Overland Jeep Camping Near Back Country lake

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foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you thank you hey what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel today's adventure Boomer and I are out on a Jeep camping Overland style trip with a little bit of a Twist so we do have the Jeep and the awning however you guys will notice on the Jeep build there is no sleeping compartment or Rooftop tent so we did bring a lightweight hiking tent paired with a Camp Cut got the awning pitched on that the awning pitched here as well because it is very windy gray and there is rain in the forecast and we're directly on the edge of a lake so now that everything is basically set up let's get started on a hot coffee foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign all right guys now that coffee is on and the afternoon is also getting on we're getting later into the evening now I did go ahead and get a few things cleaned up I also got my chair set up patiently waiting on this weather to roll in like I mentioned earlier it is supposed to rain it's been raining the last two or three days so hopefully fingers crossed we actually get rain again this evening now that I'm properly set up and actually out here able to Camp so I've got my chair set up like I just mentioned I'm also going to be getting a table set up I think I'm going to place it on this side of the Jeep closest to the wheel and then later on if it does start to rain I just sit down here with the table eat my dinner and stay nice and dry I do also have a portable fire pit that I'm going to be setting up off to the side and I did actually bring firewood with me because I'm in an area where there's really not a whole lot of firewood around so there is one dead tree over here and a couple of burn pieces over here from the last people that were here camping it is a well-known spot people come here and fish and it's nice to just kind of leave whatever trees are available basically I'm looking off in the distance here there's one or two three trees it's nice to just leave those alone because these places get picked over a lot because they're regular use spots so I brought my own wood today gonna load up the portable fire pit with that later on this evening light a little small fire off to the side enjoy some Ambience with this beautiful Lakefront view so for now I like I said I do have my coffee situated right here the sun is poking out oddly enough between these clouds kind of sunny and cloudy at the same time so who knows what's going to happen but I'm going to wrap up this coffee get that table set up and take the day from there guys so cheers take a little bit of a break foreign all right everybody now that I've got the table and everything else set up including the fire pit I do have a load of firewood inside of the Jeep but I think I'm actually going to process some of the stuff left behind here from the previous campers because there is quite a bit of it and then I'll use what I have in the Jeep but if it does rain that stuff will stay dry I'll try and use some of this stuff out here if I could find pieces that are still dry from yesterday's rain so with this table set up I'll be able to do my main eating and food prep and stuff here I've also got the tailgate table that I can utilize which is always comfortable using at a standing height for me especially underneath a be awning but before I go ahead and get all that stuff situated I might as well explain you guys what I've got for a refrigerator and how empowering that because that is new for this Jeep build so I'll bring you guys around back give you a little look at that a little bit of information there and then I think we are going to start on supper so let's go have a look alright so coming over to the back of the Jeep area this is a two-door Jeep obviously so there's not a ton of room and I do still have the back seats in they're just folded up if I were to actually remove the entire bench seat there would be way more room but I do bring my son out with us and my wife so having the back seat is definitely needed so I'm not going to be taking that out and we also have two trucks in a van and many other vehicles to do different setups with so this Jeep is going to basically stay like this on the interior the exterior has already changed drastically if you guys remember what it looked like the first time you saw it in comparison to now there is a load of accessories on this Jeep so talking about the refrigerator the fridge is here it is not secured to the ground I could pick it up and move it out freely if I wish which is great because we also use this refrigerator in our van build right up between the two front seats and fit perfectly there it also works as a nice little table in the van so I've got it plugged in right now to the jackery this is the jackery Explorer 2000 Pro right now it is at 95 now I left home today at 100 and it has only gone down five percent and it's rather warm out today it's probably about 10 to 12 degrees inside of the Jeep where it don't have a black top even though the back door is open I was driving with the windows up today so it did get quite warm in here and I've got this set down to two degrees Celsius right now and it's only drawn at 95 or 5 so we're still at 95 so probably about 10 to 12 hours that this has been plugged in five percent at two percent or two degrees Celsius sorry all over the place right now so I'm gonna give you guys a close-up look at this you can have a look at the battery the refrigerator and just a little bit of information before we start cooking because I know a lot of people are going to be asking about refrigerator freezer combo I should mention that uh and the battery unit as summer is quickly approaching so let's have a quick look at this stuff all right everybody here's the jackery Explorer 2000 Pro you guys will notice the LCD readout the output is zero and the battery life is 95 we're running that through the DC 12 volt 10 amp plug the reason why the output is zero right now is because the refrigerator has already reached its temperature that I set it to which was two degrees so it will not kick on until the temperature changes so touching on the jackery looking at the size of the Explorer 2000 Pro which is a rather large battery so you guys can get an idea of how large this refrigerator is this fridge is from vivore I do not recall the actual size of it um just the jackery in comparison I'm not a review channel so it's a refrigerator it works really really well like I said I've got to set the two degrees Celsius it is on Max right now pulling 12.8 volts of power when it does kick in it is great because it opens front Wise It's got an LCD light in there it has a back compartment separate from the front the front does have a basket I don't want to lift it out because all my food's going to fall through the holes of the basket but we do actually have a little bit of frost in there really nice weather seal got a chain so the door won't fly open so I've got all my produce stored in the back compartment and then all my containers and food like that in this basket so I can just lift the basket out in one piece grab what I need and Carry On from there so now that this has been open for a moment that battery should start reading an output because this refrigerator should kick off the compressor now that we're letting some warm air in there so we'll see what the readout is once it kicks on foreign so dropping the temperature down to negative three forcing the refrigerator to kick on its compressor that gives us a readout of 30 to 36 watts is what it's floating at right now this is on high so it is pulling the Max draw that it can to cool down quickly so there it is a 37 Watts a peak 34 Watts so it's fluctuating in that range with an estimated run time of 64.4 hours down to 56.4 hours and this only kicks on when it needs to so I'm not going to be running it at negative three I'll bump it back up to plus two degrees because I do have meat in here but that's a good test right there just give you guys an idea of how long this would run for 56 hours when it does kick on and it only Drew five percent of battery life in about 12 hours so this is definitely going to be handy this summer and I'm very happy to have this setup fit in the back of the Jeep so just want to touch on that because I know I'm going to get asked what combination am I running and that is all I'm going to talk about let's carry on with cooking okay okay [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign better [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Lonewolf 902
Views: 78,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overland camping, jeep camping, camping in rain, overland jeep, bushcraft, campfire, 270 awning, wildcamping, adventure, outdoors, nature, hot tent, overland vehicle, cooking outdoors
Id: eD3jJ17fBow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 41sec (3041 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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