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it's 4:00 a.m. at multiple a station in the heart of the Kimberley in Western Australia this is cattle country and where there's cattle and cowboys is always rodeo the country is so rough out this way that most of the station work is still done on horseback you make sure his station manager of monopoly he started as a ringer at 16 and has been here ever since the bosses way is the only way and it's been that way for 50 years the boys have just been out for 10 weeks and they've the horses I've gotta just fed buggered and get missed hard so they're letting this live goat and their weeds are another my book now like this one he hasn't been worked this year it'll go out Harper done this 10 weeks it'll go out next next time right this is the second horse muster of the year and each horse will need a new set of shoes jared is 19 and head Stockman as boss he's in charge of the camp and ten ringers his junior they work 14-hour days seven days a week ten months of the year for $40 a day the only way you can become a ringer is to be ringer you gotta be careful I've got a now hanging out there you carefully does it cut me leg don't be a prick or you're not really in it for the money it's just for your love it's the only reason what really keeps me coming back every time with the horses and the way they just fall in love with the horses they're like you pet him to keep coming back to more my cares 1.6 million acres to keep it on about a hundred and fifty kilometers away but still I'm Molly bulla is the other stock camp known as Charlie's mob Charlie like carrot is in charge of ten ringers [Music] two of Charlie's ringers the girls Naomi's from over east and determined to see out a year at the station some of the guys don't like the girls being here because they think we're incompetent but most of the guys just accept us for what we are that's it something think that it's just not a female thing and girls shouldn't be doing it full stop but stuff they can do it second I [Music] phase two girls head like there's nothing wrong with amber and you do meet a few sort of ranked women in a minister stop camp I sorta have to learn to put up with what goes on like they're not your lady late can't expect these girls to get up there scruff big mooing and cows and stuff but they do their job like you can get him done the hard stuff but you give them a job a nice to do it as good as I can [Music] down the road a few hours is Matt Pierre an Aboriginal station it's a family-run property and Louis Dolby is the boss helping work the station are his three boys Lawrence jr. and his eldest boy dougie it's rodeo season and the boys are preparing for the big one Fitzroy crossing got rodeo shoots he's got a rodeo yard oh yeah and then we got electric bucking machine if they think they got the movement's rod well then they can get onto the bucking machine and if they reckon they got that rider legging getting the real thing when I'm getting them to practice I get them dressing up properly like they're in the rodeo arena the chap is for Halle because a good cowboy really you know you don't need chaps to keep you on this machine is to keep you in practice get your timing right especially the young fellas now they haven't got much experience ready although Lawrence is the youngest he's already won several rodeo events what I do is they come out of hospital in the blanket in the baby blanket what I do is put them on a horse and I take them for a ride around while they wrap them and blanket and you know that they turn out to be great Cowboys you know that they turn out to be great horsemen it's they turn out natural they don't they don't you know we go to rodeos and people say all your kids it's natural how you do it the secret is I put on horse when they come out of hospital Junior has never won any rodeo events but he's still a solid horseman [Applause] wine Swan is like a brother to the Dobby boys and at 25 he's a Kimberly radio legend he too was preparing for the Fitzroy aerodrome where he is known as the singing cowboy don't buy the building [Music] Rodya feeling why never knew his father he was raised by his mother and sister and left home at 13 to get work on stations Wayne lied about his age but in due time he would learn all about cattle country and rodeo every chance he gets he wants to be on a horse you know yeah he sort of took interest in in like riding at the age of probably maybe younger than 14 when they used to have the calf riding and things like that fool for the little kids you know he's always there around the yard that's all around you with it yeah it was all around me it went on videos he's been on everything that people talked oh I'll just sat down with Cowboys down from from damn South Moore and I talked about well you can't run away from it and it's something that you fell in love with a sport that defendant Oh [Music] haha kimberley row tires aren't on the professional circuit but they're the real thing they grew out of working candolyn horses on stations and draw cowboys like a magnum on a little farm near perth robbie newman is also feeling that pull of the road airs this will mean a 2,000 kilometer journey north with Luke he's quarter horse tagging he's only eight year old rising nine and I think he's got a lot of years in him if I look after him well he's been good to me yeah yeah we'll give him a haircut that'll look good for the girls huh when we go down the road Robbie was born on an Indian Reservation in the Rocky Mountains of Montana he is part Cheyenne Indian with his family and Luke in tow they will try to make a living from whatever comes along it will be a few weeks before Robbie and his family reached their base camp in Broome then Robbie will travel on his own to compete in rodeos his dream is to win the diamond of the West at fitzroy crossing worth $5,000 [Music] [Music] after traveling up here a couple of times I've found all the best places to stop in to the horses when you're traveling with your horses you got to make sure you got access to yards and water along the way I'm gonna have an addition to the family because my wife's pregnant and she'll be having the baby when we get to room [Music] Louise eldest boy Douglas he's on summer vacation from rodeo school in the States he has his sights set on international rodeo Fame Douglas he's the first have any Kimberley person who won a scholarship and make it over to America with with his family the support we achieved what we what we aim for and he's been over there he's won a scholarship you know he's he's a champion and in my in my book no and I'm proud to say that I made him that champion and if you've got any kind of reputation over yet the people know you're famous in America I'm not yet soon I will be what are you gonna do this morning in a little bit of practice well this morning you know boxing ball said have a few practice ride and then see if we still got the touch so when we call him Haley we don't no way come from he's pretty good um you could win on him II if you if you wrote time in the you know in a in a rodeo final what makes him good he's buck and he's mean so that that makes him good what about this we call him question mark that each brand is a question mark he's a good practice bullies not so good but he's good enough to practice on if you want to win ride him dougies brought on some flash techniques to show the boys Vegas thing baby [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the accidents happen in practice and in rodeo circuit so here be prepared for accident that's it like rodeo will then be prepared for accidents the right bull was it because he's rough on him you have this tie on and inner idea you'll get good points work if you stick on him the right amount of harm you coming along the abandon your old Amir and example the end you need to make him buck okay when he came over wait well I can open these gates then I gotta go out then step back and keep waving the end see that okay you say Megan but you're not [Music] that's like I said you can ride him you and win that dougie what do you reckon big tough pretty tough just that left me behind he can walk what do you reckon [Music] just a standard damn practice run in a dress way we could have done a little bit better other than that pretty good [Music] the mauler bulla boys now need to break in their horses from the muster under the watchful eye of carrot trainee minute training [Music] make him do the full length the yard any minute corner somewhere Danny ran it but it's worth me turn him into the fence do the same again the other way the horses doesn't like being ridden me bucks a bit he's just trying to dang him out so it doesn't bother him just to see if he can hang if he can't handle that horse I'll have to either take myself we'll give it to someone else will be able to handle it if it throws him all the time but if he looks like he can handle it he'll be able to keep that horse for himself each Campagnolo Buller has a full-time cook and young Harley might know it but he's maintaining all the traditions that go with the job as long as I'm making some bread getting the ingredients ready to put in for a rise its best right so if I put in four cups of flour and I put in three powerful of yeast and a handful of sugar sweetening and I'll put a bit of salt in there J he's a local from the nearby town of Horse Creek and has been in the saddle since he was four years old she can her up pretty good Robin give it walk around for a bit now let it cool down and start sooner if they've got a 4 o clock breakfast I've got to get up at 3 o'clock to start the fire and and put the Billie's on and after I've done that at about 3:30 I've got to put start the generator up and then at 3:30 or exactly on 3:30 I come in and start making breakfast preparing it up and we just learn to put the Red Rooster working with chickens you're not really supposed to cook anything spectacular it just like cook up something light like a steak mashed potato and gravy I like that don't really have to go out of your way to cook something really fancy just as long as they get fed in each meal [Music] [Music] Robbie and his family will camp in broome for the next few months and prepare for the birth of the new baby news of Robbie's arrival has spread around town and there's plenty of takers for his words of wisdom instead of me just sort of walking along here what if I just started trotting yeah start pumping them arms alright the horse didn't go to a truck his ultimate aim is to educate people to think like horses basically trying to make the horse's life better as what he's all about there is a better way traditional methods aren't necessarily the best best ways there are better ways and he just wants to educate people Robbie's also a medicine man and he'll even do a bit of mouth work for $20 a pop and that's the culprit [Music] some long-awaited mail has finally arrived at mullah bulla I just got a letter from them up those parts for my brother and sister in better with the run hello fixed from my one for my little brother we bought a new Gert and some oysters with Louise done yeah good news Tommy boyfriend/girlfriend not going I don't running it um with Cathy Freeman runner Italy and Portugal in England some of that Cathy took Cathy Freeman took the road to the Knights act during boarding five grands where the year nice I'm Marlon we've got catalogs here I'm going up through the catalogs and rather serial number and all that sort of [ __ ] on the paper send it back to the station and they order and then they take it out of our pay - yes or send out one wrong letter than my mum and rc2 semi-smooth sleeping bag and some warm clothes and [ __ ] standard Alton good person [Music] this is a code via donkey what you do is you light a fire underneath it and it's a drum full of water and use it for the showers just for hot water it's a chunk of beef and off to bed for them all of our mob they'll be in the saddle and mustering three and a half thousand head of cattle by 4:00 a.m. in the morning [Applause] rubbie is heading off on his own to the Fitzroy rodea Louis and young Christie will stay in Broome hoping he'll bring back some prize money yeah I'm the way the Fitzroy - diamond to the west [Music] Wayne Swan is on the trail as well [Applause] but the mall of bulla mob won't be going to fit right this time [Music] that that a fob die master ahead of them they'll have to sit it out to the next radio at halls creek but wild horses couldn't keep Louis Dolby and his boys away we got some losses from ad in the padding here and we're gonna think I wanna track and tie him into the raya and Fitzroy they're perfectly good backing gonna read Dalian Willie Willie n sub 0 the Bulls that I'll be using in the finals at Fitzroy area I think some boys will be hanging onto their pants shaking in their boots shaking in the boots yeah I reckon we got some good Cowboys but we got some good booster [Music] [Music] baby sorry my big plus it was two weeks ago the big day has arrived and sold at the Dolby [Music] competition is tough there are competitors from all over Australia and they're good robberies muta campdrafting a uniquely Australian sport and the Dolby's are keen to check his form campdrafting is derived from cattle work on stations and is seen as a public display of the skill and communication between horse and rider robbie must cut a beast out of the herd and guided around a course against a clock but he's picked a stubborn beast [Music] some kinds of rather be lucky than good and I was damn lucky judge muscle like me today he let me get away at that and I got ya lucky to get around the course what what you gonna do you got to get him around so I just keep getting around I can get into money juniors foot has come good and he's next up in the camp craft a win would make mum and dad's day but he's filed to get his beast around the first Pig he's going to need a few more tips from his death Robbie has his second run but he too failed to get his beast around the course his luck may be drying up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] too hard just out of the money to stay in the money Robby's last chance is to win in tomorrow's roping event nightfall brings the hardest event of the weekend each cowboy must drink lots of beer spin around what to stick ten times then kick an empty can it's easier than it looks [Music] [Music] Robbie's rapping partner is but profit at 73 he's a direct descendant of Davy Crockett 100 years back Robbie would been after bud scale [Music] [Music] [Music] Robbie's right wasn't tied to his saddle a mistake which is costing a competition and a difficult recovery of the bareback and saddle bronc events kick off the afternoon this is a dangerous sport and no one's had more broken bones than Colin fuller for the rough stuff events each rider must keep one arm clear of the Beast and stay on for eight seconds anything this is a no score I can eight seconds and I can feel like a fortnight on a bareback horse because that's really need the strength and all that sort of stuff and my stamina to keep on going on them and kind of quit them you quit him you get a hell of a ride you have a cowboy dreams are bad that would flank them ride that can look a little pudding on but never happens that way sometimes then you get that adrenaline rush you don't worry about getting scared you know you just want to get out there and have a good time and make it 98 seconds well I thing but yeah get out there and get rid of it so you get more time and drinking some booze I think about a little time I get mad crazy dreams I'm trying gentlemen board either that some time I dream I'll get hit but never sort of stopped me and I like I just want to get on the motor time Wayne's ready to go but there's a holdup he's kept waiting in the chute and he loses his nerve they singing Cowboys on the guy in the suit number three and unfortunately Dougie is taping up his riding up this will stop him bursting blood vessels another tricky picked up at rodeo school he's going to need whatever it takes to tackle this boost [Applause] [Applause] Dougy does he's eight seconds easily but the ball hardly but so it'll be a low score being under 18 Lawrence Dolby must wear a face guard in the bull riding mom's worried because he's drawn a rank ball Lawrence has failed to make his 8 seconds and has been knocked out of the finals now it's Wayne's turn to buck out Wayne before well but the ball didn't so he's a long way from winning so far Dougie has performed badly but he's won the draw for the feature bull ride Lightning jack is a rank 4 no cowboy has stayed on him longer than a few seconds [Music] [Music] all the bull-riding schools in america couldn't prepare dougie for the buck of lightning jet even the clown went down the competition is over now dougie must mend his busted rib before the next rodeo you been playing this game [Music] the horse has got fans everybody still like the horse even it even if he didn't [Music] wherever traveling can't get up what's wrong [Music] for the next two weeks Wayne will be back working at the our gold diamond mine he'll be riding a bigger beast until the next rodeo at Horse Creek [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the mullah bulla mob are priming themselves for the Horse Creek rodea for the boys up this way girls don't ride balls so Naomi has an uphill battle to get in a practice how do you put this dude okay here's just put your bum down keep your legs up okay start on doing that stuff now get the legs and feet up on your hand the whole time trotty out I get another guy hot news wine it's a bit of a sexist attitude ahead just ask what gonna stay yeah how'd you do that for fun yeah he's good real good fun and the boys what was a little bit it just been a bunch of sixes pigs like they normally uh that they expect girls out here to work like them and all that sort of stuff but it says it comes to mucking around and all that they expect the girls to be little miss prim on propers and another guy longer that talk let's have an epsp right now I'm just finally get the cattle ready for radio because we supply all the cam draft and cattle and what else just fine-tuning all our horses much other going to win not going in and make a fool of ourselves oh it's probably uh Nicki she'll get all ready uh-huh Wayne's arrived at his mum's place in Horse Creek and so of his mates local heroes of the rodeo arena The Horse Creek rodeo is no flesh effect and not big on the money but it's the only time when all the Kimberley Cowboys come together to compete robbie hopes to lift his game and do better than he did it fits early stay in front I'll have to win money here to get myself home again but if I don't win here I might go back to Broome and try and make a little bit of money doing some work again sucks so that I can do the next rodeo the riders are ready at rodeo kindergarten [Applause] Robbie's determined to win the camp after Falls Creek Robbie failed to qualify for the finals and the day's competition is narrowed down to a battle between karat and Charlie from all a baller and their boss might sure the boss wins today Robbie's had a bad run so he'll need a good score in the local toy just get his petrol money home it's overcast the fun things and Chinese legs moving here a ringers party just isn't complete without plenty of rum and a mechanical bull [Applause] [Music] [Music] the kids around here are as keen as their dead when it comes to bucking out but some dad's like Wayne are keener than their kids [Applause] [Music] while you drinking already Paul's Creek is the only rodeo that still runs the station buck jump riding with a whip a day to day schools for the ringers around here and Charlie will have a crack at anything [Music] now is the moment of truth for Naomi she's nervous and so are the boil [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Naomi does an 8-second but the judges call her poorly at least he's proven to Charlie that chicks can write Laurens doggy has grown a dangerous puck and the chute is where Cowboys can get really hurt it's a winning ride for Lawrence and a bit of competition for his brother now comes the main event of the day the bull ride this is Dougie's first bull ride today [Applause] the pressure is on for the singing cowboy dougies ride will be hard to beat it was a rank book and wine failed to do he's eight seconds till now dougie has done well but this ride will make or break him as a bull riding champ on his own turf if he wins it will be his first belt buckle a trophy he can take back to rodeo school I think he's gonna win he's seven years [Music] [Applause] the Cowboys not a cowboy till he's earned his badge of honor two silver belt buckle [Applause] - bloody sporran wanted a big on the tip in rookie goes to Charlie curd Charlie is the only one from Mulla Mulla to win anything you boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] together [Music] [Applause] that's it we got a bed now this place [Music] sound of the death thing [Music] Finkle is fascination under the [Music] [Music] I think we'll be talking on that one [Music] sorry ma'am everything's okay let me have the baby and then yeah yeah well I got a couple hundred bucks so I will make it out wait okay we'll see you later love ya wish I knew [Music] might have known you've been trying to give it all up you try hard to give it all the way you've been playing in the paddle where you [Applause] you befall to be a cowboy riding hot and polio Jason circuit wherever it goes it's my heart hotline traveling is me lonely can't get up watch a bomb [Music] you
Channel: Rebel Films
Views: 34,121
Rating: 4.7104073 out of 5
Keywords: david batty, david batty filmaker, documentary, rebel, rebel films, rodeo road, rodeo video, rodeo stampede, halls creek western australia, halls creek rodeo, fitzroy crossing, fitzroy crossing rodeo, wayne swan, robbie newman, louie dolby, dolby family, bull riding, bull riders, bull rider, bull riders getting hurt, saddlebronc, saddle bronc riding, moola boola, kimberley rodeo, cattle stations, cattle station work, cattle station life, cattle station documentary
Id: 5qZGozPOs6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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