Romans 8:9-13 "The New You" - 9/13/2018

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[Music] okay we're going live all right we are at the iconic herbs house in Dallas Texas and we've been off for several months actually I guess two or three months three Wow so I'm just elated to be back it's good to see you men and we've got some new men as well so no you're welcome and I want to welcome those watching my live stream and we're elated that you're part of this study as well so we've got a great study and we left off in Romans 8 so the encouragement to turn your take your Bible and turn to Romans 8 while you are just a brief update on why I haven't been here I've been in the Philippines for two weeks and I've been in Indonesia for one week phenomenal experience phenomenal experience and wish I could just walk you through everything that I've done and seen and been and met and the whole thing but it's been explosively powerful so it's been the best of times so I've been with pastors I've been on University campuses I've been with businessmen I've been with everybody and in the Philippines I did Romans so this study was a preparation for the Philippines this was kind of like that was a mulligan or this was a mulligan so anyway I'm just I'm back I'm all-in we'll be here next week we'll be here the following week and I want to get us back into the swing of things so Romans 8 Romans 8 and I want to start in verse 9 and let me read through verse 13 and I hope we can we can get through this however you are not in the flesh Romans 8:9 but in the spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you but if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to him if Christ is in you though the body is dead because of sin yet the Spirit is alive because of righteousness but if the spirit of him who raised Christ from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you so then brethren we are under obligation your translation may say a debtor we are under obligation not to the flesh to live according to the flesh for if you live according to the flesh you must die but if by the spirit you are being put you are putting to death the deeds of the body you will live yea let me let me pray father as we look at these verses now we ask that you would open our eyes to see what your word says and open our hearts to receive these truths and help us to put it into practice so that we can live out the reality of these verses lord I thank you for these men their eagerness their love for you their their love for your word and I just ask that you would unusually bless them and grant your favor to them in every area of their life only you can make this study what what it should be and so we ask now that by your spirit you would teach us now the truth of your word we pray this in Christ's name Amen okay if I was to put a title on these verses it would be this the new you the new you because these verses are all about the change that takes place in our life when we are born again now the words born again are not found here but the truth of the new birth is and it talks about and what we're going to discover is five dramatic changes that took place in our life the moment we were saved these are all indicative statements these are statements of fact that took place in our lives and it's not three out of the five or two out of the five it's all five took place in our life when we were born again now this is not the first time in the book of Romans Paul has talked about the new birth at the end of chapter 2 verses 28 and 29 he talked about the true circumcision by the spirit and in those verses he talked about how the Spirit of God pierced our heart and opened up our heart just like in physical circumcision there was the cutting of the male organ which symbolized being set apart unto God the true circumcision is what took place in our life when we were born again and the Spirit of God took the Word of God and pierced our heart and set us apart unto God and imparted eternal life to us so in these verses Paul is really more descriptive more definitive about what took place in the new birth and this is a subject that I that I love talking about the new birth so in justification which was in Romans 3 through 5 it gave us a new status a new standing before God as we were declared the righteousness of God in Christ but that didn't change our life it just changed our identity it changed our standing before God what we're gonna talk about today is regeneration and it affects actually our life it the way we conduct ourselves it affects who we are on the inside so I want to walk us through this and this is this is really good I want to give you the five distinct changes that took place immediately the very moment you were birthed into the kingdom of heaven the very moment you were made alive in Christ and the first is you were given a new position at the beginning of verse 9 you were given a new position so verse 9 begins however and whenever you see a word like however you know it's a sharp contrast from what just preceded and in verses 5 through 8 everything was about what we were before we were born again in verse 5 we walked according to the flesh we set our minds on the flesh verse 6 we set our mind on the flesh verse 7 the mind set on the flesh is hostile towards God and then in verse 8 those in the flesh cannot please God that's the unregenerate man's not even talking about a Christian it's talking about an unconverted unregenerate man so now verse 9 however so you know this is a pivot you are not in the flesh and when he says you he's talking about all believers all believers in Rome but wherever the believers are and present tense you are not in the flesh so let me just tell you if you're born again you are not in the flesh and to be in the flesh is to be in to be living in the realm of the flesh in the sphere of the flesh under the control of the flesh he says you're not in the flesh so just put that down but in the spirit and we love seeing this word but here our cease parole says is favorite word in the Bible is but because it signifies a sharp contrast from what he once was now to what he is and he says that all believers are in the spirit you see that and so at the moment of our new birth God placed us in the spirit and when he says in the spirit he's talking about it a whole new realm or fish and living in water and now we're a bird and we're flying in the air I mean we're living in a whole new dimension of life we we are in the in the spirit and to be in the spirit means that we are now living under the control the spirit under the guidance of the Spirit under the direction of the Spirit so what I want you to see in verse 9 just the first part of verse 9 there are only two realms that a person can be in you're either in the flesh or you're in the spirit and if you're unsaved you're in the flesh and if you are saved you're in the spirit and you cannot be half in the flesh and half in the spirit okay these are two distinct categories that are polar opposites and these galaxies do not overlap that they are totally distinct and the only way and when we were born into this world we were born in the realm of the flesh he transferred from the realm of the flesh into the realm of the spirit to put it another way we were born into the world of the flesh and now we have been transferred into the world of the spirit so we've been taken out of the water and we once were a fish just living in the world and in in sin and and going according to the course of this world and that was our environment and God sovereignly reached down and just picked us up and he totally changed who we are such that we can now live in a totally new environment we are in the world but we're not of the world anymore we are in the spirit so that that's that's where this begins we have a totally new position and this is just a matter of fact this is not something that you you know there's a condition for this now as a Christian oh I feel like I'm in the flesh and now I need to be in the spirit know if you're a Christian you are once and for all now in forever you are living in the in the sphere and in the world and in the realm of the Spirit so you're just in a whole new Kingdom that's number one all right number two you have a new possession only a new position but a new possession and so as we continue to read verse 9 he says however you are not in the flesh but in the spirit again that's a statement of fact now notice if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you so not only are we now in the spirit but the Spirit is in us that this is a mutual indwelling we now are living in the realm of the Spirit but the Spirit is also now living in us this is a dramatic game changer and when he says if it really could be translated sent because he has already stated that your your in the spirit and and since indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you now this word dwells means to to make one's home in they actually live in a place of residence it means to occupy a place and that's your home and and that's where you now live and this is speaking now of the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God has now moved into us and he will never leave us and he's as he's living in us and we're gonna talk about this in just a little bit he's moved in to take over okay he now is the new dominant influence and force in our lives and he's the internal resident within us so I just want to take us to a few verses because this is not a new teach and go back to John 14 just for a moment and John 14 in the Upper Room discourse Jesus belabored this point because he was about to leave the disciples he would be crucified and then he would be ascending back to the right hand of God the Father and they would be left on their own they would be left by themselves and in order to comfort and encourage them he wants them to know that he will send the spirit and the spirit will live inside of them and be everything to them that Jesus had been to them so beginning in verse 16 I will ask the Father and He will give you another helper that he may be now note the preposition with you for ever but it's more than just with us he says in verse 17 that is the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it does not see him or know him but you know him because now watch this he abides with you and will be in you I mean he's gonna move in and take over your life and he will be everything to you that you need to live the Christian life because you cannot live the Christian life on your own it is the Spirit of God who will produce this in verse 20 and that day you will know that I'm in the father and you and me and I in you there's that mutual indwelling you will be in me and I will be in you and then at the end of verse 23 we will come to him and make our abode in him that's this is tremendous that for the rest of our lives no matter where we go we are never alone there's no demand upon my my life within the will of God but that God in me by his Spirit will be all sufficient to supply the strength and the resources that I need to live triumphantly in the Christian life so that that is tremendous and and then in John 15 and verse 11 I mean verse 4 John 15 verse 4 Jesus puts it this way abide in me and I in you and there's the idea this mutual indwelling again come to Galatians 4 and verse 6 I just want you to see this in an in a number of verses Galatians 4 and verse 6 and it was just good for me to remind myself of these very basic Christian life truths but this is all a part of the new birth being born again so Galatians 4 verse 6 he says because you are sons and the I had the way your sons is you're born again into the family of God because your sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son into our hearts crying Abba Father when we were birthed into the family of God to become sons and daughters of God the Spirit of God came into our hearts crying Abba Father which Abba is a term of intimacy almost daddy Papa to make God the Father very real and intimate in our hearts let me give you just a couple more 1st Corinthians 6 I guess sorry to send you backwards I should have hit that on the way but first Corinthians 6 and verse 19 and this is verse with which you're very familiar Paul says or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you that reality took place the moment you were born again it's not a second work of grace that happens five years down the road once you hit some point of you know new discovery in the Christian life that's a matter of fact that happened your body became the temple of the Holy Spirit of God God moved in and he'll never move out and he's actively involved in our sanctification now I've got one more verse that I really want you to see second Timothy chapter one and verse four and we're just networking this so that we can see how the whole New Testament just speaks with one voice on this and in 2nd Timothy 1 verse 14 guard and when he says guard he's referring to the previous verse the standard a sound word guard through the holy spirit please note this the through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us the treasure which has been entrusted to you so it's abundantly clear if if you have been born again the Spirit of God dwells within you and he come back to Romans 8 and I and I just want you to see what he's doing inside of us just from this brief portion of Scripture just in Romans 8 in verse 2 the Spirit of God has set us free from the law of sin and death that's in verse 2 in in verses 5 mysterious set our mind on the things of the Spirit in verse 14 it's the Spirit of God who is leading us do you see that and the reference here is leading us lead us to sin the Spirit of God is always leading us away from sin into godliness and personal holiness and in verse 16 the Spirit of God is testifying with our spirit that we are children of God that means the Holy Spirit is bringing the assurance of salvation to our hearts the Spirit of God who called us convicted us and regenerated us is the Spirit of God who now assures us that we're saved and is tugging on our heart that we belong to God that we're under new management now and then in verse 26 it's the Spirit of God who helps our weeks that when we're weak and living the cleaning us and and and praying for us the Spirit of God is doing so much for us it's not just that he moved in and is eating our food and and you know just taking from us the Spirit of God has moved in to be giving to us every moment of every day what we need to live the Christian life not just in a mediocre way not just in a haphazard way not just on Sunday morning I mean he's moved in to take over I mean he's moved into the master bedroom okay and he's moved us down the hall and we're in Ford's room now okay so he's come in to take over so what a great truth this is and this took place in the new birth okay this is a matter of fact this has already happened we just need to realize what's happened so continue to look with me now and back in Romans 8 so the start of the next sentence or at the end of verse 9 this continues this thought of the Spirit of God being in us with this multifaceted ministry but if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to him now this couldn't be any more clear a blind man could see this okay that if you don't have the Spirit of God inside of you then you're unregenerate and so this is really intended to affirm kind of in a stating a positive in a negative way to the believers in Rome that but you do have the Spirit of God and he is actively at work in your life producing Christ likeness and leading you into personal godliness in the moment you begin to be steered away or be lured back into the world the Spirit of God is there to convict and to put his finger on the live nerve to bring us back to confessing that and getting back on the path to lead us down towards Christlikeness so that's the second thing that took place in the new birth the first is have the new position the second is now third there's a new pop out a new power and if Christ is in you let's just stop there for a moment please note how interchangeably the Holy Spirit in Christ are interchanged because in the previous verse he said the Holy Spirit is in us now he says Christ is in us and Christ is in us by his spirit and fork to have the spirit is to have all that Christ is within us in reality Jesus is in a glorified body seated at the right hand of God the Father but he and Christ himself and dwells us by his Spirit and admittedly there's a somewhat of a mystery to this but it is it is it is true so but if Christ is in you though the body is dead because of sin yet the Spirit is alive because of righteousness what this is saying is that our body our physical body has not yet been redeemed and as we live our Christian life there the this human spirit within us has been made alive in the new birth that's what the new birth is it's the life of God in the soul of a man but the but the kind of the oxymoron is we have a spirit that's been made alive to God inside of a physical body that's dying and so we as Christians will still die just like unbelievers die so we will not escape death unless the Lord comes during our lifetime and so our outer man is perishing and our inner man is being renewed day by day and so there's a sense in which on the outside we're getting older and older and on the inside we're because we are alive and we're becoming more and more like Christ so what a contrast what what a juxtaposition that is and so that's what he is saying so let's look at this more carefully if Christ is in you though the body and he's talking about our physical body is dead and and that really is the idea of it's dying our physical body is is wearing out its perishing and he gives us the reason why because of sin and let's just remind ourselves the reason there is death in the world is because sin is in the world sin is the route death is the fruit and he will tell us or he already told us in Romans 6:23 the wages of sin is what it's death and in James 1 in verse 15 he says lust gives birth to sin and sin brings death it's been said that's the LSD of the Bible right there lust to sin to death we we cave into lust and sin and when we sin the result is death now it'll never bring spiritual death to us but there is physical death and that began the moment we were conceived in our mother's womb that's why even that's why there are miscarriages that's why there is there is death inside a mother's womb because at the moment of conception Adam's sin nature is is passed down into that little embryo that little baby that is formed in the mother's womb there's death in that body that's been passed down from Adam and Adam's sin has been imputed as well there would be there would never be death in the womb if there was not sin passed down in the womb and david says in in Psalm Psalm 51 verse 5 in sin did my mother conceive me and in some I think it's 58 3 somewhere there that we came forth from our mother's womb speaking lies so sin was already in the fabric of our physical body so in a sense from the moment we were conceived death was already at work and so that's what he is saying here that though the body is dead because of sin yet by total contrast the death continues to work in our body yet the Spirit is alive because of righteousness life spent us beginning and and some of you men may have the ESV and it's translated differently it says the spirit capital S is life and I think the King James reads that same way I used the new American Standard and it takes the spirit as a small s meaning the human spirit is alive it really doesn't alter us and in the original Greek when Paul wrote this there's no capital letters or lowercase letters and so it's a translators decision so it can go either way in the new birth our spirit was made alive that that's what regeneration is you came alive you were spiritually dead in trespasses and sin Ephesians 2:1 and God acted upon you're spiritually dead soul and there was a spiritual rest correction and you were made alive in your spirit on the inside so that is true and if you if we take it the way the ESV translates that that's also true the spirit is life and so our human spirit was made alive by the Holy Spirit who is life and so either way you translated it it's really saying the same thing that we were made alive by the Holy Spirit in our human spirit and and then he ends that Jesus secured for us in his sinless life and substitutionary death Jesus is the one who accomplished achieved and secured righteousness for us and because he was successful in his mission of salvation in his incarnation the Spirit of God can now work to make us alive and apply the work of salvation that Jesus accomplished so this is the third truth of the new birth that we are made alive inside of our spirit by the Holy Spirit and so we have a new power to live the Christian life that we never had before we're now live unto God we're now alive unto the truth of Scripture we're now alive unto the kingdom of God we're before we were just in another realm it just it didn't mean anything we could have been religious we could have been going to church we just weren't alive unto it so let's keep working our way through this and number four is in verse eleven and we have a new prospect which means a new future and so he says in verse 11 but if the spirit of him and here's what's interesting the hem refers to God the Father so there's a there's a lot of Trinitarian truth that that's going on in these verses and so there's there's a sense in which we're in dwelt by the entire Trinity Father Son and spirit though in reality it's the Holy Spirit who is in us but if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you and we've already noted that from verse 9 that this is true that the Spirit of God dwells in us he's the Spirit of God the Father in verse 11 he is the Spirit of Christ in verse 9 so this is interesting just how interchangeable each person of the Trinity is this is not modalism which there's just one person there's three persons in the Trinity he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead and that he refers to the Spirit of God will also give life to your mortal bodies now what that's referring to is the resurrection at the end of the age when our body our physical body will be resurrected at the end of the age and he will talk about that at the end of verse 23 when he talks about the redemption of our body so our spirit has been redeemed on the inside our soul has been redeemed and at the end of the age our body there will be the redemption of our body so in other words our total person we'll be redeemed both spirit and body spirits small s and this will be brought about through his spirit who dwells in you and so he he reinforces again this truth Paul obviously wants us to know this that our that the Spirit of God dwells in us also to bring to your attention just this little pronoun who it's not what the Holy Spirit is not an it it's who it's a personal pronoun the Spirit of God is a he capital H and he is just as much a person as Jesus Christ is a person just as much a person as God the Father is a person never refer to the Holy Spirit as in it or what he is a he because he has all of the distinctive marks of what we would call personality or personhood the Spirit of God has a mind the Spirit of God has emotions the Spirit of God has a will just like God the Son and God the Father and so that's important for us to know you can grieve the Holy Spirit you cannot grieve in it and the Spirit of God has a sovereign will and it does not have a will but a person does and the Spirit of God searches the things of Monro man's 8:27 it says he who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is you see the spirit has a mind as well so when Paul refers to the spirit in verse 11 he refers to the spirit as who so the Spirit of God who indwells us and will never leave us even when we go to heaven at the end of the age the Spirit of God will resurrect our body and reunite it with our soul and spirit and transform our body suddenly into a resurrection glorified body so the the spirit's ministry is just going to continue even after we go to heaven he is the one who will resurrect our body when we when our body is laid in the grave the Spirit of God will will will raise our body as well so now there's one last thing that I want you to see in verses 12 and 13 and it's a new pursuit a new pursuit and there will be a new pursuit of personal holiness that the Spirit of God will work out so in verse 12 he says so then and and that is a conclusion that now is drawn based upon what he what we've just looked at so then brethren so he's still talking to us are under obligation to the flesh we've moved out of that realm our old master sin we're not duty-bound anymore to that old master we're no longer under obligation to the flesh we're no longer slaves to the flesh to live according to the flesh verse 13 for if you are living according to the flesh you must die and that's referring to not physical death that's talking about eternal death that's the second death and that's referring to an unbeliever no believer is going to be living according to the flesh for the big picture of their life remember you're not you're not in the flesh anymore you're the spirit now this is not teaching moral perfectionism and it's not saying that we don't ever sin anymore you just go ask your wife what's the truth about that I mean we still sin okay there is that reality we're just not living in that realm anymore we don't live in that country anymore we're we moved out of that Kingdom and we have a new citizenship and we're living in another Kingdom we're living in another realm we're living in the spirit so that's why we cannot what live according to the flesh anymore we now live according to the spirit though we will still stumble and fall and we still sin and we noted that when we look at Romans seven for heaven's sake that was abundantly clear the things we don't want to do we do and the things we do we don't want to do but we're not living according to the flesh anymore we're we have a whole new category in which we're living so he says but if by the spirit meaning living by the spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body you will live and he's talking about live eternally forever in the presence of God and what this is it's just a statement of fact that we as believers are being led by the spirit to put to death the deeds of the body and here the body refers to our unredeemed humanity this this unredeemed body of sin in which we live with the fleshly appetites that continue to be a part of us now these are fleshly appetites in this unredeemed body that continues we continue to now live in the Spirit of God will be leading us to put to death the deeds of the flesh you know and I realize now that I mean this is profound truth that we just really have to think this through and and this is this is glorious truth please note the Spirit of God is not leading us to just play with sin or two-stroke sin or did just slap the risk of sin now stop that the Spirit of God is leading us to deal ruthlessly with sin to mortify the deeds of the flesh to crucify the deeds of the flesh now those weeds keep growing back but nevertheless we've got to deal with it and the Spirit of God is the active agent capital a in our lives that is directing us you need to deal with this in your life you need to deal with this sin in your life and I'm here to help you and we're we're gonna root this out of your life it's got to go and you can't just continue to allow this rattlesnake to be loose in your house you're gonna have to put it to death if you're going to chop the head off and and and we're gonna continue to have to put to death the deeds of the flesh as long as we're here on this earth and living in this this perishing body because in this perishing body our fleshly appetites and so we never escape the conflict but we have to make progress and the Spirit of God will ensure that we do make progress and if we decide you know I'm just not gonna deal with that well the Spirit of God will continue to convict and we go you know I'm just still not going to deal with this well then the Spirit of God brings discipline into our life and that comes in many different forms but he has a way of getting our attention and if we go you know I'm just going to keep running stop signs and and I'm just not even gonna deal with this well there is a sin unto death and that there is a time when God just takes us out of this world you know it just takes us home early you're not gonna deal with this then you're gonna you're gonna just move on to heaven so all of this began here's the point the moment that we were birthed into the kingdom of heaven there's no conditions here to be met these are matters of fact that that have taken place and so just as I wrap this up just a couple points of of application on this okay and number one is written of these these real-life actual facts that have happened in your life this this has already happened in your life second is the word examination I think we need to examine ourselves I mean has this happened in my life I mean it's one thing to go to church and be religious it's something else for you to be transferred from the realm of the flesh to the realm of the Spirit and for the Spirit of God to move into your life and to take over and for the Spirit of God to be leading you to put to death the deeds of the flesh so do you see this taking place in your life which leads to number three confirmation as you see this taking place in your life this should be confirmation to you that you're in the spirit you're no longer in the flesh this should be affirmation in a positive way it's a part of the assurance of salvation I mean God's at work within me both to will and to work for his good pleasure I mean before this took place I was just like a dead fish floating downstream I was just going with the flow of this world I was insensitive to to the things of God but now that I have I've been made alive in spirit and I have a heightened sense of sensitivity the things of God this should be a great encouragement to us God's at work in my life I mean how can you know that you're saved you see this has taken place in your life and the fourth word would just be to me as believers and so we bare human responsibility to work in partnership with the Spirit of God to be putting to death the deeds of the flesh and just to give you one verse Colossians three verse five puts it in the imperative that we must put to death the deeds of the flesh so it's both the Spirit of God working in me to do this but it's also me actively putting to death the deeds of the flesh and getting these I don't have to put it this poison these weeds out of my life so that I can be made like Christ and let me tell you this stuff is in me this stuff is in you because we're still in this body of sin we're still in this body with its fleshly appetites and this body is dying is perishing but it's still fueling certain things in me that I have there's conflict going on but praise God we're not having to do this on our own because we couldn't do it on our own the Spirit of God is in me and he's far more powerful than than sin in my life he is omnipotent he has all power just like the father and the son has all power so whatever temptation whatever we might be wrestling with whether it's difficulty and loving someone whether it's difficult and being patient with someone who just irritates us whether it's the lore of the world whether it's kind of the lust for certain things in the world whatever these things are that are at console within us whether it's covetousness what I mean whatever it is the Spirit of God is more than powerful to help us overcome these temptations and and where there's a beachhead that's been established in our life the Spirit of God has got the power to enable us to get these weeds out of us so men that's that's that's our study and the reason I was looking at this I was trying to see what time it is okay so Ken I need that outfield scoreboard thank you very much I I need I need every speed bump in front of me that could possibly put there - no no we're ending at a good time so we've got seven minutes something like that just to give you some sense of hope yeah so what have you got there yeah on this idea of sanctification is there sometimes a mindset that I think's wrong obviously but is there a mindset that's real in us as Christians that say if God wants me out of this he'll take me like if God wants me to stop doing this he'll remove yeah stop this adultery or whatever my job I mean that is such a bogus view of Christianity because that's almost like it's God's fault yeah it's like the way it's the woman you gave me it's not my problem that I have this fruit it's it's it's the problems outside of me not in me yeah no that's a passive view of sanctification yeah that's kind of like let go and let God type of thing no we've got to take the bull by the horns we're here in Texas now we know what that means I mean we've got to be aggressive okay and so the scent in this in this vein of synergism yeah which is I think interesting and very important concept is there also on the other side where I'm just gonna go handle this and yeah you're not maybe we don't get into the word we don't commit it to the Lord but we think we can just handle it on our own oh yeah I mean well and I think for us as males yeah and I'm just like looking around the table here but there's a lot of type-a personalities around this table I mean there's some alpha dogs here I mean our mindset is I'll just go make it happen you know I can just make a phone call or I can just put a stop to this or I can just live my Christian life like I run my business you know or our physicians are this way you know they're just in control the operating room I tell nurse is what to do and and and you know I'm God and you know and yeah I can live my Christian life the same way no it doesn't work that way jesus said in John 15 verse 5 apart from me you can do nothing that that's 0 of any eternal spiritual significance now you can wake up in the morning you you can go eat breakfast just like an unsaved person can wake up in the morning go eat breakfast but as far as seeing the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness etc no we can't do anything on our own I mean we are dependent upon the Holy Spirit in us for every single step of righteousness and holiness and love so yeah I can't that's that's a great way to put it on the other end of the spectrum what one question here from David in Scotland ah David in Scotland I'm sure he's on the Golf Course right now yeah probably Paul where he says Paul refers many times to death but seldom to hell and his question is I wonder why well I haven't talked to Paul recently I'm not actually certain on that so I don't know obviously he'll is like if in a domino effect I'm in hell as the last Domino lost sin death then the next ones he'll finally then damnation in hell you know it's it's not when he says death it's not exclusive of the further reactions or the further results after death but you know I don't really have an answer to that I think death is more is nearer to us and and he's referring to what's more immediately in front of us it would be the answer I mean that's a good question well we'll ask Paul one day so guys we got two minutes anything any other thoughts insights questions pearls of wisdom for us and I was kind of awkward just to throw that out there so Kent those questions were those personal questions that you were asking cloaked yeah yeah really to me to try to get our brains around the fact that god almighty is indwelling in our lives it's a big deal today where do we go wherever we are whatever we did how do we yeah you know Kent and this is not just a philosophical thought this is a living reality a dynamic vital reality in our lives that of which we need to be consciously aware of and live in accordance to this truth I need this you need this I and also this too I really believe the forgotten doctrine in the church today is the doctrine of the new birth that it's we have so focused on justification by faith alone hey rightly so Romans 3 through 5 but we just don't get to these verses on the new birth and what took place when we were birthed into the kingdom of heaven we just think about our legal standing before God and we lose sight of the living reality of God in us and the new mind and the new heart and the new realm the new mindset that that's come because of the new birth so well I think it's what eight o'clock you have something to say yeah well I I know that we are here for the next two weeks and I'm just looking real quick yeah it may even be the next three weeks so I should have been better prepared on this and I'm just I'm codependent on this little schedule thing here yeah we're here for a run a good run and I'm excited yeah we have room to bring friends and if you're in Dallas are near Dallas we want to invite you to come to the iconic curbside Thank You Steven [Laughter] emphasis on and drinks on you yeah that's right that's right leave your revolver at the front door and drinks around me yeah this is the card game we're playing right here okay so all the chips are in the middle of the table okay meaning your soul so yeah why not just close this in a word of Prayer I mean it's we can't get any better than the Romans say okay so if there's ever a time to come to the study its its Romans 8 so I'm gonna tell you the same thing for Romans 9 but anyway it's say so father thank you for this study thank you for your word the way it speaks so directly to our lives thank you that you would even let us know what you did I mean you could have done all this and you wouldn't even have even made it known to us so thank you for just giving us kind of the facts of life and what happened when we were birthed into the kingdom bless these men strengthen encourage them in Christ's name Amen a couple more questions yeah sure how does the Catholic Church continue on the scene people when the Romans as well these other verses describe me our access and citizenship to and with God yeah well Rome is spiritually dead and so cannot see the truth and continue to perpetuate a false gospel and blind men can't see so that's why Rome continues to teach what it does it's just a false gospel question here this is many from Jake who is in Ohio he says what is the best most gracious way of bringing this to a person claiming Christ but no evidence of it in his life yeah well III think as we talk to people and I know as a pastor I've preached and seen without exaggeration at least a couple hundred people converted who were just church members in the church that I pastor who thought they were believers but when you show them this is the evidence of the new birth this is the evidence of a changed life then they begin to look at themselves and they realize you know I don't see this in my life and you help them just come to the conclusion you don't even have to say it hey you're lost you the way I used to did is with Matthew 13 and the fourth soils and then just say so which soil represents your life you tell me which soil represents your life and and I'm telling you 19 times out of 20 they go well I'm the first soil second or the third I don't even have to say it yeah in case you can hear all the noise for those of you watching with the new subway has come through herds house and there's a place where there's a lot of people that are getting off the subway right now yeah I think that was better than the Bible study whatever is going on out exactly what is a good way to marry this with the freedom we have in Christ in Galatians and not be legalistic yeah great question freedom in Christ is only to do what the Spirit of God leads in obedience to the will to the Word of God so we don't have freedom to do contrary to what the Word of God teaches we have freedom in Christ to live in obedience to the Word of God no one is free in the truest sense or either slave of sin or a slave of Christ so our freedom is to do what our master wants us to do and he's never leading us into sin now admittedly we talk about certain gray areas where we don't have chapter and verse and we'll get to that in Romans 14 and 15 matters of preference and and we do have freedom and matters of preference but again there are certain even biblical principles where we're not just free to do whatever we want to do it's all under the lordship of Jesus Christ and Romans 14 10 through 12 will tell us that even in matters of freedom in Christ it's still under the lordship of Christ so great question and we'll be looking at that more in detail 20 years from now when we get to Roman's 14 yeah yeah these are go yeah yeah yeah mystic yeah what is that yeah yeah surprised in God alive and well living I mean I've never I didn't either I remember when I was in college I was talking with another Christian and I'm like a sophomore in college and somehow we got off on this I never knew that and it was like you mean to tell me godlet is living inside of me that's a wild thought huh I mean if he hadn't really had that truth presented to you and I remember we were looking in our Bibles and I think it was like you know what no you're not your body is the temple the Holy Spirit of God it was one of the biggest wake-up calls for me that that I had ever heard and the profunda profundity of that should still have a sense of amazement and astonishment that we never get over that that he's moved in and he's not just moved in like I said to eat our food and just watch TV with us I mean he's he's moved in to the master bedroom to take over yeah he's calling the shots now resurrected their yeah yeah Peter stood up in the very city where they had just crucified Jesus to the very crowd who had come back in for Pentecost and said you put him to death and earlier he denied even knew the Lord to some little servant maid girl you know he just folded his tin aren't you one of his no I never knew he just chickened out now he stands up and boldly declares so what's the difference easily easily well there are several things one he saw the risen Christ - he saw the fulfillment of prophecy but three the Holy Spirit is dynamically powerfully at work in his life and now he's bold as a lion we just don't maybe tap into that power like I'm sure we just think we got it you know we're over here doing our own thing and we need to be consciously presenting ourselves to the Lord and abiding in Christ and asking for this power to be released in our lives and I don't ask enough but I I am aware of this that there are times I know people have been praying for me because there's no way I could have done what I just did this was an answer to prayer God the Holy Spirit at work in me just raising me to do whatever that was I could have never done that [Music] you're right it you know I you know I'll say this even for me I mean Romans eight there's so many little prepositional phrases and clauses it's kind of hard for me to sort out even in these verses that we just looked at and I on the plane flight back from Tokyo I spent almost the whole plane flight with with with pulling up on my cell phone Roman say and a blank piece of paper and just trying to I've got to see it on a piece of paper and then pulling up some commentaries and it's like okay I get it now but even for me I I needed this to come into focus even more distinctly because I read over this it's it was even a little awkward read for me reading verses 12 and 13 you almost have to like know where to pause and and and how to even read it because it's so it's like densely packed in that it's not a discourse or meaning like a sermon it's it's this epistle and Paul it even Peter said and in second Peter 3 Paul's hard to understand at times and if Peters struggling with Paul I mean I kind of do also and so it just helped me and I got a crazy early this morning and my wife came up and knocked on the door where I was studying this morning at like an early hour and she said I thought you already had this worked out yeah and yeah and and and I said you know I I just still need it to be more clear in my mind clearer in my mind and and even after a 12-hour 13 hour plane flight back from Tokyo I mean I'm in a flight yesterday from San Antonio I mean I'm still up early just trying to get a sharper edge on these verses and I don't know that I ever will but it's it's it's clearer to me now and I even need these headings like footsteps to walk through this passage so I can almost like a remember when you're a kid at one of those divider plates you know to divide your food out I needed that so they don't touch I do let me go to the barbecue place Isaac the Jews can't touch my french fries yeah but I need Romans eight kind of like that you know where things are like segmented so I so I okay I can see this where it's not an omelet where it's just all merged together we turn it off leave something for next time yeah thank you yeah no next time is gonna be a killer it's gonna be a killer that's good means that's good [Music]
Channel: OnePassionMinistries
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Id: 0QMfDpu7Pbo
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Length: 78min 3sec (4683 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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