want to point one thing out this rope that I just untied off of the tent I had to install this yesterday because the wind was coming off of the ocean and it was so strong that it was actually lifting up the tent and trying to fold it as the wind went in because I was not inside of it now with me in there obviously I can't lift it but when I'm out it was actually lifting it up and I heard the ladder hit the side of the rim on the Jeep because it was folding so I ran over took this rope hooked it underneath of the tent and I just tied it to the inside of my wheel here and that secured it down the entire time so that's a little bit of a tip if you're going to be setting up your rooftop tent towards the oncoming winds as I have go ahead and Guy it out so that's all I did just one piece of rope right to the rim kept it down secure kept the tent from doing any kind of weird things so that's the deal with that so like I said it's totally wet it needs to be dried out when I get home and it didn't even rain to my knowledge last night everything looked like it's dry so I'm gonna continue packing this up get the bag on zip it all up the mosquitoes are starting to come out like crazy right now if you guys can see that on camera so it's time to Boogie so let's get this done and then work on the awning get that packed away and then get out of here thank you foreign guys just going through the fire pit and the charcoal box and there is a ton of firewood left here now like I mentioned last night leaving this fire ring in place was something that I wanted to do and I'm going to leave it right here for the next person that shows up along with all of this firewood and there is a lot of firewood just going to tie set all in the fire pit and whoever comes here next time is definitely going to be happy with this line because there's enough firewood here for probably two nights realistically I mean if it rained really heavy and you had to be stuck underneath of a tarp this would definitely be enjoyable and not have to bother trying to Source wet firewood and stuff like that so it's always nice to roll into Temp and have all your wood prepped and ready to go and realistically like I said there's a ton of firewood left over that I did not burn so maybe it'll be here next time I come back maybe not and even a little chopping block I believe that here as well so almost packed up the tent takes a few moments to pack away where it's not a hard shell tent and I've been getting asked a lot why I did not go with a hard shell tent the truth is I actually did order one and it got lost so it didn't even arrive so I canceled that order and the only thing that was available next to that was another soft top and I do love this tent but I would really like a hard shell just for the ease of popping it up really quick and packing it away very quick because this does take a bit of time on a day like this it's not a problem but when you're in high winds or rain especially in the winter time when you got ice that's formed to the outside of this tent because you got a diesel heater running inside and it melts the snow it turns icy it could be probably about 20 30 minutes packing it away plus Standing On Top of the vehicle slipping following all that stuff it's just part of the game you know I enjoy it but it would be nice to have a hard shell so that may be coming in the future as well as another major secret that I have not let out on the channel yet my wife and I we have acquired something very large and it is coming to the channel very very soon it's going to be a game changer drop down in the comments what you guys think it is and hopefully within the next uh I don't know maybe two three weeks we will share that secret with you guys and uh well it's gonna be a lot of content that's all I can say a ton of content just that one topic is probably going to be years worth of content so I'm going to get everything else packed away because this is not the fun part of camping and uh yeah get all this done get the awning packed away and get on our way here I will mention also while I'm kneeling down here packing this chair away uh I don't talk about my gear a whole lot so that's been popping up in the comment section people asking do I have like a gear list or do I explain the gear that I'm using I really don't I like keeping this channel film and experience based rather than a how-to like a typical YouTube channel does I like to kind of up the game a little bit with production quality give you guys a reason why I'm here is to share my adventure share my experience not talk about all the gear and stuff so I dabble a tiny bit in what I'm using like the fridge the battery maybe the chair the tent things like that but I'm not going to go in depth go to a review Channel if you want that stuff that kind of information so like I said get all this stuff packed away and then it's time to back the Jeep up and get off this cliff all right [Applause] thank you all right everybody that's everything totally packed away Rooftop tent awning all the gear it is now time to get out of here the temperature's coming up the mosquitoes are getting ridiculous and I still got to get turned around so if you guys haven't checked out part one of this adventure be sure to check it out and until next time peace out guys I'll see you in the next adventure [Music]
Channel: Lonewolf 902
Views: 35,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof top tent camping, overland camping, truck camping, campfire cooking, camping in rain, storm camping, bushcraft, jeep camping
Id: dqB4v6x-Qgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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