Robot Meets Self Driving Car - Sophia by Hanson & Jack by Audi

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Cool tech.... Now someone plz put a wig on that thing...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Littledinky01 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
Nicole's got here for mobile geeks I am standing in front of Jack the autonomous driving a seven so here we have Sophia by Hansen I've actually met her a couple of times one time she got a real sense camera so she do play rock-paper-scissors and another time in a music festival in the desert in Nevada today we're going to find out which thinks about Jack and autonomous driving [Music] today I'm meeting Jack a smart car someone like myself that's really exciting so as a fee as you can see Jake is driving us now so how does it change for you to be quite honest I think it's mega cool it takes a while to get used to this situation it's a computer driving a human can you understand that it's different for me because I know how reliable smart systems are after all that's what I earn myself I think you should be used to the situation of people being hesitant to you at first yes of course I know that some people react skeptically to intelligent systems like me but for my part I have complete confidence and Jeff look at me do I seem nervous no you're looking completely remixed I create the jacket engage in social communication within surroundings now that's one of my specialties will do mean executive my plan is to help people in their daily tasks for example I could take on the important jobs like looking after the sick and senior citizens who knows maybe one day I'll be a teacher and train people I see in all these actions you need social skills soft skills are necessary to be able to take the right decision at the right time confidently and responsibly you have to be aware of the world around you understand it and communicate with it you really have a lot of things in common with Jake Jake also has to make himself being a real participant of his specific environment Jack does it pretty well I'm observing the way he's taking us along the highway entirely autonomously and safely well we can have a conversation in peace what Jake gives us is kind of personal freedom in fact I'd be interested to know how Jack manages to carry out maneuver safely at the speed for example how does Jack know when we can overtake yes effect jake has a lot of senses and with these senses he gets a very detailed impression of his complete surroundings so he has this en route 60 degree view around himself he can watch about 250 meters in front of him and about 180 meters to the rear and by that again he gets a very precise understanding of what's going around it's a highly complex traffic situation here on the highway and at such a speed how did Jack learn it so checking this developers trained exactly here on this Autobahn and the highway a Knight and King Jack talk yes Jay can also communicate he will for example in eight minutes tell us that our automatic driving to Houston end and Jake can talk to Athens in the plant man I see so that means the passengers are not surprised when Jack overtakes or changes lane exactly now in about seven minutes automatic driving trip will come to an exosphere what a pity that means our talk is almost over yes but we'll definitely stay in touch I'm went forward to do that if you liked this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and if you want to check out more videos on autonomous driving why don't you check out our playlist forever here I'm your host nicole scott for mobile geeks [Music]
Views: 9,850,482
Rating: 4.7097602 out of 5
Keywords: hanson robotics, self driving car, piloted drive, ai, a.i., nvidia, automotive, self driving, robot, robotics, hanson, tech, technology, self-driving, robots, interview, audi, audi ai, audi a7, autonomous drive, audi piloted drive, automobile, gear, gadgets, deep learning, artificial intelligence
Id: vtX-qVUfCKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
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