ROG Ally 2tb upgrade to Samsung 980 Pro 2280 M.2 install with windows 10 LTSC

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what's going on guys uh this is Rob uh it's been well over a decade since I've done a tech video for this channel however I have an Rog Ally and I figured why not make a video of what I'm gonna do to this thing I'm gonna be doing a Samsung 980 Pro this is a 20 or 2280 SSD size which is too big for this device however I've seen people put them in here so I want to do a video on this I have not watched a YouTube channel or anything on open this thing up or any kind of stuff it's gonna be like first time for me as well I figure why don't document my mistakes if I make any and go from there so just for reference um I have a I had a steam deck when it came out in the steam deck has a 2230 drivers like this does and I put I purchased a terabyte uh drive for it which is about that size right there um I was gonna do the same for this so I figured why not put the full size in there and go from there it's just a two terabyte you can go up to four wherever you want it will work um I already backed up my games to this from Steam so when I reinstall Windows I want to do that now there's options you can do when upgrading these drive you can clone your your drive and get one of these devices and clone it to here if you buy whatever drive you buy and it's pop it in boot up you're done I'm not doing that route because this is this is Windows 11 on it and um I'm putting Windows 10 RTS on this um the reason for that is or LTS sorry Windows 10 LTS the reason for that is um SD bloated there's no store there's nothing in it really you can remove edge and all kind of stuff without breaking the system super lightweight uh Windows 11 you got to modify it there's a lot there's a lot more involved in this thing that I don't want to deal with so with that being said I already made my backup there's my drive right there uh 475 gigs there's a backup Drive we are going to shut this bad boy down and take it apart all right so get this out of the way and well while it's still shutting down we start taking the screws out and put them in order up here now this drive requires some physical modifications to make it fit such as for my red is moving the Wi-Fi antenna maybe cutting some plastic here and there so be aware if you do this modification you may void your warranty if you don't want to do that just go with a 2230 Drive and you'll be okay you want to worry about cutting any plastic up these screws are extra long here just put that there [Applause] that one's okay that's gonna stay in there just like the laptop bags it's good so you have a area kind of start popping popping off at that one goes there that one goes there let's put this over here for now let me see these gonna come out all right so these look like these are all the same size yeah so these are this is good so it's just that one that does not come out that stays there and see it open up right there already which is a good thing so you can take let's see what you got here and take your little guitar pick and just you see it turn off it did not turn off yet that's another thing of this damn Windows sometimes it shuts down sometimes it don't but it's okay because we're getting rid of that anyway I put Windows 10 on this some may not agree with Windows 10 but I prefer that windows 10 that I have just because let me see some here do I have a different I want to use this do I let me see some here there you go just be gentle with it that's all as you can see I'm really not trying to force it too much because I don't want to I do not want to uh put any dents in the plastic oh there it goes that's it so there's your back side there's your little screw with a retainer on it okay next thing we're going to do is disconnect the battery which is right here that's out of the way and what's next here what do we have here like I said I have not watched any videos but there is there's your there's your M2 right there I'm gonna take this out of the way for now and place it over here so we're safe so I'm just gonna go underneath here we got a custom plastic it looks like this looks like fun and if I need thermal paste for this it's going to suck because I didn't buy any I'm sure there's other videos online doing this but this is my video that's why I'm making it I figure if there's some content out there now you can see this this size there was this is quite significant here I mean look at that see the difference right there that's a lot now I see here some plastic down there what you got going on over here yeah so I don't have to uh disassemble this a little bit let's see what we got going on over here we have a screw there is for the M2 that screw is going to go back or I'll maybe it won't go back I don't know okay there's a bit for that [Music] we have like anti-tamper screw over here yes they know if you took it apart you know and it's already falling apart because [Music] I'm not too gentle with it so I can get that out there without breaking it too much more yeah it's not gonna happen well warranty's void on this already not a big deal though all right so these are the size screws hopefully I don't have to take off the heat sinks I can just oh let's see okay this is the battery oh sweet okay cool that's even better it's even better news okay so we have this to modify so we got this clip here you gotta cut out looks like and that right there for it's a fit so this isn't too bad so we gotta cut that there cut that move that cut this out of the way and yeah and then move the Wi-Fi antenna that might be able to get crushed underneath that maybe [Music] so anyway I guess let's get to it let me try something first if I go making a big mess here can I use this blade here you know this plate is dull and I have no spares probably some Cutters on this too and just slight it's like let's let's do this first let's move this Wi-Fi antenna all the way so we have this one here this whole thing I move out of here this one looks like this one right here has to move out of the way [Music] [Music] yeah this is not a modification that I would recommend anyone doing um that wasn't confident or didn't really know what's going on here because this is that's going to stay there can I get out of the way and there's Wi-Fi antenna which is got a copper there gotta come out yeah that's gonna be fun take it down there it looks like it's grounded or it's glued also I can't really tell I don't want to damage the antenna you know let me see something here [Applause] there we go there we go that's better just has adhesive on it all right so it's got that it has copper that's also on it so I guess I'm just going to fold this down and have the amazon2 on top of it you know that's probably the plan so I'm going to fold the uh the antenna down have this on top and what check me what test the Wi-Fi after that I'm sure it's gonna be fine but yes we have to cut it I'm just gonna put a little slot there and we already know it's Gotta Go Away there all that it's gonna go away so I need to cut this all the way first my bear is like just to trim it trim it gently anywhere there it goes perfect and then go down there with it just wrap that back and forth watch the antenna for the Wi-Fi there we go [Music] and that can get folded down probably bad yeah that'll work okay I think it's tuck that there let me see something now the way I just gotta trim that piece and that piece and then down there so I'm probably going to move this up like so give it a little score there and yeah this is where it gets a little I need to put some in here just to protect it I want to go down too far and score that [Applause] there you go there's some cardboard just to protect that little piece there okay let's go down like so [Music] I can't believe I'm cutting up this device okay okay that's pretty much through Let's test fit one more time and see what else we have to trim on this all right a little bit more over here looks like I'll just go down like so now this video is just me learning as I go here I have like I said I have not watched any other YouTube videos doing this just kind of going as I as I see here so be easy in the comments down there because I'm not I don't do these videos all the time anymore like I used to Team Eternal is kind of dead okay let's see what we got yeah I still gotta turn a little bit more it looks like does it get that down that angle I got like a 45 looks like you guys gotta get it straight and watch that Wi-Fi antenna using two hands I can control the tension I put on this let me close to that part anyway [Music] Okay so I'm gonna fold this down like so so the antenna's still gonna it's kind of blocked um I don't want to relocate it because I have to move the uh the copper I'm trying to go through all that yeah see that's that's actually pretty good now let's see if the battery still fits because that's the next one that's the other thing with the battery hmm it's not hitting nothing thank you several of them chips right there yeah I'm gonna put um some tape on that I'm putting tape on the battery actually some electrical tape right here what do I have here I got you a tape with me and now I've got some electrical tape real quick I'm putting tape on the battery uh just so it's not touching this this here bare metal uh the hard um antenna if I do a face down instead of that way it might get a better signal being that the copper is kind of blocking it yeah let me let me just try it and see if I can pull this copper up and give this antenna out of the way so I can kind of move this wire first I'm gonna make some room here foreign [Music] in here first I think it is out of the way I'm going to pull this out they carry these wires too it's like mini coax you know you don't want to crush them you want to be a little gentle with it as much as you can there you go so I'm gonna do right now is this you pull this up and glue this one face down this one will cut more plastic over here just to get the antenna wire to fit for the modification I'm doing anyway I'm gonna bring this down as far as I can over here foreign just like that so that way the Wi-Fi antenna is not being blocked at all bias modification and we still have the copper in place now we can put all these wires back where they belong let me use this instead let's tuck those back in there like so the same for the black just get that back in there all right so there's plenty of room now I have this piece here that I should probably trim a little bit just so it's not putting pressure upwards on the M2 [Music] yeah see like right there if I take that out if I trim this plastic here a little bit I might have some more clearance for that battery too you know right here and here let's trim up just a little bit I'm not gonna get too crazy with it but because then if I do that you can go down some more and be a little more flush with the rest of the uh the rest of the unit who's gonna score it right there okay all right try and do this gently without messing anything up there's some wires right there so I'm already getting a little worried hmm foreign three days four days I can't remember now not that long maybe five I'm already I'm already cut it apart all right let me test if I keep cutting because nope that's good now I just need to get to this one here okay and cut down cut down that could be some he turned I turn this on and it doesn't work anymore [Laughter] oh that would suck okay [Music] thank you okay there we go perfect let's see how the battery fits this time and disassemble it's only five over here no disassemble no disassemble Johnny Five first for you know short circuit for his own don't know that movie short circuit from uh the 80s I think I don't remember oh yeah look at that that's nice and snug and it's got room for a little copper heatsink in there I'm still gonna put electrical tape on it because I don't want to touch him that someone put tape right here a little piece okay I'm back and I got a new blade so this is not your standard Tech video this is not a how-to video this is me just doing this on my own um now the steam deck you can't do this too there's no room in that thing so it's kind of cool that this actually has some room in it to play around you know all right so that's this piece here it's got good it's not a whole lot of room here it's not trying to go crazy with it just enough though put some protection between [Music] the SSD I'm sorry M2 whatever you want to call this thing and uh just some some space between that insulation anyway between that and the uh now I'm not going to put a screw back in because it doesn't need it for one it's not going anywhere and uh all right so that's pretty much done let's go ahead and uh plug it in oh yeah I gotta put the screws in let me let me put these battery screws in real quick I'm not putting M2 screw back in because like I said I don't there's no room for underneath and just snug these things don't don't torque on this plastic it's like super soft so Okay so [Applause] I'm done with the whole installation I just gotta put the gains back on now I'm going to say this on the ACES website you know how Mr has a the latest driver and it has like a drop down for the order drivers well for this device and maybe other devices I don't know but you know my motherboard I haven't had this problem before so anyway it has some audio problems I didn't have no sound I had the icon I can see it you can see the sound Moon we had no audio so for this device there's like uh two audio drivers you gotta install once the real Tech ones they end so when you go on the ACES website make sure you hit the drop down extend everything and get all your drivers you need um so this is Windows 10 not Windows 11. this is uh LTS so it's completely bloated like it doesn't come with the windows store nothing you can remove uh The Edge application it has no one drive none of that stuff um to get this ISO you just gotta Google or just go to Reddit and look up um Windows LTS you'll find this if you want this particular Windows anyway everything's installed you can see right there Windows 10 Enterprise ltsc um there's device information 16 gigs of RAM yada yada and then drive C right there two terabytes and then I got the uh other one terabyte which I got transfer to games off of so everything's installed that I need to have installed on here Edge is gone um I can remove this get help app again I put on here because you know trying to figure out the uh audio issue the my Asus app doesn't you don't need this one doesn't really it's not helpful at all um just make sure you install the Rog uh Armory crate because you need it for this right here you can change you know all your all your settings here um then it has of course you hit this button here and it opens up the actual crate which I don't have really nothing installed yet but all this stuff is working just fine so it's you know really cool um other than that yeah I'm gonna go ahead and uh finish configure my Steam get my gains back on here and uh go from there but anyway the reason I didn't feel the way I did it without any research was I just want to kind of learn my own and and figure things out you know um still a final tutorial this is my video is how I always done it if you know me from you know the past when did the Android stuff on the phones everything else I did tutorials because of that so with that being said I hope you enjoy the video if you have any questions uh feel free to comment below I'll leave links to the uh Drive eye bulk the drivers for this thing and um I'm not sure it also on top of my head but uh anyway that's it that's device is ready to go like I said it's got a configure Steam and that's it so if you enjoy this video like comment subscribe whatever you want to do um don't be too harsh in the comment section I make mistakes this is not that kind of video where I'm like practicing on the side but uh if you want to see this is all the stuff I cut out to fit that M2 in there answer Gen 4 it's working nice and fast and the Wi-Fi antennas right around here I think it was go here yeah here so Wi-Fi intense right around here somewhere so it's not really it's not being blocked when you're playing Boom Boom Boom it's not down here it's not back here it's right here and it's working just fine the speeds are great so anyway thanks for watching I hope you enjoy and if you want more videos like this just let me know I'm always doing Tech stuff anyway I just um don't make videos on it you know I've been doing other YouTube stuff like car videos everything else so if you want more Tech videos uh just let me know and I'll be more than happy to make them anyway thanks for watching
Channel: Team Nocturnal
Views: 14,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team nocturnal, gaming, nocturnal live
Id: U46z2iqm30E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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