Roc-A-Fella Documentary I Part 1: Rise Of A Dynasty

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let's try this guru yeah yeah so i stopped my damn news put the bomb in my sock so cops can't locate the valve i ain't freshly dressed but got a colgate smile rockefeller records there's a difference between teams and dynasties a team is comprised of individuals that come together for a common goal but then you have dynasties which are a team or individual that dominates their profession for an extended length of time a good way to break this down is to compare this to dynasties and sports you have the bulls in the 90s and the tom brady era of the patriots both teams were very dominant in their era and both had a star which are tom brady and mj the star of the rock was jay-z as we all know the thing the bulls and the patriots had were players who were there to win now people who were ready to take the spotlight at any moment and then they had young guns no pun intended people who they were trying to groan so that one day they could grow and take over the throne if you're familiar with rockefeller then you know who fits in those positions and then if you don't then you'll soon find out the sad thing about dynasties or that unfortunately almost all of them have to come to an end no king can rule forever the good thing though is that the legacy of those dynasties will live on forever through the members of that dynasty and the people who will forever have memories of those glory days the rock started because a lot of people passed on jay-z and he couldn't get a record deal years later he became one of the biggest stars in the music industry proving the people who doubted him very very wrong two teams passed on jordan and a lot of teams passed on brady before i get more into the video though i would just like to thank you guys for coming to see this because you guys can be doing a million other things right now but instead you're here with me and i appreciate that if you guys like the content you guys should like comment and subscribe to the channel grow i reply to all the comments and i love going through them and seeing what you guys think also follow my instagram too that would be greatly appreciated you guys can dm me some video ideas or just show me some love especially for this series like tell me what you guys think about this series but for real though we want to need you guys to really support this documentary man and i put a lot and when i say a lot i mean a lot of time into research like crazy amount of time because this is what you guys wanted this truly does take a lot of time to do like all this research and a lot of y'all know that i'm in college so doing all this while going to school full time it's just mad time consuming and i do everything by myself the research editing recording etc so i'm trying my hardest to give y'all what y'all want people asked me for a jay-z doc kanye doc beanie doc et cetera and i thought why not combine them to something they're all tied to which is rockefeller this will be a three-part series with the first part being about the rise the second part being about the peak and the third part being about the fall i want to need you guys to show and tell your mama your kid side chick bottom chick brother cousins all that about this dog man like for real for real i know that i ask you guys to like and all that on every video but if there was a video that i really wanted you guys to do that on it would be this one share it especially i will say that i will try my best to report on different perspectives from all people who were there during the time of the events i'll be reporting on while at times and putting my opinion comment down below your favorite artist or group on the rock and why favorite project favorite mixtape what it was like back then all that depending on how well this video does depends on how fast i'm dropping the part two for you guys and that's the real also represent where you're from in the comments section below i want to see where y'all are tuning in at and especially if you're in new york definitely represent where you're from without further ado i give you the documentary of rockefeller every dynasty has their start and rockefeller is no different the founders of the label were dame dash kareem biggs burke and sean carter aka jay-z both dame and biggs were hailing from harlem in manhattan and jay-z from brooklyn jay in the late 80s and early 90s was an up-and-coming rapper appearing in jazz o's hawaiian sofie video and song in 1989. jazzo was from the same projects as jay-z which many of us already know is the marcy projects jazz was a friend and mentor to jay and was there for a lot of jay's early career up into the fallout in 2002 which we'll get into in the next episode jazz and jay were in a short-lived group in the mid 80s named high potent here's a clip to the track hp gets busy now we all know that i try to stay away from the street stuff and really try to focus on the music if you're a fan of jay-z or at least or familiar with his story or at least familiar with his music early to the midpoint in his career a great amount of drug and hustling references can be found at the time jay was with jazz he had been dabbling in both music and in the drug game jazz is quoted as saying truth to be told we both dabbled in and out when bro talk about spending money from 88 on dead presidents you know 88 was the year i also can't mention jay-z's past in the drug game without mentioning dehaven who is also from the mercy projects and in jay's own words from the song december 4th off of his the black album where jay said that dehaven introduced him to the drug game him and dehaven would also have a bit of a falling out but we'll get into that later now we'll get into dame dash and growing up dame was nothing short of a hustler himself at a young age he swept the floors of barber shops and sold newspapers in order to buy sneakers and shirts as a teenager he was a young dude and he even was having more money than some adults dame would be a troublemaker getting kicked out of a lot of schools and even at one such school you got expelled for parking in the principal's parking spot like like you want to talk about a straight savage like that's crazy but i'm building this picture because the background of dane and how he is will play a big role in future episodes but damon biggs were running around harlem together and they would throw these parties but dame will ultimately leave harlem for a little while to get into the music industry when dame was gone he ended up managing hip-hop groups like future sound and then original flavor who he eventually got signed to dj clark kent and he told dame that he had a guy he wanted him to meet because he was in the streets too and that guy ended up being jay-z jay would appear on two songs on original flavors sophomore album including their single can i get open you want to fly by the show cannot there's never a question of how but when i rip it will i quit it forget it still i always appoint whenever i hit it brightness forbidden don't do what you're gonna do later dame had been cool for a couple years before they decided to partner up for jay's first single in my lifetime damn got a 16 000 loan from biggs and put all that to produce the music video for the song at the time jay had a deal with payday records who released the single in my lifetime in the b side to the record which was a song i can get with that jay would manage to get out of this deal with payday records though when jay split with payday he ended up getting some money and renting a small office space in downtown new york jay is quoted as saying i like being away from everybody right now because i can get all my stuff together then i can move uptown with all those other dudes when everything's straight no sense of spending a whole lot of money on office space and moving employees around if your product isn't bringing in any money yet that's a mistake executives make i used my money to get this label off of the ground and that was the right decision in big's own words once a couple of doors got closed and some things couldn't get signed they brought him in as a partner and biggs made them an offer that both dame and jay couldn't refuse and rockefella was started they named it after the world's first billionaire john d rockefeller and also referenced a famous brooklyn drug dealer named rockefeller as well jay-z started recording his debut album in 1994 and didn't finish until early 1996 throughout the making of the album he worked with producers like ski beats who was a member of the group original flavor the legendary dj premiere clark kent jazz o irv gotti and more jay originally wanted to name the album heir to the throne according to jonathan mannion the man who was the photographer for the album and jay-z's albums leading up to the black album i believe in an interview manion said originally the album was called heir to the throne so i had a whole set of creative for that but then a couple days later jay was like nah switch that we'll let the people decide if i'm the heir so we're gonna call it reasonable doubt if i rise to the occasion i'm going to be named king by the people now there's a whole story behind the cover art to the album itself and the actual album so i'm going to try to give you a little bit of both in a short amount of time because trust me we'll have a lot to talk about like man we got like five more albums to discuss like before this episode is over so yeah but the story behind the album cover is that a pr person from rockefeller called adrian vargas who ended up being the art director for the project vargas and maniam were both familiar with jay due to him being on jazz's hawaiian sophie and other appearances he had on people's tapes the first single for the album was dead presidents and it dropped in february of 1996 the original version featured foxy brown when the album was released there was a different version which was dead presidents 2. this version has the same backing track and chorus but different lyrics and doesn't include foxy i also have got to mention that ski beats made this beat and the beat along with the song is up there with one of the greatest beats and greatest songs in rap history in an interview vargas said the first thing that released from the album was dead presidents so jade gives me the single cover which is a blurry and dark photo that shows him in his white lexus but you can't see the lexus because they're shot through the window he's on a cell phone that photo i don't remember who had taken it but jay provided me the image the person who shot the image was actually the man who was the director for the deaf president's video ski beats in an interview gave more background behind the track i was at this dj event like one of those how can i be down events in florida naza's illmatic had just came out and i was just listening to the world as yours i just fell in love with the pianos once i felt that vibe i just went certain for anything with a piano that made me feel like that soon as i heard the piano i was going to fall in love i was just digging and digging and i found that lonnie liston smith joined a garden of peace and i thought it was fresh and then i just threw that nod sample in there just to see if it would work because i liked naza's voice i gave it to jay and it fit right into the scheme of his album and what he was talking about nas was originally invited to re-wrap the chorus for jay-z and appear in the tracks music video but he declined some view these actions as the foundation of jay-z versus nas but according to memphis bleak this is not the case blick thinks that he is the cause of the infamous beef but we'll get into that in the next episode the second single ain't no came out the next month vargas recalls that when that single dropped it was huge in the clubs that song was also featured on the nutty professor soundtrack and it featured foxy brown and had uncredited vocals by jazz oh who actually produced the track the last track i do want to talk about from reasonable doubt is brooklyn's finest which features biggie smalls a lot of y'all already know that jay looked up to biggie extremely and there's quite a history about this track dame and dj clark kent both have production credits on the song in an interview with billboard about the song big said this is something that we were dying to get done dame actually gave clark kent the sample for that song then when biggie and jay sat at the board the engineer came and dropped a pad and pen right in between them jay looks at it and then he pushed it over to big big looks at it and pushes it back that's the time that they realized that neither of them wrote lyrics down one paper here's a clip of jay talking about how he doesn't write how do you write these things that come so how do you write things i mean not just how do you come up with how do you write it i stopped writing rhymes like like writing them for i didn't write the whole none of my albums actually i wrote the second verse to can i live in the studio and everything else was just done like it just done straight off memory like when i was when i was growing up you know i didn't have i was running around so much i didn't really have time to sit and just write and just write and write you know the youngster i wrote all the time i used to be at the table just writing and fighting and writing but then when i started you know teenage years started running around you know i had to memorize right on paper bag stuff in my pocket and then you know get home to transfer to the big book you know what i mean after a while you know doing so much of that it just come exercise to memorize these lines remember because both these lies were coming to me while out on the street right you know what i'm saying and after a while just i just got into a habit of just memorizing it until i get to the studio and just putting it down so you don't even write these choices nah not at all jay actually went in and did everything in five minutes he broke down the song and left all his parts for big it was a different type of beat at that time biggie was trying to really catch the beat and when he left he said when i gave you a song to rhyme on for my album i'ma make sure it's a regular beat so you could do a straight 16. now all this breakdown another interesting thing that was said about the song was said by combat jack by the way rp combat jack he said when i contacted bad boy for biggs clearance puff couldn't grant us the full single right big had been on almost everybody's records and arista didn't want him to be overexposed i remember being on the phone once again begging for puff to let big rock on a single in video and puff asking me yo what the f is a jay-z i can't get clive davis declared big on some unknown rapper's record to his credit puff did let the rock keep the song on the album a quick thing before i move on is that irv gotti revealed that the song brooklyn's finest started the short-lived beef with jay and tupac tupac diss jay in a few tracks but jay would never get the chance to respond because park would die in september of 1996. the album risen without though was finally independently released in late june of 1996 through a distribution deal with priority records the album was delayed twice due to recording delays it was initially proposed for an april drop and then the june 14th drop the album peaked at number 26 on the u.s billboard 200 charts and chartered for 18 weeks the album sold 43 000 copies in its first week and 420 000 copies in its first year of release although it wasn't a big success right out the gate the album has definitely gained its fair share of praise it definitely ended up proving a lot of doubt is wrong because before this record labels thought that jay-z wasn't really that good and passed on things weren't all that good though especially with priority records because dame jay and biggs signed with them and thought that they were getting 80 and the label was getting 20 in all actuality they got tricked and instead shared 80 of just jay-z's piece which is a very very small number definitely not the deal that they expected so instead of making three or four million dollars from the album according to biggs they probably made thirty to forty thousand dollars from it the year is now 1997 and jay is feeling the buzz of his debut album as said earlier the success wasn't all the way there at first but it kept gradually building and building as time went on in the spring of 1997 dev jam would purchase a 50 stake in rockefeller sadly though in march of 1997 biggie smalls was murdered in los angeles this along with the death of tupac nearly a year earlier really sent shockwaves throughout the world this had a lot of people hurting and especially jay-z who really looked up to her and according to biggie's mom she said that jay was always there for big here's a clip of jay-z talking about big i was in the house actually i um just got off the phone with him you know i was talking to him on the phone and he wasn't you know just like so so happy he was ecstatic like yo because i was supposed to go out there probably like in two days i said i was going to go that day but um i was just moving and i was just came came back from somewhere and i wanted to be out there so it was like like uh oh yeah playboy you know like just screaming on the phone music in the background i was like groggy and tired like talking to phone like yo i'll be out there tomorrow the next day you know i mean oh you missing this you know it's just like real happy and then like i hung up the phone and the phone rang again like maybe maybe like a half hour behind that but see because i spoke to him like i just spoke to him i was like nah you know like i immediately dismissed it like like you know you bugging he was like you know something happened i'm telling you on the side you know man god he had called me so i was like i was like nah go make sure go find out you know i mean i think that's the room i just got finished speaking so you know so and then uh drock had called like right after that a little while after that that's when i was just like you know i was just getting a lot of calls like you know the whole night so that's that's when it really was like setting in i was just still in shock like nah i just can't be in october jay would release the first single for his sophomore album which was always be my son sean this song was an interesting choice for a single to say that much or at least a song on the album period everything from the song's lyrics and sound indicated jay-z's change from his mafioso rap style to a more mainstream style which was requested by his new partners at devgen it was basically what people perceive as changing their sound to sell out to the masses the song wasn't well received by critics and many fans behold did receive regular airplay on mtv which in the 90s was a big deal in the music industry unlike today in the interview with dj who kid french montana said that jay-z told him that dropping sunshine was the worst mistake of his career and he felt like it prevented him from dropping an undisputed classic in early november of 1997 jay would release his sophomore album in my lifetime volume 1 alongside christian's album which was released the same day christian was the first r b act on rockefeller and the people of rockefeller thought an r b act would expand their reach i ain't gonna lie i felt like this group really never got their just due and that full of smoke song fire i don't care what nobody says but basically to make a long story short the group was an r b group but kenny ski one of the group's members believed that one major reason why they didn't really blow up is because rockefeller didn't know how to properly promote them they were promoting them in the same avenues as hip-hop which obviously didn't work i'll get more into christian a little later though i said earlier jay-z released in my lifetime volume one in early november of 1997 and it peaked at number three on the u.s billboard 200 chart selling 138 000 copies in his first week this was a significant sales increase after his debut album and what marked the last time jay didn't go number one on the billboard hot 100 charts a couple songs that i want to talk about from the album our streets is watching and where i'm from the song streets is watching is interesting because it would also appear to be the title track of the soundtrack to the 1998 movie street is watching which was a film with many of jay's unreleased music videos all tied into a story line more of this film in just a minute the producer of the song which is ski beats once again provides a little insight behind the track in an interview he said jay couldn't come up with the hook that's why he took the sample from the guy from sleepers and do it in there he was like this is dope but i don't know what kind of hook to add to it that movie was good but it was jay's idea to use it he's definitely a movie buff anything that had that energy of what he was representing however the musician behind the sample wouldn't clear the sample without the promise of censorship as a result of that the official versions of the song are censored even on the explicit versions what's funny is that ski beats said he never even really noticed another interesting thing about this song is that it was the first song to be made for the album in the last song biggie ever heard according to jay-z biggie made jay play for him over 30 times and eventually jay told biggie to just keep it the song where i'm from has a history to it and one of the producers from the track i mean raw played it for diddy in a rough form where there were no side effects no extra percussion and diddy passed on however one other credited producer for the track d-dot played to be for jay and his anar at the time jay heard the rough sample-heavy cut was immediately inspired and began recording four lines at a time d-dot in the interview were kind of the experience by saying i came to the studio so we could do the vocals together he was very cool smooth laid back about it he would listen to the track and pace back and forth in the studio i saw jay-z walk back and forth from the booth to the control room never once did he pick up a pen to write lyrics he would memorize four lines at a time in his head at one time go into the booth knock out the lyric and then come back to the control room to listen to it before you knew it the record was done 1998 will be a big year for the rock especially with the release of the streets is watching film which released in may of 1998 the soundtrack was also released the same day the album did well commercially releasing number three on the top r b hip-hop albums chart and a month before the soundtrack and film were released the single it's all right with j and memphis bleep was released i think it's a good time in the story to get into who memphis bleak is memphis bleak was also from the marcy projects and would be one of the first artists to sign to rockefeller in an interview with dj vlad blake said that he always positioned jay-z as a default older brother figure in his life jay would visit him and tell him to get out of the street when blick was in high school he showed jay that he could rap by freestyling for him which earned his respect jay took him to a studio where he was recording reasonable doubt and handed him a piece of paper with the lyrics to a track called coming of age according to bleak within the next couple hours he went back to jay's apartment and said that he remembered the rhymes jay's account of this is a little different because he said that he told bleak that he was making an album and that bleak had to learn the song in 24 hours if he didn't learn it then he wouldn't be on it blink took the paper and would look it over jay said that he had written the verse down for him in chicken scratch which basically means that it was hard to read he said that blick came to him the next day and spent the whole thing like he'd been doing it his whole life the track took the form of a dialogue between a street hustler who was played by jay and a person looking to get into the drug game who's played by bleak jay teaches bleak how to sell drugs although the song was just a start for bleak it would unfortunately set the tone for bleach's career which will discuss more of that later in the series this song would also see two songs from christian which were pimp this love and your love even though this was a good look for them and did bring them a little bit more of attention it also seemed as the more days that went on the more the group became an afterthought jay-z was really starting to blow up and become a star so a lot of focus was being put on him at the time the group felt like they were being loyal by promoting rockaway which we'll get into in a little bit and always spoke really positive about the rock the group soon grew impatient and resentful jay was becoming this big star and doing videos but they weren't in any of them and had a lot of songs but they weren't singing on the hooks kenny ski would soon leave rockefeller records while allen remained on the label in hopes to release a solo album in august of 1998 jay would release the first single for his third album which the single was can i get a with a mill and ja rule by the way mill's story will be in part two if you were wondering the song though would peak at number 19 on the billboard highway on the chart and it was a smash hit it would also feature in the hit movie rush hour with chris tucker and jackie chan which also boosted the song as well at this time this was one of jay's biggest hits but the next single jay would release would absolutely change his career forever the next single was hard knock life ghetto anthem which released in october of that year this is cited as the moment when jay officially became a superstar he had finally put all the puzzle pieces together at the time of its release this song was the most commercially successful jay-z single the song would peak at number 15 on the billboard hot 100 chart and also was the first single to achieve significant success outside of the united states picking within the top 10 of the charts in several countries including canada germany and the uk the song was also nominated for best rap solo performance at the 41st grammy awards in an interesting fact about the song is that to clear the annie sample jay wrote a letter to the song's copyright holders and told them that he'd seen the musical on broadway as a child in written a competition winning essay on it at school as we all know now that sample was cleared and the rest is history in september of that year volume 2 hard knock life will release and would be jay's first album to go number one and ever since then he hasn't not went number one so for the rest of the series whenever i don't say and i went number one from jay trust me it went number one like with the album sold 350 000 copies in this first week which topped his last album here's a video of jay talking about the albums i've never really wanted to be like just making albums every year you know i mean that wasn't my intent my intent was to come in here so we can have some place you know for myself and my peoples you know i mean that we can work and we can enterprise and legit mana you know i mean was to have rockefeller it wasn't for me to be you know jay-z an artist that's why i said the first hour was supposed to be the first and the last you know i mean that was already that was that was the plan right there you know but then you know i don't know we didn't know too much about this whole music thing you got in there and seen the different things that transpired and things that go on you can never plan nothing like that in the music business another song that i want to talk about off of this album is money cash and um let's just say thoughts okay for this video money cash dots okay what's funny about the song is that the producer of this track sweden's beats said that the song started off as a joke with him sliding his hand across the keyboard the song was originally meant for buster rhymes and buster said that he was crazy but not that crazy for this beat like like that's crazy swizz played the beat for other rappers but when he played the b for jay he was very open to it also all the what ad-libs you hear from dmx were actually done live fun fact the swizz didn't start sampling them until later a couple months after vine to harnack life dj clue would release his debut studio album the professional this was a big deal because clue was very known for his mixtapes in the streets and there was a lot of dita's at this time doing their thing in the streets the clue dropping this album was a big deal because this took it from the streets to the mainstream it took things to the next level include i mean clues getting people like you got to figure all the people that clue broke on his tape that's you know now successful recording all that's all you you know got videos and stuff and you know things out you know he broke just about every major artist right now you know was first heard on the clue tape you know i'm saying like he was so important to hip-hop and so important everything that was going on in new york like you could get a deal off a cool table you kill a clue tape right you know what i mean you're on your way to getting like cannabis how's his first when he dropped those 150 whatever balls there he was on clujay you know camron and dmx the get at me dog was on the clue it was a whole it was actually it was a freestyle for clue that's how that started out you know i mean and it's actually turned out to be you know the record that really catapulted me to being a superstar you know a little back story about clue is that he was born in queens new york he built his reputation with street-level mixtapes and quickly became one of new york's leading djs who had some of the latest tracks by the biggest rappers at the time the album featured primarily exclusive tracks which boasted some of new york's top artists such as nas mob deep dmx big pun jay-z rayquan job rule and the list goes on the album peaked at number 26 on the billboard 200 charts and it would attain gold status the month after its release 1999 will be the last year i cover in this chapter this will be another big year for rockefeller and it is actually the year they started rockaware the clothing brand i play a clip of jay talking about the start of the brand that started like i would i would make records and i'll talk about like various like clothing brands you know on the record and then i start noticing like like you know people would come to the shows wearing the clothes and things like that and i know i was selling a lot of clothing for these companies you know i would go to them like we should work out a deal i think i'm affecting your business a little bit you know i'm saying maybe you should work with me you know we could work together through some ads and things like that and and they was like turning me away like i don't think they understood um you know the amount of um clothing i was moving for them you know what i'm saying and i wasn't doing it i was just doing it they're paying the picture but at the same time it was economical for and you know it wasn't compensating me for it at all so i was like maybe i could just start my own thing start my own clothing line make it the right fit just baggy enough for for everybody and the right style and just and once that idea started it was it was off man it was off and running musically though the first album to drop on rockefeller that year was memphis bleak's debut album in the first single for the album memphis bleak is was released in june of that year bleak has said that the first single was actually meant to be what you think of that but he said that that sample wasn't cleared in time to release it he said that his crew was scrambling to come up with a single so blick called swizz beats and created this track once they got jade on the track what'd you think of that then the sample was cleared the album coming of age would release in august of 1999 and would peak at number seven on the billboard hot 100 charts after releasing this album bleak would feel the buzz but he would still be in the shadow of jay and the people perceived him as jay's sidekick but i mean a debuting in the top 10 with your debut album is still impressive though even though rockefeller was starting to really make a name for themselves it almost came to a screeching halt in early december of 1999. a top rap star is busted jay-z turned himself in tonight and the cop started working on his rap sheet accusing him of of a stabbing at a trendy party kimberly richardson is at midtown south right now kimberly horizonta just a few hours ago police here at midtown south arrested sean carter better known as jay-z the rap star voluntarily turned himself in here at the precinct earlier this evening now carter is being held here in connection with that stabbing fight that erupted at the kitkat club last night but just a few moments ago carter's attorney had this to say in november of 1999 when q-tip released his debut album amplified a few days later after the release of q-tip's album he would celebrate the release with the party in manhattan at the kit kat club prior to arriving jay-z held his own party and listening event for his upcoming album volume 3 life and times of sean carter there was a huge problem though this upcoming jay-z album was scheduled to be released in late december of that year but a month prior to it being scheduled to be released it was already in the hands of bootleggers who had already leaked it a month in advance this flood a month prior to it being scheduled to being released caused jade major anxiety and he didn't know who to blame word begins to get out who may have allegedly had a part in the bootlegging and leaking of the album but for some reason jay kept hearing lance on rivera's name and allegedly jay blacked out with rage and lance rivera was ultimately stabbed now there are multiple conspiracies about this knight in the stabbing one theory is that jay didn't even stab lance and the other is that the stabbing was never about records instead it was about charlie baltimore because allegedly jay was trying to get with charlie baltimore who actually used to be biggie's girl before he died and lance wasn't having it i'm not here to say which is true and what isn't and all that but there's multiple sides to every story if you want to hear more about this event then i suggest you watch my video i did on camera and jay-z i'll put the link in the description jc was facing 15 years in prison if he hadn't pled guilty david science is a complete deal that reduced his 15-year sentence down to three years probation in the midst of all this legal matter jay would release volume 3 life and times of sean carter in late december 1999 and sold 462 000 copies in his first week the sales week was 30 more than the first week sales of jay's previous album volume 2 hard knock life the first single for the album do it again put your hands up released in mid-december 1999. the song featured emil and benny siegel benny siegel's story will be in the next episode of promise the two songs i want to talk about on this project are big pimpin and girl's best friend we'll go with girl's best friend first because the story behind big pimpin is just crazy girl's best friend was the lead single from martin lawrence's crime comedy film blue streak and according to an inside source jay was given half a million dollars for the track by epic records who would produce the film's soundtrack the track was pretty successful reaching number 52 on the billboard high 100 chart the real track i'm going to talk about is big pimping and it featured ugk which is comprised of bumby and pimp c pimp c is one of my favorite rappers of all time just saying but the amount of game that he gave from the jewels that he dropped was insane rp pimpsy the tractor was produced by timberland and the song is noted as one of the first songs where southern rap truly broke into the mainstream but let me tell you though like the video for that song did not age well like i'm telling you like damn dash has since apologized for that video like hey if you're from that era like you didn't like you know what i'm talking about but like yo man dang pouring champagne on girl and girl's mouth like yo video is wild but like i said if if you're from that era you already know about the video which is crazy but the track was one of j's most successful singles at this time peeking at number 18 on the billboard hot 100 chart and spending 20 weeks on the chart jay said this about the song that was my third single took the album to three million kiambo hip-hop joshua was with me in the studio with timberland he knew i was a ugk fan and he suggested we put them on the record we called bun and then pimp c was like them horns that ish is too fruity he was concerned with alienating his audience when pimp first sent his verse i didn't get it but then the genius of his cadence hit me back then mtv's making of the video was really impacting record sales and i had to have that i got hype williams and we had all the legendary video evictions i doubled down at the right time and it took off by the way the big payment video the budget was around like two million dollars the video was shot both in trinidad and miami jay-z and bun b ended up making the flight out to trinidad and tobago but pmc refused to leave houston to shoot the video hype williams who was the video's director kept trying to convince pemse to come but he refused this forced jay and the rockefeller records team to leave to trinidad with the high budget video for a massive single that had zero seconds of pimp c in it like man but pmc wanted to shoot the video on his terms so they shot the video in miami and it turned out to be iconic pipsy had probably one of the baddest video victims back in the day which was gloria valez and he appeared in a mink with no shirt on he had that clean mercedes and even though he purposely gave jay a few bars to me he has one of the best and most impactful verses on the song pmc wanted to rap about the most country things like sip and rain how all his cars got leather and wood and all that and more jay even had to add a final verse to the song because he felt like people thought that it would have been ugk featuring him and the short pemc verse is also why buns verse is longer this will conclude the episode for today i've been working on part two but how fast y'all get it depends on how much love i see this episode will get this truly does take a lot of time to do a lot of research and like y'all know like i said earlier that i'm in college so doing all this stuff like while i'm full-time in college just mad time consuming so if y'all made it this far like i truly love y'all like yo like from the bottom of my heart you guys are the best i'm going to need y'all to really support this man i wish i could have talked about albums more in depth but like that would take a whole bunch of time and like every video and like we have like eight albums to talk about so it's like it's very hard to really talk about it in depth in a short amount of time so it's just gonna be a whole separate video part one was a lot about jay-z because from the early part of the rock it was primarily him dropping but this next part is like where like i want to be talking about like cam dwell emil beanie state property mlp all that so like stay tuned i'm just so excited for this series that i'm really putting my all into this so i'm hoping that you guys support it like especially since y'all like longer videos all in all what do you guys think of this documentary what's your favorite album or favorite tracks from any album that i talked about about this previous episode what's your favorite memory from this era are you excited for the next episode let me know in the comment section below i love you guys with all my heart i'm out y'all peace
Channel: Clout Cancún
Views: 346,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dame dash, jay z, roc a fella, roc a fella documentary, roc nation, kareem biggs burke, kareem biggs burke interview, state property, beanie sigel, freeway, oschino vasquez, memphis bleek, smack dvd, dj clue, amil, ja rule, irv gotti, jay z reasonable doubt, jay z reasonable doubt full album, jay z interview, dame dash interview, foxy brown, jay z vol 1 in my lifetime, jay z vol 1 full album, jay z vol 2 full album, jay z volume 2 hard knock life, clout cancun
Id: kHA3H9lRccQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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