Rolex and Grand Seiko Servicing DON'T DO IT!

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okay so we've got a new month we're into September and I did do an update on the accuracy of these timepieces a spring drive grande psychos and check that out needless to say they're just they continue to amaze me and it's super convenient to have a watch that you don't have to worry about the accuracy month after month you only have to mess with unscrewing the crown if the month has less than 31 days so that you can do a quick set change of the date and then you're good to go month after month the watches are just just ridiculously accurate so but this video is going to deal with some other issues so these these are reoccurring issues that keep coming up in the comments and I keep dealing with them and then somebody else asks the same question so I'm just going to do a video going over some of these issues that keep coming up and some that that are similar to what has been brought up if you will on the same subject matter so first I'm going to talk about servicing servicing watches this keeps coming up people say well I've heard horror stories about servicing a Seiko watch and hey I've heard horror stories about servicing a Rolex watch but the bottom line is I've never had the service any of them I did have some watches back in the day many years ago that I bought used Rolexes that I did have serviced I had one or two watches serviced at Rolex in New York I used to go to New York frequently shopping back before I had sense and I was spending more money than I should have and I would to different watches I dropped off at the Rolex building in New York and had them serviced and they did a great job on those watches and back then it wasn't terribly expensive I think it was like $300 for one of them and I don't know less than that for the other one one hundred and eighty dollars or something for the other one and we're talking in the late 70s but absent that all the watches that I bought new over the years I've never had to have any of them serviced so I don't understand why people keep talking about servicing costs I have no intention of having this watch serviced or this watch service ever ever now I'm 60 years old right so these will probably last you know I'm six feet under and they'll probably be running fine with no servicing okay so I don't get the servicing thing maybe somebody can explain to me what I'm missing here but I've had to watch this for years and all the watches that I bought new that I know the history of I've never had the service including my day date that's 19 years old okay so servicing let's scratch that off but we're going to get back to some details on that a for example water damage is something that comes up okay and I watched a video from and it's a great video from the London Service Center Rolex service center and the guy explains the whole procedure that they go through when they service a Rolex and there's a segment in there where he talks about water damage but before I get that I want to talk about the actual servicing and he said and this this goes to should you service it every four or five years like like Rolex recommends he included in that interview basically that they replace any worn parts as part of the service so in other words let's say you take a watch in there after four or five years for a routine servicing they're gonna tear it apart they're gonna inspect all the parts all the little tiny parts and if something is worn they're gonna replace it as part of that servicing that's generally part of the servicing okay so and he basically said if you read between the lines that if you don't service it as frequently in other words you run it for 15 years and you bring it in there and servicing there might be a few parts that are worn they're just gonna replace them it's not gonna be any difference in the price so I could take the watch there three times I could take it after five years after 10 years and after 15 years and I could nowadays it's around $1,000 to have watch service generally speaking maybe 800 you know depending on what they do sometimes I replace the hands in the face that's extra money okay and I wouldn't want to have that done anyway but but anyway getting back to just the servicing if you took it there every five years and let's say you spend $800 that's $2,400 for three services and and let's say you skipped those first two services and you just took it there after let's say 15 years and you and you had it serviced you're still going to spend like 800 bucks you're gonna save a ton of money okay these people that say well you're gonna do damage to the watch and and it's going to be you know ridiculously expensive to fix it and all that that's not true that's not how Rolex works they don't care when the last time was you took it in there they don't check they just look at the watch they examine the watch they give you a bid an estimate on the service and this is before they've totally taken everything apart they tell you what the service is going to cost and they they sell you any additional items at that time they might sell you a dial hands whatever you're stupid enough to buy and and then they just do the service okay they're not gonna call you back and so by the way we found this little part that's worn because you didn't lubricate it and so we're gonna charge you $2,000 extra that's not how it works so forget about just taking your watch in for service okay now let's get back to water damage Paul Pluto love the guy great entertainer like his videos but he has a video where he talks about servicing and he's and he's real concerned about the seals in your watch and having it pressure tested like every year to see if it's going to leak water well okay if you're a professional diver and you're relying on your dive watch for being underwater 20 minutes and and and all these issues maybe maybe that's a thing okay and you're probably not going to be wearing a Rolex or a grand Seiko for diving you're probably wearing a piece of equipment that's specifically designed for that so but absent that if you're just a normal sport watch user and you swim occasionally in the pool and you know otherwise submerge it in water you know 20 feet deep right I've never ever ever worried about that with my watches with my Rolex watches and now with the grande Seiko I'm sure as heck not going to worry about going in the water and whether or not the seals are good if it leaks water and that's a big if by the way the Rolex guy said the main reasons that water gets into the watches is somebody forgot to screw down the crown okay they forgot to screw it down so they left the crown unscrewed and then water got in he said that's in most of the cases that he deals with with water damage is that okay so I always keep my crown screwed in so I'm not really worried about that so bottom line is don't be a worrywart about your watch getting getting water in it okay that we bought these watches for a reason so we can wear them whenever and wherever we want and if we jump in the water we don't have to worry about it so don't worry about it there are other things in life you can worry about that I don't think should be one of them okay so don't worry about water damaged scratches everybody keeps talking about scratches oh my gosh the watch is gonna get scratched well first of all if you're concerned with scratches by a titanium watch from Grand Seco because it's a very hard alloy it's much harder than the steel that Rolex uses and so it's much less likely to get scratched now I did some macro shots of this watch the other day and I could see some very very fine like hairline scratches the kind of scratches you can get if you just clean the watch with like a toothbrush and some toothpaste you're gonna get little tiny little tiny scratches on it and I had little tiny scratches probably the first time I cleaned my day date my gold day date I properly had little tiny scratches but you can't see them with the naked you have to use a loop or something to see them I've got my 2.25 magnifiers on so I can read my my face here real clear I can see the side of this case really clear really good I don't see any scratches at all now there's some scratches I can see on this clasp here because it's stainless steel the rest of this is that is the titanium it's much harder okay so if you're so worried about scratches first of all get a titanium grande Seiko it's going to be much less likely to scratch than a Rolex that's steel and it's also going much more comfortable on the wrist for a whole lot of reasons not the least of which is the fact that it's lighter weight and by the way these people that say oh I like a heavy watch what are you thinking if you can get a watch that's stronger less less scratches and so on dirt more durable in every way and it looks great and it's a lot more comfortable on your wrist because it happens to be lighter weight I'm missing the the I'm missing something here what exactly is wrong with that because somebody can maybe explain it to me I wear this watch at night when I sleep because it's easy to read and I don't even know it's on my wrist it doesn't bother me at all I can sleep all night with no no problem with it and and it's great I don't understand the downside to having a super comfortable watch of course the bracelet design also lends to the Comfort so let's see I'm going down my little list here oh and as far as dings on the watch and scratches the fact that it's lighter weight is also going to make it resist scratches and dings better if you know anything about physics the mass of the watch like if I'm going through a doorway and I knock my watch against a door handle or something if the watch gives way easier because it's got less mass okay it's going to be less likely to scratch or ding when it hits that immovable object okay it's going to give way a little bit easier because it's it's lighter weight in the percussion when it when it hits that object is not going to be as great so that's going to aid in in in damage or lack thereof what as far as compared to a heavier watch also so investment value oh my gosh this comes up every other video oh well they don't hold their value Rolex holds its value much better than a grand Seiko first of all most Rolex is lose value they're not a good investment okay I bought my date a new and around the year 2000 early 2000 it was sixteen thousand dollars after a discount it's probably worth ten thousand now okay now if I took that sixteen thousand dollars and I put it in just the sp500 it would probably be sixteen probably fifty thousand now okay so somebody explained to me how the Rolex is a good investment now let's say I got lucky let's say I bought a sport model and let's say about a submariner same year okay two thousand roughly okay and let's say I paid it would have probably been 3,000 to 3,500 I'm not sure how much they were then but somebody can look and check and and whatever the numbers are and let's say was 3500 okay and and let's say that I could get 7000 for it now okay that is still not a good investment the 3500 in the SP 500 would probably be worth ten thousand okay so even if you get lucky even if you buy like a let's say you bought a cosmic Ozma graph though Daytona whatever they call them and and yet went up in value is it is it really gonna go up in value as much as other investments would promote but the bottom line is you're gonna get if you get lucky if you get lucky and you make some money on the watch you're probably not going to make as much as you would if you invested it in a real investment the way I look at watches is they're tools there's something that you buy to use and to enjoy I enjoy my tools like this camera I enjoy it I enjoy the Zeiss lens that's on it I like this AVX system wireless mic you know it works it gets the job done they're tools okay the back in the day when when people were buying Rolex watches the rule of thumb was it was acceptable to spend one week's wages on a timepiece so if you were making $500 a week you would buy a $500 Rolex and this was back when you could buy a brand-new Rolex for five hundred dollars mid 70s late 70s then then Rolex started becoming more of a luxury thing and that the relative price has actually gone up it's it's it's more than one week's wages to buy the typical steel Rolex now most people don't make seven eight thousand dollars a week okay so what's happened is is people are stretching and they're spending more than one week's wages on a watch they're buying more watch than they really should buy and this this is throughout our whole economy as far as people buying stuff on credit you know using a credit card to buy a watch I never used to be the case we used to always just pay for our watches right but nowadays people go into debt for anything and it's like they're not spending real money they're just giving handing over a plastic credit card and they go into debt not not a good thing okay I don't know what this latest stats are but probably half of the people or in this country are broke and some of them are wearing brand-new Rolexes on their wrists and that's why they're broke okay broke means you have no net worth you-you-you owe more than you then you have okay your your net worth is negative or your network is is zero so that's why I will use the term broke so I think that that this is kind of disturbing all this discussion about holding value and all this it tells me that people are spending money they shouldn't be spending that they're thinking this is an investment this is a wise choice to dump eight thousand dollars into a watch when they don't have eight thousand dollars to spend so that's a little bit disturbing that whole thing I mean I don't think you should be buying a rich man's watch which is what a Rolex is if you're not you know fairly affluent if you don't have a nice heavy income if you don't have a good savings a good retirement account you know if you're not financially set I really don't think you should be buying high-end watches now of course all the authorized dealers out there are gonna be saying well what are you saying why are you saying that we want to sell watch this to everybody well fine I'm sure they do and just like Rolex wants to take money on servicing your watch every five years I'm sure they do but they're not gonna get my money so okay cleaning and babying your watches this goes on the same subject matter and I got a few more minutes to go so what people ask well how do you clean it you know they're they're overthinking all of these things you can just use Dawn dishwashing soap and a soft brush I mean it's not rocket science to clean these watches I don't even clean them that often but yes you're going to get tiny little micro scratches if you use an old toothbrush and some toothpaste to clean your watch but I've done it before I've done it with my day date and I don't care about those little tiny micro scratches to me that's a little bit of a patina that they still look great the watches still look great you can't even really see the micro scratches with your eye you got to use a loop right so I don't overthink how I clean my watch geez people come on let me get a little drink here okay so that's enough about cleaning and babying your watches use the damn watch you bought it to enjoy it and don't ya by the way the easiest way to lose a watch is take it off your wrist that's the easiest way to lose a watch I had a fiance that years ago that a Rolex lady date too and I bought it used but it was a nice very nice watch and I gave it to her as a gift and I told her I gave it to her I said I said whatever you do don't take it off your wrist I said you can swim you can work in the garden you can do whatever you want with this watch you're not gonna hurt it just just keep it on your wrist and because the easiest way to lose it is take it off your wrist so she went to the gym one day she took it off put it in the glove box of her car went in got a nice workout in came back out opened the glove box and guess what was not in it hey people are not stupid they can see that she's working out and that she doesn't have a Rolex on and some people there might know that she has a Rolex right so they're gonna think well where where is it maybe it's in the locker here at the gym or maybe she put it left it in the car they're just gonna go and take a chance they're gonna go take a look in the car watch is gone okay so Oh size and readability get a lot of comments about the size this watch is too big well you've made the judges just look too big on my wrist okay I got a 7.25 interest does that look too big you be the judge if it does wear this watch let me put this one on this watch is 41 millimeters the other one was 44 now you see the size difference okay is that is that better all right they make different sizes they don't make a different size in the diver so if you do want a diver you got to go for that that's a 44 millimeter but I think it wears much smaller than a 44 I think it wears more like a 40 millimeter sub because of the shape of the case and the bracelet and everything and the weight if this actually weighs by the way less than a submariner all right this is in my opinion more comfortable on wrists than a sub but visually you have to be the judge as the way that's too big it's going to probably depend on the size of your wrist but I mean this is a gorgeous watch I mean and I think a lot of people buy a diver's watch they don't really need it that I bought it because it's so much easier to read and as you can see I normally have to wear reading glasses when I'm reading things is a 2.25 magnification just for reference but I often do not wear them and so I want to be able to look at the watch and easily read the watch even without the reading glasses and I can do that I can do that with this watch as well if there's good light but if the light is low then this one I can really I can read easily this one not so much so that's why I bought this not because I need the divers now I do like the bezel to be able to time some things but it's not necessary I don't use it that that often but yeah I mean I think you just have to be the judge as far as the size of the wrist the watch on your wrist but people keep bringing that up like it's a huge issue I don't get it it doesn't seem to be an issue to me but I guess if you have a really small wrist it probably it could be but they probably haven't tried one on because these are remarkably comfortable for the sized watch they are I also want to comment on the crown on these watches that the winding crown super-solid a matter of fact I'm going to go ahead and and unscrew this one just very very solid I've never had a winding crown that's more rocks aw doesn't wiggle once you unscrew it now I'm gonna wind it and it just has a very nice winding feel to it and what's neat is you can sit there and watch the reserve power indicator as it goes down and and maxes out the line so you know when to stop winding which is really cool you don't have that with other watches then you just push it in and you can feel it just screwing down nice and tight it's just so precise really nice now I know that the new Rolexes are also have a very good feel to the my Rolexes also had a pretty good feel my day date when you'd unscrew it it does feel like it has a little bit of it'll it can go a little bit either way so you have to be careful when you push it in and screw it down this one is just absolutely precise so I guess I'm going to wrap up with don't overthink all these issues I'm hey life is too short buy a watch that you really like in this case I've discovered these grand psychos and I just every day I wear I'm on I look at them I'm like wow these are amazing watches you got to remember to wipe off the water spots on this crystal because any sapphire crystal shows every little water spot they're just fun watches they're there they feel great on the wrist they're really accurate I just think that people should enjoy the watch that they buy they shouldn't be in a drawer somewhere or in a watch box or what I don't get these people collecting 15 20 watches I mean I could never wear that many watches but hey they teach their own but if you buy a watch for daily use if you buy a working watch to use it in your work whatever wear it enjoy it don't overthink all these things just have a good time with the watch worry about other things are the things more important to worry about thanks for watching hit that subscribe button in the little bell hopefully we can keep you up-to-date on some more of these these issues thanks for watching you
Views: 283,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rolex, service, repair, DAY-DATE, Submariner, Grand Seiko
Id: Mxk2LW_26To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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