Robot Sumo, But If You Fall, You EXPLODE! - Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday

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factor multiplayer Monday and today we are doing the ultimate sumo death challenge if you fall off the platform you'll land on explosives and nobody dies yeah so so to give you an idea of what sumo is you're gonna have two people on top I lose two people on top of a platform one whoever gets pushes the other one on like that is the winner but in this case you're gonna fall on two explosives yeah so the rules are 16 by 16 maximum including any moving mechanisms that you happen to put on your creation you can put flippers or spinners or pushers but they have to be contained within 16 by 16 even after you activate them so you cannot have something extend outside that sixteen by sixteen dimension no thrusters no glitches and that's pretty much it yeah and then we're just gonna have a three-way tournament so each person will fight each other person and we'll see who's got the most victory Royals with cheese from McDonald's okay all right 15 minutes to build your sumo BOTS pressure button when you're ready let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh there's the time all right Kahn you're up first let's see your sumo robot this is my sumo robot no it's not yeah there's no process no glitches yes okay oh this is massive it looks pretty wide it's got a 16 yeah might have to measure that up to the up to the front look measure it go for it all right oh wait it's actually only 15 long all right no it sticks it along with the pipes on the front front right yeah oh please do something I'm hopefully gonna like lift them a little bit you know one kind of scoop them you want to keep traction on the ground I'm hoping this helps push them off the ground yeah yeah that's actually pretty girls all right all right I got news nectar you're up next oh I'm next I'm next that's right okay oh my god it's so small it's like the same thing but we're really really really this is gonna be so light I feel like it's oh oh it's so fast oh my god yeah wait is your motor in the right direction yeah oh so if I'm flipped over I can't flip back but I think that goes for everybody all right next scram I went a little bit more basic than y'all and very sleek yeah I like so also thank steering it kind of looks like you're a madman with your power chair yes just purely pushing power I got some electric ends on here I got tank steering and stuff and I'm just hoping that I'm gonna be heavier than y'all fastest out of all of us what's the little bar down I figured as some of you might try to get under me so I just put that there and I didn't have time to finish making it wide enough because the timer ran out as I was putting it there all right who wants to hammer handbook how are we gonna hammer him what rock paper scissors well tool yeah camera handbook well tool wait well paint tools paper no hand books paper okay oh I get it little scissors and that hammers rock yeah it was rock scissors is the wall tool paper is the book so if you have all three on your hotbar get out of all right rock paper scissors all right well rock paper scissors mm well tool hammer yeah sounds good Hammer hammer wait what is it called look Robert boardwalk handbook hammer tool the terrible game yeah okay all right winner chooses wait wait how'd it doesn't even work what happens when winner picks stuff winner goes first and picks their opponent sure sounds good all right all right there we go three three two one go three two one go Oh three two one go oh oh oh you win you win all right all right here's your opponent why are you looking down there yeah cuz I'm looking back at my memories when I was literally nothing spawned about three garages you don't have to I'm choosing car fight okay sure choosing con all right we got cream cheese in the left hand corner over here versus the mrs. demise in the right hand Irving there's nothing just meant I could have heard you said mrs. hey great yeah don't make sense right right I could be anywhere in the square right it is as my as my quadrant really okay I'll just go right up in the square BattleBots ready yeah I'm ready I'm ready I'm about right okay three two one sumo oh oh wow the platform blew up but it's just balancing it's coming it's gonna hold on give it a sec it was so nice is such a one-sided boy would've thought that in sumo weight matters all right we're going for best two out of three greeting sheet was the cream cheese yeah mrs. demise all right three two one sOooo I don't know what I don't know what he's doing he's designed ups guys gonna like any - oh okay okay oh I guess I should turn on my weapon oh well this time for sure oh here we go here we go we're gonna ride okay this time we'll ride it oh when you go back I'm actually tipped it more that's awesome yeah oh no no no I'm stuck all right here we go in three oh wait we don't remember it's best two or three right so first round here we go three two one battle grab me a going for the push oh are you stuck in stuff oh oh oh oh light your soul oh oh grab a bride the platform believe me I don't know I'm I think if you can for scrap man to screw up you've got a chance so here we go in three two one do it alright well always trying to make me out trying to thank me out yes I'm gonna fake himself oh it doesn't turn Oh explosion that time oh let me fall over this time I want to actually fall over no I want to fall over for real really just running in a straight line running off into the abyss it's right we gotta restart the map anyway okay so Khan and me are in the finals sumo match of the ages right here big boy big boy that's - ah - come on ready Karan yeah I'm ready burps gotta count us in though all right all right you guys ready you're both ready yeah yep all right three two one draw that's the draw try again yeah we both fell off we got it try it again okay three two one go oh oh I just turn on I'm gonna wind it I'm gonna land it nice solid all right one more chance to tie it up all right final round three two one [Laughter] [Laughter] get back with my vehicle I can get back everybody I go before it falls come on go go go go go go go where's my vehicle no there's my vehicle all right well I'm gonna say you got the better vehicle Khan I still think we up to the final round I think you won that right big finale here whoever wins this one is the ultimate winner of all of the sumos no matter what yeah all or nothing yep I'm ready no no don't stop let's stop pointing at me what are you talking about you know no just keep pointing that way yeah over here all right that's all right three two one okay okay okay there we go teamwork okay all right now we're just gonna push them off somehow okay hold on no no it's going backwards it's going to but my wheel is making me do things okay hey no using your lips like a rag doll software don't use me to your advanced weapons should be save me like I don't know if I could push you still upright I could I could do this are you moving at all like I mean I think so but I'm not wondering oh maybe like corner oh he's in on all the explosion okay all right if I stay right here you're gonna hit the ground before me I'm beat screaming you're not oh wait you are yeah yeah yeah yeah I think we can see that Khan does have the superior vehicle design though what a shocker we learned that in sumo weight is the most important yeah literally nothing else matters well your weapon did a pretty good job actually all right I just shot it get ready plugins happen okay okay another level we just got it well it make sure you guys give us suggestions for more multiplayer markets all right we'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 537,612
Rating: 4.866241 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic game, awesome creations, best scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic challenge, scrap mechanic sumo, scrap mechanic battle bots, battle bots, sumo, robot sumo, king of the hill, multiplayer monday, robot battle, car sumo, vehicle sumo
Id: vdS0YYWwjDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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