Building the DEADLIEST BEYBLADE was Epicly Confusing - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanic and today I'm gonna be trying to build the deadliest beyblade I can imagine now this is inspired by a speed build I did a long time ago actually where I made these shrapnel babe leaves which basically they spin around and then oh boy this might not go well right next to each other but after a little bit they release the bombs oh that was way more epic than I expected it to be let me show you what it's supposed to look like with just one because that was a little bit distracting epically distracting but distracting on the less alright so we give it some time and then there we go so I thought that was a pretty cool concept so I kind of want to scale this up a bit make it bigger but I'm gonna use small explosives instead because we can put more on there I'm also gonna use flamethrowers we're gonna have the thrusters to keep it going around we're gonna need some spud guns as well and I'm gonna make it outta cardboard so they might catch fire and we're gonna need that for the explosions and I just want to make a beyblade of doom and death and destruction and just outright epicness that's not fun cuz if that sounds fun to you maybe you should think about hitting a like button oh just think about it just just think about it alright now do it alright so to start actually kind of from the top because the top is where I'm gonna have all the complicated stuff going I don't know exactly how big I'm gonna need to make this to accomplish what I want to do but let's start with this is the radius I guess so no it might be a good idea just to have this thing on a static bearing right now so we could we can test it and make sure it's not gonna light itself on fire as it goes around alright these flamethrowers actually go pretty far let's see what happens as it spins around what does it do oh this is interesting huh so the flame throwers I never noticed that until just now they kind of seemed to operate by shooting fireballs out at whatever interval here let's uh let's turn this off and oh oh I'm on fire I'm on fire it's not a constant flame that's coming out I did not know that now yeah now you can see it's just shooting little fireballs out one after another okay well that's gonna make things kind of interesting alright can I stop being on fire please well the good news is we also saw that it doesn't light itself on fire so we're safe there but I'm I am on fire yes all right I think we're off to a good start now I just gotta make it more complicated so I'm gonna start working on this and I'll let you know where I get from there okay leisure but I've been working on a quarter of it because I figure I could just paste the quarter of it on the other side once I completed so it'll be completely symmetrical going all the way around in a circle won't have any weight distribution issues then but this thing is really unnecessarily complicated I know there's way more efficient ways to do this but I had to put a bunch of different timers and logic gates for like different pieces to behave separately or individually so what I've equipped this with is two spud guns we have a cannon we've got a rocket launcher and we've also got three explosives and of course your flamethrower so here is my idea I don't know if I have this all hooked up correctly but when I press this button everything except the explosives should activate all right so here we go all right cool so we got the cannon is set to fire every two seconds I believe these blood guns are just set to fire constantly because they don't really do that much damage and they're probably not gonna really be that effective the flamethrowers gonna be always on that's gonna be you know close range and the rocket launcher fires every four seconds I believe but it's offset from the primary cannon so now the thing that I'm not sure about but Wendy's either of these sensors get triggered there should be a three-second delay and then the explosives should release starting with this one and this one and then a couple seconds later and this one should release and I think I'm actually gonna change that so we have a three stage release instead of two of them going at the same time and then one of them going but let's see if that just works in the first place so we trigger the sensor we should wait three seconds all right cool and then there we go perfect this one it did actually get release but it just has a seat there you go oh I realized that there is a mistake I glad I did that because there's a timer attached to that to that for explosive which is not good all right I think it's all and don't worry about the explosives I'm pretty sure if this thing is spinning around the explosives will shoot out by centripetal force okay so now I'm going to try to stylize this up a little bit make it look a little bit better I hope I'm not gonna have to change any more settings because I'm about to cover them all up and that's gonna be really inconvenient wish me luck on this because then hopefully we have it set up in a way that I can just paste it all the way around without any symmetry issues okay little man I think I've finished designing and painting it it doesn't look back great but I had to build around a lot of stuff I also added another flamethrower I added a small flamethrower that's gonna be sticking out 45 degrees from the midpoint between the two bigger flamethrowers so now is gonna be I'm gonna save this as it is right now I'm calling it the death blade I'm called death blade proto because this is kind of like prototype it's not even in functioning condition yet so the plan is I'm gonna go ahead and disconnect all the other parts of it and I really really hope this is going to work I also have to disconnect the center point because we're gonna be building it onto a separate center point so here I'm gonna put this right there and then I delete that this is scary and then this entire side is going to be replaced so I can delete from here to there really any block sticking out and this should leave us with a quarter of it all right so now if I just spawn in four of these quarters I really hope this works I should just be able to weld this top section right there then this top section right there is that does that seem like it lines up no no I did that wrong that's wrong yep that's that's dang it I already messed up yeah so I did wrong is that this angle piece this angles into the center point and I put the side of it on the center point because I'm stupid through some reason all right so that should go right on the top that should go right on the top okay so now we have half oh that looks good all right and we can continue on to the other half now that side goes right there it's hard to see where I'm even welding and then this one right there and now we should have a full beyblade oh man this is big I hope it's not too heavy we need to actually make the bottom of this all right legitimate is just about ready I've actually added a cool little design on the top it's kind of like lightning bolts kind of going into like a lightning lightning tornado here on the top which I thought was pretty cool so now all I got to do I have this I have these sensors actually set the color mode so they won't detect me but now I'm going to activate the sensors they are going to release the explosives in three waves one second three seconds and five seconds I don't know if I've added too much weight to it so I don't even know if it's going to turn now I've enabled it so that any of these four switches if you press any one of them it should activate so let's see what happens here we go first death blade test in three two one activate oh my goodness it is it's too slow it's different I don't know what to do alright well for more max power thrusters be enough to get this thing going alright here we go we've added four more thrusters let's see what happens three two one go it's too slow it's gonna tip over it has an epic explosion though that's for sure what do we do now what do we do now you know what I've wanted to use vanilla thrusters but I think I'm gonna have to go and use a modded thruster that's gonna be a lot more powerful okay here we go this should go a lot faster now three two one go what what is happening I can't tell what's going on yeah I feel like it should be spinning so much faster though I don't understand is it just too heavy this is chaos definitely the deadly is beyblade I have made but it wasn't supposed to kill itself the tough part is I don't know what the cause of destruction is wait why is oh oh oh wait if wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's happening what is happening there's something wrong here okay so I have the saved version here I'm gonna start modifying by deleting the cannon because I think maybe the cannons are the issue right now maybe they're hitting the beyblade let's see what happens without cannons okay there goes the explosions the explosives what is causing it to self-destruct I don't have a self-destruct mechanism in here it's behaving like there's a self-destruct mechanism alright well this time I'm gonna delete all of the explosives and if this thing self-destructs without the explosives on it then I'm gonna be very confused alright here we go Oh Oh what what what is this what is it something changed not something some things okay I'm just gonna add more thrust and I hope that speed equals safe not gonna be good alright more thrust go that's a problem okay I'm thinking what might be the issue which is very unfortunate because it's one of my favorite aspects of this is I think these bearings that I use for the explosive canisters are causing issues at high centripetal speeds but the bearings are necessary because that allows us to place the explosives up against the build without it attaching to anything else other than that single block which allows us to detach it in the first place because I'm pretty sure if I just deletes all of the other weapons off of here I'm gonna have just the explosions on here just in a second I'm pretty sure it's gonna be like it's not gonna spin around very efficiently all right as you can see nothing is firing no fire no guns just explosives let's see how it spins that's the issue that is the issue right there holy cow this thing spins so fast right now alright I have too much thrust on here now okay okay that's weird that is that is very weird right so what if I do it the other way around and I just delete all the explosives will it spins like stabili stable ibly alright here we go where is that coming from oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh the explosives aren't nearly the only thing with the bearings on them each one of these guns is on a bearing and you know what they don't need to be man that's gonna require a whole redesign all right it'll be worth it though it'll be worth it I hope you guys appreciate the work that's going into this right now okay ladies gentlemen I am finally replacing the last thing that I'm gonna replace four bearings I'm keeping the explosions on bearings because it actually spun with those but I removed all of the guns from bearings so they're just sticking out at like 90 degree angles and also replace the small flamethrower with small to small flamethrowers that are not on bearings I can't talk right now all right let's do a quick test I'm gonna press the buttons make sure everything's working okay the Rockets should not be going that fast let's just ignore that fast Rockets are fine let's see if it actually spins I'm not happy okay guys I think it's ready I think there are no more bearings on this thing at all at our tail because what color our bearings bearings are blue and so our logic gates and solar thrusters and so our flame throwers everything has a blue tint to it so it's got a hard to tell I've saved it let's see if this works now and go it's gone yeah I think it works though all of these extra thrusters I added on here may have just been too much so let's see how it does with our original thrusters oh no that's still slow but it should keep increasing all right that's not bad we might need to have just one extra mini thruster on there but this is so working right now oh it's gonna touch up you're always detecting the ground I think is it I can't see oh there it goes okay so here it is with a single mini thruster the mini where is it going it has no lift what it's just going up I'm gonna ignore that we're going to go ahead and turn these thrusters down to a half yes No the explosives are sticking out too far from the ends of these cannons which means that the explosion the explosives get hit by these cannons and these spud guns alright the only solution I can think of is I have to move these are black explosives up to the top I just lost all of my frames because of that beyblade that flew away I'm gonna have to go into a new map oh man I thought this was gonna be an easier project than it is alright guys I don't know this is gonna work I changed it so far so good I don't want it to go too fast though if it goes too fast I think there's a point we're just gonna hit something but so far this is working this is the best so far okay now let's go ahead and activate one of the sensors not sure not not sure all right guys I've resorted to using the decoupler since I'm already using mods for some of this stuff anyway I might as well just go all in so if this doesn't solve the problem I really I don't know I don't know what the issue is all right let's see what happens let's see how it functions without the cannons alright no cannons no explosive rounds going all right this is promising so far now let's try to trigger the explosives did they go yes they did the cannons are the issue the Rockets are fine it was the cannons this is actually kind of working Oh Mike look at the fire everywhere oh it's about to fall over now oh all right I don't know what you're sad Paul I think it caught itself on fire I think it's on fire and it's actually burning from the inside so that it gets uneven wait whenever a piece explodes okay that was amazing oh it just exploded off of my lift all right I think the no cannons version is gonna be our best working version so let's do one save it with the no cannons then we're gonna put two of them next to each other and watch the chaos ensue all right let's just start you just like that now what's wrong do you even think I'm not even gonna be able to spawn this day there's a Rockets going everywhere okay well here we go I'm gonna try ready it's gone all right come on you can do it go go go go go go who's gonna win we're gonna way it's too often it's long-distance actually what just happened all right well we need to be able to do is start them both at the same time like there's no chance that these things can even survive each other as soon as they start they're gonna shoot rockets at each other this is really really not gonna go well but here we go and hmm oh no I said I was gonna make one of the deadliest beyblades and I've made a beyblade so deadly that no one can even enter the arena before you pretty much just die oh oh whoa and then self-destruction happens as well of course naturally that one that one that was pretty good that was pretty good to start Oh Anna's gone hey he survived he survived without even actually having to blow himself up at all how long and how long you think he's gonna survive now oh oh I don't know what happened there how is cool though you think we can blow that one up with another one oh man this might actually like it'll be kind of luck but oh it's totally work you know what why are we doing beyblade versus beyblade what about me versus beyblade I'm just gonna get in my my car here we're gonna drive this thing around as long as I can until the beyblade destroys itself I guess okay here we go here we go here we go all right if he stays perfectly upright I think I'm pretty safe oh I don't even know if I'm flammable and my flammable I don't think I'm flammable because I think we're lower than the Rockets well what happens if I run into it wait a minute what happened to the flamethrowers I don't see any big flames coming out anymore aren't the big flames supposed to be creating fire on the ground I'm very confused about that all right I'm gonna run into it see what happens oh oh that's not good I defeated I defeated the death blade all right clearly my vehicle is too low we need a taller vehicle look at this I'm chasing the Rockets I'm faster than a rocket this is amazing I didn't know what the Rockets were that slow I ran into the rocket that was I didn't expect that to be a thing all right here we go I made a car out of my logos am I even gonna be able to get in this thing before I blow up alright let's just drive her this is actually really good holy cow oh that was so good you could actually like see where to go and where not to go this is like a game in and of itself oh it got me it broke one of my wheels in half this is fun all right here we go car is spawned please don't blow up before I get a chance all right everything looks good back up back up back up back up why is it so slow going backwards alright we're going forward no I love that the blocks just disappear I need to go further away so I have more time to react okay here we go we got to get to the beyblade and knock it over without it blowing us up just looking good this is looking good this is looking good does that win does that count as a win I don't know if that counts as a win we got it but it got us there's mutually assured destruction well laser the man this is now the death blade it's a semi functional working version you can't really fit two of them up against each other without instant annihilation but hey look at that the the explosion is now successfully launched there they go everything works it stays upright it has a ring of fire that accretes around it it's amazing you stand pretty much no chance against another beyblade cuz you just have long-range attack power and there goes it's it's gone if you have any other ideas you'd like to see me try out describe mechanic before survival comes out let me know down in the comments below its if we're coming up close to any any day now we should have a trailer I'm hoping I cannot wait for survival to actually come out alright let me just do a little bit of that and oh my goodness what bow was kind of amazing alright if you want to see some other awesome videos on the channel go ahead and check out some of this on the end screen right here check the description for links on how to support and interact with the channel anyway this has been scrapped man and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 170,247
Rating: 4.9640703 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, ropes mod, scrap mechanic ropes, scrap mechanic ropes mod, scrap mechanic mods, scrap mechanic mod, scrap mechanic beyblade, scrap mechanic flamethrower, beyblade, deathblade, deadliest beyblade, best beyblade, dangerous beyblade, fire beyblade
Id: W27pNSyn1DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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