Rollingreens (4) 2.5-oz Plant Based Me'Eat or Chic'Ken Bowls on QVC

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is not new to QVC but this is a brand new product that they're bringing to us it's the 4Count of the 2 and2 oce plant-based meat or chicken bowls me eat or chicken bowls and we always have a good time um Laughing With Chef Co Ryan uh Cunningham and Lindsay Cunningham his wife who literally for these two food runs in the family their uh Chef CO's parents had a food truck that they ran until he was born they parked the food truck to raise the babies and of course these guys um Lindsay and Ryan picked up where they left off with offering uh Gourmet really good for you food options plantbased this offer which is going to be four of either of the U me eat chili or the chicken um bowls is brand new and offered at a price of $29 so once again you're talking about a full meal convenient packaging welcome back by the way it has been a while since we've had you here so let's talk a little bit about the evolution of the bowls from where you originally came because you were doing the taco meet and all of that stuff first exactly and we still are so we did what we did is we took our base protein our plant seasoned protein and we made them into an on the go meal convenience uh Bowl so all you do this is basically where taste meets nutrition meets convenience so it's high protein protein packed we have two unique flavors classic Chili Bowl our chicken stir fry rice bowl and you just Add Water yeah let's show them how to do it okay go ahead yeah so you're just going to grab the bowl you're going to just remove the lid just tear the notch halfway then you're going to add the re water there's actually a fill line on the outside of the container so many of us have had those convenient cups of on the- go Foods yes um but probably not at this quality level that's for sure ex high quality ingredient give a nice stir yeah and then you're just going to pop it in their microwave for you know 2 to 3 minutes depending on your microwave uh you know depending on how um powerful it is and and how loose you want it because you can always add a little bit more water or less so depending on what you want to do that there you go thank you pop that in here thank you and then you set it for about 2 minutes and then it comes out ready to go now once you've got it I'm going to hand this back to you Chef you've got all kinds of ideas on ways you like to use these yeah this is so versatile so whether you just eat it in the cup uh if you're on the go everyone's so busy these days so you can just eat it as is but I do have some Chef tips on the back of the bowl but they've done a beautiful job as you always do put a little cheese in there going to put a little sour cream I like especially a little onion in here and you feel like it's a nice hom stewed Chili Bowl and this CH is hearty it's meaty it feels like it's been simmering on your stove top for hours there's beans in this and everything so it's got a lot of protein as well and you know here's what I always like to tell people about meat substitutes you know we all have a idea of what something should taste like yeah a lot of it has to do when it comes to um meat substitutes with the texture yes this has a really nice ground meat like texture it doesn't taste like beef it's not supposed to but the flavors that you put in it Chef Co are really banging let me check now the um in the uh chicken uh stir fry I want to taste this one so talk to us about this flavor yeah so that one it's just like your classic stir fried rice that you get at your favorite Chinese restaurant and so but what I did is I have the protein in there and it's the first protein bowl that have amazing amount of protein and then it has peas carrots chive and the flavor profile is just what you expect and this is what everybody wants now the bowl let's put a little what we love to do a little toasted sesame oil you can drizzle on top a little soy sauce just to kind of give it that extra flavor if you want um but this is a very mild Bowl you could add eggs to it but this has the chicken the plant protein a little they always have to do that little extra thing right you can't just a little makes everything go right yeah so this one is just kind of like your everyday Asian Bowl but it's high protein these Bowls have 16 to 23 gram of protein in this single Serb great for snacks on the go you're working hard you barely we don't have enough time isn't that nice the the the idea of the bowls on the go is such a good one yes people are trying to make smart swaps and think of other ways that they can you know have satiating meals for their family and friends this is one that you could you know certainly put in the pantry So speaking of which Pantry sh safe for how long uh up to two years up to two years so up to two years we use the highest quality in ingredients so peas beans for the chili it's our plant protein it's black beans um it's Peppers bell peppers it's not spicy you can do so much not only in these bows but what Chef CO's doing as well great and we're going to show I mean what in the summertime I don't really doesn't matter what time of year but in this in the summer especially we always do these nachos on the grill yes this would be fabulous the grill yeah you melt the cheese put the tray right on the grill and it gets a little bit of that smokey flavor and have this as your meat or your protein look at that a little cornbread on the side a stuffed potato I'm going to reach over Che you know like the chef did Bam there it these are so affordable they're on the go but also if you work from home if you want an afternoon snack you know for the kids for yourself this is a no-brainer there's nothing like this on the market look at those nachos does that not look delicious it's fabulous wow chef and think about how much time you're going to save you can just make the nachos pop this in the microwave and you don't have to spend hours making your chili if youve tried any of the items that chef and Lindsay have brought to us before then you know how good these are going to be as a meat substitute for you this is just the newest way to take it on the glow it's the Rolling Greens 4 2 and 1/2 oz plantbased meat or chicken balls and you guys are the first to have them so check them out before they sell out I love it good to have you both back thank you for you appreciate you all right okay so um 9756 7 is your item number I want to let you know still to come in the show we have
Channel: QVCtv
Views: 47
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: C&D 53, M97567, QVC, RollinGreens, Rollingreens (4) 2.5-oz Plant Based Me'Eat or Chic'Ken Bowls on QVC
Id: e3qETsm-g50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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