rocky mountaineer trip September 2018

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[Music] on the train let's look to our neighbors to sign that you have in front of you what times you chair agricultural farmers and it was 25 cents a head but that tool even extended to the livestock as well too so the cows of chickens had to pay that quarter as well but in 1836 they renovated this bridge we're going on the rail only portion of the bridge that as I mentioned earlier does swing open for water traffic and the bridge that you're seeing up above that orange arch truss bridge that is the patello bridge named after duck patello who is the Governor General during the time of construction here we'll start to see another rail line on this bridge and that's indicated here off to your right is where the Burlington Northern Santa Fe light will head down into Seattle here along this line we're going to be going at this slower or east to west so a less likely chance of having to stop for those freight trains here there's a footbridge that's right across from us that orange footbridge have a look right underneath there and that's why you'll see just under 900 million liters travelling through every minute twice that of Niagara Falls you may not quite get quite the same depth perception of course it's not a big waterfall coming over but that is over a hundred and fifty feet deep there and you can tell it is already on the more shallow side 150 feet deep there's a few things to point out we've got an air tram that actually comes from up above the trans-canada highway is actually across the canyon there cross it over now three times to raise our swing bridge mission swing bridge where we were at the title war the highest that the tidal current essentially comes up from the ocean and now this is the third time that we are now in freshwater here through the Fraser River you can go down below with all that sediment it doesn't look all that fresh now we're gonna get further away here from the coastal mountain range as you can see here on our right-hand side and we're going to start to notice a lot of the Evergreen slowly disappearing as we head into the Thompson plateau which is gonna be like an arid desert where we're gonna finish off our day today and that's a rain shadow effect that is essentially created from being sandwiched between the coastal and cascade mountain ranges where we're coming out of and heading into the Columbia mountain ranges where we'll be going into tomorrow it just sucks up all the moisture both those mountain ranges which create this rain shadow effect and why pretty soon once you start entering into the Thompson canyons all we're going to see is ponderosa pine and sagebrush from all these beautiful hemlock cedar it's like hurricanes that we've seen we are starting to see early signs of snow it is snowing at the Jasper and we are expecting snow as well too for tomorrow and Jasper at about 6 degrees or for today 44 degrees Farenheit from what I've been looking at for the projections tomorrow but we may start seeing some castings on some of the coastal mountain serious polity [Music] wonderful [Music] in front of the trees yeah okay here's your best views is sort of the aftermath of that forest fire coming up here on our left-hand side [Music] SCID Isaac your circuit gonna start to really ICU how the Canadian Pacific Railway chose the more optimal side of the canyons because it just a short while here as it starts going through a number of these snow sheds you're gonna see the other name for this area and that's Avalanche alley in fact when Canadian National Railway was operating of its first year of operation in 1916 they didn't operate over the winter months they actually stood on this side of the canyon and triggered avalanches and landslides so they would know where to actually strategically locate all their snow sheds from the community of lip all the way to spence's bridge which will be our next major community coming up there's over six and a half kilometers of different snow shifts throughout there [Applause] [Music] [Music] that were traveling through here in the 80s to set up where they would put up most of their red and white blue balls have you seen that on the wires coming down here now that's a lot for the water carriers that come up and check out the water to douse the flames and the fires coming up through there both the helicopters as well as the planes not only is it telling them at that hey there's wires there but also that this section of the river might be a little bit too narrow or shallow to come down for the scoop ceremony and it's popular among three different whitewater rafting companies here and everything is actually broken down on the international Maytag scale which ranges from about a one to a six plus six plus you probably be thinking twice before putting a boat those kind of waters but it gets up to [Music] I'm not ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just started going to her right here there is actually a baseball field in the 1950s weather reports of homeruns go in and actually knock it down 120 through the doors we're also going to see quite quickly a nanny-cam strike hydroelectric pulled out an osprey [Music] [Music] [Music] this is amazing [Music] now to speak of the fierce rivalry and between two companies went maybe northern drove in their last spike on 1915 January 23rd within two weeks of completion that tunnel that we're going to go through across this water mysteriously collapsed and there are other rumors and about sabotage that would happen at night it supposedly by the Canadian Pacific rail line workers as we see these two stone jetties that are jutting out here these are man-made and the river takes two very sharp red angle turns right here now seen as we go past the second line the whirlpools are Eddie's and the force is generated from that with this soft silt land where the rail lines are the red line companies built those stone jetties to support the forces of the whirlpools so it wouldn't wash out the tracks a bit further ahead we're going to see evidence of - less less it happened one this winter and another one this happened about two weeks ago right here in the left and then as we go across the bridge I'll want you to look on the right-hand side on this side of the bluff well steep it is look for the old rail bed and trestle work for the CP engineers but a good idea to build a rail line right can you believe they'll pass be there so we're going to grant plug tunnel and when we come out of the tunnel is one of my favorite not official photo opportunities that I personally like to share the guests although we're not necessarily pointed out were told to but when we come out of this tunnel we're gonna look steep back on the right hand side and that reach me just came close to go into this tunnel let's see it crossing from one Kenyon walk to the other Bank in the back runner takes a sharp turn as Rapids there's a strange to the earth that's risen up it's really a great fun okay you've got a deuce to look back to your right now and as having everybody speaks to the ruggedness of this rail line now [Music] so at this stage are a little bit more than five minutes even and I do in the off season we're responsible for all the touch-up paint there so that's the green I do the purple looking good society to keep behind you man of one of the worst domestically started fires in DC history here I mentioned last year was our worst worse by a year at 1.2 million hectares of land that was burnt the year before that was 2003 and that's when this fire happened and that was about 265 thousand hectares of land that was burned so we had an absolutely catastrophic year in terms of overall Hector's effort we went into a state of emergency as well - this one was actually started by men by the name of Michael Barr enjoying a celebratory cigarette in his bowl he did the cigarette and by the time we made it downstairs this thing had just ignited it Burt for 72 days straight I became a cornerstone for how we would store our hazardous materials and gases as people have propane tanks in the middle of their property and these things were going off like bombs essentially we're still in the arid plateau here we're starting to get into the Columbia mountain range this is sort of the doorstep of the Columbia mountain range so it's still very dry here and as you can see the buyer even picked up and swept right up the valley sighs and right over the river I've been here as well - for a fire that happened nearly 15 years ago you're seeing next to no regrowth because the soil cultures were just absolutely torched my fiance's father was actually the last acting manager at the telephone buffer milk at the time he said as soon as that fire started to encroach onto the wood chips it was time to get out of there he knew he has to go when he finally made it back when it was safe to eventually return to the site he said there was heavy machinery that was burned beyond recognition and there yeah definitely we actually there was one manager who was working at that time it looked that it originally started and they went through and then for about doing over a month we couldn't come through here because it was it was so bad at that time yeah I was it was really bad sometimes you know he did over 40 million dollars of damage in the area as well too and sometimes it can be a real testament [Music] [Music] the Train it's a little right my attention that be sure you get up here [Music] another part drummer and the other cone is a face though before by the indigenous people the bowls around the idea little mics and hiding in the comb and to that on the coal see that picture both we got some birch tree similar to the accident regardless whitewater can [Music] that's a good shot I love that movies right down below us just coming up here at this next opening and we'll go right underneath the rail line here oh and dearie I the beautiful beard that falls [Music] that's actually coming up from the villa Thomson and we're gonna actually break away from Android Tom's forever shortly and we're gonna start reconnecting with the Fraser River and an around Malmo fossil rich that's because it was all inland sea millions of years ago [Music] perfect so I thank you oh yeah yep it's creative I like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now we are looking at the cell face to the mountain here but recently we did have a snowboarder actually descend down the North Face no this is this whole face tire and now my Robeson we don't know for sure what the original nativist but the First Nations people the stogies or the searchbox refer to as high yet sun which roughly translates to the spiral road to the afterlife now this is probably the best shots that we're going to be going of it however we will be traveling alongside it for quite a while those very tall aziz see the output clouds that are coming at the spot we rarely use very see the top of it it does have its own weather system have to talk since we are only about 50 miles out you may see a few more it matches right up here on our left hand side I figured I just sort of round things off by telling you a little bit about that mountain high needles as well too because it's so effective you it's something you might not know but you would just got married on the Labor Day weekend it's always great when you get to work with a good buddy as well - and it's not interesting this almost like a mentor pattern that's going on I've taken a lot from you and as you probably got some very enriched commentary over the last few days and take them back it over my next eight years and now we've got Julie adverts aspiring to be a host for next season some attempts on that commentary is left as well with her a great service we can't wait to have her joining the hosting port next year as well - but it comes down to really all of you I hope you had an amazing two days this is a job that we are very passionate about and I hope that passion came out what's good in the last two days with both our services and the overall knowledge that we gave you as we're going through a place that we all love to call home in Western Canada as well - you're coming into the national parks here as well - and Jasper so I do just want to give you a heads up there's gonna be help everywhere streets coming around there too especially since that it just kind of kind of got out of running season and actually a help two weeks ago was put down for charging inhuman please keep a respectful distance there they are not just giant [Music] I mean those icy little oak across the belly ahead of a spy so what do you think it's okay to get going to see them you want to see around Lake Louise elevations too high if there are elders and our families the Jaspers probably the best place to see it is a couple reasons what is the elevation visible as low elevation wise is against the parking England as this what chance of timing Oh well changing the subject to quickly get across this next thing like today it's pretty nice but if you have gnarly weather especially if you work up a sweat and get those strong winds and search terrain get the very very cold thought you had to pick up pick up a couple of people alongside the road that we're getting hypothermia season because this is what everybody just crushed up stuff that the glacier was pushed out of its way and stuff and I stacked it up on the sides I'm sorry but okay that's just scary to that over there there's no picture taken by somebody up against the see them straight straight ahead at 12 o'clock 12 o'clock [Music] [Applause] good got our picture by that snowman goodbye we don't learn Hey hold on I catch up with you in the moon [Music] bogum Fong for the Dixon let me go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're we're good right [Music] that's gonna take it to the hell to your left [Music] [Music] oh you mean quite quite far to the left rich [Music] [Music] [Music] once you get all of your shots on the lux bounce to the right and you can see the Canadian national bridge this is a cantilever Scylla bridge now the original bridge was built in England and it sailed around the world that small pieces of it can take much length IKEA furniture coats and just to refresh I'm sure Jesse mentioned it's a rainbow Canyon avalanche alley but again the Canadian national had to build on the more treacherous side of the river because the Canadian Pacific would not sell them any lands so this doesn't look so treacherous but this was much more difficult to build this bridge three contacts a glass to toggle through before completing the bridge [Music] [Music] you go ladies and gentlemen you survive it beats in hell something on your wine nonetheless no one spilled anything [Music] oh you mean quite quite far to the left rich [Music] [Music] [Music] once you get all of your shots of a lots bounce to the right and you can see the Canadian national bridge this is a captain or Scylla bridge now the original bridge was built in England and itself around the world that small pieces of it you think much like IKEA furniture and just to refresh I'm sure Jesse mentioned it's a new rainbow Canyon avalanche alley but again the Canadian national had to build on the more treacherous side of the river because the Canadian Pacific would not sell them any lands so this doesn't look so treacherous but this was much more difficult to build this bridge we might actually block to tunnel through before completing the bridge [Music] [Music] you go ladies and gentlemen you survive it beats in hell something on your wine nonetheless no one spilled anything [Music]
Channel: bob klanseck
Views: 26,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dDCmMCuxGCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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