Ronnie O'Sullivan v Ding Junhui | UK Snooker Championship 2019 HD 50 fps

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ding you want to call it heads tails is your choice ronnie okay ronnie to break thank you ladies and gentlemen the first frame running of sullivan to break good afternoon hazel good afternoon everyone and what a match we're in for this afternoon at the barbican and a pretty good break off shot from ronnie o'sullivan wasn't intending to get in behind the green there was hoping to get nearer to the cushion but that will do nicely [Applause] but there is a chance for ronnie into the right corner needs a good start here against ronnie o'sullivan played well against ali carter but i like him storming back at him missed that by a long way looking forward to this one alan oh you bet what a match as rob walker said happy birthday to the birthday boy ronnie o'sullivan 44 today yeah what a match and yeah you're right then he played something approaching his best form against ally carter thing there's a couple of lapses but that cue ball that well we always talk about it and we'll get good reason to talk about it because it's the control that he's got is outstanding it was back it was back to what we expect from him foul and a miss dungeon way four there was just a little bit ronnie's still in the same position there in case the whites are replaced ding jeong wait has decided he wants to have a go at this red into the left corner and this is a bit of a tester because the black's not available so i'll have to get back towards the blue very good how well did he hit that in fact he's screwed where past the blue always terrific to knock that type of shot in look at the action he got on it oh he got into this too much needs a big bounce here he's playing for the red that he's closest to with the cue ball there this could go wrong it's a tricky little shot this oh beautifully played what a shot that is by the way it looked simple but that took some judging 12. 13. couldn't quite hold for the black there perfect angle on the blue now as you can see a packed house here at the barbican center for this intriguing match here and wouldn't it be nice if he could win the opening frame with this visit nice pinpoint precision so far but for that one shot the second shot off the green 26. see the target's 71 but in some ways in in the break building side of things this is perhaps not as creative as a sullivan but then again we think about it it doesn't really have to be when he's on form his cue ball is under the strictest of orders brilliant again all right he's not the most difficult shot in the world but he is the way he plays it it's exactly as played push the red one into the open i want to start the first red was out of this world a lot of players might have put ronnie back he decided uh but the way the keyboard and the action he got on the white though was terrific and look where he was placing the white there to leave himself the choice of reds 42 regardless of the score line this is going to be fast and furious this afternoon fifty fifty one it doesn't have to worry about any little cannons they can score enough with the way the reds are situated to cleanse this opening frame 59 still a couple of reds available into the right corner pocket and he's got an angle to run around onto those just one more red and he's going to secure the opening frame with one visit 66. brilliant start [Applause] 67. 73. 70 foot stephen henry hinted didn't he he's shown signs this week we're seeing it straight off the first whistle this afternoon not just trouble to seek the last couple of years in terms of his form but 80. the trodden paths are the past matter or not all that matters the path he's treading right now and he looks so sharp 81. just a bit of a slip up there he tried to develop that red to guarantee the century break it's going to be a little bit more difficult now [Applause] way thank you the second friend ninja waiter yeah they weren't the only two that were drilling at those two shots we self and dennis where what to start by ding then and a good break off so important isn't it against the sullivan to get off to a good start it's not imperative not for some of the things class but what a settler i think he's just okay certainly opened the reds up he pushed one near the left corner but no path through to that one which makes things your way safety shot quite awkward with those two reds the left side of the table quite easy to cannon into one of those i have to give this a little bit of thought i think that's very very tight i don't think he can pop that well we've had 120 centuries but there's the best century of the lot that's vera ross from grimsby 100 years young absolutely incredible and one of the first women police constables in the country rob walker had a chat to her and she's as bright as a button and grit however here at the uk snooker championship delightful lady and two very happy gentlemen with her there this might be a totally different frame to the opening one because of the black going safe pink out of commission also at the moment they're not only two of the best brake builders in the game two of the finest tactical players as well yeah they sure are they know every inch of the table out there you want to see every 12 12 feet length of it but the table is actually 11 foot 8 inches long from cushion to cushion and there's another mistake um and look what happened there alan as we show it to you again it's freed the pink believe it or not into the right corner i think the pink at the moment's tied up watch what happens here just flicks the pink out doesn't have to play for the pink here but we know it is available what stephen henry also alluded to things your way with his head he very rarely moves his head still as you could possibly keep it even on a forcing shot seven something else in ding's technique when he delivers through this type of shot he leaves the tip of the queue on the bed some players scoop at it watch the tip of the queue here it'll land on the bed okay it keeps it down nice and low some players go through and they almost scoop at it that's partly why his cue ball control when he's playing a little stunning screw shots is exceptional you see it here again see 13 tip of the queue just laying on the bed beautiful yeah there's an example of that as i said the pink was developed with romney's misjudged safety well i said i thought it might be a bit of a scrappy frame of the black going safe and the pink tied up that's not the case now twenty i think he's just got a little bit of angle to come back across the table there's a reds available into the right corner yeah just had enough angle to do that with top spin and a little touch of right hand side twenty-five this little shot here looks a nothing sharp but he's trying to finish just lower straight in the pink and it ain't easy see the cue ball is going to go towards the pink see if it can get just low 26 see perfect again half an ounce too much and you lose the cue ball half an ounce the other way and you land straight and work to do there it is again nice and soft through the cue ball 32 that's finished a little awkward on the one just to the left of the pink so it's the other red and up for the blue again 33 any more pace and that would have stayed out [Applause] didn't expect that one to drop in 38. now it's important here he doesn't can in the red on the way through red next to the cue ball i was talking about now is he on the pink seems quite happy with it he wanted to keep the pink on the black spot for the time being he's just checking the pink spot looks like it's covered for the first time in the break then he's really got quite a bit to do with this cue ball can't avoid a cannon of some kind on reds or possibly the black this may be a calculated risk deep screw um for once it's gone wrong it does have a red dot at the far corner it's a funny little angle he's finished on that red up into the corner it'd be a free shot because he could finish on the pink and wouldn't leave anything easy but it's not quite straight the thing with this shot on these tables usually depending on the pace you play it if it drifts at all it drifts to the right just played it nice and firm oh [Applause] today let's see if the cannon works out better this time not quite that might be the end of break the only possible part as we show you the 52. [Applause] there's one next to the black will part if he knocks this in well that'll be a couple of extremely unbelievable pots but nevertheless he's got a good cue ball by the looks of things he's been very fortunate it's going the wrong side of this red fall in a miss touching the cushion they might take this on if it's away from the cushion you have it replaced so it must have been slightly off the cushion there ronnie o'sullivan hasn't had a look at any type of pot yet look at that honey round of applause but i think he may have left this red for the middle pocket so one he's just getting through the ball so well the q action at the moment is perfection it has to be said can he keep this going i think he can miss the black here maybe cannon you see the red the snares to him as he leans across the table if he could cannon on to that one he'd leave the other one nicely on doesn't have to do he might be able to miss the black hair and get to the three reds which he could he's still on that one that i mentioned this near the left corner pocket but boy is he playing well he's as you can see 40 required already 15. this packed particular crowd don't know what ronnie o'sullivan's playing like because he hasn't had a shot at anything he could beat him well i'll tell you what he's playing well doesn't matter about that [Applause] to the man from china [Applause] yeah ronnie o'sullivan turned hill behind then hasn't troubled the scores dinging wait has been exemplary you know all departments the thing about it when he's playing well thing and he gets in front of someone like osullivan he won't take his foot off the gas i'll press on oh there's a brilliant shot that is absolute quality he's in the mid to date no doubt about it now half chance ronnie has to get close to this doesn't want to miss it thick yeah caught the wrong red what damage if any well the red's over the corner hasn't settled i think it was that busy mindful of not to be thick on the red he was trying to hit he didn't even consider the cannon the other one no half chance again good shot good cue ball okay the wrong side of the blue pink maybe an option no yeah they're all sort of covering each other at the moment so having to plan out a route here to the reds with the stun and right hand side here it go too much you got far too much side on it six just too much right and striking there which gives them extra spin things six he needs a really good safety shot on your sullivan here to try and create an opening for himself because at the moment he's not getting a shot at anything he picks and chooses his schedule these days ronnie doesn't he this is actually only his sixth outing of the season sixth tournament i've not all been ranking events [Applause] that was a good shot there but the flick on the green has left a gap down this right hand side of the table gotta be careful he doesn't push a red over the pocket and there is a couple of reds that will pop into the left corner and there's a path around the back of the black but when you've been frozen out for a couple of frames these are not easy so uh uh this is far from uh easy this red is taking on and look where the reds come up the table and an early opportunity for things your way you need something a bit easier than this to get him going what needs to pull up i think he's just okay the only problem is the pink's tied up and the black will be tied up when he pots it so just looking at the black spot area to see what he can do with it played the cannon oh good shot that is a brilliant shot it didn't look it but to get both reds over the black that the line of the black spot was awesome that was fabulous now this is the key shot considering his cue ball control and the way he's been scoring plays this properly another very good chance just positionally it's a wee bit tricky he's got to drop this slowly yeah perfect no that's a couple of times he's done that in the other frame he the black was tied up and with one delicate little cannon he brought it into play he's done exactly the same again here we always have a discussion and then talk about which of the more difficult snooker or golf because a lot of the snooker players are keen golfers and the reason i think this game is tougher simply because of what's happening here you're playing golf your opponent hits a good shot you can hit a good shot at this game if your opponent's doing this you've got to sit and watch you can't do anything about it 24 25 just coming up in half another you need confirmation of the domination so far as 201 to 0 and counting [Applause] 40 looking for the 71 points to make a 3-0 41. this is definitely uh vintage danger way this is the best i've seen him play for a few seasons he got a kick there and that's why he's out of position that's a bit unlucky he still might have won to the middle pocket but uh just watch this here the uh you can see the black fortress of the table which spoiled the positional side of the shot there he would have been perfect on a red for the left corner as i mentioned i think he's still on the one to the middle pocket pressure on it leaving a red to this 49. once again not a problem once upon a time you know dungeon wade throughout his career vast majority of the time he struggled when he played ronnie o'sullivan certainly ain't struggling this afternoon i guess no one can make you feel inferior without your permission i think he did feel inferior at times and you couldn't blame him but i think that's all in the past you stopped in these tracks that things your way but as you can see it's just hanging over the edge of the pocket 64. crowder a little bit stunned with this performance from away [Applause] 65. well that just confirms the frame 72 mine red line black 73. 78 79. he's made four centuries so far in this year's between uk championship 86 87 as hazel said this match will be shown back in china i have to think how many people have been watching will be fast audience and i'll tell you what they'll be enjoying this [Applause] 93. that's red for the 121st century in this year's uk championship absolutely brilliant from this exceptionally talented chinese player it's near perfection alan the way he's playing at the moment yeah it's been a compendium of class that's what it's been this cue ball again talking about it but why not some of the prettiest snooker i've ever seen on this guy brilliant yeah the brown 110 in the frame just messes engine way you want the concern about that the dominance continues dungeon it's three nil so thank you ladies and gentlemen frame four teams [Applause] [Applause] come on well that's his first part uh of this match and he's a bit unlucky with the cue ball good queueing there but these all that attacking here this is not an easy blue he's going for that when you're selling one wow if you talk about playing settle down please thank you i think that we're against ronnie knocking that blue in under the circumstances but he's been playing like that he's a few tournaments he's just been going for whatever he sees but that was a tough choice there interval coming up after this frame um ronnie could do with it 3-1 on the best of 11 not all that bad before nil even for ronnie o'sullivan would be a bit of a mountain to climb eight now just having a little wander around the table he's wondering whether to play the glancing kiss off one of the reds one of the wing wing ball reds or go full bore into them let's see if he's winding up for this yeah full boar is the red going to find the gap through brown and green 16. one to the other corner as well this is a shot that there's a wee bit of pressure in this you'll feel that with ronnie having taken a liberty in the blue it almost puts a bit more pressure on you to take advantage yeah there was pressure on that that was the first time it was asked a serious question yeah if the blue had been on his spot he would have stunned that in and played for the blue but he tried a delicate little shot to hold for the black this isn't easy either he looked at one in the middle of the bunch there which was a very thin cut back the one up near the yellow needs terrific cueing almost straight [Music] [Applause] five uh six doesn't have to really force this i think you can play a canon if the two reds above the black are available the cannon on to the left hand red it just depends whether they're possible yeah they are so turning into decent chance this 13 let's see how many you can knock in frozen out for three frames how many will he score people are forever talking about ronnie's talent titles and all that goes with it what people don't think about is the hunger that he's got i find that astonishing remember he won this championship 26 years ago and he's a defending champion i think he cares enough of course he does oh that's some shot that's a great shot he's lost the cue ball just the fraction but it goes past the blue far corner shouldn't be a worry he's hungry don't worry about it okay i think part of that enthusiasm is the scheduling that he does i see just the sixth tournament of the the season this keep some cane that's a homework 30. no need to go into them just yet because when he pots this red it releases another red for the opposite corner 38. but looking at this angle we play the cannon now into the little triangular reds there could have worked out a little bit better it's a delicate shot into the right middle pocket mark excellent 53. that's coming up to 43 minutes and we'll be at the mid-session interval very shortly it's certainly quick stuff isn't it time 18 and 19 seconds 62. 69. that's what he needed to take him to the mid-session interval he needed to win the frame with one visit and he's done it 77 78. did that look easy can i get to the difficult last red he tried but it doesn't matter he did what he had to do and he made a fabulous break of 78. he needed it badly and he got off to the midsection interval trailing ding jong wave by three frames to one thank you ladies and gentlemen frame five ronnie o'sullivan to break thank you hazel yes on the resumption then water those four frames we've had things in way three nil in front ronnie hadn't scored a point himself in the match though with that nice 78 break before the end of there's the match time just shy of 45 minutes another short time just about as we'd expect from these two it wasn't easy that one and he hasn't left anything easy for romney half chance here he's stuck around up okay the pink's gone safe but the black's available into one corner so one it's not a good chance this at the moment have to develop a few balls here to somehow get himself onto the black in a few shots time this might just open a few more up and holds his hand up it looked as if the white was going to run into an awkward spot and then the double kiss helped things didn't catch that uh ready and tended to and then that second kiss on the red it worked out nicely he looked at the possibility of getting him to a gap where he'd get the black but i think up for the blue would be much better it's one of those shots this isn't it you almost better play for a bulk color if you come short you've still got the blue and played it lovely good shot seven yeah reds are just covering one another probably worth playing a cannon just down the right half of the pink spot i would suggest would be the line [Applause] it's one of those cannons isn't it you play it with not a lot of pace you'd be unlucky to lose the cue ball in the right corner it'd also be very unfortunate not to be on one yeah that's the shot that alan's talking about he doesn't have to play it but it's not a bad choice well he didn't catch the red that he tried to cannon into 12. we've had very few safety shots in this match it's all some quick fire stuff and the frame's over with one mistake he's interested in the three ball plant here there they are i'm gonna go everywhere if he tries this well there's six pockets on the table and if you hit them hard enough you've always got a chance of finding one reds flew all around the table and one dropped nicely in the middle pocket five he's robbing his back there ronnie's is just having a stretch he don't know if it's a sudden tweak or whether it's something that he's been carrying six the reason he's played for the black there he's got very little to do with the cue ball with the red over the corner pocket there and now it's developed into quite a good opportunity so 13 might just have been a timely fluke fourteen 14. yeah i was worried about three things there i'm worried about the foul good referee in that by yani was all over it you're worried about position and that caused them to take his eye off the pot what it was the shot to get him onto the black that he just hit a little bit harder than he intended which caused that problem this was the one here just a little pc 14. eight nine 16. i'm considering half a dozen loose reds there thing that was for him quite a poor shot recovery he needed i have to raise the butt of the queue looks like he's blown deep on it so a little screw off just below the middle pocket oh that's superb 17. that's very good good job he did well to hold it that much in fact it's finished almost straight on the blue just looks as if there's a slight angle but no problem getting to his next red 22. he's going to be a little bit careful here he may try and avoid the pink and come back across with the blue again doesn't want to be risking playing a cannon on the pink i thought he might be able to avoid that and get the correct side of the blue quite a bit to do with the cue ball now has to be careful of the yellow and the brown gone between brown and green but it's coming up a little bit short 28 key shot coming up okay [Applause] 29. good with the rest is things your weight put it five out of five so far thirty-six i don't think anyone seen that coming 34 in front that was a pretty comfortable puff both players missing balls that they normally wouldn't one [Applause] quick glance at the scoreboard 35 in front plus the black 42 so we need red color red and it would be four one oh sixteen [Applause] seventeen so ronnie had a chance to uh get right back into this frame but missed that that he normally wouldn't miss if i only had to punish them it could have made such a difference 32 32 doesn't matter about the red romney stairs so a couple of chances went begging there and danger extends his lead it's now four frames to one quite as possible please thank you thank you six things yeah the couple of chances that ronnie had there i think daniel be grateful for those couple of early christmas gifts that he wouldn't have been expecting so ronnie 4-1 behind then as i was saying in the studio it's not the alarm bells won't be ringing just yet but the form that danger this afternoon there's not he doesn't have to play no miss snooker ronnie but me far off it he's gonna get back into the match he's taking on at least two shots today that were i think a little questionable well that continues remains to be seen looks as if he's gonna take another one on to the right corner here this is tough okay had an element of safety it was the only ball he could leave and he has left a pot at it i think that was the correct choices shot there he would have been on the black and and in form ronnie o'sullivan might have got closer to the pot yeah that was fair thinking wasn't it going for that one but i'm lucky to leave this it's quite a nice shot to play because you're standing off the side cushion you're not worried about position as much not there as he left one certainly left a long red and this is a test because he can hold this for the black but he's got to cue it very well confidence booster if he pulls this off played it beautifully okay so six seven just coming up to the r frame six loose red available for romney here and then imperative he gets a good angle because there's uh no other rates possible so he can play a little cannon if he gets this where he wants it i could cannon the right red there of the three at the back of the bunch delicate little screw into that let's play the cannon in the next shot somebody hadn't got the angle to screw on to the other one there it's opened the reds up but he's left himself a little pressure black here [Applause] yeah top shot though 25 going it's not the sort of shot i don't think ronnie enjoys all that much he likes to be punchy through the 26 the cue ball when he's down and amongst the pink in black and the best shot he's ever played either considering where the pink was he could have played or should have played on pink and black and it does 34. wonderful shot off two cushions to get on the black [Applause] 41. 42 just a couple of areas that's all there's been in this whole match brilliant stuff i want to get to 68 something's not that far away 47. 21 points would be enough [Applause] 48. it's been a second place thank you 54 55. 60 61. it's going to be hard to predict the winner of this match okay he's going to be 4-2 behind but showing this sort of form you know that in a matter of twenty minutes or so you can rattle a few sixty eight sixty nine [Applause] 76. so long past the winning point of this frame i'll call it 77. that means to be seen it's going to complete the turn no not this time but on your sullivan seventy-seven break a seventh as a friend of sullivan just leaves the arena and it was important he won that frame just to re-establish himself and he has done it still trails 4-2 it certainly has hasn't been magnificent snooker not quite over behind the green and near the cushion so things your way we'll have a go with this red into the right corner and get around the back of the black now where's that red gonna finish that's the question he hasn't well it's a little awkward i suppose no problem though this is an early chance because look at the reds [Applause] you can see at least two five reds available full it's the kind of break that's what ronnie would almost it's almost you see pictures you don't see the you don't see the reds and there's more patterns that you see and get rid of the first red the one above the black and then go from there you'll already know which red goes in which corner see those two both go so you can play for with confidence and get rid of the one that you wanted straight away all patterns 13. twenty twenty one yeah plenty get rid of the loose red first you just leave a wee bit more room to play for the other one next time round 29 still got that one more red available to him 36 37 needs to get into them this time and they're not a good pack to go into but he's one of the best in the business of this type of shop how's your luck rami so one will go in i think there is one to the left of the 74. but the way he played this he didn't screw it it was more of a stunned shot 45 this is turning out to be quite some encounter here 50. 51. this breaks taking just over what three minutes and what three and a half minutes at the moment and counting 58 59. i was talking earlier on this break a bit sort of the puzzle now that he's got all the pieces where he wants them it just has to complete the task 59 blue 64. so just another red in color then 64. just the one part available and he'll have to play with his left hand he spotted something on the red though it's uh things young ways time to sit and watch 65 such an advantage being able to switch hands like that so any color above the yellow will leave ding john way needing a snooker [Applause] 68 69. seventy six seventy seven just one and it wasn't really a mistake that thing made he took on a tricky red i thought he would get it safe if he missed it but the red come back up the table i'll just show you 84. briefly the red position for ronnie but everything else has been absolutely superb 92 [Applause] 93 [Applause] 101 greatest brick builder the game has ever seen what a treat this crowd have been 107 given here at the barbican center fabulous match wow [Applause] three thank you ladies and gentlemen frame eight ding jim waiter break yeah ronnie just going through the gears from four one two four three but as steven rightly said thing would have been well half expecting it and in the sense that he knows if he gives ronnie a chance he's not going to keep passing them up so from that side of things it's not like dingleby feeling uncomfortable about his own game just have to wait for the storm to pass against players like o'sullivan it will happen for two three four even five frame bursts hmm this is a tough one that's it good i really could leave the one he's playing it's not really the sort of shot you want to take on you see look at it see if we can hit it full enough to obviously push the red back down this end taking the pot on you're not playing it with pace it's across the nap with side yeah those are so so difficult now is he found this gap for the outside wing ball the red in the left i think he has you know all the momentum is with ronnie one last shot that thing attempted was uh something to try and get on the black from a difficult red like that especially with the red to the right of the black it was odds against him even if he potted the reds heading nicely onto it six but that also plays a big part in the game island you know ding mr pot come back up the table with him and romney made that magnificent century that time ronnie had to go and it went safe it can make such a difference 11. yeah little rubs of the green here and there do make huge differences but of course the reason they do make a difference is because when they get a rub they know how to take full advantage of these fillers wow that was a stunning shot brown's good the thing with the brown is he and he plays the shot brilliantly around the three cushions it probably finished low in the red above the black off it with a chance of bringing others into the game see there he is he's low on it and the key shot no 16 17. you could do with getting that red away from the black the one to the right of it in a couple of shots time 24 25 might be able to do it after the blue red black and then get on that awkward little red just a bit of a distraction there where it's sitting if he gets nicely on the black this time he can then play for that red 31. i'm not sure if he can hold for it here yeah i might be able to 38 39. it's just wonderful stuff so one more red but uh he might well is he going to play for the loose writer into them he's just not sure there he changed his mind and decided to go into them and didn't he played well [Applause] 47 he's quick watch out there's a rocket about yeah what a way that was wasn't it 54 read the cookie jar what a shot 55. plowed through the reds and and what seems no time at all is on the cusp of winning the frame and being all square at four a piece unbelievable you see now there was a 15 seconds 62. i don't know it was the last tournament 60 days he was down to 12 seconds average shop time i mean that's ridiculous 65 66 okay the frame is safe and well i think john way can't do much about this it was a very risky pot he took on maybe end of break depending on where that drops but another wonderful effort with the frame winning break well have a look at this 74. [Applause] well they're certainly getting their money's worth here out in the crowd with this standard of snicker from both players yeah the thing about it is it it's almost as if with a sullivan the results are relevant it's almost like happiness lives and the thrill of creative excellence that's what it's about for him and how creative these been the last two or three frames my word this has been sparkling 89 90. 97 98. look at that shot as well that means he wants to pop a lot on this for back-to-back centuries absolutely sensational [Applause] what does he do 77 and then back to back centuries 109 and he's used all the colors if you look at the break there he's got yellow green brown blues pinks and blacks 118 124 doesn't matter about the black i wouldn't put the kettle on you might miss some [Applause] each yeah i'm beginning to feel guilty i didn't pay for a ticket either and what a match what's a performance by both players it's been brilliant best of three then for a place in tomorrow's quarter-finals dang hand on the table that's a loose break off from ronnie oh yes very much in the last one well 25 minutes half hour it was a stunning putt and we bought unlucky to be tight to the side cushion i think you can take the blue you know and avoid the in off and drop on a red yeah i don't think it's in and off [Applause] yeah there's a couple of reds available into the right corner six [Applause] i suppose the only thing if you sit out for three frames against ronnie o'sullivan at least you're not sitting there that long so you don't lose your rhythm the pressure of the onslaught from a sullivan not saying that was easy it wasn't he had to put a lot of just trying to pinch the pocket to get on the black it's not the type of shot that ding enjoys he's not a power merchant like you know sullivan's and robertson's and a few others it's catching only for the moment because it won't continue like that but a little edgy yeah i'm not saying for a second there's anything easy about that because they're not yeah i was like wait a good reminder that this game isn't as easy as these guys have made it look today this is a test of things and wee's resolve is bottle character everything and straight away just a little bit pissy there just an inch would have made such a difference there just a little bit awkward i see you couldn't do much with that it was dead straight no and it escalates when you run slightly out of position so he needs a good recovery pot here well played very well played and now it's a good 16 chance as we show you that delicate cannon kept his eye on the pot that was the main thing 17. still three reds available before he has to think about a cannon how long will he be sitting in his seat this frame that's the question 24. [Applause] twenty-five [Applause] the standard today has been such that it almost feels like it's they're not playing in a match it's almost like they're two good players in a club having a tear-up for the bragging rights oh that's gone half wrong still is the blue to the corner delicate little shot [Applause] 38 better off going back to the blue here it's a better target to go into the reds from the blue a little bit of information i just had um there's only been how many safety shots something like 18 safety shots in the whole match yeah that's what's kind of meaning you know it's like it's it's almost don't want to play safe both of them it's just they want to get in as quick as possible and clear the table 39. decided on the black to go into the reds i thought they were a better target from the blue but you're just looking there it doesn't want to stick in the back of them top spin and a little bit of right hand side the white will arc into the bunch and that'll do very nicely between you can see the white arcing though 47. so just the one mistake again is proving costly that's all it takes the way these players are playing oh that was a stinker that's the worst shot he's played today 64. considering the red at the bottom goes to left corner and the one at the top that was miles away from position this isn't a bargain this red with the rest it's a must pot because if he misses it there'll be a counter attack and be sure of that has to watch the middle pocket with a while to be squeezed back no look at this look at this 54. yeah that positional shot he played he was must have been discussed that's why he got down and took that difficult one with the rest what amazing just a couple of pots away from stopping the rot and just needing one frame glad you need to do it quickly um rightly we're talking about the way ronnie treats things as a challenge this is another right here i don't think he even feels the pressure of the situation it's just right the guys made a mistake now it's time to punish him and hurt him badly because this will hurt if he goes on to clear 16. the pink's handy off this shot one frame and just one shot that what a blunder yeah it was still an easy shot but he'd left the white a little awkward there near the cushion but nobody in the bbq could see that miss coming one and he's got a lot of support here in this crowd that dings your way you could hear from the cheers there so ronnie o'sullivan's popular all over the world but this is a very popular player here also just needs one more red eight and he has stopped the rot couldn't do anything about the last three frames but he's back in the driving seat he just need one more fourteen fifteen 22 23 search [Applause] not a bad thing to try and clear all the colors okay he's gone a bit 36 too far for the yellow so we'd have to go all the way around the table to get to the green well i think he wasn't really too concerned about it was six and a few and now he needs one more for victory in sight for dungeon we as it was two and a half years ago in that famous match at the crucible where thing prevailed 1310 i think he led 10-5 in that match ronnie came back to something like 10 9 and it was 11 10 at one stage as well but then closed it out when the last two frames to get the job done so we know he can do it against the sullivan for that's all right he's got quite a poor record against him oh he's got first chance too yeah even the great ronnie o'sullivan i think thinking about that last frame and the red that he missed one that's a good chance as well because there's plenty of loose reds available as he puts this he's going to release another red for the right corner and when he puts that it will release another red so they're all clearing each other as he pots them once this one is removed the one to the right the back of the bunch will be available so it's a good chance 17. it looks that whole pattern again it's one of those situations which way do i want to go about it yeah the red at the bottom you finish low in it you can bring others into play is this the time to do that or do i just go straight or high and build it's going for straight or high so he's just happy to build for the time being 24 25. power shot coming up then screwing across the other side of the table on and off the cushion two or three more wrenches into the table 33. yeah there's still two more reds available the one next to the blue and the one just to the left of the pack of reds get nicely onto the black off this one 37 38. quite an amazing match this another twist or is this player gonna get himself to the winning line with this opportunity the last of the loose reds then we're coming to the business end of this break the next shot this next shot is going to determine whether he's going to have a chance to win the frame at this visit screw off the bunch you'd expect at least a couple of reds in the open off it no sir no no no no sir 45 was that tension that suggests it was well that was some choice of shot to take the double on split the reds try and get on the black let's detect a little bit of a smile there but that was an amazing choice of shot there yeah tried the double try to split the reds i played that pot but he had a lot of safety at the back of his mind also he is sort of smiling a little bit mommy so i think if he gets half a chance he's going to go for it i mean 45 points behind but the way the table is situated you could quite easily get back into this frame take us to a decider and daniel have got that message loud and clear that ronnie's prepared to take on virtually anything he's happy to leave the cue ball down this end he's he's actually hoping ronnie takes something on oh i can't believe he's looking at the red to left middle surely wow he is he is well sorry then wilton's gamble paid things gamble pay off yes it's a chance a couple of choices of shot there that quite amazing so [Applause] that helps that it's just ran past that red otherwise would have been very difficult he still has to bridge over a couple of reds ah that was i played each other 16 times romney leads 13 to 3 but this one is definitely slipping away eight creeping closer to the winning line 15 yes i think that is the end now with two reds available after the pink but a couple of uh shots that ronnie decided to have a go at uh 21 with the wrong decision 22. yeah quick fire stuff just over an hour and 40 minutes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tomorrow's quarter final and play against his compatriot liang wen bo then the favorites are falling here at the barbican but take nothing away from this performance from things your way it's been excellent 37. 37. [Applause] he did play very well but ronnie was excellent also it was a great match to watch a couple of shots that i think ronnie shouldn't have went for but in the end a very popular winner kim jong-un defeats ronnie o'sullivan by six frames to four stephen henry well i said when ronnie got to four four that ding he'd gotten cheaply ding and let him in cheaply it reversed um ronnie missed a lot a long ball um i think at 4 4 off the break off let ding in and then again a couple of shots that you could question in that previous frame that kind of handed it to ding on a plate really at the end yeah and in fact there was one in particular uh that we were intrigued about that the double that that ronnie tried when he was now 44 45 behind it was a weird shot selection it was almost as if he wasn't going to graft again he was trying to force his way in even the red that he's tried to clip in the middle pocket that's ultimately left in game wasn't probably the correct shot to play but listen he's been playing that way he's on the end of the queue he can do what he likes but um ultimately those two shots are costing but it's the clear it's not counter clearness the chance of 4-4 he had where he where he missed the red in the corner yeah for me that just changed the game there because he should have cleared up there yeah and a really tricky shot that pink to middle for dingen way in that last frame and that was the foundation of his win in the end this this is such a horrible shot on the screen not that view possibly the other view it looks like it's a neat it looks like it's over the pocket it's unmissable but that's such a dodgy shot because you're shaking a bit you know because it's it's match ball virtually he knew that was virtually match ball um great great shot well done well done very good congratulations how do you feel after beating ronnie today um now before the match i feel i want to win today um i don't know what's the game going on so i know i played good in the last round so i'm still confident but ronnie's played fantastic in that few frames after winning this is really big win for me i can see the works in the practice it works on the match so i'm very happy but you were brilliant early on ronnie didn't actually put a ball for the first three frames you went three nil up how confident did you feel at that stage or did you expect him to come back didn't we i know i know i know what he's like so um his comeback is he's on the way and um i played well and you know that doesn't miss many um balls when he's making keep making the breaks when it was 4-4 and you've missed the red with the rest yeah did you think he was going to clear up yeah i think so there's not many uh mistake for ronnie you know there's just a few shots after this now tell me a little bit about your season you you say that this is a really big key moment for you in your season does this give you the springboard to go on and really push on this season do you think during the week and this is season two quite not not very confident when the start of season i play a few chinese the ranking tournaments and i miss early a few tournaments and also um it's a precious coming from me because in china it's different maybe different way from playful from uk so it's more pressure and also it's just the start of the season so so it's it's very very um bad to me feeling very bad but now it's um i work in working little bit differently in practice and learn something news as a concentration on that and things will be working good when you're not in a tournament do you watch snicker on tv or do you not watch snooker no i'm always saying because because the last two three has been very quiet years for you winning i was thinking if you're watching you maybe get annoyed that everyone else is winning and you should be winning some i watch i watch some yeah no not all of them so i watch the good ones on judd and ronnie's i love to watch them play and just keep keep feeling because even not in the tournament just wanna have a little bit of thing you're a family man now you're a dad you've got a beautiful little girl and i wonder how your life has changed has it been difficult to balance your your desire to be with your family with to be ambitious as well has that been hard balanced to strike it's been hard in this standard last year when my daughter was born and it's it's more but it's still missing a lot like i could i could see a work walking when i'm playing i just imagine that he's walking around so yeah excellent okay but the ambition is still there what do you still want to achieve in the game jimmy do you think you still got a long way to do a lot more to achieve yes there's a lot of work to do in the practice also this you know there's not many things you can work in a practice and then you can show in a match this is good good things and i i want to keep going on and make make sure this is uh putting my man in my mind and keep working okay well it's very late on television in china right now but i'm sure there are many millions of people that have watched that and are cheering you on and they'll be very happy because there's going to be at least one chinese player in the semi-final because you've got liang wenbo in the next round as well that should be a good match yeah yes yes i think so he's always played me in the matches we always like playing good matches and always go to deciders hopefully this time practice for them do you practice with them um younger when are younger practices exactly thank you so much jimmy for coming in it's uh it was a great match we thoroughly enjoyed it brilliant quality from the two of you and we'll see you tomorrow in the quarterfinals well played thank you thank you very much very good well let's hear from uh from ronnie who was beaten today by june we for the first time in well three years actually 2017 at the the world championship quarter finals he's with rob just now ronnie high scoring high tempo obviously a match between two players have got a huge amount of respect for one another not the outcome you wanted but that was a class spectacle you know what i'm quite happy with four frames to be honest i was four one down he hadn't missed the ball and i was just sitting there thinking you know this could be six nil six one on my birthday i'm thinking like couldn't have got any worse and then uh and then i managed to win a few frames got it back to four all then twitch to red and then um you know he played well towards the end so i've got no complaints you know i've enjoyed i've enjoyed the tournament enjoyed the week the table was fantastic i thought the table was going to be a bit bit of a nightmare because i watched some of the other matches and no one was able to make like any breaks so it's just nice that the table's playing well you know great crowd great tournament you know and um you know yeah yes sorry sorry to lose on that red it looked like the table was opening up nicely for you and that would have been an opportunity for you to move ahead five four just just a twitch stephen henry said maybe a bit of carelessness on that shot just one of those things well i i i missed a few reds so i'm if you the one that would have taken you five four up when it was for all and ding had a miss and then you were in that red to the left bottom i mean that's the terrible shot with the black you know i'm banging the balls the balls are absolutely beautiful you couldn't have placed him any better i've hit the black i've come tight in the cushion you know i needed to hit it that much harder or softer left myself a cut back red they're always very nasty sort of shots so um you know yeah i just kind of like missed the positional plot but you know um that that can happen out there you know and um yeah it's just just the way it goes you know but you know he held himself together well and you know you have to give things some credit for that and um you know yeah it was an enjoyable pleasurable match to be involved in just sorry i wasn't able to to get the result today why is it do you think that you two tend to bring out great snooker in one another you first played in the masters back in 2005 it's generally a good match when you two go toe to toe i don't really know really she's just sometimes like you know sausages are mashed they go together don't they sometimes you know i mean i was watching the other game you know um and that that looked like a struggle so yeah sometimes its styles sort of uh complement each other um you know so i'd rather get beat six four in two hours than uh win six four in six hours you know you said earlier on in the week that you know ding was on a poor run of form coming here and that you know he really did need to start turning things around do you think this could be a significant tournament for him because it's been a while since the days when he pulled in 13 ranking titles you know he's become a father is this is this a key moment for him do you think perhaps um i don't really know to be honest with you know uh you know you probably have to have i don't know whether he's over achieved underachieved who knows you know it's just a funny thing sport you know um nobody knows you know some players come out there and you know you never think they're going to do much and end up winning much more than you expect and there's other players that come out and you think you know what these are going to be the best thing since sliced bread and don't actually quite do it so i think it's one of them you kind of have to assess at the end of their career or or somewhere you know at some point but you know he's still got time on his side i know he's quite a young um you know and he's still got a long time but you know if i was ding i'd want to be kind of picking up silverware pretty soon and trying to you know get back to winning tournaments because he's certainly good enough but being good enough and actually doing it is two completely different things so yes it's just great to watch it unfold sometimes back down south to celebrate your birthday now i'll probably stay here cause i've got a couple of things to do and then go home tomorrow yeah so yeah just enjoy enjoy the evening here in york have a nice birthday cake thanks ronnie gracias [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sunday Snooker
Views: 1,874,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snooker, best snooker shots, snooker century, snooker 2019, snooker best shots, Ding Junhui, uk championship snooker 2019, Ding Junhui v Michael Georgiou, ding georgiou, snooker 50 fps, quality snooker, snooker hd, snooker hd 2019, Ronnie O'Sullivan v Ding Junhui, o'sullivan v ding, o'sullivan ding, ronnie o'sullivan v ding junhui, o'sullivan vs ding, uk championship
Id: VYzQ8HydweE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 20sec (7040 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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