Ron Burgundy & The "Infamous Fanny" Interview LIVE FULL Australian Tv 25-11-2013

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Thank You Man with Aussie media legend ray Martin he doesn't say the smouldering looks of Anderson Cooper the vastly underrated youthfulness of Larry King mix it with Mel Walden and even then that hideously talented creation could only imagine soaring to the dizzying heights of anchorman Ron Burgundy I'm ready good evening I'm Ron Burgundy here's what's going on in your world tonight beginning is the anchorman of San Diego's award-winning Action 4 News team before heading the world news center with wife Veronica Corningstone Ron is not afraid to get his hands dirty for a scoop we woke up the mama fiercely passionate about issues that affect not just the community but also himself captures God Scotch ear goes down down and through my batter and often imitated what's fired from a network for wear jewelry they look just like those yep that's an anchorman porno Ron has traveled to Australia to share his professional wisdom and mustache grooming tips with us all but it's sure to be news but not as we know it gentlemen Ron Burgundy that's very nice and I I just want to say it is an honor for me to be here in Australia and I want to make sure I say it the right way the proper Australian greeting konichiwa welcome oh and put another Fanny on the barbie yeah yes now run um if you don't mind me saying sorry I was nervous about yeah it was to write you until you know what spit right in right at you if you don't mind me saying you you look spectacular I have to say well um that's a given yeah but how long does it take uh this can take anywhere from six to eight hours today I only took three so got it done in a jiffy because I knew you guys have run a tight ship here and I didn't want to keep ray waiting yes yes now Ron you've had some incredible career highlights mm-hmm is it possible to name just one oh my gosh well I've covered ten wars two of which I personally started you know many political events various things it's hard to say probably the most most important thing I've done in my career either professional personal wise was the was the night I made love to Bruce Lee how was that I can't even describe it it was just to two beings at the top of their profession just lightning quick movements and uh and before you know it we're both in satin robes smoking a cigarette and one that sort of leads me into I read your book we'll just let me off at the top yes Ron Burgundy it outlines there you back it so you grew up in the Midwestern America you know yes Daniel's Worth Iowa with with a Mexican background or not was that tightly Mexican uh no no no I went to a Catholic school Our Lady Queen of Chewbacca high school how did that influence the new career in you and your character sir it was come the becomes provider well it you know it instilled all the values yeah in me um it taught me taught me how to steal you know a lot of backstabbing in the news game right ray I mean you have to watch your back you do it leave good for you to people watch it back Ron this is a curly one for you by now your any question please well I'm an open book yeah what would the world be like if there was no news at all your real son of a [ __ ] you know uh I mean that would be like no Christmas you know I think we need our news it's uh there's a phrase in the United States the Fourth Estate it keeps the powerful in check we need all the war and all the death and all that stuff absolutely what sells the news and without it let's face it to be nothing to watch you're right it's well known that you you've been at the forefront of news in the way that it's developed originally found out that you were the first to cover a live car chase live on air yes uh where's the future of news where are we going uh the future of news is in a single word robots and I have to rub up do what you do uh believe me they're gonna be doing a lot more than what I can do robots are just they're gonna blow your mind yeah couldn't robot make love to Bruce Lee uh oh my gosh I didn't even think about that what about a robot that looks exactly like Bruce Lee coming to your house every night with an open invitation yeah I mean that's what that's what's in store in the future Ron there was some big international news today um including of course Conrad Murray's revelation that he held Michael Jackson's penis of venomous well it doesn't doesn't surprise me every doctor I've ever had has held my penis just about every night and then I usually find out they're not a physician they're usually a carpenter or someone everything has a doctor hmm but that that's that's a that's a weird one that's I don't think we saw that one run another you've defended the Canadian Mayor Rob Ford who's admitted that he smoked crack is that a smart thing to do as a top [ __ ] man you know I've done it a handful of times yeah um it's not that bad I'm not saying run out and smoke crack of course not uh but you know hey you've never done it on air though and you no of course not but if anyone has any crack in the studio now Ron for anyone who's just sweet Georgie let me take over here LeeAnn Ellison the American woman who was criticized for cross training while heavily pregnant and she might have been drink driving as well posted online about her post-baby body the 35 year old welcome son Skyler earlier this month and she told the haters that they can kiss her CrossFit arse is that the first time you've ever used us that's the first time ever used the word ours finally some good news for labor with the latest opinion polls showing the opposition's enjoying a surge in popularity the first fairfax nielsen bold horrible poll by web since the election sees Labour's two-party preferred vote up more than 5 points to 52% versus the coalition on 48 but Tony Abbott remains the preferred Prime Minister any big shocks there in that poll for you Ron you well I the biggest shock I thought was that the Green Party went up from 9% to 11% and I just don't understand how you can have an entire political party with people of just the last name green how is that effective in any way and it's kind of remarkable no one's ever write it before julia gillard you chilly remember Julia Gillard the redheaded Prime Minister Oh Julia mmm she missing her Julie I know you got a lot of time on your hands right now so do i yeah that's correct having this country you do travel the world we know that don't you I mean you've already took you've already mentioned the word fanny that can get you in trouble in this country do you know what a fan e's in this country I have no idea no it's uh what do you think it is I believe it's a small rodent this is it I thought I made backside in your country oh that's odor obeying our country yes yeah fatiah wrong yes yeah look a boost and he right here it means the front front side for well a car the front bottom a front bottom for a woman woman right for the the crotchal region yeah okay it's very silly to refer to that area as the fanny makes you laugh yeah stop talking about touching fatties with you know hello and never name a child fanny I mean maybe it's a news rate of thing ray of you and he had had any linguistic awkwardness in your career have a debt a 60 minute story once in France and we went to Lourdes where the miracles are Lords are happened and I did a half-hour interview with a priest in french but i speak no French so he spoke and I just said yes and asked the next question and he spoke and I asked the next question so it was kind of silly but Ron you'd have done much the same cuz you're a world traveler yes I and I know I had no no other foreign language other than a little bit of pig latin and ray did exactly the right thing you just nod your head couldn't ask the next question yes yes no I've got to ask hypothetically you know but probably the two greatest news men on the planet head-to-head in a ratings battle who would win between you guys well look I know that raised a gentleman I'm a gentleman if we were on competing stations I would invite him out to lunch we have a few cocktails and then I'd find a moment to sneak out and cut the brakes in his car but other than that just above board yeah you know what may the best man win I reckon probably 60% of the time what win the writings all the time respect your well I respect you as well and we had so much fun arrow if you remember in 1974 at the international news conference down in Madagascar you me Cronkite Kylie Minogue Ray took his shirt off and all bets were off and we oh my gosh they look they're not floppy guns oh they're not they weren't back then and they aren't today we drank a gallon of Kahlua shot flare guns into the local coral reefs what else you do we woke up four days later in Sri Lanka reading more about that story in your next autobiography but for now unfortunately it won't be in there but it's been an absolute pleasure so would you please take Ron Burgundy how do you think your daddy did huh you don't do it it's not easy time father oh the other father of two daddies yeah he's just my
Channel: James DeWeaver
Views: 2,010,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (Film), November 25, 2013, Will Farrell, Actor, Ron Burgundy, news anchorman, Channel 4, Ray Martin, Australia, interview, Live, Television (Invention), comedian, Will Ferrel, #WillFerrel, San Diego, Will Ferrell (Author), Australian Tv Interview, Infamous fanny interview, The
Id: K0olH1FmP1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2013
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