The 32” 4K OLED Gaming Monitor: ROG PG32UCDM

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Hello everyone it's SpawnPoiint and today we  are taking a look at one of the most anticipated   gaming monitors of 2024 this is a 32in 4K OLED  that supports 240HZ vrr HDMI 2.1 and has a glossy   screen it's rog's latest 32in QD-OLED the PG32ucdm  and this thing looks incredible well today we're   going to go over what it's like for gaming the  specs pros and cons of a QD OLED and what it's   like for productivity as well as movies if you're  after a new monitor for your PS5 Xbox or PC this   could be the one there is a lot to cover but any  questions you've got just drop those below okay   so starting with the design and I can't lie this  looks awesome in the setup it looks like most of   the other recent Rog monitors that we've had  with its ultra thin frame and it slim bezels   but it also has that chunky rear case which houses  all of the internals as well as a custom heat sink   but what I like about the Rog monitors is this  the LEDs on the back in the shape of their logo   it creates that nice RGB glow and this definitely  gives the monitor that nice clean gaming Vibe as   well there's also some subtle branding throughout  including an Rog logo on this notch on the front   which you can switch off in the settings now  in the Box it does come with a stand it's got   these metal feet and a plastic arm and it does  pretty much everything that you need in terms of   movement and adjustments it move up and down tilt  and pivot and it will even swivel side to side but   if like me you happen to use a monitor arm where  you can mount this to one of those instead and   that's what I'll be using today it even comes with  a Vesta adapter in the box that you can pop in   place instead of the stand now I'm currently using  the secret lab Magnus arm which I have linked to   below and it will easily hold the weight of this  monitor plus it looks clean and it frees up some   space on your desk as the stand is pretty big now  the only thing I wanted to mention although not a   huge issue is the build quality on the edge of  the screen it looks great with the ultra thin   bezels it really does but when you grab and move  it around the frame feels pretty thin and flimsy   like there's a little bit of flex as you squeeze  it again this is not an issue but I wanted to be   honest with my my experience so far right okay so  that's enough about the design and the stand let's   talk about specs and this monitor is packing some  serious features like if you'd asked me a year ago   what I wanted from the ultimate gaming monitor  I would have listed 32 in 4k and OLED well this   has all of that and some more let's start with  the fact that it's a 32-in screen over the last   few years I've used a mixture of 27 32 34 and 42  in screens and for me 32 in is The Sweet Spot yes   a 27 in is probably best for FPS games and 42 in  best for the story driven games but 32 in feels   like the right balance between the two especially  for a desk setup also this is a QD OLED panel so   we're getting those Inky blacks perfect contrast  and an incredible image quality I threw some   generic 4K content on here just to show off the  black levels and I forgot how good this would look   but there's no surprise considering this is also  true black 400 certified and it supports HDR 10   and Dolby vision is coming very soon but there was  one thing I wanted to point out was the slightly   raised black levels when watching it during the  day this is most noticeable if you have a light   source shining directly onto the screen instead  of it being jet black the black levels are kind   of a dark gray this is not an issue at night or  if you can control the lighting in your room but   still it's something I wanted to mention colors  are another thing QD OLED combines both OLED and   quantum dot to give us the same great benefits  of a normal OLED but with improved colors and   vibrancy you're going to get a more Vivid picture  and image quality from your games and this is   massively by the 99% DCI P3 color gammer now  as for the brightness well in HDR this Peaks   at around 1,000 nits at a 3% window which is good  although at a 100% window it's just 250 nits this   sounds low but in a normally lit room this looks  and performs absolutely fine and as this is a 4K   panel Games movies and any other content I've put  on here looks crisp and sharp as we're getting   the 4 3840 by 2160 resolution something that  I've been missing on my 27in oleds now unlike   the usual monitors that have an anti-glare matte  coating this one comes with an anti-reflective   glossy finish I know this is something that's  often requested with an OLED screen so let's   talk about why you'd want a glossy Finish Well the  main reason is the black levels contrast and image   quality will naturally be better when there's no  coating over the top and this is what we often   see with most TVs but with that glossy finish  you're going to be open to reflections with that   mirror-like finish but I can tell you now from  the testing that I've done the anti-reflective   Finish looks great and is dark enough to block out  most Reflections in the room it's still going to   pick up those bright Reflections if you've got  a window or a light source directly opposite   the screen but it definitely improves the overall  image quality viewing angles is another thing the   fact that it's an OLED you're going to get those  near perfect viewing angles as we move around the   screen now it's not like you'd ever view this  screen from this angle but the fact is you can   position it however you'd like and not worry about  losing contrast or vibrancy now whether you want   to use this for PC gaming or console gaming this  monitor does take most of the boxes that you'll   need including two HDMI 2.1 ports a display port  a USBC and even a headphone jack over the last   week I've jumped on all of the games I've recently  been playing including Avatar frontiers of Pandora   which I've now completed Spider-Man 2 Forza and  most recently Tekken 8 and Suicide Squad and I can   tell you now everything looks brilliant on this  screen so firstly we know it's a 4K QD OLED panel   so those Inky blacks and contrast levels look  really impressive even just navigating around   the home screen on the PS5 this shows off the  clarity and the perfect blacks and if we quickly   jump into the menu use on both the PS5 and the  Xbox series X it confirms here that we have the   4K resolution as well as 120 HZ support and let me  tell you the refresh rate and the motion on this   is buttery smooth now not only do we get the 120  HZ support but it also offers vrr or the variable   refresh rate and BFI or there take on the black  frame insertion so we are literally getting the   best frame rate support from a monitor there's no  stuttering no screen tearing and no motion blur   it also supports nvidia's g-sync and freesync  premium Pro now running it with a 4K resolution   will obviously give us the best overall resolution  and picture quality but you can of course still   run this at 1440p or 1080p and this is useful if  you want to take advantage of a higher frame rate   then there's the response time Asus have confirmed  this has a 0.03 millisecond gray to gray response   you're also not going to notice or see any lag  or delay while gaming even on the most demanding   of games I often use this setup for playing Call  of Duty so playing a few games with my mates was   the best way to really test it out don't get  me wrong the 27in monitors are brilliant but I   was constantly pulling it closer to me on the arm  whereas this feels like the perfect size for the   distance that I'm sitting on top of this though  you can actually change the aspect ratio in the   onscreen display menu to make it either 27 or 24  in if it helps now both the PS5 and Xbox max out   at 120 FPS so you're not really going to make the  most out of this monitor whereas gaming on a PC   or laptop you've got the potential of unlocking  the full 240 HZ capability oh and not only does   this have a custom heat sink built-in which is  designed to keep it cool and prevent the screen   from damage it's also fanless so you won't even  hear it while you're gaming and you don't need to   worry about burin as they do provide a 2-year OLED  Burnin warranty Asus have also integrated their   game plus features which allows you to enable  several overlay features to improve your game   we can add a Crosshair on screen an FPS counter  a timer and a stopwatch on top of that they've   applied that Rog gaming AI Tech which provides  two cool features the first one is the dynamic   Crosshair which automatically changes its color  against the background so you can aim onto your   enemies even easier and then there's the dynamic  Shadow boost and this gives the contrast a boost   during gameplay making it even easier to see those  dark areas so this is primarily a gaming monitor   there's no built-in apps or App Store no TV or  cable antennas but that doesn't mean it cannot   be used for watching movies or TV shows and it  actually does this really well so not only is a   great size for sitting back and watching a movie  on it's got those perfect black levels a nice   glossy screen and and of course that 4K resolution  so whether you're on a PC or a console where you   can stream any of the usual apps including Netflix  and Disney plus and make the most out of the   screen animated movies will always look incredible  as the colors and vibrancy really pop but then any   movies that are darker where you can see just how  impressive the contrast is and this is the sort   of monitor that will make you wish all of your TVs  and monitors were olad now at the time of testing   this Dolby vision isn't yet supported however Asus  have confirmed it will be coming within the first   half of 20 24 another area worth talking about is  productivity I'll assume that most of you would   want to use this monitor for gaming but when  you're not gaming you might want to use it for   work as well well this monitor will easily take  care of that as well with some decent features   that a lot of other gaming monitors don't have and  the first one being USBC this means you're able   to hook up your laptop or your MacBook to not only  send the signal to the screen but you can actually   charge and power it with the 90 W power delivery  and this is a massively underrated feature as   you'll only need the one cable when plugging it  in now I actually use this monitor for editing my   most recent video on the channel and although it's  obviously not an ultra wide the flat panel screen   gives me a nice workpace to edit with and on top  of that QD OLED gives us those improved colors and   blacks so what I'm seeing here is almost the  best I'm going to get from a monitor now you   might also be wondering what is the text like on  here well text Clarity and fringing is always a   concern with olets as it won't be as sharp or as  clear as say an LCD but with that said this looks   really good this is due to two things the first  is the fact that it's a 4K screen and it's also   helped by being a third gen QD OLED panel so text  is noticeably clearer on here than say a w OLED   screen and I've had no issues using it for reading  or writing text on pages the other feature is the   fact that it comes with a built-in KVM with hotkey  this is useful if you have two PCS or a laptop   and a PC as it will allow you to switch between  multiple PCS or laptops at the same time while   in picture and picture mode then to help combat Al  or the auto brightness limiter it's got a setting   called uniform brightness this actually stops  the screen from changing brightness as you swap   between different windows or when you drag a white  window across your screen and this is actually one   of the biggest annoyances of using an OLED for  work so this feature should really help prevent   that now out of the box this monitor really is  great and you could use it without making any   changes and still be happy but if you want to mess  around with the settings there are two ways you   can do it the first is using the onscreen menu  where you need to press the little joystick on   the back of the Notch and then you'll have this  UI popup here you can check and change various   settings like the picture settings brightness  switching vrr on and swapping the input everything   can be done on here although it's a little fiddly  to use the joystick the other option is to use the   display widget Center Software this will let you  tweak and change exactly what you need including   what mode to play with the brightness Shadow boost  and color temps you can also update it from here   as well in fact everything that you can do via  the onscreen display you can basically do easier   via the app of course you would need to use a PC  or laptop to view the software I also think it's   worth mentioning the OLED care protection  settings this usually is p pixel cleaning   a screen saver and a screen move feature to help  protect it and as mentioned earlier it does come   with a 2-year Burnin warranty and a quick look at  the available connections so we get two HDMI 2.1   ports One display port 1.4 three USB 3.2 ports  and one USBC port with a 90 W power delivery   there's also an optical out as well as a 3.5 mil  headphone jack now as you might have guessed there   were no speakers on this you would either need  to use headphones or external speakers and as   for what's inside the box but it comes with the  usual accessories that you normally get from an   R monitor so there's a pouch with a USBC cable  an ultra highspeed HDMI cable a display port   cable and a USB a to usbb Cable then there's also  the power cable and a power adapter we've got the   stand itself which comes in two parts we have the  main arm that clicks into the back and the feet   but there's also a vessa bracket if you want  to wall mount it or use a monitor arm instead   so in summary this 32-in OLED is an incredible  screen now at the time of making this video the   price of the monitor hasn't yet been announced  so it's hard to say whether it's good value or   worth buying from a cost perspective but what I  can say is from a spec and performance point of   view this monitor really is worth buying we have  finally got a 4K 32in screen that offers pretty   much everything that we've asked for it's glossy  it's thin vrr 240 HZ and it's actually a monitor   that I'm excited about using I think if you're on  Console or a PC where 240 HZ is more than enough   for you this is going to be a solid buy I suppose  the only real question is do you prefer a glossy   or a matte finish on your screen as I know that is  a question that divides a lot of us now if this is   a screen that you are interested in I have link  to it below where you can pre-order or maybe buy   at the time of watching well I hope you enjoyed  this Hands-On and first look at the QD OED from   Rog let me know your thoughts and if you have any  questions or something you would like me to test   out just ask and I will try to get back to you  now drop a 4K gaming in the comments and I'll   give you a thumbs up for staying right till the  end and if you did enjoy today's video check out   my guide on improving your setup video next as  it covers 10 tips to upgrade your gaming setup   in 2024 well thanks for watching please like  sub and follow me everywhere until next time
Channel: SpawnPoiint
Views: 285,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best gaming monitor, best oled monitor, 4k 240hz glossy oled monitor, gaming monitor, 4k qd oled glossy, 4k oled glossy, best gaming monitor 2024, 4k gaming monitor, glossy oled monitor, 4k glossy oled monitor, glossy 4k oled, qd oled glossy, asus rog monitor, pg32ucdm, ps5 gaming monitor, xbox gaming monitor, best ps5 monitor, 4k oled, 4k 32inch oled, 240hz gaming monitor, spawnpoiint, oled gaming monitor, asus rog, pc gaming, rog swift
Id: WJZG5c6pPnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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