ROCKY 3 RETRO REVIEW | Double Toasted

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thank you [Laughter] he picks him up and throws him into the audience man and goes out and then he fights the audience now he's man he goes he goes so berserk like that toss that tall that toss feel good set him off set him off man he just wrap it now some Three Stooges [ __ ] going on where he just he starts fighting security when there's no no more security to fight he just turns on the audience the fans security guards [Laughter] this place is in the Ringo yeah he's dragging men [Music] you're at there's so many other things that you can do over there and see such as our new videos new videos that are up on Tick Tock and up on YouTube but what I really want you to do is I want you to go and first of all you can start by looking at that Banner in the middle of DT merge clicking that so you can go over to X1 Double Dash toasted so you can get tickets for Double Toasted live in New York City Brooklyn to be more exact that's April 1st and that's going to be a show starting at 8pm at the relay intermedium for a night of Comedy games and much much more you're gonna have a great time while you're there this retro review that we're doing I really wanted to watch this certain film because of another movie that came out that a people apparently are loving and going to see several times the lottery kids [Music] he was like brothers keyword was beat your ass but that's Creed Three now watching Creed 3 made me think about another movie in the series that Creed 3 came from a lot of elements of Creed 3 that reminded me of that film and that movie it's gonna tell you right now is Rocky 3. now before we jump into Rocky 3 there are a lot of things about Rocket 3 that people remember it for but most of all they remember it for a certain man who went by a very respectful name of one letter and that is Mr T that you see right here oh look at the nice camouflage booty shorts you got on right there now I chose this particular video right here because Mr T was known for being a very lovable guy he was big could even be intimidating but he loved the children he had his own Saturday morning cartoon he had his own cereal as everybody knows and a lot of people don't even know he had his own rap song back then too and of course being a nice guy it wasn't full of cursing and violence and you know massaging and all that in fact it was quite the opposite he read rap clean to the point we said you know what I'm gonna rap about respecting yo mama there is no other [Music] a lot of people say that it weren't for Mr T as Clubber Lang and Rocky 3 that movie would not probably be as good as it is today you got civilized [Laughter] about these [ __ ] the same corner and I got lucky with my life and it's driving you nuts [Music] so watching this movie Man I saw this in there's a there's a lot of criticism that this movie has received back in the day and today uh well they talk about is probably one of the Lesser rocket movies this is you know it's it's not as that's not as full as much depth as the as the rest of the rocky films and you know I watched this again today I haven't seen it in years I remember loving this when I was a kid I saw this probably like about three times at the theater when I was a kid because I just loved Rocky when I was coming up man but um as many people did but uh Mr T of course is the main reason why I went to see this but look at that today yes it probably is one of the more basic Rocky movies but there's a lot more going on in this film there's a lot going on yeah there's a lot going on in this movie uh that I don't think this movie gets appreciated for uh and maybe it does but you know I've seen some of the criticisms today read some of the reviews and a lot of people still kind of take it as oh this is more the car more the cartoonish Rocky movies this is where the decline happened uh this movie was so big back in the day it was like I think it was like uh it was at the time it came out it was the top grosser of all the rocket movies because Rocky had become a franchise by that point yeah I mean they you know that that just like Rocky started to rise and that's what was so cool about the movie because with the movies it's about the rise of Rocky to the point where he has to be knocked down a Pega too and you know it's kind of like that that rise happened with The Mark with the with the franchise itself I remember I had a colleague of vision when I was a kid and I remember like uh it was cool getting uh getting a Rocky video game that final like two boxers instead of two big robots to block some Lego people fighting each other um instead you got one guy that looked like an Italian another guy like a Native American but this is the this is the Rocky III game from ColecoVision as you can see action-packed he just went up and down as a fan blueberry that's supposed to be people cheering static right there man I'm gonna say this man I think boxing movies even even a Creed itself probably they need they need to go back and look at some of these boxing scenes yes from the rocket films uh this one opens up with scenes from Rocky 2. and I think today with the technology that we have you know the all the accessories we have to get really cool and smooth camera movements and whatnot man it's just something about you don't need all that with a boxing match it's something about just putting the camera on the Box on the boxers and letting them brutally go at each other yeah even though the sound is fake I mean no nobody none of these sounds you know are real then you don't hear these sounds when people hit each other except in a movie but you're a big Rocky fan yeah and I've seen all of them yeah you know how they just they just run them and just let them just go at each other well that's been my biggest problem with a lot of the Creed films is that you know as much as I like especially the first one um I think the the boxing is the weakest aspect of all the really I love the boxing in the first Creed movie camera follows them around I was like hey man it's excited about the boxing in a movie in a long time the first fight scene is very good and after that I couldn't tell you the the other ones none of them stand out but you know with these ones I like that they keep the camera back and you're just relying on your on your actors yeah choreography and and they sell it it's not too flashy it's not over done where I think like the Creed films indulging especially this this latest one yeah I like that it was this it feels more Savage it feels more real and wrong yeah I'm not saying it's a realistic boxing scenes but as far as brutality it's just nothing fancy about it you just keep a long shot and let these two people just beat the [ __ ] at each other [Music] [Laughter] nah man it was it was cool just like just letting the camera just sit back and just you know show the punches and I gotta tell you the you know it's my fancy fight choreography but you know the way they just even simply just knowing the time they had to go back jerk back with something that was pretty cool man um even the even the makeup effects were brutal man I mean this is almost edging up on Gordo way [Music] God damn I know she's like yeah yeah my legs staying close tonight it's like his brain's been moved to one side of his skull he just finished fighting Ghostface [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] when the movie starts what I love about this this is such a this is such a uh a successful franchise they knew that there were certain things that were going to be a success before they even put the movie out like they knew that song Eye the tiger forgot who did that song Survivor Survivor yeah I the tiger man they knew that that was going to be a big hit I mean to the point they couldn't wait to rush into it like after Rocky got that ass beaten from the last movie you know this movie Cuts right into that song [Music] they put a long Montage in this they could play that song he played the hell at that song right there man at first I thought the Dead I thought that song uh or that Montage that we have I thought that Montage existed for the song uh but there's a lot going on uh with that that Montage uh for one what I love about it like one thing I forgot because you think Mr T comes in like later on the movie no Mr T's been lurking since the beginning that fool's been lurking in this Montage right here [Laughter] back there like Thanos everywhere Rocky went he was there man but look montages are very cliche for any sports films but almost uh to self-parity for a Rocky movie you know I mean Rocky almost popularized popularized the the Montage exactly to the point where we do we make fun of it now I'm surprised he doesn't have a TM on Montage yeah get kicked back to Stallone but this is see this is something man this is still you know this is a third Rocky movie I will say this it's easy to look at the Montage in this and kind of make fun of it today I don't blame people for that but this Montage in this film they actually do a lot to set up the story here when's the last time you saw rocket three oh God it was years ago but I watched it again recently but it was it was the one I was watch the the lease other than five yeah no so if you look at this I mean there's a lot that they do to to pack in some story yeah uh you know uh story setup excuse me this Montage right here man uh first of all they do a good job of just showing the rise of Rocky from his last movie to this part of his life in this movie right here uh and it's cool because they show the rise how a a an athlete or celebrity but mainly athlete right here how they would rise to fame and all the you know and all the money and fortune that comes to them but uh you know it shows it for what it was like today but also it shows it for what it was specifically like back in the 80s during when this came out now have a lot of [ __ ] going on but if you were hanging with the Muppets if you want the Muppet Show that means you made it yeah if you got a call from Kermit you went in man if you were getting the call from Kerman eating crunch punch which y'all think is a real candy bar at all but that was no seriously back back in the day y'all know how big the Muppets were man that's what it's funny to look at today because the Muppets their Heyday was in the 70s and early 80s yeah uh so that was pretty cool to see that because I remember when I watched the movie back then I was like oh [ __ ] he's on The Muppet Show you know I was a little kid at the time but what's really what's really cool about this montage and what they set up and what I really think people need to get this movie credit for is that from the very beginning they start setting up the contrast between Rocky Balboa and Clubber Lang right and they do it in a really clever way man uh you know at least a really efficient way with this Montage um because what they do is they show Rocky succumbing to fame while at the same time they show uh Clubber Lang Mr T's character like he's hungry man it's you know it's it's almost it almost makes you root for Club laying way ahead of time yeah [Music] yeah and uh so you listen I'm gonna tell you man I can't speak for everybody but I early on was rooting for Club Elaine man because I I admired him I felt sad for him you know um you know because Club Elaine they show you saw Rocky out there bowing you know he's showing off now you know he's really succumbing to the fame it's going to his head just a little bit meanwhile Club of leg he's out there working his ass off he's mad as hell [Applause] [Music] they also show how ferocious he is early on he's Vicious he's very vicious they do a lot here man and he's so shiny no yeah glistening him yeah yeah I got that chocolate rabbit [Laughter] you put in the microwave for just for like maybe a minute that's some gooey chocolate right there man very good yeah I told you when you dip that uh that Easter Bunny or that chocolate Easter Bunny and some oil That's it man also they set up what what they're doing here is that they're showing how Rocky's Fame is affecting everything that's happened in this movie later on it shows how it's affecting other characters in here man uh because you know it's getting Club Elaine pissed off which is the Catalyst for the main thing that the main story in this movie but also it's uh showing how and once you think about the movie you think like oh well maybe Rocky maybe he was a little wrong right here because early on the film and they showed this during the Montage Paulie uh uh Adrian's brother right yeah yeah she he's getting he's getting like jealous but he's getting jealous because he's feeling really powerful like he used to look out for his sister he used to look out for Rocky and now he feels like I'm losing control of everything Rocky is taking the spotlight away from me when I used to like really take care of everyone [Music] [Applause] you know I will say that I wish that they had explored the jealousy more in here because and I know that's not the main point of the movie but there's it's it really is pretty pretty good what they set up between Paulie and and Rocky man uh first of all politics at this part of the movie he hates Rocky like I know people said he don't really hate right no he hates Rocky because that that fool he first of all he goes to bars and gets drunk and they just wanders the streets yeah that's Polly's ml most of the movies Holly gets drunk it just wanders into [ __ ] it is it kind of when he does that he he almost gets his mind off of life like Paulie just leaves the bar and just like like if you leave the door open he might walk up in your house like he walked he just walks into an arcade and just kind of having a good time [Music] I like video games yeah that's true it's just a good game stairs Space Invaders just having a good time he looks like he's about to start some [ __ ] well he is but he's having but he wouldn't he's having a good time he's like hey look at this look look at that look at those rocks getting blasted by that spaceship it was fun but then he turns right like oh [ __ ] and there's Rocky looking right at him on a pinball machine trying to get away from you freaking too [Laughter] follow me he's seen three of them hey you following me there is some really good character moments in here and I think this is a good moment between Paulie and Rocky because Rocky just lays it out to him he's just like hey man look you're my my my my wife's brother I care about you but I gotta get real with you so I'm going to tell you something this is coming straight from the heart you're just a jealous lazy yeah [Laughter] you're just a bum a lazy notebook I mean he's not wrong with all due respect he's not but you know watching this now you take this for face value because uh you take this for face value because you think like all right you know what uh let me see if I have this clip here because you think like all right Paul is just Paulie's just jealous man and Polly is jealous that that cannot be that could not be denied but let me see here I'm gonna see if I have this here if I got the clip I'm looking for because you know when you look at it oh there it is because we look at it you think like all right you just hating pretty much and there's no excuse like that like a like a no-good bum loser would but I thought about this after looking at what's what you know after watching the rest of the movie get on the job all you had to do is ask I almost beat your ass I've killed you man actually that's a funny scene there's some funny stuff that goes on this movie you [ __ ] pretty good awesome [Laughter] so this is something these are some of the deeper things that I think people don't see in the movie that and this is why that's why you had script writers who like spell it out for people you know instead of letting people figure out their own if you look at this you're looking at a moment like just in a few minutes that we have here Rocky is already letting Fame go to his head we kind of see that uh Paulie's feeling hurt and this thing you know Polly's probably jealous yeah because he's Envy's Rocky but also you know he has his pride on the line I mean he had to almost get his ass beat he's crying you know he had to lay it all out there you know to just finally just ask Rocky for help man and you know they don't really spell that out for you it just looks like Polly's an [ __ ] but I really feel bad for Polly after watching the movie and looking at things in retrospect Paulie's not Polly's not you know he's not in the right here but I see it more as a prideful thing instead of just a jealousy thing too I listen in the original Rocky Polly's dealing with jealousy constantly he's like yes you know he always brings up the the thing like I said shut up with my sister it's like yeah that's kind of all he did and when he does that then she starts focusing on Rocky Moore to the point where Paul you're not taking care of me anymore you're my sister uh uh Andrew she loses it and says like oh so what I have to be there to clean your dirty underwear and pick up it after you after you come home drunk all the time it's like Paulie's always been this way the thing is he never changes he made him lose his fortune right yeah he didn't divide yeah he messed up with all the money you know he is and so the fact that like Rocky has kept them around us all this time but uh I like it I think that that's cathartic for the fan base when he called them you're just a lazy jealous it's like yeah that's why interest fantastic yeah that's what he is I forgot that this man was in the movie got this Godzilla music yeah is that what that is yeah yeah matter of fact yeah he got the the note from Stallone saying hey I wanna I want you from my movie he thought it was a joke and he skipped out on his wrestling matches to do this and got fired from WWF but then he blew up so big from this that they then they brought him back and built the whole thing around wow so it worked out for him yeah man look it's ridiculous ridiculous but if you look if you're going into this movie just to see how over the top and saying he gets it and delivers on that you know uh because I mean they they do a lot of stuff I don't know if they could do today I mean he probably could because he plays the heel you know he's the villain so he comes in with all not just being mean and and scary but he's throwing out all kind of ethnic slurs and and and stereotypes is here the ultimate male actors the ultimate meatball [Applause] s yeah we figured out Hulk Hogan really is racist he was perfectly cast yeah he was telling us for years [Laughter] those racist ass lips you know I I and see I know he's doing this because he's supposed to play the heel you know he's like in wrestling like he comes in and I I guess he's just playing the character listen uh after the match How about if uh we get a Polaroid together okay you're in trouble [Applause] all right okay I get it he's playing the villain role he's acting but then this is how crazy this gets man so I can understand what the criticism with this movie comes in and I can't blame anybody for that because this [ __ ] gets so insane he starts like Hulk Hogan thunder lips he starts doing things to Rocky [ __ ] that would [ __ ] a man kill a man [Applause] [Laughter] wait like break yeah bro break trying to break his back oh you can't do that [ __ ] he's like wait a minute this is crazy and then I thought well [ __ ] they weren't done there because I thought well I guess that's about as insane as they're gonna get no this [ __ ] turns into a cartoon like like really really when he starts picking them up they start Ed this type [ __ ] and Looney Tunes type stuff [Applause] [Laughter] he picks him up and throws him into the audience man and comes out and then he fights the audience that's the thing man now he's man he goes he goes so berserk like that toss that toast that toss feel good set him off set him off man he just wrap it now some Three Stooges [ __ ] going on where he just he starts fighting security when there's no more security to fight he just turns on the audience the fans security guards put them down put them down we don't have jokes for this now he he stepped that security guard got stiff when he flipped them over you see that this place is getting the audience members in the ring he's gonna fight he's fighting always yeah he's dragging men he's like with [ __ ] since I'm committing crime my mother just go to murder [Applause] yeah he's looking at his meal tickets come on yeah the money you know rock might have been dead probably saved the movie what do you say my mind death of course this is Rocky's movie you know so Rocky ain't gonna be down man Rocky turns the tables Rocky jumps on his back spider monkey Style he starts choking them out [Applause] but then but then they get to like oh [ __ ] part right here oh yeah you know you you know the most unrealistic part in the scenes yeah this is just plain fantasy right here tell me [Applause] it sounds like the Running Man or something I like all those people wanted to catch him you know he crushed those people yeah yeah so it's just some people leave it in a wheelchair some people never walk again after this [Applause] [Laughter] okay but hey it was all part of the ACT I mean listen and I get it but no no yeah no [ __ ] no so now so so so now they're now they're friends yeah pretty good [Applause] [Laughter] match and why'd you get so crazy on me out there that's the name of the game so hey you know like we said he's the heel he he uh played it up players part yeah played his party he does this every night Rocky didn't he's like I told you it wouldn't have been authenticity so now they go off yeah it was all for charity he didn't because he didn't tell Rocky they put on a good show and I think and be friends and take pictures for the crowd sometimes charity really hurts [Music] meanwhile there's three security guards and 20 fans with concussions and broken arms she like olive oil he really is the ultimate male I do like the size disparity between Stallone and uh yeah Hulk Hogan because Stallone's only five foot ten yeah yeah he's as tall as me yeah and Hulk Hogan's uh sixth seventh I mean he's nearly seventh and they even say that uh Stallone like he got himself down to ideal like uh fat to body ratio man 2.8 2.8 and they say he was he only weighed 155 pounds wow wow yeah so he's muscle yeah but he didn't even like break 200. so you know but so there's a lot of this camera work information look so big but here's something about that wrestling match guess who was there the whole time [Applause] you're fancy for this yeah [Laughter] uh a pit of the fool again um so even though we already saw that he's been uh he's been stalking Rocky as you see even at other wrestling matches and charity events he's there just mad um and so you know it's he's been stalking him the whole time even harassing Mickey at certain places man why is he yelling at [ __ ] he's like oh Jesus God he sees me [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] that's one of the things I loved about the movie like this dude is actually terrified because he's a villain he's a villain he's on Rockies like everywhere Rocky goes he's there either studying him or finally to get in his head which brings us to like our favorite you know my favorite part of the movie when he shows up for that big statue reveal yes Philadelphia's favorite son Rocky Balboa thank you [Applause] he's like who's that they've gone way too far first of all before we even get to Rocky uh it looks like it's my favorite part of the movie right here man the the only thing he loves more than talking [ __ ] to Rocky is saying shut up old man to Mickey he says that several times you're not why you can don't get this sucker no statue give them guts once you get the hell out of there shut up old man I ain't going nowhere you think make it will learn to shut his mouth but Ryan but the club Elaine got a few more shut up old man's in them you're as disgraced to this sport shut up old man you that something who had to come from I'm gonna shut up oh man he did ask me nicely clubbing and I will say this and I'm you know I'm just being honest about how I feel Clubber Lang is not a deep character like a hill in the wrestling match he's the hill in this movie just someone just to just to boo but Mr T on the other hand is Fantastic Mr T is so charismatic yeah it's word for her he's what made that character fun he took a basic villain on paper and turned it into a great villain on the screen come to me then I'll come to you people lay out the truth you see he don't fight no real man oh here he goes though oh here it goes no this part the problem is yeah antagonizer the problem is is that Mr T is too good in this role you should hate him you should hate him for the thing that he does right here but he's too entertaining hey woman [Laughter] in my apartment tonight I'm not sure you're a real man listen sexual harassment should not be that funny the way you put it though but but he made it he made it entertain it I don't think it works I'm not proud of laughing at this but that's my favorite line in the morning I'm a woman as he was talking and Rocky looks over here like you like this [ __ ] Mickey's been looking out for him and that's one of the cool things about this movie because it's about what happens when Mickey's gone one of the coolest things they could have done in this movie is getting rid of Mickey because now this is that's an extra layer of this movie that again people don't get this movie credit for uh you know Mickey was was uh it's almost funny because Mickey was keeping Rocky stable for a while and now that Rocky got money and Rocky got Fame Mickey's kind of losing Rocky and that's why he tells him like I don't wanna I don't want to fight this guy you know I'm done I don't want to do this anymore you know you're not because you're because I think Mickey really knows that Rocky's head isn't in it yeah he's gotten soft you can tell by the way because he says yeah yeah yeah early on I rufa Club of land because because rock is not taking anything serious Rocky's out there [ __ ] man he's training like his training sessions are nothing but Sideshow circuses man and just uh an excuse to sell merch put some funky the training sisters look like [Music] um [Laughter] you're gonna use that for her body [Laughter] they got disco singers there [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] what this is showing you that really Fame has officially gone to his head he's out there pleasing the fan more than he's trying to train for this big fight get out of here the bride yeah that was Stallone's wife it wasn't yeah oh wow yeah she was nice I mean he probably would have said that too career get out of here because Club is taking his he's taking all this seriously I mean he's working out like places that are uncomfortable so it could keep him angry he's working on his lair that's what he's doing he's working on the most uncomfortable places getting splitted in his ass it's probably cold in there because he was he wants to be mad everywhere every time you see him working out [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] the women who have sex with him come out black eyes yeah yeah good luck I rooted for him because he you know because he's focused he's he's into it he's more definitely more focused than than rocky is he he's hungry and he really really wants it yep yep it's all Rogue I really was about he was my guy man and I I I rooted for him uh until the fight happened I realized he's not focused that's crazy [Applause] yeah he's pacing like a tiger and listen he's crazy but I I will say this he did warn them leave me alone and they didn't leave [Applause] him yeah when I said nah man this dude is insane like I was like I was on your side now you you must be stopped now like he just starts attacking everybody yeah like he starts attacking uh like like um oh there's another one where the he just starts attacking people like people just had nothing to do with this just like if you're too close you might get pulled into it like somebody did this scene somebody was just standing there [Applause] [Laughter] and as I said last week ain't nothing funny to see the bottom of somebody you got holes in his songs yeah I love that man yeah and after attacking people he's just like he's like Hulk Hogan May goes into a frenzy he starts trying to fight Apollo Creed before like in the ring before the fight starts he's trying he's trying to start another fight before the fight coming up you got you better get the bed look off your face before I knock it off this kind of follows what Rocky 2 did uh and Rocky one where they just set the camera up and just let the punches kind of speak for themselves [Applause] oh my defense now like I said only thing that's kind of crazy are the sound effects because yes I got somebody slamming a suitcase I was trying to wonder what that sounds like that's perfect also with that boxing technique nobody's throwing Jabs it's all it's always because it looks cool yeah you know and that's what they want to deliver here like they want to show these hard punches now these punches believe themselves wide open man they do and time themselves out yeah but that's what they want to do here like they all are tying themselves out and uh and yeah this is yeah this is movie boxing y'all this is not this is not realistic boxing what they want to do is they want to just show the brutality because it's slugfest yeah that's what they're trying to do here because they want to show how hard-hitting this man is because they want us to believe that he's the guy that could knock Rock You Out and because we have half a movie left we know that's exactly what's going to happen Rocky man he has been training right uh this dude has been angry and hungry and fierce we still have another 40 minutes left so Rocky going down [Applause] [Music] but it was a death blow foreign [Laughter] have a laugh but keep in mind that mental health is very serious this segment of the show is brought to you by sponsor betterhelp b-e-t-t-e-r-h-e-l-p better help and while we make jokes and whatnot it is important to take care of your of your mental health you know always tell people out there is not the stigma that you think it is or I gotta have really serious psychological problems or deep thoughts of hurting myself or you know I hate to use this word but some people say it no I'd be crazy you know not listen don't do that don't do that sometimes taking care of your mental health is all about just clearing your mind you want to function better in life you know you want to organize better organize your mind talk to somebody get it all loud you know this thing could be therapy can be used for anything 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video or you can do this with the phone call however you want to do it that's up to you that is how convenient this is so really you got no excuse right now everybody agrees that taking care of your mental health is something that you should do regularly hey just like you exercise your body gotta take care of that mind so start out with better help and here's something that's even better for you right here if you sign up right now using our code Double Toasted then you would get 10 off your first month but really as I say you know if you can't get help with better help then get help somewhere but start with better help it's a good place I just made it very convenient for you they make it even more convenient for you save you some money that should ease your mind right there and you got no excuses I said I want to thank better help for sponsoring this portion of the show and I want to thank all of you out there for all of your support all right where were me let me see Rocky's getting his ass beat oh yeah yeah oh yeah that's where we were oh yes that's right Rocky getting his ass whooped uh so I listen we knew before any punches we even thrown because that's where the real I mean we've seen Mr T AKA Club Elaine B Be ferocious and intimidating but I mean once he gets in that ring with Rocky once we see them face to face finally I mean before any punches are thrown we knew that that was his ass [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] you know you think that all right you won man maybe this whole thing was an act maybe now you'll be I don't know happy no he's a he's a bad winner yeah he just now he's looking to beat other people there as well [Laughter] [Applause] nothing's gonna make this guy happy that's what I said he's a lost cause nothing's gonna make this guy happy and on top of all that I mean out of all the heinous things he's just done he killed Mickey [Applause] [Laughter] we all know that Mickey was going to die though um early on the movie because they had that yeah they had that heart attack right there plus even before that happened they had the one last time speech I do I'm asking you to train me one last time the wood ones between the two of them all right yeah what do you say I'm sure his heartfelt between the two of them like he like he didn't make noise he just creeped [Music] tell everybody what [ __ ] Burgess Meredith sounds more like the penguin now [Laughter] virgin's married is it's great in Israel no he is he's crap he was not made for an Oscar with the first one yeah uh so you know we hear the speech he's already given the heart attack face so we know he's going to die it should be a sad scene and it is it would be sadder though if we could understand what Rocky was saying damn it man I mean it's an ugly cry I mean I think that's the point [Music] I understand what they're saying like what what's happening so I probably get a bigger share yeah I was training now right yeah I get his money you know if you had the subtitles on it might just be a bunch of questions [Laughter] so we see now that this movie is more than him just fighting club elang and I think that's why a lot of people kind of failed to see this is really him fighting his his his humility man you know this is him being finally having to confront being alone this is him hey this is him fighting his pride this is him trying to come to terms with his humility right here you know Mickey's gone and that this is probably this is probably the the time that Rocky needs make it the most you know not only is this dude he just got his ass beat by this guy and everything's gonna come crumbling down for him but you know uh uh we see how much Mickey guided him it's his father figure yeah and he's and he's lost that yeah and so he feels even lonelier and Mickey was protecting him not just against boxing and whatnot he was protecting Rocky against his insecurities because now all those insecurities come out now that Mickey's gone right yeah I mean he he did lose so much in one day he did I mean he's losing the fight losing his father figure he's a member of his family but he's not the champion anymore so he's about raids and parties yeah that all goes away yeah and the moment Mickey died the world just converged on him he's like you can't fight no more you're too old to fight you just got your ass whooped you know it's yeah it's it's it's it's so this is when you look at it in a way Clubber Lang is kind of the hero of the movie because it brings him back to the realization like you know I got to go back to being the confident person that I was and I got to do this without Mickey you know I don't have this anymore Club Atlanta was the one that actually brought him in to be you know to to being confident again and I I also kind of getting them out of that whole uh that fake Fame mentality that he was like really really falling into he he beat him back into reality yeah yeah well the movie is very meta because Stallone was going through this himself after the Rocky movies have become so popular yeah matter of fact it was so much what they fill in there the scenes of Rocky being famous being on The Muppet Show was just scenes of rice yeah doing all that but yeah he's when the when it blew up that you know the franchise it became the biggest movie and he came down to write a third one he was like I don't know where to go with this until he looked Inward and went oh wait this [ __ ] I'm going through well how would Rocky deal with it yeah that's good and also to go back to your fact that uh couple Lang was right the whole time to an extent he won now I do remember watching this as a kid like I said I saw this about three or four times in the theater man because I I love the Rocky movies I hadn't seen him in a while which is why it was good to see this again but I remember when when we when we saw this as kids because some of the neighborhood kids went and we all man we had our Batman Superman moment yeah because it was so cool to see these guys who were enemies yeah team up and oh yeah like and then this scene I remember even as a kid I remember the the the audience cheering for this scene right here who's that why don't you hit it straight though how long you been standing there waiting tonight that's Apollo Creed man finally coming in and saying hey man you need some help and I remember everybody thought oh my God that joining forces and yeah that was now that is a Blockbuster movie movie moment right here yeah cause you gotta think about it right he's at his lowest point there's no way you're thinking that he's gonna walk through that door you're like [ __ ] yeah yeah what's going to happen and then that cap is like oh my God yeah also you think about this might not have happened if Clover Lane hadn't gotten in his face yeah that was enough Apollo go like oh okay yeah yeah you don't deserve this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're a chump wow yeah double leg was too good yeah yeah that's what I'm saying I mean inadvertently he I mean he's like maybe the good thing in his right this movie bringing everybody together he's still a [ __ ] but you know yeah but you know [ __ ] because he'll be my ass but uh but you're right though this scene is equivalent to having all three Spider-Man coming in yeah yeah no you're right it is I will say this it another reason why it's fun to have a Apollo Creed coming here is because it's just I like counting how many times he's gonna say I the tiger you had the eye of the tiger and the itch that's one take a drink keep the song yeah uh here's another one I had the tiger man I have the tiger come on you're getting paid every time he said yeah yeah there's another one don't tell me what you think go out there and do it Rock Eye of the Tiger yeah let him finish the fight God damn tiger running around blind oh my God I really I forgot about this man I love when he says he he said you got to get back to the basics I mean we got to go back to the gutter like they they he took them back to to Skid Row it just it's just a street of Despair all the bums are like Popeye [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] all they saw was scary black dudes yeah see that look in their eyes right Rock as you had it well that's the sand that one that's a scary looking Jerry curl I've never said oh [ __ ] it hiding the shadows and [ __ ] I know Candyman works at the school he would not make fun of his Jerry it's very nice sir I'll buy you some activator can I get you a towel and from here it's really fun to see how clever just got into uh into into Rocky's head man Rocky King every time he spars he just all he sees is Mr T oh man if they got little teeth it doesn't hurt it doesn't help when you yell like tight shorts down there and [ __ ] yeah yeah they wear a lot of tight [ __ ] back in the day man yeah they spent uh yeah from here you know he's All Shook Up and everything uh and from and from this moment they you know the movie's going through his usual emotions you know rock is All Shook Up man we think he's done he's working it man this back in the day when you can wear that stuff man tube socks tube socks booty shorts and crop tops well that was what's funny Mr T on David Letterman he's a convoy boot combat boots and the tube song that was the look back then when you dressed like a gay eight-year-old [Laughter] yeah I'm pretty work today but that's a different time so I just wanted to toss the Rocks yeah and see this is the point of the movie where I say it's it gives you what you want from a Rocky movie but it's also going through the motions you know it's uh because everything is just kind of falling and it's and it's it's usual place yeah he's training he doubts himself yeah he doubts himself he you know they gotta bring the drama in with you know drama in this movie just means yelling nothing is real Who You Are that is it we all shut up my family's here with me [Laughter] but the speech worked yeah and the thing is how do we know it worked because I'm [ __ ] come in yeah that's right yeah when them trucks when them trumpets come in and you get your montage and now that it's triumphant yes you know this not only is just a montage but now since everybody's into it they do they focus on body parts now [Applause] and we and we know that Rock's gonna be okay because that Montage workout we know the Montage work because we get a nice splashy wet hug I think two kids be wet oh it's so good okay so we're near the end of this of this of this review in this discussion but I will say that as much as I've been talking about the fight scenes and how I've been really giving them credit for just letting the camera stay on them and take these punches I don't I not for a minute did I buy this strategy at the end this last fight so he knows that he can't beat him with strength he has to beat him with Ingenuity right here so what he does is him what you see with a lot of it's It's a normal tactic you know just kind of do the rope-a-dope thing just you know let the let your opponent Tire themselves out endurance and endurance test but we're talking about Club Elaine you can't you can't you don't have that kind of endurance to take those punches man those are the punches that knocked him out early on in the movie and he's hitting them even more and harder here foreign [Laughter] like this [ __ ] at the end but you know what it is is that at this point we're rushing just to let Rocky win yeah that's one of the biggest things that I have a problem with the movie We're just trying to hurry up and get to the point the inevitable win for Rocky plus the points when Clubber Lang should have been suspended man or disqualified yeah because he loses his the first of all he should have been disqualified for pushing people in the ring yeah but he loses his [ __ ] in the middle of the fight where they have to restrain him like he's some kind of wild crazy animal [Applause] [Laughter] Mike Tyson biting off Evander Holyfield's ear sat on it for a little bit it wasn't even like a quick like almost done they were like well the the referees have to discuss what happened yeah I love that you know they wanted they want Rocky to take the abuse now I thought it would have been better he almost been down and out bloodied his face like they did at the beginning of the film that would have made him but believe but he's clean yeah he's clean and then he comes in and of course you know hey the inevitable victory turning it and he's going down by the way I don't take the I don't think he would take those punches like that I think you'd take him a little bit I think you take them better the way they built this character up oh my God now will I did like that Rocky was so exhausted at the end he just he just had a linguine body yeah [Applause] [Laughter] you like those 3D models yeah just rubbery yeah you still can't relax clever leg might get up again [Applause] I did like the end of the movie though the variant like that they've solidified that Apollo and Rocky are friends yeah I I love this third match the third match third yeah because you've been saying you owe me a favor you're like what flavor you talking about and it was and everybody kind of predicted because I even offside as a kid like oh they're gonna fight at the end they got to yeah this was I think he taught me too good looking fly look out Carl Weathers doesn't get enough credit oh he's great he's great in the entire Series yeah yeah he is now Carl Weathers is a great man now I want to see Action Jackson I've never seen it before yeah yeah yeah it's it's not it's not terrible uh plus uh Carlos is two years younger than him wow okay I did not know that yeah and then they became enemies after that do you uh do you know who won that fight uh no Apollo right yeah they say it they confirming and crazy Rocky says Rocky says your dad beat me again so yeah oh nice yeah and they had that yeah it goes into that uh at the end goes into that painting which I took off but I shouldn't have because that was a it's actually a really good painting that's a great Freeze Frame it is yeah that's awesome [Music] kind of falls on you know the false lie with the this finally entering into uh you know true franchise Blockbuster territory but it's uh man is it this is a very entertaining movie and like I said there's a lot of subtleties in this movie that don't that I think people don't give this movie credit for and I enjoyed it and Mr T it's great amazing very good thank you [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 69,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rocky 3, Rocky 3 review, Rocky 3 movie review, Rocky 3 retro review, Rocky 3 trailer, Rocky 3 mr t, Rocky 3 mr t scenes, Rocky 3 hulk hogan, Rocky 3 death, Rocky 3 fight, Creed 3, Creed 3 review, Creed 3 movie review, Rocky, Rocky Balboa, Rocky movies, Retro reviews, Movie reviews, Movie, Review, Funny video, Double toasted, doubletoasted,, Double toasted retro reviews
Id: zZznK88eETw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 55sec (3895 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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