ROLLING STONES | ROCK OF AGES | Documentary | Charlie Watts Tribute

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ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] 2008 was a big year for the Rolling Stones not only did it held their biggest success on the British album chart since 1970 it brought up a major milestone for the two youngest members of the original lineup all in the same hospital in Kent just five months apart Mick Jagger and Keith Richards had made it to pensionable age just one year earlier their five leg bigger bang tour had finished up raking in nearly 660 million u.s. dollars to become the highest grossing concert tour in history in case there was any doubt that they could still cut it live director Martin Scorsese preserved one of their recent - our concerts for posterity by committing it to celluloid his documentary shine alight proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that after 45 years of playing together The Rolling Stones could still make claim to the title the greatest rock band in the world [Music] just another other hitchhikers that when they look like the motorists speeding toward Powell you found flames drivers they're keeping their eyes on the road the way Ernie muffles wants them to little do they know they having their latest book because these apparent hitchhikers so Plan B in North are five of the most famous young men in show business the Rolling Stones the destination of the rolling to story began back in London in 1962 for the 20 year-old guitarists determination to form his own rhythm and blues band Brian Jones gave himself the stage name Elmo Lewis persuaded Mick and fellow guitarist Keith to join him and along with dick Taylor on bass he in Stuart on piano and Mick Avery on drums they played their first gig as the Rolling Stones at the Marquee Club on the 12th of July 1962 by December thick Taylor had been replaced on the bass by Bill Wyman and when McCain Realist the boys already had their eye on a drummer from another band it was a blues band and they came in saying I knew Brian first of all and then I met Mick and Keith and Mick was a singer with election he had about four singers that alternate whoever whoever was available rude that's how I first met them and then I suppose a little while went by and then they just asked me to join the shy and jazz obsessed Charlie Watts turned out to be the perfect fit [Music] wherever they go and you get a lot of travel in the outset they're ambitious 19 year old manager Andrew Oldham was grooming his scruffy protegees to be the opposite of the family-friendly Beatles he set out to ensure they were hated by older generations to preserve their popularity with the young the legend goes that it was Andrew who came up with the line would you let your sister go with a rolling stone that went on to become a magazine headline gigs frequently erupted into violence at one concert in Blackpool Bill Wyman remembers that a gang of drunken Scots made their way to the front and started spitting at the band after ignoring warnings to stop Keith allegedly kicked one of them in the head things also got ugly at a gig in Holland in October where fans threw debris and wrecked seating before ambulances arrived to take away the injured the trouble at concerts enraged the authorities and incurred the vilification of the tabloids The Daily Mirror declared these performers are a menace to law and order and a result of their formula of vocal laryngitis cranial fur and fix is the police are diverted from bank robberies murders and other forms of mayhem to quell the mob violence that they generate just as Andrew Oldham had predicted the bad press did nothing but fuel their popularity amongst the disenfranchised youth and on the eve of their second US tour they were presented with an award by Britain's Melody Maker magazine [Music] Sydney's mascot Airport and teenagers are working up to give the Rolling Stone prop grouper welcome even more frantic and disorderly than the one given the Beatles just six months ago the climax came is the big get back somewhere in between their grueling touring schedule which saw them packing more than 200 gigs around the world in one year the stones found time to pump out hits like a cover of Willie Dixon's little red rooster and tell me written by Mick and Keith their second album The Rolling Stones number two went to number one in the UK and in June 65 they scored their first international number-one with the song I can't get no satisfaction it spent four weeks atop the US singles charts and confirmed the band as a worldwide top filling act rolling though the most popular for just as the Rolling Stones were reaching their peak in terms of popularity and critical success things were starting to go awry internally although Mick was the band's undisputed frontman it was Brian Jones who had always been considered the leader not only had he given the Rolling Stones their name he continued to dictate the direction of the band and make business decisions along with Andrew Oldham Rolling Stone magazine once wrote if Keith and Mick with a mind and body of the stones Brian was clearly the soul and Bill Wyman remembers him as a better natural musician than the rest of the band put together however as Mick and Keith songwriting grew stronger and the band moved further away from its rhythm and blues roots into rock grime seemed to sense that he was losing control of his beloved creation photographer Jared mankiewicz who worked closely with the stones from 1965 to 1967 remembers a particularly tricky shoot but Brian Jones was was being quite difficult sort of lurking in his collar the collar of his big brown fur coat hiding and and burying himself in a newspaper that he brought with him and I was really concerned that that he was going to mess the pictures up and I said to Andrew I'm worried about Brian Jarrod mankiewicz wasn't the only one it's fair to say that by the age of 22 Brian had already lost control of his personal life having fathered five children by five different women in June 1965 his on-again off-again girlfriend Linda Lawrence finally left him and he was hit with a paternity suit by the mother of his third child 1967 kicked off with the release of between the buttons and it's single let's spend the night together which neatly bolstered the stones rebellious image just ahead of the famous Redlands drug bust which finally gave the establishment an opportunity to get their own back on the bad boys of pop acting on a tip-off from the news of the world the West Sussex police raided a party at Keith's home in West Wittering [Music] the story goes that when the police arrived at around 7:30 on a Sunday evening Nick's girlfriend Marianne Faithfull was sitting between two men on the sofa wearing nothing but a first-in rug Mick was arrested and accused of unlawfully possessing and settling tablets while keith was charged with allowing his premises to be used for the purposes of smoking Indian hemp but if things were looking grim for them and their Co accused Robert Fraser poor old Brian was in even worse shape after spending his 25th birthday in hospital Brian's stormy relationship with Anita Pallenberg had ended with Keith whisking Anita off to Spain on the day of Mick and Keith's arraignment in T Chester Brian and his friend print Stan's Lascaux scoffs ki were arrested for possessing drugs after a raid on Brian's flat turned up hashish prescription pills and traces of cocaine while Brian confessed to smoking pot he denied using anything harder whether or not he was telling the truth Brian's claim was backed up by the observation of Jared mankiewicz the grittier aspects of touring the sexier druggie aspects of touring were actually not very prevalent I mean the weren't a lot of drugs around there was some alcohol was a bit of dough that was really anything heavy and if the was it was very kept very much in the background I wasn't really aware of it at all Brian was to be condemned to a nervous weight while his bandmates at trial first it was mixed turn after a morning in court Nick and Robert Fraser were rather peckish recorded prawn cocktail roast lamb with mint sauce topped off with fresh strawberries and cream while Robert enjoyed a lunch of ice melon salmon salad and fresh fruit each of them washed their meals down with half a bottle of Beaujolais at 10 Bob apiece the wine may have helped soften the blow of being found guilty and slapped with a three month sentence Keith ended up receiving a one-year stretch the establishment had put the stones on notice that the honeymoon was over however the following month they were set free on appeal and at a press conference afterwards Mick shrugged off the role-model label that the press seem so eager to pin on pop stars I'm not quite sure if this is possibilities quite as great as they make out because I believe that individuals really have their make their own minds up more than people think they really don't follow doesn't that much you know if the state of fuzz Paul McCartney if all the Beatle fans in the world of follow Paul McCartney just they would have taken acid by that which I'm sure isn't the case he rejected the idea of using his celebrity to push any kind of political or social agenda never done that in any way over anything over religion over drugs over politics over anything ever because I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough or responsibly enough leader and he seemed unrepentant when asked whether he condone taking drugs in private it's against the law you know that's not necessary I mean it was against the law at one point not so long ago in the judicial history of this country to commit so to tempt to commit suicide and some of those people who attended to commit suicide were put in prison I think looking back in it seems rather barbaric nor and we might at one stage look back upon this set of laws consider them in the same we'd mix showing no signs of remorse in the wake of his brush with the law another example needed to be made the next it was Brian's turn he pleaded guilty to allowing drugs to be used in his South Kensington flat on giving evidence he admitted that he had taken drugs in the past to a slight extent but went on to say that he's now decided to have absolutely nothing to do with them he said that they'd only bought him trouble in the past and disrupted his career Brian was sentenced to nine months for possession of cannabis even though his sentence was commuted to three years probation upon appeal his conviction was upheld and he was ordered to seek immediate help just to rub things in keith was now shacked up with his ex and Mick who was enjoying a high-profile romance with Marianne Faithfull for starting to flex his muscles within the band one day when we were doing the satanic Majesties nic in front of me came up with another photographer in tow and announced to andrew and that this guy was going to do the new cover and this is what was going to happen and I just knew that that was it I packed my bags and that was it Brian by this time was making only sporadic contributions to the music but that didn't stop the Stones returning to chart-topping form with the Beggars Banquet which spawned mega hits like jumpin Jack flash street fighting man and sympathy for the devil but just one week after the rather messy launch of beggar's banquet Brian was in big trouble once again after a raid on his rented Chelsea flat he was sent up on another charge of possession of cannabis when he was found guilty in September despite already being on probation judge Seaton refused to send him to jail and instead urged him to get clear of the drugs despite the judges mercy the second conviction put paid to any chance of Brian being granted a visa for a tour of the u.s. to promote beggar's banquet things were coming to a head just as maker Marianne again fell foul of the law they were busted for possession of cannabis resin when the police raided their home in chain walk while they were waiting for their day in court the time had come to deal with a more major hindrance to the band's progress the rapidly combusting Brian with his declining health inability to talk and lack of musical contribution to the band let them know where to go and after mix Keith and Charlie drove out to his farm to break the news Brian agreed to bow out announcing that the stones music was no longer to his taste and that the only solution was to go their separate ways without as much as a grace period to let the dust settle on that announcement the band immediately lined up a photo shoot to trot out their new guitarist Mick Taylor about to join The Rolling Stones Roger that I'm very so happy to be joining you know good things are going to go really well when we start working just like that the soul of The Rolling Stones had been removed and replaced and it was business as usual three weeks later Brian Jones lay dead at the bottom of a swimming pool at his home in Sussex after spending the night drinking and watching TV he and three friends had gone for a swim Brian was left on his own in the pool and when one of the women returned to check on Brian who suffered from asthma she found him lying motionless under the water attempts to revive him failed and he was declared dead just before 1:00 a.m. on the 3rd of July 1969 the coroner declared death by drowning drugs and liver degeneration after an autopsy revealed that he had been suffering from pleurisy and an enlarged heart at the time of his death while there have been many conspiracy theories surrounding Brian Jones's death bill wyman remains convinced it was an accident and that Brian himself would not have been surprised that his passing he recalls that when Keith Richards once predicted he would never make 30 Brian's simple response was I know with a free Rolling Stones concert scheduled in Hyde Park two days later the press was awash with speculation that the show would be cancelled out of respect for Brian that the concert went ahead as a tribute to the dead guitarist more than a quarter of a million fans for once gathered peacefully to hear Mick give a brief speech and then read an extract from Shelley's Adonai as a eulogy to Brian the band played for an hour in the sweltering heat and just as quietly as they had arrived the crowd respectfully melted away after that tribute Mick remained true to the spirit of the Bands name and kept on rolling by the time Brian's coffin was carried to its final resting place in Cheltenham five days later he had already left the country to star in the film Ned Kelly leaving other members of the band to mourn a groundbreaking artist whose very death made him a founding member of the elite 27 club of musicians who died at the age of 27 meanwhile things were going badly for Mick and Marianne their relationship had been deteriorating since Marianne had miscarried their daughter the year before and not long after they arrived in Sydney she fell into a coma following an alleged massive overdose of barbiturates although she eventually recovered their relationship did not tensions were increased by the events at Altamont Speedway in Northern California at the end of the year the infamous free concert ended in disaster the 300,000 people who attended were terrorized by the Hells Angels who were hired as security guards for $500 worth of beer then while the stones were playing a young fan who had drawn a gun was stabbed and kicked to death by one of the bikers in four view of the stage the stones were forced to continue their set in order to prevent a full-scale riot matters weren't helped by the couple's further trips to court the next year which resulted in Mick being fined 200 pounds for possession of cannabis by 1971 it was all over with Maryann and after a brief affair with Marcia hunt that produced a daughter Mick got engaged to his female look-alike Nicaraguan model Bianca Perez according to Bianca the striking resemblance certainly haven't been lost on Mick who felt he was looking into a mirror when they met she was later quoted as saying I want to be frank Mick wanted to achieve the ultimate in sexual experience by making love to himself in May 1971 he chartered a plane to fly guests out of his wedding in San Tropez the guest list read like a who's who of the British pop scene and included Ron Wood Ronnie Lane and Kenny Jones of the faces Ringo Starr Paul McCartney and Paul's wife Linda what was intended to be a low-key affair turned into a three-ring circus as soon as the media got wind of the intended venue ever aware of the benefits of keeping things sweet with the press Mick was diplomatic in his attempts to shoo the hordes away I love you people starting a pilot he tried it again in French but they weren't going anywhere preferred far as over pathetically after managing to get through the ceremony in the 17th century Catholic chapel the frenzy continued outside commenting on Mick's wedding to the beautiful Bianca Keith reportedly said the devil certainly looks after his own the wedding marked the beginning of the Rolling Stones famous tax exile after recording and releasing sticky fingers on their own record label the band moved to the south of France from the advice of their accountants they hung out in Keith's rented villa and recorded in the basement the resulting album Exile on Main Street is now generally regarded as one of their very best however the seventies also brought disputes with an American manager and climb drug problems within the band were also deepening especially for Keith who was racking up an impressive collection of arrest warrants the resulting visa restrictions made plotting tours more and more of a logistical nightmare amid such frustrations Mick Taylor quit and was replaced by Ron Wood who immediately gelled with Keith and seemed able to cope with his excesses although no one was able to keep him on the straight and narrow in 1976 Keith crashed his Bentley on a motorway he escaped unhurt but at the police station in Newport Pagnell afterwards the pocket of his jacket was found to contain a small amount of drugs Keith was fined a thousand pounds but that was just a warm-up for the big one in Toronto the following month he and Anita were busted for possession of 22 grams of heroin keith was charged with importing narcotics into Canada which carried a minimum seven year sentence upon conviction he was remanded on bail of $1,000 and as the case drags on and on Keith looked almost certain to go down in the end he got off pretty lightly with the suspended sentence and was ordered to play two free concerts for the Canadian National Institute of the blind in Ontario but by the end of the nail-biting ordeal he was finally ready to swear off the drugs as Keith got more sober he started to assert more control in the studio causing tension with Mick relations within the band reached a low in the mid 80s when Mickey embarked on a solo career and toured alone although he was quick to dismiss rumours of a split well I think the Rolling Stones are wonderful institution is a bit like and nice English country house it sort of leaks a bit but people still want to see it and I think the Rolling Stone still will go on I hope they will I hope they go on to make more record and tour again but right now this is what I'm doing for this year at the tender age of 45 he was already fielding questions about when he might give away the tight pants and loud guitars I don't know I'm pushing the boundaries here it's never been pushed this far before but while Mick may have enjoyed having his cake and eating it Keith famously referred to this period of their relationship as world war 3 and has been publicly disparaging of mixed solo output which has never been particularly well received by critics however 20 years later on the eve of releasing his best old album click remain defiantly proud of his solo efforts first of all you know you have to be pleased with everything that you do you have to be pleased for yourself you know and then then when you play to other people want all your friends to like it and then you want critics to like getting in and you know equals you want the greater public at large to like it and and in I think it you know I think that I you have you have oftentimes good success with yourself and good success the public's honest critics don't like things and you and any sort of you know you can realise that you figure out the reason why they liked it or they're very prejudiced or they're you know they don't like you anyway and they get good chance to have a guy but you know I'm quite pleased of and I hope people like this this collection not to be outdone Keith released his own album in the 80s called talk is cheap which went gold in the US and garnered mostly positive reviews while Keith and Mick were at war and little was happening with the band musically it was 52 year old Bill Wyman who stole the headlines by marrying night year-old Mandy Smith she's young enough to be his granddaughter he'll be drawing his pension when she's only 32 but the wheel has come full circle for the sixties rebel their marriage blessing could not have been more traditional the child bride and her husband wanted all the establishment trapping Mandy had been just 13 when they met and a courtship had caused a scandal there was a few columns on the way but we finally made it mix mrs. gave them the thumbs up well I wish them luck luck I think it's very good idea to get married Charlie Watts however was rather less optimistic I don't care to go back I said I'm happy boy learning about it Phil who sits at number 10 on Maxim magazine's living sex legends list for allegedly sleeping with a thousand women her sins conceded that his marriage to Mandy which ended in divorce in 1991 as a result of his midlife crisis finally coming to terms with the aging process two years later he announced his retirement from the Rolling Stones and we're still great friends I still say them and chat on budget I just really don't want to do it anymore I've done enough as 30 years and then there were four while bill was replaced on base by Darryl Jones Mick Keith Charlie and Ronnie have remained the band's core members and they faced the press together ahead of their post-apartheid tour of South Africa in 1995 to promote the Voodoo Lounge album in 1998 they finally managed to take the tour bus to Moscow at a press conference Mick explained that they had been trying to get permission to play there for 40 years and although many of their Russian fans may have preferred to greet their heroes in their heyday they was still very welcoming of their wrinkly rockers while the Rolling Stones were playing to packed stadiums in Russia Phil in his new outfit The Rhythm Kings were going back to their roots and playing rhythm and blues in small clubs the point is with the Rhythm Kings there's no limit to what you we can approach anything of any style from any era with the talent of musicians and singers I've gotten the band there anything from reggae blues to jazz to country rock I mean to country blues to rock to jump music reggae I've said that just a whole mixture and early rock and roll bill wasn't the only old stone who was feeling nostalgic on the eve of his 60th birthday Charlie indulged himself by gathering ten of Britain's top jazz musicians to play a series of gigs at London's top jazz venue Ronnie Scott's not known for being talkative he did have a few words to spare on the subject of aging I'm quite happy with 6-tier lovely choir b17 when mix sixtieth birthday rolled around in 2003 he and the rest of the band were invited to celebrate at the British Embassy in Prague they were in the Czech capital to strut their stuff in front of 60,000 fans at the Prague national stadium as part of their forty licks tour although they were still packing them in after more than 40 years of playing together Mick had to admit that there weren't quite as many screaming female fans as they used to be it was all men choices as all men as I met one that says they left all the girls at home or what I don't know usually we get a fuse or bits of underwear on the bean station last night as a few y-fronts but anyway the 40 year celebrations also included the release of their fourth flicks DVD with such a long career behind them there was no shortage of bonus extras yeah a lot of stuff like you're there you know like so you're not but yeah I know there's a lot of backstage stuff but as well show there's three shows and you know a documentary have a documentary sort of bootleg stuff and some old stuff a bit of everything keith seemed to be having a little difficulty getting his 60 year old head around all the new technology I'm really yeah I'm not that way in clients so I'm still learning but a DVD is cool I'm learning apparently one thing that wasn't cool as far as Keith was concerned was mixed decision to accept the offer of a knighthood in reaction to the news Cletus reported to have made it known that he didn't fancy taking to the stage with someone wearing a coronet and sporting the old ermine and said it's not what the stunt is about is it many of the bands plans were also disappointed with Mick's apparent abandonment for the anti-establishment stance that had brought him fame and fortune but Sir Mick seemed unperturbed by the criticism as his chauffeur-driven limousine pulled up in front of Buckingham Palace to accept what Keith had described as his effing poultry honor afterwards he appeared suitably gentrified it was rather wonderfully formal and two wonderful outfits on those everyone there's what's rather good it's like there's everyone represented from all over England and Wales and Scotland and Ireland and from every walk of life from you know historians to beekeepers rather create a tiny trace of the old anarchy however remained in the fact that he had kept her Majesty waiting 18 months before turning up to accept the honor in the company of his 92 year old father Joe and two daughters well I've been on two you know I chose the convenient date for myself and the palace would have been very understanding of that and I'm sure they are with lots of other people not everyone can turn up on the first one I've been on tour so it's first day that was good for me when my family could all be here I chose to cleat Richards complaint his reported response was I think he's a bit like a boring child who hasn't got his ice cream but then the submit' can never be said to have suffered much from self-doubt well you know your things with what you do usually when doing the starting stage performances that earned him the title of the greatest frontman in the world are a testament to his supreme confidence not only as a performer but also in his private life over the years his famous conquests have included Carly Simon Chrissie Shrimpton and former Brazilian model Luciana Jimenez Murad since splitting up with Jerry Hall in the late 90s mixed pawn shop for larger-than-life lovers has led him into the arms of six-foot-four model Lorenz Scott despite fathering seven children with four women he has only been down the aisle twice while working on the soundtrack of the 2004 remake of sixties classic Alfie journalist asked if he saw similarities between himself and the commitment-phobic womanizing main character there's Alvin every woman every man - now I think you know Alfie this young attractive man you know and and anything I think the whole idea at the beginning of the picture is that you know he's why shouldn't he have lots of girlfriends it seems perfectly natural that he would because they're all playing themselves anything but then and then it's quite amusing how he deals of them and some because it's only a bit later on you get when you when that draws you into the picture that you feel then you see the problems and that creates a ton but but you know he's he here's a guy that has a lot of girlfriends lots of love affairs but it doesn't have much else going on and he doesn't have you know he drives a car / repetitive job doesn't really have any interest in anything else it's not interested in anything as far as I can okay at the pictured set seducing more well the same certainly couldn't be said of Nick aside from acting in a few movies over the years and writing the old soundtrack he also owns his own production company jagged films although Vic has been criticized in the past for not lending his celebrity to humanitarian causes he recently did his bit by dipping into his reporting 200 million pound fortune to finance a pop video to publicize the terrible situation in Sudan's Darfur all you can do in a very small wave your celebrity and some of these things is to keep the thing in front in the agenda if it keep it in the public agenda keep it in the political agenda as much as you can then there is his solo work after more than 30 years of pumping songs from his various solo projects and soundtracks he finally sat down to make sense of them in a 17 song collection called the very best of Mick Jagger the process made him quite sentimental well I suppose you're always attached to the beginnings of your career when you're really young in a lot of ways and you you know that when you're young so much happened so quickly and it sort of telescoped into this very small timeframe but many things happened he's best of solo album included collaborations with John Lennon and his daughter Karis proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks he even learned a thing or two from Lenny Kravitz he had this house in Miami so it's so when I turned out though we're going to be riding together and I went to the studio and he said so this is it and I said yes okay so you place me this sinister track is completing the track it's all him playing all him drumming but there's no vocals and this is so yeah well I thought we're going to write something so yeah we may have to write the lyrics and sing the songs over you know so he completely finished it and we didn't get to ride so it's a very odd way of doing it which actually worked out was fantastic in the end however there can be no doubt about mix first love ever since that first night at the Marquee Club back on July 12 1962 his spiritual home has been the stage you know I've just been I was very blessed with being having a lot of energy ever since I was a kid and you know and being very active and my parents always encouraged me and to keep you know in good shape and stuff and I've always been very energetic and I thought I don't think um you know I would feel bad about doing a show if I wasn't really fit to put his scratchy vocals and freeform performance style have been ridiculed and parodied countless times over the past 40 years but no other singer has come close to matching his ability to bring packed stadiums to their feet and keep them there for over two hours what makes you well for me is being interested in what I'm doing and really keen on on touring being excited about getting out there on stage and also it makes it work for me is the audience and how they responding and so on and so you know that's what the energy between the two is what really makes it and now in the first performance of their 2005 tour please welcome the rolling soul in 2005 Mick and the rest of the band were in Boston to kick off the Stones bigger bang tour to a packed house in Fenway Park he may not have experienced the Boston crowds first time around but after 30 odd years in the band Ron would understood what kept both the Rolling Stones and their fans coming back for more I can't just give him the pleasure and feeling the adrenaline from the audience and they feel it from us as well it's a great it's a great buzz it keeps you young the two-hour extravaganza loaded with Rolling Stones classics like honky tonk woman brown sugar and sympathy for the devil also included a few numbers from the tour's accompanying bigger bang album Mick described the album's sound as a good mix of the old stones and new music yeah definitely we'll be integrating all our new songs into the new album we've got coming out which is very vibrant and very contemporary but yet hard-hitting yet classical Rolling Stone their back catalogue of several hundred songs sprinkled with new numbers gave them endless options for the 35 date United States tour which also took in Canada and Argentina fantastic fans in Argentina a brilliant loud masculine noisy little loving Suzie Aston yeah and many of them and we're very happy to go there the South American schedule also took in Brazil where they treated equally enthusiastic fans to a free concert that closed down Copacabana beach but it's been fascinating to watch zone to watch the night that you've been watching the guys get the stage and the lights together during the day that the people is moving it has become it's an amazing sight you know especially from the way up there you know they will I hope we can handle it you know just like so much action you know there's boats and planes love them I energy people on the street playing the samba band you know those people in costumes there's just a lot of noise and very big drums that's great time people are still as we're talking out still coming in so we don't know nobody comes to it's going to be a lot of people by nightfall more than a million fans had float onto the beach and when asked what inspired them to put on the free concert all that Latin passion was clearly rubbing off on Charlie and the women with nothing old Harvey Ivy anything obvious at all also included the band's first ever gig in mainland China newly cashed up fans in Shanghai were happy to hand over around three hundred and seventy five US dollars for a ticket this is the Rolling Stones first ever concert in China it's very significant I know that the stones have wanted to play China for a while but it also also symbolic for what's happening in China China is you know opening up to the world in the bridge between the international side and China's becoming a lot shorter now in early 2006 the band took a breather before embarking on the European leg of the mega bigger bang tour while in the southern hemisphere Keith took the opportunity to squeeze in a bit of beach time over in Fiji with his wife Patty for reasons that have never been explained he was attempting to climb a palm tree when he fell and landed on his head initial report stated that he had sustained only a minor concussion but after being flown to a hospital in New Zealand he ended up having to undergo cranial surgery fans gathered outside the hospital concerned that the years of hard partying may have finally caught up with the man of whom it was once said if ever there was a nuclear holocaust only two things would survive cockroaches and Keith Richards it turned out to be just one more chapter in a story that seems to contain as much myth as fact one of the most famous claims made about Keith was that he had a complete blood transfusion has a cure for heroin addiction back in 1973 he has since admitted to spreading that rumor himself another more recent headline declared that Keith had mixed his father's cremated remains with a bit of cocaine in what may be called his strangest drug experience today his manager later explained that Keith's anecdote had been meant as a joke however keep himself later confirmed to Mojo magazine that he had indeed snorted his father's ashes but that he chopped them up like cocaine not with back on board the bigger bang bandwagon albeit six weeks behind schedule he was still cracking the jokes at an Italian press conference they put me out like a light you know but I remember making the decision to go ahead and do it you know I was surprised myself usually I hanging from the ceiling at the idea a breakthrough you know but I had total confidence in you and you got to do it you got to do it and I woke up I was pissed off when they woke me up because I was having such a great sleep now despite looking like he could still do with a nice long lie down he was raring to get back on with the show I feel great I can't wait to get back on the stage again you know basically everything's cool for once however his timing was a little off with his onstage partners just as keith was coming good Ron announced he was off for a spell in rehab to deal with alcohol problems while Mick succumb to a bout of laryngitis forcing the cancellation of yet more shows thankfully they were all back on form in time for the cameras to start rolling on the documentary of their concert at the Beacon Theatre in New York when it came to choosing a director there was only ever one real candidate it has a lot of our music insidious films that handler they kind of made a father than anyone you know before we did a growing up with the Stones songs as the soundtrack to his own life Martin Scorsese admitted he over lots of the band so for me the sound of the music the the chords the vogelson be the entirety I feel the music inspired me greatly and while I was I can't say if it became a basis for most of the work I've done in mine will be starting from Mean Streets even before but from Main Street I'm through Raging Bull all the way up into casino and the end to the departing although Mick originally wanted to film a much larger concert Marty sold him on the idea of taking the cameras into the much more up-close-and-personal atmosphere of the theater geek I'm just looking at it for pure pure beauty of performance and that's the idea it's something I'd like to capture for people in the future to see to experience them and don't forget the cameras were placed in such positions that the audience doesn't normally get to see at the idea to film which also captured mixed duets with Christina Aguilera Jack White and legendary blues guitarist Buddy Guy got the big thumbs up from Ronnie Wood you really do feel like you're there you know it on stage and quite an experience for us we actually all watched it in Berlin together we thought we don't see the whole thing it was quite good you know I enjoyed it at the film's premiere in Berlin Keith confessed the whole thing had gone off so smoothly that he hadn't even noticed the cameras this is not acting this is me doing my thing and and thank God in one in to capture it because I mean I had no idea the cameras were on I mean I guess through my pen so whatever comes out what is not but he's adverse to a bit of acting when the opportunity comes his way as it did when he was invited to play Johnny Depp's father in Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End that appearance earned him best celebrity cameo at the 2007 spike horror Awards since then he's fielded plenty of other acting offers but nothing has tempted him so far with that it was back to their main gig and rehearsals for the final European leg of their record-breaking bigger bang tour and after 45 years of touring the world the prospect of getting back on that bus hadn't lost any of its appeal for Charlie who just loves to play we have as good a time years and up there in Dobby in the room and two o'clock in the morning as thing you're doing a big show it's more like a strange pastime um in a funny way it's very odd because you kind of live for the next show which could be you know the next day so you're all the time is you're building up and that way it's kind of a kin to a bit like a sports being in sports because you're working out for the you know the you know you practice you run about you know you play the song you know because but then natural thing is only two hours and when it's over it's over and then you go you're looking for the next one and you back up and you move you know so that everything is geared to those two hours in the next place you know I will show travel show so you know your was you notice that that's the way it is and according to their fans they still haven't reached their peak as they get older they get better without any shadow without they get better like all of us we get older we get better they get better the best band you'll ever see Cowboys baby the greatest rational disability the best rock and roll band in the world who else the stones but now that even the youngest member has passed 60 how long can the stones realistically keep on rolling till we drop I'm still there going 1 to 70 I'll do it in a wheelchair so [Music] ah this way my whole life is happy now while they are still getting reviews like that will there ever come a time to think about retiring well I'm sure they will but I'm not right there yet I'm enjoying what I'm doing that'd be great I'm really not worrying about when I'm stopping and the Rolling Stones legacy musician or a minstrel look is the best thing you can have on his - still is he passed it on [Music] you
Channel: Music Documentaries & Concerts
Views: 627,375
Rating: 4.7942123 out of 5
Keywords: watch, music, band, documentaries, VH1, Classic, Albums, free, online, full, length, episodes, documentary, the, clash, queen, david, bowie, beatles, led, zeppelin, concert, behind, mtv, mick jagger, bill wyman, charlie watts, keith richards, ron woods, rare footage, charlie watts tribute
Id: GLEdmsxUd4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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