Romans 5:20 Explained! You Have Never Heard this Before

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so we have in the book of Romans a famous section that it's confused a lot of people and in in light pun intended of what we just read we're going to try to understand this better the section that I'm talking about is found in chapter 5 of the book of Romans the letter to the Romans Paul wrote a letter to his congregation answering questions giving insights in verse 20 it says the law was added so that the trespass might increase but where sin increased grace increase all the more now people have taken that statement and they have made blasphemous heretical doctrine out of it what am I talking about what they have said about this verse is that the law actually produces sin and that's the fruit of the law and that's the purpose of the law was actually to create sin in order that grace could be illuminated and brought to the surface and shown to be better that's essentially if you look at how this verse has been used historically that is what people say almost always and it is a blasphemous evil heretical horrible thing to say because it says that God set you and you and you and you and you and you and you all up to be sinners so that he could come back and save you that means that the judge caused you to break the law so that you could be standing in front of him that's evil my friends we would not put up with that for one second in our country if the judge was responsible for the person standing in front of his bench the judge was responsive for the crime we if we found out about it we would the judge would be in jail and the person will be set free but we blame God or weak accused God of doing that very thing that God made me sin entice me to sin made me sin and they judge me for sinning only so that he could come back and be my hero and rescue me what type of sick twisted convoluted theology is that doesn't make any sense whatsoever but the problem is we don't read the Bible the problem is we we have created in our society over the last hundred years bumper sticker theology JC's my co-pilot you know messiah on board I'm a friend of God say bye grace bumper said we don't read the whole Bible and so this kind of stuff makes sense to us let me ask you a question if we because the idea is in order to get rid of sin we got to get rid of the law how many even know how that would work if that happened in our society today we just you know what the governor stands up in state of Texas say you know what I realize we have a lot of people in prison right now and even more in jail so the answer to this problem is we're no longer going to have any law because you can't be in jail if there's no law right I mean how can how can be thrown in jail there's no law so what would happen if there was no law talk about the wild wild west all right so it says here the law was added so that trespass might increase but where sin increased grace increase all the more so that just as sin reigned in death so also grace might reign through the righteousness to bring eternal life through Messiah Yeshua our Lord now that it's taught that all this law had to come and and and show itself to be hostage low and worthless so that the Messiah could come it showed to be show himself to be better so grace Trump's the law obviously that's not true so here's the here's the answer and we're gonna we're going to utilize the wisdom of Solomon because Solomon is saying that we have to understand folly helps us to understand the beauty of the light well now we're going to reverse then we're going to take that very same thought process and we're just going to discuss it in the reverse we're now going to say that the light helps us to appreciate the darkness of the dark that's what Paul is saying here the law helps us to appreciate the depth of sin so that we can understand the heights to which Messiah went to rescue us from that that's what it means now here is the whole thing in context because the under the con to understand the context of verse 20 we have to begin reading in verse 12 and this is what he says he says therefore just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin and in this way death came to all men because all sinned now Paul's a Pharisee so Paul understand that there's original sin why cuz he's a Pharisee you see so he said look everybody knows this death entered him because of Adam and death was the gateway right through which everything else came murder lies adultery eating junk food all that kind of stuff out of that all came because of death chips and salsas holy holy the Lord's chips I want to be a I want to be a luchador anyway what are we talking about here and y'all need it verse 13 for before the law was given sin was in the world Wade that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa see this now if y'all if we actually read Stace stay cool stay in school be cool whatever that afraid is right we got to read because it's got you telling you that was tell you what it's been taught cuz you know most places have like 30 minute messages nowadays cuz people's people busy yeah this guy yeah made it lattes getting cold that scones getting you know stale got 20 minutes 30 minutes max and plus you got another service behind this one I'm getting a min game out so nobody studying anything that's why you only got time for one verse just that one that's it we got to hit it and get it so we've been taught that the law was given so that sin would come but then the Apostle say whoa whoa whoa you know he's turned over in his grave going whoa guys I said sin existed before the law came now of course the law has always existed Sinai was a reintroduction of the law but that was so that the law was given in the place of Darkness you got to have in order to shoot you know you see the world was dark you got to have the light anyway before the law was given sin was in the world but sin is not taken into account where there's no law nevertheless death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses even over those who did not sin by breaking commandment as did Adam who was a pattern of the one to come in other words wait a minute now we're learning that all humanity is guilty even though they're they didn't break a mitzvah but because of Adam who did break a mitzvah everybody else broke a mitzvah yeah teamwork makes dreams not work sometimes so we're all guilty of listen here's the deal someone say well what wait a minute you can't you can't just a point people sin yes you can't it one man breaks the law for everybody let me ask you a question the temple was destroyed because we had basis hatred in Israel did everybody in Israel have baseless hatred then why was the temple destroyed did everybody I mean come on not everybody right but yet there was enough you know the say just let me give me an example let's say just say that there was only 3,000 people who dance around the Golden Calf but yet the whole nation was punished you see so this whole concept of a man shadaab for his own sins is like wait that's not fair not to go back to yellow go then why was the tablets broken for just 3,000 people there are three million of us like oh maybe there's a concept here maybe it is like it is in the service where one personal batoon does wrong y'all overrun laps and we get back to the barracks and we bless that person yeah holy holy holy not really pray for him help them Lord so it says here in verse 15 but the gift is not like the trespass now we're now we start and talk about Yeshua the gift in contrast to the fall for if the mini died by the trespass of the one man how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by grace of the one man Yeshua HaMashiach overflowed to the many again the gift of God is not like the result of one man's sin the judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation but the gift followed many trans passes and brought justification so Adam's sin once and then all this flood of sin came in but the grace came them that is the schewe came after all the sins had been done and through him justification came so it says by the way this isn't also a Jewish concept because every Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur we asked God in traditional synagogues that don't believe in Yeshua we asked God to remember Isaac it all boils down to Isaac he in a Jewish setting that is not a Messiah Yeshua setting when it comes time you think about that for a second when it comes time to stand up before the Hakadosh barukh you on yom kippur we ask God to remember Isaac for what purpose our justification so now we're standing in front all we're saying as Lupita's is well it wasn't Isaac because I didn't literally died but Yeshua died and was brought back to life and Sophia therefore he's our rocky doc all we're saying is he's our justification not Isaac because there's two limbs one in the morning and one in the evening and we're our justification is the evening lamb which is why in the minka we pray the Corbin note followed by the ashrae followed by them I followed by the RA and the Ari's all taught that when we do that we cause darkness to flee from the earth why because it's the evening lamb which is mashiac so it says here again the gear God is not like the result of one man's sin the judgment follow the sin and brought into condemnation but the gift followed many trespasses in brought justification for if by the trespass of the one man death reigned through that one man how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness you HaMashiach now I just want to pause here because I taught him the message some time back I remember what I don't know what it was I I could look it up right now but I don't take time to do that I taught how a Jewish rider was saying that when Isaac was not literally offered that that basically Abraham and Isaac were a little bit depressed he said well that it makes sense I wouldn t be excited that his son was not offered and the RAM was offered in his place and the answer is no because Abraham and Isaac both knew that that had he been offered he would have been resurrected and they were hoping that that would bring about the gula that would bring about the redemption that through through Isaac's resurrection everybody would be forgiven but why was that what's the problem Isaac's human that's the problem we're gonna find that out a second but anyway since 18 consequently just as a result of one trespass condemnation for all men so also the result of one act the righteous with justification that brings life for all men for justice through the obedience of the one man the many were made sinners or deceiving disobedience of one man many were made sinners so also through the obedience of the one man many will be made righteous now this whole time the Apostle has been comparing the fall to the center to the mashach that first Adam to the second I'm this has been the confession right light to darkness light to darkness light to darkness with that context in mind he says the law was added so that trespass might increase but where sin increased grace increase all the more in other words the reason we have what the law did is it is it made Sindh appeared to be utterly sinful so that when the time came for salvation in Atonement we would recognize the value of such a thing which is why the bow juvie and the convert are so enthusiastic is because they lived in the darkness they lived in the light they look at stuff and go man how come I never knew this before why because I was in total darkness and had no light and now I see the light in front of me this is why when the convert comes man they turned their house into a library it's because they recognize what they did not have
Channel: Lapid Judaism
Views: 3,807
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Keywords: Romans 5:20, Law vs Grace, Torah, The First Adam, Original Sin, Yeshua, Lapid Judaism
Id: drV6_PQ-Bco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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