Romans 12:2 "A Transformed Life" - The Men's Bible Study with Steven J. Lawson

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well good morning to you Steve Lawson here from Dallas Texas I'm joined by Kent Stainback and this is the men's Bible study and we've been doing devotions in the morning steadfast hope but on Thursday mornings we're back to the men's Bible study Kent we're going verse by verse through the book of Romans and and we've come to a verse that is just so monumental that we're gonna spend our time looking at just this one verse it's Romans 12 and verse 2 and as we begin our time I want to begin with the word of Prayer and then I want to go straight into this text you're joining us on really a great studying of a landmark verse so let me begin in a word of Prayer father as we open your Bible we ask now that you would open our eyes and open our hearts open our minds that your Holy Spirit would teach us and instruct us the truth of this passage and of this text and so we come to you now desiring not only to know the truth but that the truth might possess our lives we pray this in Christ's name Amen all right I want you to take your Bible and turn with me to Romans chapter 12 and today we're going to be looking at just verse 2 Romans 12 verse 2 the title of this message is a transformed life a transformed life so let me begin by reading verse 2 and I think I'm going to begin reading in verse 1 which is what we looked at last time therefore I urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and Holy Sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship now here we are for today verse 2 and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what the will of God is that which is good and acceptable and perfect a transformed life it's been well said that the goal of Scripture is not merely information but transformation in other words it's not enough to learn the truth we must also love and live the truth it's not enough that we master the word the word must master us and so as we are in the word the word must be in us and be transforming us into the very image of Jesus Christ and this transformed life that Paul addresses in verse 2 is what we call sanctification progressive sanctification that we are being progressively becoming less and less of what we once were and becoming more and more of what we are becoming which is becoming like Jesus Christ and this transformed life affects every area of our life in Romans 12 through 16 will trace out all the various aspects of this transformed life but verses 1 and 2 are like really an umbrella over the whole of Romans 12:1 through 16 so that's why it's it's really worth our time for us to make certain that we understand what this transformed life is like now last time we were in verse 1 and I gave you four headings I just want to quickly repeat those we noted the connection of the word therefore that connects Romans 1 through 11 with 12 through 16 the motivation I urge you brethren by the mercies of God the entirety of God's work in Salvation must motivate us to live this transformed life and then third the presentation Paul says to present your bodies a living and Holy Sacrifice acceptable to God and then the calculation which your spiritual service of worship best translated your reasonable or rational service of worship so we come now to verse two as we continue in this train of thought and I have three main headings that I want to set before us as we continue to walk through this and I want you to note first the insulation the insulation we are to live and it's contagious can't we are to live in insulation from the world's value system now we are to be insulated from the world but not isolated from the world in this sense we are to be in the world but not of the world we are to have our boat in the water but there's to be no water in the boat so as we live our Christian lives we must insulate ourselves from the world's pressures and he says and do not be conformed to this world that could be rephrased do not be squeezed into the mold of this world do not be pressed into the to the shape of this evil world system now it's very important that we clarify what the world is here he's not talking about the people in the world we are to love the people in the world and we are to reach the people in the world and the world is not referring to the planet that we live on the world here is referring to the evil world system that is all around us it is the world's thinking it is the world's values it is the world's agenda it is the world's perspective it is the world's mindset in which everything revolves around may and the world's system could be rephrased this way for from man and through man and to man are all things to man be the glory for ever and ever amen the world here refers to secular humanism it refers to godless ideologies it refers to religious superstitions it refers to shameful morals and we must resist the seductive lure of the world to to pull us back into that out of which God has delivered us and and saved us we once were a part of the world this world system that is governed and controlled by by Satan himself who is the god of this age and the prince of this world and he is over the world of Education in the world of media in the world of music in the world of politics and Satan has his dominating influence over all these various aspects of one world large system that is the kingdom of darkness and so as we live our Christian lives we're like points of light in this dark evil age and Paul is saying to the believers in Rome we can imagine the pressures that they were feeling to to be squeezed into the values of the Roman Empire do not be conformed to this world system in which you are living now there are some cross references that I think would be extremely helpful for us to look to look to and so I want to direct us to first John to verse 15 first John to verse 15 in which John the Apostle John writes do not love the world we need to be reminded that there is a love that God hates and there is a love that you and I need to hate and we must not love the world referring to the world order that is under the control of Satan the the invisible spiritual realm of evil that is governed by the god of this age and it is in opposition to God and the standard of truth that God has set it is in opposition to the morals that God has established it's against the family it is in rebellion against God it is Antichrist and it is anti-christian with its secular philosophies and ideologies he's saying do not love the world nor the things in the world what that's best understood do not live for the stuff that's in the world now there's nothing wrong with having things what's wrong is for things to have you for for you to live in order simply to be in an acquisition mode rather than setting your mind on things above and not on things of this world this world is completely antithetical to the values of the kingdom of God so that is why as long as we're on this earth we are strangers and aliens our citizenship is in heaven and we don't fit the system here in this world and that's part of the the the pressure that we feel we're we're a round peg in a square hole as we live in this world and and and John is saying what Paul is saying do not be squeezed into the mold of this world and do not love the world I want to say again there's nothing wrong in having possessions what is wrong is for possessions to have a death grip on your heart and upon your life you need to hold your possessions with an open hand and realize that you are but a steward of the possessions that God has entrusted to you and you are to use your possessions for the glory of God not cling to them as though you love them and cherish them no love God and use what has been entrusted to you for his glory and for his kingdom in in the next verse verse 16 at first John 2 John writes if anyone loves the world if anyone live lives just a one-dimensional life for the physical things in in this world and not just for the things but for the fame and for the fortune of this world for the admiration of this world he says the love of the father is not in him the love of the father and love for the world cannot coexist in the same heart one will displace the other when the love of the Father moves into our heart the love for the things of the world are displaced and moved out but if we allow love for the things of this world to move back in and establish a beach hold it will greatly diminish our love for the father the two cannot coexist under the same roof at the same time and so he says the love of the father is not in him and as John writes this he's thinking really in black-and-white categorical terms and he's actually saying here if you're living for the things of the world it is a sure sign you're unconverted and don't do not know the Lord because the love of the father is not in him or that's at the end of verse 15 excuse me now verse 16 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh that's the cravings of an evil of an evil heart the lust of the eyes the insatiable hunger for more and more and not to be content with what God has provided and the boastful pride of life which is really just the arrogance and the pride to exalt yourself he says for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life is is not from the father he says in verse 17 the world is passing away this whole system is self-destructing and it is imploding and it is cannibalizing itself it's passing away and also its lusts but the one who does the will of God lives forever I think it's good for us to hear this because it's easy for us to feel too at home in this world and we need to remember while we're living here with the joy of the Lord in our heart and I do believe that we as Christians can enjoy what God has created more than anyone else because we're not living for it so therefore we can enjoy it because we love the one who has bestowed all of this for us to enjoy but we need to hear this and be reminded it maybe even sounds somewhat strange to hear these verses even read especially with the prosperity gospel the health wealth gospel that is so prevalent in in so many shallow churches today do not love the world nor the things that are in the war old if you would please come quickly to Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 2 and we just need to hear this verse that Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus and in Ephesians 2 verse 2 he says you formerly walked according to the course of this world the you refers to the believers in the church at Ephesus and walked refers to the daily lifestyle with which they once conducted themselves this is what we could call their BC days before Christ you formerly walked according to the course of this world they formerly just like we once were we're like dead fish floating downstream just going according to the flow and the course of this godless age and then he says according to the Prince of the power of the air a reference to Satan and his demonic hordes who dominate this evil world system there are powers behind the thrones of this world and there are evil powers behind authorities and in high places that are controlling and governing the direction of this age and then he says of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience this spirit is an evil satanic demonic influence that is powerfully in full operation in the sons of disobedience that's referring to all unbelievers they're a part of the family of Satan and their lifestyle is disobedience because they're just like their father the devil John 8 verse 44 this is just Bible truth now I want you to turn with me to an even more shocking verse to James chapter 4 and James not to be left out James the half-brother of Jesus who really was the spiritual overseer of the church in Jerusalem James chapter 4 and verse 4 this is a hard-hitting verse so I I hope you've got your your seatbelt on James begins this way you adulteresses now he's not talking about sexual physical adultery he's talking about spiritual adultery he's talking about those who have made a covenant with with God to serve God and to love God but you have broken as you will your marriage vows and you have gone after other lovers you have forsaken your first love revelation 2:4 and you now love the world and you love the things of the world and James has very strong language to address those and he says you adulteresses do you not know and when he says do you not know that's another way of saying you know this I know this everyone knows this every Christian knows this this is Christianity 101 this is this is kindergarten in the school of discipleship do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God friendship with the world means you become too chummy with the things of this world you've gotten in bed with the evil world system and that is hostility toward God meaning enmity and warfare against God James is saying you can't straddle the fence you can't have one foot in and one foot out you you you can't be a friend of the world and a friend of God at the same time choose which will it be it's either or not both aunt and then he says therefore and this is is maybe an even stronger punch the end of verse James 4 verse 4 therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world and the word friend here is Phil LA from which we get Philadelphia it's the city of brotherly love and if the idea is mutual affection for your Brett for for other people here it's for the world system whoever wishes to be a close confidant of the world whoever wishes to be best friends with the world makes himself an enemy of God now I I didn't write this I'm just the messenger and this is the message that we cannot dabble with friendship with the world now please do not misunderstand we are to go into the highways and byways of this world and there we are to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ and that involves rubbing shoulders with next-door neighbors that involves reaching out to work associates that involves being involved in the lives of unsaved people but as we do we must remember we cannot buy in to the evil world system and go soft on the world because if we do we have postured ourselves in a place of hostility toward God so let me ask you have you become too at home in this world have you forgotten that your citizenship is in heaven have have you become a friend of this evil world system if so I caution you and warn you that you are setting your face against God who calls us to come out from among them and be separate says the Lord what fellowship can there be between Belial and Christ what fellowship can there be between darkness and light and the answer is there can be no compatibility between that which we have been called out of so we are to be isolated or excuse me yea we are to be isolated from the world excuse me insulated but not isolated I'm too clever for my own good there I'm that Kent so I think you've got the point and I've got the point and I need to have this down in my heart and soul now second the transformation he says but be transformed by the renewing of your mind the first half of the verse is the- do not be conformed to this world now the positive it's not either/or it's both and it's the heads and tails of the same coin one is the break the other is the gas pedal one is the cold water the other is the hot water it's both an but be transformed and the word transform means to be radically changed from the inside out into Christlikeness but be transformed it's it's used of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly and the transformation that takes place in our Christian lives really from what we once were into what God is now conforming us to become but be transformed how are we going to be transformed by the renewing of your mind it's so important RC sprawled named his radio program renewing your mind because he understood rightly from this text that the battle for the Christian life is the battle for the Christian mind our emotions can fluctuate be up and down and all around but it is the mind that is really what is driving our Christian lives as a man thinks in his heart so is he proverbs says and so by the renewing of your mind means that that our mind must have god's thoughts and god's beliefs and our convictions must be rooted and grounded in scripture and we must have that christian world view and we must have an eternal perspective so that we can assess life as God would have us to assess it as the mind goes so goes the life Colossians 3:2 which I've already quoted set your mind on things above and not on things of the earth in other words be focused upon God in Christ and eternal things Matthew 22:37 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind a transformed life necessitates a transformed mind and high thoughts of God and Christ and his kingdom produces a high and holy life this begins with being immersed in the Word of God so therefore we must read the Bible we must study it we must hear it and that we sit under its pre and teaching we must meditate upon it we must memorize it and we must apply it Jesus said in John 17:17 in his prayer sanctify them by your word your word is truth the instrument that God uses to sanctify our lives is the Word of God and it is that which renews our mind well this now leads to the third heading that I want to set before you the realization we've talked about the insulation we've talked about the transformation now the realization what is the result of not being conformed to the world and being transformed by the renewing of our mind here it is so that in other words here's the bottom line on this you may prove what the will of God is that which is good and acceptable and perfect when he says that you may prove the word prove it's a verb that means to test and to try to come to know by experience in other words it will lead you into the personal experience of the will of God God has a chosen path for us to walk in this world he has already marked it out and we must depart from the evil world system and be on the path that is marked out by Scripture which is the narrow path that leads to life and he gives us three qualifiers of this he says that that which is referring to the will of God number one it's good it's what we would choose for ourselves if we were only as wise as God it is so good the will of God and anything any other path that we walk in life is bad this is good and then he adds an acceptable the word accept acceptable means well pleasing and it is acceptable to us as we have this transformed mind this renewed mind and then he adds and perfect in the word perfect here means complete whole lacking in nothing in other words it's comprehensive for our entire Christian life the entirety of our Christian life is to be lived out in the will of God on this narrow path there's no part of our Christian life that is to be lived outside of the will of God and so the word perfect here actually speaks of its comprehensive nature so as we bring this to conclusion we'll have time for questions I want to ask you so how do you resist being conformed into this evil world system how do you tap the brakes and resist this lure in temptation and the answer is that there must be a greater love and a greater affection for God and for Jesus Christ that is so powerful that you would never settle for the things of this world I mean when you were converted you gave up dirt for diamonds why would you go back to the dirt now that you have been entrusted with the Diamonds of God's grace and I think of an illustration Kent you and I have been to Edinburgh Scotland together and I've had the privilege of taking you to a statue that is up on Prince Street it is of a man named Thomas Chalmers who was one of the greatest preachers and ministers in the history of Scotland and he it's an inner back in the nineteenth century and it's an interesting story about Thomas Chalmers he was a brilliant young man he went to the University of st. Andrews and we've been to st. Andrews together and he majored in mathematics he had a brilliant mind for mathematics and he became a professor of mathematics an instructor at st. Andrews University which was a very prestigious University while at the same time also pastoring a church and he felt it was so easy to Pastor a church that he could just do that two days a week and the other days of the week he would just give to the study of mathematics unknown to him he was unconverted and there was an elder in his church in the Church of Scotland who would come by on Saturday evenings and walk by his house and call on him and the elder said why do I never see you reading your Bible on Saturday night and he gave an answer to the effect I've studied it all I need to to preach tomorrow well he came down with tuberculosis Thomas Chalmers and was fearful of his own death in life and God used that to bring him to saving faith in Christ and he suddenly was born again and as you can imagine he became a totally different preacher and the power of God was a upon his life and he eventually went to Glasgow and pastored the very famous tron church there where Sinclair Ferguson also pastored and Eric Alexander also pastored well Thomas Chalmers back in the 19th century pastored there and he preached a sermon on first John to verse 15 do not love the world nor the things in the world and he converted into a book and that book is called the explosive power of a new affection that when you're born again there is an explosive power within your soul that gives you a new affection for the things of God and so what Chalmers wrote in this book and he says what cannot be destroyed which is our former love for the world it's still in our in our drinking water what cannot be destroyed can be displaced by another greater love he says displaced affections need to be replaced by the far greater power of the affection of the gospel so in other words the way to have a decreasing love for the world is very simple you have an increasing love which is far greater which is for Christ why would you go back to the dirt why would you love the dirt if you truly love the diamond of God's grace and so Chalmers also said in this very famous book the explosive power of a new affection he says one taste may give way to another taste and by that he means if you just taste the gospel the world's not going to taste the same the world will taste somewhat bitter as you taste the sweetness of the Lord Jesus Christ so one taste will give way to another taste and it will lose its power and he then concludes and I say conclude it's a whole book but he adds it is seldom that any of our tastes are made to disappear by a mere process of natural extinction in other words love for the world is just not going to naturally go away if we just kind of with sheer willpower just say well I'm not gonna love the world I'm not gonna love the world that'll last about a day or two you'll be back unless Chalmers argues there's a far greater affection it's like a man who loves golf and loves they golf and he's a single guy and he just lives out at the golf course until he meets another single girl and suddenly there's a far greater love and instead of playing 36 holes he may have shortened it down to nine holes so he can get in his car and drive to where this new love and this far greater affection that he has and if he just tried to give up golf he couldn't just give up golf it's kind of in him but if there is a new love a greater love that's what will pull him away and so the point I think is this that as Paul says do not be conformed to this world that's a struggle that that's hard because we can still so easily be pulled back in Lord there's got to be a new love a far greater love that we have for the Lord Jesus Christ and as Chalmers argues and as Paul writes and as John writes and the whole Bible writes seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you so Kent I hope we've got some questions that we can talk about because this is a very practical subject matter we got a lot of questions great great great message right okay Steve obviously we as believers understand and and there's this warning you just taught us that we can slip back that we can love the world too much and so the question is why has God left this possibility for us and as we have been saved and we have a new desire and the Holy Spirit is implanted in our heart why do we still have this possibility of slipping back and loving the world too much in this battle that still remains why is it why why are we still in that situation it's known only to God I mean it would be so much nicer if God would have just totally eradicated the flesh and there is only now this new heart and a new disposition we're not exempt as believers yeah we're not exempt and so there is this ongoing battle and Galatians five and and verse 16 or verse 17 says the flesh sets its desire against the spirit in the spirit against the flesh so that these are in opposition to one another so that you may not do the things that you please and several months ago we we studied Romans 7 and the things we do we don't want to do and the things that we don't want to do we do mm-hmm can't it's just the way that God has designed our Christian lives to be lived and it keeps us dependent on the Lord and it makes us fight the good fight and against our own flesh and it certainly keeps us in an somewhat understanding of unconverted people we're trying to reach with the gospel we can still relate to the world that they live in we're not perfect and we're not above it we can still connect with unsaved people in their struggle with sin because we're still struggling with sin even as believers mm-hmm so in the sheer genius and wisdom to go of God we're still fighting this battle a good question here you answer in question aren't another question can you explain how to not be up the world when some people use 1st Corinthians 9 22 you want to read that to be like the world yeah well I know first at first Corinthians 922 I became as a Jew damn I'm out reached Jews became like a Gentile that I might reach Gentiles I became all things to all men that I might win right the few he's not talking there about adopting their values he's talking about the external aspects of life like Timothy was circumsized in order that he might be able to connect with in some way with you know Jewish people on their missionary journeys but first Corinthians 9 is talking about outward appearances and outward customs and practices in a in a society this is talking about not what that's laying on the surface this is you lift up the hood and you look into the engine and it's secular ideologies and godless values so that's the contrast with first Corinthians 9 and it would be a misinterpretation and a misapplication of first Corinthians 9 to say well we need to become worldly so we can reach unconverted people again that's fool's talk that's devil's talk ya know we have to be different in order to make a difference we see some pastors in the pulpit try to do that's what you're saying of course we do and it's sickening and that's why they pastor a church of unconverted people quite frankly because like attracts like and if you want to just have a worldly persona in order to relate to worldly people then you're gonna attract worldly people they're gonna remain worldly no we have to we have to live a distinctly different life not that we dress in an odd way or have our hair in a HOD way though some Christians do it's saying that we raise our families different it's saying that our vocabulary is there it's saying our forms of entertainment are different it's the kind of jokes that we tell is are different we're not coming down to base gutter living in order to reach people in the gutter know that they are to notice and see a difference about our life that our lives are backing up this message that calls for repentance from them that we're not living a life of hypocrisy and calling them to do one thing where when we ourselves don't even do that so that's a very good question and I'm thankful for that I don't mean to go off on a know it's a good good answer it's great here's another good question is this transformation positional or progressive it's progressive positional happens immediately at a point in time and first Corinthians one verse thirty would be a great text for that and also first corinthians 6:10 and 11 is a great text for that that at a moment in time when we were born again we were moved from being in the world to now being in Christ and being in the kingdom of God that's this positional repositioning it's positional sanctification this text is referring to progressive which is a lifelong gradual growing growing thank you in the Grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ so I'm grateful for the question but that that's an easy answer this is the progressive sanctification another question what things have helped you the most in the battle against this world and Satan yeah well several things being a pastor and preaching the truth and having worldly people rise up in opposition against me and even unconverted people in the church persecute me has caused me to easily see the bankruptcy of living for this world and that's had that that has literally shaken me the second is a robust theology that is rooted and grounded in the sovereignty of God and Kent years ago when I was a student in seminary here in Dallas I had become caught up in worldly things to put myself through seminary I had to raise my support myself financially and so I created magazines one with the Dallas Cowboys and one with the Texas Rangers and I sold subscriptions I sold advertisement and I wrote all the articles and I produced it in sold subscriptions etc etc and I became so caught up in that what was highly successful it was highly successful that and I was getting ready to do the Dallas Mavericks next and the PGA Byron Nelson tournament that it was becoming a lot more appealing to me than go into Hebrew classes and memorizing Greek conjugation verbs and all of that well you were going where you going to the cowboy practices yeah cowboy practices the cowboy games and the whole thing next thing you know I'm thinking more about that than I am about spiritual things and I'm confessing my sin here and there was only one thing that could jolt me he was like an electrical shock like they put on someone's had a heart attack and just shock their chest and revive them and it was the truth of the sovereignty of God salvation and the sovereignty of God in Providence and it's this high towering view of God so it really devastated me Wow and suddenly God was big and I was small and at the same time the world got very small and it so separated me from [Music] self love and from love for the things of the world that it put me back in the game it took such a powerful truth as the sovereign election of God and the truth of predestination and the truth of God's divine providence in every little detail of my Christian life that I I can't I literally had to realize why would I live for this world if God has chosen me out of the world to go back into the world with the message of Jesus Christ and I remember people were encouraging me to keep writing these magazines and you've kind of found your niche but once you really in essence see who God is that has a sanctifying no effect and so I'm here doing this Bible study with you because God just overpowered my heart those many years ago and it's not that I'll never struggle with that by being a pastor for 35 years got had a way of keeping me hmm humble and kind of broken in heart at times all of that God uses trials to sanctify us and to Humble us yeah and it's any way to answer the question that that's how it worked to wean me off of just being caught up with the secular that's great well people are texted in said thank you for sharing that your your testimony it means a lot here's another question how does the church avoid over contextualizing you might define what that means and getting water in the boat and I guess the church which is us all of us in the yeah it's a temptation I mean I've been a pastor for 35 years and there's a temptation to try to get people into church and grow the church which means therefore you grow the budget and on and on and on that to lure people in you kind of accommodate them with the music and with the words in the music let's explain that's contextualized yeah that's contextualizing that you try to become like the culture and the society around you and to a certain point i understand that i mean i mean we're using cameras here we've got bright lights i've got a coat and tie on i mean there there's a part of that that that you do contextualize but you can go beyond that to just worldly methodologies and a worldly method and and pretty soon you've got a worldly message and and so you you've got to put a moat around the castle hmm in that regard and not allow the world to encroach the the church very quickly RL Dabney was a great theologian of the 19th century and he made this comment that in one generation the church preaches a godly message with godly words then they accommodate and they try to preach a godly message with worldly terms Wow but it never stops there there's a slippery slope and this continues to go down the slope and the next thing it goes from a godly message with worldly words to a worldly message with worldly words Wow so your words matter and you need to preach the Bible and you need to use the language of the Bible and one way this accommodation thing works on the mission field unfortunately tragically that is some missionaries try to read translate the Bible and they put worldly words into this to try to hook people out in a and in a culture let's say in the Middle East we're not allowed to rewrite the Bible and we're not allowed to retranslate the Bible in a way other than how God has given it to us and so that's a part of being on the slippery slope where godly message with worldly words it's a matter of time until it's going to be a worldly message with worldly words so obviously more could be said on that question and that's a great question whoever sent that in and we've got to keep preaching a godly message with godly words and and and not give up the high ground yield the high ground well I know we've got to stop because we've got steadfast hope coming here in just a couple of minutes I don't know if all of you can continue to watch with us but Kent and I are going to take a short brief intermission and you can pick it back up on one passion ministries dot org and steadfast hope I'm going to be doing a short 15 minute devotion on Philippians 1 verse 29 Philippians 1 verse 29 I'd love to have you be a part of that as well so thank you for joining us next Thursday morning we'll be here and we'll be in Romans 12 verse 3 and following and give you some sense of hope it's not going to be one verse for every lesson we'll pick up the pace a bit so god bless you see you soon you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music]
Channel: OnePassionMinistries
Views: 4,508
Rating: 4.941606 out of 5
Id: l0kXWjXZv44
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Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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