Roger Taylor~Interview 1976

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oh well thank you to the Wurzels I now like to welcome to Saturday see Roger Taylor hello Roger hello Sally how he used to be here very well thanks nice to see you again it's a long long time since you were last on Saturday seeing I think in fact that just before the American tour before last yes something like that you're quite a one that I was before the human Rhapsody anyway you've had two very successful American tear since then and you came back from the last one the beginning of this year what's been happening for Queen since then since the beginning of the year uhm well basically we've done an album which took a long time to record and we took some time off in the middle of that to do a few concerts to an Edinburgh one in Cardiff and one in London at Hyde Park yes obviously very successful we read it began free one yes I found the album I've got a couple of that here a day at the races now you said took a long time to record how long did it take to record well including the sort of three weeks we took off to do the the concerts in the middle about five months something like that why does it take so long is it because you're such perfectionists uh-huh I don't know offence we're slow um it's hard to say really we just like to get things right yeah um it's just the amount of time that it takes until it sounds right until it feels right now you've written one track on the album affection one check on on every album this one annual track not annual writing thing this is called drowse and it's a lot different to the rockers that we've heard from you before but what's the reason for that I suppose how I think I seem to have a bit of a rock and roll tag yes um I have my quiet moments as well and this is one of the just a slightly more relaxed thing than usual it's a rather American it turned out but you never know till you finished you know you can't sit back and judge it at all and until you eventually finished now the title had out the races and in fact the year also before with them both their Marx Brothers and titles of their films aren't like they are yes yeah was that deliberate well it started and we got the first title after watching a video of a Night at the Opera while we were cool the album yes and it seemed to fit in so well with its just some of the things we were doing on the album for instance there's a little operatic bits in Bohemian Rhapsody and things like that it went well and when we were trying to think of a title for this one the day the writers was the film after night at the Opera so that's what we went with I see is this going to be a trend you think - always adopts oh no no no no it's just the way it turned out it seemed to fit well Roger is my nobody talking to you and we can hear in the background somebody to love so let's not only hear it let's have a look at it as well
Channel: Queenlvr314
Views: 1,100,768
Rating: 4.9855776 out of 5
Keywords: Roger, Taylor, interview
Id: nakYjO2xDoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2009
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