Across CANADA [ VANCOUVER to TORONTO ] by train.Part - I, Vancouver to Jasper

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[Music] what they did was they went down through which is it signals order to make this was that or what that's clear yep maybe they go around was filled up by radio but it's recited from people new Ferrari playground dental school - on vacation hey folks I heard as a complaint yeah I want to just the scars Rises yields [Music] yes so long as it's on the we have we yeah [Music] you can also laugh my jokes yeah oh sorry yeah wonderful I think I'm funny so we are going to talk about Jasper if anyone is interested perfect I'll get you a uniform in the heart of Jasper National Park and is a friendly and picturesque community it is a small town of approximately 5000 permanent residents however that number can easily double and triple during the higher peak season so right now is one of those seasons where we have a lot of workers that come in a lot of students working Jasper for the summer or the winter it is situated on a low plateau in the Athabasca Valley Jasper commands a view of both the callin range to the east and the jagged peaks along the South icefield parkway Mount edith cavell is jasper centerpiece to the north pyramid mountain towers above the Pyramid of Patricia Lakes is anyone familiar with edith cavell edith cavell is a British nurse and during World War one she saved a lot of our Canadian troops so they named mountain after her which I think would be very nice I know that in Colorado there is a Mount Holly don't know what I did to the servant but I'll take it Oh Jasper boasts the rich architectural style that matches its mountain environment the Jasper Information Center felt for Jasper's first Fred's tech resident superintendent superintendent Wow oh I should let you know that I do sometimes have a little bit about a speech problem when I'm in front of a group of very very good-looking people I tend to slip up a little bit so it's going to be a problem with this crowd you'll just have to bear with me the Jasper Information Center built for Jasper's first president superintendent superintendent Lieutenant Colonel as Leonard Rogers is an example of the local stone and log arced contextural style that prevails to this day if you're interested in seeing that building if you walked right out the station and look to your left you will see it the town was named after the popular Trading Post operator Jasper Hawes the town was previously named Fitzhugh but was changed in 1913 to Jasper in order to talk about the park living in a National Park does go hand in hand with taking responsibility for the environment the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada officially designated Jasper National Park as a dark sky Preserve in 2011 at 11228 square kilometers Jasper is the largest dark sky Preserve in the world also the only dark sky Preserve in Canada that includes the town a dark sky Preserve is an area usually surrounding a park or Observatory that restricts artificial light pollution does anyone want to take a guess as to why Jasper is a dark sky preserve the answer is not to see the stars or the aurora borealis no no one it's too cute no clue all right good answer I like it it's actually to keep the nocturnal wildlife nocturnal so we do have dramatic variations in jasper's climate which are caused by a combination of elevation rain shadow effect and latitude Jasper does sit at 1062 metres above sea level generally the winters are long and cold with only occasional hot spells the average high in January is minus 7 degrees Celsius in the average in July is 22 degrees Celsius these temperatures applied to valley bottoms of higher elevations we dip down about 5 to 7 degrees Celsius Jasper is Canada's fifth National Park and was established in 1907 in 1907 it soon became apparent that two transcontinental railways would soon pass through the Apodaca Valley members of parliament legislated into being a force reserve of 13,000 kilometers on September 14th 1907 Jasper Forest Reserve was born Jasper National Park is the largest and most northern lay of Canada's Rocky Mountain National Parks it's one of a group of four parks and three provincial parks which together are designated by UNESCO as the Canada Rocky Mountain Park World Heritage Site Jasper joins Banff National Park to the south via the icefield parkway are we headed to Banff after Jasper yeah are we going to the icefield parkway beautiful I've always wanted to go I've seen gorgeous pictures so I hope you can only enjoy it for me until I get to cut stuff we do have the front and main ranges of the Rocky Mountains which are found in Jasper and are composed of layers of limestone shale and quartzite so we will all see there I cannot stay I will be able to see now Robson the tallest of the Rocky Mountains at least for ice ages have modified the shape of the valley and the peaks Jasper National Park has long been known as a premiere destination to see wildlife in abundance some 53 mammal species are found including moose elk mountain lugo Bighorn bighorn sheep whitetail deer cougars wolves of black bears and grizzly bears can let you know the only one of those I have not seen from the train.the scar has been a cougar although I want someone in a field in Manitoba and that was kind of straight we do typically see quite a few bears the mums are up with their cubs especially this time of year and on a nice cooler day like this hopefully we'll get some we do have an area and I'll come up and point out where it is just before Jasper that here at via rail we sometimes get a little bit cheesy we call it the barrier it's a good place to see those black bears sometimes the occasional grizzly there are more than 280 species of bird the parks major watersheds contain rainbow trout brook trout lake trout northern pike and whitefish only one species of toad three frog one salamander and two types of snakes have ever been reported in Jasper and residents and visitors to Jasper so all of us have a responsibility to help keep the wildlife wild no it is unlawful and unwise to see their harassed the wildlife please don't see how close you can get to a black bear because you want to take a selfie with it that's a bad idea I did want to have a group of passengers that tried this everyone was fine however they were as kindly please don't you get one warning and this is your warning not going to come out and save you and if I'm running you should probably bro because I don't ride for no reason it is unlawful we went over that perfect visitors Cathy or picnic II cannot leave food or coolers unattended and in order to give more weary species the space they need wildlife corridors are large forested areas designated in the valley around the town for human use is reduced or eliminated so the animals can travel undisturbed we do have three distinct vegetation zones existing in the mountainous region we have Montaigne zone which is the valley bottom most of the three and approximately seven percent of the park we have the sewol prime zone which are the flows and the Alpine zone highest of the three an area of treeless meadow rock and ice where only the hardiest plants and lichens live in such a large and spectacular area there are many things to see in plenty of stories to be told a few of the highlights are the highest mountain in Alberta which cane is good try Matt Robson is still in British Columbia it's actually not Columbia at 3747 metres we have the hydrographic apex of North America which is the Columbia Icefield and that is where water flows to three different oceans from one point in the longest underground drainage system known in Canada which is the Moline Valley cursed the only sand dune ecosystem found in the mountain partly to the Jasper Lake dunes the northern limit in Alberta of Douglas fir trees which is boule lake the last fully protected Range in the Rocky Mountains for caribou which is the Maleng herd and the most accessible glacier in mountain North America does anyone know the most successful glacier yeah Tabasco excellent dude does anyone have any questions the detrain myself just for anything I can help with or anything I can't answer for anyone credit building with the glacier without Loki agh ap exactly see thanks for the help anything else I will also let you know some people have been asking me on this training we have three units 29 cars so we are looking at 2885 feet of train so you Noonan is an engine absolutely met up and we are looking at 2,700 tons before we add our lovely passengers so a longer train which has been wonderful we're very busy with the Canada's one hundred and fiftieth birthday so it's wonderful that you all can still celebrate it with us any other questions I find answers concerns I can address anything at all no a client crew well how I will now let's see who was listening what was a Jasper's original name it's good - who says it's you anyway okay bloomers mount edith cavell when was Jasper Park established 1930 no it was renamed Jasper 19 1307 perfect well I go along everybody the first time sourdough Oh [Music] [Music] put your put your camera three almost [Music] at least like this [Music] you know [Music] what you can do is is in your home till they see you [Music] yeah this [Laughter] the electronics we have a train it has a shower too really nice well you know it's got a lid on it so it's nice to see very attractive take us to [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ioan sibisan
Views: 161,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XZ2QL-yty7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 39sec (2859 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2017
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