Ronnie O’Sullivan: Needing An 8th Title, 147s & Walking Out VS Stephen

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okay guys I'm absolutely thrilled got the greatest player to pick up a queue sorry sorry I am absolutely thrilled to have Ronnie on the show they play a couple of frames and this this is this where you practice full time or I've got this January the first um because the club that I practiced at they've just got two tables here and it's the only place where they're decent tables so sometimes I can't get on the table so I just yeah it's a lot there's only 50 members there but it's like an old boys club and if they're on it they're on it all day and it takes is it your table in there as well no no no no no okay yeah so I've got this just as a backup just in case I couldn't get on there but it's always nice to have little places to come and have a knock yeah absolutely sometimes of an evening when I've got nothing you know bored at home or something yeah so break them up yeah pockets are a bit tight too tight it's getting it's on the market to get rid of this table because it's just so tight and um pockets can you remember when you first broke off I found it um I think it was roughly um I played you I played ebden I think in the yeah and I would last first frame couldn't put a ball and now when I only start playing left-handed and I end up playing really well and beat him 6-1 I think that was the first time look at this what a shot look at that Granite well you just decided left hand was better for the brig well I just um yeah I got a better throw I just felt more comfortable I just felt like I could hold the white control to throw a bit more over distance right so it wasn't like the brilliant break but it was good enough to sort of so they weren't putting one off from a break if that makes sense yeah I was getting crucified with my break and I just thought oh God that's what I started playing left-handed really felt felt better you beat me and and the phone well that's always a funny story because I always say that when I fly debden I felt like a million dollars yeah when I played you like playing Left Hand when I played you I felt like oh you made me look terrible so I thought I got to mix a bit of right on the left because you you were flowing you were like and I thought I feel pedestrian here so I had to kind of mix a bit of both in and that's what I've done yeah uh have you been the maximum left-handed no no I think I got down to like the green or something once but never never had a maxi no did you ever get would you get days when you just you just decided I'm just going to play left-handed today there you are I used to do it a lot more um when I was like when I first started doing it because I enjoyed it I'm getting the orphania getting all the feet right get the feet right mate I don't know but I mean I used to do it a lot more a lot when I was 17 18 just because it was like I felt good and but then I started working on my technique with Frank Addison in 2000 and I started to feel more consistent with my game and then I've just parked up the left-handed a bit more then right um she's more like an escapism I just couldn't handle queuing bad we're left-handed I felt I queued great every time and it's Bonkers really but you know it's like with a well I mean I mean I'm trying to think of many coaches I've had you've you've been a few as well yeah yeah I've been for them all some last longer than others um you know is it just did you just do it to like almost like get more interest and and more incentive to to practice or something you try something new or yeah I think so I think so I think when I first worked with Frank Adamson I really needed help then and he kind of rewind out some some stuff because I I was if you look at my game in pre-seeing Frank Adamson I was all over the gaffer bridge and like Luca right like quick and stabbing like flutter now and I thought no that's that's not good enough to win Sheffield so we kind of rebuilt my technique if you like just to be a bit more compact good shot and uh but then after that yeah I think just just you know just working with someone's it's all right striking good sweet can you remember the first time you picked up a queue uh oh the very first time roughly um I just don't want to put you off no I totally put you out while you're hitting a shot so I mean um I remember the first time I played here it was with my cousin in um he had a six foot well yeah six foot table in a and um in his house in Kent and we used to play on there so that was the first time yeah how old would you be oh it must have been about seven seven yeah we're getting on get on I was 12 when I use that because I've watched a bit of um I don't know I watched something with you and Ian door on it the other day I don't know if it was on BBC I played it's brilliant I was watching you oh they're doing the business documentary or something something like that oh my God okay honestly it's fantastic I love you and I love that relationship that you guys had no he loved you you know he was like it was like really amazing and to watch YouTube now when you started like yeah you could you couldn't have cooked with him giving you a hair dryer on the dressing room though surely you said John is dead my dad was similar was he yeah yeah yeah because my dad was like really he was quiet my dad I think the one the only thing my dad ever said to me is when I was a junior yeah I don't know about 13. yeah I was getting beat by this guy and I sat in a chair and I was like that just went and he was standing there there's only two he went get your head up really that's the only thing my dad ever said to me my whole career get your head up which is not yeah just not to show the guy you're absolutely yeah good advice but Ian Jesus Christ ah he was like Alex Ferguson yeah but uh and I use quite late wouldn't you to to well when you look at something some Chinese players everything they're playing it four and five and six and yeah Bonkers in it it just shows you don't really need to start that early I suppose did you have a table well you didn't have a wee table in the house then um I did have a table in the house yeah my dad we bought a six foot oh look you still want it still lights up um I had um I had a table here I mean I bought me one for my I think it was probably about eight it was really like a month my Christmas present but then he quickly um yes that was my first table right mode and it was yeah I loved it slate bed six foot oh amazing oh no with a big diesel sorry this tank edit that one out it's gonna be hard to chat and pop balls in it but what age when when I played that exhibition they were first yeah yeah you you would be I don't know what I think I think I was 90 was I was just world champion I think yeah you just won the World Championships yeah I was 14 you were obviously like 21. it's amazing yeah I think my dad had werby in the toilet dinner he paid for his mate to play with him and give him more than a couple of shots yeah but we were all massive fans of you I remember coming back when I was four I was about nine just seen you play at Hastings I said I've just seen the best player ever yeah this kid's unbelievable he says you ain't seen nothing like it was like no it can't be good with Steve Davis already trust me trust me and then like three years later hello so it's like we're in may now but when's the next time you're going to play you're obviously snooker's gonna take the back seat now is it exhibitions or you play through the summer um I've done quite a lot last year with stuff and I lost a lot of my time which I didn't enjoy so snow crab took a bit of like I lost my bit of dedication I suppose so this year I'm just finishing up all my commitments so I'm gonna just either play or just relax so yeah probably um I don't know I might play a bit now I've got this room I quite like coming in just hitting balls for 20 minutes after that's what that's what I miss I think having a having a room like just just to come and play for that because I mean I you never lose a lover just come and putting some balls you know I mean I'm not saying five six hours but nah yeah it's nice to just get away from everything and just yeah I hit balls that's what I love I love coming in here switching like leave the phone on the side it balls just chill out it's nice the middle just look like buckets to you meddles in the middle yeah but these tables are you know if someone goes in off and later you got the cue ball in hand yeah that's that's not an easy shot that yellow no yeah but you don't miss them I did like I didn't like the middle pockets you like tall pockets on anything he's not a machine different League so what's the plan for next season you're going to play in everything or um you've got to wait and see I've looked at the the calendar and there's a lot of like trips possibly abroad so I think I might you know because they're all the biggest events you know like the China and India or whatever they're all over like the big prize money we look forward to going back to China yeah I like China I don't like the jet lag and the traveling and you you lose days through you know like if I if I can't run or get in the gym I get a bit like oh that's you know so when you're traveling a lot you miss you miss a bit of that but otherwise I sort of when I'm there I love it yeah the food's amazing the hotel's amazing the people are just great you know it's sort of like you know they look after you and yeah no I just I do love it so probably play a lot more the the overseas events and have a great beat early there then play maybe one of the English events here because they back them up didn't they they're like you're like playing every week and I'm not sure if I went if I went deep in China and I'm in the final on a Sunday would I want to play in Brentwood Tuesday morning you know what I mean yeah so I might just put a little sticky to get I mean like one of the reasons I retired them firstly was like some of the tournaments that I just couldn't I mean that PTC tournaments where you're like playing in a room against someone and the only people watching that their mom and dad are clapping every single shot I might do my head in yeah you've got to get do you have to get inspired now or buy it or did you just or you just adapt and just say this is what it is I just have to I just go what was it when I used to play pro-ams there was that going on all the time you don't mean you'd be sitting there two people watching you and I just think it's just a pro M yeah but you never really had that you was like about your John eggins you didn't really have that Scotland you just plan amongst each other and when you got in a pro tour it was like yeah you know what I mean it's different different but now the gamer I has changed a lot and it's sort of like it's a bit like going to a Pro-Am in a snooker all and you know it's not got the glamor of a theater or just did you get what I'm saying yeah yeah absolutely so we both had different you know I've seen that and gone okay I can handle it I know how to get my head around it you didn't and it's so I'll get why you can't you know because it's hard you know it's hard when you're like similar venues you know like motherwell and all that yeah you know they were good you know you wanted to play yeah um Derby assembly rooms hectic hexagon ready yeah I mean like but things evolved things change and I just think I have to get my head around it you know I do like a little moan up there I need to moan just to kind of like go I've got to have my Chestnut do you think you calm down though you're just completely different person you wear like so I said 20 years ago yeah I think I think I was sort of like weird because I think when I first turned Pro I was like all right and then I lost my way yeah I mean listen you've seen me when I was a kid and then I kind of got into a bit of like naughty behavior and I lost myself for a while yeah um but I think I've like since going into rehabbing 2000 I sort of like calmed down a bit but it took me a while to sort of you know yeah was it was that the time I hate to bring it up was that one at the time when you when you walked out with me when there was other problems I was I was struggling with stuff um [Laughter] yeah and he's like Stephen are you okay who but I was like I was just the most I think it's probably the most if someone asked the most random thing that's happened in my career as well it's just I had a lot going on off the table at home and I just I was in the right framework to play and I nearly done it on a few matches before but I think you're a four one-up plan one I just thought I can't take this all day I just need to get out of here but have it like having the balls just to do it though I mean I had so many matches I mean Marcus Campbell when he's beat me 9-0 yeah I wanted only four or five I was like I don't want it like an eight eight Noah to come back the next day for the ninth frame I just want to say I don't want to come back the next day it was just yeah it doesn't matter it's Maverick yeah I didn't like it wasn't because I it was just that my head wasn't right there playing and in the end I just went I thought I just need to be out of here so yeah not a good place to be so I can't put that down to anything it was just like my life in a bit of chaos but my life's kind of always been a bit like that I suppose it's sort of like do you know what I mean yeah um but yeah and I've definitely calmed down a lot now I was sort of like not not so bothered about anything really yeah if I train myself to was um obviously the doctor seeing Peter so he was obviously a massive influence was he yeah Steve's great how long have you been with him uh 2011 I first met Steve right and uh just sort of you know like I don't know it's it's a hard one it's sort of like that's something to think what if my career could have been longer if I'd met someone like that I don't know you didn't need anyone mate trust me no no no no no he's you are you've got everything you know I struggled because I kind of couldn't perfect the game I remember I remember yeah I played you once in a premier league which really bad I couldn't believe it and I beat you six two but you were really struggling yeah you're my hero yeah and as I come up to afterwards I remember Sandy you are I felt felt for you because I remember that I remember that it looked at me like I was mad yeah I look back and I'm thinking like you're like I'm like being feeling for you like you're just such a winner but it's the right way to be with me I'm just sort of like full of emotions it's not good to be more robotic bit more like just play the ball each ball and 10 years of my career I just went a gradual decline and if I spoke to someone who knew yeah what they told them maybe maybe been able to halter I don't know but but maybe maybe the 90s was my my time just to do it in that short space where you've you've obviously the longevity is like incredible yeah yeah I always think you know you've got so much in you and it takes a lot out of you yeah so every time you run a world great but to still take something out here and I think you've only got so many in there and I I had to kind of like find myself again with you you were so on it and you just and I'd much rather do it how you done it because I just really dominant yeah dominating the game for 10 years he's like you're King of the sport and there's no no dispute about it with me I've come and gone and it's sort of uh the things you've done like taking a year off and then winning the World Championship and now I mean these things are just like unbelievable I know but I've done that because I stuff going off on the table and I just I'm not playing because it is in that because I remember people asking me it's odd do you think how did you think you can do it I said well I think I told you I said if you get a month of good practice Yeah because you're so good like I I thought you could still win it and then it wasn't a surprise to me but it was still unbelievable thing to do yeah yeah and I suppose it was good yeah and I have to yeah no I mean to win any world would you look back on that as one of your best favorite world championships then yeah because of that yeah I think yeah I think that was like yeah that was one of my but obviously I didn't play a match um for a year um 2012 I enjoyed because I played really well from start to finish but I think 2013 I was just sort of um yeah to take that time out and come back and win was was it yeah unbelievable yeah people ask me that the one I like is I'll be I think in the final I beat Jimmy a stationarily yeah and the whole tournament I just I beat everyone comfortably and that's the one I look back on the most pleasure yeah I mean you're first and obviously the seventh to beat the record yeah um was like special yeah but the one I get most when I absolutely smashed everyone that's the one where I like well that was good yeah yeah yeah I mean yeah did you ever think back though on some of your things and think oh how did I win that but playing like that or did you think no I was good still the better no yeah I mean I mean a lot I mean listen 14-8 down to Jimmy I needed help to get you always need help from your opponent when you're behind to get back into it I always knew that if I could get my better momentum he was gonna like feel it really um because it's like watching you uh because I watch stuff watching you play them I just think you're so much better like you could just see even when you lost your foot you still look the better player yeah you just like weren't happening but I'm watching you I'm thinking like it's just if you flick the switch it's like they can't do nothing yeah I just I was just yeah some days it just doesn't happen that I mean yeah is that frustrating though do you kind of like yeah yeah I mean I mean I think you think to yourself like why because I'm in the two finals the one I lost to ebden yeah because I beat you in a semi-final I couldn't believe that and um because obviously that was the advice they're still probably going to sort of Grudge Match I've ever played in my career that when the same thing with you um I'll be oh forgotten now obviously but I was like I was like on it that's probably the last time I played yeah as well as I would play 2002 again I played unbelievable and then I thought I said yeah I can't I can't lose the final editing I'm gonna lose her four sessions to him but yeah I need to say that I said I did and then obviously Doherty as well I was Heavy favorite I outscored Doherty and miles but lost it's bad I know I know it's like it's mad yeah Lily said Ken's a fantastic player I'm not saying anything away from Kim but yeah he's sort of maybe it's just their name yeah I don't know so I have to I have to ask you because God when I wanna when I equaled Davis's sixth yeah basically the next day I said I have to win seven yeah so is that what you think you have to win it or not you I know you're different to me yeah and I'd like but I think I think you are quite I think we are we're both like winners yeah yeah and like because to me it was the next day I mean um I just thought well that's yeah sex of people are brilliant yeah but now I have to win eight I have to win seven sorry yeah and I think like I'm almost I I mean listen if we were seven years I'd be Brewing it'd be yeah seven but I think you win a but I just think if I'm you I'm gonna win it now drive you know we're different I look it and I think well like like when I say I don't I'm not bothered but um I kind of I want to like Master the game yeah which means I can Master my opponent so if I'm playing well I just think the winning I take care of itself so I'm not so bothered about chasing the trophies yeah if you play as well you're gonna play You're gonna win you like to think so well you've got a great chance so but some people are like I don't care how I play as long as I win and I'm not that type of person right I just want to play well first and then if you know then I'm happy that I'm going to enjoy the game yeah but if I've got a struggle to win the tournament I just think oh it's hard work you know whereas I think you can block that out a bit better than me yeah yeah I kind of I am very yeah it was very self-critical as well I mean when Terry was Terry Griffis was with me I'd be four in a lock with interval and maybe three tons and I'd be moaning about the other frame I simply ever look at that how bad was that and he's like what's wrong with you like I don't know it's uh it's not your game isn't it oh Jesus look I mean I didn't even look do you um are you not bothered by 147s anymore because yeah I've seen you like you've had like amazing chances you don't seem to be that and now I I again I'm I'm a bit funny like that like once they took the prize away well yeah I went you've you know you devalue in it and you're devaluing the effort because it's the biggest it's the biggest thing in snooker right it should be yeah but that's a difficult thing to get that's my way of going I'm not I'm not doing it for that you know I mean I was like you get 146. and I kind of because you did that you win a 146 deliberately didn't you yeah yeah then I'll go for it but otherwise it's sort of like I've just been a bit bit I think you do one in five minutes 20 seconds though [Laughter] that was that was crazy that's what I always say that um that break was nuts when I watch it but I couldn't win the World Championships playing like that it was just two two I mean that's the greatest thing is that I've ever seen in any sport it was just like when you watch your bike if you say yes I can't believe you you said no you're not gonna do that in that tank it's unbelievable yeah [Music] I myself it was just like done it so quick just so I didn't have to think I remember I see you afterwards I think ravenelli was standing remember that we was in the hotel and reverendelli was kind of families at the time and I just see he was staying there that day because he went to me went oh well done and then I'll just see you afterwards and you said to me went oh you know well done he said but he said more pressure making the Maxi than it is winning the tournament when you win the tournament you know you've won it like well beforehand that's what you said to me yeah and uh yeah I was yeah Max is it Maxes are great Maxes are great maybe I should start making a few of them well many of you made 15. 15 yeah 15. yeah I like the one against Dean in the Welsh yeah I mean that's one of the best shots you've ever played that left-handed screw shot oh absolutely yeah it was like unbelievable and I remember the max you've done against me in the final thing Liverpool Victoria that was nuts but it was great you know I mean and then I done one against silver in the following the phone nice to knock him in in the Final Friday yeah it's a big match you know like under the Kosh just have that little 147 I always got it this year because I was the only one to make one at one table The Crucible and I was sitting having dinner oh right and it was on the big screen in piccolinos and he was on 72 so I was 75 left I'm like eating my dad like oh no because I like I've done like you've lost yeah so you can't win it yeah you're having a good week see Joey was going to be the youngest world champion he got beat so I'm having a lovely time no I mean it's two one four sixes and two one four sevens the championship was Unreal yeah Robertson had two and three frames wow yeah I said I mean this is a mystery that he's not done better no I don't get it mate is he like if you look at other players I see it has a technique that you you think of technique in it yeah it's like he's like playing on a pool table he's watching you think like he can't miss that he can't miss out he's like so all over it yeah I think it's just like it's like like potting's like a given it's just where do I want the white you know phenomenal curious but I think it gets to me I think it gets in his own head I think about it do you think it's hard yeah it seems especially at the world it seems to get he seems to get dragged into games it doesn't suit him yeah and he allows it to happen it's like not allows it to happen but it lets it happen yeah whereas it should be just you know good at just blowing people away yeah yeah I never changed my game for anyone no no you just but sometimes you see him and he's like 20 20 seconds a shot yeah and a lot of times it's like 30 seconds yeah so what's what's happening there I know the balls can dictate but even if you're in a scrapper game your shot time doesn't go up really no you gotta yeah you gotta play to your own movement you really you know I mean you sort of you know yeah yeah but then that comes with I don't know just a bit of gold doesn't it I'm not sure he's got that sort of um no that's a hustle look at silvery like each thing came out I'm getting played off the park here I'm just kind of like stop him well you don't when you when you won the covered one you did that didn't you semi-final you just smashed the balls yeah I thought there's no point me like there's like am I gonna win like a 60 Minute frame and then a 70 minute frame and then try and like win the next five or six yeah I'm gonna be doing myself in yourself I'd rather lose on my terms yeah I've got much more chance of winning on my terms because a lot of people are saying like it was disrespectful I thought why why because you do what you'd have to do to make yeah put the other guy off his rhythm and you can reassert yourself and you get I mean I probably wouldn't have done what you'd done but still I understood yeah yeah it's sort of like you got like there's no point just winning Nick in them frames because by nicking them frames it's gonna like in the long run it's gonna do me in yeah I'm not going to win the match or the tournament so I'm like you know I'd rather sacrifice and stay in my arms like Pace if you like do you know what I'm saying yeah not going to win many matches grinding it out you enjoyed that world championship didn't even know people and everything like I was not having my honestly to experience that and to experience it for 17 days because we were doing it from down here the commentary so we didn't yeah literally didn't feel one bit of pressure the whole tournament it was weird it was like there was no it was just nice pressure yeah because you wanted to play well yeah generally when I got to the final they started letting people in you started to think oh this is mean something again right ah because I mean obviously Jimmy had it yeah and again you've got it the expectation of the crowd I don't know how if I could cope with that because obviously I was it was for me and Steve it was easy yeah because no one wanted us to win so we could just go and play but you guys every shot they want you to you know go on Ronnie go on Race how did you feel about planet of course did you ever like feel under it and like before you go out or or not um I felt like I mean in my dressing room I felt sick yeah yeah before but that but looking back that's when I played my best that's your best year yeah I thought it was going to be second address room but I wasn't and then I just got out there and I just like it just left me as soon as I got there I just left me no yeah no I know Leisure but now I've at home does it does it no no why does that tool do it today I don't know well I don't know do you remember when they used to pump the music through as well the snooker music Tunes yeah yeah and all that and just it was just I don't know it was just like the whole build up even the drive down to Sheffield you get off come off the M1 and you've got it it's just the whole thing it's like that's why I mean it should never it should never move from The Crucible right yeah and I agree I agree with you it's an amazing venue it's an amazing venue yeah what's amazing baby when you're playing well I've had plenty of Lights well when you're not playing when you're sitting in your chair place it's a tough place look at that run what is going on with this table wow what's going on the bonfire [Laughter] oh Luca special do you think he can he can go on and and win and like not dominate but be a regular winner um I think he's one of them that he's gonna have now he's won the World Championships I think that given tremendous belief and I think if he just sticks to thinking as long as I have five good tournaments yeah I'm gonna win could win three yeah you know don't change your game yeah because I don't know you use a bit like that you know it's like and I was a bit like that with the way we play we might lose a few but we when we was right we would win do you get what I'm saying yeah like do you want to be a court of semi-man every week no or do you want to win four hours is consistent I hate that word I just want to be a winner just want to win tournaments yeah so I mean as long as he keeps doing what he's doing I think he's going to become a stronger player because he's he's only 28 as well you know he's he's an amazing talent he is like an incredible talent I think it's the most talented player I've played yeah you know it's just but it's not even the time it's just the way it just floats around not good yeah not giving it's just like okay just gets damn possibles and you know what I mean it's sort of like yeah so you've you've got a coaching course um okay so yeah it's it's gonna be oh yeah you can tell us what you need to tell but yeah but just basically you you is it it's just coaching people um beginners intermediate online advanced it's filmed yeah show me how basically it's how I play snooka right okay so some of it might not be at your textbook but that's what I've learned across the years and thought well that worked that didn't work and I think over the years you kind of go what I need a framework to play snooker yeah you know I've got to be still I've got to be pack you as parallel as possible but within that you sort of like create your own style I think yeah and I think with this master class it's just sort of like making sure you don't forget the basics but you kind of like oh well if you tried this if you tried that you know this might help you get through the ball a bit more or you know and just sort of like just trying to you know just show people hey you're going to break building much I only ask because people ask me like what you could be like a brick building coach but how would you cut I think I you have to know these shots or not it's very difficult because how can you coach because the balls are different every frame yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a very difficult thing to I think I'm big on when I watch when I wanted to break board I watched you a lot and I'd watch how you would sort of Pop here and come off dim cushions and bang on it every time and now what new and Higgins used to have the same sort of thing so I could you kind of incorporate little things like that and you kind of do it in practice you go oh I'm getting there now yeah do you understand some people do like Higgins with his safety if you could like hit the boy out you'd find them spots every time but he's got that perfect correction to play that shot and I think just with brake building I think you changed obviously you know you changed their people got from A to B do you get what I'm saying it's sort of like and we we learn from you all I learned from you yeah but your bread building's changed Now isn't it because you don't go into the pack as soon as you used to as quickly as you used to no yeah probably not probably not I mean but I mean basically because you can rely on like because you're Kubo control yeah I I don't really want to go into the pack unless I'm guaranteed like the thought of going in a pack and maybe not getting on one I think that's that's where we I was the first opportunity but when I watched you now it's like I kind of I get it yeah but you could only do it the way you do it with with cue ball control I'm confident now yeah at some point I'm going to get a shot that I'm going to go bang bang and I'm going to be perfect and have them open yeah I don't want to kind of leave it so I'll go into the pack and the white because now got hard book I'm not like yeah Judd Trump or Michelle working pop balls off the lamp shades I don't want to be they were a percentage player now I'm a percentage Yeah I don't know what is that that sounds bad but it's not it's not a tight wrist yeah it's like you don't have to put in Long balls I'm thinking poor that's that's sort of like not gonna work for me in the long run you know but yes it actually play that shot and you're not nice in the black now it's a big shot now I'm thinking I'd probably like gonna miss that cause I'm under a lot of pressure yeah but you know Luca wouldn't you wouldn't Judd wouldn't but Robertson wouldn't it's like maybe it's over there I used to love a high black I'd leave myself here and not bother about it really and I look back because when I cleared up against Jimmy yeah I left myself up here yeah deliberately to come down for yellow and they'll think of that how was it doing it's like that's mental as you say this is a horrible job a horrible shot yeah if you're playing well yeah you fancy a bit if Walt's miserable this is missable any other table that goes in water is really good I think you hear that good um I want to pressure you why am I going there oh it looks good this way no I'll leave that one no I'll come back don't get on the Block I was impressed with the cue ball control was that CJ wee oh and to see me he's done nothing all season oh yeah now I mean you obviously watch a lot of it yeah and I mean and he played the shots when he was in he played the right shots pretty well then very clinical very bang I mean like it looked good you look very good I didn't really see a lot of him play um I think he must have froze though you don't lose 11 frames on the bands but that's understandable yeah you can do you can go on a I never criticize him for that because like I've done that many a time yeah you've done it to me you know when you just can't get the kufu yeah oh never Giza is like loving it so it's like free flow and you think I'm under it that's that's when The Crucible is the worst place in the world yeah because it create you go back to your seat in the crowds like that's dead it's evil it's evil I mean I've had stuff right now twice and I just thought if I get one frame out of this session I'm happy yeah yeah yeah I've had a touch if it's like yeah if you're six nil down and playing eight frames if you get like well if you get two you're on you're like delighted yeah what yeah I can't believe I missed that right in the middle you can fly it now I've seen the Zone the table freaks me out what about the pundit stuff do you like it I like it yeah I do like it yeah I like it it's um I've enjoyed watching snooker more I mean I can't um when I'm doing it this is a joke honestly good I I yeah I do like it I have a laugh for Jimmy I like watching the snow car I enjoy it just yeah it's this you don't commentate though you just do Studio I can't do the commentary I'll sort of like if I start commentating I feel like I've give up as a snooker player I feel like there's no way I can start like doing that I had to draw a line somewhere I went to monetary I'm relaxing I'm chilling out I'm watching the game which is nice but yeah you know I'm not sitting in some little box like nah I can't dilute myself too much because if you don't lose that then you don't feel like I've snooker player then it's no good do you know what I mean yeah and I don't know Murphy does it I mean like I I said to him I said I said he can't win a BBC event because he's in the commentary box and he could have won that world this year yeah he stayed at the punditry or I asked him one of these I said why he says well he says what else am I going to do win the tournament yeah because in the world one of the most important things I think is the downtime switching off yeah you would play a match and then straight away like you're going to come up for a nine frame session in a comms box yeah no it's just sort of it must be nice it's just not right I just I just don't get it I don't get it Mark Allen did a bit as well no he didn't do it in the days he was playing though but oh no but a lot of people like I speak to a lot of sports people like football pundits and I go like I love doing this much more than playing really well a lot of them do yeah I was like you know a lot of being pundit and be a football manager well they weren't they obviously weren't they've got the stress they can't plot up they just do their work they go home and yeah I mean it's sort of like you know any chance they're putting this in these pockets foreign it's hard to find things to say but some games yeah um and it's difficult but let's say I don't make because I mean I you know I get on with the guys that would do with people I used to play Steve and and yeah and Falls is great yes and Alan and stuff so I told you he was running your mates on the circuit wasn't he yeah yeah I really like I really like Neil I think it's one of the best as well I think he's really good yeah you know he's very he very rarely says anything you think well that's not right now I always like listen to him as a like like if he says this one's gonna win it it kind of go he's normally pretty much on the money every time yeah he won't put a CUNY down though will he he won't will not refuse I completely refuses I've seen once play a shot but he's terrified boy and I kind of get it sort of like the game can like scar you in some ways yeah I'm sure it's here I mean I mean riddle but embarrassment to put in some of these shots but but you just gotta I know but that's one thing where sure you know I am envious of you because you've had a life away from snooker where I was just full-on yeah just and I think that's you know obviously I'm doing this this stuff now which is great yeah um it's like giving you something to focus your mind on but yeah when a retired officers go to China and stuff but yeah it's like be good to have something else to really I'm not yeah I think I think like I've just tried to combine them both because I love snook and I love playing but I've accepted like you know just enjoying it and playing try not be as competitive and down on yourself is going to help me you know do it all do you know what I'm saying like you know the punditry I enjoy it you know I go away I think you know what it's quite lonely on the tour but I go in the punditry box with Jimmy and that and yeah I feel like I've got like friends and family around me yeah and it makes me want to start the tournament a bit more you know if you're just going back to your room eating pasta on your own and waiting for your match you like to find a restaurant then you've got the same one every night when you find a restaurant that's it you're assorted I'm sorted food and a good running route and a gym and I'm over the moon I'm very happy with the basics of life uh you've got to like move the Pinker in there you like a good little restaurant now I love I love I love it that's why I'm so fat I can't I can't turn down a meal it's ridiculous yeah I heard you seen an interview during the world that you weren't um Steve said you weren't allowed to run yay the first match I played I I was like absolutely well I went running on a Saturday morning and I was absolutely I couldn't run for more than 10 minutes and I thought I thought it was pressure and stress of the it's like playing so I went back and enjoyed the game I was like so tired I was like yeah you didn't look right oh mate I was banging I was in the um the comms box on the Saturday morning with JV I said to GB because you didn't I mean let's look they just got up I was banging trouble mate and I went you know what so anyway I kind of um got the match out of the way on Peter's drink you must have some sort of virus just drink loads of water but don't run and that was the worst thing I could have ever done to be honestly in hindsight because I realized running is like an outlet for me yeah if I'm not if I'm doing that I can cope with pretty much anything but if I'm not he said are things kind of like I don't know I just feel like every day I have a little run I feel like it's a good day you know I mean no matter what's happened yeah as I said before I think it's Sheffield your downtime is so important yeah to be staying happy yeah because you say you sit in a hotel room you just you end up watching something Telly yeah I mean I watch so much snow because you're in that world championship oh I was watched out of it and then I thought I'd just dumb myself in do you know what I mean yeah but um I'll tell you what I couldn't practice on this table I should do my head and I'll just go when it's going it's going I've got them because I mean I messed up by a male but it's too tight for me yeah I'm getting blacks if I spotting them absolutely switching yeah that's evil and it pings a bit as well so it's like triple odd oh queue action on this ah but you've never golfed have you no I wasn't I'm really into it I'd little dabble at it so I got I got what why people like it it just took up too much time for the end yeah and once I got into running that's the thing if you're not if you're not into it it's like five hours at your day yeah yeah I like the driving range so it's a ball and a stick in it so you're kind of like it's very similar to Snooker so I totally get it um but once I found running I was like yeah no I couldn't justify the time you run every single day every day every day if I can right every day if I can no enough I'm probably gonna get days where I can't so yeah but it's a bit like yeah guys my fear is probably going to check finally in it used to play that shot really well I love that look Bang I don't know you've got a side on I don't know it's gone by the time I'm over there halfway you just pop this you get nobody you get United oh funny thanks very much Stephen absolutely thank you so much pleasure cheers lovely cheers sorry it's interested in that again
Channel: Stephen Hendry's Cue Tips
Views: 2,117,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snooker, stephen hendry, cue tips, snooker 2023, ronnie, ronnie o'sullivan, snooker videos, snooker tutorial, luca brecel, si junhui, shaun murphy, neil robertson, cue action, snooker world championships, snooker content, snooker world championship
Id: dJTnRNZtwcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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