Ronnie Milsap with JD Sumner and the Stamps

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hey welcome back I'm here with my good friend JD Sumner and the Stamps Quartet and we're going to do one together would I be great how about a little bit of peace in the valley can we do that better go well uptime damn so we're we stole till the Lord Oh Tom's and cold calls me Oh on and so here's the last candle matters is black-clad as a sea there will be pee more Oh babies yeah for the bad we'll be gentle at the world new and the line shall we now is from the shall be and I'll be changed she's from this region Sam he's uh there will be me Oh there will be peace in the bath for me Thank You JD buddy Thank You JD who all who are members of the stamps would you introduce me to these gentlemen please well Thank You Ronnie the young man on the other end too Steve Warren the young man thank you Stanton takes to him as our lead singer Edie Enoch aha and to my immediate left is mr. Ed Hill how many years JD did you work with the great late Elvis Presley for seven years seven years well you had the ideas of wonderful times with him I understand he was very generous and he gave you a limousine is that right or what that well he gave me a lot of things yeah he gave me a 26-foot limousine and a lot of jewelry and tried to give me a lot more than that that I would take yes sir well it was a wonderful time I know you guys were with him in Las Vegas a lot and any particularly of course I I know because of a friend of mine Billy Koren who tells me some of the things that happened and some of the stories but one it was kind of interesting to me was a I guess maybe when maybe you don't want to tell this story I don't know but one I guess when a particular sound something happened on stage and you hit a note and Elvis must have thought that maybe you had a cold or something is that you remember that did he take you to the hospital and actually have your lungs pumped out well he took me up I had trouble hitting one note one night and he had me come up to his suite yeah and of course he gave me a ring thank God before he did all this and then he he said I I want you to go in to my bedroom and get off all your clothes and lay on my bed and put your feet up on the headboard and lay flat on the bed the doctors going to pump your lungs out and our new lender Thompson was coming into the room with him and I really am NOT proud of my beautiful body with nothing on it and she came in and of course I tried to cover myself up weren't able to do so but they pumped my lungs out and he gave me 22 shots he was a doctor too and give me 22 shots in certain places that get sore and when he got through with me I couldn't saying sure enough but one thing you do want to do is tell Elvis that something was wrong with you he'd have your teeth poo yeah that's right well that's that's wonderful you sang on some of the the the the records some of the well some of the records you scared you guys say we sung on always record the last seven years we live way down Moody Blues well just anything he recorded we don't always movies with him and the Honolulu Elvis Aloha from Honolulu everything he done we done well not exactly almost everything he times we done well that's wonderful that's great and I'm looking how much time oh we are okay well that's what's what's happening now JD what do you guys you're you're traveling playing big shows all over the country and we do about three four days a week we cover the entire United States we run across you once in a while on the highway but never and the show we worked a date with you we was over in a cowboy using the Coliseum in Jackson Mississippi last year we should have gotten together if I'd have known about that we would have I tried to where they wouldn't let me that's great Thank You JD and the Stamps Quartet ladies and gentlemen thank you very much and coming up next
Channel: Billy Coren
Views: 46,237
Rating: 4.9761906 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2016
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