Ron White Selling His Beverly Hills Home

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hi i'm ron white this is my third wife donna i got to sell this house come on in take a look at it you might want [Music] so [Music] now i don't know where we're going to start but i'm going to start by pouring myself a cocktail tequila it's what everybody should drink cheers i guess we can start with the kitchen and dining area which we're standing in now without explanation if it wasn't a kitchen there wouldn't be a stove and if it wasn't a dining room there wouldn't be a dining room table those are all just facts anyway uh you guys uh i'll show you the house um it was all done by an interior designer named kevin young who is a masterful guy uh everything you see here was custom made for the home including the lamp fixtures uh all the the kitchen fixtures uh all this stuff is built in there's also a hidden television right underneath this it just kind of pops up here we spend almost no time in this room and rarely eat here the kitchen has i think is one of the prettiest things in the house and i love the combination of wood and marble uh it's got wolf appliances and uh sub zero it's really full of refrigerated things pretty good right if you like light tasteless beer i've got it you'll notice mostly tequila products and crackers and that's what keeps me going and i found out this house had four built-in dishwashers about two minutes ago because i didn't realize that it did but it does sure enough we're going to walk into the living room which features these beautiful uh ridiculously expensive blackout curtains now if you just hit some of these buttons over here it all starts to open up to the city of los angeles i rarely invite the city of los angeles over also this room features a projector television system the projector comes out of a hole in the ceiling and it has two different screen options one of them drops out of the ceiling and then one of them is a screen door now why would you do that you might ask yourself if you do the screen this way it's a movie screen if you do it this way it keeps the bugs that we don't have in southern california anyway out of the house all the doors of the living room open completely making this one of the best party houses up here if you'll come outside we do have a fountain and you might think to yourself uh well is that a buddha and uh i'm like it's whatever religious icon you'd like for it to be we also have an attachment beard that makes it kind of a chubby jesus you can leave that in or take it out i don't really care uh this is uh also a fire uh pit and uh and all the tile work is just extraordinary um and a really comfortable place late at night if i can't sleep i come out here and lay down on that look at the stars and sleep like a baby this thing puts out more fire than you can imagine i'll show you where i do eat and also one of the coolest things about this this home is just how hard it parties whether you're here or not this door opens as easy as pie which opens us up to this beautiful little plastic dining room table which is where i eat almost every single meal i eat here uh it's got the best view in town and with the smoke and fires and whatever smog we could muster we've kind of come to the illusion of it being close to downtown down just a little bit my favorite place in the house are these decks and there's about 2 000 square feet of them that are all just usable wonderful spaces and this is where i drink most of the tequila that i drink i drink number one tequila by the way and also own that company plug it when you can now we've made kind of a loop but we missed a couple things so let's grab a quick look i'll step out of your way let you get a shot of this it's a beautiful bathroom uh it's the only restroom on the top floor and the one that i use the most when i'm freshly getting out of the car all the toilets are toto toilets and the toilet opens as you walk towards the toilet like you couldn't possibly lift it up yourself so that's good i'll show you the one downstairs the house is uh three stories and uh the first story is i could afford it the second story is now i have to sell it it uh you'd think three floors that's a lot of work on the old knees and uh how are you standing up to all this well you push that button open it up and don it just goes right in and that's an elevator that services the three floors it's all also got stairs if your knees work uh come on out must have come [Music] good boy he's an on-cue actor and this is also a picture of donna in her wedding dress if you want to get a little shot of that i said it look it would look better if you look like you were ironclad at our wedding uh so that's what she put on down the stairs all of these railings were custom made by the same people that did all the lighting and they feature some things i said no to which were these crystals when the designer said here's some ideas i said no to almost every single one of them and he just did it anyway because he knew best and he was right 100 there are little lights on the on the side of the floor and they light up as you go down and this is also a light that stays on most of the time it kind of illuminates the staircase now that brings us to floor number b two now this is the it was kind of uh built as a double master uh with a connecting closet um so this would have been my room and still is this is where i stay this is one of the bathrooms and as i told you before when you walk towards the toilet it opens now does that make any sense at all no can you stop it i don't think so uh and now if you've got the other part open you just push this right here do whatever needs to be done uh it's a gorgeous uh bathroom that kevin young came up with uh and again i said no to every single thing you like about this house and outside of this bedroom there is another porch and a house that was one time owned by jessica alba that was the perk and one of the reasons i did buy it you know it just sounds good to say jessica apple is over there we'll go back inside at this door this is my office where almost nothing happens uh i do smoke cigars and um all of these drawers in this cabinet are humidors to keep cigars safe that is also a humidor that's also a humidor this is a set list of stuff that i'm currently working on but it's not really anything you'd be interested in at this point let's go back outside and go this way come on this of course is the outdoor paddy toe to the master bedroom i don't know why i said of course because how would you know that come on in now this is the bigger of the two bedrooms and uh would be called the i forget what they're calling them these days but it's also push button blackout curtains venetian plaster on the ceiling you guys are welcome to go into the bathroom but i'm going to tell you now i counted the soap so don't steal anything now when i said there was a connected closet between these two bedrooms this is it i have never seen a closet like this before it has spinning things and uh that's where i keep all my stage clothes and whatever clothes i have i keep them all here in the closet it's got uh it's got some tricky doors that open that you can't tell and i'm not going to show you how to do that unless you uh buy the house and then i'll show you how to do it but yeah now this door was actually uh it came from a monastery in tibet i don't know if that's true enough it can't be true i just made it up and what are the odds i guessed it come on in this is just a small gym and where i do a thing i call yoga napping it's not exactly exercising and you don't exactly get any benefits from it down another flight of stairs come on let's go so again you can see that it's got the little lights that follow you on the way down to make sure you're not walking on a dark staircase and the uh the rare stones get even weirder and i said no even louder when they started illuminating them i'm like no no way you got to be kidding me uh this is i don't know kind of a man cave type of thing it's where i store oh well that's embarrassing an awful lot of number one tequila and some towels that's good huh i got a tv with a sound bar there's also a dishwasher here there's a microwave here a lot of drawers and storage there is another refrigerator because you know you need a lot of them come with me this way is another small bedroom it was made to cut hair in which is what we do with it so it's got a barber sink and that's kind of what it's for all right and now for the part of the house it makes no sense at all this wall which is a safe room with another toilet but you have to lift that one yourself and uh then there's a little glass petition there uh with a 12 gauge uh mossberg shotgun that you want no part of and i'm not going to use it on you either probably and this is this room can be whatever you want it to be right now it's a recording studio and the sound room in here could be a closet or it's a pitch perfect sound room signed off on by another then brian johnson from acdc then there are also sound boards down here in three other places so if you were recording music in here you could put a band out there you could put a drummer in here you could put a bass player in that bathroom and that's what it was designed for but it also would make an amazing home office once you took that board out of it and figured out a way to fill in that space where i cut that marble out all right little problem no problem this is uh a painting of my other two french bulldogs that passed away and it was done by an artist who was my best friend named joey walden and uh i love him and missing and when my mother first saw this she said their noses aren't blue and i was like we know uh and even though he was dying and he didn't know it when he painted it on the back of it he drew this we're already dead keep that in mind all right now let's go outside so this is uh one of the levels of the house that we uh we use the most uh it's about four steps down from the last part of the house that you saw and uh i play a lot of golf and the best part of my game is about a 18 uh or 20 foot lob shot and the reason is because of this it's a putting green uh now we planted uh fruit trees at the end of it to kind of soften the blow of a thin shot uh but and it works pretty good we haven't broken one yet um there's a little swimming pool here that's heated and it's easy to cover one push of a button and which brings us to another little living area okay uh this this little living room is where we spend a lot of time in in the evening watching movies on uh on this television that pops up out of it little statue over by the pool it comes with the house because i don't want to move it to austin but anyway here's where i start set up hit the little lob shot over the water hazard onto the green i guarantee you your short game will never be better we'll take a shot just so you can tell i'm not talking smack what what did i tell you pretty sharp one take i think that about wraps up the tour and uh let's go upstairs and sit on the deck and have a cocktail run it through its paces what do you [Music] think [Music] wow [Music] hey uh thanks for taking a look at my home i'd like to thank my fans who bought this house and let me have the pleasure and privilege of living in it for quite a few years and uh it's a shame to let it go but in these times of the coronavirus we're all looking at new realities right and and so at one point it looks smart for me to act like i might never make another dime and it's time to scale it on back a little bit i hope whoever buys this home enjoys it as much as i have it's been a pleasure and thank you to my fans for buying it for me and taking care of me all these years i appreciate it cheers [Music] you
Channel: Tri-Blend Media
Views: 804,226
Rating: 4.8682408 out of 5
Keywords: Ron White, Ron White Selling his beverly hills home, ron white sells his beverly hills home, ron white home, ron white house, ron white beverly hills, Ron White comedy, Ron White is selling his beverly hills house, interior design, interior design Kevin Young
Id: uA_4SV-Nry0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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